The Wingham Times, 1900-08-10, Page 5THE Il''INGH AM TIMES, AUGUST 10, 1U()O iltiE WE ARE.IN RACI! And are TIRE PRODUOE EAOE still paying 18c for good Tub Butter and I3c for Fresh, Eggs, • We have the lead in the low price race, See the swell double -width Dress Goods in Checks, Plaids, Stripes, etc., regular 35 and 40 cent goods, special at 25e a yard. Du o ble-width Lustros in Plain and Valley Patterns, special at 85c a yard. Pretty Muslins at 10c a yard, Ladies' Oxford Shoes, fine Dongela Kid, hand turned sole, regular price $1,50, sbecial at $1.85 a pair, 15 Per Cent. Discount on Parasols. 1 Ib, Art Baking Powder and large Granite Preserving Kettle for 50e. 1z lbs. Baking Powder and a quart Geam for 25e. Men's 75e White Shirts, special at 50e. See the Nobby Knockabout Hats for the Races. They will be on band this week. NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS TRI- Gr C14 —al) OIST The busy store at the busy corner. Button B lock.' EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, what Wideawal{e : Trues Correspondents Communicate •— Other Items gripped i'xom, Our Exchanges. Iverythin on Place ssess iestiS-15. Willituu Cxedtles 's improving the t► ipearallco of his h!ii.' by raising the z. roof and snaking a co of it;. he also 1 s bricking it. rote id n ]'rank Clegg, of Manitoba, is visiting at J. Clegg's in tho village. Mr. Sproat and Wat Allison took in the races at Brussels on Monday. Mrs. Richard Stonehouse is soriously ill, William Bone left on Monday for Battle Creek, •where he intends taking treatment for stomach trouble. Miss Mary Vannorman left ou Tues- day for London, whore she has seoured a good situation. Miss Sproat spent Sunday in Seaforth. There was 93 tickets sold here on Tuesday for the excursion to Goderich. Painting, alterations, improvements, finishing, cleaning, renovating, all completed. We are now prepared to do busi- ness in the very best stand in town. Our stock of Jewelry is new, up-to-date and decidedly of the finest kind. Our optical goods comprise everything known to the science. Couple that with thorough and skilful workmanship and you have the strongest combination. J. R. MUNSHAW OPTICIAN AND JEWELER AT THE STONE CORNER Working overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers—Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing indigestion, bili- ousness, constipation, sick headache and all stomach, livor and bowel troubles, Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 26o a box. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, drug- gist• We are offering bargains in all kinds of Stoves. Tinware Miss M. McMurray has returned home from her visit to Hastings and Lennox counties. She was accompanied home by her cousins, Miss Carrie and Alice Winter's, of Napanoo. Itis reported that James Wilkinson, a well known resident of Morris for the past 40 years, has disposed of his fine 115 acre farm, S'% lot 10, coil. 4, to James and Robert Nicholson, who havo the ad- joining farm rented, The price is said to be x;5000. We have not learned where Me. Wilkinson and family will locate but we hope it will be handy by. JAMESTOWN. Flax bees are all the rage. Mrs. John Smith, of Gerrie, was visiting Mrs. Dunlop last Thursday. Miss Edith Henderson, of Wingham, is vititing her aunt, Mrs. Richard Miller. Master Locant Snell, of Goderich, is visiting his uncle, Samuel Snell. Miss Mary Sanderson, of Wroxeter, was calling on her old friends last Mon- day. John Davidson, of tho Boundary was calling on old friends last Sunday. Mrs. John Finn from Toronto is visit- ing her friends in this vicinity. S.S. No. 1, Turnberry, has been under- going repairs. It takes the Morrisbank boys to do a neat job. , Mrs. Copeland Stokes is lying vory ill at present. Little Miss Ella Breckenridge is sick with scarlet fever. We hope Miss Ella will soon be all right. Andrew Millar, of the boundary has returned home from the TorontoAsyluln. In his appearance, he seems to be very much improved. - Fred Terry, of Molesworth, was visit- ing Will Wright last Monclay. .,,i We keep everything in the tin line from a large milk can to the smallest tin cup, and are selling milk ,cans and pans at the old prices. Also a full stock of Graniteware always on hand. The best Coal Oil stoves Bird Cages, Lamp Goods and House Furnishings. We claim to do the best Eavetroughing work in the County. Tenders on Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Roofing Metal Ceilings, Siding etc., always acceptable. Gasoline and Coal Oil at right prices. Remember the Stone Store when you want anything in our line. leaves a family of two grownup young men, William, who is married living .on the homestead., and lids ars, who bus a farm of his own a few wiles from town, both of whoua are respected citizens of the community were very largely* attended.. There will be no assrvies is " the rushy& terian church next Sabbath th• - •aster has to preach in DM he late Jonathan Dunnage was buf main Pordwich cemetery on WWII — Mr. Dublin° formerly laved on the ISO line :of Morris, where lie svas wall lswuestxl, batt be *loved away a few years agcy to live with some of his children. Intl' leaves au aged and feeble partner be. sides a large family one of who s Mrs. Leonard Rattan, of Morris. Misses Maud Manua and Millin Me* Gillivary, of Win ham, visited at Aroli. Patterson's, on Sunday. A shipment of cheese w: a made b st week. Mss. Cassia, of Prinoj Albert, North- west Territory, is visiting Miss and. the Messrs Fowler, of the 13.uwale road, la, um'a'AL[.. Garlii5s Brothers have their stone wall Mer. Holloway, agent for the Toronto contraots finished for this year and have Mail and Empire, when hero rl eentiy { commenced their thrashing season, secured Will Rogers to canvass fur that journal during the holidays. Harry McHardy, 1101V' working in Goderich, visited his mother here last Geo. McPherson, of Palsloy, has been visiting his cousin, Robert McPher- son. Chas. W. Leech, returned to Detroit last week after holidaying in the country for several weeks. Mrs, Leech and children will remain here for a few weeks longer, Nelson King, of Toronto, fcrinerly of Bl ale is visiting Fred Rogers in the Jaws of a Lion. Tho gallant Major Swaim tells of be- ing knocked senseless by a lion that lacerated itis aria. His thrilling escape from the jaws of death is only equaled by Dr.King's New Discovery for Con• sumption, which has saved thousands from desperate throat anti lung troubles, "All doctors said my wife evould eeo11 die of Consumption," writes L. C. Over- street, of Elgin, Tenn., but your wonder- ful medicine completely .cured leer, and saved her life." Satisfaction is gueren- teed by Colin A. Campbell who gives trial betties free.. Large. bottles 50e and $1.00. ones toss.. The Direotors of the Culross Mutual Fire Insurance Co'y met according to adjournment, in Tees`vater, July 28th, 1900; Members all present; Thomas Allison Esq., President in the chair; Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. Donaldson—Ballagh--`.Chat all applica- tions for insurance taken by the differ- ent agents be laid before the Board for examination.—Carried. Reid—McDonald—That the secretary get 1000 application forms for the use of the agents: —Carried, Reid—McDonald— That haviug ex- amined carefully the applications taken by the different agents and found them satisfactory the President and Secretary are hereby . instructed to prepare and issue policies for the sante.—Carried, Ballagh—Donaldson—That this Board do now adjourn to meet again on the last Saturday of August at the same time and place or at the call of the P >ident.—Carried.. D. McI}Tosn, Secretary, On Friday night, Jaly 28th, there passed away from this life ono of the early settlers of Culross in the person of Robert Scott. Mr. Scott lead reached within a few months of,ninety years of age. Up to within a very short time ago, he enjoyed good health and his death was due to no particular disease, old ago being the principal cause of his John Bugg & Son Get the Bob His Wonderful Nerve Alone sustained Editor F. M. Higgins,of Seneca, Ill,, when all dootors and medi- cines failed to relieve his pain from piles Infalliable for Injuries, Pains or bodily Eruptions. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cts a box. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, druggist. I3EL1)IOILE.- Mrs. Robers Mulvey, of Winnipeg, is visiting her brother -in -lama Mr. James. Mulvey. Miss. Ruby Critten has been renew- ing old acquaintances in and around the village during the past week. Mr. Geo. Edwards, of London, was visiting under the parental roof last week. Miss Florence Bremner bas gone on a visit to her sister in Michigan. Miss Eliza Clegg, of Listowel, is visit- ing her cousin, Miss Hooey this week. The Misses Chittick entertained a few friends on Tuesday evening last. The boys of our foot ball club are expecting the Wroxeter boys to come to play them in. the near future. Mr. J. D. Campbell who has taught in our school for the past four and a half years has resigned. Mr. Jas. McEwen who for two and a half years has taught in S.S. No. 1, Howick, has resigned. Mr. John Bartley who has taught in Union S. S. No. 13, Howick and Turn - berry for six years has resigned. These resignations .leave good openings for some good energetic teachers. Samos Clark has purchased. a property iu Harristonand shortlywill leaveo here to live in that town. a watch. We have something expressly for him fresh from The price will suit you, the watch the New, Haven Works. will suit the boy. The price is $1.75. The watch is a good looker, and a good time -keeper -the biggest thing fop: the alone ---convenient size, neat appearance, made of good ma- terial terial and well set together. Don't confound it with the cheap watches you have seen, for it is one in ,a thousand. Absolutely the best ever offered for the money. We have also watches of the highest grade, and at all prices. • W. Stone Block, next Door to Clegg's Hardware. Patterson, Slater Shoe Leathers The output of " Slater Shoes" is so large that the makers are ante to control their own tannage in most leathers• alfskins, in bluest, light " Canuck Calf," made from the best selected c and medium tan raid seal blown. I idduck" iti black and seal brown, from selected Patna goatsldt)s. Botts leathers are wear alai water reeistiit;;, porous and therefore sa)litery, " french Elialnel," " Peertess There are also "I3cst 'trench 1'alPllt, r•.. Calf." Russia" and "American \, •. c C• lf. Mater Shoe foil lr only ;;hou1,1 be used on these leathere, retains their elneticity and keeps them soft. ••• nbt ne- , best •r is hob leather t 1 ..tl 1114 sole mels ,nus otl every soh* is the makers' matte. and price in at slate frame, \when the finished since: h55 passed its rigorous exanlinatiott. C ttaloette. For Sale Only by W. �L CREEK. The raspberry season is d • eo.. Flax threahiug eolllmae'ateed M'ilclay;'. Falx is a good orop. John King was liavitrg a well dug on his farm on Mon lay toast the 111^n were strongly etfecto 11 y gas. Y. °'"" , so weak they could it 't W.o'' ' • ''`) leave it. Such a tins -, •l ui- periencecl in our imedi.,.., .. or - hood - hood befcrc, at least unit iu our relnem.• • brauco, Turuborry council meets on. M nday, Augnst 20.h. Crops in this vi,•inity .are good. We new , nover remember a year when they were Miss Bolt has returned to Toronto I really bad. Of course we have known after visiting the families of the Messrs. some products to be below the average Shaw, of Morris. but the shortage Seas more than *lade Miss Jennie and Edward Jenkins, of up by the abundance of something else, the Bluevalo road, visited their brother, William Jenkins of Listowel. D. M. Jermyn, of Wiarton, brother of Jabez Jermyn, of Morris, and Whitfield Jermyn, of Turuberry, was elected , n . treasurer of the Loyal Orange Institute' uiecliunl, enabling us maybe to be gen- at the trieninal meeting of their Imperial erous bat nover wasteful. Connell held at New York in July. At the bogs mine of the week we, had. Wm. Hodder and daughter,of Chicago, groat heat. People sat about 'without visited his mother, Mrs. Simeon Hodder, collars or any useless ornamonte, to tell and his sister, Mrs. Joel Sellars, both of the truth with jest about as little rat- Morris. ' hent as the law will allow. The sun Miss Sadie Greenway, of Toronto, is I sank to rest like a burnt out fire nwl elle visiting her father Robert Greenway. 'moon rose as het looking as the sun. Willie Richardson, of Brussels, spent' Everything is dry awl burnt up save for . last week at Win. L. Fraser's, Morris, the green woods that always fringe the and visited at John Burgess' this week. horizon, and they tco me dimmed with J. N. Kendall, our station agent, its- that smoke that balcu s to the hot tends removing his family to British weather. 20 tickets were sold atBluevale station Columbia very soon. He has been wait -for the Sabbath school excursion to ing`for sprue time for a relieving agent God ids, on Tuesday. to allow him to leave his post. Thenew ac:LSe tvA\ .A N tis= -I. On Tuesday last sleet's'. entered our midst and toole ,away Sarah Relniond, beloved wife of Jolhii Giblonsia in her 83rd yeer. Pulnonary trout i', from which deceased suffered for some mouths was the cause of death. The funeral which took place on. Thursday to St. Augustine cemetery, ecus very largely attended, there being overof hundred vehicles in the procession2twi sym- pathy is felt for the bereaved husband and other Meads. • Mr. Charles King left on Tuesclay morning for Manitoba zvhere lie iu- tends remaining for some months in the Hope of benefiting liis health which slag not been good for saws time. Miss Annie McConnell of Windsor is visiting friends on the 10th and ]2th. Mr. Rothwell of. Ottawa visited his sister, Mrs. James, 8th con. Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker of Toranto and. Mrs. Anderson of Parkdale see visit- ing at Mr. Walker's, 13th can. Miss Powell, of Cliutoa, has been visiting at Mr. Coahraae's 13 warn • boundary. . Miss D. Elliott, of Wiug'1im, is epaud- iug this week at Mr. R. Leisln r n's Miss M. Williamson and Miss May and Wilfrid Reid sp cut Sunday in West- field. MissFanuie Robertson, of th a sixth, spent part of last week visiting Miss Carrie McGee. We are sorry to hear of the ill less of Mrs. Albert Riutoul and wo ht.pi she may soonbo able to be armudl again, Miss Kettle McBurney, of yuenberry, is spending a part of her holidays with her cousin,'hiiss Annie MMBuruey, of the 12th. Quite a number off the 9th to.,k in the' excursion to Goderich on Tneslay. A large crowed assembled in the Methodist church on the 10th on Sunday n e C H., Coulees. ' ithear PM.. C to last evening gave them seine very ins motive toil beneficial points art his tris .curs'. A few of the nulling fan hers of the Otis ai•lisllol 11 tev istiu; th) middle al this week. One year in Manitoba they rev.1 ,n ex- travagant plenty, the next par they may need to count every grain; but year after year our corner of ilia earth wives us the steady, sure and happy death. Mr. Scott was born 111: New- agent, Chas. McGuire, of Barrie, arrived castle, Roxburyshire, Scotland, and on Tuesday morning, and Mr. Kendall came to this country with his wife and left for Brussels that day. Mr. Kendall family of eight children in the year 1850. was formerly station agent in Brussels He spent about a mouth in Galt, conning but was sent here over a year ago. His on to Culross in the fall L1nd taking up . family did not come here however, but remained iu Brussels since. Mr. Ken- dall does not feel llhnself so young as as he used to be and will seek some con- genial work. To all doing business, with the Grand Trunk Railway through him he was courteous and obliging and they wish him good fort u ne wherever he may pitch his tent. Mr. Kendall is an Englishman and before coming to Cana- da was clerk in the money order depart- ment of nighty London's post -office. Mrs. Geo. Pocock, of East Wawauosh, with her two little children, visited her mother, Mrs. Rutherford, last week. Edward Johnston, of the fust line of Morris, had a born raising ou Tuesday of last week. Miss Bella Maxwell, of Brandon,Mau., is visiting at her parental home on the Bluevale road. Mrs. Stowe, of Goderich, visited her home here last week. The Bell Telephone Company's gang of men who put up the lice from here to Fordwich shipped themselves and their belomgiugs from here on Wednesday . of last week. They went to P. E. I. to build telephone lines there. ' Andrew Scott, of Seaforth, visited his brother, Frank B. Scott, last week and also attended Winghaui's races. Will Scott and Misses Maud Scott and Mary Mcmwlan, of Clinton, visited at Frank Scott's, last. week. Misses Sanderson and Gordon return- ed to Toronto on Thursday of last week. Miss Mabel Coultes is visiting her sister, Mrs. John McIntosh of Moles - The Sweetie, Misses Duff visited the Misses Robertson, of Wroxeter, last week. Mfrs. Shrigley and little daughter. of Toronto, aro visiting at Douglas F rases s g Tarnberry. 11 " al of John st. lot 29 on the Oth come sou Robert still lives. on, where his revious to com- ing to this country he worked seventeen years for one man and live for another in Scotland. His partner in life died some eleven years ago. Only five of liis family survive him and all of these live quite near hint. John E., and Robert, Mrs. 'John S. Elliott and Mrs. Wm.Reicl all live in Culross and Mrs. Webb lives Greenock. ANE 1 Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles and feel the results in loss of appetite, backache, nervousness, head- ache and tired, run-down feeling, but, "Electric Bitters aro just the thing for a man" writes J. W. Gardiuer,of Idaville, Ind., "when he is all run-down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and is thin blood. It causes pale faces, white lips, weak nerves and lack of vitality. Ablood- enriching, fat producing food -medicine is needed. �3�CC goes to. the root of the trouble,r, .... ..ens and en- strengthens y Ybuilds and blood, the. C eS r1 h up the entire system. For Anemic girls, thin boys,. and enfeebled mothers, it is the Standard remedy. ��������5err. rtnad so *11 drnt$t�ts, SCOTT & 14OW %C+mets, ToaOlato. nod appetite than anything I could take can now eat anything and have a now lease on life." Only 500. -Every bottle guaranteed by Colin A. Campbell, drug- gist. TVILNI3I•.T.ILT, There was laid away to rest in the Wiughanl cemetery on Tuesday after- noon last, Catherine Kerr, beloved wife of Robert Jenkins, Culross ebout1dary. Mrs. Jenkins came off sturdy old country stook who emigrated from Ireland over half a century ago, made their way to what was then known as the Huron Tract, thea an almost unbroken wilder- ness, now the so'called garden of Ont. aria. They settled down at Smith's Hill (now Carlow P. 0.) iu the 'town- ship of Colborne, 'where Catherine, the subject of this sketch was born about 00 years ago. In 1860 the family removed to the township of Turnberry—Wing- ham being at that time an almost un- known quantity—and were among the early settlers in that township. In 1864 she married Robert Jenkins living for three years on the Culross boundary, '1o)ne- ike a iollee2S) when Mr. Jenkins purchased the sterid wllioh he still occupies. good many snore of the early key started life together at the foot of the ladder, having their own share o hardships and privations, struggles and triumphs, but slaving the nceossary phi'k and perseverance to overcome difficrl5ios they soon made for themselves rL cont. fortable home oat of the primeval fcr- st. Nattlra?1f of nt strong collsi i ;utter, but it gave way tinder a constant strain of bard work, se that the last few years of her life was spent as an invalid.. Iter her in 1883 •r tried, 11 Idol father, 9D1 1 mother after living long least the pre- scribed three score and ten, died its 1891, leaving a family of ten children, seven Of whom still survive, Mr. 30501)111 er'r, one of Wingham's mostrospectecttowns- men being tho youngest, tend the only one rosiding neer here. M Jew George Powe prznclp school, Toronto, and his daughter are visiting at Paul Powell's Turnberry. Robt. Scott and sons, of nSeafortb, visited at Frank Scott's last week. The Willing Workers of the Methodist c'.:lurch hold their quarterly tea at Mrs. John \Vammisti's on Friday evening last. Rev.. W. J. West, M. A. and Mrs. Wert very pleasantly entertained the Presbyt6rilii,.,Clloir awl others o11 Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Will G a • have r :14 11 1lotiie to Dunnville. Miss iiMabe1 S, ailo11g: t 11 some months; silent with her. grandparents, 11Mr. and Mrs. Wm Smith, returned to itl:•1' home Ya, a,t111 tl •i on ,5 y ' /anis in Sat- urday, . .,It Mer. Delman, senior, returned on . t urd 1y, from Woodstoelc, where 11e Sva1si visiting friends. Mr. tauten, of Toronto, joinet his. wife here o11 Satlirnay. The quarterly meeting services int blre Methodist a11utela last*Math, =Mktg "Put Money rn 77ty Parse." Nobody suffering from brain -fag, lack of energy, or "that tired feeling" ever puts money in his purse. Lassitude and listlessness come from impure, sluggish blood flint simply oozes 'through the veins Hood's Sarsaparilla snakes the blood pure and gives at life, vigor and vim. pittipiOs=_"Ay face anus eoalered stuitIi eeript& and blackheads but after faking Hoods S40sxparr7la t short time, yl as entirety 'cured, and my 1&tn Was North an i� to sntoath •and dear. Aro Icy Sf., Chatham, Ont.