HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-03, Page 8• M. H, MOINDOO MJtWST TIE W1NCTIIA)I TIHS, A .U(x1 ST i W. Irwin, I'llblio School. Inspector, of 1G•11.1.1<.1 t1.xi;Fie T 'gingham, Sept. '217-'2>. ,tratfvrll, is spending his holidays -in West ern Londo Sept. 0-15, Lietotrel,. L Illattstrial,: Wingham. John Humes, of Hantiton, is spending a few Holidays with his uncle, D. E. McDonald. Miss Lena Hill, of Walkerton, WAS visiting with her brother, Perot' Hill, in town this week. Wes. Buell, of London, is spending a few holidays in Winglialir under the parental roof.. Jos. Doyle, of the Bank of Hauiiltou staff here is spending his holidays It his home in. Goderieh. Miss Belle Morrison, of Detoit, is spending a few holidays under the par- ental roof in town. Miss Bella Wilson, of Turhberr has been under the doctors care, is able to be around again. J. C. Mae11Math, of Qliuton,tseit ofpart of this weak in town, the guest his brother, R. J, MaeMath. Dr. Anderson, of Philadelphia, Pa., is spending his Holidays under the parental rook in East Wawanosh. Arthur Kelly, who has been visiting friends in. town. and vicinity returned to Albany, N. Y., Wednesday, Mrs. Charles Barber and son, Wing- haxn, are visiting friends in Belfast and Lm klio ,r.---Luekuove Sentinel, . ttit, wire and two children, \\Te have arranged so pleas- ing a selection of bargains for thismouth that we thin comments are necessary. • Make your arrangements to do . your shopping e where lou get ev:ry t ullg goodup- to-date at reduced prices. rints AND MsllS Nortliwern, Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 1S -3J., N, Perth, l3tratford, Oot. 2-3, 1� W. Wellliil$ten, Harriston, Sept. .,G-2 rpt. 1h -1x1. o, Aug. 2' i to. Solt. 8. derieb, Sept. 18.1`8, BORN, evert ay—' In eitorrIs o 1 July Se, t1 wife oe J/ ln Naito** of aeon. T0r.T ,—lx11<ast Waw enc• u.1aly eeth, the wife of .'m 1.011 of aL son. NATn.—In East Waw rno,h, e .1 Tuly 23th, arae wife a Win. hath oa t sun. wireeco.T nl %coCihr »'$, on.�July Zee the YA+ri S•, At No. 15, Borden street, Toronto, on July 25rcl, the ; wife daughter.1a. T. Xatee, tor- n ly oP Wingham etexItIi:11 25 pieces pretty patterns of Crum's b('st English Prints, regular price 121rC, August prices loc. New American Blue Mus- lins, very neer and pretty, reg. 25c and 30C, reduced to clear at 15c. SHIRT WAISTS 25 New Shirt Waists, just opened, all good shades, for 50c, 75c and Cool, Thin, 'loves W. K. L rel 13 rttle Ceeek, Mich., are the guest of Mr. L ,tuttit's parauts in town, F. Clegg, of Brandon, Man., has been spending a few days in town this week, the guest of his brother, Mayor Clegg. Miss Lou Ewin, of Teeswater, and Miss Jean Love, of Mitchell, are the guests of Miss Edith Walker this week. Miss Mary Twitchell left yesterday to visit friends in Wingham and Brussels for a few weeks.—ClintonNews-Record. ce of the FaXIVAaT--Calle--AtCode,.the it, -. bride's father. Jolux R, ox1 tlla'uth Ju1b; Hundreds of students. in good positions. by Rev. B. W. Bristol, tt assisted i to ]'.boy R v. D �l00 miaved \Yithout Ouestioii The host ecpuippe ]laud, school in Cit3:Business and London, Out, La •go enrollment a11d1 strong faculty. CAr ts*W4i''r�.OW42 V� TAI V'i3.Vt � V t,4 -t"3,'5' �i''t -n'i ;1WIA' ': iW1.':Ilra'E'r;PAMt b nese and sheet - :Ada, is the Forest Shorthand College, Rogers end. Re,. art, t f Bl uevale lHibh School to cher to ISTION Etta M. c`a l , of Trowbridge. NT• — Ruo-i ehrrcit Gix atNso t— FaulluJiily nianse,Li+to tel, 0.1 July 1'tli ply Rev, J, • 1lardie, Mr William Jame t (141dnro'z to Mls1i Florence btuornal, loth of ilott e -k. li aniax�A7.-iktAtm r..—At St htepe x,e ellnseh aaxsomil e . uorrie July lath or it,.‘c. A. 13. Farney, Mr. John Steureal to 5+issOtutrloLtc Meisel., all of How l(IL 110111.30g.--Ia. Wtst•,Wr ivanoyl},.on July 2P, t P t entca In $ow it, lc, on July 25h, Null► S. ntxly :, aged v Dow etzt j On July 1st, 1.09, at Westbury, Wiltshire, Blighted, A7ark Dowding father of S Dowding, of Brus•iels aged 40 y enre. john '11ou0peo1 aged 08years. p 1 ci •. 0 years and 4 menthe, and Hosiery. 15o Samples of these fine goods at regular wholesale prices Miss Jessie Gray and Miss Lena Mc -friends in r©. VOTERS' . LIST, Gutttaorviic.—In Owen Sound, on July 17, Christopher Grimoldby, formerly of Pin.*veli:, aged t8 yeas. i t B yip wife of John. i.A, Newmen, n, age da45 gat (t Boyd, �y 114 and aloe, mouths. r•Aem.—In Eiu1oss, 20th July, Rhoda Lille heck, daughter o M J. W. Black, aged 19 years and 2 months . STAVE® Prom the premises of the undersigned, lots 10 and 11, eon. 9, Titrnberry, on Saturday, July 14th, 2 two-year-old heifers and 1 two-year-old steer. One heifer is pure red, the other is Anyone giving information ndwhich mostly red. to the recovery of the cattle will be suitably rewarded. PETER HASTINGS. Years of Excellent work at its credit. Catalogues of either course free. Correspondence invited. Gillivary, of Wingham, are, visiting r __..i..,.,..,.�lantinel. Mrs. Hiscocks and family left last Saturday for Wingham and from there to join Mr. Hiscocks at Chatham.—Tara Leader. Miss Belle Maxwell returned . home from Brandon on Tuesday and is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Max- well, of the Bluev ale road. John Sanderson, operator at the C.P. R.. has been transferred to another point. is place here has been taken by Bradley, of Elora. Mr. aucl Mrs. W. Maxwell, of the Bluevale road ,vere in Clinton this week attending the wedding of her brother Barrister Briden, to Miss McMurchie. NEW GOODS Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Ready-made Clothing, Corsets and Kid Gloves at Municipa'ety of the East W awanosh, in of Huro • PERSONALS. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. urseof u have visitors or purpose going away yo drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. W. C. McIver returned to Detroit on Tuesday. Jas. Johnston went to Woodstock on Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Walker is visiting with friends in Ripley. Miss Annie Gilchrist is visiting with trends in Brussels. Miss Alice Bell, of Toronto is a guest at D. M. Gordon's. The Misses Corbould have returned home from. Bayfield. M1ss Houghton spent a few days this week at Kincardine. J. W. wnehip of e County W ESTRVELT, Principal. THINGS NOTICE is hereby"en tnat l have trans- niitted or delivered the persons mentioned int," sections o8 and 9 of ed by said sections to be so d the eop} . acre so delivered or transmitted of the list m pursttant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the aeto be entitled tto vote il n tthle saidd MMunicipality Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Municipal Elec- tions ; anct that the said lit was first posted up at my office at Marnoch P. O. Lot 84, Con- cession 9, on the 28th day of July, 1900, and remains there for inspection. Electors' are called- upon to examine said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therern,to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated, 01ork's Office. Marnoch, July 28, nee Mr. and Mrs. T. Cluff, of Toronto, were guests at 11. Kerr's a few days during the week. Mr. fluff is a brother to Mrs. Kerr. When you have a visitor or when you intend going visiting do not forget to let the TIKES know. We are always pleased to publish items of this description. Mr. Walter Green, of Wingham, accompanied bp Mrs. Green, paid us a call on Friday. They have been enjoy- ing a two weeks' visit at the lake.— Ripley Express. NECESSARY Rev. J. W. Gof lu spent a few days in Woodstock this week. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Flood returned to their home in Woodstock. T. A. Mills spent part of last week trout fishing at Southampton. W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels Post, spent lastFriday in Wingham. Geo. Bistree is away on a visit to re - -Ta Corp to car and to proper fitted tl No. 57. ginning point GS ft of way, t North str e street; then said Josephi, erly from the P. PORTERFIELD, Clerk, Township of East Wawanosh. NOTICE. e notice that the Municipal Cannel f the •tion of the Town of Wingham lteilds out the following local =pro ements, ssess the final cost thereof upon the 'es abutting thereon and o be bene- reby, namely;_ .A. concrete sidewalk 4 ' et wide, be- ta Street a ofro dl1St South ado on. 1theSC. P. R. right Dr. Agnew, of Dayton, Ohio and Dr. McCallum, of Creston, Ohio are spend- ing a few holidays in Wingham, the guests of Dr. Agnew's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew. Geo. Wightman, of Essex county, is spending the holidays with his relatives near Belgrave. Mr. Wightmaut taught in a school in East Wawauosh a number of years ago. ,t Westerly from -t•1 enee along the s, tth side of said t to the east. de of Josephine southerly al • •g the east side of street to a point 499 feet south- •outherly ' • it of George street. s work is $800.25, of f the gen- tistArrtvedi Mr ~IP MOWN AIIIIIMar*MMIMII... olored Olass ancy ONE ORATE • l friglCOMPRISING Vases, Vinegar Bottles, Catsup Bottles, Wine Sets, Claret Sets, Table Sets and Water Sets with the English Engraved Trays. Cheese Dishes and. Berry Sets. Sq a 9rZSf3 DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office—Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. IF WALKED & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth d oor south of School House, Shop op - p orate Macdonald block. - AGENTS WANTED. p•Srn:irt man or woman wanted for position big wage s. art tunApply W - H. L. BENN Tm, 408 Richomond Street, a Street, Loa on, Ont. to the successful tailor are: A stock of Superior Cloth, Know- ledge of his Business, Skin in Cutting and Fitting, and prices which are low enough to attract without being •low enough to lessen value. The possession of these essen- tials makes us confident of our success in pleasing every patron. We guarantee satisfaction. Robto Maxwell he estimat _ cost of ;.which $18i1.75, is to be • erol funds of the u -x No.. 58.A cone the east side of A Bide of Charles stre ertly from the so the east side of s, d The estimate cost which $81.25 is o bep funds of the • unicip No. 59. A ncrete the east side of Franc street to t thence we wvided out ipality. e•* sidewalk 4 "eet wide on street, bet ee he north t and a no' • t eet north- .rly li, of of No. 48, on ice - •eet t des }•ntof the general Thos. Wilsou was summoned to his home in Ingersoll on Monday morning to attend the funeral of his mother. Mrs. Wilson had been in failing health for some months. Lester Robertson, who has been in J. E. Davis' drug store for nearly two years, has gone to his home in Carlow, where he will spend a mouth's holidays prior to commencing his college course. High Art Tailor, Wingham. It' a dealer says thothof to the feet sde e north sac. + of Patrick street terry across .aid Frances street to the we : t side thereof. The est anted cost of th work is $831.20, of which 42.75 is to be rovided out of the gen .ral funds of the mu cipality. No. , ' . A concrete sidewa , on the east side of Le, • old. street between tit , north sides of Viet' xa and John streets. T1 • estimated cost of the w. whi h $68.25 is to beprovideclou f • s of the municipality. Court of Revision will be. he tit, 17tH day of August, A.D. 1900,a o ce, Wingham, at 7.80 o'clock p -pose o! hearing complaints age' sed assessments or accuracy of t leasurements, or any other comp ersons interested may desire to vhieh is by law cognizable by the Co Dated, Clerk's office, Wingham, Au 1000. J. B. FERGU.. i N, Clerk. John Neelands, of Brantford, was in town on 'Friday last. He came up from Churchill with Mr. Ridd's body on lativesin St. 'Edens and Goderich. Thursday night and spent Friday shah - Roy Shape, of Preston, visited with I fug. hands with his many Wingliain friends. Since his return to Brantford, we are sorry to learn that Mr'. Neelands has been taken sick and confined to his bed. E, F, Black, of Deliver, Col., is spend- ing a few days with old friends in Wing - ham. and vicinity. Mr. Black was a resident of 'gingham some 15 years ago and conducted the jewelry store in the stand now occupied by 3. R. Muushaw. It is nine years since lie last visited 'Wingham ane sees many unprovelnents x11 the town in that time. friends in Wingham over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hill spent last 'week visiting friends in Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swarts, of Clinton, aro guests of their son, J. E, Swarth. Mr. Wesley Wailker and Miss Sloan, of Hlyth, Stuldayod at Jas. 'Walker's. T. M. Davis, of Mitchell, spent a few days this week with his uncle, H. Davis. Thos. Reading of Harriston, uncle to O. J, Reabiog is visiting here this Aveek. W. T. V yfe was visiting in Amberly And Kincardine during the prat eveek, -k is $275.50, of 2 the general 1 on Friday, the Clerk's in. for the st the pro, efrontege hit which take and uy• t 8rd,. that his binder is as gen as the Deering Ideal, ask him if it has : WM. NICHOLSON BUILDER and CONTRACTOR We are still fn the building business and are prepared to take contracts for the erection of all kinds of buildings. • Plans and specifications furnished on short notice. Workmanship gu$ianteed and at rea- sonable rates. WM. NICHOLSON. Residence Diagnol street, opposite Francis street. Bicycle bearings. A folding platform. Brass boxes in eraLik sheat. A counterbalanced crank -wheel. Roller bearings in its grain -wheel. Drive chain three inches from the main -wheel. Photos at Rome THE. BEST IS BETTER THAN EVER. CANADA DUSUN ,SS COLL :GE CHATHAM, ONT. Closed the best year In tlie records of thoschool. on June 29, and will re -open for the FALL:. term on TUESDAY, SEPT. 4. It was the BEST as to attendance. It was the BEST as to results. pupils It was the BEeT as to nm of o placed. 250 secured good positions months commencing S.ept. 1, 1899, and ending, June -80,1000, an average of 23 per mouth as. against 14 per month dune the previous year: Good board for gents' at -$2.50 per week, and. for ladies' at $2.00. We pay railwavfare to the extent of $8.00 to students from a distance. It logue you are not familiahave w th the best Can our nada has to offer in the line of Business or Shorthand training. ti Write for it. D. 11ieLACHLA Chatham, ' Ont.. Western Fair L.r>fld0i10 gth, 1900. SEPTEMBER 6th Entries C s 'hep ether 5th. The most complete exhibits fro» F• m, Forest and Factory. Nov and start ling special features. Chariot races . - imported. GreCelebi unds,GBalloons, Ascen- sious, Double Parachute Drop by au and lady, Artists and Acrobats. Fireworks each evening. "The armoured train's attack on the Boer stronghold," and many beautiful set devices. Special trains over all lines each evening after the fireworks. If the frame is riveted to. gether, like the Ideal, or fastened by ever loosening bolts. Ask him if his elevator'ebain runs Our sprockets. The Ideal has an Hundred Good Points. M. E. Zurbrigg makes It specialty of out -door photogre..phy; epienie parties, family groups on the ]awn; residences, wedding parties and gatherings of every description photographed in an artistic manner. We deem it a pleasure to go anywhere so don't forget us. We do Picture Fraining—and We do it right too. V1. E. ZURBRI GG'S 'Mowll floor gallery, opr'. Presb. Church. John Wilson, V. S., has returned Wm. Doherty, of the Doherty Organ .1lnnue from his trip to Manitoba. He Works, Clinton, was in town on Friday.' was away for several weeks and loot Halstead and Miss Lillian many former Winghamites nt different Mrs. Ile says the wheat crop is Toronto on Toes- \ points. y Ealstead returned to Tp almost a total failure and will not average mote then seven bushels to the acre. He met many old residents of t tiro1. and Bruce Comities. 'un Mr. Alex. Young, and Mr u Dr. A. J .I /twin of Wiugllanl, were BIyth visitors Stink day. , .Miss Dolt Gracey, of Wieglfan, is visiting nt the lioino of her grand- mother, Mrs. l#uie. • •Mr• L. McLean, of Wing11am, raid Mrs. 3.12. Cerrttti% and children,. of Hepworth, were the guests of Mrs. 'Wut. Mo'Hlrrog' during elle past week.-BlythStandard. day. Robt. Galbraith, of Guelph, is spend- ing his holidays with his parents in town ow Miss lticdtibbon has returned to town from To:ouzo aid is the .guest of Mrs. n, Boss.– r cod is e LV find Mrs. >VIdY`iunaliton, of Ming with friends in Wifghtttl. and ',lcinity. 'Wm. Deck, of Harrigan, Way calling un oldd Wingham friends for a few days this week. , erg ELLIOTT EROS FARMERS Agents, Victoria St., Wingham. A :.t' ailor's Taik end anyone having live stock or other artieles they wish to dispose of, should =ver- tiro the 85010 for rsale in the TIM M. Our largo circulation tells and it will he strange indeed if on do not get a elastomer. We can't guarantee that Ion will sell because you may axle more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send plan o f d spdrn0gt of youVinyls sto k and ndretl this articles. Cook's Cotton loot Componixt 0t b tltr tamonody far 1 rax Id pao (Seep Y y eta died r /wet UTUK5'et f03 ,s peue1. 'd`Ake trtl other, CLp 1111 Mixturefl, ink -Mitt IrhltAtI6t1 are detigefene, IPride No. 1, $1 pet bi17CiNL,.X,10degreesstro0igei',S8'per box. es two 8• mel t rid w receipt ttl f ri cea one p. led P 1 ptlrLr map, mai !WHOM i anc.2 seid aha i coiome detldr' r all naepotistblo Bre giete til Caiiadrr. 171.1. end I'r'e.2 Are void in Win thein by A. i,• Campbell, DfEaRsris IN A. A. l.tor,ow, Coati A. 10;000Ladiee. sate,efteowal. La Conk' Coated Rat UNr• Send for Prize Lists and Programmes. J A. N ELLES, LT. -COL. WM. M. GARTSHP esdent Secretary. WANTED A rnan to represent us at Wingham and surrounding country,it the sale of our choice Canadian grown Nursery Stock. A permanent paying position with chance of a vance- anent. Arrangements will be made with a suitable man' to SELL, DELIVER and COLLECT. Good pay weekly. We also handle sprayers, large and small, the best made. Write at once for further particulars to The Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co., Established 40 years. Limited, TORONTO, ONT. would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new SPRING SUIT OR OVEitCOAT O. K J`�I,"a t'Vjajjl6e1•Ji l£ —J� gt_t ^a "`r L : Taira dsahla�ua_ There is Always � a Time ri: G' to buy furniture. For the next thirty days we have de- 11 cided to give something special in parlor suits, couches, ' lounges, easy chairs, mattresses, spring beds, and any- C 1 FLI thing in the upholstered line. You miss it if you don't ii buy upholstered goods from us. We intend to reduce the stock in Ill time to fill in forr the fall trade before furniture advances, so, if you want (r bed -room suits, side -boards, extention tables, chairs, or el :,,` 'tvriting �� desks, give us a call. la h. tt 1 i tand ri;ext Griffin's Grocery. L wALKER BUTTON ITRNITU E and UNDERTAKING. �,+�i�artirnsl11d11I141iC1; • vo tifd eiese 1311 'in Ta whirr basin ourf them are s Luer 'BC It is Our isfieL aper 11 01 burl: Fav( mak elli' ata --cl( Boo .jttsi �GE ]LI� •1 -yot •and T E •D ref On it .at ref ,y0 1