HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-03, Page 2Very 67a.un to take as 1 7M4i HEADACHE. FOR DIZPIt `tS. FOB BILIOUSNESS. Fri TORPID LIVEN. . FON CONSfIPATIOIi. Fen SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION G3W4C.Z`4= YUCT,uYcp uATURC. eu 2s t '2Fdoe VeWet:�Io n >.` G •?'ur�S _— Weil to Knew. c genie of Thought. ( Y1i INGMAM DISTRICT. Lit let• t,rviu; time it is well torment- ii+3 that doth a base thing in, zeal far v bey feat larg.'. fr,�it will keep best in dial i his friends bursts the golden thread that I R. Calder, of II unUtou sloe leased the low 1,4iff.tOL Vots. ties their hearts together. -•- Jeremy \'Pre>xeter foa:ztlry, and exeeets to cotn- r+ memo aetive C)k eraat],ons. at once. ?.Talk..'.-t'S \w ill re1li:yvc grass stains fralll .t e a�'lt'r. woolI t e. hub aft iva rti'se in clear Love and esteem are the first princi-1 The Cautulitu National Patriotic) \wat.1". '.1') remove it.k. etains to:tk in ' p:es of friendship; it is always imperfect, now a mounts to $317,596.504 ripe tt)ntatt)tatte.e, if eitbel•of tiles, me wanting -Eutl est. I Wm. Cameron, formerly of I.ucklio\v 'itl latllt'lwc lit ac•:t stains, eras: the clic- : Friendship is the only thing in the Iincl Mass Jennie Hamilton, formerly of colc4retl z.tt)lit- f.i •13 10%V if cnlott' d world concerning the il: e£nitleFa of Walkerton, were married at Brandon, gclti h. u1 if u:1 white cloth, rob with. \wllicll all 1na111;incl are agreed. Vitt ra• Alan, on July 4th. hereon jai. a att•1 salt. I Ohl friends are best.. Tiing James used August 9t:1 win L c Clinton's civic 'Le at piece n% hlc ;tel about twice the i to ted for his old shoes; they were the' 1 lloliti:ty. Court M:tple Leaf, C. O. b',, size of an egg ;it a the n bog- and put it : easiest for lifS £t•ct. heitlQn. 1 will nut all excursion t0 Port ,tatalllej". in the t!rst of Wiling seri: utbles, This 1 He that has no friend or no enemy is ; Tile fare irazn C,ilrtoa is X1.65. 'will ube:)rb alt ttisagra'e:tl:le odors trim •sue of the vulgar; a11d without talents,. prevent, them from permeating the , r. or ezler••y L'tvatel TUE \\11NGRAM AUGUST I, 1900 n iliiltor's Drink Ouio is 'i 1 per box. 4 pt)N Nothing more dangerous than a friend For sale at Collo A. Campbells. ro lwltt. g g without discretion; even a prudent J• IL t'. tamer, yawner of the Bank for sunny years a director of rho West Travellers' headat Fres are geic kl - :•e enemy ;s preferable.-Larantaine. of Hamilton at Listowel, and Mre. Brace Farmers' MtlICCt d+'iro Insurance Teievo;l by 1411liura's taterlillg Head.teh : , the Stuart have returned heli) after a three Co, He was township assessor fcr two 2 ( ttt•r:�. Thee clo n, t unset the set ul, , Heaven, gives us friends, to bless t e mouths' bridal trip spent in Europe. nob. c:r �v. taken *he h. t:rr. Pric a IOt: tall l.r..,,•;:t scene ; rf hlltlles thein to prepare years. Me was a staunch Presbyterian 2.ic. at til: deal;+' S tr by mail. The T. , t., ft r tfzc 11'. :•:,t•- S ou1i . Rob Roy Tent, No, 23, 1 . G. T, 141., and a Liberal in politics. He leases a Milbl ri1 Co., I.•ltritcct, Tt:rtuita, Out• The f. i sans thou hast and their adop- Listowel has recei\;etl and remitted the widow and five children. Only one, affil lustttlluleut of disability Otani to cltr, lives e1 home. The body Utttt\v 11:illtl:u r. !save famed an as- I tion tried, grt;pple them t,) thy soul societeZt):l with u t t:p:r;tl a(11L' t•ut.,1rvui n i with heels of steel.-•:'llaltespeare. Mr. Robt• T?ny, at'Detroit, formerly of was taken to London, Ont., for inter - It is salt :hat a1 ;..e it adhe ci;tiryl. t .l ! Let £rientlsltip creep gently to a sleight; IOC ill t'i" a"oi:'a:loll. I 'f it rushes too it it nlay son,. 1.1111 itself 14e1vousnese is cured by malting; the out of swath. -fuller.. Water end talo family was one of the K,�,.y best known in the 1 loner days of Cul- u.:...4-_• .,. " rOS 3. Tho rola ties of Mies AM) Moore were brought to Clinton, from Toronto, where she had flied on July 21th from old ago, being 70 years old, the was a Atwitter of Walter 13. Moore, of Cork, Ireland, fwd Was, a resident of Clinton about 20 years ago, having lived here a year with her brother, Dr, Moore: then removed to Toronto, where elm resided with the brother who accompanied the body to Clinton, for burial beside her .sister. Alexander Fraser, eon, 12, heron, Castoria is for In buts Children, Castoria is a died on July 21st. He slid off aload of harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops flay at the front of the wagon stud the and SoothingS3'rups, It contains neither Opium, passed over him, Death result >' It is Pleasant, ed la a few minutes. Mr. Fraser WAS 1VOITll ne nor other Narcotic substance, Its guarantee is thirty years'- use by Minions of liiathers, Castoria destroys Worlds and allays Feverish - nese.. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria aesin ilt4tes the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -Thio Mother's Friend.. and Listowel. meat in the family burying plot, He Coughs and colds that other remedies was 65 years of age. r 1 , teen) powerless to relieve are promptly The Stratford herald of July 25th, • h Hood's Sarsa» : t u" 4 by Dr. �'(t•oo is Norway fine blood idea It .,i pure with rieudshf) 'tn ,roves happiness and Syrup. Tiv it az)•.l it will eonv'nt a Tole gives the following that should be care- parilltt. 1;1v: s the sweet, refrE sling ; F' l I F its et:':ac b curio•S yon. Plic�: ;tae. full noted bymen \vho are in the habit f cbllcill•..ctl. ill atE`S Misery by doubting our joy, and 3' y y of abusing their wives; -Last night divers citizens of Mitchell treated Wm.. Mulllerou, of that place, to a coat of tar. This rnorning he tramped to Stratford to look for law. According to reputable citizens of Mitchell, Mulheron is a dis- grace to the town. Ile was born there and has lived there. If ho has made his mark, however, it has been rather a black one. So says Mitchell and Mitchell , ought to know. Mulherou is married. His wife is a most respectable woman and earns the money for • the family. Mulheron spends it. Also ha is uugrate- fui and abuses his wife. This, at least is the story that the neighbors tell. Some time ago Mulheron is said to have won the affections of a Mitchell woman who possessed a couple of •hundred dollars. 1 This sufficed to take the two on a trip to the Soo, but the money gave out. Mul- heron came hone. Last night word was circulated that he was abusing his wife. A number of citizens thought the thing was going too far and went to the house to interfere. -They found the rumor true. Mulheron was seized and t k to the marketplace. Quite a SLOOP o 'tlivit'ne cur grief.-,�lddrsoll. Japan intrcdreed the telegraph in 1500 and. now has 144,570 miles of line I , elehip must 1•e aeeompeuied with find 1 267 offices, 1 v.l a in•t :.lwayS lodged in great and .-E. titil;.ehels.-Tr•Ny. i.0 1s o.•r friend who loves more than : rads:tires us, and would aid us ill our great \t ork--Channing. The light of friendship is like the 1ieht of phosphorus, seen plainest when n,„ �� all around is dark. -Crowell. Friendship is the ehactoN of the evening, which strengthens with the setting sun of life. -La Fontaine. It is best to live as friends with those in time with whom we would be to all eternity. -Fuller. Purchase not friends by gifts; when thou ceasest to give, such will cease to love roller Genuine lies La Er ti? a, Vo Lit I.e'ter Pills. Must Bear Sigrtatuee of See Fac -Simile \`:'rare=r Below. C€ic' eitCet HEADACHE. VV -tk d• t LD1 1 Agents to fill permanent position with us AT GOOD PAY. All supplies free. Chance of promotion to good men. We also desire somet good Agents, either on whole or part time to sell our preparation for the destruction of Tussock Moth Caterpiller, loao as CATElltPILL ABINE.' ,'-•Many of our salesmen carry this as a side line, and make considerable more than their expenses thereby. We have the largest assortment of stock of any Nursery in Canada. People prefer our goods, because of our guarantee. All our stock as sent out under Government Certificate, proving cleanliness and freedom from disease. Apply now for territory. Stone & Wellington, Toronto. J. A. Ross, late of Brussels, who was r eeutly appointed a clerk in the Toron- to Castoms house staff, has been trans- ferred to the statisticab department at Ottawa.. Mark Dowding, father of W. J. Dow cling, Brussels departed this life on July 1st, at the royal old age of 80 years. His home was Westbury, Wiltshire, Eng - laud. He had been in failing health for some time. Information has been received by M. J. O'Donnell, of the Ontario Public Works Department, that his son, John O'Donnell, formerly editor of the Arthur Enterprise, was drowned at Akron, Ohio: Miller's Drink Cure is a home treat - moat surd does not necessitate being cooped up in a gold cure establishment That friendship will not coutinue to for weeks with coliseciuentpublicity and comment, owiug to absence from busi- the end which is begun for an end.- uses At Colin A Campbell's. Quarles. A farmer on the 2nd con. of Culross, opened up a it of potatoes the other day Ou old Carlisle Bridge, in Dublin, which had not been touched since last there used to be a fruit stall kept by fall and found that the potatoes were as Biddy, the well-known figure to all solid and good as \then put into the pit. passers-by. She had a real tongue, and There were very 'few, if any, rotten never did a verbal opponent retire with ones• all the honors. We have received the sad intelligence A Yankee visitor, who had heard rte- of the death of one of Howick's well mors of her skill at force, one day took known and prominent residents in the up a watermelon displayed for sale, and person of Mr. Iiugh S. Patrick, which said, gravely: "You grow pretty small apples over here. In America we have there twice this size." • Bridget looked up, cooly surveyed the joker from head to heels, and replied ie. tone of pity : "Ali, .what for should I be \vesting my breath to talk to wan that takes our t gooseberries for apples!" Icesore. .After. Wood.% Ptlosphoaine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists is Canada. Onlyy reli- ere. Six a en crowd had assembled to see the fun. There was the crowd, there was. Mul- heron, there was the tar. Mulheron was stripped. The tar didn't feel very nice and he objected. When he was well coated he was sent home. His clothes . were sent after him. This morning he took place on Wednesday evening, July . camp on foot to Stratford. He saw the 25th, at the age of 56 years and B I chief and invoked the might of the law. mouths. ` The chief _ told him to go back to H. G. Tucker, au Owen Sound barns- ! Mitchell, but, he seemed reluctant. If ter, acting for the relatives of the late ; all is true that is reported of flim, it is John Driscoll Nebo was run down and ; to be hoped that •the lesson will do him killed while drgiug across the G. T. R. 1 good. track in Wiarton, has entered an action I for x;10,000 damages against the Graucl I . Trunk. i Nice Worm. Medicine. Mrs. Wm. Gzaham, Sheppardton,Out. Hugh Ross, Goderich, was in Saginaw writes ; "1 have given my boy Dr• Ilich., last week, attending the funeral !Low's Worm Syrup, anti fincl it excel - of his daughter, Mrs. H. Eastman. The I lent worm medicine. It is nice to take and does not make the child sick."Price deceased lady left Goderich two or three (25c. years since and leaves to mourn her, a 1 abce medicine teed to cure all -.- packages x114 husband and a baby two Necks old, and Isn't It Strange. forms of Sexual weekness, all effects of abuse or excess Mental worry, Excessive use of To- her relatives in Goderich. of pi3ce, one paekage $I, aiz, $5. t7rte will plane, r. C , a , a viz wee cure. Pamphlets free to any address. has • hi s possession the lock that pie That women ale not1 Castoria. Castoria. „Castoela is an excelleut medicine for aCastoria is to well adapted to children children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre - of its good effect upon their children." scriptiou known to ire." Da. G. C. oscoon, Lowell, Mass.( II. A. AnCH1in, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF . APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. receipt That women make such a fuss over a in at ease unless The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. b Opium or age $1, six Mailed on p M Geo.A._McKay, ay of Port Eight, baby? THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 7T MURRAV ST, CET, NEW YORK C,TY• , i4p. y .-.-'.moi ✓.'�i :1 Y'..- ,b .tea ., rra.. ... .... -- .• EA ER1DUSADISEASED MEN Thousand � f Young and Middle Aged Nen are annually swept to a premature grave through early indiscretion and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional. Blood Dis• ases hsve ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have you any of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; No Ambi- tion; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued.Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; imples on the Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Bore 'floe it; flair Loose; Paine in Body; Sunken Eyes Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Dear y and Strength. Our Ana il6•llld Treatment will build you up mentally, physically il,9cP;tiHave � r::on. y tReaditfhat DRS. KENNEDY KERGADone, • 4P m 111. Una to .14.11 3)r. itlnulton. tested the old wooden church at Embro, 1 they carry a pocketbook? i?'ood.0 hq bhll rA Morrow, Jan Dov ? West Zora,. during its use by that noted i That women can tell the smallest de - Com A. amp e ' yj tail of other women's dress? A. L. Hamilton, Druggists. congregation. Mr. McKay has decided 1 ..�-�--- �•-- �- to place the lock on the door of the That women learn a foreign language i Memorial Shanty erected on Pioneer so much more readily than men? Day at Port Elgin and thus ,still further That women can smile so serenly to perpetuate its usefulness and evident intention to be a lock that is to live in history. 11IEGERORS R'YSEETERY. Soothes the Irritated bowels, settles the stom- ach, gives prompt relief from pain, prevents col- lapse, and cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, Cramps, Colic, Summer Complaint, Cholera Infan- tum, Nursing Sore Mouth of Infants and all bowel complaints of young and old more safely and speed- ily than any other remedy. 17 YEARS Ii( USE, Mr. John L. Carter, of iiridgetown, Mfrs. Middletott Wray writes from N.S. in the following letter, tells Schomberg, Ont., as follows: "iii'. how st saved his life t "T had suffer- Fowler`s Extract of Wild Strawberry edwithdy+sentery'forfourwecksaild is the best remedy 1 know of for~ could get nothing to cure me. 1 then SumnerComplaint calm Bowel Ibis• tried Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild eases of children. 1 have used It itt Strawberry, and 1 feel that it saved our family for the past seventeen my life.. It restored lie to health years and never had occasion to eall when everythinge1se failed. 1 con. to the doctor for these troubles, as aider it a wonderful remedy that the Powler's'Extract always worked should have a place in every home." like a charm." Arwaytt talc ter Or.enlesos EXtriet tit ildrtStrawberry mut Masa when knocking ten years from their age? That women insist upon the fcot C. P. Moore, of cold storage fame, has 'fitting the shoe instead of the shoe fitting got himself into trouble at Parry Sound, f the fobt? • He has been arrested at the instance of a number of farmers of McDougall town -1 IT MATTERS NOT ship, charged 'with fraud. He bought ; To us whether your wants are small or farm produce at high prices and stated large, as we make it aspecialrtlletogive . that he would have a cold storage car at every customer the best service and at, Parry Sound in a few days. To secure tendon. We respectfully solicit a visit nese high prices and cold storage facia- that we may convince you that it Neill be to your advantage to be numbered ties each farmer had to buy something amongst the rest of our customers. from the agent -shoddy cloth being his GREAT RESTLTS FROM Otcn BOTTLE. - staple.One bottle of Paine's Celery, Coni - Mrs. F. G. ]S eelin and slaughter I ditli' Pound is often sufficient to banish the of Seaforth, who are' -visiting relatives at seeds of dangerous diseases, to cleauso the: system lugd establish perfect health.. Three Mile Bay, a summer resort adjoin- panic's Celery. Compound is the recom- ing the famous Alexander Bay, inet mended medicine for the care of Bright's with an incident in Iife that does not bo- disease, diabetes, liver complaint, blood fall the generality of travellers. Tho diseases and ,stomach troubles. The �enuiuePaiue sCeli;ryCoinponlldalways Hotel Eerkiaicr, let which they were m stook, fresh from the laboratory of stopping, was entirely consumed by fire the manufacturers. on. Sunday morning July 22nd, anti they A. L. Meat:tCx, Druggist, barely escaped with. their lives. They wingliam, Ont. lost all their clothing. Tuesday night, July lith, the spirit of One day in the town of Dundalk, two Christopher t,rimoldby, of Owen Sonud Irishmen were sitting smoking on a took its flight. He had been ailing for stone wale discussing the present none ditions of affairs in Ireland. "Oi'I) tell ye what it is Mickey," said one, solemnly taking the pipe from his teeth, "the ruinatiolt of Oireland is these absentee landlords." ,'Baded, all' it's right ye are, -Barr- neyl" says Mickey, slapping his thigh. "Shure, the country's full c' tltetnl" the past year. About 10 years Lego Mr, Grimoldby and family removed from Brussels to Owen Sound. He was an ill- dustzious, honest going num, a faithful member of the Methodist church and was 53 years of age, Mrs. Grinloldby anti 5 children survive, Margaret Boyd, wife of John A. New- ma11, of Teeswater, died on Silly 20th. She had not been well for some years b It it is only a month or so since she wts confined fio her room. She was in, her forty-sixth year and had been nlar- ri.'d for nearly eleven years to Alta New- ' roan who now mourns bet departure. They had no family. Mrs. Ml'owman war.; a slaughter of 3'antes yd wino lived cue i.rl3 and a quarter t=euth of Tees. ® TORI Ver Infants and children. " At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I could stand no exertion'. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I triedsevon Medical Firms, Elec- tric Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Dts. Kennedy & Horgan. They sent me one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cures schen all ass fats." They have cured many o: my friends." 5141 11111 NI UM mum. "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood Olseaso. 1 went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples oa face, blotches, eyes red, lose of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy & Korgan's New Method Treatment. It cured mo, and I have had no symptoms for five years. I am married and happy. As a +b doctor, i heartily recomend it to all who have this terrible disease- Cured isoase- Curea •. , a.. h syphtlie. 1 31 will eradicate the poison from the biocd. ' Capt. "Pnwneond. •!5 YEARS IN DETROIT, 150,000 CURED. i,.; "I am 83 years of ago, and married. When young I hod a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lif; was unsatis- factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything—ail failed till I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kagan. Their lel:w Method built me pp mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and actlike a man in every respect. Try them." pi' No Names Used•Without Written `) Consent of Patient., Cu,u t u, tilue.' never fella in curing Diseases of mon. Our New Method 'Treatment It strengthens the body, stops alt dr.das and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual etstems and restores lost vitality to the body. We Guarantee to Cure Nervous Debility, Palling lt1aralaoe l, syphilis,Varicocele,sitricture,Gleet,Unnatural Discharges, vyg ale Parts and All Kidney and Bladder Diseased. REMEMBER Drs. KennedyThe do Bergen aro the leading spehei.rre of America. They guarantee to ante or no pay Their roan- tation and fifteen years of business are nt stake. YOU run no risk. Write them for an honest opinion, no matter who troltecL yoa. It may save yon years of regret and suffering. - Charges reasonable. Write for a Que$tioIi List and Boos?; Free. Consultation Free. 48 t. DRS, KENNEDY KERGA fiDetro!t, Mich . - • i seM �.�¢•'e... -..eeeeneseeee...eateineeg,c, To PATENT Good Ideas may he secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, M. These pillsare a specific for all diseases arising from disordered nerves, weak heart or watery blood. They cure palpitation, dizziness, smothering, faint and weak spells, shortnessof breath, swelling of feet and ankles, nervousness, sleepless - rtes, anaemia, hysteria,'St. Vitus' OR chance, partial paralysis, brain fag, evert female complaints1 general debility, *APPOri and lackofvi.tality. Price son. a box. 1 ry Canada far the Canadians." READ'1't•iE CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL. A monthly magazine full of inter- esting reading matter and useiu1 ins formation for CANADIAN NV OMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES St.hecription price One Dollar per Anuur. Or you can recetve it with' this paper for one year at the sante price by vending your orders to the poblieher of the TIMES at W•in[ihant. Send 10 o tits for sample copy Yoe will life it. Address. Canadian dome Journal Co., (uM,reo) Teh0NT0, Wit THE MILK OF THEA HOLSTEIN DAIRY is pure and cold and COStS•,.. 9 .. e V Y• e T 5 e "pi.TN'EE crams A QUAIVr. .n sal l:1 of tilt coufili I'riso Passel cciwc niters in He Uis1 of til' 7)ratti floes'' Tion (', SI the 'bac]'. 11eaT 803 Maj: Tend ing xal arc sell vie lee 'Wl 3T( 11 Tl It is