The Wingham Times, 1900-08-24, Page 3Po ];opt veer Heart Vannro,.
No death comes so suddenly and nn.
expectedly as thate-mt'(1 i)y heart fail -
ere, but the trottbl, act its beginning;., ,
luoxltlts ar perhaps ,� t uta befoul when
the blood became thio and w:.tery and
the nerves exhausted. Gradually the
j, waste has become more rapid tluau tate
ee process of repair, the tissues of the lwovt
have bonnie diatarn d end finally some
over exertion or nervous shook lata •oaus-
ed the heating to c,+asci and life to de-
part. Dr. •Chase's Nerve Food pr.)vouts
heart failure and all similar diseases: by
creating new, rich blood unit nerve force,
and building up that system.
xtt Is Improving In Unroll—Vowel: er nort-
1,cages acre lie1Bf Rattle,
eg The Toronto Globe has been publish -
lug replies fiom the registrars of.'various
counties to the fullowiug questions:
(1) The general tendeney--w):ether to-
warc). increase or recluctioim of debts.
(2) Tho purposes for which new debts
Imre being incurred.
(8) Tho relative position of the debtor
class as conlparo:l with fivo and ten
years ago, •
The replies show a general improve-
ment throughout tho Province in the
way' of time reduction of indebtedness,
and Huron. conuty is no exception to tho
Tule, as the statement of the acting, re-
gistrar, Mr. O'Connell, shows:
(1) The mortgage indebtedness in this
County is decreasing, especially on farm
property, On comparing the returus
for the soars 169.1 and 181)9 I find that
the following registrations were trade:
Deeds, 1,287; mortgages, 1,1.10; dis-
charges of mortgages, 987.
Deeds, 1,838; nl•,rtgagos, 1,045; dis-
charges of mortgages, 1,115.
This shows that the sales or transfers
sof property are increasing, fewer mat -
gages are made and more mortgages are
being discharged. There is also a mark -
•ed decrease iu foreolosuro proceedings,
conveyances, etc., nude): powers of sa'e
3ti mortgages.
(2) It is somewhat difficult to state
the purposes for whiclm now debts are
being incurred, but the evidences are
very strong that a great number of the
new mortgages are not new debts but
are given in order to got money at from
4; to 5,4 per cent. to pay off old mort-
gages which are hearing G or 7 per cent.
-4t is an unusual thing to see a property,
}Particularly a farm property, being
mortgaged unless it is changing hands
or a prior mortgage is being released. It
is a common thing to havo•a nortgager
call and ask to see the conditions as to
the repayment of his mortgage, with the
remark, "I want to pay it as soon as I
eau; I can get money cheaper."
(8) I think on the whole in this county
the position of the debtor class is much
better than it was five years ago. The
-gable of real property has increased, time
race of interest has decreased, prices are
better and' work is plentiful.
J. D. O'Coz;xnnt,
Aetiiag Regmstrar.
Goderich, ,Tu1y 25th.
To ns whether your wants aro small or
large, as we make it a speeialrnlo to give
every customer the best service and at-
tention. Worespectfullysectfxlly solicit a visit
inyou •
that we may convince that it will
be to ,your advantage to be numbered
amongst the rest of our customers.
FROM GREAT Ra»sTr.Ts >? 0lI 4R
One bottle of Paine's Celery Com-
pound is often sufficient to banish the
seeds of dangerous diseases, to cleanse
the system and establish perfect health.
Paine's Celery Compound is the recom-
mended medicine for the cure of Bright's
disease, diabetes, liver complaint, blootl
diseases and stomach troubles:e The
genuine Paine's Celery Compound always
in stock, fresh from tho laboratory of
the manufacturers.
A. L. HAauLTov, Druggist,
Winghatu, Out,
Shorts Not Good for Steers.
Shorts are not considered a very satis-
factory feed for fattening cattle unless
some of the lighter grades are used
which are similar to bran, writes Profes-
sor Curtiss in The Breeder's. Gazette.
At the prices named corn is a cheaper
feed than shorts, and I world not advise
using more than two pounds of the
corn per head daily, and if the cattle
are to be fed on grass it is notlikely that
it will prove profitable to use any shorts.
Gluten ureal or gluten feed can be bought
about the same price as that quoted
r shorts, and either of these will be
mita. better' for combining with corn
and cob meal, tis they are richer in both
fat and protein and are better fattening
feeds. If the gluten feed is not available,
it would l robably be more profitable to
use one to three pounds of oilmeal per
head daily' during the finishing process,
for the last twothree oror h ee mnontlxs, at
$20 or $22 per ton, then to use the shorts
t $14. Oil meal added to cern Mid cob
will make on excellent ratio$ for
'finisIn bitching steers,
'Iltioors Piga
• Are prepared from I'
ture's mild laxatives,and
While gentle are reliable
and efficient. They
ROO 45 the Li)" 091
Cure Sauk Headache, 13i1.
lousness, Sour' Stomach,
and Constipation, Sold
everywhere, 25e. per box,
reneged by il,T.i(ood Fs Co.,Lowtell;ftasil.
overieenegenee In Coney,
Coffee is a powerful irritant -or the
cerebro spinal nervous system. Ite-
vent tests have shown that it lucreases
mental and bodily waste rattier than
retards It, as leas been claimed. Cof-
fee poisoning is sometimes. mistaken
for the troubles engendered by Wee net
Of alcohol. In both eases t110 Stomach
and nervous system. are the !sufferers.
Cafl'e]e and alcoholic gastritis Ore
nearly identical as to their symptoms,
•The use of coffee by children' has In.
several eases caused aim arrest of de-
velopment. Cases have boob reported
of delirium tremens brought on by the
eacesstvt'- use of coffee. it Is melatt• 1
I11 a. foreign medical journal that u
nam, In tile absence of Ids wife,. etu-
dertoolc to make ills own coffee. Not
knowing the eort'eet proportions for
use, be tool* about one-quarter ot a
pound of fresh roasted coffee for two
cups, Two boors afterward he cor•
pi/tined of vertigo, headache and,. at
first, trembling of the legs only, which
soon became general. followed by see.
oral other distressing symptoms, some
of which )Qutlnued a day er wo
By a busy pbyslelan it is stated that
at least two-thirds of his practice
comes front the excessive use of coffee.
The excessive use or tea and coffee,
as well as the use or alcoholic liquors,
often almost wholly obliterates aha
Sense of taste.--Ilcizllh Culture. •
The Flat asna the Theo,
There Is an amusing Pngiislt &Sec-
tion of "gentleman." It is 4.:1 man who
wars a stili .tat, and If he bas no other
title insists upon having'Dsq: added to
his name when letters are addresses to
The west end Londoner of social
Pretensions accepts this definition in
practice. Summer and winter, in rain
or shine, he wears a bled: silk hilt in
the streets of London and carries it
into the drnwlllg room when be pays
an afternoon mil. It is only when he
takes a train for the larorinees oe for
the continent that ho -ventures to use
more ecmforte blo he::dem r.
Ile also expecte to have the distinc-
tion of "esquire" when a letter is ad-
dressed to him and Is highly offended
if lie finds on the envelope the prefix
'•lit." As a matter or fact the num
ber of English gentlemen who are le-
gally entitled to the )uetlheval honors
of "esquire" Is lustall:tie:ma It 15 a
self assumed title which siguilles note
Ing that Is substantial in rauk or priv-
ilege. •
In common use In London •'esquire"
simply means that the person so ad-
dressed cloys not choose to be tssoci-
atetl with tradesmen and ordlual•lr
working people end that lie is a -gen-
tleman" rho invariably wears a silk
hat.—Youth's Companion.
English fled 'rape.
At the present Hmo, when the system
of red time is being entice ed and riff
tented, the 1'ollttwin;: amps
ing methods of _defiling with mattea•s
:are stilt athtpt,+c1 lr1 one or the great
govern 11)en t f It•1)) frust` uts, •
leer Instance. a hairbrush and comb
must be purchased aced nuder the bead of
se ry lee "clothing," whereas a tooth
brush is under fuel" anti speciaclt's
tender "medicines." .a elm besbasket
Is -clothing." but elothos pegs are "lu•
(Menials." The funniest or all, how
ever, are guano and etre w, they bein;:
purchased uudot -vice wiling."
A good ittstatutt of reg tape is told to
t:onnection with the excise. An otlicer
had tutere] in inquiry r
oluuan of
his return: ".parch 1;;. Dog dead."
This did not satisfy his superior, who
told hint to'
o n uinquire u'^a hi, tvhk'h the
s• •t' M
obedient officer t(�: "April
10.• Dog still 'dead."—London Stand
Encouraged to Ilo:>c.
When the lempress Frederick. eldest
daughter of Queen 1'icloria. was a lit-
tle girl, her diepesition, to the great
grief of the queen, waf' llaugbty and
arrogant. Once, when about to embark
on the royal yacht Victoria and Albert,
she was lifted noose to the deck of the
boat by one of the settees, who, as be
was putting her down gently, said,
"There you are, my little lady."
"1 am not a 'little lady; 1 ata a
princess!" was the prompt and Mtg.
tent reply. The queen. who had over -
beard the conversatiou detained the
man with gesture, and, turning to her
spoiled little daughter, said:
"Tell the kited sailor that you are
much indebted to him for his Civility
and that, although you are not a 'little
lady' yet, you Confidently hope to merit
the title before long."
Got Theft Vecs Anyway.
AfeJlgger—Your; Dr. Downs recent-
ly made $.10 In a guessing contest.
Thingumbob—The only one who
guessed correctly, eh?
McJigger—Ob, no. Two other doc-
tors got the same, and all three of
them guessed wrong, You see, they
were called to t:.t'tsultation over a pa-
A. Particular rolet,
"Ina ease of .this kind," said the law-
yer, "there are many things to be In-
vestigated, and before I take the ease
them is ono thing to particuui r that
must be looked into."
"I presume," said the client, "that
you refer to my pocketbook." --Indian-
apolis Sun.
Unwritten 1I1stor'y,
01108—Colunmbus tnust have been the
victim of n. bunko game,
Miles -Why do yott think so?
G110sr-Because he was the first to
coneelve the'liea that the world wasn't
'Sines were first used by doctors to
heel) their fingtli•.s soft tend were adobt•
ed by ladies about 1550.
Men marry bocnuso they are weary
of liberty, women because they desire
1t,—Chlcag4 :1ewve.
'fate Ilarcl Vomrl ot Cotait•t•cssanc>n.
Let those who ere blissfully ignorant
laugh at eongressinen for the easy tlmne
they have at 'Washington, Only those
who have been through the multi know
how hard a congress4u m lutist work if
he Is to fWW1 his- public duties. A,
hardworking senator said to me, "I
might have made ..$ 0,000. during slay
term in the senate if I had given as
much attention to my private- business
OS I have given to tete-public business."
The. amount of work which is Said up,
on a member or senator is simply enor-
mnous. What with the demand fur pen'
t914ns, postofllee dociunents, applica'
tions for promotion or discharge In the
army and many other things, a mneme -
bee's. time Way be taken up with the
exactions of his daily mall, A. good
cleric May be cf immense help, but
so140 senators employ two or tree
and then find there Is a great rleai
whieli they' must answer or ettemtdl to
In person.
The daily sessions from 12 to ;about
o take up half a day, and committee
Meetings often take up the other half
for two or three days in the week. • It
is hard to tell when time busiest them-
bers, who are never absent from a se8-
sien or from a committee. meeting„ tind
time to prepare the elaborate speeches
wlmich they sometimes deliver, It !s
not strange, then, that so few members
of either chamber are found in the
reading rooms devoted to them In the
Congressional library, When they leant
books from that or any other deposi-
tory, they have them sent to their
bones.—I ncl epeedent.
Crane tartee Fits Satchel,
Arthur A. T.eecis of Tfoga met Ste-
phen Crane once under cirenmstances
which showed how little the novelist
traded upon the fame that Came to
him. Mr, Leeds got off a train at Del.
aware Water Cap. The only man en
the platform was humped up against
the side of the depot gazing into space.
He looked like a ' farmMser's boy. s
trousers were baggy, his coat battered
and his bat rowdy.
"Say, carry this stuff to the hotel for
nee; will you?" 1151:et1 Mr. Leeks, The
man grasped the hags and started in
the wake of Mr. Leeds toward the
When the hotel was reached, Mr.
Leeds lost sight of his porter for a few
minutes while be greeted friends.
Looking .around for his baggage, he
saw the roan who had packed it to the
hotel sitting .on the piazza with bis
legs on the railing. He was reading a
"Who's that man?" asked rvtr. Leeds,
"00, that's Stephen Crane," some one
said. The next day Crane left the place
before Mr. Leeds had an opportunity
for exp latmations.-
The hast Chinese Actress.
Many victors to the Celestial king-
dom have noted the absence of women
from the stage. All the roles in a Ohl -
nese play are taken by men. This sin-
gular Nugent 'le traced back to a wom-
an's whine The- Emperor Yung
Tsehing married an actress at the be-
ginning of the' eighteenth century.
when women were allowed on the
stagy. The emperor died and the em-
press dowager ruled the country for
her sou the Prince Elm Sung.
To satisfy her, vanity this shrewd
and utost ,pttotlliar woman issued a
decree in the year 1,,t
0 forbidding. an -
der penalty o1 instant death by. the
swt•ord of the eai't'titioner. any member
of her sex. to ':appear on the Chinese
stage; 1 t
me. no.
said the
eempreaS dowager•, and slit& her dny no
wontan withhl the reach of Chinese
lglaw has dared +s
a tst fat t. i toc
( t. t the stl n h
e t of
her decree. in Hongkong (a British
colony) women have played In `Chinese
then tem het never as yet, we believe,
in San loi•anc•isc•o.
Weight !, t. ot o �V�t
t,ext'at nrarns.
The woman's brain is always less
than the man's. Et•otn BOyd's ,Ugures
we can pick out 102 men and 1.13 wom-
en between 04 inches and CO inches
high. averaging close on 05 inches, for
each group. But the brains of the men
average 40.0 otutees: while those of the
women are only 41.0 ounces, which.
gives the men au advantage of 12 per
cent. There are 21 small men whose
height averages 02 Inches. and there
are 1+35 women of rhe salve beight.''1'he
brains or the men 'weigh 45.0 ounces,
those of the women only 42.0 oune0s.-
Stage f+'rigytt,
When Bob 13urdette started out to
lecture, he Struck.. the same tonin as
Henry Weed Beecher, Who sent for
"Well, •.young man, how do yott like
"Air. Beecher," he replied, "it Is aw-
ful. I neatly elle every night from
"Let . the console you, then, The
longer you lecture the more nervous
you'll gets" And Bet. declared It to be
true, -
A close l7xtttutate.
"1 (lon't want to hear anybody sayin
that our boy ,loslatr doesn't earn his
salt," said Partner (.orntossel..
"Von Sald It yourself once.' said !is
"Well, I take it back. I don't want to
do the boy any fetustlee. 1 have been
lookin Over these inarket nniotntlons.
an have couelnuled that ,losiinr tunes
ear t a
his' la1t. jestst a o t. Bet if they'd
':t' mid be tlidsl't cart) his pepper 1
reckon I'ci have to give in."—Washing.
tot Stat:
'Ihe 5ttot•t,
A certain poot thug breaks i'orth;
"Ob, the snore, the beautiful snore, tilt•
ing the chamber from ceiling to floor,
over the coverlet, under the sheet, from
her tree dimpled chin to het' pretty
fret; notif rising -aloft like a bo in
June, tiowv sunt: to the wall of a crack-
ed bassoon; now flutellket aabsidtfig,
theft rising t.gain, Is the beautiful Stiehl
bC b9llxitbatti `auo,st
We would urge our subseri.
hers who are in arrears the 1m -
pertain; allcl ativisibility of
protnpt payment. In%ivi(1uta11y
the anleitnts are email, the
aggregeto is largo, and the belle -
fit to us, if you should. act on
this lout, would be very great,
We do not give a notice , of this
kind very often and hope our
sabseribrrs who are in =rears
will semi the dollars ttlonge We
will guarantee not to let any
dollars lay idle in our hands very
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund the money on a twenty -live
cent bottlo of I)r. 'Wills' English Pills,
if, after using three fourths of contents
of bottle, they do'not relieve Constipa-
tion and Headache. We also warrant
that four bottles will permanently etre
the most obstinate cases of Constipation.
Satisfaction or no pay wheu Wills' Eng-
lish Pills are used.
A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist,
Winghaxn, Ont,
C. A. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist,
Wiugbaun, Out,
A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug-
gist, Wiughunz, Ont.
A Strmtge Story.
Tho Walkerton Tcleecopo tells the
following strange 'story: "Two or theca,
weeks ago Mr.Perry Eli put an advertiso-
uneut in the local newspapers stating
that he . had found a largo sum of
money. No particulars were given, but
a day cr .two ego he received a letter
from ono Snodgrass, of Chicago, giving
the particulars of some mez:ey which he
had lost here abort 18 years ago. The
writer states that he had been paid $420
in Canadian bank bills, but before leav-
ing I<inrarcline ho exchanged it for gold,
American gold pieces, 20 innemttbor, had
been wrapped in some brown paper, and
dalylabelled. On arriving at Walkerton
he had fallen in with the late G. G. Bobi-
er, and bad sleazed a jug of whiskey with
hint in the cellar of the house. On
sobering exp the honey was gone. As
Eli found the money on a beam in the
cellar of the old Babler house, and there
was just $400 in American eagles in the
package he naturally concludes that he
has found the rightful owner."
For Over Fifty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over fifty years by miilionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes tho child,soft-
ens the gums, allays all pain, oases wind
colic, and is the best remedy for diar.-
nccea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable, Be sure you ask for Mrs.
Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
Groan fon. rigs.
Notwithstanding the anatomy of the
pigwould seem to dispute the proposition,
grass is necessary. to its nest development,
says Texas Farm and Ranch. The small
stomach woa11cl seem to indicate a ;rain
ration or concentrated food of some sort,
and so it does: Hogs are wanted to con-
sume a large amount of feed, convertiug
itint0orkT r ^ re-
p Therefore the first thiol, e
quired is to etllarr,0 his capacity to eat,or,
in other words, to enlarge)o his stomach.
Grass, being bulky in proportion to. Its
nutritious qualities, is the very thing and
involves the only known method of
enlarging the stomach. At the same time
it:furuishos the protein needed to develop
flesh, muscle and bone.. Then when we
have a large frame built up with enlar-
ged digestive rapacity itis an easy matter
to: put on the fat With corm or Other
carbohydrate feeds.
%Vttitout Tmte Doctor's Examination.
You can find out if the kidneys are
elob„,eci, deranged and diseased. IIaI:e
you backache or a weak, lame back?
Do you have pain or difficulty in urinat-
ing or a too frequent desire to urinate.
Are there de deposits like brick
dust in the
urin after it has stood for 24 hours? If
you have any of these symptosis not a
moment should be lost in obtaining Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, the world's
greatest kidney t.uoy euro. Une pill a dose,
25 cents a box.
The doll is probably the most antique
of toys. It has been found inside the
graves of chiktren of ancient Rome.
Mr, P. L. Campbell, of Fortune
Bridge, ?LEL, a great sufferer
from pain in the back.
Doan's Kidney Pills Completely and
permanently Cured him,
Mr, 1'. I:.. Campbell, the eeelisketewa geits
eta! Ynereha,yt of 1•'ortuno Bridge, P.E.I,,
was troubled with severe paicls is his back
and hips for over ttvo years.
At length he became aware oftho fact
diet baekacho Was simply a symptom of
kidney trouble and did not hesitate tong to
taking bean's Ridley Pills, add wits
pt'etnptl3 and permanently cured.
fe1'e is his statement: "1 Ives itt>;:tt
awful state for two years with pains in my
hack and hips. Sottme mornings these
pains were no severe that 1 couldn't'stoop
wince my boots. 1 started taking foatt's
Kidney Pills, acid oiie box so cot:t�,tleteiy
turgid the that 1 have been perfectly well
rot over a year now and free from the
least trace of pain,"
"4'ulte IJeeG 11'ili surely )'peed"
Be sure to hood time first symptoms of
indigestion, nervousnt so sulci impure
blood and thus amvoid await: dyspepsia,,
nervous preetratiou and all the :elle proe
dewed by bac). blood, Mood's $sumapar-
illa is your safeguard. It quickly bets
the stomach right, strengthens and
quiets the nerves, and purities, (urieiley
and vitalieee the blood. and keeps OP rh0
health tone.
All liver ills aro curdd by Hood's
Ville. 25c.
Y'actory ctlrl,t in I)ernauii.
Acc:ortling to bliss bIar'garct Carlyle,
one of the Ontario factory inspectors,
there is a growing scarcity of female la- ;
bor in the factory. towns of the province.
Tho manufacturing business of the pro -
vino has advanced during the last ecu-
ple of yours much faster than the supply
of labor, and as a result wages are at time
topuot4h, Girls infactories now canz xu-
lce under ordinary .couditions from $(1 to t
$10 per week, especially in small towns,
where the female population isnot large,
The conthtioes of the factories in Outarie
aro much more sanitary and comfortable,
than they were a few yours age. Anil as
a result girls and young women (mein
numerous cases forsakeng their positions
as saleswomen behind the counter and
thing positions in factories at much
larger salaries. In one factory in Toronto
.there are two young lady medallists froth
a Toronto University. They earn $9 per
week and prefer it to any situation in a
Toothache :: clays,
Mrs. Fred Walden Bel River Cross-
ing, N. 13., says: "I had. toothache for
two days, and could got nothing to stop
it until I got Low's Toothache Gum,
which quickly cured me," Price 10c.
Tho (tame Larv.
The Chief Game warden is issuing
notices for the information of the public
eotmtaimting an abstract of the Ontario
games laws. For the first time for many
years moose, reindeer and caribou may
be killed between the 1st and 15111 of
November, both days inclusive. Another
opportunity to hunt those 'stately anima-
ls will not bo give» sportsmen until 1903,
as the open season is restricted to period
of fifteen days every third year. Only
one of eaeh variety may be taken by any
ono person, in one season, and no cow
moose or either of these animals under
the ago of one year eau be killed.
Partridge, quail, woodcock and snipe
may not be bought or sold before 1005.
English or Mongolian pheasants, prairie
fowl, wild turkey, beaver and otter may
not be killed before 1905.
11 Family Medicine.
'Airs. D. Williams, Goodhormnan P.O.
Ont., writes: "I havo used I•Iagyard's
Yellow Oil for burns, scalds, sprains,
and bruises, and it has always given
satisfactiou. It is a splendid family
medicine, it can be put to so many diff-
erent uses." Price 25o.
.It:,vtcTt•s at tiro .Pada 3' 1>o4Itiuu.
The Ingcreoll 0hronielc of Aug. loth
segs: ---We £t,0 04es'+il halt 1 to be able
to elate Cult Nextet oto„ Limnitetl, have,
been t.wat•do'l x ,rn th,,n• trd.ibit at the
world's great fair in Paris, Prance, the
grand prize (highest award obtaivablo)
and gold medal. We drive gr..v. ax at•cn.
to feel proud of our town to think that
it possesses an it>'lx stl'y cap 11111, of turn.
ing out a Litemof goods worthy of such.
ati ltout:r as the one just couferrcd upon
this emine mty's exhibit. A few muonths
ago we predicted for this .firm under its
new management a very brilliant future,
but Iuttle thought that iu so short it than
its output would bo raised to such a high
paha of excellence that in competition
with the it oat:. s;;rentest antutxat'tv;:tnres
of agric:tlt,.ns,i implements the Noxon
Co's, exhibit :-1lould have gained such
marked distinction, it being the only
Canadian i:an firm exhibiting to whish this
prize was al yea for the felt t time. The
colupatty has just received a letter front
the Canadian Commissioner General in
Paris, congratulating theta upon this
euecese achieved and tha'.11:iug t14'tam for
eentributieg et/largely towards bringing
Cauadaard l.erinclnstriosr prr raleently
before the wozld. We titli'11t s y , r '''le
Noxon Ce's. exhibit these ",+• r. re- •
presentative machines for ,,.,...
Of cultivating, seo•aug, bay-mal•iag and
harvestin • implement a.
'0r infants and Children!.
Every man is either a hero or t1 cow-
ard, but the majority are never unveil -
For all liulrey and Bladder t •ouLles,
try Miller's Kidney anti .Bladder Pills.
At Colin A. Campbell's,
Somebody asks how Tieu-tsin is prono-
unced. Itis not pronounced; itis whistl-
Bad blood. is it bad thing to inherit or
acquire, but bad blood inoy be to:acle
good blood by taking Hood's ;arsepar-
A. girl loses her self-possession when
she puts on a wedding ring.
Usually the more money a mon has
the more selfish his children are.
Children Cry for
Joaquin Miller, the pont, who recent-
ly built his own tomb in Ca.ifornita,anau-
unoed the other day that the world was
mistaken in supposiug that he meant to
occupy it for some time.
A J/
1• Sam Hunter's Cartoons, Full Market Reports, 11
Special Cables, The Khan. 74.
Ontario Despatches, Sporting News.
W Madge Merton's Page for Women
Publishes the best of evervthina. It leads f
tlisit6Tor ot M
�Ia ,
74 111 the excellence of its special departments. /,
W while its news columns are bright and 14
7iread, %i:
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Daily e Mailed to any Address rift
rTo b ��
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The regular subscription yi,
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rby+tt ntoute) auld sort t VoI 1nd,lish d in. C:u4:ul;', tie colo .}t }6 1 1 icier (, the /�
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,�� acid. o vrar:l tuts te'r
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othcrot•1 • 'o t st ,
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1 t tt t alt' i •.
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motherhood. 1 tthltriii ' -!•
titeretta th:u y
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