HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-03, Page 6T3 J *\r1?;; UI I A 11 TOLES AUGUST 31 Nu. ALMOST ' 1900 vs ilea Tel Welk MS 'tall 3 4 7 8 9 10 II lr$ its 14 ti i$ 17 Is 49102i2a232425 27 ?d 29 30 33i EFT. BLI$IRE? r;14 fit l'i.rf.e+Ct.t 13. B. E7 T.ttOTT, Prez. -nun: FRIDAY. A tr: .nt .l. C3 a ee. on a o, „k \. x LEITER, .l• t'attl oar own Crime. ;'tiirt,n . farteene. July '2"th. A peaceful tabu hos settled tled en Perna - silent Hill, and after sixnitanth.e efweary Talking crr legislators have seattsl'e."I to the four qu ;.tern of the earth and the • longest session since 18.55 is a matter of history. The Minister_ have hastened to follow the rank and file and the majority Imre left the capital for mere oer less ex- tended periods ; while following them the citizens generr]]y as far as they are able, arse getting; out of towel, and the city has already taken on its regulation out -of - session aspect, Even the live and vital question of the date of the general elec- tions fails to arouse any sustained excite - =lent. IIIExO)IENAL Grt,OWTH. The .figures given by Hon, Mr. Pater- son in Itis speech the day before proroga- tion show an enormous increase in our trade and are entiled to the attention of everyone. interested in Canada trade development. The total exports of -Canada for the year ending June 30th, last were $175,656,947, and of this amount the products of Canada, ex- clusive of bullion amounted to $152,818,- 917, an increase in Canadian products +of $46,440.16 over 1896 which year Showed an increase over 1878 of $40,638,- 518. The 1900 items of Canadian pro- ducts exported were not given by him, and are as follows 4 -"The products of the mine $14,106,764; fisheries, $11,308,- 4928; forest, $80,050,018; animals, X55,897,800; agriculture, $27,429,121, manufactures, $13,692,773; miscellan- eous, $339,418. Thefigures for the sante -class of produce in 1800 were :-Mines, 0,059,650; fisheries, $11,077,765; forest, 427,175,686, anima's, 836,507,641; agri- culture, $14,083,361; manufactures, 0,865,884; iniscellaneous. $109,265. WHIT A CHANGE IN TWENTY YEARS. In 1878 the figures were: -Mines, 0,816,347; fisheries, $6,854,000; forest, 19,511,575;; animals, $14,019,857; agriculture, $18,00S,754; manufacturies, $4,227,755; miscellaneous, $401,875.• A comparsion of the figures of 1896 and 1900 shows the greatest proportional increase to be in the agricultural Isroduots--over 95 per cent.; in animals, and their products, 53 per cent.; in 3nanufactures,47 per cent; and in no ease has there been a decrease. A com- parison with the figures of 1878 shows there has been a decrease between that year and 1896 in the exports of agricul- tural products and that the exports of animals and their products are now nearly four times as great as in 1878. Although the export of products of the fisheries has been nearly doubled since 1878, the importance of thatbranch leas relatively declined owing to the greater growth of mining and neanu lecturers. In 1878 the export of fishery products was $6,854,000; manufactures, 14,127,755; minerals, $2,816,347. In 1896 the export from the fisheries was 4,1=41441.04..•.4.41.41444.... oi.4•464.4.4,44446.1404.....wartem.444441.14444144 • Poor Quality of Blood A Frequent Cause of 'Consumption, Heart Failure and Other Constitutional Ms- irises—Or. Chase's NOM) Food as N Steed Builder. ,The heart, the lungs, the etotnach, the liver, the kidneys, and bowels can - mot perform their funettons and repair svax ed tissue when supplied e d ith blood that fa deficient in nutritive qual.tties, and sooner or later the weakest organ $uecuntbs to the attacks of disease, indications of thin, watery blood etre palenead of the lips, guars, and eye-, 'Ids, shortness of breath, weakness of bait action, and languid, despondent teethe:0. These sytllfstotns are usually eineompanied by nervousness, )iteepless- rlieis, and general weakness of the body. it is positively' U5elese to doctor the symptoms, and irijuriotl+J to Lt:de opiates ter stimulants, tare cart be brought about gradually and certainly by the zee of Dr. Chaee's terve rood, which' contains in condensed pili form all the elements required for strengthening ..net revitalizing the blood, Jo a blood builder and nerve, restorative, Dr. Chase's 1ierlve food is of ineetimable "awe In pill form, ii0 Cents a box, a1. t5'enlcTia, or I4412>zioamicsl, Basten as over 11,0(;(1,000; mines -over 8,000,000.; uanitfactures., $0,0e5,O00. In WOO the export a iiultezice though increased to $11,000,000 yens les than manufaetures $13,0)2,C00 and minerals, $14,100,GO(a. The export of fisheries rivet) 3878 has been nearly d ubled, inamitactores more than trebled, and minerals multiplied by five. aria VOL'Y,TI;x 1NDx';TltY. The Departlnealt of Agriculture is developing its policy of encotuagi2ig the1 iaduistry of chickeu-fattenialg ,for the British market, l: xpe1:iYYlental etaatio2Ys are to be establi:hod in Various parts of the Dominion for the purpose of illtastrettiug: the best zuetllods of carryiug on this euterpriee, and an experienecd ehieken fancier, Mr. Hare of Whitby, has been elle&en to superintend the work. ' ., 1 '•a a •'t` •0 T a dt ., x tilt( nt has for ,)-ear x or two 1 Y b;rai malting experiments be falttelztllg; i ltielttens ley r'ne frig Ped and shippth theme to the British market where they );v ;<e saki at S vertu a. large Profit that it is inters.'. tee iint"tvat- rte the method goner- to 1y are ern farmers anti 3Ir. Bare is be - PEOPLE QF PROMINENCE. World-widc2 Hon. Sir Wilfrid Lau rit'r, B. (?, Le A. O., I'. f t.,11f, F., ma :Trine Minister of the Douliuion, was bion I 'oventbcr 1R41, .at St. Lin, Inekesoniption, Qnebt:e. He et burs of an old and dis- tinguished fetidly. After linieldng. his literary studies at the College L'1i.sssonlp- tkm, ho entered the law oilier of tllo Hon. R. Laflamme. lie) wt's capled to the Bar c f L. cr Canada i2r 1(65, having; taken ila the previous year the degree of B. 0. L, at Metall University, In 1b80 he was appointed Q. 0From an early Nee Mr. Laurier took to deep interest iu public questieus, and also gave his attention to literature and journalism. 3I Was an earnest advocate of temper- ance, e } arta t t er- p ante, and delegate to the Dominion Prohibitory Convention of 1875. In 1871 he began public life by being elected to the Legislative Assembly of Quebec. Ho remained there until 1874, when lie entered the House of Commons. , At once on taking his seat his brilliant zzef es l far this purpose. It is abilities and high chanter were leepe4 :: az the canter cldicken fattening i. acknowledged.. When Mr. McKenzie { fi" outrun 7i, vi -i 1 1<wmito as great a was. called upon to form an adnainistra- s .i ; ea. f n ve';uey to farmers as cheese tion, the portfolio of Inland Revenue ,r.0 a c s nenv eine. s) that all the farm- was assigned him. Since that time Mr. ear i . ,I ttso z, to grow chickens, He Laurier has 'been ono of the Yeast ;1•; el nee fatten them. He can sell them prominent and highly respecter' members of the House, An auliliucbing supporter of the Opposition, under the Hon. Edward Blake as leader, whom leo was unanimously called upon to succeed. Since that time his exceptional ability, gentlemanly conduct, and comprehen- sive grasp of public affairs, has secured for btu, not only the admiration of the Liberal party, but the respects of his opponents. As a speaker be appears as one who recognizes responsibility attach- ing to every word he utters, He speaks with a very pure French accent, and is a most effective debater. nfr. Laurier was married to Miss Lafontaine May 13th, 1808. Local: James A Ilalsteaci, Banker, Mount Forest, was born in Ontario County, Ont., in 1841. In 1850 he removed to Listowel, where he was first employee. in a store as clerk, and iYl 1861 engaged in store keeping and milling on his own account, He successfully conducted this business until 1877, when he re- moved to Mount Forest, and engaged in private banking, which he has since con- tinued, and has become one of the most successful beakers in this part of the country. In 1863 he was married to Miss Hacking, daughter of W. H. Hacking, Esq., postmaster of Listowel, He has served in the town council for several years, having been both Mayor and Reeve for several terms. In polities he is• a Liberal. to the fattening institutions and they xsiy3 See the best. Thele is hope, tee, that in time the saute methods will be iurrodueed as to all barn- yard fowls, as there is a large de- mand in Great Britaiu for such food and many farmers there 'lave been able to reap fortunes catering to it. THE ; POILS : Y5TEu. Dealing with the acts of the new Con- servative Government in Manitoba, Mr. Greenway said in a recent speech: "These gentlemen have increased the salaries of their particular friends about the Legislative buildings, and they have introduced something; never introduced in any Province or country under British institutions the dismissing of good and faithful men and putting in their own friends, adopting the American system, ` To the victors belong the spoils.' I think this improper and on every plat- form I shall denounce it. The Premier said he introduced it because the Domin- inion Government did so, and he adds: - 'You dismissed men also.' We did; but it was because their services:severe not re- quired. The private secretary of the late John Norquay was my secretary for twelve years. I could bring other evidence to show that we did not be- lieve in that kind of doctrine. But our old friend Mr. John W. Sifton, than whom there is not more honest STRAIGHTFORWAitn DIAL in Canada, a faithful public servaut, who discharged his duties well, because his son was Minister of the Interior was dismissed, at 64 years of age, with- out a day's notice, and a man without experience was put in his place, and given $200 more salary. One official's salary was increased from $1,600 t0 $1,900 and another from $1,900 to $2,850. So for ordinary expenditure they have a larger estimate than we had in our last year. You will have znore of it be- fore you are done, you are not through with it," One thing that makes the Tories so hopping mad is the attention Ministers receive personally from Imperial states- men and British newspapers. Sir Charles Tupper himself the great "I Am" of the Opposlion never attracted half the notice which is naw given to any one of the present Cabinet. Take for example the Western Mail newspaper published in. Cardiff, which referred editorially the other day to the charges preferred against Hon. Clifford Fifton by some of his political opponents, and congratulated him otz the complete and triumphant vindication he has re- ceived. The Cardiff journal's article concludes: --"The friends -and they are many -Which Mr, Sifton's manly per- sonality and statesmanlike utterances made for him while in Cardiff will re- joice in the eofnplete clissipatiott of the unworthy charges made against him." Chronic Indigestion, By far the most important part of digestion takes place in the intestines and it is folly to expect stomach medi- cine to cure a severe case of indijeation or dyspepsia. The kidneys, liver and bowels must first be regular and active and the only remedy which acts directly on these organs is Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Piles. They are purely vegetable' act pleasantly and naturally and positive- ly cure dyspepsia, biliousness and do - mach troubles. Ono pill a dose, 25 cents a box, take no substitute. tVortl►lrSri•--�; To prevent salt trent raking add u, little arrOwrnot. Misled an utlta>.'d. iI keep w l rc a.better color if a pinch of salt is aridedx. To remove quickly the paper from the bottom of a cake hold it in front of tho lire. When an oven is too hot for the proper baking of its contents put a basin of, cold Water ineide, Never slam an oven door whoa any- thing is baking. Stich a proceeding will rain the contents, To cut hertz -boiled eggs iit smooth slices (lip the knife fill water. Toothache 2 days. Mrs. Fred Nedden Eel River Cross- ing, N. 13., says: "I had toothache for two days, and could get nothing to stop it until I got Low's Toothache Gum, which quickly cured me." . Price 100. During the Queen's Reign. Tho reign of Queen Victoria has been a reign of peace, in so far as freedom from invasion of the British Isles is con- cerned; but some forty wars, aside from a number of less serious revolts have been carried to a conclusion by her sub- jects since the Queen's coronation in 1837. A list of these wars is as follows; A war against Russia, 1854. Three wars against Afghanistan, 1838, 1849, 1878. Four wars against China, 1841, 1849, 1850, 1860. Two wars against the Sikhs, 1845, 1848. Three Kaffir wars, 1846, 1851, 1877. The wars against Burma, 1850, 1852, 1885. Nine wars in India, 18574 1860, 1863, 1864, 1868, 1879, 1890, 1897. Three Ashanti wars, 1863, 1873, • 1899. One war against Abyssinia, 1867. A war against Persia, 1852. A war against the Zuxlus,1818. One war against the Basntos, 1870. One war in Egypt, 1862. Three wars itt the Soudan, 1894, 1800, 1809. A war in Zanzibar, 1890,. A war against the Matabele, 1804. Two wars against the *Transvaal, 1881, 1899. Orhtldreri Cry for 1 CAE1OFIAet Por Over P.ifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrupphas been used for over fifty ears by raillionsof mothersfor their children while teething, with perfect meccas.11 soothes the chiId,so£t- ons the gums, nilays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diet- rhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of tho world. 'wonty-ilva cents a bottle. Its vallto is incalculable. 13e sure yon ask for Mrs. 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no : other ld,r11i ud. A. simmer. Montreal Star:- A Sicilian, Ittdano Granata,1ttLs just given birth to five little girls, thus increasing her fainly to the extraordinary number of 42 living children. IVIdnua. Granata, who is quite a young woman, was married at 15, and in the first year of tier marriage became the another of a lino girl. Then sho fol- lowed up in a space of 10 months by presenting her husband with five boys at a Barth, and she has gorget on increas- ing her family by threes and fours up to the present time. The VOW dirootory Rices the po�:- tioa of Ot6a vrs tet MAO. Four Reasons Why the Meat Kidney Remedy, Pitc er's Backa.ohe Bid- trey Tablet Gives Shot( Kid- 1 Splendid-Results. f 3st. Tltey act gently, and earl be used by ehildren and delicate people without the harsh results that usually follow the use of all other kidney medicines. ,lad. Tho immediate relief they give from backache, -which is realized from almost iirst dose, is a surprise to people who Have tried pacirego after package of other remedies without accomplishing equal results. 13rd. Nearly alt suirerors from kidney trouble of long duration, who have used other kidney medicines, complain of their continued use upsetting the stomach. Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid- ney Tablets do not interfere with digest- ion, but assists it, 4th. Their perfect action. ou the bowels is a marked feature peculiar to thein, and not known to any Other nlocli- ciae. Mrs, Lucy Harvey, 97 Trinity St., Toronto, says :-"Ever since childhood I have suffered more or less with the kid- neys and backache, Every little cold aggravated the trouble, uutil of late years I have had a great deal of trouble, being laid tap at times. To stoop or lift anything was out of the question. I tried everything I could think of, or hear of, giving each a faithful trial, but until I got a bottle of Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets I got no relief, They however made a decided effect int- mediately, and strange to say, before the first bottle was gone the trouble that had existed for years was under some control and the second bottle settled it. Since then I have been in splendid shape, and shall always keep them at Baud. I used them in niy daughter's case with equally good results, and I might say it was by no means an ordinary ease, as she suf- fered a great deal. 'We certainly will never be without the Tablets, and I am glad to recommend them." Any reader of this paper can test the merits of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid- ney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to the Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Out. Regular size 50 cents per bottle, 1)ionoy in Chickens. F. 0. Hare, a chicken faucier of Whitby, left Ottawa Monday night for Western Ontario to locate a station somewhere near Chatham, where he will probably fix upon some enterprising farmer to take charge of the work of chicken fattening. The department has for a year or two been making experi- ments in fattening; chickens by special food and shipping thele to the British market, where they were sold at such a large profit that it is intended to intro- duce the Methods generally among farm- ers, and Mr. Hare is being employed for this purpose. It is hoped that in time chicken fattening institutions will be- come as great a means of revenve to farmers as cheese factories 'now are, so that all the farmers need do is to grow chickens. He need not fatten them. He can sell thew to the fattening institu- tions and they will do the rest. Ecezian Its Worst Form1 Back Covered With Blisters- Terrible Itching --• Na Sleep Possible — Or. Chase's Oint cont Simply Marvellous in Its Curative Powers. idr. John Kelly, 70 Trinity street, To- ronto, in an interview, made the fol- lowing verbatim statement:•-- " 1 have been troubled with eczema in , almost its worst form for the past three years. At times my back and shoulder blades were literally Covered with patches like water blisters, and these, accompanied with terrible itch- ing on my legs, put steep out of the question, 1 tried various well.known ointments (names mentioned), and did everything poaasible to obtain relief, but with little suceess. I had frequently heard of Dr, Chase's Ointment, but meeting with so many disappointments, T had not tried it. Seeing the advertise - anent one day T concluded to get a box. Since using Dr. Chase's Ointtnent, I am like a new being. Ito soothing and healing properties are simply marvel- lous, and I atn honestly grateful to Dr. Chase's Ointment for the release from.4eng suffering.' 1)r, Chase's Ointment, a positive cure for all itching akin diseases, e4 centa a box, at all dealers, or Damaan:on, Bates and Co., Toronto, "ail Dunlop Tires in :goo" Your guaranty cif good- ness itt c't Dunlop tire is the r uarantee from the makers. "The Dunlop detachable tire is guaranteed against ail defects ofworkmanship,. materials itstordesigta,forcine year from date of tfurchase." No other tire is guaran- teed thus.' Dunlop trues on all good wheels without extra charge. "'The only tools 1, the renal, tiro d+e , ti ane% Tomtits. Irtemtreai. tt'iemant. at. Jelin, fi1()WN DIRECTOR cit rT# }R f. c 13.11'Tis'r (roomer--Snbbatlt services at 11 a art and 7 k) n1. Sunday Mimi at 2:.:O p ni. (xenertd prayer meeting oat Wotblvt Clay evenings. Rev. W. Freed, paster. yr. J. (J1tal Ivan, S, Superintendent. lvinHioilsitIuncZ-Stbbatllservices at 11 a an and 7 p an. Sunday Seltool at 2;30 pan. li;pwortlt League every Mon- day owning. ming. (general prayer meeting en 3Vc d alStlay av c+niugts. IEev. Itirllaartl Hobbit, pastor. Dr.. Towler, 1•'t, te, Hap. (riutciident, I'Itl;t;IuyvnnriN Cili(altou-.Sabbath sm . vices at 1i!a itt and 7,� p sir, Sunday. School at 2:20 pan, (xoueral prayer meeting 021 Wednesday evenings. Rov. 1). Peale, pastor and S. S. Superinton- dont. ST. PALL''; Olrlrltcrr, Eriscol'.tr.,--Sab- batli services at 13 a an and 7 p an. Sun- day School at 2:730 pm, General prayer or meeting ou Wednesday owning. 1Zt)v, Wm. Lowe, incumbent. lee. Shore S. S. Suueriutendeut. 0o Normo 1.Tlonae. CIIURCII.--Sabbath services at 11 a an and 7 p IYL. s Sunday School at 12 in, Midweek nteeting:en We duesa y evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavial Wilson, S.S, Supt,; A. E. Prior, pastor. Rolan CArnoL To Crur..cu -- Every fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:30a n1, ser- mon and bonedzetiou at 7 p llt. Rev. D. P, McMenamin, P. P, Sts' &riox Alllerx-Service at 7 maid 11 a in and and 8 p uz ou Sunday, and every °vanillg during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks, CHRISTIAN 'WORI;l us--Sol-vices iY1 the Mission, Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday at 3 and 7;80 p in. T. A. Cailiouuo, in charge. Pose OPEI0E—In ,Macdonald Block, Office hours from 8 a In to 6130 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. MEcn:ANxos' leismenen-Libra y and Tree reading room in the Town Hall, will be' open every afternoon front 2 to ; 5;45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'olocl:. Miss Millin Robertson, librarian. Town Con/wire-Wm. Clegg, Mayor; Win, Holmes, H. O. Boll. J. H. Chis- holm, G. A. -Newton, Rolland Beattie, Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. 13. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Youhill, Assessor; Win. Robertson, Col- lector, Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Somer.. BOARD. -0. N. Griffin, (chair - mail), Thos. Abraahana, H. G. Lee, J. J. Uomuth, Win. Moore, H. Kerr, J. Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm, Robertson; Treasurer, J, B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each montit. PUIiLXC SCHOOL TEACHERS.—A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Miss Reynolds, Miss 7! axqubarson, Miss Cornyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson and Miss Reid. BOARD or HnnLTn-Mayo3 Clegg, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr, Kennedy, 3. 13. Ferguson, Sec- retary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health Officer. WANTED AT ONCE. Two Coat Makers. Also Two Pant Makers. WEBSTER & Co., Queen's Block, Caveats and Tradc•Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for office is in theimtnediate vicine y of he P eegn tO�ce and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit% .description and statement as to advantages claimed. 0-.1Sro chemo is arcade for au opinion as to patentabilii'f/ and say fee for prosecuting the Application metre nob Ole called for until !Re paten6. Iallowed. "I1+vr.Hrorts' GutnR N eon. tain;ng full information seat free, All Cern nnet. Cellons Considered ps litrIctly tonIldcnWol. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH iMO It' Presets W.&SU, i/iu i'oN. j. ret. CO 'TZARS. EXPERitiNCE `('NRADEDe;eaioIVMARitStvs COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone bending t sketch and description mttg qntekty ascertain our optnien free whether all ventio t is probably patentable. Communlea. tions &(Hotly confidential. I3andbook on Patents sent fom.0 1aoat agency cy for securing patents. ehtr.Putots taxon tin Munn ZCo. receiv e apcctamace, vathout cant ad, inh $Cie 1i1k Bmes 1 ah. Ahnndnomety Ilhmitratnd weekly. 1.111144st rir. oalatlot lof anytretonttan innrnnl. Tom,$3,, r"n'rt;�ir mr mOnntl,s, bl. Sot i Lyall nowadenlcrs. l� UNN & Cor28thre:tdway, Now York hesatii °ince.1M5 Il' St., Waabin:neu,1). U. IT PAYS TO ADvia.tzmx IN Tim TIMES rt 4 10Tt1IlI,fabx ,1) 1872. Tixis(sn 10 I't'13I,I1413B117 EVERY FRIDAY MORNING The Times Oince, Beaver Block 15'IN(i1IA+t1, ()NTAIno, 41, Tiuusg in' son win tui-. •:i .00 per annum in ndvanve, SIM if not so watt No' .aper inseam, tinned till all nrrc•ttr>; tun raid, t'xceptatttto option of tin publisher. •A.ilvl-0Itttz,irso I?.,t'p H. -- Lcga1 ai.t: other casual advertisement.' Ne 14.r2,4onput•it'tliut,for tint insertions, tic per line for melt Hub,c'(1tu'nt insertion. Adv ertinc•an(1114 in local columns are elea'gccl 10 ct,. pc'r lino for iirst ins( (•tion, and 0 cents per line for emelt nubsenucnt insertion. Advertisements of Lost, round, Strayed. iiltrans for Salt' or to Rent, and n:imliar, $1.00 for first montit and C0 cent,, for each HuiSecln('nt "'' month. title. C'oizmttic•i RATIN-The following table .forshoour rates for ws insertion of advertisements - for smelftrt4periods :-. set.#cxr. 1 vie. aloe, 8 oto. 1 oro Ono Colman... tl0.tI0 $135.00 215.00 20.0 Hall' Column 3:i.U0 18.00 10.00 4.0 quarter column 15,00 10.00 0.00 2.0 Advc t t ,;cmte•nis without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and (barged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must he paid for in (advance. Tun Ucni DIS1'42L' Z30('I! is Htociced with an extensive assortment of alt requisttesfor print - int;, affording facilities not equalled in the • county for turning out llvHt ehtss work. Large type and appropriate cuts for allstylt:s of Post, - era, Hand Bill&, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy typo for tho finer c'lusseo of print- • ing. IT, B. ELLIOTT Piroptietorand Publisher. BANK of , WINGI AIVI. Capital. 82,000,000. Rest, 81,234,120. President -Join.: Srt ,utr, Vice -President -A. (x. RAusAv. DIRECTORS John Proctor, Geo. Roach Win. Gibson, A. T. Wood, lei. P., A. �3, Leo (Toronto). Cashier -J, TURNBULL. Savings Bank --Flours 10 to 8; Saturday, 103 fol. Doposits of 21 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United.. States Bought and sold. Travellers are notified that the Bank of Kam imton and its Branches issue Circular Rates o National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, whielt can be cashed without charge or trou- ble in any part of the world. W. COEBOUL• D, Agent E. 1:,. DICKINSON, Solicitor. A. E. SNI ` I General Banking .Business transacted.,+►•, Money advanced to farmers and business met on endorsed notes and coIlateraI. Farmers' Sale Notes -Cashed Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of" Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable. terms. T1 P.ENNEDY Dl. l.).. M. 0. P. S. O (Member of {lie British Medical Associa- tion.) Gold Mectafist in Medieinct, Sueeiair attention paid to diseases of Women Ind Child ren. Office 'tours -1 to 4p, m,; 7 to 9 p. DR. MACDONALD, Centro Street - Winglzam, Ontario.. 'R VANSTONB, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest - rate of interest. No Commission charged. Mort- gages, town and farm -property bought and, solcx, Office, Beaver Block, Wingham. • J A. MORTON', BARRISTER, .te., Wingliain, Ont. MI L. DICKFN,SoN, BARRISTER, ETC. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan,. Office -Meyer B)ocic, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgeryof the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the. Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. DRS. JEROMB & HOLLOW.A.Y, DENTISTS. Special attention to the cax'e and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate rices and all work carefully and skilfully performed, Office • in Beaver Block, Wingham. JOHN' RITCHIFI, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, winghnin, Ont. DEANS, Jit. LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales attended in any part of the County. Charges moderate. JOHN CUURRIE, Wonte ir, Orr. �J LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Parra Stook and farm Implentents'ft specialty. t \ All orders left at Trip Torte office promp attended to. Tern's reasoneblo. SOCIETY MEETINGS. SS�y Q Coinp Caledonia, 3 'o. 40, meets t Or R>rr"`the first and third Monday in every month, in tho O0dfoIlows Hall, Visiting• brethren welcome. D. Stsss'sns', Chief; 1i. B, Elliott, Rec.- Soo. Of', PRINTING, including Boolts, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Bends, Circulars, &e., &c., executed in the best. style of the art, at moderate prices, and ou heart notice. s i Booic1i1N7atNG.—We aro plcnscd to uitnounrrg�.- t'hnt any Books or Magazines left with ns'1ilr" Bindili •, will have our prompt attention,. Prices for Binding in any style will bo given on,' application to TIIE TIMES OP5ICB, Wingham, RAILWAY TIMB TA ES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM.1177(( resit s memo Palmerston ri 53 son . R.Sta.m. Loudon ri so nazi 11,24p.m. Httteatdiitu..11.10 Hatt.. 8'5 pin.,.. 8.881h1n. M1I1IVli rnoir I{inenrdine .. ,.13.40 a to . S.rsI a.m.... f3.23 London..........11.10 1.t,:12x.,11511. inhneratn...1.40 p.m.8.18 p.m. t0ltl.ON, Agent, vinghain... CANADIAN IYAd)IIc' (: RAILWAY. 1�� Q'ittlNS i,4.AVfi volt Toronto and East 0,63 (140 . 3,00 p.nt. Teeswnter ... 7.:33 p.m.,..10.1a p.m. Auntva vitas Teeswater... 0.1% a.n1 ,...:3 prem. Turoutuuntl 1Ca�t 151 p.ni,...1013 p*n. J. if, Ii1l l:Ddi6ii, .Agent. Winghsln. ;.A Q d; tip {t1'i M/ ' ad, '60ing' thsi Say as betty 0l *\021 this a d ' rz tt. Y naaftwor bawl s'0. the colt. "So ft. per3uien "there's Mlss Rett aed wool flower b She la •der. ", eoniing�'• • the we, - her th 4ealtity "Thor ar's a •jewelry "daSv Spillala :any." "The, worth, pearls .cameo 'sides. ester's lug do gloatin works great 1 l oothe were they W01 tri it, rho :Thom Tout •the I nevesl; :splend would 'somoi :many toy f `- S4 'to ha ;e' `s go w "No jewel twist abou espec your brow; suppl th muff] in th eItbc "It 1 ne ?Che r0un mad fie and then gest' than did avol eyes a Io you keel klea plat pita 41 terc tro int 11 'ZI Ino ;Ztvc be bet SU 001 BIS Sao 10 124 0511 �i kn +th 111 s T la y1