HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-10, Page 2,•__.r _. Y .� _ . OR 11 01 `.i.i HNlti#Lrle Itn`rbrr', t r ��..- (fixe f,tlt2t i sa# reheat itl}tt c,xtr.lete(t front{ lt"(a f31t(tuld htlsfi xsat~t!l1 21 Fa 1>17oct« 1 t' (! 1 ti'.tR22t t(! its, l pz ad All Italwlz r; �i,'i} '1feXleo leas re' tine wood, and IIvllelx extracted does not # "There tufts in the old trays Am 1(Ff f i?o}1't fllxd fittrlt, t'a%Ittr (°t t 'tl lit1w coulPositiun in- harder( td crrstallization, but rkivlaills as (�vt,tr and tear tlllall the lherrest surd 31x(• Don' nut's or under cttoss, to}} .:,� t (3ils'titute for catlr3tetlar3c in a yawl((, skieky" mass that fu:flls .til of ' der such eanditioni,. (tigcrstio;x avis nz gra � Don't b411;ve all tkza (suit "cit hear. the rz2ax ,e,•t1ztt, cif rt3bber pslads. th0 physical collditiolls 6f crude rabbi T. oculi fatal. „ ; , , y Wilil( r(ti(,1}, ixd c,x:00 rte Obsex: ( d at It may be vulcanized� p o lh`rfarnl3d, writes bi ;�, rt Don't deer at tiny burly s religious be - X:00 gr(,V,;na 1 y perfectly, tttzct is t T. Rover of T4fly I a zz (ap laso� l to .?lots , 11z cedttral ;►Texaco a}ld : yt}perior tO most India raDber, since it is pies"1111 the All;;ust I attics' Ilozzae. � Aoit't bo rdtdtt to atir atlfeziars i21 knt+z: tz t;1 tl.a 11:(iitt}ts i -y u varit•ty of flea from all ulcchauie tl impurities, an(t Journal. The mother of t�•alay 11111st t social: position, r xlaut:'s, of w: i.ItyElleis ut'N. Tho sllrul} , %le(°tIs 2161 xelitlzixaary cracl(il1,r", f rindinr int}re carefully to the buihtildg of tllcix Jya}t't repeat ossz i, c+vt(zt if it does ill+ t tilts roll -,lig hold, and tit- � or washing, ns clues the ordinary crude y bodies auel tx:►ins tllatl Yht+ir luotlzr rs' texoo }t cxpeat g 1 Itai.hs slur f. a : t,tg.,- het ht of three feet. ribber. The botaPical uanle of this Stud graudal'atlhers (lid. Iud•33d at ac e l n' a'f the shrub led flit" to > shrub is Sy dlathexoers XeXIMIIs, and it at which we Amorfen;lS aro a�oiil p av � ]Don't 71}I(ler rate illlytlritlg because .{ f #? 0 a m ld ,_ going 0 don't possess t . x ih C• 1 , f t �` � zz.,, the �,•�, p t as same ,..- � .. }u with ref .l fntlhiSll@$ In grain tl#4 rexl2arlratble yield lit e atlr lrtuitts at fc111 sp3ed, nearly all I Don't 9'0 t311tldy on the plea that erica to a� :_ taitlt,lg zvhaat r,se }llit;ht be ! of 40 per cent, of its otvu s, %nzuel htIt the time. Wlat mall call build brain everybody QvrrrUaiy kdo.vs ou,, iada Of it, (prowstbuildautly, (abaudallt, cheap and %tiny letreated and brawn oil pies, layer eales or pre- Dnet colxtr., diet. pe 0, la, even if you Il}Ay 1J {.ds:17 etlltzcated, roots readily ` I;ltiler 111 ;1, (fry state so that it tuay be serves, or ally Littler }llass Of material i are alba ou trout c.at...-gs, and (dray be cut twa or cut and haled and stored for any length which froxu zts s (�r Doul lexit requires, , y nr4 right. r y p yt Don't believe that everybody xlx the tll; ; till.( 1 yt�ar and inluletliately bt. I of tiale, and Shipped without aafrect.ing lobos and tiuue for digestion, drawing i worltl is happier (foal.) you, plus to ; r ,v ,^.nd sllaa#s np:dt.;ail1 to furlu its yivId of gudu.--Sviezltiflc Anler;eau, tho Moot( front the brain to the stotuach ; Don't believe that everybody in the new It, is o;rl, during the working flours? Observe y worldis happier than you, It co.: =.or 1�• 'win- to the planks which i 11rou1 aiatuy Sources, thOse zvho east their complex foods care- Don't c3uclude that yon leave never ;1lin grot g a o )"'Paratiya ly i �l c ity ordinance in Paris prevents, , lessly and hastily, and �r ou will sea at n had an opportunity add •arts life. lzar(1 t.'r.u7i, stud (goon..( r as it su2alT lance the eoaditions that necessitate a Don't be Inquisitive about theaffairs t .r , ;;� ' zv(nncu fral:lr ,arta((, typ(� at %tight. � g ' r t th t. -s found within Call} lete rest ever l its 1,21•., ut.<t �: v(d a large Turing the r�it,dl of Petco the Great, p y naiv ath;l thea, orhu. of evert your most intimate fii4nds. r ( amount U leather motley was ill-circaration ill early Nervous Ireakdown, Don't et into the habit of yuI axill gu}Il - Y :.0 uer, a,r7R1 upodill cutting it Russia. 1 "IU My, close obs iry atiou in tho , last. life by making light of the sentiment of a itrl u: po}tut?idlI anti macer- Voras fearing the names of emperors r twenty years I fluft very fury • people in ' xt', ntxn> 1t r itlt :t I;gt r( curbarl ether of Who exited over 2,C W years apo are our colunicdl struggle for existence who ; Don't express a positive apiniou unless peYruse tl:l, 1 of t,txpeutine Cr #lt4 1ik4, ' still in daily circulatio}rill China. can for ally let g"'11 of tint.) es" carlessiy ; you perf, etly Understand what you are In Zululand the atmosphere is so clear of c Oulpiexx foods, At. forty or fifty at ' tailing about, '-'-. - rhat objects can be clearly sevi2 by star- 13,111 may perhaps have accuinulated . Toatxtnclte C days, iig'_it at a distance of seven nliles. r wea'.th, but not llratltlt, and of what i � i u rlo ad oranges are soluctimes artific- eartlly use is the first scithortt the sec- irlr° 'rvtl Neddan Fel River Cross- r + , ti • , ; ., t in;;, IL 13., s r,� s: "Iliad toothache for r_ al • I; educed by injecting a f> d 7 On 2, Xau - •ersons in e r he r i l � g (.w of s , y b f;.,ue at o t . two flays, and canlcl get nothing to stop :.:,a• et thn ugh a salad aperture in the ! gull bcfare Mayo eaten plies at least once ' it until I ,got Low's 'Toothache Gum • : i tt,t, a day, but they hava,liot had meat three! which quickly, cured me." Price 10o. 1 FriTtf is impro7?ent to l,e' au ail 0r gas tures a day, nor hatca they rushed at ; Electlae Powe:,' In tato rc tcltotl. U, Roiidal� star e I tuning ill n sltheping-roolu. They our pace. They gave more til}1e to New York Suis: In i y the digestion of the' ! Utica, has '. ju t i ctlnsume the oxygen nail thus vitiate the g pie.; People who t block of naw apartlne%lt houses llas just I air" recommend these rich foods rarely Imo•vv ! been furnished, with complete installa. Q -a"» u F nO l Before Christianity was introduced anythnrg of their eginpiex conditions, i tiou Of electric cooking utensils in each i Tuto India, lepers were inhumanly treat- and still less of the complexity of tri- !flat. The electrical kitchen furniture 0,r„ o 9 lad. Food was denied themand many of gestiou. 9 consists of three round s or (haul were buried alive. i "stoves," an oven card a 'broiler, It is The aligator and the crocc elle possess Colds drat Hang On. declared, apparently wadi reason, that r'�• ~• +�_ as great strength in the tail, One blow Plieunionia is the result of neglected ! meats broiled on the electric gridiron Ji �1Sr�e from either of these animals is powerful chest colds, colds that hang on and iu' are mtloh more palatable than talose n h flame and irritate the bronchial tulles nnw�uu• ununnnnrun�atnuuuunnnunuuwanu;,n.., an t i R 1 R ser & ...ST X_ ne, AMgetable Prep ara,tioni'orAS- ' similalingl�l��oatltlttdi3egula- bet %it►,a the$ftacits and lb els, or tro ed �ampt�s���esfion,Cheerful�' ell gess and Mst,Cantains neither ed ium MorpUino Inoc Mi4eral, in UW WA3kC WXC, '1v .,7Y<llj!G OPI/I[f%3�1'Sfif�liPl SD ;a sea - •,4l X4v,,u + � .rTb'uo�tc[/e.i'aUa�+ douse iced + :Rppermurt _ i7�#/Coibnnum i outfit fFC/I - � Med frr�ar rrt6•iyirciaflal�a AperfectRemedy forCottstipa-• I' tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worrrts,C6nvutsions,yeveriA- ness andLoss or, Suzy ! I— Tacsitar le signature of clic; y.vL� NEW YOM .. I1. r=r,7CQPYOF WRAPPER. Avow bfif� THAT TH. FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE I9 ON THE WRAPP"'ER s OP E9E&Y SOTTI.B Oki+ CAN I URIA, ' 0astorla to put up to oa0.0izo battles only. it Is not sold 14 bulk, Dealt allow anyone to 0011 You anything also on the plea or promise that io, is "just as good,' and "will answer every pur,. Posed' luz°• Sae that you get 04 -84 -0.1?, -I -A, ':ho fao- simSlo ,.,., � �sottnre • �� ovcry e Dug tO breal. the Ian of astron man, charred find scorched in the ordinal r, g and lungs. TO promptly and thorough. 'y , Must Bear Signature of "The telephone ear" is a new disease, ly cure chest colds, tightuess in the � way over hot coals. The most remark - It effects girls who habitually attend to Guest and all colds in the throat and able feature of these electrical kitchens telephglle calls, and the symptom ax a bronchial tubes 17r. Chase's Syrup of is that elle stores; etc., are simply placed 1 Linseed and Turpeutiue has proved it- P % c / frequent buzzing in the ear and all self the mast effectual rendedy, extant. j on an ordinary kitchen table, and wileu_— scesses on the dram. Its sale is simply enormous, 25 cents a ( the cooking is completed can be stowed moo, i Sea i aasiwito'.cpncr Below. A FreuCh statesman seriousl ro- bottle, Family alae fi0 a ants., y P away in it convenient closet, leaving the NERVOUS, posed the establishment idl Paris of ti kitchen free of even a- txace of cookery.� baby market, where the children of in- The Tlarber Hit1t. Space is thus saved, and the kitchen can different or poor parents may be placed, Un one of leis visits to London, be as small as the conscieuco of the m�����E�� -CTJR-ID 1N 20 'EMIR S. to be sold to persons Who can give se- Joachim, the great violinist, entered a architect will permit Because of this curity to car3 zrell for them• barber shop for a shave. The barber saving, and also because the electrical {''URE` G�%'�RA�!EE® 0R f`1PAyl Fast quantities of shelled eggs are ex- clid not known him and eyed his a3ow- utensili give off no heat, All of the y IN ft t i� Fq)Z A, CASE WE petted front Russia in hermetically itlg locks with rhe air of a, elan tvlho heat is used in the cooking and not ill, l ` ' OLD CANNOTCURE OF sealed tins, and are dravrn ofr through kn:sw just what he would do thele when warming and vitiating the air of the SELF-ABUSE, EftISSIC►�15, YARICO+ a tay, One tin holds from 1,030 to 1,500 he got his customer in the chair, p room. • The fiats in'Utica are also pro- , CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRECT- eDgs- The eggs mast be carefully "Bair cut, sir?" he demanded frith a vided with electric curling ton; heaters, _ f1R1 GLEET, SyppiILIS, STUNTED f selected, or a bad one would spoil all toi}e that called for ani affirmative an- much approved by the fembline tenants. ,FK ` PAISIS, LOST MANIHIOn A, rNiP>-I'EN- others in the can. surer. ' �� _: CY, igtR`'43ii5 C3EBit EA Y, t1NlVATr �'i'v'ti SICK Fi1Rt'911,GI•Il;. , .Cor Over I'Ifty rears- _ /.; It is not generally known that it is The virtuoso sigatlifled his perfect sat- � �"`� ' � "' P j �z; . j� URAL DISCHARGE -5, ETC. unlazvf' in Oleo to keep any native isfactioli with the leu gth of his hirsute i A n Old and Well -Triad Remedy--'Mrs���� Iravellinjsou;; bird in confinement. Daring a adornment. 4Winslozv'sSoothing Syrup has been used . �tt� 4� ' ���j �i' � a �+ {i ! mouth 28 people were arrested in Ciu- ' `Just a little long at the back,." the for over fifty years by m illionsof mothers ,r � � , n � � � C �� t is the for their children while testhill-, with Greatest I einnati for this offence, and it is esti- t'barber insinuated fls he adjusted the r perfect success. It soothe4 the chilA,soft-tw.` ie� eS Discovery(-,' eAge 1 t o t fi mated that over t Alt you a Lott.e a. l?:. 25,000 birds have been ! cl,atll: o the gums, allaysell pauw, cures win.) r, . _rvotrs vr, t ,, , FOR CURING THESE H4s,E DISEASES 1 ~ ._act of Wild Straw ',given their freedom within the past, Joachim explained that he liked�it I , awl is the bestrem,.dy for diar- � ; ,,tt:r,.:.;;a cf T. In: curl Ir;dello agod rnen aro annually awept to a rematuri year, that way, and the tonsorial artist was I rhosa. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold ; '' t t=Attl,'r 14trISt;RUTIons. tMCESS$S, AND BLOOD vlseAsss. ft # by dlKzggists in every part of the world. ,,, a r k= os � fndont ai symptotna cons.(( us before it IS too into. Aro you I:or- silent for awhile. Twenty-five cents a Bettie. Its value is ,s r rt ,• r ..: i PeSi „ia�n� itni tuct,ler'l' "pecks before the oyes with dark circles under "Rather thin on top Sir," lie said, con- incalculable. Be sure yon ask for Dias. f i,intitlrs nn lihtf itatio Of ani ic1 aritobas1111v bashful, coning a ttii a,adn �,tnit,;v, I The change of food ST j ye?inD }lis Own ilea that to sacrifice Winslow's Soothing S ru , mid take no s � �7, lt,..a• tar.un, c, ]lf;d sa, t.IKttastfnl, int: energy rcn,t ntren�ih, itr�tt morn - Bold Water t0 which y lr f r•'• •; •a t tri :Dist. ehan ;11.10'10 (nand%, wnulr maahooa, owntea organs ane iaroma t s Iength to thickness was poor policy.. other laud.-- d„ tort ,1, t; as, hall loose, aJt'J tItresE CCC. those who travel are j subject, often pro- a But Joachim glared' at the barber and olhittose on -til. W.11-th. t 4`,?(.f HA VE ����ljd� L, �������� ! , duces an attack of For Infalt�s and Ch;ldrell, L}t1,^..,. t�: RSE:NGIDTYep7hYirC4T alorto can tossed his lionlike inane. The barber The Chinese art of war does not III . :x carr yen. ar,d make amara O you, LNT ars c can unpleasant which is s- sera ped awn for awhil elude the moving of troops, and G 000 F en, o arta I,.sa.t }7oeotnCs act!"", the blood purtfigg comforting nt and dis- Tae f16 l 3' a in &moody, a P , , n so that"11 71n1pios, blotebrs ana incurs disappe • comforting as it may ¢;etraile i8 . discoiiteated fashion. But it was hard mea will be purposely s read out over :a t11e net'. as bocotrfe strong,"' Fteet, so that nerro A. i x gaktur0 .� - or2t� y � p neaa, 17ashf77lness rnd acs r,ndenc kit%a oast; r • `` ;• be claagttle et a nrrppsr, i to discountenance him. line Of march 150 miles long. Even the errs bccn::to L tgltt, 111otf:!co fill( agar lata(, A bottle of Dr. i tau" 7 "Better let me trim the edges for you, � these detachments, when On the march, .� aw rgt• roturn 1 m tho L•ody, an.tthnn7aral,:dtysteat a Fow?er s Extract of r fir. „ dribble aloe p i and sr.;u,cl s;Stotng .ro lmigOt:clad; all drama ' f 3, w r�$ lVild Strawberry in j Just half an inch all around. g the road in a manner that tr; ceu%r nu mere vftaI v: (tato from tiros tent. Tito a �`Y' e : 1 ' our grip dlnuslog xiseing Mender;. ! Joachim remained 1#rm, however, and ° utterly i}mre , rs.rhnts organs becnmo naturnl turd r a,nly. You y g `p is a guarart- dible. There i5 no Column, , � fed st.ureslf a man t.nu l.sow mtat'lao aaunnt bo �✓ tee of safety, One of the most aJi using Of kissing 1 -then the barber, losian ! only a string Of strap' lers and collies, t0 k� 't Yrt;ittrn, Agoin:1to aIt Ilan aouctoo to consort its On the first into% what little tact y g ag contlannrlally snot frt' i of eaar,0. Nen'tiotrtuacks cation of Cramps, stakes was brought to light in a law• 1 and ingenuity he had, vented his feel- be seen, except a bo:ly of men carrying - red r, entInIly you cf your Jr -g), on'tl dollars. � M Colic Diarrhoea of stat started at Alabuiva, im the Umiteci Islas in the most seathln,v p , trc:u..t Cr„p fart or ,opus, ! I U a expression of Sags num a scorn or two , the most of l.t h TOM BL4tll3 f;;;T<h, D_S. �SFi3. byseatery, a few States, five years ago. A newly married contempt that suggested itself to Lis men armed with ries, rtihose special td t ` DEMN T �' doses will promptly Couple were traveLil2g by train from tensorial. mind frith: du5y is to escort the ofncer commandin B-4� :r i atrcn��hP r2nRtproni-e i-lirdxtostserfons � '^`` � r I check the further ad Louisvi2l•� to 7astiviile and occn led "Well of course, if you luau%( to look g is nabs the t �t, 17r:, I food of rho ° 7,• , '"`" Yance of these dig- , h , the batallion. The "soldiers" Stroll or t i•n and nnb,ss enHretycr"w;•.,nfd from thosys- : i111r2 alUnc^ 20e0rdiLpn' t ` t -tit will u.`oet, t17o r::d, rlPq. L'oip,tro of (heronry. MCRI:afTART 13TooD bZsiCABL^. cases. • Seats, Welt to a young widow. Having -like, a (-'-rErnlaLt m123iCian, it n011bdy s �' r,, ` b 0 the taste Of the me. '6 uY(>JNICt'messes t aR _tnl7toms-atr NeW jy($FHUD pus}tively Un1es it - As Dr. Fowler's Extractor V ild Stra v, left his NvM's side for a moment, file business batt your own. itldiviclual. The men, singly OY ill Small j: • ., ,•n )th. BOR olt- 1 Jt4later a cess you've Iod 4 gay alto, or induh@d inrthor� terry is being widely and shamelessly bridegroom returned while the train Was � parties twos and three.), carry baskets 1 t: t a ,use or Tatar excess Stave broken down your system. Ion fedi rho irritated, your safety lies in seeingtirat tale -°I'�" t ,t 1 ' `oalhtg over vnu. Mentally, physic allq and sekualty you ar(innt that t pa5Sit2ti throe h a tnnueI. $e thou(* :, The oldsay g must ben, true saying: ! 3 > f„ ou need to t:e or should bo. Lustful racttcea roc , tan full name is on every bottle 3 ou buy, a g aht That which people don't know Treves buckets, bundles and tents slung on i Earls e: sin nits, p p nett. harvests. will yvu hood the be would take advai2tage of the dark- troubles them." We haye arrived at poles, muskets or magazine rifles with r�+ .t �! iiagyvii bions tioo aiisYO to mhope? Aro you aontompiating n,arrlaso7 ness to give her a kiss, but actually the conclusion that people would be impartiality, while tent poles,hue , reattnent t,tu caro you. what it has sono far ottia�Os it Bili ea iorsst Ourxow Motnod /a s+ r� py� Duties saluted the widow in mistake, Nothing Much troubled if they: knew the prices Shallow cooking 1123 mattrsse, ales 0"66- Rs matt r who has Freed S,ou wtlte for an honest opinion RX s et Cherie. �6rJCiAv t her• they have been paying by not getting" pans, , P Men. Inclose osttt e, S cents. SealedhO Golden Monitor" illustrated on IIlsoas¢s of would induce the lady to believe that it our quotations. ,Bnt people are gettinPicks, teapots, stools, paper lanterns, No NAMES usED WlTNOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. "Di cases E N m w- Cres. ` `�""""` was done by accident, and she com• "on to" the secret fast. W Arron form Part of the ba +a a besides urn- No names on bc. es or envelopes. Everpthtng Confidential. odioinesent G.O.U. Aro SBO as, CSus3 Backache ' menced proceeding to recover I,000 by r;b 3 ' meet, FREE. Questran list and cost of Treat. BLmrox, brellas, of wlhieh each man posses 0110,+ way of compensation for flieliberty that Tito tonelluess of ax(t Age. if not twO. Some stagger under wheel- � i i0� � �D y No. 148 S14ELBV ST, A Torftr_ta Ilmssma,ker has x outid a bad been taken with her. But she was Arbro' h Guide: I attended the ftiu- barrows, some are seated cru denke3s, Q, R P(1:,WVa Ca -0 and G.adl Telis V`1 i`�� 9 DETROIT, M!{i!•!. About tt, y uat aisle fa make good her claim, coal of an aid friend in a Country parish with the peasants carrying the rifles or "I'lfosezvhafollo3v l The other day there was quite ft. luriic the other days. She lead lived some years muskets. Most on foot, of course finally , lrous kis"ing scene at a Manchester y d ,the allotted s an" in the barefooted, some footsore, and the taut----- ` TpC on p a the arducaar bcctt- �...+.... station. pa kin of areas. tau. Just as a train teras on file paint rasa„lxbdrhood, and it nuns pathetic t0 gear itself includes sandals (straw),shoes TO PATEN'S Good Was _ making Or eotvin„ of leaving a young zvam to Eruiried ori notice the Silent ,regret of her old neigh- and boots -Golden 130uwy, may be sooarect by „Canada far the Carladia>xs,'f JL y have troubles of to the Platform f(,IIpwed by her s•c ect- bora as she was carried to her last rest- our Jia, curedAddress, their own. THE PATENT RECORD, r ? 4 ` Running sew ng heart, who had come to awe her off, ` ink place under the sliatlow of the iv, fl i 1d re 7 Cil” fo READ THC Y- J f3altimore,bd. h kk n tt�' mar ttineg all day There was xltrt a mOw4tlt f0 Fpare, an2d a ° 0hv3 walls Of the old liirl� on tl2e knatve. !NAu�FiUE 3u;NQ ti F r'' % lank, be!7rling over carriage door zeas opened by a; railway Ill talking about the changes that death + A STC 1 � - — -- __ � � E a zvorktllat rcgnires A monthly ulagszine full of inl,er- �thegreates£cfca�>+t/, p0 -ter tylia b2t12dIOd the damsel in, As had mode in ix0r day One old lady of 66 ,�'r• tI eseara tete things he was turning rile handle he suddenly years reutarked: t•Bh, Ely; I've liv0d A Brooklyn Physician recently per- esti:yg reading matter and useful in, t baud made found leer' arcus f.rctxnt? Iris titer: curt a here tail Itm'a complete strat2gerJ' Th& littleed fa �Iemarltal}le Qerradon- A formation for shower of hearty kisses be-ii:g lavished alines Of eatrOM6 014 age could hardly be , g stivtcttat eft ft sercSv i CANADIAN MOM= AND mall With' every�, On his cheeks. Ass far the neglected expressed mora pathotically, "i was a Mt iw!h noel a half Ion,, A s,lrgi011 op- CANADIAN' 'B OMES tape elle it eration irOultl -ha o endangered. the With ttty needle i£ sYvaiil, Ili= could tIO xtrlthEtlg but stand stranger and you took %Ile in It way bear Subscription 1160m;� itis ihOugh I am piercing my own gaping at tllrs COMM Which tlaa coli= gas expressive of the child's life. Tito (tactor took some fine 4 p price One Dollar per bitek, a 119%V Weaning Annilm. Eased alta( excited nl iclan CIr:> act auto � g0ryduess 0f CiOtt 3z Ixa%I l2c tapes tis hila- strands Of raw silk and mixed thele with jC%ab tltastt tubo sufief irorll backtttita, lap' Eiendaelde, pail%iu (Eta stdb or Rtty derange- Elis t}nl:d. It was tl pude to cleeit?t' (self thaw ,vhOln 611(1 age has made as some bread, ivltioh the girl liras Induced r. Yltes2t off tLa kfdmbyta Will lib glad to kno%# W' it:h Nuns the more aStami=herl:�•--th0 , fittl6 eltildron ail% the 'world in this re- � stvnilnw. fmia ova:tech eight Ininu res 1 'hrtt the" iO is rbblbdj+ thAt x2ever Uils even d All thein to revolve ill the stomaell. in the w6ret cribs, l binshir.g porter W110 had been kissed t r Bard, that they have becoute s,raugers Then lee pulled on the threwls, and the It Is Do u.'s Malley Pills.• 11Vsp 'c+�2iless loner zv110 flat( been in a strange laird. screw cane Out, having been eumes:led • • iifrs P. Covlet, the volt -known dr=oss., ; Iipllvd. 111 e feelime"A of the r?awsel may tj �{ � {�' y in the, silk, 9Aslter, fol ;ia:irarst St., �`6rOrog,i Ont. t, OhIldron tit'`I"`,y' for 4 t ..><7 hurl+,Farad W hou site livard 6f Iter l -� - - ti -:- - 1 'entre tn'th tc5wingatatembnt of Irakexperr s 111ist:lice. ::fG"Dr t;otne time I suffered a good deal ,!i< i lit ��/+t + 6 Q A from svo th Lack, s; tired feeling, u,r:d aittu r - � ._ r4nrl eteltas in variouti parte of arty otly LL Are pre arCct from M Slitcrr I have ttstd dont( s I.fidne ,puts 'hits L7of r. a frac: t ' o ITave Isis xarrceya IVttY ' mild YfiX %14tG , I1cT y '�%4btl d tui p to , DO 1lOt feert too anuch corn, (rut feet( �_ '�`Ifese pitlsyare A specific crit• ttll painslr,t.clot(ralb,ntylittCklntnf,'etixt2o%sg•r t �fredrenL';"ifrr7tfahxtemeoTy. fiV311t8�n�1rEj_ tCix� diseases art T$� audit,lei(irteytrotdl,Ipsllctvebcrttc(tirreet11.1.1 0 SoldwidlecOmMe»deab bit Milletee3d,oat genas to porilts, witlx H CIC stn I`tant disordered l *: T,rttar��t,inti,t1ratwsyfetlin+.;tEra£uatal ' draggibttInGallads, <Tali+r(tIt•,wl%rat,attdscz2tocrtackedcorn. Do hats ` They nerves, WeaklleattOrWater blood. fUeOnl.�al2t:}oltaakrlcwg+ene,7titrllAt;ttditpt'� j able madicino diseovered. 0fur ,the Oars y OFT #Wflrnfepa to etre all . y . tsatlsltatiot2, dl2xincss, w Zts ttaty i I1at:O not felt so zrell i%r .ycaxs as at ; forma o SeXUA 't4•or Item, till rftftts of nbsibet i ttt tt Yriil nl:lci% fattcxlir}g four(, but let ` i r t}rrot tit," lor"CesgrM621MI °Norrf, r;xeessiveUtteofTb-nthr'fttran a gttt artful rile hr;txss. I)O Liver "lintbtllcrlfl , ftut}(tai%cl trdafic spells, Itocit'o ixt,:»Ov Trills caro Il: lcaelrc, It 12s t'ap n'flpium orSttmutbnte, hftitltd rfnrtttelpt Iltrt f' err zflx the thiel; 1 *« y t sltorti%ass Ol breath, slvelhllge or 04C 1t, 2> cl*. t , bf slat, otYA ttito�a�#e x.l4i%„�{i. 'aalG7brra l5reaac, ens,. Turkeytl i Cute S' k Headache ;(jai, ++ and an1cic a of {eat r ; tt a} s afi ds of 4-PIX,tc a, pix xif4cu", tYumad109 ife d nnr addre.,l9,, a 1ni2 3"v Ilttt�3lllenty" Oi'ralig�, t0 x rrr3v lirg(3 . t $, �tlEl vousnesfs, SloopleSS+ rltol; ',1 !o ON DAIRY t t27,1ut+mr t .7 t, , ., Y. riHUM` r, EVSadadrypitt, , rr �, q. 1l , iiJttsIitr,S',rr, +3IIY+ i011Y Cit, MOSS, TtntNttxtil, ltysteriar St. V ittls' ... :" r y rf 3 i:t%Ist ci„Or u� 'Vigor in turkeys is t.zO tE1dc5pCS1 E fiti4111. tCaticc, artlaxl r'• is, T T j t1irt,rr L.I;Aut,iiidupy 1,411 Co., t14 $�1Fitl-rioll.lih,�A 3i4,tTr;;ti#t7�i.flu, y5•:3:•I`iitltllilh ttJ�OUIE Xtft�P. (111'.7 �i"3ll b(±; p i��U 1 p •pt tussis, brain fatr, )illi. card tour and 7011 t { i , t ' ver where � C er �(j.� � fG'rtiitlla G`(Si171'fialnt:i, ge"Oral debility cc)4. 5.s. w Y ' d .:t-. ],.....;i.rt:l, 1pl't2K,; ,.irr• .aures to Al -t :!-i.'.',� CS, :�� T !1f Co � � ? ,� •� �C ( t, ' �� . t r, 2 rrm,'�a1•cdbrC.1',ftood&Co.,i,au'el4X.uyr t and las” oft'itality. Price 50C. a bo:cIVIMM3 f:11*•.,NT s ,A, QtTA 1IT, 0 OIL you can receive Et With tbita Nper for ono soar at the sawn, phool} blisharitof the rT''IMPS at lVingbam, Send 10 tenth for t tlmphr copy You will lam it. Addrees. CS,iba,dian Horne alour+rial Co,, t.t,M,TreI TotION761 dMIr 4 4 .11 �, Ts "bistc °will ed A *Tabl Ball R J0. you or 4 3' r 0 41 tri an ser ne, bel bet tro ed ell ed ,.. in '1v SD or 4 3' r 0 41 tri