HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-24, Page 1VOL, XXVIIL--NO, 1470.
Business is booming so much with. us
in Tailoring that it is hardly worth out
while to advertise this branch of our
business, but still we want to remind all
our friends that we shall be glad to see
them, and we might mention that we
.are selling off the balance of our Sum-
mer Suitings at a great reduction. In
at is needless to say we lead the Trade'.
Our customers have been more than sat-
isfied during the past season; the cense-
ueuce is,.we have had a largo increase
n our sales; we anticipate a very large
•business. for Fall, and consequently
• :leave: bought heavily, and in order to
make room for these uew Goods we are
:selling the balance of our Spring Stock
at a large reduction from regular prices
--don't fail to secure some of these bar-
aius. Boys' and Youths' sizes in
,.....Boots on Saturday at, COST. We have
exist 'sorted up our stock of
In these we have the very latest—if
you avant to be up-to-date in Neckwear
and Headweas, you must conxe to us.
'We have still a few
left; we are selling them at 50 per cent.
on cost—it will pay you to buy any-
thing we have, even if you. don't need
it just uoiv. The rest of our Groceries
at cost and below. We have not much
left, but what we have you can have at
your own price.
iomuth & Sons
Marriage Licenses
'Issued by raLivx. PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria
-street. 'Wittaham, Ont. No witnesses required.
ii? 'ui i? 1L.- ai
Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th.
�r eclucationfor•profitable, progressive nncl: ,r,
Jt permanent employment is given in tate
Central Bu iness Callege Ci
Stratford, OnM.a, NT
No less than eight large intsitxess col- a=
leges have applied to us within the last (ii
six weeks for our graduates to take Posi 1'
tions as teachers in their -schools. As
J many as five business firsts have applq cl t
rJto us in one 9sy for office help. 7T1.
surely the best school for you to attend. le
x Write for our beautiful Catalogue. V.
• W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, re;
25 Cts
pays for the TIMES nt9 till
January ist, 1cO01,
pays for the TI11tEs and To-
ronto Daily Star till .'an.
1st, i90t. All who sub-,
scribe for the Star get a
hatalsotne picture of the
Queen and Prince of
Leave year orders early
at the Trans office.
t -a
need to keep a fire all
day when you can buy
Corned Beef
Cambridge Sausage
English Brawn
Stewed Kidney.s
Boned Duck
cc Turkey
cc .Ohickeli.
Ox -'.Tail Soup
Pock Turtle Soup
Mulligatawny "
already cooked and
ready for the table at
(The China House) •
Opp. Barb of Hamilton
D. Stewart—Local.
Dr. Oiiishohu—.Local.
0. J. Reading—Locals.
J. B. Ferguson—Notice.
J. Currie—Auction Sale.
0:N. Griffin—Flower Pbts.
W. 3. Greer—Solid Footing.
N. Chenoweth—A Man Wanted.
R. A. Douglass—A Stitch in Time.
D, McLachlan & 0o—Go to The Best.
D. M. Gordon—Autumn Dress Goods,
R. G. Gordon—Great Reduction Sale.
John Kerr—The People's Popular Store.
D. Showers & Son—Steam Pump Works,
Abner Oosens—Easy Lessons in Life Assur-
ance. -
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first
Friday of each month from 11.80 a.
ar, nose and
m. till. 8 o'clock p. m., for
in diseases of the eye,
Ix NEW QUARTE ohus' restaur-
ant has been op • ed in the store
opposite the post , -, co. Mr. Johns'
now has a capital s'' ud for his business
and should succeed He is putting in a
new stock and ' i as the patronage +f
the public. Ie •ill have an adv : in
our next issu .
LOST.—On Au; . 13th etweeu
Elliott's brickyard and Dr 'sheltie's
office, a black oildotlx c,, . Finder
please leave at Dr. hisholm's office.
FOR THE WEST. The G. T. R. and
C. P. R. run chea excursions to Mani-
toba and the We t on Saturday last.
The following p.rsons left Wingham
per 0. P. R. :—Mi Jessie McLaren, E.
P. Paulin and G. Awde to Dauphin,
Man; Mr. and Mr John Linklater to
Deloraine, Mau., , ' d Thos. irehouse
to Brandon, Man.
work on the new se sol house at Lang -
side, on Thursday f last week, Wm.
Nicholson, of town, mot with quite a
severe accident. He was working on a
scaffold, which gave vay and he fell to
the ground, falling o the narrow side
of a brick., Mr. Nic Olson was brought
home. and was co .fined to bed for
several days. Luc . 'ly no bones were
broken, but it w s he • has suffered
much pain. He .e. r •cts to be around
again in a fe clays.
pleased to welcome
family of Brussels as
ham. The Brussels
him:—"Mr. Vanston
the Davies firm, of T
and ship hogs for t
including the North
the Province and on
facilities at Wingha
residence. Mr. V
little boy when. the f
and the passing ye
engaged in variou
chiefly grain and pro
the Council Board fo
a, member of the Se
present time, this bei
Mrs. Vanstom and
missed in St. John's c
school in which ,tit
prominent part, M
a church rvardeit,
them from town
The Trews is
. F. Vanstone and
itizens of Wing -
oat thus refers to
has engaged with
ronto, to purchase
em, his territory
esterly section of
ccttunt of railway
will change his
nstone was only a
rally located here
rs havo seen him
enterprises but
nee. Ile sat at
6 or 7 years, and is
0o1 Board at the
g his third year,
atighters will be
arch and Sunday
y havo token a
anstorio was also
Ile sorry' to lose
0, are pleased that
See John Kerr's advertisement.
ALTIm %TIONS. — C "pesters, masons
and painters aro busy malting extensive
alterations in Rey Mr. Burwaslr's
block, Tho shop 'll be fixed up in
good shape and will be ready for Mr.
Lard, who expects to be ready for busi-
ness in a few weeks.
Max PI :.va CITE: ER PAPER.—E. B.
Eddy has aurxounco that he, will have
paper on the markt by November 1st.
We understand th t Mr. Eddy has an-
nounced hitxiaelf s being out of the
paper combine, ar d if such is the case
he may be the m ars of smashing the
combine. We h e he is out of the
eombiue and that o may a . to bo able
to secure paper ata reaso able priee.
Go to C. J. Reedit for ail kinds of
Pumps.—P;dtou's o1 Maud.
Dream or Iite, M. HAZELwoOD.—Ira
M. (Hazelwood, of le firm of Hazel-
wood Bros, griller: eto., of Clifford,
clieci ou Sunday ast. Mr. Hazel-
wood had been onl i11 from Wedn.esclay
from pertiouitis. a young man was
in his 29th year and ad only been mate
ried a little over a -ear. The funeral;
which was au unus lly large one, took
place Tuesday after oon at Clifford at
3 o'clock. The deco sod young man was
an Odclfellow and th funeral was con-
ducted under the au lees of that Order.
GRANOLITHIC WA .S.—Messrs. Chas,
Barber aixd Jas. Br ek are laying apri-
rate granolithic wal s at the school, at
Geo. Mason's corse and into the resi-
dence recently pur hasecl by R. Van -
stone. Both these •entlemen have had
considerable experie ice in this business
and should know h w to do a first-class
job. All of the will laid by Mr. Barber
last year appears to e in goodconciition,
except the piece no th of the G. T. R.,
and we believe the rost of last fall had
a great Ileal to d with sppiiing that
Do yon want a new
one repaired; go to
Pumps of all. kinds on
and prize lists, adv
fall fair have been
dates of the fair thi
and Friday, Sept. 2
fair this year prom' :es to be ahead of
e special attractions
races: '2.30 trot or
a 2.50 trot or pace.
some of the best
t will be hero and
eniy contested. The
t Swart's hotel te-
at 6 o'clock p. m,
and snake other
he show. Parties
ts eau get them from
Secretary, at John.
the nears office.
.—A beautiful up -
y walnut case, 744
. A bargain. Sold
Apply to P.O. box
they will bo located .o near enabling
freettont meetings in tl e time to come.
The Post wishes the every success.
The Winghanr people will find them
most desirable resident.. Mr. Ironstone
expe0ts to sell his resid a te0 in l rassels."
MONEY 'roLoAN. -1 ,troy to loan on
notes, and motes discounted at reasoxx-
ablo rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes nue aeeoants
collected. OMco---Beaver Block, Wing -
ham, lost. MoTNDnrr.
u p, or your old
J. Reading's.
and or made to
Fant,—Large bills
rtising Wingham's
xstributod. The
ear are'°Thursclay
h and 28th. The
previous years. T
will include horse
pace, free for all a
It is expected th
horses in the distr
each race will be k
directors will meet
morrow (Saturday
to appoint judge
arrangements for
who desire prize 1i
Wm. Robertson,
Wilson's office. or
right piano, fan
oetive, slightly use
for cash or on tim
68, Blyth.
Elliott, cousin of tl
and at one time
paper, has severed
the Empire, publisl
and has purchased t
published at Thes
Advocate is a neat
Using columns are
the merchants of th
should meet with
home .... The He
Zurich, is the latest
ism in Huron court
paper can be made
size of Zrrich....Os
cost of paper, the J ondon papers have
ption price of their
staff of the Kin-
enjoying their boll -
The TIMES is very
M. Y. McLean, of
sitor,is feu from
lth. We hope he
attend to his duties.
nateann.--Since our
er of changes have
re ownership of real
r. T. L. Jobb has
se on Jolla street to
f Brume's, who will
he near futtire. Cline.
1 his house and rots on
James 3Xorrison, of
Smith has sold tl e
nging to 0. Matt, of
13. I'erguson gets th
otter of, Patrick and
s1l00 and W. Gray
two lots on Prances
Pearon has sold his`
sPAPERS. — J. H.
editor of the TIDIES
onnected with this
xis conuoctiou with
cl at Morden, Man.,
e Algoma Advocate,
:a1on, Out. Tho
heet arid its adver-
well patronized by
town. Mr. Elliott
access in his new
Id, published at
enture in journal-
We question if a
y in a village the
ing to theincreased
increased the sabscr
daily editions .... T
oardine Reporter at
days thisweek...
sorry to learn that
the Seaforth Exp
enjoying good he
miry soon be able t
last issue a nu
been treacle in
estate in Winglra
sold his stone hot
Wm. Vartstone,
move to town in.
Goodman has sol
.Alfred street
Langside. A.
two houses bel
Manitoba. J.
property on the
Shnter streets at
gots the house ane
street at $550.
house and lot on Catherine street to
Good dwelling'
haul to bo found
o past two or throe
Iuildings available
eon inadequate to
ose who desire to
s andhealtnl toren.
few thousand tlol-
s in this town, W0
od percentage,
To TIIP ExinenTIo .--James Elliott
left on "Wednesday m ruing for Torouto,
taking with hint to of hiss brick
machines which he i tencylto b on
exhibition at the fel
Get your wells cleane 1; c lit wait for
the Health Inspector t, e you, or till a
fever gets into your nuly. . C. .1.
Reading cleans and dies wells.
about 6 o'clock fir
Livingston's sawm
was completely des
the handle and boo
light phut, and
and handles.
despatoh from Mor
18th, no doubt refe
former young W'
Brisbois, a lineman.
Co. received a shoel
a polo this morning
and was hurled to t
His injuries were
a few initiates.
of the department
illations of midsu
in Saturday's dai
successful candid
see the names
pupils of the Wit
James McKinlay
Aunie Ritcnie,
Robt Weir at
Beckett, Lizzie
Welsh at Gocler
Mrs. J. W. Walke
houses for rental ar
ill Winghtttu. I'or t
years the neither of
aq residences have
meet the wants of t
live in this prosper°
The investment of
lays hi neat redden
f. l stare, woad
two runaways
David Moffatt,
having a scree
his buggy at
Tho horse too
street in 'a gre
hotel sheds the
with a post an
out. Mr. Moff
about the hear
Swarts' otel
secured. e
was supposed
hours ho and 3
odnesday moritiug
was discovered in
1 at Blytlr, which
oyed,together with
factory and electric
clnt5yttity of 'hoops
The following
real, dated August
to the death of a
giramito :—Adelaird
f the Royal Elec.
while working on
rear the City Hall,
e pavement below.
bad that he died iu
meats.—The results
matriculation exam -
mer, 1000 appeared
papers. Among the
tes we are pleased to
f the following ex-
gham public school:—
who wrote at Loudon;
who wrote at Galt;
Clinton; and Nellie
Van ane and Cassie
Ys.-Wingltamites saw
on Tuesday afternoon.
sr, of Turnberry, was
door tied on the back of
'egg's hardware store.
fright and ran' down
t hurry. At Swarts'
Read Jobn Kerr's advertisorra,eut.
Juuan's Cour
hold a Court of
Wednesday, Sep
118 appeals to h.
moved from the
T. --Judge Masson will
evision in Winghanr on
ember Stix. There are
VO names added or ro-
oters' list. dl
W, A. Durr 1LD DEAD. Wm. A.
Duffield, preside t• of the City Gas Co.,
died at London ,rr .Monday from a se-
vero attack 0f ty hold fever. Deceased
was the youn ges' sou ot the late Wm.
Duffield, London and• phew of Jaynes
Dlxciiild, \Vin,^,h ixn e was born in
London 38 yearago and had resided
there all his li e and was elected
president of the (:;as Co. after his
father's death.. I . was unmarried and
made his home 1 ith his mother. He
left au estate vain 1 at over *.50,000.
SOMETHING Nina —A game of foot-
ball by electric lig ' will be something
new for most Wille haites, Winghanr
and Brussels team S' 11 play a game on
the park here by electric . light this
(Friday) evening, ' ho baud will have a
promenade concert • the park the same
evening and all fun - will go in aid of
the band. During t o past two weeks a
new bass drum and a baritone horn have
been purchased. Thboys are in need
of more uew instrum nts and this enter-
tainment is being hel iu view of rais-
iug the necessary ft nets, Wingham
can now boast of ha . . g a good band.
New players are co . ' g to town and the
band will keep on in proving. Attend
the promenade co cert and football
game in the park thi (Friday) evening.
The admission is oul 10 cents,
WANTED—At once, 100 Tubs Butter.
Cash or trade. G. E. KING.
See that window of :e1:25, 0.00 shirts.
Your choice for 75c. G. E. KING.
Tnn Eae.Mi\ATI, -s. — In another
the result of the
hool Leaving ex -
•e pleased to note
tion of the pupils
passed, though
iuted caudiclates.
is of the school
passed. Prin
successful cancli-
tulated ou the
eir efforts. One
ally distinguish -
to Allan Hobbs,
in Huron couuty
required 75 per
n the Senior class
ud take up work
ed; so may the
ts The work for
will be taken up,
o do so, may con-
n the Winghanr
uggy came in contact , column will be foun
Mr. Moffatt was thrown
tt was pretty badly cut
and was carried into
Junior and Public
aminations. We
that a very fair propo
when medical eicl was of Wingham schoo
s not so badly hurt as i there are a few disap
aucl after a couple of
!In all, twenty-two pn
s. Mofatt wore able to wrote, of whom fiftee
drive home. Wm. Armour's team cipal Musgrove and th
made things lively for a little while. , dates may be congr
They ran front the C. P. R. freight shed success that attended t
to their own stable. The only damage pupil of aur school espe
douo was a broken wagon tongue. Ied himself; we refer
Two who was the only pupi
who took Honors; thi
cent. of total. Those
S.—An enthusiastic
who failed may go ou
with those who pas,
Juniors in some snbje
Part II Junior Leavin
so that all who desire
tinue their studies
young ladies to
wanted at once.
learn tailoring.
convection of the
Ontario Was held at
10th. A large nu
Liberals of Weste
attendance. Dr.
A. Cline of town
Au - association t
Western Ontario
Was formed, with
Minister of Justice
Ross, Premier of
Presidents; Dr.
Winghanr, Presi
M. P., Napier, le
F. F. Pardee, M.
McPherson, • Stra
Reid of London a
mittee. Stirrin
delivered by Hon.
all testifying to t
of the party in D
Right Hon. Sir
the Hon. Geo. W
arena. Everythi
iug conclusion t rat, come when they
tions will result in an
representation f
this strong Liber, section.
berals of Western
ondon on August
er of the prominent
n Ontario were in
Iacc'onald and Jas.
veru in attendance.
be known as the
Liberal Association,
Hon. David Mills,
and Hon. Geo. W.
ntario, as Honorary
facdonald, M. P.,
nt; W. • S. Calvert,
:etary, and Messrs.
. 1'., Sarnia, G. G.
•orci, and Geo. M.
an Executive Com-
, addresses were
Mr. Mills and others,
o excellent leadership
minion affairs by ,the
ilfrid Laurier and of
Ross in the Provincial
g points to the aasur-
may, the next el
increased Liber
Fon SALE.—D. Stewart offe
ata bargain, 25 acres o f h'
south of Victoria s
road. Property is ni
good orchard and two overflowing
springs. Also 32 acres north of railway
track; 6 acres bush and balance • seeded
for sale
arm, lying
e:. to Bluevale
situated; has a
So"d' p?
If so, you should see our stock,
which is composed of some of
the most elegant goods in this
line evt:r offered.
We can suit anytaste, at
any price from roc per box of
three cakes, to zsc per cake.
We have a few odd lines
which We are clearing out at
b Irgain prices. See them
GooD RACE HORS S.—J. E. Swarts
was in Salamanca, . Y. last week,
accompanied by Rob . Beattie, attend-
ing the horse races. Mr. Swarts bad
both his horses in the races. Walter IL
went in the 2.21 raca on Thursday and
won 1st money in a ' eld of five starters.
Tho race had five he ts, Walter K. win-
ning the first treat, s cond place iu tele
two next heats and 1:t in the two last
heats. His best tim was 2.19. The
Salamanca Republi, an in speaking of
this race says :—"T , e 2.24 pace was the
event of the day. The fight was be-
tween Walter K. an 1 Dakota Dan. The
former is ti. Caua au horse, and the
owner of Dakota +aa filed a protest
against him, as bei g ineligible to the
2.24 class. The • vuer of Walter K.
flIecl air answer 'an j the next heat was
started. The betti g increased and the
race was obstinate' • contested. In. the
second heat walnut went under the wire
nearly neck to reel• with the two other
horses, and the spe' tators were not sure
of the warner. Ph
to Dakota Dan.
easily won by the
cause in second in
heats." Harold H. went in the 2.20
pace on Friday an 1 won let stoney in
three heats. The est time in this race
was 2.17X. The Buffalo Bxpress thus
speaks of this sac ::—"Tho race of the
day was the 2.20 pace, The money
poured into the p . of books. • The crack
Canadian pacer, :: arold R., owned by
John E. Swarts, e Wingham, was cut
loose and won it1 ; traight heats. The
second favorite, Rosebud, owned by
John B. Du Bois, •f Du this, Po., at:d
driven by Booker ' ilson, was clistoneed
in the second 1 o 1, but :atom x Is
worked a mile til, a in justHarold.
IL, the winner, 0 tt step close to 2.10 at
present. Ito is great pacer." 't': e
Buffalo Courier i r speaking of Ililrold
II,'s race says: ---0 Our Canadian friends
cut tt huge water elon at Salamaute the
past week, by inning the 2.20 pace
with Xttirold II„ sort of headmaster,
out of a Itooke stare. There was it
largo field of sta ern and the owner of
nearly every Doc r was backing his horse
judge gave the heat
The next heat was
atter horse, bat he WinghaM'S Popular Shoe Store.
tho two succeeding
Penny wise and pound
foolish. A penny saved is at•
penny earned.
All old saying but never
truer than they are today of
the botisehoid that is not poi.
sensed of some quid; hum
remedy for summer complaint,
eho'era tnorbis• and kindred
troubles that kill before you
can get a doctor to the scene.
We have all the best. It will
save you money to have one ot
theta in the
G. N. W. Moo.
We are showing very special attrac-
tions in. new Autumn Dress Goods •
fine All -Wools, Silk aucl woo.
Camel -hair mixtures. The patter
colorings are really beaa "ful
very large display of Ladi
Silk aud Wool, Silk Fleece, Fine wool
Fleece and full Bleached Cotton. Fleece.
The cold change will soon come. How
comfortable it 'will be then to be well
supplied with Gordon's fine and. cheap,
It will give us pleasure to show the
above uew attractions.
The Direct Importer.
Among the crac
an Ohio burner;
John E. Du Bois,
Gold, driven by
town, 0.; Eska,
Letups, and Harolt
Mr. John E. Swarts,
Proctor, a Canadian
All told there were
of the race is very
sailed away from th
heat like a. scared
with Ow combih
great nations at I
stooped racing
straight heatS to h
over so quickly th
mg brigade couldn
ed. The surprise
gapped at that Cal
fell in a Saltananc•
diau friends hired
the silver and um
Wellsville, N. Y.
ing. The horses
Thursday and Fr
entered, in Hare
are 150 horses en
meeting at Well
were Walter 'Wilkes,
Rosebud, owned by
Maun, of Youngs -
tweet daughter of
., the pacing sen -
Ont., owned by
and driven by Mr.
Aar iu the. sulky_
m starters and ex-
, tido. The story
ort, Harald H.
buneh in the first
hinaman of Pekin
forces of all tha
s heels, and never
til he had three:
t the combited pee-.
t tell how it hapPen-
talent stood. still aucl
tok fellow, and then
swoon? Our Cana -
wagon. to cart away
r so much as winked."
1 Beattie left for
on Wednesday morn-
vill go at that play° ort
day of this week. In
there are 21 horses
H.'s 17 horses. There
red. for the four days
—The Trines and Daily Toronto Star
to the 1st of next January' for the small
sum of 70c advauce. A portrait of
the Queen aud Prin.ce of WaIes goes
along with this offer free.
The old saying
"That which peop
troubles them."
the conclusion t
much troubled if
they have been p
our quotations.
"on to" the secre
st be a true saying:
don't know never
We have arrived at
at people would be
ey knew the prices
ying by not getting
at people aro getting
fast. WALKER. &
to, the boys, and the girle, too, in our
large stock of
Mach bettor goods than you would
expect to iind at these prices. Bray
pair itutao of good. solid leather.
Speoirti value this month in Boys' asr
Girls' Shoes.