HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-10, Page 4tweets t1Te diverse elements oi' tills 1
I country. My friends can desert rue,
they can remove their couiidenee from
me, they can withdraw the trust whieh
they have placed in my hands, but
never shall I deviate from that line of
policy. Whatever may be the conse-
A guaranteed cure for sore, giteuces, whether loss of prestige, loss
of power, I feel that I am in the right,.
and I know that a time will come when
every man will render me full justice on
that score. --Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
sweating and swollen
LoUn A, Carnpbei1`s
MINOR LOCALS, tw'xNtillA1U 1KARIVr EEr'eif'y
Wingliam, Aug, 9, 1900..
Flour per 100 lbs ... , 2 00 to 2 25
Fall Wheat 0 03 to 0 70
Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 CO
0 20 to 0 27
Barley ... ,,,• ,,,, 0 :35 to 0 88
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teedto cure headache.
--The rural schools will open on Aug,
--Tuesday was a quiet day in Wing-
hant---civi.e Holiday.
-The warm weather 1111$tress very quiet in town,
+-•-T1a1Rs for 35 cents till
.1901, Snbscribe now.
A. comparative statement of the
tity of of riw tobacco leaf and products
therefrom in Canada for the years 1895-
1900 shows that there is an increase in
the amount of raw leaf used, but not to
any important extent, The quantity in
1895 was 9,610,120 pounds, and in. 1899,
10,557,000 pounds. Of tobacco the
amount Consumed 1111895 was 10,088,400
pounds, and in -1900 10,557,000 pounds.
The increase in the consumption of
cigarettes in five years has been steady,
jumping from 85,994,400 in 1895 to
124,267,000 in 1900. The consumption
of snuff shows a slight falling off,
amounting to 28,9,000 pounds in the for-
mer year and 280,000 pounds during the
year just closed.
Notice of changes mutt be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday evening.
Casual t �civertisemeiits accepted up
to noon Thursday of eaeh week.
made bust -
January 1,
—The G.T.R. pay ear passed through
Wingham on Monday.
—Regular meeting of Court Maitland,
C. O. F,, this (Friday) evening.
—Clinton's rate of taxation for this
year is 2112 mills on the dollar,
—.A. few Wiiighamites attended the
horse races at Brussels on Monday.
FRIDAY, AUGTST 10, 1900.
Tans protest against the election of
?floe. John Dryden is set down for trial
eau September 10th.
Hon. J. Isrel Tarte, Dominion Minister
of Public Wcrks, sailed from Liverpool
for Canada Tuesday morning.
THE total number of Canadians sent
to South Africr, officers 160, non-com-
missioned officers and men 2,913. Of
this cumber 48 have been killed in
action, 149 wounded, 57 cliecl of disease,
106 invalided to England, and 25 miss-
ing, making total casualties and in-
valids 385.
"There are two ways in which the
burdens of any country can lessened.
Which of these two methods is to be
adopted depends wholly and entirely on
the circumstances in which the country
finds itself. Onerof these methods, if it
bo possible,. is to reduce the expenditure,
and that is always desirable when it
can be done with advantage to the gen-
eral weal. That is sometimes necessary,
and is always necessary when a country.
is stationary, or much more, in a
retrograde condition. The other mode
—and in a new and growing country
like this, the better mode—is to apply
ourselves so as to increase the population,
so as to increase the wealth, so as to
develop the resources of the country;
that we may multiply the number of
tax -payers, that wo may increase their
means, and thereby as effectually re-
duce the burdens of the people as if we
reduced the actual expenditure."—Sir
Richard Cartwright. •
—The town band will give their usual
open ate concert this (Friday) evening,
—Harriston's civic holiday on Thurs.,
day nest. Bicycle races aro the at-.
—The third race in the handicap
bicycle road mice will be run this (Fri-
day) evening.
—The West Huron Farmers' Institute
has cleared $200 from their excursion to
Guelph Model Farm.
Peas , ....... . , ... 0 58 to 0 00
Turkeys, drawn. 0 09 to. 0 10
Goose, " .. 0 05 to 0 00
Ducks, per pair ,,,,...... 0 40 to 0 50
Butter..,,.. ,. ,,,,•.•. 0 16 to 0 17
Eggs. per doe .. , . , . , , .... 0 12 to 0 13
Wood per cord 0 00 to 0 00
Hay per ton. ,.. .. ,7 00 to 7 00
Potatoes per bushel old, , 0 20 to 0 25
Potatoes perbusliel,new0 75 to 1 00
Tallow per Ila , , , , ...... , 0 05 to 0 00
Lard ., ,,. .•.•• 0 12 to 0 12
Dried Apples per ib , , , , , 0 00 to 0 00
Wool ,,,....... 0 17 to 0 20
Dressed Hogs , ,. 0.50 to 7 CO
Chickens 0 35 to 0 40
Six Hibbert Tupper's only American
friend in the Yukon had to flee from the
.country to elude the hand of justice
winch would have punished him for
criminally libelling Mr. E. C. Senkler.
The impulsive member for Pict= might
have had to "git" to Nome, too, if he
had made some of his charges outside of
the House. Victoria (B. C.) Times.
Mr. W. A. Mackinnon who has charge
at the Paris Exposition of the exhibit of
the Canadian food products, has sent
word that Canada has been awarded the
THE following with reference to the
Tay canal will give our readers an idea
of how the Conservatives managed
things in their time: Read the history
of the Tay` -Canal. This was a ditch
running from the Rideau Canal six
miles to the Town of Perth, the home of
Hon. John Haggart. In 1882 a vote of
$50,000 was asked, and the total cost
was estimated at $132,660, exclusive of
the land required. In 1883 another
vote and the cost was estimated at $240,-
000. In 1884 $100,000 more voted, and
in 1887 11 was stated that the cost to
date had been $256,000, and that $55,000
more was needed to "complete" the
—Tho fax mill commenced operations
this wear. Quite a quantity of flax has
been delivered at the mill.
—The members of the Advance staff
are enjoying holidays this week. .We
will have our turn next week.
—Steve L. Hommedieu, a big turf
plunger of New York has gone broke.
He lost $48,000 in 24 hours recently.
It is understood that Percy Gifford,
now of Essex and formerly of Wing -
ham, has been engaged by R. Coats &
Son, of Clinton.
Easy Lessons in life Assurance,.
'WHERE should I insure try life?.
"I want the best security, a LIBuLAL
and UNRESTRICTED policy iu a Company
which pays its claims .TROMPTLY and
Hoxon ABLY, and other things being
equal, I prefer to keep my honey in the
wintry, whose commerce I am inter-
ested in supporting."
Such a company is the Mitral Life of
Canada, formerly the Ontario Mutual
Agent, Wingham, Ont.
--Labor Day, September 3rd, will be
celebrated in Clinton, bicycle races of all
description for handsome prizes will
form the attraction.
—R. Vanstone has purchased Mrs.
Ritchie's brick house on John street.
The house is at present occupied by Mr,
Vanstone's mother.
—Dr. J. L. Turnbull, of Goderich has
taken into partnership his brother, Dr.
Frank D. Turnbull, late house surgeon
at Toronto general hospital.
grand prize for cheese, butter and eggs work, which was voted. But in 1888
in cold storage. Recent shipments of another $78,000 was voted, and the
apples have arrived in Paris in splendid statement made that the work was
Vondition. Grimsby packages contain- "completed" then. In 1889 another
ung 75 to 95 per cent. of perfect speci- $25,000 to "complete" the work. In
mens. 1890 $11,000 "to settle with the con -
All order in council has been passed tractor and finish the canal." Later in
prohibiting the landing of pauper and 1890 $20,000 more in the same session.
destitute immigrants in any portion of In 1891$80,000 to "complete" the canal.
'Canada until such sums of money as are Another $18,466 was expended on an ex -
'found necessary are provided and paid tension to Haggart's mill without the
into the hands of the Canadian immi- sanction of Parliament. The annual
gration agent having jurisdiction at the cost of maintenance was about $28,000,
port of landing by the master of the the revenue in 1891 $58.81, and in 1893
vessel carrying the immigrants, for the nothing. "Business is business:"
temporary support and transportation
to their place of destination.
It is reported that T. W. Gibson, of
the Ontario Crown lands 'Department,
will be promoted to the position vacated
by the appointment of Mr. Blue, to be
Dominion census enumerator. Mr.
Gibson is a native of Huron, and the
Toronto Telegram, Independent Conser-
vative, is kind enough to say of him:—
It will be to the credit of the Ontario
Government if T. W. Gibson is named
'to succeed to the vacant place of head of
the Department on Mines. Ability such
US Mr. Gibson possesses should be kept
in publie service.
Ir, there is anything to which I have
given my political life, it is to try to
promote unity, harmony and amity be -
signed. Wal. Guest, as will be seen by
the council proceedings, has been ap-
pointed his successor. Mr. Irwin trill
spend some time visiting with his sou
and daughters.
—Johns' restaurant has this week
been moved to the vacant store opposite
the post office. The new stand should
be ah'ight for a restaurant.
—Tuesday last was Teeswater civic
holiday. Many from that place joined
with the Winghamites ingoing to Gode-
rich on the S. S. excursion.
—Albert Mitchell, of the north end
bakery has sold his stock to N. J. Kers-
well, We understand that Mr. Kers-
Wall will sell bread in future.
—Geo. Nicholson, of Turnberry, has
moved to town and is living in the
house vacated by A. K. McAllister, now
owned by Mr. Busman, of Morris.
—The farmers will finish harvesting
early next week. Many have now fin-
ished. The warm, dry weather brought
on the harvest much faster than usual.
F. G. Sparling and Donald Stewart
spent Monday trout fishing at Belmore.
They report a good catch. The editor
had an invitation, but could not accept
Do you lnre to hear it? If not, take
Scott's Emulsion. 'Twill fill out your
sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, and thin
hands, Why not have a plump figure?
DJn't let disease steal a march on you.
The second day of the Wingham races,
last Thursday, drew a much larger
crowd than the first day. The i aces
were good and the weather could not
have been better.
In the 2.35 c]ass, Dr. Jim, owned by
J. E. Swarts, Wingham, rather sur-
prised the spectators: In the first two
heats he took fourth and second place
and then went out and won three.
straights. Dr. Jim seems to have the
staying power. The following is a sum -
wary of the day's events:—
2.35 class—
Dr. Jim, J. E. Swans, Wing
ham 4 L4.: 1
Romola B., John Barnes, St
Thomas, 12 .a. a.
Charlie P.F. Peters, Aylmer $ 4 2 2
Darkey, J., Gentles, Kincardine 2 8 3 4 4
Time, 2.273(, 2.25X, 2.2934, 2.29;•x,•2.30.
They Never Quit.
The Conservative press is saying that
the Liberal party is worrying because so
many of its old men in Parliament are
retiring. The way they keep harping
on the subject suggests that possibly
they are trying to hint to some of the
old men of the Conservative party that
itis quite fashionable this year to retire.
It cannot be charged that the Opposi-
tion is worrying because of any theat-
ened influx of new blood. In the Ian-.
gunge of the athletic field, the Conser-
vative party knovvs only too well' that it
needs to change its blowing, as they say
in Cricket—or change its battery, as they
say in baseball, or strengthen; its home
and stiffen its defence, as they say in
lacrosse.—Toronto Star.
• 2.24 class—
;Guiiletta, E. Hodgins . .... ..1 1
Walter K A. Proctor, Toronto .2 2
J. R. Gentry, Ed. • Jackson, -To-
• ronto .,,.
Black Mack, T. Curry, Macke .. 4 4
Chicago Belle, H. Overmeyer, St. .6 •
Thomas . ,•
Dora, Dr. Howell, Jarvis. 5 6
Time 2.2134, 2.19X, 2.21ie.
Black Joe, Ed. Jackson 11
Billy, T. Chank . , ... .
Two Strike, Ed. Swarts, Gode-
rick .
Annie Gould, W. Barnes, To-
ronto ronto
Time 2.17%, 2.16X, 2.17
—A. Graham, the sidewalk contractor,
has completed the walks on Leopold and
Frances streets. This will, no doubt,
be the last walks laid in Wingham for
this year.
-The regular meeting of the School
Board will be held on Tuesday evening
next. One of the rooms in the school
has had new seats placed in it during
—The Union furniture factory is.
closed down this week and most of the
men are enjoying a holiday. The ma-
chinery is being thoroughly overhauled
and repaired.
Ernie Armstrong, a young man about
seventeen years of age, Was drowned. on
Tuesday evening in. Henry* Smiths
brick pond at the outskirts of the town.
Several other boys wvero swimming
when they noticed the lad struggling,
but too late to be of any assistance. He
went down in about eight feet of water.
The pond is fed by springs in the bot-
tom and in places is very cold, and he
no doubt was seized with eramps when
coming in contact with the coin water.
The body was recovered by grappling.
He was the youngest son of Mr. James
Armstrong, a highly esteemed merchant,
and was employed at the Grand Trunk
station as clerk and operator.
The Ottawa and Hun Fire Relief
Fund. Assoeiatien met recently to make
the final apportionment of the funds.
The total amount received is $028,000,
the Quebec province contribution of *25,
009 being the last to come. No more
money will to received.
fine gold is your eyesight,
Don't be so foolish as to
buy spectacles from ped-
dling so-called Opticians,
-when you can be properly
and scientifically fitted by
a responsible dealer. We
carry a very full line of
all kinds of spectacle
We test the eyes free.
s.nd guarantcesatisfactlon. ,
jeweler and Optician
Macdonald BIo 1t.
—F. Gutteridge of Seaforth and his
gang of men have finished the concrete
abutments for the new iron bridge,
which is being erected on the gravel
road south of Wingham.
—T. Hall, of the Advance, has pur-
chased J. B. Ferguson's property on
Shuter street. He will take possession
in about a month. This house will make
a very nice home for Mr. Hall and his
—The Trnlr;s and Daily Toronto Star
to the 1st of next January for the small
sum of 70c in advance. A portrait of
the Queen and Prince of Wales goes
along With this offer free.
-The friends of Mrs. Robb. Mimes,
of Clinton, will be pleased to know that
she has nearly recovered from her long
and severe illness, though she is not yet
able to stand much exertion or exercise.
- Messrs. D. Showers & Son have
purchased from Geo. Fretwell his pump
factory on Victoria street. This is the
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Showers
an& he will now have better facilities
for doing his business,
-Five car loads of cattle were shipred
from Wingham on Monday. A special
stock train of seventeen ears of cattle
left the G. T. R. station here on that
day.. The cattle were front Hinoardine,
Itiploy, t.ucknew and WinghanL
---Thos. Irwin, who has been the
efficient caretaker of the Winghan t
cemetery for a umber r 6t years has re.
On Tuesday, Maly 31, :Sur. Samuel Mc-
Kee, of Molesworth, who was returning
home from Listowel on his wheel, raft
into a hetee and buggy, fracturing his
skull. Ile was picked up by Mfr, Jos.
Wilson ani t taught to towel, when med.
Teal ai.d wal call bd in. Its is slowly re -
cc +eting.
Look at your tongue.
Is it coated P
Then you have a bad
taste in your mouth every
morning. Your appetite
is poor, and food dis-
tresses you. You have
frequent headachesand
are often dizzy. Your
stomach is weak and
your bowels are always
There's an old and re-
liable cure :
Don't take a _cathartic
dose and then stop. Bet.
ter take a laxative dose
• each night, just enough to
cause ohegood freemove-
trent the day following.
You feel better . the
very next day. Your
appetitereturns, your
dyspepsia is cured, your
headaches pass away,
your tongue clears up,
your liver acts well, and
gl eryou bowels ouble, no longer
price, 25 Gantt, Alt draggled',
lit bate tarsen A4,004 frill, for 85
ynare, bna I consider thein tab bait
made. One pill done bin Mtn kOnd
than halt n box of any other kind I
have over tried:'
Mrs N. IL 'Amor,
Msre'1lae,1s00. Arrington, fools.
The Poop1os Popular Store
Oar Best Granulated Sugar, 18 lbs for $1
For four weeks only, we will sell all our summer
Dry Goods AT and BELOW COST. We must
dispose of these 'goods at once. This is your oppor-
tunity to secure seasonable goods at greatly reduced
prices. Note. a few prices : •
English Prints, regular I2%c for ioc
Canadian Prints, reg ioc for Sc
„ ,c for 5c
P K's, stripes, reg 15c for ioc
Dress Ginghanis, reg 15c for - Ioc _�
Dress Ginghams, reg we for 8c
<< << " i c for 5c
Art Muslins, reg la 1 -ac for lex
7c for 5c
Dress Muslins, reg 15c for - IOC
t. " reg ioc for Sc
- Dress Goods, reg 25c for 19c
Straw Hats, reg i5c for IOC
Leather Belts, reg 25c for 15c
Parasols at cost
Children's Hats below cost
Goods delivered promptly to any place within
miles of the .store.
Terms Spot Cash or Trade.
Car Granulated Sugar, 18 lbs for $1.
Macdonald Block,
and Wrappers.
Also in Fancy Muslins, Vic-
toria Lawns, Organdies, Piques
and , Scotch Gingharns.
See our up-to-date stook of
Embroideries and Insertions at
specia cut prices.