HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-10, Page 8CINDOO AUGUST We have arranged so pleas- ing a selection of bargains for this month that we think no COniillents are necessary. Make your arrangements to do your shopping where )ou get everything good and up- to-date at reduced prices. Prints AND Muslins 25 pieces pretty patterns of Crum's best English Prints,` regular price 121:2 c, -August prices 1OC. New American Blue .Mus fins, very new and pretty, reg. 25c and'soc, reduced to clear at 15C, SHIRT WAISTS 25 New Shirt Waists, just opened, all good shades, for sac, 75c and $i.00. Cool, Thin, Gloves and Hosiery. 150 Samples of these fine goods at regular wholesale prices NEW GOODS . Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Ready-made Clothing, Corsets and Kid Gloves at • sora ...w.,... OHO% = ....L..,, ON THE S• Xtate struck by Council Monday Night.— Wm. Guest, Appointed Caretaker of Cemetery.—Other Business. The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening. Mayor Clegg in the chair. Members absent, Councillors Holmes and Beattie. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Thos. Irwin's resignation as caretaker of the cemetery was read. Chisholm—Newton.—That the resig- nation of Thos. Irwin, as caretaker of the Wingham cemetery be accepted.— Carried. Applications for the vacant position were read from Wm, Guest and James Deyell. Chisholm- Bell—What Wm. Guest be appointed caretaker of the Wingham cemetery on the same terms and condi- tions as Thos. Irwin. ---Carried. FINANCE REPORT The following accounts were recent - mended for payment by the Finance Committer— Bell Telephone Co, rent of 'phone .$ 7 50 F. S. Flanagan, half year's use of house for alarm 5 00 Button & Pessaut, pumping water 36 00 Thos. Irvin, salary. .. 12 50 H. B. Elliott, printing and adver- tising . 8 40 Electric Light Co., lights, Jttly .. 35 17 A. Hod, labor, streets6 00 G. N. W. Tel. Co., telegram, 27 Hart & Riddell, supplies = 2 16 f Beattie tiros, freight and cartage. 7 07 Jas. Brock, labor, streets, ... , .... 6 Q0 Geo. McKenzie, cedar posts..,... 1 16 W. O. Stuart, assisting measuring sidewalks . 1 75 P. Patterson, inspecting sidewalks 41 27 T. Hall, printing and advertising, 3 00 ir. Vain ormnan, salary , 42 00 Juo. Clegg & Co, supplies.... 7 07 R. Tennant, local improvement2 48 Victoria Hospital for Ed. Sherman 47 80 Zi18. DMDiannae, teaming 6 60 Your committee would also ream- h mend that the ratty of titrationfor the present year be 20 mills on the dollar. S .T IL C/Astley ',, Chairman. Cfr1/411 tl.u---Bp4l-That the rrport of the Nuance Cotninntee as read be 1 adopted. ---Carried. An account of $15 from the Town Baud ft.r three open air eoucerts was read and on nLotir,tt of Councillors Newton and Me enzie the amount was ordered to be paid. ByIawv No, 417, fixing the rate of taxation for the present year at 20 millson the dollar was put through the varus stages andpassed,By-law No. 418, to borrows $1000 to retlt current expenses was recd three ms and pissed, bra Mayor brought up the mutter of rent of Ed. Shermen,'s house, .All the Councillors thought Council hzltl done pretty well in this caro and were all of the opinion that both Mr. Sheerman find his soother would be better cared for, at the Mouse of Refuge than they razz be in Wingham. The landlord of their dwelling could not be expected to lase his rent money. The matter was left in the hands of the Executive Committee with, power to net, ori motion of Bell and Chisholm. Bent--Chzshohn That the balaneo of the school levy be paid over as the saute may be required.—carried, DCe n2ze-t ewto - h atroPublic Works Committee be ti' tir to flare the wank on east nide ofjoselzhiuestreet, ! north. of G.. T. R. track repaired as per Engineer's award, as Mr, Barber has not comuplied with the written notice from this council. -*Carried, Council then aclaotuuo:t, PERSONALS, ! We shall'be glad to have rontribations to 1 this column frozn any of our readers. ie ymt have visitors or pmrpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us e auto to that. 1 effect. Miss Bell was visiting Galt friends this week. Miss McPhee, of Parhhhili is a guest at 1W. P. Grierson'a. Dr. Agilely. spent a few days this wa:k in Brantford. i ; E. 1 rtalwill is visiting in London,. Sarnia and Detroit. Mrs. Pilgrani, of Brantford, is a gnest at Rich. Herdsman's. Miss Edith Hall is visiting friends iso Tara and Owen Sound. Mrs. Kennedy of Seaforth is visiting w:t'.i Winghaun friends. Mrs. F. Seyfera and children are visit- ing with friends in Preston. Jos. Kincaid, of Chicago, is renewing old acquaintances in town. Miss Reynolds of St. Thomas is visit- ing with her pauentsin town, Mrs. Wm. Lewis spent a few days with Toronto friends this week. MIr. and Mrs. W. J. Haines visited Brussels, Oct. 4-5, with Blyth friends on Tuesday. Fordwich, Oct. 6. R, Runciman of Toroute visited his Clinton, Sept. 20-21. son, R. W. Runciman, last week. Palmerston, Sept. 25-20. Miss Arlia Hill of Walkerton is the Dune. Stewart, cf Campbell's drug store and fill Farquharson, of 1s lug's store azz' enjoying their holidays this week. Mr. mid Diss. MoNally of t'hc slc':', have been the guests' of 1VI'z and Airs. 3. B. Ferguson end other Winghein friends this weals. A. Walker, of Toronto, is visit- ing with les brother JarneS Walk( r in town amici with his parents in East Wawanosh. Mrs, 'T. Hall is visiting with her eldest SOP. in Do Pere, Wisconsin. Sho was fineonzpauicd by her sons, Walter and ast � cisi• E o. 1 7)r. Tarilbzill of Gotlerich was the guest of T)r•. Agnew one day lest creek, Er. Turnbull accompanied 1)r. Agnew on his trip to Europe. • Misses May Armitage, Watfori; Edith Gibson, Wroxeter; Florence Clarke, Toronto; Cr rife Clarke, Blyth, aro the guests of the. Misses Sperling, T. E. Corny n, who has been with a eomecly comiipanr-playing in the Mara; tine provinces for some time is visiting with relatives and friends in town. James Fleuty attended the old boys' vs—radon demonstration. at 'Walkerton last week. He also spent a few days with his son, W. J. nerdy at South- ampton. - Misses Kirtie and Mabel Ross have re- turned Immo from Philadelphia, Pa. They were accompanied home by their auiat, Miss Sarah M. Wilson and Miss Snaboly, who are the guests of Dir. Hurl Mrs. Alex Ross. This is Miss Suabely's first visit to Canada. 7'11E FALL FAKES, North-Western, Wingham, Sept. 27:25. Western, London, Sept. 0-15. Listowel, Listowel, Sept. 18.10. Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 27 to Sept. S. Northwestern, Goclerich, Sept. 18-10, Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 18-19. N. Perth, Stratford, Oct. 2-8. W. Wellington, Harriston, Sept. 20-27. Teeswater, Sept. 25-26, Exeter, Sept: -18-10. guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Percy Bill. Miss McKenzie, of Detroit, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. C. ;Mayor.Miss Laird and Miss Bonner, of New York, N. Y. are guests at H. Davis'. Ed. Grifu went to Port Huron on Saturday. He intends residing. in that city. Miss Jessie McLean, of Henson, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Nellie Rosa. Mrs. Reid of Toronto was a guest of the Misses Stewart for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell are spending a week with friends in Wel- lesley. Harry Downing of Brussels has taken a situation iso Wingham. with John Bugg & Son. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McIndoo are en- joying a few holidays with friends at Peterboro. Chester Davis is relieving a young man at Kincardine G. T. R. station for two weeks. Mrs. W. Goy left Wednesday morn- ing for Brantford, where she will spend a few weeks. J. A. Cline was in Ripley on Tuesday inspecting some lumber for the Union Furniture Co. Miss Irene Butchart, from near Clif- ford, is spending a, few weeks with friends in town. John Kerr and three children spent part of this and last week with his father in Loudon. Miss Grace Newton has returned licme from her three weeks' visit with Goderieh friends. John Farquharson, wife awl Children, of Teeswater were visiting Winghamfriends on Tuesday. Rabt. McDougall, of East Wawanosh, left for 'Winnipeg on Tuesday, where he will reside in future. Miss Jeminie Maeitlath has returned roma a five weeks' visit with her grand.father at St, George, Miss Ella Deans and 'Diaster Frank Gillcspie are visiting with Mrs. J. W. Vauatter at Goderieh. Mrs. H. Briefinan of Kincardine Is -visiting with her parents in town, Mr, and Mrs. John Allenby. ltobt. Scott, License lCspector for North Wellington, attended the Wing - ant races on Aug. 2aict. Dirs. (D,r.) linsman and children, of arnia, are guests of her parents, Mr. anal Mrs. Thos. Holmes. Dirs. S. W. Dodd is representing the 0301 Rebekah lodge at the Grand Lodge :eating in Hamilton this week. Wallace Stewart, son of Peter Stewart, has returned home from Glencoe, where he has been attending High School. Miss Stena Price, of Owen wind, and M'ss Boll Price, of Walkerton, are visit. lug with their uncle, I. IL Gordon, Mrs, Harsco Newton and two ehi'ct, ran, of riodeifeh, are visiting for e. few days at the home of Councillor Newton, Um. A. B. Brown and children and MIM 14. Itunciman of Cleveland, were 'isiting at R. W. 1 uncilium's last week. BORN. HUPH'Ea.—Iu Tucnberz'y, on .Tply 20, the wife o oht, Hupfer of a daughter. BnEaivaiDc s.—In Tnrnberry, on July 25 td e wife of ,TosBreckenridge of e daughter. ,ivsou In Lower Winglcam, on Augt t and the wife of Wm Ransom, a dam liter.LT,'tox r.—In wingham, on A.ugus 4th, e wife of Wm. Elliott, n daughter. Pa • xEa.—In East Wawanosh,August tith, t rife of Mr. Alex. Parker, of a claugliter. ilIAILICIED Kefoknx—MaDowerrr. -- At Bown enville Ont., on Aug. 1 by the Rev. J. Kennedy, of London, Miss Addie Louise, daughter of the 1at(' Rev. O. McDowell, formerly of Winghant, to George E. Kennedy, ,of Ott wa brother to Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Winghant. A.rnt nsoN—Bonorm.—.A.t tll0 residence of by ev vale, Douglas At., nderson, of Kinloss; us Margaret Hodgins, of Bolyroocl Burt u o.' — MoMultcnte.—A t the home of the bride; Isaac street, byRev, Stewart, on Aug. 1, W. Brydone, barrister, brother to Mrs. W. Maxwell, Bluovale road, to Miss Mae, ehie, both of Clintons youngest daughter of e late Alex. McMur- D vrnsorr—Bunsfs: Tn Karriston on July tofp.Paainvmerston, to BliissiMaggieJM y David- son, , of Hywick. DIED. JENKTNS.--in Turnberrr-• on August Sth, Catherine H. Kerr, wife of Robt. Jenkins, aged 410.years and 4 das. If acoTT: Tn Culross, ori Tuly 27th, Robert Ott, aged 89 years, 7 months and 0 days. t SKLT.TON. In Morris, on August 5tl1, Mrs. Thomas Skelton, aged 28 years, 7 months and 15 diiys. �,e ` 'VOTERS' LIST, 1900. Municipality of the Township. of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given butt T have trans- mitted or delivered to the Persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of "The O,.ttario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections to be so aelivereci or transmitted of the list made pursuant to said .Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said niipaitytbectileerzfelutcaleElionsfor Members of *Legislative Assembly and et Municipal Mee - tions my office, oat Msaid o h P 0.d Lotio34, Cori cession 9, on the 28th day of July, 1100, and remains there for inspection. Electors aon to examine ro list,And if any omissions any hrs found thereinto take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated, Clerk's Office, Marnoch, July 28, 1000. Clerk, 'Township of EstEWawanosh, Photos at Home M. E: Zurbrigg snakes a specialty of out -door photography; :picnic parties, family groups on the lawny residences, wedthug parties and gatherings of every description photographed in an artistic manner. We deem it a pleasure to go anywhere so don't forget us, We do Picture Praniiug--and we do it right too, M. Li ZU.URB IGG'S Down floor gallery, opp. Press, Church. FARMERS and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the sane for sate in the Times. Oar large circulation tolls and it Will beatrang8e indeedf yon do notgetaettsto,ner. Weean'tguaracntee that/on Will sell bceause you may ask more for the article or stork than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the TIMES and try this plan of ctispesing of your stock and other articles. t#ook� Cotton Itoot Componta i s suoeesafnlly peed monthly bt over 10,000L,idies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask Your druggist for 441 Cedes Reds Co*, Wet, Take no other, as MI Mixtures, pills and imltktiona nre dlingerou5, Pr Iab, NO. i, $1 ter �degrees stroll NO, ednr tpepcedig.8rnt Otani S. The Cook Company Wind5ot Ont, Noe.1. clads hold abd reeommmtetlded icy nil respOasible Druggists ix Censtle. Hamilton, t d E. Davin,�yA A. Morrow Colin A' Campbell, Druggists. Stand next Griffin's Grocery. Without Q�astion ,o The best cc 1ipprc1 business s and short- hand school in Canada is the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, Louden, Ont, Large enrollment and strong faculty. Htuidreds of students in good positions. Years of excellent work at its credit. Catalogues of either course free. Correspondence invited, J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal• THINGS NECESSARY to the successful tailor are: A stock of Superior Cloth, Know- Iedge of his .Business, Slrill in Cutting and Fitting, and prices which are low enough to attract without being low enough to lesson value. The possession of these essen- tials snakes us confident of onr success in pleasing every patron. We guarantee satisfaction. E obt. Maxwell Binh Art 'Tailor, Winghato. If a deafer says that his binder is as good as the Deering Ideal, ask him if it has: ' Bicycle bearings. A folding platform. Brass boxes in crank shaft. A can nterbalaneed crank -wheel. Itoller bearings in its grain•wheel. Drive chain three inches from the main -wheel. It' the frame is riveted to. gether, like the Ideal, or fastened by ever loosening bolts. Ask hit if his elevator chain runs four spa oekets. The Ideal has an Hundred Good Points, ELLIOTT EROS Agents, Victoria St., Winghamu. A Tailor's Talk would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits taut for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new SPRING SUIT on OVER.00A' E. O. CLARKE ArR 4t';t,'?.,c4AW7A4 aPMfle G,f i+t•,"a :rhti.'r�'a'w' R�ti;l�'i li++`ic;#'ri :#►stir'. JustArrived ONE CRATE On- ;ffanGY.Gol9red Glass i ‘1 , v, i • ' `i'/OMPRISING 9 -, if Vases, Vinegar tot't1es, Oatsup Bottles, Wine Sets, ClaretSets, Talble Sets and Water Sets with the English Engraved Trays. Geese Dishes and Berry Sets. ; at IFFI 'S 1t 1 +Q r..rti4.', �� .W .Ss•„i n .4;=�;.W . 4i ice►, ii rtTi �-n......%.. .-.„..a WALKER & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. , door Night outhlof Sch olon iousekShopor i op- posite Macdonald block. AGENTS WANTED. Smart nen or woman wanted for position time. paying big ppy. wages., Employment, Bt ressteady03 hmond Street, London, Ont. WM. NICHOLSON BUILDER and CONTRACTOR We are still in the building business and are prepared to take contracts for tine erection of all kinds of buildings. Plans and speeifications furnished on short notice. Workmanship guaranteed and at rea- sonable rates. WM. NICHOLSON. Residence Diagnol street, opposite Francis street. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. DrugOStore. might cep's answeredJat the Davis'f. THE BEST IS BETTER THAN EVER. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE OI'IATHAM, ONT. Closed the best yearin the records of the school• on June 29, and will re -open for the PALIe term on TUESDAY, SEPT. 4. 14 was the BEST as to attendance. It was the BEST es to results. it was the BEsT as to numbers of pupils placed. •250 securedood positions in the ten;. mouths commencing SSept. 1, 1899, and ending Juice 80,1000, an average of 23 per month as against 14 per month during the previous year. foladies' a tfor 0. gents'p at ally y faroto the extent of $8.00 to students from a distance. 11 yon have not seen our catalogue you are not familiar with the best Canada has to offer in the line of Business or Shorthand training. Write for it. D. McLAClILAN & CO., Chatham, Out. Western Fair, London. SEPTEMBER 6th to 15th, 1900. Entries Close Septeanber tith, Tho most complete exhibits from Farm, .Forest and Factory. New and start- -e ling special features. Chariot races by imported Grey Hounds, :Balloon Ascen- sions, Double Parachute Drop by man and lady, celebrated Gymnasts, Aerial. Artists and Acrobats, Fireworks each evening. "The armoured train's attack on the Boer stronghold.," and many beautiful set devices. Special trains over alines each evening after the fireworks. Send for Prize Lists and Programmes. LT. -COL. WM. M. GARTSHORE, President. 3..A, MLLES. Secretary„ WANTED A man to represent us at Wingham and surrounding country, in the sale of -our. choke Canadian grown Nursery Stock. A permanent paying position with chance of advance- ment. Arrangements will be made with a suitable man to SELL, DELIVER and COLLECT. Good pay weekly. We also handle sprayers, large and small, the best made. Write at once for further particulars to The Thos. WBowman &Son Co., Established 40 years. Limited, TORONTO, ONT, S Crg?MTN'"rat � 6"- ,V.�+.•'aM147%'&".t a �t nc,�k [, at, , t ra 'I_...L..iCJr_:..7L'� JIJL ,• rrhere i s 4lwayy Tirne L'� to buy furniture, For the next thirty days we havede tided to give something special in parlor suits, couches, 1 lounges, easy chairs, mattresses, spring beds, and any - 44. fyi thing in the upholstered line. You miss it if you don't buy upholstered .goods from us. - We intend to reduce the stock in time to fill hi for the fall -trade before furniture advances, so, if you want 00. fi bed -room suits, ; :side -boards,, extention tables, chairs, or ' writing desks, give us a call.. R & LITTON Es,r �RNiTt i, and 'UNDERTAKING. . fat lrs mtng;lgisq ' , , 5 I