HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-24, Page 2• "Ii e ap the head eool anti the bowels npc.i' rte Sensiltle advice to follow der- ing die hot *caber, If the. bowels do. not move regularly once a (lay use 'taxa - Liver Pill.,, Tlwv are easy to telae, and taoo nota ripe, weelteit or sicken. Price 25e. It cannot be, too of*td'n repeated that it fel not holes, but obstacles, uot facilities, but (lintel .ties, that edetate ntenatud bri- ng Halal su vess. Dirt*w'ie`s' Ihea dew hes aro pinkly re- lieved by .f lir '1 i' ( ,. it nl 2 n Sterling Iieadaa lie Powders. Tiny dot not upset the stere. Itch of weaken the heart. Price 100 and. 25e. at ell dealers or by mail. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. The oldest German eoalnxines were first worked in 1195. They are nearWort ms. England tlid not begin to uxiue its coal until the fourteenth eeutury. Better results follow from the use of Miller e (`'ornlloun(1 Iron Pilis than from any other. At Colica A. Campbell's. Air. Autlrew Lang asserts that novels are almost, if not altogether, the ouly forge of Iiteretnre that is remunerative DOW, Neveth, •less ile thinks that a now Froude,. Macaulay or Tennyson would even now hud readers. GrAllaveinieRil Genuine t+ a ,¢a+( AiLLiI i"s1>rL. a intended for last ween. ITY L'a Ittt WIN(+JJA I TIMES AUGUST 24, 190() Ilusipess rreeepts, Keep your life insured. Reply promptly to all letters. Shun at lawsuit as yott would a rock at 1,e• it, As bustnees proposition it pays to be Iaoltte. .As a choice bcat'veett evils eltooso neither. Tell the truth about your goods. Merit wins generally; truth tx alra s , Never `i C nr . ea,t where .1 1 he the a eni r t of e. eltauee or belt governs the returns. Meet your bills promptly and nuke your collections with equal promptness, Do not imagine that as mere busluess aequasntanco is interested in. year gains and losses, Do not suppose that any one is more interested in your welfare than you your- self must be, {L.Never glance ate batsiitess man's books or papers which clay accidentally be left open benne you`, • In. geueral the bnsiuess equilibrium is everywhere maintained. You eau't buy a good horse. tor a. dollar. Always keep your temper, but hovel sense enough to know when you are in- f ,tared. and spirit enough to resent it, Learn to know the distinction between11 friendship and intimacy. Seek to have teary friends, but mighty feev iutiuxates. 1' t,, r the greaterportiou of thebasiuess I ..t" d (ux:tr,, is done ou credit. If you pate t 1' ee your credit, you are with nit notJ(.de s lauuorit, Call ea busiuoss Peen at business times only, and solely on business. Trausact I the same and go about your own, in order to give him time to attend to his. its the oid tinker, with whom the had it wayside chat, remarked, "L:truitl's :lice, an' it's catty It:ep'. „ 'We have hem favored with a copy of the Belfast News colztaiuinn aceouuta of the 12(1), of July eeleliratious throughout Ireland. The Belfast ,, Uralixguxieih cel(ibratei. at I)aisylhill, front which eminence the thousands of people hada lino view of the city, the lough, :the neighboring i t ;es, the lllaurtle slot hit,hiila3 ,Mount DlI4 Black OxI - I ant autl Catr ehxll. ,A utong those ou the plattfortn were Rev. Robert; Warrington, of Catania; W, 11, lxar}ter, Of Toronto, aucl J•oltu 1.3aro wartath, of Victoria: i Australia„ Messrs 'Warrington and 1 e ogwanatlh Atli made good speeolles, the forager sayi4 he tlarougilt iO3.0.114;s from 100,000 Catiadiau. Oraugorneu, and the latter that be carne 10,000 miles with Am—stye—lieu greetings. Many excellent orations wove delivered. Mr. If 0. Arnold -Foster Ai. P„ liberal member for West Belfast for two Periiatanents made a fine speeeh, and one that was highly appreciated if one might judge from the bracketed aoelamatious eo frcclneutly throughout the News' account. His speech was very broad and covered uhauy subjects of Imperial iuterest. The following extract is in the words of the News reporter :-"He believed that when the war wits over it would be necessary to sand out at. paworfa;l cotu- mission from this country to regulate :the settleutent of taffairs. It was leas ftrveut hope. that an the list of that com- mission would bo found the name of Sir. Wilfrid Laurier, Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada, (Hear, hear.) I:Ie could imagine nothing more striking thau the presence of •that distingtlisbed iwut upon such re commission. Ica his own person he would famish an illustra- tion of what oculd be done by their free institutions and their equal laws. That a Frreuell Canadian, the descendant of a Freuehmate' should at this moutent be the powerful and popular Prime Min- ister of the great Doiuiuion at Canada was in itself a most remarkable fact." Litt e L ver j 0 15 FI M x 1 Bl 1 b Must Boar "rf;1<ature of See I=ce -S ib i1': Viper I;e,ew- Very small mad. a; cosy VP take as OR HEADACHE. FO€t E3la"Lt`r:ES;. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. fait CONSTIPATION. 9M SALLOW SKIN. FOR 'ME COMPLEXION Price t `sirege7 MV',,L1Y*e.. tr`t, 25 Cents ie'itreiq'ir::geta2D-o. CURE SICK t EADACI1E. e.'.STo1: aye" . .' ',. GI p N td U Ihad r- 1n • worm head. €� on m Y for nearly a year. I consulted three doctors but derived little or no benefit from their treatment. "I then commenced to use Burdock Blood,Bitters. "Besides taking it internally I washed the affected parts with it and when the bottle was finished I was completely cured." Elsie Slaght, Teeter vine, Ont, Burdock Blood Bitters cures sores, ulcers, boils, pimples, eczema and all skin eruptions of the most..chronic type. It snakes the blood rich ad pure, Armes all foul material from the tyscesn and builds up the tissues of the body. y, ,rpy�,'�1m I L. Br, u�+,�tRr, N'7sr•.�,.� E TAN, DNE . PILL Ear 1Vfilbttrtt's Heart and Nerve Pills are just what every weak, nervous, run-down woman needs to make her strong and well. They cure those feelings of smothering and sinking that come on. at times, make the heart beat strong and regular, give sweet, refreshing sleep and banish head- aches and nervousness, They infuse new life and energy into dispirited,.heatth-shat- tered women, who have come to think there ie no cure for there. Stead the words of encouragement in this letter from Mrs. tis. 'Thos, Seminars, Clif- ton, New London, P.E.L " Last f. it I was in a vary SerthUS CCitl- dition suffering from nervousness and weakness, I got so bad at last that I could hardly (nova ea round, and despaired plover getting well. Seeing Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills highly recommended for such conditions I purchased a box. "I3cfore t had taken halt of it I could notice an improvement in my oendition and When I had used two boxes I was cern- pittely cured. "it was wontirrful haw these pills took away that dreadful feeling of nervousness and gave me strength. "I recommended them to nay neigh. bur who was troubledwith nervousness, and they cured her, too. We nit think there it riothin oceettl' to Milburn's Hart and Heave r. arzc e arc y, a neva a o5 , now in Goderioh, is accounted one of best players in the baseball team of the circular town. IIe has been a good player for years. The Brussels Post says that the two Bluevale boys ( Wan ter Burgess and John Uoultes) rendered Wroxeter valuable assistance iu a recent game of f and Br won. arptball between the Wroxeter sets teams, when "Wroxeter t John Greenway is home from Rat Portage, Manitoba, where he wont last December. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stewart visit- ed Mr. Stewart's parental home here last week. I a Etcher went to Toronto last week, business. Mr. Alexander Messer has trio now threshing machines whihe intends to keep working through the season. One is ran by a traton engine whioh arriv- ed Iast week. ft is not a common thing about here. Wm. Robertson, of the boundary eas 1.of the village, cut a held of wheat that yielded 39 bushels to the acre. Rev. W. J. West M. A., and Airs. West visited Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Hall at Belg'rave Iast week, ' Mrs. Wm. Corm.h, of BIitcheli, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Daniel Lewis. 1 obt. L. Stewart is appointed principal of Goderich Model school out of forty- three applications, at a salary of 0,700 a year. Mr. Stewart has a first-class pro- fessional certificate, has had twelve years experience ist teaching, seven years in public school work, and in addition is a fourth year under graduate in arts. Of late he has been attending Queen's University, Kingston. Mr. Stewart has given excellent satisfactiou wherever he has worked. Both as a teacher and as a man he is a credit to any place. Harvest apples this year aree-ers,sntall. Apples that fell on the ground last week rylere actually cooked where they were exposed to the intense heat of the sun. The section men had considerable fighting of fire to do last week in some bush along the railroad. Mrs. Ira Etcher has been a severe suf- ferer of late with boils, Hubbard Miller is meeting with rm.- usual success selling views of famous buildiugs and places. Miss Rogers, who eas visiting her uncle, Rev. D, Rogers, returned to Pickering last week. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. McIntyre, of Toronto, died at the home of itsfa h r n d t e Mr.ST Robert Greenway, on Thursday sof last week. The child bad been ill for several weeps, Mr. McIntyre came up to attend the funeral on Friday. Will Rogers went to Port Sarsfield where he has A. school. . Mr and ltirs. Wtn. Johnston and daughter, of Saginaw, Michigan, are visiting at Messrs Archibald and Walter Patteraon's. Miss Eliza Messer and Miss Bell Bur- gess visited at kr. Sanies Robertson's, Morris, over Sunday. Ernest Mills, of Clinton, visited at Mrs. Snell's over Sunday. Itev. D. Itogers took charge of the quarterly meeting services on the cord• wieh cileatt on Sabbath last. If ever e. thnnderstertn caused tejoio- ing it was that of Inst Saturday, and the cool weather that followed wag NO nano after the teriff3c heat of last wool:. Few fez this looality remember a longer or thole intense period of heat than tflis ;test Trot wave. Considering hots much time a.11d money art spent in getting a good edu- cation, dm salalicgr slid tc'mcttcin are very small. .t'roma at money point of %Sew it ,doesn't pert' at nil, et All. Bttt' 'Len it le a pressure to have the admen ti. n. One can live in tt faller ItenSe. • DYSPEPSIA AI'IID. HEADACHE, An Elderly i,ady.tells ()flier Cure Through the h7so of Dr. Williams' Rink i'illsAt'ter a Score of Other ltetneclles Had flailed. ,Dyspepsia causes more genuine dis- trese than most diseases than afflict man- kind. In this country from one cause or another, its victims aro numbered by the hundreds of thousands, and those afflicted always feel tired, worn oat and miserable, and aro subject to fits of melancholy or ill temper without ap- parent cause. It is obvious that the liunan body, in order to perform its f fnnctious, roust be • Pre perly nourished, and this cannot be do e when the food t is improperly digested. Thoses•() stetter from indigestion should exercise care as todiet, and only easily digested foods should be taken, But more than , this is required -the blood needs atten l td:n'ila order that the stomach may be strengtheued, and the secretion of the gastric . juices properly Barrie 1 p p y c on. There is no other medicine offerocl the public that will act so promptly, and eff- ectively as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Proof of this is given in the case of Mrs. F. X. Doddridge, St. Sauvenr, Que. In conversation with as eporter, Mrs. Dod- dridge staid: -'=For quite a number of years I have been ;:e. terrible sufferer from dyspepsia, accompanied by the sick headaches that almost invariably come with this trouble. 1 suffered from terrible pains in the stomach, bloating • and bieecbtii wind. 'all food seemed to disagree -with me, and as a result of the trouble, Iwas very much ran down, and at times I was unable to do even light housework. 1 alit sure Tilled a some of different medicines, but without success, and. as I anisixty years of age, I had i come to l eiitve that it was hopeless to ' expect atare. A frfthd who had used , Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with good re= sults, urged ane to tref this medicine, • and any husband brought home a centile ' of boxes. Before they. were finished, T felt pinch better, and we then got anoth- er half dozen boxes, and. theseliave cow- plelely restored my be4.lth, and I not only feel better than I have dew) kr years, but actually feel younger;, '1 very cheerfully reconx men d Dr. Will- iams' Pink Pills to similar sufferers. If your dealer does not keels these pills, they will are sent postpaid at 50 cettts a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by ad-, dressing the Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. etOitTCis. Council inet according to adjournment on .August Oth. Members all pi esent; the reeve in the (their, Minutes of last Meeting rend and. confirmed. Moved by Air. Cardiff,seeonded by Mr, Shaw, that John Bell be paid 10 for putting in culvert at lot 2, con, C,. Moved in amendment by Mr. Code, seconded by Mr. Jackson, that Mr. Boll bo paid $0 for said culvert. Atnerldment carried Auaceoulit of arbitrators' costs re for- mation of talion school section No. 12, Morris and Hallett, atnountfilg to $88.60 f,Q WWI presented. /loved by Mr. Code, amended by Mr, ,Tacksoa, that the clerkbo instructed to write IEir. Robb requesting a detailed statement of said costs, es we Consider tilt) bill excessive -Carried. Ola motion of :Messrs, Shaw rind Code, John:Mooney Wes appointed collector for the current year at a salary of 1135. On motion a 1ferlaars. Jackson and Mur t:Le treasurer's half yearly statement as read S'45 ale upteii es satisfactory,. On ,nhution of Meets. ts. Code and Jac'I:son, the r00v0 all(i COWL. slimy wereappoilit• Cry ed ilzspoctt rs re the ti•Ixiss (Iriltla Ott motion of Messrs, Slaw and Jackson•, the reeve and treasurer were instructed to borrow elm) to iia t ctt,'xo:zt t=n;aoti- ees. On motion of Aless.s. Code end Shaw the reeve was instructed to pay the co tra0tol $( Gfor r work performed i el on , • ss drain.trl y, alti Nos. 0 mid 7 were duI, read mei passed. Accounts, were orletext to be ptid ne follows; --- I NVIIl. Maurl(lers, grai'eMinn. on east bona - dry, $13,75; D. talar;nirtrsin, ;,ravel and work., $S1.01,1, P, Kelly, gravel and the emit , eannas a', Tillie'', gravel. slid tvo,1., a21:M1; G:xr,;o Iferial.:'rso:i, use of scraper, 600; Melanie at Son, we; r1.', Russel,. culvert an 1 gravel, M1•1•,d0; 3, i 11eOnuxlle,r, uu(lerbushing and repair-, { Leg culvert, 08.50; A. McCall, uudlal- brushing, 03.25; Ii, Fear.. culvert and gradin;, 4;13; Wm, Taylor, gravelling, „;15.10; Win. Jaobson, building fume, 1$4,60; Jolln Bell, ettiveit, $O ; Joht Mc- Itiunen, er.tvolliagr on west boundary, $58; C. Barber, gra itae on weet boun- dary, $10; R. Wa wick, iaspocting on west boundary, 1 5 ); E. Bosnian. gra- vel and impacting -work, $7.1i1; Jolla Mex..fiuuorl, gravelliaiitt on st.lelhae, 021,- 53; Dalt 4 Stewart, repairing bridge, e'k0,100; James Irwin, printing, $:30; John McKinnon, job on 4th lino, ;22,40; C. McCrae, inrpeotiitug and spreading gravel $7.25;d. P,ioClellaud, lumber and spikes, „ l.20; ..1'. Welsh, gravel on west bcund- nry, .;5.66; C. Pollard, gravelling ou enst boundary, $1A,25.; A. Oakley, gra- velling on east boundary, 028.32; Geo. Pocock, spreading gravel, $1.87; R. Tolinstou, ' repairing culvert, 500; John Potter, drain, GO; .T Gulley, gravel cu west boundary, at,11.07, For gravel ; D. Lauucly, $15.05; F. Keys, $11.90; J. Mooney, 05.05; John Roe, $4.80; T. Healy, 70e; J. Breckenridge, W3.10; W. Skelton, $t.1.4e; G, Kirkby. $3.0:1; W. iihaldiCe, 04; A. Button, 0.0O; H. Bos- man, a3.5); Ai. Watson, 06.10; T. R. Wright, 06.00; A. B. Jatekson,01,o"i; W. titCrate $9; G. Pollard, $10; T. Mattu- ilers, $$2,45; O. McClellan/1, ,2.•t5; E. Irving, t .1a`; 0. Campbell, 02.50;,W. Little, $5; R. Nlaholsou, 05e; R. Me- Marray, 1„12.G6; W; Fraser, x;1.22; A. B. Jackson, lt;4.78; W. •Tarvay, $5.91; E. Bosnian, $3.40; A.:Cloakey, 118.13; Geo Pocock, 00; D. Wailker,•07.70. The council thea; actjourne 1 to meet again on Septembee 17th next. W. . Ci_AZZIZ, Clerk. Cotr;lx5 and colds tivtt other rentc ties seem powerless to relieve aro p•om.ptly cure:. by De. Wood's Norway Pite Syrup. Try it and it will couvitm you of its eflf•.lacy by during you. Price 20o Some of the greaaest fishing grounds of the great lakes are•in the Georgian Bay district. From the cold, deep ani clear waters of Georgian Bay thousaune and thousands of rocky islets rise. Miller's Gtip Powder's Cure: At Colin A. Campbell's. Tliare are 000 hotels also camps its the Adiroudacks receiving guests. They have a combined capacity of 02,000. Philadelphia police carry crates with curved handle3. They are sometimes useful in reachia for escaping lawbrea- kers. ' ±5'.: r'2:d*. -Cr' for for+ 1:N\ lx x ,rte r Ail binds o:! utast atra ia,t lellsiv.a its Australia, es i a:ti tlty imitate, which sells as low as one p sally a potted. Fish costs ever less. At on ti no t las k.tieer called ream Emtnan eel I. I. "Thew an being royal encyclopedia." Unnatural flistors. The Bottle of Hail• Tonle teas in a self congratulatory snood. "Well," It boasted, "I think 1can tell `hair refs,. Ing' ghost stories it' any one can." The coy Peach was very angry as Well as "stirred up" when the house, keeper ladled her Into the preserve jar. "Now, wouldn't that jar you." she ex. claimed, rather slangy. The raise Tooth. spoke with icy hauteur: "I belong to the 'upper set: " „_. i'asslbly,„ retorted tbe bobtailed Bite incisively, "but let it be distinctly un- derstood that 1 myself move in the highest circles.” The cracked Niece of ilstleda antique China spoke frankly: "Of course Inn not what Pin 'cracked tap' to be" - Then her 'femininity asserted itself, and she finished coyly, "But T'fli not nearly as old tis X loot.." The angry Stick of Giant powder stormed at the proud' patrician Tack. "You .rave tt 'big head' because you have olid >a few carpets low." The 'T'tt k Was silent. "I'm enpretue;:'boast- ed the Powder, waxing bold. "No one tart 'hold a tatidle' to me, and every one N afraid to 'brew ale up.'r' "Well," retorted the 'Tack pointedly, at the fame time striking a reatelt, "nobody can walk over a member of tilt Week faintly with llnpunit ". 7J1yoi'C. Vooa's Phoophod,fnor . fihc C✓reet .ThzgUUth .maul Sold and reeonimeuded by all druggist" re Canada. Only relt� able ntedleble clitaovated. astx ,liaolridaa smart/Anted to mire all towns a &MDR water meas all etreete of ebeeti oi" Coxaer sd Mental 1 tai Welly. ��1iy, 'Bxoesstve tide of T ' Watt, Op1ule et Sttlnuiants, Malted on receipt of price. oiie purksse at, si,t, $5, Oat tt'ii,%(wag, vtotofIZoleic. ratitphtats free to any actidre Thr Wood Coutpatiy, Windeor,Ont. CoWood's om e1l,tA. A. Tow .. . Darioo, A miltan,DM114104. _,,... illi. tett ,.. ett t to :.4'22 n1 ,a n 1 11 I t i PI Illnlll I1 II III II II111117111 IIIII I n)III IIf 1 11 111 !I! I 11 1 EXACT COPY 0.1' WRAPPER SEE THAT THE FAO -SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE w PE OF EVERY BOTTLE OF Pastoris is put up in ono -size bottles only: it is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything elso on the plea or promise that it is ii just an good” and "will answer every pnr- poae. i .5 3ce that you got O -A -R -'S -O -B -I -A. The he - denature of EtEellENEalligiEngi F% 17cs troy 'tapper. ,",,' ete t"ta.att't .'. .nG'eaW eet .eta'.',itj4nitaantette?tes WEAK NERVOUS DISEASEB£PEEN 250,000 CURED IN 20 YE .7. ;O. C UREs GUARANTEED OR NO PAle 1000 Hi au Fo CANNOT URE OF SELF-ABUSE, LfuISSIONS, VARICO- CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT- URE MEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, /1ViPOT3iN- C14 NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAT- URAL DISCHARGES, BTC. Tile New Method Treatment 9s the t W:37C:ria:-cx. FOR iUR)l\lU THESE DISEASE'S r t]r ac t r,o, ;:g and middle aged men aro annually etvept to a prernaturo 11.r„ •:a 1 .% U.Y f•vtrtscaL't•wwNs, EXCESSES, AND t1L000 DISEASES. If 01 Sou :.1111,,, :t;.y 01 tl)0 fettering symptoms consult us before itis too tato, Are ;mutter. }vote ..ne un,; , (:ospo::dont and gloomy, specks before the eyes 'With dark Circles under thorn, 1,•,,'z hte2„k1r:;,oya L:rititble, palpitation of tiro heart, bashful, dreams and loss.:,', ti i1rrn;;t'in; urine, pimples on the face, oyes sunken, hollow cheeks, carewornexrra3•tin,t, e.t rtn niv lifnirns, distrustful, Iaci: energy and strength, tired Lnern- arty.,, rm:r't's- r t 'tts, cat -nge:Ode moods, tweak manhood, stunted organs and prorna- (1,:•u i;a,,:a,, 11111. 1 (1110,11.4;r loose, sore throat oto, «' '1 HAVE vEM!NAL. W,i::"AKa°i! EsSS vinvilon TL•ca4.TMENT alon0 can 1q r .•- c ,a , ,dr.,i rt man n. yea. Under its tuau- p T , •e tl '11 iti.. 1 - .rad ills artivn, thn blood purlaod PW O t:, s' ' totcb• v, and ulcera disappear; 1r :, t •i 1, .., ii( as stool, ao that nervous- .• ' n: , r j dc'.•1 de:.l'nn.lenc•v dinappear; f r,, r, tiny ftwo full sad clear, ••. n. y r:.:•, antis , Immoral, physical : ='c • . • • ,t t , invigorated; a,1 drains s'.::.ta mire ilia sysattnn. Tho . b i- i atu: al and manly. You ul al:. Dhow marriage cannnt "be • i •'• . , • , , t( t;a.l th • r hi:oto•i to. consult us a lips 1,r rium,rn. D'n'tietguacks t ,d Ot your 1,,..'d earned (collars. • •..•” lu tan Mnstprevalent and 'Dentserious 1IHa,,s tho very Ills blood of the t I ,i nn r rrlr,.ivtin Tdeat0d from thosys- • •;t thefr ,<iafs,�. Beware Of Mercury, OEnEDIT5nr BLOOD DISEASE. . w sses t1,0 symptoms -our NOW METHOD positively cures it for over, r(I Olt stIODLE.-ADE) MAN -You've loo a gay lite, or indulged in the follies d .:ir-ebuso or Iater excesses have broken down your system. You feel too ••nut• n,ca.,,ni+%"over you. Mentally, physically and sexually you are not the man a need to he ur should be. Lustful practices reap rich harvests. Will you heed the a i •r <ig'i yrs. c '' Arty yon a victim? have you lost hope? Aro you contemplating marriage? Nits,f li lIasyour blood boon diseased? Have you any weakness? our NetvMethod L 1 eetrn(:nt will euro you. what it has done for others it will do for you. Consuitutiors r i a er•i. 14o matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Tree of charge. t.hergcs reasonable. hooks Pree.-'•Tho Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of ;)ton. inclose postage, 2 eonts. Healed. Book On "Diseases o1 Women" Froe, ANO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicine sent C.O.D. Pio names on bo••4s or envelopes. Everything confident*. Question list end cost 01 Treat- ment. FREE.• RRSg KENNEDY 86 KERWAH, NtQPTRO t, MIC HT. Greatest Disooveryy e the Age MONEY To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. ,Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. is the oldest, simplest, safest and best remedy for the relief and cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Coln, Cholera::, Cholera Mor`,ous, Cholera lrifalstun1, Sunnite t, Com- plaint, Canker of tho Health op stomach, 411d'I tlux.es of the bowels of infant-2cur ttcitilt:'. RCfttnit ittlilr:1 ctrri;. niAny i f L"t't:;cli and lai;;itlq "Canada for the Canadians." ,.-•-illi-» READ THE CANADIAN HOME JOUHNA A monthly niagtrzine full of inter- esting rending clatter and useful in- formation for CANADIAN 'VII OMEN AND CANADIAN P °MRS Subscription prise One Dollar per Annum. OR you can receive it with this paper for one year at the sante preisepUbb)yishAr sendiof ng ytheour TIorMEdersS tn, th Wfngham, lIP Send 10 cetyls for wimple copy `ou will lilte it. Address,' Canadian Rome Journal Co., (ufartee) T0RONI'0, ONT TEE I1LT HOL8TENDAY 4 ptire and cold and 'Prtnr.h' CENT'S A Q1/,L B'I'. yQ•.i., a.. i,'t.. ..r• r5• • getablePreparat oitforAs- similating theTootl antlRegtlla- ting the. Stomachs ancl)3owels of 1f'1,n( ,v`„ti iiii, ' '>f+1V X;s neither Hineral.. Promotes'Digestion,Cheerful- 'tees$ andllest.contains Q tua1,Morp11ine %tor ta'T MARC OTIC. _—.-,--'—•- illi_.:, -,..a.. .72eci:PecPfh(Z' .7.8'•.>i1T( Fil /t .rwzi.lai: Seed-. At:S•enate • Angger& Sci'k- ,Anure Beed + i•'rnk(gtrcmjlr:,•on Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour to act, Dalrrtoea , Wcrs,Convulsiais,'everish [less and Loses OF SLEEP Tac imiiileSignature o2 C// IN .W Yj, OP I . EXACT COPY 0.1' WRAPPER SEE THAT THE FAO -SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE w PE OF EVERY BOTTLE OF Pastoris is put up in ono -size bottles only: it is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything elso on the plea or promise that it is ii just an good” and "will answer every pnr- poae. i .5 3ce that you got O -A -R -'S -O -B -I -A. The he - denature of EtEellENEalligiEngi F% 17cs troy 'tapper. ,",,' ete t"ta.att't .'. .nG'eaW eet .eta'.',itj4nitaantette?tes WEAK NERVOUS DISEASEB£PEEN 250,000 CURED IN 20 YE .7. ;O. C UREs GUARANTEED OR NO PAle 1000 Hi au Fo CANNOT URE OF SELF-ABUSE, LfuISSIONS, VARICO- CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT- URE MEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, /1ViPOT3iN- C14 NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAT- URAL DISCHARGES, BTC. Tile New Method Treatment 9s the t W:37C:ria:-cx. FOR iUR)l\lU THESE DISEASE'S r t]r ac t r,o, ;:g and middle aged men aro annually etvept to a prernaturo 11.r„ •:a 1 .% U.Y f•vtrtscaL't•wwNs, EXCESSES, AND t1L000 DISEASES. If 01 Sou :.1111,,, :t;.y 01 tl)0 fettering symptoms consult us before itis too tato, Are ;mutter. }vote ..ne un,; , (:ospo::dont and gloomy, specks before the eyes 'With dark Circles under thorn, 1,•,,'z hte2„k1r:;,oya L:rititble, palpitation of tiro heart, bashful, dreams and loss.:,', ti i1rrn;;t'in; urine, pimples on the face, oyes sunken, hollow cheeks, carewornexrra3•tin,t, e.t rtn niv lifnirns, distrustful, Iaci: energy and strength, tired Lnern- arty.,, rm:r't's- r t 'tts, cat -nge:Ode moods, tweak manhood, stunted organs and prorna- (1,:•u i;a,,:a,, 11111. 1 (1110,11.4;r loose, sore throat oto, «' '1 HAVE vEM!NAL. W,i::"AKa°i! EsSS vinvilon TL•ca4.TMENT alon0 can 1q r .•- c ,a , ,dr.,i rt man n. yea. Under its tuau- p T , •e tl '11 iti.. 1 - .rad ills artivn, thn blood purlaod PW O t:, s' ' totcb• v, and ulcera disappear; 1r :, t •i 1, .., ii( as stool, ao that nervous- .• ' n: , r j dc'.•1 de:.l'nn.lenc•v dinappear; f r,, r, tiny ftwo full sad clear, ••. n. y r:.:•, antis , Immoral, physical : ='c • . • • ,t t , invigorated; a,1 drains s'.::.ta mire ilia sysattnn. Tho . b i- i atu: al and manly. You ul al:. Dhow marriage cannnt "be • i •'• . , • , , t( t;a.l th • r hi:oto•i to. consult us a lips 1,r rium,rn. D'n'tietguacks t ,d Ot your 1,,..'d earned (collars. • •..•” lu tan Mnstprevalent and 'Dentserious 1IHa,,s tho very Ills blood of the t I ,i nn r rrlr,.ivtin Tdeat0d from thosys- • •;t thefr ,<iafs,�. Beware Of Mercury, OEnEDIT5nr BLOOD DISEASE. . w sses t1,0 symptoms -our NOW METHOD positively cures it for over, r(I Olt stIODLE.-ADE) MAN -You've loo a gay lite, or indulged in the follies d .:ir-ebuso or Iater excesses have broken down your system. You feel too ••nut• n,ca.,,ni+%"over you. Mentally, physically and sexually you are not the man a need to he ur should be. Lustful practices reap rich harvests. Will you heed the a i •r <ig'i yrs. c '' Arty yon a victim? have you lost hope? Aro you contemplating marriage? Nits,f li lIasyour blood boon diseased? Have you any weakness? our NetvMethod L 1 eetrn(:nt will euro you. what it has done for others it will do for you. Consuitutiors r i a er•i. 14o matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Tree of charge. t.hergcs reasonable. hooks Pree.-'•Tho Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of ;)ton. inclose postage, 2 eonts. Healed. Book On "Diseases o1 Women" Froe, ANO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicine sent C.O.D. Pio names on bo••4s or envelopes. Everything confident*. Question list end cost 01 Treat- ment. FREE.• RRSg KENNEDY 86 KERWAH, NtQPTRO t, MIC HT. Greatest Disooveryy e the Age MONEY To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. ,Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. is the oldest, simplest, safest and best remedy for the relief and cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Coln, Cholera::, Cholera Mor`,ous, Cholera lrifalstun1, Sunnite t, Com- plaint, Canker of tho Health op stomach, 411d'I tlux.es of the bowels of infant-2cur ttcitilt:'. RCfttnit ittlilr:1 ctrri;. niAny i f L"t't:;cli and lai;;itlq "Canada for the Canadians." ,.-•-illi-» READ THE CANADIAN HOME JOUHNA A monthly niagtrzine full of inter- esting rending clatter and useful in- formation for CANADIAN 'VII OMEN AND CANADIAN P °MRS Subscription prise One Dollar per Annum. OR you can receive it with this paper for one year at the sante preisepUbb)yishAr sendiof ng ytheour TIorMEdersS tn, th Wfngham, lIP Send 10 cetyls for wimple copy `ou will lilte it. Address,' Canadian Rome Journal Co., (ufartee) T0RONI'0, ONT TEE I1LT HOL8TENDAY 4 ptire and cold and 'Prtnr.h' CENT'S A Q1/,L B'I'.