The Wingham Times, 1900-08-03, Page 5THE. WINUITAM THIES, AUGUST UUST • a, 190.0 .. WE ARE . . IN THE RAC And are THE PRODUCE R,A.CE, still paying 1,8c for good Tub Butter and i 3c for Fresh Eggs. We have the lead in the low price race, See the swell double -width Dress Goode in Cheeks, Plaids, Stripes, ete,, regular $5 and 40 cent goods, special at 250 a yard. Double -wed. th Lustres in Plain and Fancy Patterns, special at 35e a yard. Pretty Muslims at 10c a yard,. Ladies' Oxford Shoes, fine Dongola Kid, hand turned sole, regular price $1,50, sbecial at 81,85 a pair,. 15 Per Cent. Discount.on Parasols, 1 lb. Art Baking Powder and large Granite Preserving Kettle for 50c, 1L.lbs. Baking Powder and a quart Geam for 25e, Men's 75e White Shirts, special at 50e. See the Nobby Knockabout Hats for the Races. They will be on nand this week. It. r. C .The busy store at the busy corner. Button Block. tverythin 'a lace NEWS FROM 0[{R NEIGHBORS EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawake Innes Correspondents Communicate -- ()the Items. Clipped From Our Exotianges.. Mrs, Watson and daughter, Miss Mabel, are guests at the Lofton House. Miss Kate Martin has .returned hon}o from Boissevain, Man., after an absence of two years. Mr, and Mrs, Replier, of Michigan, are visiting 112x. ITupher's brother, Mr: John I-iuplier, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Town, of Wing - ham, have moved into the Gofton House. Mr, Town intends looking after the business there, as Mr. Gofton is laid up, and no longer able to de so: Miss Mary Rae, of Listowel and Miss Jennie French of Toronto are guests of Miss Tena Rae. Rev, Mr, Anderson and Miss .Ander- son left on Tuesday •scorning for Peter- boro and Long Island, where they in- tend spending their holidays. Miss Minerva Carry of Berlin is visit- ing her uncle, Mr. John Bratheur. Mr, William Montgomery of the Medi- cal College Toronto, is spending his holi- days at his home. • ' .Painting, alterations, improvements, finishing, cleaning, renovating, all completed. ATe are now prepared to do busi- ness in the very best stand in town. Our stock of Jewelry is new, up-to-date and decidedly of the finest kind. Our optical goodsgcomprise everything known to the science. Couple at with thorough and skilful workmanship and you have the strongest combination. OPTICIAN AND JEWELER AT THE STONE CODER -We are offering bargains in all kinds of Stoves. Tinw re It Dazzles Tho World. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Its severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pnueronia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom ib has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough itis the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by Colin A. Campbell, who gnarautee satis- faction or refund money: Large bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. We keep everything in the tin line from a large milk can to the smallest tin cup, and are selling milk cans and pans. at "the old prices. Also a full stock of Graniteware always on hand. The best OA Wedding An event "of interest to many in this vicmtly took place at the home of the brides' father, at Trow- bridge, on Wednesday of last week, when Etta, eldest daughter of M.r. and Mrs, J. R. Code, was marsied to Mr, Robert L. Stewart, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, of Bluevale, Tho marriage ceremony was witnessed by a large number of relatives aid friends and was performed by Rev, Mr, Bristol, of Trowbridge; Rev. F, J. ow and Rev. D. Rogers, he bride wore a cream earl trimmings and was at - Oitten, of Luc Bhievale. dress with tended by a little pink -gowned maid of honor. There was no bridesmaid or groomsman. The bride resided in Blue - vale for a time and is well.aud favorably known, Mr. Stewart hap been c student at Queen's Uuiversity until a short time ago. He is a most highly respected and popular young elan, We wish, them much joy, and have'many to join with us. Among the guests were: Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Stewart and family; Mr, and Mrs. William Stewart, Hamburg; Messrs Joseph and Edward Leech and Mr. and Mrs, D. Rogers Bluevale; Mr. and Mrs. Rebt, Leathorn and Mr, aucl Mrs. T. J. Watt, Turnberry; Mr. •and Mrs. William James Johnston, junior, and Mr. Kersey and Mies Flossie Jack- son, Morris; and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Leech, Detroit. I3ELO1 A•TE. Clegg & Dames shipped a car load of cattle to Toronto on Monday. They shipped a load of hogs on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce spent Sunday in Loudesboro. James Wilkinson has sold his farm to Coad. Oil Stoves Bird Cages, Lamp Goods and House Furnishings. We claim " to do the best Eavetroughing work in the County. Tenders on Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Roofing Metal Ceilings, Siding etc., always acceptable. Gasoline and Coal, Oil at right prices. hn in Remember the Stone Stere when you want anything our line. john Bugg siderable draining on his farm. Will Diluent cut his thumb very bad- ly while doing some Axing to areaper oli Monday. Mise ,Ant:io Oliver and Mable Thomas that the Sunday Schools of the tow -aa wont to Toronto on Tuesday, where they to have a union excursion. to Geo duinh Will reside for a tiaras. ou your Oivie holidl Py We won vox, much like to be there to enjoy this onion, with. the pastors. and to -workers in this, a1.1-ivaportant work of instructing the young in the ways of the Lord more perfectly,. but our love aiid prayers will be with them. Yours etc. iiIc heli) Hones. the erection and.ckdiattian of oar fel Pavilion to the warship and of Almighty Cod. 1 ala glad to through the Iiinduesa of Dr. "how h„.. To Save Ber Ch1k1. From frightfal disfigurement Mrs. Nanuio Galleger*, of La (grange, (a., applied Bnc:klel.'s .A.rnica Salvo to great sores on her head and face, and writes its quick care exceeded all lier hopes. It works wonders iu Sores, Bruises, Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds, suci Piles. 'e5o. cure guaranteed by Colin A Campbell, druggist. I;njT tvn.W A,Nosia Miss Mary and Mr. Alex. Porterfield spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs,Tas, Ferguson of Bay, field. {! Charlie King left on Tuesday far Wlntewater, Manitoba to which place he S IYE has gone for,the benefit of his health. Tho Masses and Mr. Yuitl of Morris spent Sunday at Mr, Peter King's. 4 Miss Pyle and Master Fred. Burgess,of Owen Sound, are holidaying with rela- tives here. The Misses Anderson, of Toronto, Mr. Wm. Anderson and Miss Anderson of Wawanosb, visited at Mr. R. N. Duff's last week. Mrs. Geo. Martin, of Warren, Ohio, visited her sister, Mrs. R. N. Duff, last week. Mrs. Martin will visit several places in Huron and Bruce counties be- fore returning home. Miss Anderson, .of Wawanosh, will accompany her back Nicholas Brothers for the sum of $5, - to 011ie. loom Owing to some uiirispected and urgent cause Mr. E, Coultes was tumble to be at the brick church. on Sunday evening but will .endeavor to be present next Sunday evening., Rev, W. T. Hall will occupy the pulpit at Calvin on Sunday at half past two. Miss Annie Campbell, former school IAN ATTACK of Le 'tom` ” nn' r TUE WAY TO VIGOR, !MALTS ANP SAPPINESS. Stix^+ ERnn F.'T Ali, Ni'+1LV(,tJ 9 AND ENrEE- JL1;A--A TioTIAI :oxr ,li1:3")10:1I:1 AND REART TltoJn'au. Naturally ovary stole pari- se • •"'•'i t Help is promised, wi 1 as • remedy been successful? 1'` .: 1 i" helped?" We emelt bots ...aces teacher of school No. 10, is spending a these questions than by publisliing test- part of her holidays at Mr. George Rob- 1 imouials received from grateful people inson's. •who are anxious that other sufferers may Miss Flora Donaldson of Palmerston, profit by their experience. One of these who has beenvisitiug at Mr. Adam Rob- grateful ones is Mrs. Douglas Kilts, of otr son's returned to her home on Mon- Perry Station, Oat. Mrs. Kilts says;-- day, `"Three years. age I bah. a vary save re Mrs. Alex. Mortcn is spending a few 1 attack of la grippe, and the disease left days in Wingham at present. me in an extremely wore out, nervous, Miss Lizzie Cunningham has been en- and enfeebled conditio i. Tai nor- , gaged as school teacher of the 12th school vousness was s3 severe as to have al- near Whitechurch which has been vacat- ed by Mr. John McKay. • Miss. Lizzie and Aggie Purvis of Brock- ville aro visiting at Mr. C. Campbell's this week. Mrs. George Knowles and family of Bra, tford are visiting at Mr. 0. Camup- b, 's. Tho house occupied by Mr. Fred. Champion on the 0th con avas burned to the ground Sunday. Tlcontents of the house wore saved. fire started from the chimney.. & Son, Get the Boy 000. Mr. Haslam lost a very fine colt last week. Mr. Bengough is having his house greatly improved by a fresh coat of paint. The Presbyterians have got a hand- some fence in front of their new church which greatly improves the appearance of the place. The buzz of the threshing machine is once more heard in our midst. Miss Myrtle Livingston was the guest of Maud Haslam on Sunday. There is another opening in Belgrave for aslloemaker. Who will be thelucky one? Seven Years In Bed. "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. S. Pease, of Lawrence. Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and livor trouble, nervous prs- tratien end mineral debility ; but, °'Three bottle„a of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk, ":she writes, "and. in three mouths T felt. like a new parson." Women suffering from Readaehe, l3ackache,Ner- vousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed: Only 500 at Colin A Camp- bell's drug store. a watch. We have something expressly for him fresh from the New Haven Works. The price will suit you, the watch ill suit.the boy. The price is $1.75. The watch is a good w y looker, and a good time -keeper ---the biggest thing for the money --convenient size, neat appearance, made of good ma- terial and well set together. Don't confound it with the cheap watches you have seen, for it4s one in a thousand, ,Absolutely the best ever offered for the money. We hale also watches of the highest grade, and at all prices. '` G. Patterson, Stone Block, next Door to Clegg's Hardware. A SLATE FOR A "SLATER" Leek nal the no " Slater," Shapes that fit the foot and meet . fashion's requirements. Only leathers most reliable and colors roost suitable. Over/ pair Goodyear welted. "Slater Shoes" have their means of taunt.; flcatien, distinguishing them from the hordes of nameless shoes. A slate frame with the tame and price in it is branded on every sole by the makers. sole for the slate, as without it's Mrs. Alexander Ross and Miss Forsyth of Wingham, visited. Mrs. Collin on Fri- day riday last. Miss Maggie Robertson, of Wroxeter, visited friends here last week. Mrs. Robb and daughter, Christiana, have gone to Manitoba to visit their re- latives. • Mr. Telford Sellars, who has been working for some time at Stratford, is home again at his fathers', first line of Morris. GLENJAIt'ILOty. Mies Lyle Lennox and Lilly Me- Laughlin visited at Mr. Harris, of Wrox- eter, on Monday evening. Mrs. McLaughlin and Maggie, of Winghaln,visitecl at the home of Douglas Fraser on Friday last. Miss M. F. Higgins has gone for a two weeks trip to Brucefield, Bayfield, Exet- er, London and other places. Next Sabbath there will be Quarterly Meeting services at Salem. Rev. Mr, Lake gave a very interesting temperance sermon last Sunday. He took for his text, "They sold a girl for U' U"l"J U l', U t,J t i1' mtzV'V Far Sale Duly by W. J. OREER. Mrs. Jones, of Godorich, is the guest Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray and Adam Gray, of Dunnville, are visiting Mr. Gr: old home here. , Tr. George and Miss Maggie Casemore attended the funeral on Friday last o Miss Martha Cesemore, of Wingham Junction. Miss Casemore died of heart trouble at tho early age of twenty years. It is onlyew months since her mother died. • . Mr: Charles Fraser, B. A., is spending the holidays at his home in Morris. Mr. W. McKenzie Messer has accept- ed a permanent position as pharmacist for the Caro Drugs, Company, of Caro, Michigan, and left for that place on Sat- urday. We wish him success in Uncle Sam's country._ A Widow's Love Affair. Receives a setback, if she has offensive breath through Costipation, Biliousness or Stomach Trouble, bat Dr. King's New Life Pills always cure those trou- bles clean the systeni,sweeten the breath, banish headache; best in the world for liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 2.5c at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. PORT KEEWAYD111, most resulted in St. Vitus dente. Sleep forsook me. Iliad bad attacks of heat trouble, and the headaches I endured we:e samethiug terrible, I hal u3 ap- petite, and was literally fading away; I was nit able to worn abaut the loess and was s3 weak that I noel i s;arosly lift a cup of tea. I was treated by a good doctor, but with no beuefit. Almost in despair, 'I resorted to patent medicines, and tried severer on after another, only to be disappo• ted. by each I lingered in this con` ion ' until the winter of 183T; .when friend pre- vailed upon me to t r. Williams' Pink Pills, and I b taking diem. From the first the pi1 s helped :ue and I could feel my strength gradually re- turning. I continued the use of the pills according to directions until I had taken eight boxes when I 1va3 again enjoying perfect health. My strength had entirely returned, my appetite was splendid, the heart trouble and nervous- ness had ceased, while the blessing of sleep, once deuied, had again returned. I hacl gaiued over thirty pounds in weight, and was able to do all my housework with ease. In fact I had re- ceived a new lease of life. I believe my cure is permanent, as more than a year has since passecl and I feel so strong and well that I venture to say there is not a To the Editor or the Tr+as. Muskoka Lake, July 30th, 1900. DEAD Sni,—The exhilorating effects of dwelling in the "higher regions," for a few weeks is something 1 could wish that all brain workers could enjoy for at least a month in the hottest of the summer. They tell us that we are a good many hundred feet higher than healthier woman in this section; indeed I am.eujoying better health than I have for twenty years, and. this has b3en brought about by these use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I feel that I can- not say enough in their praise for I be- lieve the) save 1 my life. My sin also received the greatest benefit fr.)m the use of these pills in a case of spring fever." those who live along the regions of the lower lakes. This we can very readily understand when we follow the wator courses of the Muskoka Lakes. One of the attractions of the Muskoka Lakes is the falls at Bala, where these waters fall and flow down the Moon River into the Georgian Bay, from thence into Lake Huron, down the river St. Clair into Lake Erie, into the Niagara River, over the Niagara Falls down through the rapids into Lake Caitario etc., ou to th Sea. This will. give your readers an idea of our altitude. Now as to our em- ployment. • Wo are a busy lot of people, and there are more than a hundred of us on Keewaydin Island, with nearly a hundred more on surrounding islands with whorl we are closely associated. Boating, bathing and fishing are among our foremost recreations Speaking of fish ing t emiuds me of our experience of the past week, and this is a true fish story. I and family, with others, were out fish- ing one evening last week and I caught a pickerel 26 ruches long and Gertie caught another 25 niches long, the form- er weighing 5 pounds good, and the latter 5 pounds. So to us belongs the honor of capturing the largest fish for this season in our community. Wo have been very busy this season at Port Keewaydin, we have built a Pavilion at a cost of nearly $400, and all who could use a hammer and saw were called upon to arise and help to build. On Sunday, the 22nd and 20th fust , this pavilion was opened for religious purposes. Tho Rev, Dr. Wakefield of the Hamilton Conference preached the opening sermon and Crossley and Hunter conducted the evening service. 'Yesterday we were favored with a sermon from the Hon. W. Arotander, an eminent lawyer from Minneapolis, who is visitia g at the W. J. Duff sold three horses last week. Mrs. Snell and children are visiting het mother, Mrs. Mills near Clinton. Mrs. Dunton, of Toronto, accompanied by her niece, Miss Ada Botham, are 'visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Haney. Mrs. Brockenhurst, of Toronto, form- erly Miss Catherine • King, of Bluevale, and baby are visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. J. Denman. Tho Misses Weir and Robertson, of Turnberiy, visited at the Messrs Patter - sons' this week. Miss Nina Isbister, of Morris, visited relatives in the`village this week. D r Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Richardson, of of her sister Bolt. Brussels, spent Sunday at Mr. John Twice a year the Chinese carry food gess' • to their dead. They will taker quite a Mrs. Edward Bosman of Morris, re- toacl next trip.turned home on Saturday off accompanied by her daughter, Martha, who has been in Manitoba for some months, her son-in-law Mr. T. G. Campbell and his throe children, whose mother died a few weeks ego. The children will make their beim or a time with their grandparents, Crossley and Hunter cottage, rind was The meeting held in the Ibtllodist ohtireh, last Sabbath evening, in the in- • converted to Christ through their in- terests of the Bible and Tract Society, strumentality when visiting that city a short time ago. , Last night Ivo were was largely atte•acted. TIM collections ; edified and blest by a sermon were for the society. Thio addresses ; greatly B d R W j preached by the Rev. W. McDo:iogh of West, phi. 8' - • r able fivanciernig of the Rev. Mr. un - retnarks were l hilcsophicltl able or the whole indebtedness s "Never (quit Cer'taity For Hope. You may fake Hood's Sarsaparilla for all diseases arising from or ,promoted by impure blood Cwith perfect confidence That it 'will do you good( Never take any sub* sfitute. In Hood's Sattsaparilla.you ltd the best medicine money can buy. cures, completely and permanently; torten others fail to o'o arty good. Tonic' "-1 hate taken 1 -food's Sarsa. paint& as a tonic and general builder of the system avlfh excellent results. 1'f re. stores vifalityy, drives away that tired feel- ing, eel ing, Quiets the nerves and brings refreshing sleep.LL" John 1'. Patterson, Whitby, Ont R CJaa WEST WAWANOSR. obi Thompson, one of township councilors, took sick.on u sday night with diarrhoea and died on Sunday. The funeral took place en Tuesday afternoon to Dungannon cemetery and was largely attended. Decease l was a resident of this township for the past 80 years, and was a highly respected and prosperous farmer. Ile leaves a •dow two sons and one daughter. Rev. Edmund Louusburk, a superan- ventecl Methodist minister, died at Hamilton. During the Seaford. races, Mr. E. Rosseubuiy, of Zurich, sold to Mr. Kelly, of Listowel, his three-year-old gray colt, for the nice round 'sue. of 1300. given by Rev. D.Rogers an ev. W. Stratford. I may say that under the M.A.,coil '1t r Rogers Il t i 1n s of the pavilion West's were largely statistical. 1 C i { was provided for the first (lay, so that on Mr. Sohn Hardie of Culross, v ys t e (�tbtic ay last the great event was tele- over Stttide3r at the bomb of'Dlrs.1. Ruth- i bated by an old fashioned tea -meeting orfcrd. f:ccs. I cannot help thinking that the Mrs. tickle returned td gammen 0:1 Monday afte a holiday of a few %V..t oaists of the beautiful `ful town of '(Py ingba.ii, col -la (tri) j•1st fiJ atsn, , tend Mrs. White, of Palmertou, aged 85 years, was thrown out of a buggy near Teviotdale on Sunday, and had her right thigh broken at the hip joint and her left, arm broken near the shoulder, weeks, 5 r. s:tcmesftully for Olivae and his church, �r ane {ter, wn,ti t•r, Thtesllingcoimitelncedlast week. what the lie:l:.Lt'din rs halo dune, illi 1Ta lsc) `it,G1a�Yawtsu,lar Mr. George McDonald is is indicated by little kernels in the neck. Sometimes they swell, become painful, soften, and end in .a scar. Watch carefully, and just is soon as the kernels appear give A• The swellin gs will grow less and less until they disappear entirely. Continue the Emulsion until the child has good solidflesh and a healthy color.