HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-24, Page 6MJGU. M L900 N VQ Wlip'�f PR '2 3 31 !$ di 2k-23 114 tit 27 VI 2930 .2.:•-tt,, fid.. ,-ice ,•r; 'Sipa i16r 1a,��yf I.�rf: 1.STABLI$IIP.D IS 2. THE i IN ll li ij°+pg �a{EjS� A A1178a�,,g7a 13,1'1.BLI,IOT'e, earnr,tseext tz,1 PRoa'ut>• non FRIDAY, AU GTS;T 11, 1000. CANADA'S I'Ii,OSI'k:lti9'r. Dov; former Canadians are flocking hack to Cauadct,aud, to stay,too! says the Loudon Advertiser. It is announced in one despatch that New Ontario is every- where on the boom-- a #egitimeto boom caused by new arrivals—and that from 7,000 to 10;000 persons from various parts of the Unitech States will be among the new comers who will settle this summer In that Promised Land. Then we learn that a colony of former Canadians, some 2,700 strong, will soon leave Michigan and take up farms in Alberta, N.W.T. There is room for all in the boundless Northwest of Canada. This is indeed the „rowing; time of the Dominion, and it explains how our imports have increa- sed, why our government is able to spend money liberally for needecl public impro- vements to pay for our contingents in South Africa, and yet have a hatidsome surplus over to aid in the redaction of the public debt. Nice 'Worm Medicine. Mrs. Wm. Graham, Sheppardton,O writes; "I have given my boy leow's Worrn Syrup, and find it etc lent worm medicine. It is nice to t and does not make the child sick,” P 25o. nt. Dr el - eke Pr LAITRix5it, Gr01"7 1tN_lI1!<'\ T. Persistent rumors of the dissolution taf ehe eighth Parliament of Canada after KiAXi+AS WINTER J11tAn AT T'IIE ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL Itx 11+93, the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege imported eleven varieties of whiter wheat from Kansas, four from Indiana, one front Iowa, six from Ohio, etc. Tho Turkish or Turkey Red, regarding which we are heariuzg se much at the present time, was one, of the varieties imported that year and has tirexefore been grown at the College in each of the past seven years. We again imported fresh seed of the Turkey Bed variety "in 1890 and sowed both the Cauadiau and the Wes- tern grown seed in the autumn of that year. The resnits from the twa crops in 1807 were slightly in favor of the Canadian grown seed but were almost identical, there being a difference of less than one peek In the yield of grain per acre. The annual report of the Ontario Agricultural College for 1898 gives tho average of five years' results of tests with each of forty-eight varieties in strength. of straw, weight of grain, per measured bushel, and yield of grain per acre. It also gives the comparative hardness of the grain of each variety as determined with an apparatus similar to one invented by Prof. N. A. Cobb, of Australia. , The tabulated results ou page 134 aro followed by a report of about 1,000 words especially dealing with the' relative hardness of the grain of the varieties there given, including the Turkey Red, the Dawson's Golden Chaff and the Early Recl. Clawson. Bather than recommend any one variety of winter wheat for Ontario, the College Pubhishes from time to time the exact results of practical experiments and then allows those interested to make their own selection. The report closes with the following remarks;—"The varieties which the farmers are likely to grow are' those which they can usually harvest with the least amount of labor, aucl will produce the greatest financial returns for their time and labor in growing the crop, The requirements of the market, however, should be closely watched, and the aim should be to grow those varie- ties which will give the best results, and at the same time furnish that quality of grain for which there is the greatest demand, A careful study of the results of our experiments with winter wheat will greatly aid in this selection. Work s now being done in the Experimental apartment with the object of improv- ng the best varieties of winter wheat by means of careful selection and by cross fertilization." The College Re- ports are printed by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture, Toronto, Ont., and are distributed frons there to all who apply for them. In the winter of 1898-9 from 85 to 40 per cent. of both the Daw- son's Golden Chaff and the Turkey Red varieties were winter killed. Both varieties, however, came through the following winter in good condition. The following are the average results of the field tests for six years with both the Turkey Red and the Dawson's Gol- den Chaff: Its fifth session, indicate that we are on I D the verge of a general election. Except i amongst politicians, I find very little interestmanifested as to whether the xumors are true, or whether the Admin- istration will hold office without appeal to the people until the end .of the five Fears, which would be in June,1901. The 1 lack of interest in the question indicates that amongst the people there are few if any who feel .fiercely revengeful or have a knife ready for the Government. i<t may be that throughout the country there is a quiet feeling of resentment, strong iva few sections, where patrona- ge has been refused or Iocat applicants for office have beau thrown down. Such irritations will often be discovered even in a well-conducted business, or in prosperous companies. Notning yet has been discovered which is apt to arouse env general and effectual effort to chan- ge the verdict of the people announced in .Tune, 1896. Oratory has ceased to be much of a power, and at political picni- cs the harangues of necessitous leaders are at adisconnt. The people aro a little too busy to get excited over theories, and considerably too prosperous to be cross. The tra de of the country has enormously increased; the profits of the individual have advan- ced very rapidly. When looking at the whole business from a thoroughly disin- terested standpoint, I estimate that if an election, takes place in October or Is o- "vember the result will show a slightly decreased majority for the Government —majorities of Governments always decrease ---and that there will be changes due to local causes, but Sir Wilfrid Laurier will still be Premier with handsome majority.—Toronto Satur- day Night. Wornout Pierves. Ott to ak she Cauttttn't;- Stoop or Wbrk-- Halide 7'reMbied--Coiitd Roarcety Walk —Restored by bl'. Ciiaab's t Orva 060el. Mrs. Margaret Iron, "Tower ti#It, D„ writes:,--" Dr,. Chase's elerve rood has clone rue a world of good. I 'was *id weak that X could not walk twice. the length of the house. My hands trembled 5o that I Could not harry a *leen oft anddat nable to doowerik of sttiiyr kind. "Since tieing Dr: Ohtxe8's tt1errre rood, X have boon completely restored, I can walk a aisle without any ilcofveniettet=, 'h'bough 78 years old, and quite fleshy,, Il' de eny own houeeveork, and t~onthrift : !e, Able sewing, knitting, and retdle box skies. Dr. Chase's tl'erv0 rood heti red of ifleetiznnble value to rure.t, Th'. Chaee's 1cterve reed le the world's teateat reetoratiwe for pale, Weak, tier nen, women, and chliaren. 1'0 earl, Se cents a hex, at all dealers, dinnnsoti, ttatcis 1k CO.. Tororrti7. tat tough, nee Dr. Chase's SYrtit r...eed and 'urrtelitirie, 28 cents e, Turkey Dawson's Red Golden Chaff Relative hardiness. Hardy Hardy Strength of straw. Weed Strong Height of crop(in).42.8 46.7 Nature of head.. , .Bearded Bald Date of maturity..July 17 July 18 Amount of rust....Slight Some Color of grain Red White Weight of grain per measured buslr,lbs • 61.9 60.3 Yield of straw per acre, tons .2.6 8.4 Yield of grain per acre (bu. 60lbs.)...81.8 56.7 The, College report for 1898 states that the grain of the Turkey Red was harder than that of any other variety in the crop of 1896 and that the grain of the Turkey Red and the Pride of Genesee was the hardest of the varieties mention- ed for 1898. The Dawson's Golden Chaff was referred to as asofter wheat, and the Early Red Clawson, as being the softest of the real varieties. Robert Harcourt, of the chemical department of the College. has been doing some work within the past year in determin- ing the gluten content and the bread - yielding power of Setae of the varieties of winter wheat grown in Ontario, and as the work continues the results are be- ooming of increased value. Men of long experience in handling wheat, diger greatly in their judgment of the value of the Dawson's Golden Chaff variety. 'Within the least week the writer invited leading millers of Guelph, Galt, Preston, Berlin and Bridgeport to .pass judgment upon the Comparative value of two Varieties of winter wheat for milling purposes, These were the Dawson's Golden Chaff and the Treadwell, both of which were grown ttt the Colle'kb this year. Tho jttdginents were made separately and resulted in three of the millers selecting the Dawson's Cxeldorx Chaff as the best and the other three selecting the Tread- well as the best wheat. The Treadwell sainplo must have been a, good represefl.. tative of the old•tilne Treadwell wheat, as 8. S. Cherry, of Preston, who has beau in the milling "business for many yeas, stated that he never sttw a better sample of the: Treadwell wheat than the one shown him, and the Gold'io Twos., of Guelph, consideredd it to be of extra good THE WJNTGUAM Tag5, AUGUST quality Anel, in feet, the vary best of the 3e varieties of white wheats grown at the College this ve: i In. the autumn of zee. Peter +drink, of Waterier} many, in:port:el tx carload of seed of this Terkery:• lend variety of winter wheat from. the age of Kansas, but as the wheat did not reach Ontario uutil very late only a, small tunouut waw sewn that ttntunin. .. Somewlutt larger' antount, lzomever, was sower in rho fall 180;', Iu order to ascertain the re - suite of gnawing this wheat on different farms, tine writer recently went to Nfr. 'ale irk'splace ;itBridgeport and WAR give» the names. of the porso;,:$ residiug near Bridgeport and Bez4in who had gt'Men at least it, few acres of the Turkey Rett wheat this year,. Six (;rowers. were ettUed upon ain't the following; gives the report made by each: Peter Shirk --4 acres, very rich hied, crop badly lodged, 25 bushels per acre, about 64 lbs, per measured bushel, Richard C�luic1th:11--4 acres, kille badly in spots last winter, bad straw, resembling straw, estimated yield, 12 bushels per acre, Moses Betzuer-11? ' to 11% tor ceUent wheat land which fo ly yielded 50 bushels of the wheat to the acre, in 1899 under a prop of clover an applied farm -yard manure, leaned badly, yield of grafi year 425 bushels, weight of per measured bushel from machine about 68 pounds. Benno Bowman -3 acres, clover very weak straw, being abou half down, total yield of gr bushels. Elias Kolb -9 acres, corn ground, strong straw as some vari estimated yield 30 bushel acre. J. R. Shoplleret-3 acres, baudly w killed in spots last winter, s crinkled like barley. It will be seen from the foregoin porta that the results obtained rowing tho Turkey Red varlet wheat in Waterloo county and a ntario Agricultural College aro imilar. We have found from our experim al work with winter wheat that requently the season has a vouch grinfluence than the variety in d ining the quality of the grain, nstauce the weight per measured bu 1 the Turkey Red was 64.5 lbs, in anti 55.1 lbs. in 1897 and that of awson's Golden Chaff was 61.6 lbs 898 and 53.5 lbs, in 1807. It will exilembered that in 1807 there was exceptionally wet harvest and tha la amount of wheat throughout rio was sprouted that year. I laud and that there was a large exp ado from Ontario from the wit own in 1807 and this might havo s ing to do with the reputation of our in' the foreign market. Within thepast ten years a good in rieties of winter. wheat have be stributecl ' to farmers throughout 0 rio who applied for them for testi on their own farms. Great care I en taken in the selection of the ver s for distribution and some kinds su the Jones' Winter Fife, Bulgarian mocrat, Pride of Genesse, Diamo Gr etc., have been sent out owing quality rather than their yield ain. Farmers have found, howeve all varieties would sell for abo same price per bushel and therefo grown those kinds from which th a d secure the greatest profit, llei great popularity of the.Dawson den Chaff with the farmers of On o. The varieties to be distribute year have again been carefully sel- d and two sets will be sent free by 1 to farmers applying for them, who carefully test the three kinds in each which they choose and will report results after harvest next year. The will be sent out in the orderin zeh the applications are received as as the supply Lasts: Set 1. Dawson's Golden Chaff Early Genesee Giant Stewart's Champion Red Set 2. ba`vson'e Golden Chaff Turkey Red Diamond Grit. , ' eh person,wishing one of these sets oId apply as early' as possible, men - ng which set he desires; and the with instructions for testing, and blank form on, which to report will ntrnished free of cost to his address, the supply of groin for distribution xhausted, eh additional infornuatfon regarct- the value of the 'Turkey Red *whiter for Ontario will undoubtedly be meter this year. Not only will it be ct in the co-operative experiments ghout the T�rovinee but as Ifseveral ars are importing seed fromanses ortunity will be afforded the fate of 'W`estertz Ontario to grow it in Qat.antities, and the xnillers earl grind the variety by itself and thus tter enabled to determine its value tit the Thome and the foreign trade. resuits will be Watched with inter. both the millers and the fartners, 0o Agrioulttiral Colleege' xv>rr., eilih, Aug„ 10th, 100e. C1 out very barley or 18 es, ex- rater- Fultz x rmer- Fultz plowed d also crop n this grafin the sod, t one ain 80 not as eties, s ter inter traw a re- froze y of t t the very en very eat- ter - For shel 1898 the in be an to On- der - ort eat onee- our. any en 11- ng las le - ch or nd to of er, ut ore ey I ice '5 d g O B t f r m 0 D 1 r 1 to st tr gr th fi vg, di tt up be tie as De G the gr ir tha the ha co the Gol sari this ecte mai will set the seed wh' long a silo tions grain the be f until is ex ing wheat scot teste throe ingll all opP #hers. large then be be for bo The est by Outer! Gtl ChildrenF Cry for Apply tow' for territory ST I .. stone & Wallington" "oral ttt 1 1900, U QUN RDQQrll,�ID ;Nuf~. the h t proof etilittz we �� enjoybusiness ma is boned id confidence- of the eritxcalpubli. . We dzepense tlruge told medicines with the greatest possible pecan:le -, Our Toilet depart:nent is always full of the merest, preparittlons, and our stock of perfumes is always rho freshest and urgent. ALL ND CONDITIONS of our people are now using Paine's, Celery Compound the great health re- storer. No other medicine in the world has stele a record of cures to its credit, It makes new, fresh blood., corrects. digestion, gives nev'von$ energy and good health. We urge yon to use 1'nino's Celery Compound if you feel unwell in the hot weather, COLIN A. C armory,, Druggist, Wing team, Cut., It is not power, inti the balance of power, that w:us. Miller's Kidney and l3iralder Pills cleanse the system and purify the blood At Colin A. Campbell's, WEST WA WAN OW. Cotuxcil axet aeoordieg to ad journnnent on August 1st, Reeve 1111Nd itt the chair. Minutes of last meeting con- firmed, The reeve and treasurer were em- powered to borrow the sum of i�600 for four mouths for township purposes. The estimates for the year were struck at $2275, and tho rates: 2 mills for township mad 1 5-10 for county, The olerk was instructed to send for engineer to examine Young's drain. The following checks • were issued:• P. Welsh, gravelling and gravel, X37; John Gaunt, - repairing bridge, 50c; James Alton, gravel, (3.20; Wm, Ryan, haul- ing tile, $2; A, & W. Sproule, -taste, $2; James Bryan, part printing account, $25; Win. Milligan, gravel, ",$16.16; Win, J..Campbell, gravel, X2,80; Jacob Miller, bridge, $9; do., grading, east and uorth boundary, $50; P. Smeltzcr, gravel,. $5.64; W. Campbell, gravel, I,08; M, Champion, gravel,. $7.44; D. McDonald, bridge, north boundary, $25; Wm. Mc- Quillan, inspecting, drain and one day to Goderieh re Young's drain, $4; R. Medd, inspecting drain and three days to Goderieh re Young's drain, $8; Charles Taylor, inspecting Young's drain, $2; P. O'Connor, do., i2; W. S. McCrostie, trip to Goderieh re Young's drain, $2; George Ward, burying dead lamb, 50c; D. B. Murray, burying dead sheep, 50o; Ed. Fowler, gravel, *4,20. Council ad- journed to meet on October 8th. W. S. MCCROSTI> , Clerk. Tr le in The Stomach Whaoh Doctors Failed to Remove, Cored by Less Than Two Boxes of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. The, experience of Mr. Blackwell is similar to that of many sufferers with chronic indigestion, Stomaeh medicines will seldom really cure indigestion. The kidneys and fiver• must be set right, and the bowels made regular and active. Ont., says :--"I derived more benefit front the use of t r. Chase's Kidney- .4ver Pills. than from any other medi- cine I ever took, and can highly re- commend them for stomach troubles. I was in a terrible state and could hardly work at my trade. I tried most every kind of medicine and doctors, until T was tired doctoring, and be- fore I used one box of Dr. Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills I could see that they were helping me, and after taking a box cured and a half, found that I was Nearly every family ori the continent has used Dr. Cbate's Kidney -Liver Pills` or .heard of the remarkable cures they have effected. One pill a. dose, 25c a box, at ail dealers, or Ed- manson, Bates and Co., Toronto. "Ail Dunlop Tires in ,goo" When y'oix hire a wheel from the .Bicycle Livery look at the tires. if they are lytanlop. Tires the:n you can rest assured the wheel has a good pedi- gree in its every part. Dunlop Tires on all good wheels. Tito only tools" ::ee se aloin tiro Ce.. titni .1, TotOtitie )tontraal. 'Cr:iu,11, o At. Jan. WANTED I Agents to 511 permanent positlonwith us .AT 000D PAX, All supplies free. Chance of promotion to good men. 'W6 also desiro some good Agents, Either An whole or part time to soil our prepni'atian for known as y p r the destruction of Tass)•k Moth Cater filler t7A'.C'iIlE UPILILAItt1xl0. re -161 y of out salesmen tarry this as tr nide Tine, end make considerable more than their r,:tponsns thereb , We have the largest assortment of mock of any Nursery in Chtnada. People prefer our goods, beenuso of ocr �marantee. Antrim stock: is sent out under Government Certilleater proving etennllitee r and freedom front dinette, Is TOWN DIRECTORY. Berme CIIt'1;clI---Sableitlz service 11 a In and 7 p air, ;Smelly l~chn 1 2:i:0 p au Geueral prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, ",Y. T? reed, paster, W. 3. C'hapuiun, S. l3. tea em atendent, Mr atooisrCIIantaa—Sabbathscervies at 11 a ux anti 7 la an, Sunday School at iW g,0 p au, Epworth League every Mon- day ev'a' g. G, 1:S TA17:G101.Ig,ta 1672. is fat THE 'YV . 'It T y,1�',' +NSP oat 1S PIII;LIfiI't�l EVE1?Y t=RII AY MORNllyc. Tho Times Chico, Beaver Block: WI1`IC uare, ONTARIO, t; Ttness o. tSir nscrt1 . 11,00 per annum in. tl aclvaut•e, $1,0U if :out ro pod, No paper' clii corr- tiuttt•d tilt all arrears are paid, except at tin, • option of the publisher, " AaaviaamislNn 1t,AnTss, T,eF;al azul ntlter - cn,,tu,itacxver'titic'anent$Fnper•Ntnlp z'ic.1I11h,fcr• first insertion, 8c, per luno for cacti subsequent in;tn'tion, • Aclvei'tisemearte in local columns are t barged 1t1 ets, per line for first ineertiont end 0 routs. • per lino for melt pubscqucnt insertion.. PermsAdvertisements Slto Neat,f iutd Pound; laar h1,00 Strayed, first month and 50 cants Lot' each subsequent month. C`oNTnACi 11ATns--The following table rltows , our rates for the insertion uP ntivertisemerrts Tor vivified per iods:•- • space. 1 irr, este ttsro. into Ona column :4rtl,0J 5:0.01 1a1.,,UU ?0,0 Ralf Column 1$. Mee Wednesday evening. Cameral Drayer e t zr on 'i edneslay evezrizngs, Rev, l'„ ielrar Hobbs, pastor. Dr, Towler,,S. 5, Sup crime ndent, Pirssnyrentea Celanese—Sabbath ser vides at 11 a in and 7 p art, Snznct Schen/ at 2:110 p an, General px'aye uxeeting; on Weciuesday ovoniegs. Ret D. Perm, • astor and S. S. Superiuten clout. ST, PAUL'S Cuenca:, Erescc vale -Seg bath services at 14 a DI. grad 7 p a». Sun day School at 2:80p an. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, Rev 'Wan, Lowe, itcnnubeut. 15'. Shore, S. S. Superintendent. C ON O,RatcixrIoz,AL Clzuateir,---Sabbatlx services at 11 a m and 7 Ii an, Sunday Sehool at 12 m. Midweek meeting en Wednesthy ovenings'at 8 o'clock, Gavin Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. ROMAN' CATHOLIC CHURCH -- Every fourth Sunday. Mass at 1.0;80 a nl., ser- mon aucl boneclietion at 7 p ii . Rev, 1), P. MCMOnalxr.in, P. P. SALVATION Anaxr—St rvice at 7 and 11 a au and 3 and 8 p Iu on Sturclay, and every evening during the week at 8 o'olock at the barracks, ' OII1tIS'rIAil Wour>alts--Sex'sdces in the Mission. Hall, Victoria, street, cm Sunday et 8 ale, 7:30 p in, T. A. Oallzotuie, iu charge. •, Pose OrFlcr•.-73.1 Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a ux to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. 111BCR ICs' INSTITUT,i;—Library tuid free reacling room in the Town Hail, will be open every afternoon from. 2 to 5:45 o'clook and every evening from 7 to 0:80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. TOWN CotNdll,—Wm. Clegg, Mayor; Wm. Holmes, H. 0. Bell. J. H. Chis- holm, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie, Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Youhill, Assessor; Win. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each mouth at 8 o'elook. SOlOOL BOARD, --C, N. Griffin, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Lce, J. J. E;omuth, Wm, Moore, H, Kerr, Thos. Bell, Win. Button. Secretary, Wan. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson, mMee tin gs second Tnesdayeveiling an each PUnnto SclzooL T.GACIInR5.-�-A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Comm Miss Vaustone, Miss Matheson and Miss Reid. BOARD or His.I,TIr—Mayor Clegg, (chairman), 0. 3. Reading, Thos Greory, Dr. g- retary,; Dr. Towler,3. BMed al Ferguson, Officer. Sande WATER AT ONCE. Two Coat Maker• Also Two Pant Makers. WEBSTER & 00.E Queen's Block. Caveats and'1'rade.Mark"s obtained, and ail patent bcslncss conducted far MODEMITit FEES, lily,. o9'ice is intheimmediate vicinity of the Patent Ofllee and my facilities forsecuring patents are unsurpassed' Send model, sketch or photograph of invention witty desert tion and statement as to advantage• claimed, .eir- e charge is maths for an opinion as to pateniablii,',y, and ray fee for presetuting the pPlicatton wui toe 8'o cariett fon. 14,ttll !Ile potent tarlotvdd. "Invssvona' Gonna." con- taining full lnformation sent free, All Seminunl• cations Consldero4 as Strictly C0nildebtlalt E RANK il1N H. HOUGH 9i;r-.'2.a' 9r.Y)eltsAStffiI3a�i'7'Qf1'd• 3► i2. aA YEARS' EXPBRIENCE TRAb MARKS DrstdNS COI VRIGHTS &G. Anyone sending a pacetch and description mar invent on is preheats. n1,a opinion free Communion,. ttonestrictly eonfdentfal, itft dbo6k65Patents sent free. Oldest a�eency for mooning patents. Patents taken through Munn It Co.recoirg epeCial totter, without charge, in the SClentlfieA erA`lta ot1 alio t 01 .oyiylwe k ,WNn Weekly. 3 er gs, 5 ypeenr1 foour�leo ,ths, $r. sold layt,11 nowial�e/reer/p,., 01110NN Ce Co061nroeYlwey. New 'Ant office C2ii J' St Vicabin:,to,t.1;. PAY TO ADVERTISE TT11 TIMES e s a,00 18.0, 10.00 4.0 Quarter Column 18,00 I0,00 0.00 8,0 Advertisements without speeifc directio,,e will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-. ingly, Transient advertisements rniu;t bo pnid for ie advance. Tura Son DRRARTstsNT is stocicecl with an extensive assortment of all requieltcas for print • int;, affording facilities not equalled in the• county for turning out first class work, Largo. :type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Illus, ate., and tiro latest y st les of' oho: to faney typo for tho fines clauses ofprint- EI. B. BL.LIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher. BANK of HA ILTON WINGUA.M. Capital, *2,000,000. Rest, $1,234,120. President-Joix;`r S TtrAnT,• Vice -President -A. G.12Asrsey., LiIRI CTOBS; J'oltn Proctor, Goo, Roach, Wm, Gibson, M,i?,,. A. T. Wood, Al, P., A. B. Lee (Toronto), Cashier -J, TURNBULL, Savings Bank-B'ours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10• to 1. Deposits of $1. and upwards received and interest allowed, Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and tiro United: States Bought and sold. Travellers notified that the r of oimioa nd its Brauch sissCircular Bates National Provincial Bank of Bueland, Limited, which eon be cashed without charge or trots bio in any part of the tvor'1ci, W. E. L. DICIK1NSON, ,qp .Bto,,, Agent -14 A. E. SM1tl WINOINA51, General Banking .Bnsinoss transacted. Mouey advanced to farmers and business mein. an endorsed notes and collateral, Farmers' Safe Notes Cashed) Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of Canada and the United States. Notes and aceownts collected on reasoua+b#e terms. P. KiCNNPDX M. ll.. C. S. Q t • (Member of the British Medical Associa- tedasovounand Special ttossees f ueCha ren. Office Inours-1 to J p.1n•:7 to 0 p• m, DR. MACDONALD, Centro Street Wirngham, VANSTONE, Ontario. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. tird ti10coicagelotraa of ite nterest. Company- fonds Mort- gages, town an cl ,fart property bought and sold, Office, Beaver Blocic, WingIlnm. J• A. MORTON, • BARRISTER, Winghanr, Ont. L- L. DICKENSON, • BARRISTER, ETC. Solicitor to Blink of Hamilton. Money to loan,,, dice -Meyer Block, Wingliam. ARTHUR T. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctc,, of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania ental College and Licentiate of the Royal College a Dental Sturgeons of Ontario. Office - r Post Oiiloo, Wingham. T. HOI,I,OWAX, a Special attention to the dire and regulation children's tooth. Moderate rices and ail ork carefully and skilfully performed. Moe .. z Beaver Block, Wingiram. OHN RITCEni, G.UNERAL INSURANCE AGENT, W#iighaftt, Ont. DEANS, Jit, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER the Cont'nyof Huron. Sales attended in part of the County. Charges moderate. 013N CtJRRI'E, 'tlrINGnktr, O1ax. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ale. of Pam Stook and Palm Implements a Melte. 11 milers left at Turn Tfeit:s office promptly •' onded to. T.'orina reasonable. 0 D ov0 0P w 11 J P for any J s apt art f� SOCIETY MEETINGS. •+• teflitadtCaledonia, meets .—nthird Monday ,eiifiMg leren w leomeD.i�NtaxC1eg B. Elliott, Roc. Sec. JOB vrtnizi10, including Rooks, Paraphlets, Posters, Heads, Circulars, &o., iko., executed. in the best i,tyle of the art, at moderete prices, and on short notiee. that nny Books or Maga Zilleg left with es for - Binding, will hays otu. prompt attention. Pelves for Binding any style will be given on RAILWAY TIME TARLES. WAND =LW< RAILWAY SYSTRAI. mums LnAvn von pohnorston (1,03 Kincardine -11.10 nan... 8.25 Thnt.... 8.5814111. a. (101W0X, _Agent, Wingham. TRAINS r.liAAPP. von ARRIVE trit051 • •