HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-08-03, Page 1WINGHA1
ar s!
Business is booming so much with ns
in. Tailoring that it is hardly worth our
while to advertise • this branch of. our
'business, but still.we want to remind all
•our friends that we Bleat; 'be glad to see
them, and ,we might mention that we
are selling off the balance . of our Sum-
mor Suitfugs at a great redaction. In
It is needless to say we lead the Trade.
Our customers have been more than sat-
isdec.during the past season; the cense--
uence is, we have had a largo increase
n our sales; we anticipate a vey large
business for Fall, and consequently
have bought heavily, and in order to
make -room for these new Goods we are
'selling the balance of our Spring Stook
at a large reduction from regular prices
—don't fail to secure some of these bar-
gains. Boys' and Youths' sizes in
.Boots on. Saturday at COST. We have
,just sorfed up our stook of
In these we have the very latest—if
you want to bo up -to -crate in Neckwear
and Headwear, you must come to us.
We have still a few
left; we are selling them at 50 per cent.
.on cost—it will pay you to buy any-
thing we have, even if you don't need
it just how. The rest• of our Groceries
at cost and below. We have not much
left, but what we have you can have at
your own price.
iomuth & Sons
1'.arriege Licenses
Issued by FRANZ ;F arms$ , No. 28 victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Ea Fall Term Opens Sept 4th. 30_
1education for profitable, progressiveand
permanent employmnent is given in tile L
jji Central Business College I;
Stratford, Ont.
j . No less than eight large business col- r
leges have applied to us within the last ILI
six weeks for our graduates to take poli- r
flans as teachers in their schools. As r�
many,aslive business $rams have applied lr
to us in one day for office . help. This is If`,f,
sllWritefo oarbeavtif.lyactalogue.lia fr
W. J. ELLIOTT. Prineipall,, r�
1,,. �.�1 L it 1 i L7l
m•••• -mil
35 Cents
pays for the nuts.. till
January ist, 1901.
70 Cen
pays for the nuns and To-
ronto Dlilily Star till Jan,
1st, I9Oi, Ali w-hO sub-
eoribe for the Star get a
handsome picture of the
Queen and Prince of
Leave your orders early
.at the Tams office.
Doiet--- $$
need to keep a fire alt
day when you can buy
Corned. Beer
Cambridge Sausage
Oxford ii
English Brawn
Stewed Kidneys
Boned Duck
Ox --Tail Soup
Mock Turtle Soup
already cooked and
ready for the table at
(The China House)
Opp. Bank of Hamilton
We would urg our subscri-
bers who are in a ears the im-
portant and ad isability of
prompt payment. Individually
the amounts are small, the
aggregate IS large, nd the bene-
fit to us, if you s •uld act on
this hint, would be very great.
We do not give a n' ice of this
kind very often an hope our
subscribers who ar• in arrears
will send the dollar- along. We
will guarantee no - to let any
dollars lay* idle in • r hands very
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first
Friday of eaclr month from 11.30 a,
m. till 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation
in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat, -
while at the God
Swarts of town pet
from W, B, Rowe,
Harold H. wont in
Goderich and Avon se
price paid was $800,
�RS2.---LASt week
ich races, J. E.
hased Harold H.
S., of Blenheim.
the 2.15 class at
nd money. The
Business College, Stra orcl, Ont,, sends
ont a vory handsome rospectus to all
who are interested in s uring abusiness
or shorthand educatiai , Write to W.
J. Elliott, the Prinoip for one. This
college has the reput ion of beiug a
first.class institution. The fall terra
opens on. Tuesday, Sep 4th. '
Young has it in immense quantities,
Specials: The unsurpassed Clifford
flour and the famous Wave Crest of the
Seaforth Mills. Also a complete stock
of Mill Feeds, Ereakfast Cereals, and
everything else found in a first class
feed store. A trial solicited. Goods
delivered promptly to any part of town.
heads, envelopes, I:
forms, order forms, c
etc., printed at Tun
went. - Satisfaaction
moderate. Every
man and corporation.
stationery printed,
ery, it gives your bus
standing in the coin
—Get your bill-
terheads, receipt
tinter check books
IMES job depart -
assured; prices
erchant, business
hould have their
se good station-
ness dignity and
meeting of the Imper
Loyal Orange Instil
last•week, the follovvi
Ontario were elec.
Presideiit, John W
Addington; Treasure
Wiatton; Leoturer,
Toronto. The )Sr.iJ
above is 4 brother of
Morris and Turnberry,
TO MOM PUPIts.— ' , OA in Barron,
Principal of the Londo Conservatory of
Mesio, organist of the first Presbyte
ohurch at L'ondou, t as in town this
Barron Week, Mr. Ba ansend arepie-
sentatitro of the Cense 'atory t Wing-
ham to give exeruinat ons i ebreary
next, to ntusio pupils , f W' hant's best
teachers. The 'teem" rations will be the
same as are given at the London Con-
servatory. This ins' tutima is one of the
best in.Caneda, end has an attendance
of five hundjl imps s. This will prove
a great stihnilus t • music pupils, and
guarantees to the n excellent work.
Some of our local teachers are very
much interested an have consented to
assist their students or the event,
$1.00 $1,50 and $240 Ladies' Sailors.
Your choice for 50e, G. L. Irmo.
—At the triennial
1 Ceteneil of the
te, at 'New York
g gentlemen from
ed to office:—
Bell, M. P., of
, D. M, Jermyn,
Thos. A. Duff,
'ltryn referred to
srs Jermyn, of
A GOOD SIioi ''H, Davis shot a
e, ground hog at distance of 200yards
with a rifle on pie farm of Mr. john
Roe, Morris, one clay last week
Moana xo LOAN, --Money `to tonal oil
notes, anti notes discounted at reason-
able rates, latency advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying tet the
cud of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing -
ham. Bowe. MOINDOO,
W AwA;;OSIn �O
wanosh voters' lis
delivered was klr� xed
held. on Saturday
total 'of 1175 mun
persons who can v
Legislative Assear
persons qualified tl
•�tSt118 LIST—l� t Wa-
llas been printed anti
mishit) Clerk Porter -
last. The list acts it
ipal voters and 538
to at elections to the
ly, There aro 884
serve as jurors.
Read join), Kerr f s advertisement,
some of our street
obnoxious weeds e
at the sides of the
lots. Soule vaeat�
disgrace with bur
effort should be n
cut without dela,
ripe, and wo wi
next year.
.—The appearance td
is badly marred by
d burdeeks growing
road. and on vacant
lots in town are a
ocks and weeds. An
fide to have the weeds
, as they will soon be
have a double crop
Pizarro Fon SALE.—A beautiful up-
right piano, fancy walnut case, 73
()(live, slightiyused, A bargain. Sold
for cash or on time. Apply to P. O. box
68, Blyth,
Berea CoNoeit
Concert Co, made t
ham on Thursday e
and the band boys a
ahead as aresult of
good house greet
The programme w
but too much of a sa
Miss Annie Taube. f
her part better than
company did not giv
that was expected of
Co. — The Elite
err visit to Wing
ening of last week
e not many pennies
e concert, Avery
the performers.
a very good one,
neness throughout,
our opinion, took
by of them. The
the entertainment
A SMART Aexcie S NDLR — A gang of
swindlers is travelli g through the rural
districts claiming a thority to examine
wells. They exam tie the water through
a microscope and . d all kinds of bac-
teria, cholera an typhoid germs, and
permit the farme and his wife to look
through the micr scope, where they see,
of course, a men gerie that will always
be found in a dro of water. The fright-
ened farmer is ac vised to apply certain
remedies which e faikers sell at high
prices and which proves to be. a little.
plain soda.
Herald has this o say : Mr. R. M.
Jaffray, of Chicag , spent a couple o
hours in the city o Friday. He owns
half interest in th Galt Reporter, of
which paper his br'titer, Mr. J. P. Jaff-
rey, is editor. It .vas largely through
Mr, Jaffrey's' effor s that the bicycle in-
terests of the corn ry became consolid-
ated, and since the he has been engaged
carrying through a .chome for the com-
bination of twenty -.even of the largest
furniture factories in the Dominion.
The Transvaal war nd the China war
have caused a str' : gency in the old
country money mar et which has de-
layed the floatetfo of the concern,
whieh•is capitalized t three million dol-
lars, but as soon as t e tronblous times
are over and themon y market steadies,
the scheme will he c led out.
CUSTOM COLtEOTIO s. --The following
figures are a stateme t of the receipts
at several of the outp rts in this district
for . the year ending ! une 30, 1900:—
Goderich . , $8,188 81
Clinton ........:.... ... 6,486 82
Wingham .. 6,712 15
Kincardine,. ...... 2,431 47
Seaforth - . 9,082 59
Southampton .. - 2,023 79
Lucknow ............. 15 00
Total. ,
the annual report of • he Inspector of
Division Courts for the province we get
e few statistics, In 1i ntario there aro
324 divisions in which 0,868 suits were
entered, representin,: $1,384,048.11
amount of claims, 2382 transcripts, 4858
judgment summonses issued, 228 trails
by jury, and jurors roc Iveci V07,510. Ill
Huron. the figures for he twelve divi-
signs are: ---
No. Claim
!aims. Amount.
Goderich.... , . , .. . , 221
Seaforth.............. 127
Clinton .... ..,. 180
Brussels . 86
Dungannon .. ,
Bayfield .......... 20
Winglialn - C6
Gerrie ..... .......... 48
Exeter.... .,,.,
Crediton .... , .
h ....... .
80 017 5O
4 364 60
4 480 52
9;2 16
2 011 116
05 27
574 01
3 654 37
1 623 83
1 7655 40
647 15
1 809 81
See joint Kerr's advertisement,
BAND CONCERT.— lea town. band held
the usual open. air concert on Fraley
eventing last. Th programme was a
goad ono auet was las. •lied to by a largo
number of people. he band will give
another concert this +relay) evenii g,
Forman WWNu tax n Wens,�r
Kennedy and daughter Gretta were in
Bawmauviile this we e attending the
marriage of his brher, Geo. &lcly
Kennedy, of Ottaw. to Miss Addie
Luise, daughter of ti e late Rev. D. C,
McDowell, Miss Me , owell is a former
Wingbamite, her f ther having been
pastor of the W ' ighaum Methodist
church some years n . O.
SUNDAY 'CIroOLE real ION.—Remenl-.
bot the Sunday Se aol Excursion to
Goderich on Tuesday next, Wiugham's
civic holiday. Th excursion train
leaves Wiughaixi at 9,' 5 a. in, and the
fare is 85e for adults as d 45c for child-
ren. Free prepared to and coffee will
be supplied at Goderi h. The cups,
pitchers, ete, will have •o bo taken with
the excursionists, Ali askets should. be
properly labelled.
w'as taken ill the sec
race on Friday eveni
trophy given by the Ca
Motor Co. There
entered for thishrace
riders finished in the f
1st, Coutes; 2nd, Ad
4th, Lamo ..: 5th,
Brinker. !` ti e nest ra
Friday e ' �" frig. Augt
ite an interest
d bicycle road
g last for the
adieu Cycle &
ere six riders
d the different
lowing order:—
jean; 8rd, Bell;
Gillespie ; 6th,
e will be held, on
t 10th.
Total...,.... 81 $28 096 15.
LISTO\EL RACE .MME ,--Listowel is
giving $1750 for four i ces, three trots
and t1 run each day, o Thursday and
Friday, August 0 and 0. The track
is excellent and the be. t horses will all
be there, Single faro a id -one third on
railways. Admission c.
To Ilr•.Nr.---Tho Orr cottage, Francis
street. Apply to W. J. C1T,.tP lAN.
Cali at' the old rehable tor best varie-.
des of imported fruits to bo had in
Wingham, Plums in stuck; peaches
and pears on the way, also cabbages,
lettuce, lettuce, bananas, pine apples,
oranges and lemons. Everything good.
Jas. MoKetvie. Star Restaurant.
DEAR BEER:—One 1 ormanby farmer,
says the Mount Fore Representative,
knows more about the icenso law now
than he did. This par 'miler farmer had
a barn raising, and he laid in a stook
of five kegs of lager b er to keep the
hands in good humor. our of the kegs
were emptied; and the people in atten-
dance asked for the fif for refreshment
at a dance which was h= din the even-
ing. The owner declin: , so the boys
took up a collection and •ought the keg.
The next day License I specter Harris,
of South Grey, laid a ch- ge against the
fanner of selling beer wi otit a license,,
and a fine of $50 and $7 •sts was exact-
hat may have been a • fatal accident
happened at tho Jeseplii o street cross -
lug of the G. T. R. on S today evening
last about 8 o'lclock. El: Elliott, sr., of
the Wingham brick yar, , accompanied
by three small boys re coming to
town in a buggy, and w en crossing the
railway track were r it into by the
engine belonging to th L. H. & B. 8
o'clock train. The engi e was backing
down to the water tar k, having just
finished shunting the co (hes into place.
The buggy was badly • emolished and
the four oceupauts we a thrown some
distance. The three b•, -s escaped with
a few bruises and a ad shaking up.
Mr. Elliott was prett, badly cut and
bruised, but eve are p1. ase( to note that
no bones were broken: is is a very
busy time for Mr. Ell �to be laid up
and we hope he may ooh recover from
the effects of the a cidont. This is
another case where t has been found
that this crossing hould be properly
protected. The buil ings on the north
side of the crossing e built so close to
the track that it is i possible for a per-
son driving to see an approaching train.
Who ever is respons •le should see that
this Dressing is prop rly guarded or we
may have to recon 1 a more serious
Ifso,you should see our stock,
which is composed of some of
the ntc`,st elegant goods in this
line ever offered. . .
Clearing sale of bicycles, Cleveland's
.and Welland Vales, at speciai prices.
J. Cuero & Co.
A'Vixl. Raid, formers of Wingham, who
(lied in Binghampto N. Y. some two
mouths. ago was rouglit from the
Churebhill cemetery near Tartrate, en
Thursday evening la :t and buried in the
family plot 1n le Ingham cemetery
on Friday. Ir. + dd bad a lot in the
Wingham cemetery and it was Mrs.
Ridri''s wish that h r Husband's body
should be buried h :re, hence the re,
DENTAL BUSINs:rn 1 alone;?. The fern
of Drs. Jerome & H loway, who have
been conducting c ental practices in
Wingham toad Aram for the past two
mouths has been disc Wed. Dr, Serowe
takes the Arthur 'warless and Dr,
Ilallowey will rem in in Wingham,
Dr. Holloway will co inne his office in
the Beaver block. - -is a young man,
who has recently coin : to town highly
recommended from th : town of Clinton.
We arepleased to s' •lcome him as a
permanent resident- • ' our town and
wish him every sucoe in his profession.
We can suit any taste, at
any price from roc per box of
three cakes, to 25c per cake.
We have a few odd lines
which we are clearing out at
bargain prices, See; them
• J. E, DAVIS, o-
1i6f i N GHAIVI,
Whalley, editor of tri
in speaking of his dri
has the following n
about Wingliapi in
week:—"Our route
Fordwich, Gerrie, W
the prosperous, clean,
prising town of Wi
think at no distant d
one of the leading to
terpriso but also in p
this little town of se
tion, with smoke issn
stacks of a dozen or
with somethiug ove
olithic sidewalks, au
lugs and stores that
much more preton
we visit a place wh
their town is evider
and where their out
on every hand, we
possibly other plac
it, for suol. a town
built up by it selfis
— Thomas W.
Arthur Enterprise
ug triplast week,
o thins to say
is paper of this
vas to Harriston,
oxeter, and finally
thrifty and enter -
gluten, which we
y is destined to be
ens not only in eu-
pulation, Here is
reely 2,500 popula-
ng from the smoke -
ore large factories,
nine mites of gran -
substantial build-
vould do credit to a.
ions place. When
re genuine pride on
ce by the citizens,
rprise is to be seen
'ke to say so, and
s may- pattern after
as Wingham is not
, indolent class of
lug Diving Park
weather for the
on Wednesday.
first day this year
of former years.
the farmers are
rith the harvest.
Tire Winghani Dri
Association had fi
first day of their rat
The attendance on th
was not up .to that
One cause being th
now very busy
Three good races we -e run off on Wed-
nesday. Darkey, w 'n in the 2.50 pace
or trot.- Many tho ' lit Nellie B. could
hen getting second
arkey Boy was the
pace and 2.24 trot.
ave done better in
ner not missed rail-
almerston onTues-
he horse had to be
ton to Wingham.
d 2.16 trot. Harold
lily purchased by J.
t, with Cap Brine a
wo slight accidents
e afternoon. -In the
f Lionel and Violia
iter the start. The
was thrown some
art and horse were
el's cart and harness
aged. It looked
for a few minutes.
rawn for the rest of
. d heat of the 2,28
and Birdie S. got
they had went about
The cart belO ging
wheel badly smashed
Texas Guy's cart v. as
exas Guy was drawn
Wo herewith give a
nesday's races. Wo
rly to give an account
ACE 0R Thor.
Dock stader,.
uvton, Goder-
halve done better
Place in this race.
winner in the 2.28
Harry Wilkes may
this race had his o
way connection at
day evening and
driven from Pal
In the 2.20 pace
H., the horse ret
E. Swarts won fir
close second.
happened dining t
2.50 class the carts
got mixed up just
driver of Lionel
distance and the
turned over. Liol
were somewhat cl
like a bad smash u
Both horses were
the race. In the t
class, Texas Gu
into a mix-up afte
quarter of a toile.
to Birdie J had a
and one wheel of
smashed off.
after that heat.
summary of We
go to press too e
of Thursday's e
Darkey, W.
Nellie 13., G.
Charley P.3'.
Toney, Eci. Sw
Lionel, Came
fly 1
ours is a
sale those days. it is just
what the farmer has been
looking for and just what
the cattle need. '- It has
saved others money, • it
will save it for you,
The old,Williams
G. N. W. Office.
Lovely neve Blouses in very pretty
patterns being cleared at actual cosi.
Prints, Gingbanis, Muslin and all
Summer Goods to clear at cost. Great;
bargains in Boots and Shoes.
Stacks of Sugers and all lines .of
Groceries and big values.
Highest prices paid for Butter and
The Direct Importer,
Rev. J. J. Paters. 1 was inducted as
pastor of Geneva c urch, Chesley; an
July 24th. CONGREGATIONAL c machos.—A general
church meeting evil be held. after the
midweek service o ming Wednesday
evening, Aug. 8th.'. A. business matter
of vitalunportanee o the church is to
receive consideration at this meeting. It -
is very desirable th t all the members
and adherents of th- church be present.
Preceeding the coma union service com-
ing Sunday morns ,, the pastor will
preach a short sereno on "The Motive
for Service." In the s 'ening the sermon
will be based on the p ssago of scripture
found in Phil. 3: 7. Last Wednesday
-evening two nevemein rets were received
into membership, a coming Sunday -
morning they will b given the right
hand of fellowship. he mitt -week ser-
vices held every W dnesday evening
are very helpful anc are quite well at-
tended. See John 20 12-24. What slid
Thomas miss by bei' absent?
Rev. S. Sellery, f rmorly of Wing -
ham, had an esti g experience at
Woodstock ou Pride last. He had
been out wheeling a d was 8ittine on
his wheel on. the edge of the road. A
delivery horse beeam+ frightened of the
steam road roller. T e driver lost con-
trol of the aufnlal, w !ch swerved sharp-
ly to the right and smacheci into Mr,
Sellery. The horse rucklitur squarely
with its breast, a• 1 Mr. Seilery was
carried between e ends of shafts,
hanging uuder t horse's neck, a
distance of about it , untlred feet, where
the horse was stop ed. It looked to
everyone who sew t as if Mr. Seliery
had been impaled. b one of the shafts,
but by wonderful good fortune either
point struck him. ' How ho=held on or
was hold ou to the horse's breast is hard
to understand. I he had fallen or let
go, he would have been trampled by the
panic-stricken an mal. Mr. Seflery's
foot was slightly et by the calk of the
horses'loe and. th shook made him very
weak for a few inutes,but he was able
to walla home wi hoot assistance.
eters, Aylmer.. 5 3 2
Its, Goderich. , 3 4 4
Rintoul Wing-
4 6 dr
Vielia, A, Haw y, Toronto, . , 6 5 dr
Time 2.25x. 2.801,, 2.26.
2.28 Pao Ave) 2.24 2RCT.
Darkey Boy, 3. F. Smith, Roca -
week .. 2111
letterer Wilkes, Geo. S Thomas
B13rainpellevitonlle . .. .... .. 1 2 4 4
Chimes, Tho Brownridge,
... .. 6
13r. Jfnr, J, E Swarms, Wing -
ham .. 116Ci 233 25
Birdie 3.1 Hein Hulse, Brad-
ford.... . . 8868
Texas Gay, `tretton Bros.,
Brussels: , .. 4 4 6 cit
Tim0;1 2.25x4, 2 25?;e, 2.26.
2.20 Pei . AND 2.16 Tits,
Harold 1:T., J. 1, Sweats, '�l ailg-
hem. 111
Cap.Brine,' R Harrison, Wal-
erton .. .... „ , 2 2 ... g 2 2
Wiry Jim, R • -sou �& Lowes,.
IdoC'ortnac, C 0. dark, Aetori
1934, 240.
3 3
w ltgham's Popular Shoe Store,.
Dollars saved by baying
Shoes 1101.
Sweeping Therm Out.
Yes! eve are sweepingthem eat by
sweeping reductions m price. Summer
Shoes must go. liargailial Bargains!
"gutty unci tQuuttityhere.”
Boys' Boots, +`r0 a pair.
Men's Boots, $tk a pair.
Ladies' Oxfortls, rye to $1,00 a pair.
tt rr REEK
Anaheim 'of'.triiiss awl Warren clamp.