HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-24, Page 5Tim WINQ1J 1 TIMES, AUGUST 24
Eger and brings bigger crowds
Mian ever.
Here is a line of Muslins all the newest designs and col-
ors from i sc to 20C a yd. Reduction sale price - 1Oc
Pretty Prints 36 in, wide worth 12 I -2C, Reduction sale
price,,......,............ ....... ..,
'Art Muslins and Tinsal goods worth 15c. Reductio-,
sale price, ... , .......
Girls and Children's Tams 11wayS.SOC at5OG.2eduG.
• tion sale price 25c
Bargains in Dress Goods ; everything will be
''"NCleared at Reduction prices.
Men's 75c White Shirts. Reduction sale price ...... 50c
Men's French Ballbriggan Underwear, reg. price $ I.00
a suit. Reduction sqle price 75C
Men's Twilled Cotton Night Gowns, regular price 65c
Reduction sale price ...... 50e
100 -piece Dinner Set for $5.95.
We pay 18c for Butter and 13c for Eggs.
What Wicteaawalto Tunes Correspondents Communicate -•^~ Other
Items Clipped Froin Our Exehange8.
Button Block.
The busy store at the busy corner.
Western Fair, Londono
SEPTEMBER 6th to 15th, IBBB.
ooT. U OSS$.
r, and Mrs, O. Gilchrist, with their
children, of Wiugliam, were visiting
with Mrs. Gilchrist's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Neil McKinnon, of the 4tli cone
last week, "lie country walks and air
were quite eneficial to Mr. Gilohrist's
Harry Walker has returned to his
home iu Windsor, after visiting at Xis.
Alex McDonald's for a week.
He is A Wonder.
All who see Mr, C. F. Collier, of
Cherokee, Iowa, as he is now, cheerful,
erect, vigorous, without an ache, could
hardly believe lie is the same man who,
a short time ago, had to sit in a chair,
propped up by cushions, suffering in-
tensely from an aching back, iu agony
if he tried to stoop -all caused by chr-
onic kidney trouble, that no meclicive
helped till he used Electric Bitters and
was wholly cured by three bottles..
Positively cures Backache, Nervous-
ness, Loss of Appetite, all Kidney trou-
bles. Only 50c, at CRAM A. Campbell's
drug store.
Entries Close September .5th.,
The most complete exhibits from Farm, Forest and Factory. New and start-
ling special features. Chariot races by imported Grey Hounds, Balloon Ascen-
sions, Double Parachute Drop by man and lady, celebrated Gymnasts, Aerial
Artists and. Acrobats. Fireworks each evening. "Tho armoured train's attack on
the Boer stronghold," and many beautiful sot devices.
Special trains over all lines each evening after the fireworks.
Sencl for Prize Lists and Programmes.
Minutes of council meeting held in
Esty's Hall, Bluovele,;ou Monday, Aug.
20th, Members of council all present,
The reeve in the chair, Minutes of last
meeting were read, approved end
The Reeve reported having along with
East Wawanosh let a job of filling open-
ing ovor concrete culvert ou Boundary
to Robe, Currie at $10.50. East Wawa.
nosh to pay haalf; also that Wm. Patton
has finished job of gravelling ou west
gravel road and recommend payment,.
Mr, Mosgrovo reported that he had
employed a number of mon to protect
crossway on road from fire sot out by
Robt. Harris on 4th con., lot 6.
Moved by Mr. Lovell, seconded by
Mr, Ooupland, that the clerk be instruct-
ed to notify Robt. B, Harris to attend
next meeting of council to be held iu
Esty's hall,Bluevale, on Monday, Sept.
24th, to make some arrangements re.
expense incurred by fire daniagiug
public road and in oak) of no notion the
cost will be placed on collector's roll for
Moved by Mr. Mitchell, seconded by
.t vs-nr..,
lines()() Lilla Bell and Nina J. Jet, r,
of 1liorris, have gore to Toronto to at-
tend the Naruual So11o01,
MSS Nettie Ellis, of Hoase,ll, and
lilies Wiuuifrid O'Neil, of O1itltou, visit•
ed Miss A1eo Duff, last week,
joint alloy went to Toronto, last ing outi3t.
Lorne McKelvey low taken a situation
ae clorle iu T. McDouald'e to at Oran -
Mitis bertha Wright is ou the molt list •
Mrs, Oopeliud Stokes, who has been
the rcroawl • i11,,is aslowlyy
hat might have WW1 a S01710u4 Ac'
eident happened to John Wrigll vybile
visiting,* Mx, Willis' last Saande . The
lads were . seufiling, vvlaen Jelin s1,pped
tied fell dOw1n throaa„it 1, trait hole,
spraiiuiug hie wuot badly, '
Edward Jaeldin, on the ouudery, has
conmtenced to .build hitt new bons(), It,
a. Mn a Willie and
sighing their friends is aboteMe
Miss Davies has returned to her Etaagfrit
After spending her holidays at horse.
Girt Parkes is making things hum in,
Turuberry and 1-Iowle)t with his thresh.
week, where he meets to get work.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Messier' and delight• •
er Margaret, of Hamilton, aro visiting
at Mr,111esser'e parental home in Blue-
Itubt, Aitchesoi vas Molted by one of
i. -.
. bn b
heroes .while
xv- bio F
11 0'; ar g
.. ,tar
'� w�l
tug it in fraul the k.eldo11eday last week,
and had his l plot badly sprained thereby,
[le was taker borne and it will be some
time before lie will able to iso the iu.
jured inerirbor.
Miss Aggie Herbert started gaily oft',
ora. her bicycle on Tt€day morning of „
1n t',veol: but panto glome ^u a boggy; l� aixc.i1 IIOS t11° cuutra.•t
snmowhat sadder 51111 wiser loukiug.
When riding oat in 111orrL' elle was
t!trown frons her wheel and her knee
was severely injured. She was carried
into a house and afterwards taken lioine
where site will, we hope, soon recover
Mr. Smith, who has been supplyi g
R D Perrie's pulpit 111 Win��ham
(11.ENFAIiiatOW, )•'"�.
Mrs. Fleming and son, Prances, of
London are at present visiting on the
Miss Malile'Epplett, of Michigan and
and Liss McLeod, of London, were the
guests of Miss M. Higgins last week.
Miss Lyle Lennox left on Friday last
to visit her sister, Mrs. D. O. Furgersou
of Lotus.
Masons are busy at the brick work of
Joseph Higgins' house.
Mrs. B. Helmings, Miss G. Harris and
Mr. C. Harris visited on the Pith line last
Selma opened Mouday, August 20th.
Misses M. and E. Ireland, of Tees -
water and Mr. McDonald of -Port Huron
visited Miss L. Higgins on Saturday
People in this vicinity arebusy thresh-
ing. The machine, which •is an up to
date one, is owned by Wm. Palmer.
Painting, alterations, improvements, finishing, cleaning,
r enovating, all completed. We are now prepared to do busi-
ness in the very best stand in town. . Our stock of Jew-elry is
new, up-to-date and decidedly of the finest kind. Our optical
goods comprise everything known. to the science. Couple
that 'with thorough and skilful workmanship and you have the
strongest combination.
1‘31 r
Tuesday and st
vv1O. > 1s...
Mr, and. Mrs, John Das t:leonleft Moue
y morning for S;psaced,.lx, Muskoka,
There they intend. speettil1 *...,Melo of
weeks. firs. Davidson has beau in 1:o;1r
health for sunt() tient! beets .1•.: _' • t• pee.
the trill may do hex ;.s.si.
Rev. D. p ..
'Mrs. ;lialeolea anti 4•as.' . . , t•
while that gentleman was away on his ,.«. «�,
vacation, took the prayer meeting topic Bertie of Niueardiuo are ,...-...•..,
in the Presbyterian church hereon Tues- uncle, Mr, John Robertson .
day evening of .last week.. Miss Elsie Alen and Mies Edith Gibe
Mr, Luther Ball, of Brussels, lately sou wore successftal in taking g honors at
returned home iron Edmonton, North- the recent Part II Senior L eaviu;� Ex-.
west Territory, and Mrs. George L. anainetiun.
Ball, of Toronto, were in the village last Mr. John S. McTavish lira- pur.th aced
weer. a lot from. Mr. Thomas (sibs ln, ar, and
Mrs, Strouft, of 'Whlgham, visited intends erecting a lions() ou is nest sum-
friends here last weer:. mer.
Mr. Lovell, that the Clorl: b0 instructed Misses Mamie and Nettie Wasman Mr. and Mrs, Wm. M.'eZ.'r,:lter arcs
to notify Win. Gray to clean• out his visited at Brussels last week. touring in Muskoka.
portion of municipal drain before 20tH Our sahool was whitewashed and Mr. John and Miss Millie Harris and
Sept, noxi. —Carriccl. Miss May. Davidson spout Saadaay at
thoroughly cleared in the holidays,
Moved by Mr. Mitchell, seconded by cant Ethel King, of Winglxatn, is Rothsay,
Mr. Lovell, that Messrs. Musgrove andThe 'Misses Boss of Yaxgla au1, were
Lovell let job of repairing road oil 4th visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Mac- guests of Miss Alice Rennet, last
Con. lino where crossway has been doualcl.
damaged by fire.—Carried. Mrs.. George 1VIosgrove, of Niagara week.
y was visiting at Mr. Jnu. Mus- Miss Alice Hamilton entertained a few
Moved byMr, Mitchell, seconded by Falls, of her friends to au attkru,on tree last
n ; grove's, 'i'turnllorry. r
inspector. for the Armstrong &raja._
bo pa sedl appointing that s Ww m. 0. Stuart Miss Carrie McPherson is visiting Friday.
friends at Paisley, Mr. Haaluwuod received word o t Sat-
A representative of the Toronto Pan urday evening that his brother, Iiia
• Hazlewood of Clifford, was very ill and
ou Sunday afternoon word was resolved
again that lie was dead.
Mr. Arthur Robinson returned back
to Eden Grove last Saturday after
spencliug his ho.idays at his home in the
Miss Maggie Sai wart of Win ;a t:1, is
visiting her uncle, Mr. G. orge li:irris. .
Mr., and Mrs. McEwen of •Cl:tord.
spent Sunday at Mr. D. Fisher's.
Intenclea for last \welt:
Mrs. Ingles of Chicago was visiting
old acquaintances i u t avn.
Mrs. T. F. Millar and dau4.1ite_ Jauaie
are spending a couple of wao:is at Gads_
Mrs. Henry Smith and family glans
retained houtu after a mantas vt..t with
friends in Chesley. .
. ,The garden party given by the Ladies,
Aid of the Presbyterian elrarch Tuesday
evening, August 1$; at Mrs. William.
Douglas' was not a decided success
owing to the weather being so tory disc
agreeable. However the Society made
enough to clear themselves.
Mr; 0 alder, of Hamilton is having the
foundry repaired and fitted up so that he
will have it running in a short ti na.»
Seventeen Years Of Torture.
"I had a bad cough for seventeen
years" writes Mrs. Sam'I Hamilton, of
Lawnville, Tenn. "No doctor or med-
icine could euro it until one year ago I
began to use Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, which did me more
good than all other medicines I ever
used. It is truly a grand cure for Cou-
ghs, Colds and Throat and Lung trou-
bles." Positively cures Consumption,
Pneumonia, Grip, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Hay Fever and Croup. Price 503 and
$1.00. Guaranteed, Trial bottles free
at Colin A. Campbell's drug store.
Prize List • _ gregates $2,000.
Only 2 Days, but they will both be Hummers.
No Waste Time.
Everything begins at one o'clock on Tuesday.
The Leading County Fair of West-
ern Ontario, held. in the Healthiest
and Prettiest Town in Canada.
It has the Finest Fruit Display in
No other County Fair has so good
a Track, or such well arranged and
'Commodious Grounds and Buildings.
Music each day by the famous
• Goderich Marine Band.
Entries '(except for speeding) close Sept 15th. Drop a card for a Prize List.
JAMES MITCHELL, .-Secretary.
To the Ecltter of tate Tams.
The results of the Departmental Ex-
aminations which have been so eagerly
looked for by many thousands through-
out Ontario appeared in full in the daily
papers on Saturday,„18th inst. While Tho following accounts were passed
and cheques issued for gravel: -Mrs.
Eadie, ;1.44; John . Wilson, Turuberry
share, $4.11; Wm. Haugh, $1.20; B.
Stokes, $2.28; J. S. McTavish, $8.60:
.Thos. Musgrove, $2.55; John King,
$11.54; . H. Wheeler, $2.76, damages,
$1.00; D. Pocock, $3.90, damages, $1.00;
G. Henderson, GO cents; John Ringler,
use of scraper, 50 cents; John Marshall,
$2.64; Robt. Muir, X1.38; Wm. Irwin,
$4.80, damages 50 cts; Wm. Patton,
gravelling, $49.20; John Ansley, gravel,
$1.20, inspecting culvert, $3.00; P..
Guteridgo, Turnberry share culvert,
$70.00; John Foster, repairs B, Line
bridge, $50.70; John Murray, repairs B
Lino bridge, $58,10; John Burgess, pt.
salary, $50; Mrs. Kent, expense moving
safe; $2.
Council adjourned to meet in Estv's
hall, Bluevale, on Monday, Sept. 24tH,
1900, at 10 o'clock a. am
Moved by Mr. Couplaud, seconded by ming Mill Company has been canvasshng
Mr. Mosgrove, that By-law No 18, f this district for a week or more.
Mrs. Gibson, of Montreal, has been
visiting her brother, Mr. T. J. Watt, of
Tho last half of the July cheese was
Mr. Lovell that B -law No. 14, 1900, be shipped last week. The very good price
passed, for the purpose of providing of 10% cents was what it brought.
the texpenditure f th, Cheese has since gone up to 11 cents.
1900, be passed, for the purpose of pro-
viding fuuds to pay Municipal Scheel
Moved by Mr. Mitchell, seconded by
funds for xo cnrren o a. Mi. Percy Field, of Listowel, alio is
1' levy
pa of 131ty mills on the f or tho year 1900 by a
of the last present resent assisting Dr. Holloway, of
revised assessment of the Municipality. Wingham, visited Mr. Will Bailey on
—Carried. ou Sunday..
Moves by Mr. Coupland, seconded by Mrs. Rutherford, isvisiting at Mr.
Gaon e Pocock's, East Wawauosh.
Mr. Lovell, that By-law No. 15, 1900, be William Pearson, of Wiugham, spent
passed, appointing Paul Powell collector Suuday with Clayton
of taxes in this municipality for the Rev.i J West, Duff. A. preached
current yeardat a salary it fifty-five hnorniug and evening, in Kingham
dollars and postage,oil to b iv. the Oona egational church on Sabbath last,
satisfaction of the council to be given.— and Rev. J. W. Goffin,tho former pastor
Ctuxiec. of the Congregationalists, took Mr.
Moved by Mr. Mosg;rove, seconded by West's work at Bluevale and Bathes.
Mr.0Cbe pas , pthastsed,
By-law No. iof6, Percy Patterson has a good, situation
15300, bo passed, for the purpose of in the Silver Corners cheese factory,
borrowing a sufficient sum of money for near Ilonfryu.
the current expenditure until taxes are Mr. John Moffatt, of Blyth, was in
collected.—Carried. Mr.
village last week canvassing for
"The History of the Nineteenth Cen-
tury." Mr. Moffatt kept ageneral store
Bluevale on the site where Mr. Alex-
ander Craig's wagon shop now stands,
about forty years ago. He will no
doubt be remembered by many who
wore living about here then.
John Coultes and Chester Pugh visit-
ed over Suuday with Clinton friends.
Wo are very sorry to hear that a form-
er resident of Bluevale, Mr. John Bos-
man; now of Wingham, has been ver'
ill and hope that he may soon enjoy hi
usual health.
Leaves, but no fruit, is what all are
saying of their plum trees this year.
The many teachers who were holiday-
ing in this locality aro all away again to
continue the daily grind.
Mrs. Mooney and daughter Etta, of
So h Carolina, are visiting the form-
s sister, Mrs. Daniel Lewis.
The infant child of Mr. Thomas G.
Campbell, of Winnipeg, died at the
home of its grandfather,Edward Bosman
of Morris, on Saturday, and was buried
fu the $luevale cemetery cn Sabbath
Mr. Thomas G. Campbell returned to
Winnipeg this week.
Victor and Russel Jermyn successfuly
passed the Part 1 of the junior leaving
examination. The boys wrote at Wing -
ham but are Bluevale pupils. Of those
who passed the Junior Leaving exam-
ination are: Miss Aggio Smillie, of
Morris,wino wrote at Iiarriston; Miss
Alice Duff, of Biuevale, .who wrote at
Clinton; and Robt. Weir, of Turnberry,
also at Clinton Weir is a good student
as he passed tails exainination with one
veer 'ii stutty. We extend our hearty
o nigt atulat tons to these ye tug people.
Mr. John Robertson end Miss 1VIaggic
aobertsolh, of Wroxeter, visite:t at Mr.
Buielt s this week,
it is supposed to be the special duty and
privelege of Collegiate Institutes and
High Schools to swell those results, yet
the work is not by any leans confined
to them. Our genial teacher, Mr.
Jos. Stalker, who has worked alniostun-
tiriugly during the past year in the in-
terests of the pupils under his care in
our public school, sentup five for Sec-
econd Class Certificates and met with
most ungratified success, four out of the
five being successful, thus demonstrat-
ing beyond any doubt not only the true
teaching qualities he possesses, but . also
the intellect and perseverance of the
pupils he prepared for the work. We
congratulate Mr. Stalker upon this most
gratifying result of his labors and when
it is remembered that in addition ho had
iu course of preparation pupils for the
Entrance and Public School Leaving
examinations, besides full charge of the
pupils in tho Junior classes, the result
must be doubly gratifyiug. It is doubt-
ful indeed if any institution in Ontario
striving to meet the demands of the
Education Department in Junior Leav-
ing work has to its credit any higher
percentage than our P. S. can claim.
We are pleased to know that the trustees
of this section are wide awake enough
to recognize a live teacher such as Mr.
Stalker and have secured his services for
the year 1901.
The Pest Speeding Programme
offered in the County.
The Great Farmers' Trot or Pace,
Prizes $80, $20, $15 and $10.
EDN SDAY-2.20 race and 2.10 Trot, Prizes $175.00.
2,80 Pace and 2,26 Trot, Prizes $150.00.
2.45 Pace and 2.42 Trot, Prizes $100.00.
H►,a,. a44•444n.•
0 0 0 0
0 0 O
Shoes by Mali
If you don't live in a town
where there is a "Slater Shoe "
Agency, you cart get your exact
fit, in shape, size and width,
and you can choose the precise
leather you want, from "C1tar-
ttctetistics," the handsomest and
most complete shoe catalogue
ever published in America. It
_.. ..... tells all about "The Slater Shoe"
and accurately describes the different leathers,—the kiucl of wear
they're good for, and how to care for theWm.
Price.$3.so and $5•o0, stamped on the sole in n slate frame with
makers' Wattle.
Write for enc, it's ffce.
For Salo Only by r "r Uw CREERaa
" Give Hiln . an Inch,
He'll Take an Ell,"
Let the smallest microbe gain lodgment
In your body and your ,whole system .uili
be diseased. rhe microbe is microscopic..
Put the germs become inches and then ells
of pain.. Hood's Sarsaparilla destroys the
microbe, prevents the pain, purifies fhe
btood and effects a permanent cure«
Run Down—"r had se=vere head-
eadaches and my constitution tines griier,l!y
rata doAvti. Haat read about Hood's Son..
saparit(a, tried it, and af�er usingtwo
bottles ,was entirely aired." alio Mau
Flannigan, Vanning Aver., roronto, Ont,
Miss Mary Mitchell of Clinton is visit-
ing with Mrs. A. Robinson.
Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon antifamily of Luck -
now have returned home from visiting
her sister, Mrs. W. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Ainslie of Comber are
visiting with Mrs. Ainslie's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, J. N. Campbell.
We are glad to see the name of W. H.
Wightman of Westfield among the list
of successful students for Jttnior Leav-
ing and Marticulation from: Goderich
0. Y.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Lennox and Miss
Latchford of Toronto, are spending a
few days at tho home of Mr. S. H. Me-
Walker Wigghtman xetuvnecl .last
Thursday front spending; his vacation at
his home in Essex to take charge of the
school dere.
A ilutnber of our young people drove
to Belgettve Sutnday e ()nit gg to itear
Rev, Coulees.
Last Sunday wits Ditildrelt'.l Day ie
Westtieict Methodist Clhurolt. 'The
church was testeiutlly (ocorated tiro
11.sv« J. Kennedy prezobe't a Very ap-
propriate sermon front the text "lie
s tell grow 511 a lily." Tho Choir also
f .tt 11isl1ed 11 uslo seit!ible for the Oe-
Do you like to hear it? If not, take
Scott's Emulsion. 'Twill fill out your
sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, and thin
hands, Why not have a plump figure?
Don't lot disease steal a march on you.
fE L(i ii.IX E.
Wnh. Watson' has sold his clwt llin; to
James Wilkinson, of Morris, for ;1:,000. •
We hope to se s Mr. Watson build
again. '
Clegg SC Dames shipped two car load.
of cattle and a ear load of hogs last
Mr. Haslam left on Saturday last to
visit with friends in North Dakota.
Miss Phillips, of Ashfield, visited her
brother in the village last week.
With. Watson is visitinghis uncle in
Mr. Hobbs, of Lend.7n and Frantz
Vanuornnan, of Blyth were hn the village
of Sunday of last week.
Mr. Phillips has sold hfh bla" h driver,
Terry, to Mr. Bruer. Tho price paid.
was SM.
111e A Villa an 1 Katie Scott aro visiting
friend:t at Pinkerton.
James Mc 'won, of Toeswater, ;pent
Sunday under the patent .tl roof.
Miss RebooeaWeight spcnt Sunday in
'V iughan%
Mise Catnpbell, of Port Elgin, who has
bee x Visiting Mrs. 1''rat& Smith athd
Mir, /miaow SnnpSon, returned home
Colds :Chest
are dangerous; they weaken,
the constitution, inflame the
lungs, and often lead to
Pneumonia. Cough syrups
are useless. The system must
be given strength and force
to throw off the�ydisease.
w'l11 do this. It strengthens
the lungs and builds up the
entire systema It conquers
the inflammation, cures the
cough, and prevents serious
oe, 0.nf.ar, net dr+t5lte,
etem1`(& 3OWN-E,Chtin1 u, Tuie:tt6.