HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-10, Page 1vol XXVIII,NO. 1477. IN WING114 ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, WOO, $1 A YEAR IN DUMB ANC E Bargains IN ALL LINES ON SATURDAY. Business is booming so much with us 'in Tailoring that it is hardly worth our while to advertise this branch of our business, but still wee want to remind all our friends that we shall be glad to see them, and we might mention that we are selling off the balance of our Sum- mer Suitiugs at a great reduction. In ''BOOTS and SHO.ES It is needless to say we lead the Trade. Our customers have been more than sat- isfied during the past season; the conse- uenco is, we have had a large increase n our sales; we auticipate a very large 'business for Fall, and consequently have bought heavily, and in order to make room for these new Goods we are selling the balance of our Spain at a large reduction from regular prices --don't fail to secure some of these bar - ,gains. Boys' and Youths' sizes in Boots on Saturday at COST. We have .just sorted up our stock of CENTS' FURNISHINGS, ..: MATS ' AND GAPS In these we have the very latest -if 'you want to be up-to-date in Neckw&ar .and Headl:Wear, you must come to us. We have still a few DRY GOODS left; we are selling them at 50 per cent, do cost—it will pay you to .buy any-. kiting eve have, even if you don't need .it just nota, The rest of our Glooeries °1 .at cost and below. We have not much left, but what we have you can Have at Tour own price.. WE SELL CHEA.P. iiiiv bv44 ^ 'c►i b' DOn need to keep a fire all day when you can buy Corned Beef Cambridge Sausage Oxford English. Brawn. Stewed Kidneys a Boned Duck Turkey ` Chicken Ox -Tail Soup Mock Turtle Soup i' Mulligatawny " already cooked and ' ready for the table at N. A. FARQUUHARSON'S (The China House) Opp. Bank of Hamilton WXNGIraer. iolililtil SORS 1Miarrrmge Licenses Issued by FRANK. PATriBsOrr, No, 23 Victoria -street, Wingham, Ont. No witnessesrequired. NO PAPER. NEXT WEEK. The TIMES will not be issued next week and the staff will take a few holidays at a season of the year when business is rather . quiet. Correspondents • will bear this in mind and have their budgets ready for our next issue which will be Aug. 24th. The TIMES dicl not take a holiday last year and we hope. our readers will bear with us in our week of rest this year.. The office will be open all of next week to receive orders for job printing, and the editor will be pleased to write receipts for subscriptions and other ac- counts. See John I' err's advertisement.. CASH COUPON .— The Buyers' ants Merchauts' Ben fit Association of To- ronto has failed This couccrtl issued cash coupons t merchants. Several Wiugham Ines slants were handling their coupons. Vo have not much faith in the cash coil u business. Oran Wali uesday lumen' his race hors() N. Y. He be. K. from A. shipped this leo Mr. Sweats nal day ofatllis wee! some oYtho bes country with h To HENT.—T o Or cottage, Francis street. Apply to W. J. CHAPMAN. To Haman Oa •ICER:».—We have this week heard a foo cowplaiuts from oita zeas that eerteir out houses and other buildings aro in bad state. Tens is the season of tbo y •tr when matters of this kind should b Citizens sllouh that their prem Clean, card the should put th are not kept i Gmuln Loper. Mali Lodge of the I. O. 0. Encampment, I. jurisdiction in. Ontn Hamilton this week representing Maitlar A.Mowat is the de Ecicampinont. UNcr.E SAM. --On Wed- CROP REPORT. �g J. E. Swar is shipped report from Huron arolcl H, to Salaenonae, Wednesday's Glob' also parehased Walter cinity are: Hay g otter, of Toronto, and well saved. Fall o alaug with Harold H. bushels per acre, o not leave until Satur- good yield. Oats and purposes attending expected to turn oat good. average crop. races in Uncle Sam's horses, INC+. —The Grand F. and the Grand O. F., leaving c aro in session at J, A. Morton is • d`Lodge and John gate frons Minerva 1 e following crop aunty. appeared, in :---Crops in this vi- ed, average crop and P e mat will average 25 fine sample. Peas short in straw, bat Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th. a Roots are in exc there will be a' varieties. Win scarce; fall varlet] 'lout condition, and abundance of all r apples considered s plenty. Apprentices wanted at onto. Two young ladies to learn tailoring. tf WEBSTER & Co.. Hoe WEATIIER. P he weather since Suuday has been 1le hottest of the season. In Wingi am ou Sunday the om 00 to 98 in. the Tuesday were al- nto, Monday was years and there sixty years when her. ' We believe record for being old the press to carefully looked after, temperature ran up take the hint and sec i shade. Monday and ses aro kept thoroughly most as hot. In Tor Aealth officers of the town j the warmest day in law in force if premises c was ouly one day in a healthy state. the mercury went h that Thursday beat t warm. We cannot record further. FAREWELL 'SUPPE who for a number of position as baker fo intends leaving town t Saturday of this week. be adopted is Mr. Webber's most system and is used by all the railways in among the young men the United States. The G. T. R. adopt- let him leave town wits ed it some time ag. There seems to be token of remembrance. wisdom in the ad tion of a uniform Wednesday evening th code of signals. i new restaurant and AT . ACCIDENT. ► a Thursday after- supper with Mr. Web hila Mr :. D. B. Anderson, him with a handsome Import glass, 104 caws direct from Belgium. J. CLEGG & CO. CHANGE IN SIGN ts.—A Circular has been issued by th C. P. R. authorities, changing the hand and Sag signals, as well as the whistl :.and other signals ou that road. The hange will take place on Sept. 1st. T e system of signals to wvn as the standard Bead John Ke IT PAYS To spun his filmy w through which way into and c weave. your we was heard to so got it done, 'tw "I guess I knos plied the spide who runs this tise." ARRESTED O day night Dept in goal Gerfi Stevenson, of ed at Wiugham ou a capias. Thew' are who ran the wheel -d- oes mere; they were at same business, A few ere partners ire business iled, and it was at the creditors in this business o arrested.—Goderich GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Seo Halsey Park's advertisement Dr. Butler, of London, will. be at the Queen's Hotel, Wiugham, on the first Feiday of eaoh month froea.11.30' a. m. till 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation iu diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, LICENSE TRANS Huron License Cc Clinton on Wednea transferred the lie housefromH. I J. lir. Carr took pose wick on Wednesdc education for profitable, progressive and i permanent employment is given in tlw C� Central Business College f o, . No less tStratfhan eightrdlargoOntbusiness col- lj leges havo applied to us witl).in the last v six weeks for our graduates to take post• U- tions as teachers in their schools. As many as live business firms havo applied to us in ane day for oifico help. Tlris es r I suiefrfeifyalgiie.d. a' Write oobauulOtio I, noon last, Edgar Henderson and a child were coming to town wi h a horse auabuggy, they happened N • th quite a severe ut. Tho ho se, which was being driven by Edgar . enderson, took freight at something anc landed the occupants of the buggy int e ditch. Mrs. Ander- son was clragge A qu' a distance and was considerabl i fired and Edgar has a broken wrist. The . buggy was not very badly brol en. : T ERREDhe West nlnissioners met at day of last week and ise of the Brunswick ulmage to John Carr. ssion of the Brnns- morning. Clearing sale of bicycles, Cleveland's and Welland Vales, at special prices. J. CLEGG & Co. TRIBUNE ROAD land of the Har Alex. McIver, o Cowan, of Roths Friday last maki ig arrangements for the Tribune bicy race to be run by Harriston on Th The citizens of H and each of then up $25. A great d 'al of interest is being taken in the ev ts. W..1. ELLIOTT, Prineipal, ACCid C 1.0E.= -Byer. Cope - 'sten Tribune, and Goderich and Pete y, wore in town On 35 Cents pays for the TIMES till January 1st, 1901. W. Webber, rs has held the A. J. %Ticholls, r Winnipeg on A number of timate friends f town could not out some slight Accordingly on y met at Johns' ad a farewell r and presented old -headed cane. 's advertisement. vERTISI,.—Tho spider b aoross an opal door, merchant found his f his store. "Don't across the door," a bee , "because before you've 11 all be swept away-" what I'm about," re- wiso; "I know the man •tore: he doesn't adver- AC APIAy, --Last TllSTs- I ty-sheriti Gundry lodged 1d °hasten and Hugh melee, who were arrest - two of the men fortune at the r Wiugham 011 tl years ago they at Sarnia and f instance of thei that they we Signal. WITH THE Bradwin, of tel completed six y paper. The Ely conducted news is entitled to the people of Blyth. cent advance in win says that he pay double the p had been paving There were only (hQ says farther) remain in busines the dollar, one w of the Standard, raise the subscripti.n price. Bro. Brad - EWSPAPERS. — Editor Blyth Standard. has ars as editor of that Standard is a well per and Bro. Bradwin hearty support of the speaking of the re- ewspaper Bro. Brad- is now compelled to ice for paper that he der his old contract. wo things left for us o do if we wished to and pay 100 cents on to reduce the size nd the other was to A very pleasant even ng was spent in speeches and storytel in wishing their friell tho West. Wingh lose such young me 11 has resided in tow years and has always ae.honest, up -right a Man. He should. Where ever he may lo SLoN'E�r To LOAN.— ing. All joined every success in can ill afford. to That # Fly Oil s of ours is having a great sale those days. It is just ,a what the farmer has been fAr 1looking fol- and just what the cattle need. It has saved others money, it will save it for you. The old Williams Stand. 1 win has decided to paper and leave th one dollar. The 1 paper is a matter newspaper frateruit own case,we have n in price. We were have a coutract tha 1st Jan. next. This week we re - paper that would 50 in extra money ectad! by our con- e in hopes that combine will be act expires. We e will never be t the old prices R. A5 A.DOUGLASS G. N. W. Offree. Prop. GREAT CUT IN PRICES. Lovely new Blouses in very pretty patterns being cleared at actual COST. Prints, Gingha 's, Muslins and all Summer Goods to clear at cost. Great bargains in Boots and Shoes. Stacks of Sugars and all lines of Groceries and big values. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. D. M. GORDON,. The Direet Importer, •educe the size of the long been ide subscription price at terestand the ise a the price of and loyal suppo hat will affect the very much. In our A series of lee t yet felt the advance illustrated with ortunate enough to given by Geo. O. will not expireun- N.., commence 1'8 p. m., at Gospel ou Tuesday, Thur ing. All are welco Rev. Mr. Gifford meat occupied th street church last made a very femora.a few were of the opi the Dr., will snot). laurels.=Clinton Ne ified with its best in- hurehes a true friend Cr. res on the. Tabsrnaele,. colored chart, will be tkinson, of Brookline g Friday evening at all, to be continued: lay and Friday even e. f Turner's appoint - pulpit of Ontario luday evening and. e impression. Not ion that his father,. we tt' look,to his •s -Record. n-- eties of the Co cross the line are and substantial. of the American o past ten mouths. Ie other societies °ruling gains, past:)• of one of nal churches in and favorably known among the deno uination workers. in the Dominion, has j st been honored with the Doctor of D 'Miterdegree by Beloit College. If we mistake not, Dr. man, holds-the, egationrl pas- ived a shipment o as Mr. Webber. cave cost us nearly i for a number of had we not been pr eel'. found to be I tract. We are livi d. faithful young i paper manufactuaers eet with success busted before our con ate permanently. believe, however, that oney to loan on able to secure paper PIAN) For SALE:—A beautiful up notes, and notes 4is• rI able rates. Money advanced ou inert - right piano, fancy walnut case, ' with privilege of paying 'at the Slc1 gages, A nutert at reason - octavo, slightly used. A bargain• O end of any year. Notes and accounts for cash or on_time. Apply to P. 0. bol • collected.. Guice—Beaver Block, Wing - 68, Blyth. le road race and the elver and Cowan at rsday, August 16th. riston aro giving $25 ntestauts are putting THE FURNITUR been received in t that negotiations i formation of t Furniture Co. a Company has a cap intends taking Canadian factories in Waterloo, Wel and Bruce counties the money-makers the number is Bur English accounta for Canada to v verify the state prospectus.—Gua .h Herald. • WANTED.—At once, 100 T bs •1Ntter. Cash or trade. See that window of $1.25, . .00 shirts. Your ahoico for 750. G. E. KING. Civic Hotlr;Ay. Winghttlnites had a very waren day f this year. The t deserted on Taosda who could possibl one. The Sunday! Godel'i°11 was th Nearly 800 people the . ilVingham s. stations en the line follows: Listowel set1 'Ws 100, 131uevale Londesboro 60 an the two special tra some 1200people day was very pee enmity townby tl BUSINESS ComBusiness College tote has closed fo after a very sncce annual announce have been issued been received at tribution. ' C. L. will be in Wingh any who may de ing the college. Mr. Hartt s11onl the Trans, and will call on the, AprOINTr• Campbell, son town WOS lias been app° 1I 1Wite Publi bQ11 has been to number of year given entire recommend him gate as au upri. good teacher. village in Kent 0 and has a four We wish Mr. Ca his flaw home. duties at the clo COMBINE.—WQrd has As city to the effect connection with the o British -American completed. This tal of "$8,000,000 andover twenty-three situated principally gton, Perth, Huron These factories are . f the trade. Among Bros., of this city. ts have already left sit the factories and rents made in the 1E. — The Listowel rad Shorthand Inti- a mouth's vacation Fa term. f 1 t m The first ham. ROBT. M°IND:10. WALES IN CL sidewalk contract° town council have little difficulty. ago ne out and cat g through his solicit() d several copies have 1e Tuirs office for clis- Hartt, the principal, m. next weekato meet re information regard - "Ales wishing to meet leave their names at hen he is in town he RINCIPAL. �JOhn D. f Peter Campbell, of ighgate last week and nted Principal of the Pohool. Mr. Camp - fora he has We can cuing at Belmor• , at which pea tisfaction. to the people of High - ht young man and a igbgate is a prosperous unty, near Ridgetown roomed public school. npbell every success in He will commence his of the holidays. 70 Cents pays .for the Tx:ttns and To- ronto Daily Star till Jan, 1st, .1901, All wino sub- scribe for the Star get a handsome picture of the Queen and Printie of Walest Leave your orders early at the TIMI s 'offiee. r their civic holiday �vn was practically and every perstn take a holiday took School cxeursion to main attraction. purchased tickets at alien. The other were represented as 0, Atwood 78, Bras - 29, BeigraVe 03, Clinton 10. 'When us reached Goderich ()oro on board. The tsandy spent in the e excursionists. The Witlghanl and G deriell baseball clubs had a gamy darn g the afternoon, re- sulting in lave r Goderich, 6 to 1. have not been livin in not furnishing g work done. The n position of the, c knew 110 reason should not go 011 council had done a of it; in fact, had contract called for work done had bee sented, and the ready to do so aga ever rested with stoppage of the I passed the foliowin• Mr. Graham's solid unless he proceed cording to contra suit entered again ages." The follo'a from the News -Re the granolithic `co from Blyth on Tu conference with th sult he starts to mospherc having t expected that the The old saying must be a tytne saying: "That which people don't know never troubles them." We have arrived at the conclusion that people would be much blee if they knew the getting O O USE they have been paying by not gottill l,J Our quotat:ons. But people are getting; on to" the secret fast. WALIizi:, & I ox.—A. Graham, • and the Clinton l tions six names were ch been having some. upon, and about thirty before the choice was m again. MODEL SCHOOL PRIN Goderich Signal we le Stewart, of Bluevale, h Principal of the Model town. From the fort mem—From the n that Robt. been chosen as °heel in that -three applies- en. to be voted tes were taken Graham claims, that the conic.i_ up• to the contract rel and paying for ayor in stating the uracil said that he vhy the contractor ith the work; the that was required done more than the the estimates for paid whenever pre- uuoil was always No fault what- he council for the ork. The council resolution :—"That ors be notified that with the work ac- , it be re -let, and him for any dam- ing item is copied rcl:—"Mr. Graham, tractor, carne down sday and has had a council and as a re- ork again. The at - us been cleared it is ork Will be rushed." is a fourth art year fat un arts,. with a first-ol certificate and has ha experience iu teaching, GONE TO DAUP left 1 ere on Dauphin, Manitob several first-class h number were Ki record of 2.243( an to Black 3oe in Lon in the 2.18 class. four ;veer old, whic Sohn Gentles. Dm class in the Wingh three heats and als elem. It is said th three heats in Wingh tm. in better than 2.25 and Mr. Shaw th nks ho can go a railo in 2.11. n. vats also sold to Mr. Shaw, on Stan day evening, Dr, ADA, tile horse who \\ day in the 2.85, winn race of five heats. T him that day WAS 2.2 Dauphin Will have tin and Mr. Shaw should selling them, We u`sh hint success in his venture. . — George Shaw nday morning for . Ile took with him rses, Among the y Wilkes, with a who. finished second on a few weeks ago Also Darko, not he parchased from to won in the 2.50 rates last week in went in the 2.35 t Darkey done the a here ett Thurs. ng first money in a to best time given U. The people of e good race horses tavo trouble in oap? WINSTIAIL Peter Leaver Will Smith Sara'l Elliott W. Hele Johu Bell If so,you should see our stock, which is composed of some of the most elegant goods in this line ever offered. Sickle Disher Cumberland Elliott Jones 21 38 Black a a —23 46 gregational churches making encouraging grans. Tlae increase Boards' receipts for tl has beeu $60,000. are also showing corr de. Mr. Stew -1 Rev. E. Munson Hil er-graduate the leading Congregat s professional Montreal, and, well twelve years' yen in public high soliools. ending college. er annum.. Hill, though yet a you Dauganuon longest continuous Co am on. Tuesday, torate in Canada. friendly match A series of sermons Prayer will be delivere gregational pulpit of pastor. The series av Sunday morning with of God." These short • 7 89 46 delivered before and 39 40 79 • the subject will be " ...36 35 11 Times is the Gospel • "42 47 89 We do not charge _14 al 54 front seats than we , 89 22 • 61 rear of the church hand. rest. Tolzhil. 100 TdA 700 yas and all that come ar Tee services last 5 :2/(1Q '411 .1, tended, although the own. The home o much for the score will show 100 yds 200 yds fr hand- rest. Total 44 46 90 '81 46 771 the shady nooks at 1 64 We can suit any taste, at any price from ioc per box of three cakes,.to 25c per ca.ke. gramme is being a We have a. few odd lines The Rev. Arthu. ettuncit Rev. M. Sheldon, Steps" is to speak a quarterly services char& ou Sunday' ed in the Wroxeter the evening. The animal Epworth League District will be hel day, October 12t bargain prices. See them been serving the of this plaee. the which we are clearing out at J. E, DAVIS, pastot of the the supply, reeeived, unanimous call t DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN* ill 61° rein" 65 1 es 1 01) uthor of "In His the Christian En - in Guelph in ash concluded. the walla; and preach - • on the Lord's from. the Cen- ts place by the begin corning The Fatherhood rmons have been were pronounced In the evening, e Gospel for the f the Apostles." ny more for the o for those in th.e they are all free, heartily welcome. iday were well at- iutense heat might case to "patronize" 'mention of the in the Wiughtnal E. Prior, 'who has ongregatioual church ast few weeks as a and has accepted, n become t he pormanent Vermont, Canadian loses ono who hrs Winghads Popular Shoe Store. Dollars saved by buyiag Shoes 110W. Sweeping Them Out Yes! we are sareeping them out by* sweeping reductions ita priee. Simmer Shoes mast ge. PArgams1 Bargains! "Qtality and Quantity here." Men's Boots, 1300 a pair. Ladies' Oxfords, 15o to 1'0..00 it pair. J. REER