HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-10, Page 6•
TI Wj 7
ri �1'iNA
le, B. ELLIOTT, PereasnEtt AND Pitorxexuxoa
FRIDAY, AUGTST 10, 1900.
A. Fair Comparison.
Writing to the Globe from the county
of Halton a farmer makes the following
comparison: -From 1878 to 1890, under
Conservative rule, the price of laud in
'Canada decreased in value from 30 to
0 per cent. and became practically un-
saleable. Under four years of Liberal
government land values have largely
'inoreased and ]navy transfers have been
undo at encouraging prices. During
those eighteen dreary years, farmers
-were living economically upon past sav-
ings, or becoming hopelessly bankrupt.
fu these latter four years, farmers have
become hopeful and prosperous. Then,
the farmer bought comparatively little,
hence the revenue was correspondingly
depressed. Now that he is prospering
he buys new machinery, carriages,
furniture; improves kis buildings, fences
and stock; dresses himself and family
more expensively since he cau well
afford it. When the farrier is prosper-
ous, the merchant, the professional, the
anechanic, the day laborer-everbody-
is prosperous and purchases more goods
,of every kiud, hence the revenue in-
creases by leaps anti bounds, though the
tariff is lower. Is any one dissatisfied
'with the c3'su e? No one but Tupper,
Tester & Co. The people delight in
prosperity, the country has taken heart
again, the exodus has stopped, the exiles
are returning to the land they love, our
alatnrai resources are being developed,
and a great future awaits us, if we drop
petty politics and politicians. "Who
would go back to the days of '95 ?"
Our continued increase in business is
the best proof that we enjoy the un-
-bounded confidence of the critical public.
We dispense drugs and medicines with
the greatest possible accuracy. Our
Toilet department is always full of the
r ewes$ preparations, and our stock of
/perfumes is always the freshest and
of our people are now using Paine's
Celery Compound the great health re-
storer. No other medicine in the world
has such a record of cures to its credit.
it makes new, fresh blood, corrects
digestion, gives nervous energy and good
:health. We urge you to use Paine's
Celery Compound if you feel unwell in
the hot weather.
Cowie A. OAMS13E L, Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
Ravages of Consumption.
The latest report of the Provincial
Board of Health shows that of 258 deaths
/'(:ported for June, this year, the Iarge
Proportion of 190 resulted from tuber-
culosis, another name for Consumption.
A fact like this which recurs as often as
*he monthly report is published, should
stimulate to take advantage of the law
/sassed last session of the Ontario Legis-
lature providing for provincial assistance
an the establishment of local sanatoriums
for consumptives. The disease is, if
taken in its early stages curable, and
proper isolation in a properly equipped
sanatorium prevents the spread of the
,disease, which under ordinary con-
ditions, is fatally contagious.
A Family
1' thiustiat Merit, Known and Praised
the World Over, Ig Dr. Chase'e Kidney-
1.1vOr Pula,
Having a direct and combined aetieh
ch both the kidneys and liver, 17r,
arhase's /Sidney -Liver Pills are the
almost valuable as a family medicine,
and positively cure constipation and all;
terms of stomach trouble.
left, i'oha White, 72 First avenue, of,. '
'tawa, writes:-" X used br. Chaser
leidney-liver Pills for deranged liver
and pains in the back, with excellent
"My wife u.4.1,1 theta f,fr stomach
trouble, and paints about, the heart, and
fat entirely cured. They are invaluable.
.Mat a family medicine."
ficore; of hunt'lreas of tdnitlles wand
easst think of bung without Dr. Chese'rf
1r Liver Pills in the house. They
sirs purely vegetable in composition and
II'a+teiiarke.bly prompt and effective in
*etl0Th One pill a dose, 25 cents a box,
all diallers, or JOdmanion, Bates and
Prom tear own Correspondent.
tlttnwtl, .August •ith, 1900.
Everyone who has travelled by telt e
press train or by other wane of ra
locomotion has e2peric'nced tiro .esleilal
Won of tete swift lnovemeut, and 11
) same ei.Fcet appenrs to be produced up
tiro Tory politicians by the rapidity `vi
which development and reform is bey
carried out in the various clepartuleu
of public policy by the Laurier (*over
mein, for they keep shouting to go las
. .
• When the Postmaster General, for e
ample announced a substautiiil radue-
tion in the Imperial letter -rates, -a re -
1 /Section by the way, �vilieli his predeoes-
ser a few short years before had declar-
ed. to be in1precticable,_•..tied Tory press
commenced clamoring for further re -
deletions in domestic rates, which they
knew right well would bo accorded as
quie)sly as the exigencies of the revenue
would permit. When it was proposed
to reduce the postal rates on newspapers,
the Tory Senate even went so far as to
throw out the bill under the plea that it
did not go far euough, though of course
no one was fooled by this pretence,
r11 -
roes departmental matters, but in fel•
clition thereto 11e is charged vitt the
establishing a>' Manual Training Schools
the gift of Sir W. O. Meaouald of Mont-
real, at five centres in Quebec and the
Mterititxte Provinces. Ile wall Also ar-
range -for chicken fattening; illustration
stations in there provinces examine in -
tie agricultural affairs generally, ;-isit
the (*oveta meat C'I'ean]eries in. I'ritice
Llclward Island, tUid also inquire into
the . oldstora o system, established by
lout in Prince Edward Island for pre•
serriug herrings caught in tho spring of
t. the year for use as bait in the summer
Coli fishing.
This hh
P s 1
lnl -`'
• � innovation � is reported by the
have been introduced by Mr. Mulook iu
the celerity with which the snails are
handled, collected and delivered, par-
ticularly in the larger centres of papula-
tion, and the improvement in the mail
service generally in this respect through-
out the country have been immeasurably
greater in the Iast two or three years
than in the previous two decades; and
yet the Tories, who didnot even attempt
any of these things during the long
period in which they had the chance,
are now clamoring for a free rural mail
delivery similar in some degree to the
system which is being developed with
considerable promise of success in the re-
public to the south.
It is very pleasant of course to notice
this streak of useful activity in the Op-
position for it is a much better expendi-
ture of superfluous energy than work-
iug up fake charges against the Govern-
ment and wasting the time of Parliament
hunting for mares' nests. But there is
a ring of insincerity in this unwonted
anxiety for the public weal, for the ex-
perience of the past unanimously goes to
show that while the Tory in Opposition
is a splendid hand at suggesting what
should be done, the Liberal in office is a
vastly greater success in actually doing
Having come through an unusually
long and bitter session without seduring
one single coign of advantage, and being
now withing measurable distance of a
general election without any definite
policy or even a decent campaign cry, it
is not altogether surprising that the Tory
party is discontented and out of temper.
When a man loses his temper he often
gets abusive and this appears to be:true
of the politician also, both individually
and collectively. It is unfortunate
though, and it is greatly to be feared
that the country at large will suffer in
prestige, in personal esteem, and in the
esteem of others, if the approaching
campaign is to be run upon the lines.in-
dicated at the initial meeting in this',
Province held at Hespler a few days
ago. At that meeting personal abuse of
the most offensive kind was hurled at
Ministers of the Crown, and while the
speakers were particularly careful to
make no definite charges but simply to
deal with generalities and
to which it is impossible to nail them,
the dirty and despicable methods adopt-
ed were the more reprehensible on that
account. Of course the principle offend-
er was only Mr. Davin of Regina, and
nobody pays Much attention to him
either here in Ottawa or in. any other
neighborhood in whieh he is known, but
the party that finds it necessary or even
expedient to use such foul weapons trust
recognize the inherent weakness of their
cause, It is amusing to hear some of
the Tory papers daring the Ministers
who are thrts made the 'victims of an
outraged public decency to seek their
re Inedy in the courts, for -experienced
at this sort of dirty work, -the offenders
have been ranch too careful to place
themselves within reach of the law.
Occassionally they overstep themselves
however,•.-Shr Charles Tupper did not
long ago out west, but when he found
himself cornered the craVt-fished, out of
the hole into which he had got him-
self, by deliberately and in cold blood
repudiating the newspaper report which
he had previously glorified in and Allow-
ed to go uncorrected,
Notwithstanding the vast amount of
additional tivork thrown upon the De-
partment of Agrieuiture by the extensive
and most creditable display which Cana-
ada Is snaking At the Paris rnthibition
there has been, no abatement in time
regular routine work of the Department,
1u1d in its ever -extending labors in the
interests of the Canadian farmer,. tatteh
year under the present progtcssive Min.
ister, has witnessed notable expansions
in its sphere of usefulness and labor,alid
one little incident last week is an ex-
iwellent illustration ofthe phenomenal de-
'ele mmxent of this work, Prof, 1tobert.
son of the staff of the Ivxpet'iinental
Parra has gone out to attend the var.
Fisheenvut's Bait Association to be
working admirably. Asa result of the
constant supply of bait thus pro'tidiug
many more people are enabled to en-
gage in this industry, and a new ora in
cod -fishing is predicted. The fishermen
are so pleased with this improvement
that they are asking for scientific in-
struction and direction as to the best
methods of presorviug end curing their
These are all matters that have been
either inaugurated under Liberal
auspices, or have beou put into practical
working order under the present Mitt-
An Opposition h-aanorist "sarkastikly"
suggests that now the Government had
Bt./weeded in giving the fanner cheap
binder twine it might improve its chances
in the country, by cutting clown the
price of coal oil before the elections
came on, As Mr. Fielding re-
marked in the House last session: -
`Every step taken by the present Gov-
ernment whether with respect to legis-
lation or to departmental administration.
has been in the direction of removing
restriction and lessening the price of oil.
The duty on imported elle 'which exist-
ed under the late Gavorement has been
reduced, Burdensome regulations exist-
ing uuder that Government, with re -
speed= of oil, which could only take
place after it had been put in barrels,
have been abolished, this facilitating
cheap and convenient methods of hand-
ling the oil. The number of points at
which oil can be imported in bulk in
tank cars has been increased. Permis-
sion has been given to use tank wagons.
The former regulation forbidding the
use of tank ships has been repealed thus
giving along the line of `nater commun-
ication the opportunity to receive oil by
cheap transportation. When railway
companies increased their freight
rates on oil in such a manner as seemed.
likely to prevent competition in the Oil
trade, the Government on the advice of
the Railway Committee of the Privy
Counoil disallowed the increase and
ordered the restoration of the former
rates. In short every step taken by the
present Government in relation to the
oil business has been for the purpose of
removing burdensome restrictions, re -
clueing the cost of handling the oil and
cheapening the article to the consumer."
How ToPack Eggs For Keeping.
The yolk of the eggs spoils much
quicker than the white. For this reason
it is important that the yolk should be
surrounded with a Iayer of the white.
If the egg is placed on the side or , large
end the heavy yolk will settle to the
bottom and come in contact with the
shell, whiclh admits the air. If it is
placed on the small end it will always
have a layer of white between it and
the shell. Eggs absorb odors easily,
therefore only orderless materials should
be used when packing them. --August
Ladies' Home Journal,
'what Not to Say.
Do not say, "1 can't eat." Take
Hood's Sarsaparilla and say, ` "I am
hungry all the time, and foodnever hurts
Never say to your friends that you
are tired in the morning as at night.
If they happen to be sharp they will tell
you Hood's Sarsaparilla cures that tired
Do notsay, "My fees is full of pimp.
les." You are quite likely to be told
by some one, "There's no need of that
for Hood's Sarsaparilla cures pimples."
Iis improper and unnecessary tsay,
"My health is poor and my blood is bad."
Hood's Sarsaparilla will give you good
blood, and good health wl11: follow as a
natural consequence.
Itape as it Food Crop. ,
We have not yet seen a single unfavor-
able statement about rape from any Who
have tested.it as feed for sheep, hogs or
poultry, and it is more than we can say
for any of the other new forage crops
as vetch, sorghtiim, bromne grass, ICaiiler
corn or any of the rest, says the Areal -
can Cultivator. While some praise
them verhighly, others find some fault
or have failed to induce them to grow
well upon their soil. Bat rape seems to
grow anywhere that cabbages or turnips
will grow and to do neatly a.s well
'whether sown in the shade don orchard
or out in the open field and v'exy nearly
as well upon alight sail decently maw
erect 58 011 the rtuost fertile fields of the
prairie. We hope our readers will try
It this year if they have anything to feed
it to. It may not prove as good fodder
as the code crop, brut it is worthy of
me* Wernt median*.
l es, Vmuf,
Graham, Sheppardtois,Ont,
writes; "i hilts given my boy Dr
Low's Worm Syramp, and find it excel-
lent worm: inedioino, It is nice t�f nitre
and does net Make the oliiltl sick, ?rice
!1.IUST 10 1900..
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund the money on u. twenty-five
cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills,
if, after rising three fourths of Cahltellts
BAPTIST Czu.11on--Sabbath Service 4 01
11. a lit and 7 in ti 1 I • S •1
:3130 I In. (eent'ral prayer meeting
ot relic a Coustipa- i
of battle they doI.t 011 W0t1uesday evening y. Rev. W
;recd] l astor, �• W. J. Chapman,
flan and Headache. We also warrentbupezlutcndeut.
that four battles will permanently cure MerxiaiinseOrn te:et ..Sabbathservices
the most obstinate cases of Constipation. at 11 a Ill and 7 p an. Sunday School at
Satisfaction cr no pay wizen Willa'' l'' ug- ,; :30 l? Iu : Epworth League every 11Ton-
lislh rills are used,
A. A. Ilforrow, Chemist and Druggist,
Winglnuu, Out,
C. A. Cain Ibeli, Chemist and Druggist,
Wieglaun, Ont,
A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug-
gist, Winghalhl, Ont.
Soule Bible Poets,
In the • Bible, Old and New Testa-
ments, there are 3,580,478 letters, 775,-
693 words, 81,87ilverses, 1,180 vorses, 1,-
189 chapters, end 00 books,
Tho longest book is Psalms, which
bas it.0 divisions. The shortest is See.
and John, which has one chapter of 13
The longest chapter is the 119th; Psalnh
which has 170 verses. The shortest is
1171h Psalm with two verses.
The longest versals the ninth verse of
the eighth chapter of Ester. It has 90
words. The shortest is the 85th verse of
the lith chapter of John. It has two
The eight verses of the 118t11 Psalm is
the middle verse of the l3ible,
The 37th chapter of Isaih and the 19th
chapter of the 2nd Kings are alike.
In the 107th Psalm, the 8111, 15th, 21st
and 31st verses are alike.
Each verse of the 130th Psalm ends
Ester is the only book in which the
name of God is not found.
.The 21st verse of the 7th chapter of
Ezra contains all the letters of the al-
phabet.--Bostou Journal.
Coughs and colds that other remedies
seem powerless to relieve are promptly
cured. by Dr, Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup. Try it and it will convince you
of its efficacy by curing you. Price 25c
Milk is not a beverage; it is a perfect
food. Where children driuk milk at
meals it should take the place of nitro-
genous foods -meat, of course being
omitted. It is far better when the
children eat meat to give them water to
drink. Where two sorts of nitrogenous
foods are used, like meat and milk, con-
stipation is universal -August Ladies'
Home Journal.
Had Piles
For 9 Years
Dominion Inspector of Steamboats Cured
by Dr. Chase's Ointment.
False modesty and fear of the stir.
geon's knife prevent most people from
appealing to their physicians for a cure
for piles.
Many people suffer on year after
year, robbed of their rest and sleep by
the terrible itching, when they could
be entirely cured by a. single box of Dr.
Chase's Ointment,
Mr. O. P. St. John, Dominion inspec-
tor of steamboats, living at 240 Shaw
street, Toronto, states:-" 1' suffered
for nine years from itching piles, at
tithes being unable to itat on atm aunt
of the annoyance caused by them.
After trying almost all remedies 1n
Vain I begat the use of Dr. Chase r
Ointment, which entirely cured ine. T
cannot speak too highly of. it. I have
recommended it to several friends, all
of whom have been cured by its ase."
Dr. Chase's Ointtnenc 18 recognized
by physicians, druggists, and the nub.
sic in general as the only absolute ,ore
for piles: 80 cents• a box, at all dealers,
or x:dnranson, Bates and Co., Toronto
"All Dunlop Tires in two"
The wheel fitted with
Dunlop Tires gives no
trouble to the dealer after
its sale.
That is one reason why
dealers favor Dunlop -tired
wheels. They know that.
.Dunlop Tires are the out-
ward sign .of inward worth
in the building of a bicycle.
' "l7ro only tools:*
9'heDunlop 'tireCo., Limited,
2ontrost Winnipeg. wt. John,
GOODatPAYll A11nsuppliesofree. Chattee f
promotion to good .nen.
W e also desire some good Agents, either on
Whole or part time to sell our preparation for
the destruction of Tussock Moth Caterpiller,
known as
t f"Many of our salesmen carry this as A
hide line, and make considerable more than
their expeas(, tltoteb .
We have the Iargesst assortment of stock of
Aute Nursery in Canada, People prefer our
goods, beeaetso of x,ur g grantee. All our stock
is grit out under Government Certificate,{J
provingeleeniincss did freedom from disease, i
Apply now for territory,
Stone & Wellington, Toronto*
ay evening, " Cleliertll prayer meeting
On 'Wednesday evenings. Rey, Richard
Hobbs, pastor. Dr, Towler, S,, S. Sup-
tCI den
Piissuv'vuurAN Oxtuuctt•--Sabbath ser-
vices ees at 11 a Iu and 7 ]
mal m]
I Sunday
School at 2:80 p in. General prayer
snootier,: on Wednesday evenings. ROY.
D. Ferree, pastor and 13. S. Superiuton.
Sr. PAUL'S Cannon, Ewsooml,--•Sab-
bgth services at 11 a m and 7 p 211. Sun-
day School at 2 :80 p in. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening, Rev,
Wm, Lowe, incumbent, F. Shore, S. S.
services at 11 a m. and 7 p mn. Sunday
School at 12 m. Midweek meeting:tat
Wednesdry evenings at 8 o'clock, Gavin
Wilson, S.S, Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor.
ROMAN CATrtoLio CuU1uc11 -- Every
fourth Sunday, Mass at 10:30 le Ilm, ser-
mon and beI3edictioll at 7 p nl. Rev. D.
P. MaMentunin, P. P,
SALVATION Ahem -Service at 7 and 11
a m.and 3 and 8 p m on. Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
CIIRISTIAN WORrtxns--Set vices iu the
Mission Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday
at 3 and 7:30 p m. T. A. Cachou ne, iu
POST OrrloE Iu Macdonald Block.
Office hours from. 8 a in to 0:30 p mu.
Peter Fisher, postmaster,
MnorluNics' INSTrrUTr-Library and
free reading room in the Town n Hall,
will be open every ,afternoon from 2 to
5;45 o'clock auc1 ever evening from 7 to
9:80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson,
Tow Commit -Wm. Clegg, Mayor;
Wm. Holmes, H. O. Bell. J. H. Chis-
holm, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie,
Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel
onbill, Assessor; Wm, Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first, Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'cleek.
SonooL BoAUD.-C, N. Griffin, (chair-
man), Thos, Abraham, H, G. Lee, J. J.
omutli, Wni. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos.
Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
feetings second Tuesday evening in each
Poems Smoot, TEACHERS. -A. H.
lusMiss Reynolds, Principal,
s Farquharson, Robertson, is
Cornyn, Miss Vaustone, Miss Matheson
nd Miss Reid,
BOARD or HEALTH -Mayor Clegg,
chairman), C. 3'. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical. Health
Two COat
Two Pant
YY EBSTER 8 00.,
Queen's Block.
Caveats and Trade•Mark5 obtained. and all p� patent
husides* conducted for MODIMATE DEES. My
office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office
and my facilities forsecuring patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention with
description and statement as toadvantagges claimed.
P.Are chorea,iv matte far anopinron ab to
patentability,and my fee for prosecutingthe
application evil/ sod be called for unfit the
patent :.railoteed. "Iiveaxohd Gutns,•r con.
raining foil information sent free. All Ceasmn cal•
:Wiens Considered AS :strictly ConlldenWAl.
Dsin )' throats Vi'ASYMINC;TOWI J a.
' CONYRIGH'ra &aa.
Anyene sending a sketch and description MAY
gntekly ascertain our opinion free whether tut
invention 16 prebnblytntentablo. Contraltos.
dotty strictly eoittidential. Iinneboolt on p'atents
dent tree. oldest a eney for seenriner atents.
Patents taken througlt Stung tri 00. receive
special,tet(ce. seltlrout charger in the
kiattific Merlon.
A, handsomely illurttrated weekly. Largest oir,
ettlatton of any selontefto 3')urtrnl Term$:, $8 a
year ,four months, Si. Soutar Alll ItnNsdnnl6111
MANN & Co 3418r64.reay, New York
Branch ainco, 125 T' i t , Washington. D. O.
1: 11tiT41.17.48II.Ols 72.
Iti P1(amatiIIm
The Times °MMloe, Beaver 13dack
vt IN(r11A111, ONTARIO.
UMW or St^it=c ntr.'i'xan-$1.00 per annum it1.
tedvence, 81.201f not to paid. No Muller disetril-
tinted, till all nrrcnrs 1111, prod, except at the •
option of the publisher,
Al,vsttr'tss&u 13AT1'4, -- Legal artd other
casual advea'tistmelds tk' pt'rNbnparielline for
last �insertion, Oc per lute for each subsequent
It1'»c rt#cmr,
Advertisements in local c'oiumns are char'ged..
10 c. ts. per Iino for first insertion, and 5 rents
per lino for each subsequent insertion.
.A,dvet'tivcmelrts of Lost, Found, Shn)-ed,
Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00for'•
first mouth and 00 ec ntc, For melt aubsequeut
CoN rngea. PA^nils-Tike following table shows
our rates for the iasertion of advertisements
for spveifled periods :-
gluon. 1 vn. Otto. Otto, l Ito
One CColumn..
`.olumn....•., 310.00 $3,5.00 $15,00 .s;0.0
Bali C.olu inn..... , .... 05.00 18.00 10.00 4.0
Quarter Column 18,00 10.00 11.00 2.0
Advertisements without specific directions',
will bo inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements intuit be paid.
for iu aclvunee.
THE ‘Tait DEPAmntisxm fs stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-;.
t ounty or teal ring out firsnot
s lass work.
type and appropriate; cats for all styles of Post-
ers, Htutd .Billy, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fancy typo for the finer classes of print-
Proprietor arra Publisher..
Capitol, „$2,000,000. Rest, ;1,231,120,,
President -+JOIN STtrAitte.
Vice -President -A. G. RAttsAv,
John Proctor, Geo, Roach. 'Wan. Gibson, M.P.,.
A. T, Wood, M, P„ A. B. Lee (Toronto).
Cashier -T. TURNBULL.
Savings Bank -flours 10 to 8; Saturday, 100
to I. Deposits of 81 and upwards received end
interest allowed.
Special Deposita also received at current
rotes of interest•,
Drafts on Great Britain and the United,
States Bought and sold.
Travellers are notified that the Bank of Mani
bitten and its Branches issue Circular Rates o
Nationalccn bo cashed wit]iouEngland, i' of ra
ble in any part 0ttlte world.
W. E.: I. DICKINSON. S l tri Agent
General Banking • Business transacted.
Money advanced to farmers and. business men.
ori endorsed notes and collateral•
Farmers' Sale Nates Cashed
Moneys remitted dip draft to all parts of'
Canada and the United States.
Notes and accounts deflected on reasonable.
P. KENNEDY M. M. C. P. S. 0
tion.) (Member Goledallist in British
Yiea cine, AS ioolaF
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m, ; 7 to 9 p. ,n.
Centro Street
Ontario -
Private and Company funds to loan at Iowcsti
rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort.
sold. ges,town
Beaver Block, property and
Wingham, Oak
Solicitor toBank ofHamilton. MOneytoloan«
Office --Meyer Block, Wingham.
ARTHUR J. IR WIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental $ttr_gery of the Pennsyivairia
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post. Office, Wingham.
T, HOLLO'4V'AX, .$., L.D.s.
of children's attention to there
to ,prices, nd all
work carefully and skilfully per/ora>Sed. Office
in Beaver Block,'Wingham.
Wingham, Ont.
I' DEANS, In. '�`'"
for the County of Huron. Sales attended in
any part. of the ()minty. Charges ]moderate.
Sales of Perin Stook and Perm Implemtoatsn,
All orders left fit Tax Tarns ofllee protuptiy
attended to. Terms reasonable,
6 Cam Caledonia, No. 40, mieete:
ON V r a7�" the first and bird Monday In
every month, in the Oddfeliosys Mali. Visiting -
brethren welcome, D. SrnwAltr•, Chief; R.1 B.
Elliott, Rec.- Sec.
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 13111•
Heads, Clrculets,,ic., &a., executed in the best
style of the art, et moderate prices, and on
sliort notice.
BonicnmN»xrrO,-..Vire are plenseil to annoutncet
that any Books or Magazines left with tts for
Binding, will have our prompt attention,
Prier=s for Binding 10 any style-svjii be tivert out
application to
IIL'T1MfEte OnsI0 tt,
GRAND TRUNK 11AILWA'X' S3i8r1'Ii;t .
alrnerston TttAS1r8 LL'Avri s'O1
mitdon • ass 8,541 n.in . r I.
0.50 amt.... B 26p.in.
Kineardine.,11.10u.m... 8.35 n•mn..., 8.88p.mt,
ATtAIv11 n'nc
Kincardine ....IMO a.m.. 8.55 a,ltt .. 3.25 pint,
London 11.10 n.m ., 7.85
Palmerston iii 'r p.m,p.m,p.nn.... 8.118pim,
J. II, GORDON, Agent, Wingham,
'I'mtAIN9 1SA'VI; $'Ott
Toros onto and
d East. 0.53 a.m., .. 0.0O pan,
1.02 0.Tn,...10.431,,tn',
'1'oca,weter,,, 6.56a,nr, 8p.in.
Toronto and est 1 lit p.m. .10.443 p tif,
JJ ., Atredat,
t -
to .
: at t
• tion