HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-27, Page 6structs d to throw out the 73111, and tide
was done accordingly. The Sedate leas
done some small things baits time, but
it has never before sunk se low as to ex-
,4. JULY 1900
Ea i[6 EEI'INry�QD�
9 MaiilliNal
ESTI Un 1872.
upon the decisions of the popular
ber at the behest of a Tory
which will benefit thereby A few p
Ted U nor$ hu11d-
d possibly though the entire
country is taxed for their advantage.
Lop -sided protection could scarcely bo
carried to a greater absurdity,
Yet another act of the Upper Chamber
should be noted by the working men of
the country, Into the bill amending the
Criminal Code was inserted a clause ex-
empting trades -talions from the opera -
don of the United States has been that
anti -combine legislation has been direct-
ed almost entirely agaiust trades -unions.
The Liberal Government inserted the
Clause to protect the toilers, and the
Liberal majority in the House of Com-
mons adopted the provision; but the
Tory majority in the Senate led by Sir
Mackenzie Bowell, at
k eiout ofe the
the monopolists,
bill, Tory politicians have a curious
way of deluonstrating their oft -asserted
regard and consideration for the toiler.
Loouneo nem -wimps.
In view of the apparent determination
in Tory circles to resurrect the Manitoba
School questioncontroversaxy, it will
not be out of place to recall the position
taken by them after the last general
election, when it was unblushinglye new
clared from day to day
that Government was pledged to establish
separate schools in the Prairie Province;
and that Mr. Sifton, who was foremost
among the members of the Greenway
Government in opposing this was to be
bought offwith the portfolio of the In-
terior Department. •OMr.Siftoli,"sand the
Mail and Empire,"is ready to swallowhis
school principles for the sake of the
office that is awaiting him; he is ready
to accept as the law of Manitoba wht-
ever may have been determined upon
the Pope." Subsequent events of course
have given the most complete lie to
TRE 11 I1, 1, 1IAM JULY• , i7.1 . 1901
The Toronto Bvcning V,tar say's; -^"In.
Cannula we seem to have embarked up-
on seven years of plenty. Everything is
humming, especially the 'factories. The
cities aro so busy that lazy wari tion
cannot get smelted if they try,
whole country is so prosperous that
tramps are Afraid. to pretend that they
are seeking work and find it necessary to
pose as cripples, or they will be seized
and zuade to grin(t at the mill. Wages
Have gone up. Four or five yearsago
men were elected to the Toronto Man ar-
alty because they voted that corporation
laborers should be paid not less than fif-
teen cents an hour. The ininimunl rate
has been raised to eighteen by common
consent. House rents have gouo.up be-
cause More people can afford to rent
good houses, Prices in many lines have
increase(. because people can now afford
butter on their bread, two lumps of
sugar in their tea, and are reaching out
more freely for whatthey want, The
country is rapidly doubling its business
-doubling its sales to foreign coetutries
and its purohasesfr0m foreign countries.
The country is well off. The people are
getting a fejt dollars ahead. They can-
not hear the patter of the wolf's feet be-
hind them. More uoticeable than any-
thing else is the fact that this is the
year when people are goingonvisits to
distant relatives whom they have not
seen for years, This is our growing
time in Canada, but we observewith
painthat amid all this prosperity the
Conservative party is standing still. It,
alone, has not grown in the past four
years. It remains where it fell when
the country threw it down in 1890,"
FRIDAY, JULY 27, li100.
Our =tinned iucreaso in business is
the best proof that 'sve .enjoy the '011-
bOniided eonildenc.e of the eriticalpab1ic<
We dispense drugs and medicines with
the greatest possible accuracy. ()ur
Toilet department is always full of the
newest preparations. incl our stock of
perfumes. is always the freshest and
of our peop1e ere nowusing
i s
Celery Coulp0und the great health re
starer. No other medicine in beer d.lt
psis such recorded CMOS to
It melees iiew, fresh blood, corrects
digestion, gives nervous energy andagood,
Celery 'We -age l fsyfeels i uw ell i11
Celery Compos... ( you
the het weather.
Frons our own Correspondent.
Ottawa, July 21,1900. -The dear old.
Senate has been very much in evidence
this week, playing fast and loose with
the work of the Lower House with an
audacity calculated to take one's breath
away. Many of the measures with
which they have meddled are of minor
importance or the amendments made
are of little moment, and the venerable
legislators do not appear to havelead any
inarticular reason for interfering with
the wishes of the people's representatives
in the Commons other than to show
they have the right to do so if they wish.
Ilaving once taken the notion, howeVer,
the fancy developed and they proceeded
to deal with matters of greater import-
ance. Chief among these was the bill
-which, among otherthi, provided
for the appointing of three additional
judges for the district of Montreal. This
had been sent up by the Lower House
after ample debate, in which a section
,of the Opposition opposed the measure
apparently for no other reason than
the Government was only seeking to
.create comfortable jobs for three sup-
-porters. The Solicitor -General who had
charge of the Bill showed that the ad-
ditional judges have been unanimously
demanded. by the bar of the Provincedthe and by the bar of Montreal,
Provincial Legislature, acting within
their constitutional powers, had passed a
'hill declaring that the appointments were
necessary. He showed moreover that
with a population only one-fourth larger
the Province of Ontario had twice as
xnany judges as the Province of Quebec,
even with the proposed addition, so that
by constutional rights in equity, Quebec
.was entitled to the relief sought; but
the Senate has barred the way with a
3ittle regard to either of these considera-
COLIN A. CAeiebals„ Druggist,
Wiughain, Ont.
liorses Slay Live to Ge.
Superintendent Hankinson of the NOV
York Society for the Prevention ofoCru-
elty to Annuals. read a story the
day in one of the newspapers describing
the celebration of the birthday of a horse
that had lived sixty years on a farm in
Marysville, Ohio. Superintendent Han-
kinson said, according to the New York
Sun, he had heard of cases where horses
had lived to be 80. "If a horseis well
cared for," said Mr, Hankinson, "be w
live to be 20 or 80 years olcl. This is the
average age of a horse. If he hasn't
had much hard work in lis early days
lie will live to a ripe old age if cared for
on a farm and not compelled to work.
We often have folks come here to asl: us
what they shall do with the `dear old
horse' that grew up with the family.
They say they don't want the horse shot
and we advise then, to put the anima)
out ou pasture if they can afford it.
'Very few horses, however', live to be
more than 20 years old." Fully a dozen
veterinary surgeons expressed similar
views on the subject.
BAPTIST CII..,-Gl b:itlh services at
11 a m and, 7 p }i1. Sunday School at
2;;30 311. General pray° it(tYetth'W.
011 Wednesday evenings.
Freed, pastor. W.. J. Cha? lean, S. S.
Mi': rIIwwlec'r CUtJflCII---Sabb.lth services
at 11 a 111 a11(17 p re. SuUd ey School at
3:50 p in., 17pwortll League every Mon-
day evening. General payerl meeting 1
oil Wedues(laY evening:,
Robbs, pastor. 1)r. Towler, S. S. Sup.
erinten(leilt. -Sabbath F.(?r^
vices at 11 a m and 7 p 1n. Sunday
School at 2.80 p n1. General prayere
meeting on.Wednesday
y evenings. it Rev.
D. Porno, pastor
Sr. PAUL'.+ OlTuisOH, Eeesoal'Att--�Sab-
bath services at 11 a in and 7 p m, Sun-
day School at 2:30 p nn. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening.
'Win. Lowe, i nouutbent. F. Shore, S. S.
Don't suffer from toothache when a
ten cent bottle of Dr. Low's Toothache
Gum will cure it quickly without blister-
ing your lips or cheeps.
Lieut. -Gen. Sir John William Cox, K.
C. B., Colonel of the Bedfordshire
Regiment has been selected to succeed
the late General Lord. Mark Kerr as
Honorary Colonel of the Somersetsbire
Light Infantry. Sir John William Cox
is a son of Sir William Cox of Coolcliffe,
County Wexford, and first became
associated with the regiment as far
back as 1838. He 'shared the many
honors which the corps won during
first Afghan War, and at the termina-
tionrpaof that campaign
mention in despatches for his gallant
conduct at the heroic defence of jells:
labad, where he personally captured.
two of the enemy's guns. In the Crimeilhe
participated in the victories over the
Russians at the battle of the Tchernava
and the siege and capture
of Sebastopol. of 867
During the Sepoy
General Cox. commanded, with brilliant
success, the left wing of the 13th Light
Infantry in many hard-fought tuitions,
receiving for his services, among other
recognitions, the Companionship of the
Bath and the brevet rank of Lieuten-
ant-Colonel. General
the o has
held the Honorary y
fordshire Regiment since 1893, is now
succeeded in thatpositiaonby Lieutenant -
General, William Charles Bancroft.
Rev. James Hamilton, Baptist minis-
ter, was born in 185e, in Hillsburg,
Wellington County, Ont. His parents
were James and Annie (Tarzwell)
Hamilton, now deceased. Mr. Hamilton
NOTAIlLISI a 1.4i.
The Times Office, Beaver Block,
CONGREGATIONAL Cllurtali.-Sabbath
services at 11 a m an(17 p n1. Sunday
School at 12 m. Midweek nneetingo0n
Wednesdry cveiliugs at 8 o'clock. 1
Wilson, S.S. Supt. ; A. B. Prior; pastor.
Roa>:All CATIiOLIO CHURCH -- Every
fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:80 a m, ser-
mon and benediction at 7 p n1. Rev. D.
P. McMenamin, P. P.
SALVATION ARasv-S r Sunday,and
ainand 3and 8 p m
every evening :during the week at 8
o'clock at the�b�{arracks.
CHRISTIAN yY oRR'ERS—Serpi°°6 ill the
Mission Hall, Viotoriastret, on Sunday
at 8.and 7:30 p nn. T. A. Calhoun°, in
POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8 a m to 0:30 p ill,
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
TI�11a1e1 oar Sunscanert0�-$1.00 per amara in
advance $1.t() it not so paid, No paper Olitcon-
tinned till all arrears are paid, except at the
option of t1it publisher.
but in spite of this, certain Tory journals
have kept up their snarling at the heels
of the Minister of Interior so persistently,
that Liberal papers have felt restrained
to give some attention to the matter.
Then Opposition papers attempt the
miserable subterfuge of pretending to be-
lieve that these artieles have been writ-
ten, "to show that Mr. Sifton as a states-
man is not appreciated because he is
misunderstood," adding that "a straight
public man is always understood," to
which the Toronto Globe replies: -"The'
word `misunderstood' is not quite adequ-
ate. Mr. Sifton has been lied about, de-
liberately and of set purpose. A. very
glaring instance was the story that he
was bribed by a portfolio to coerce Man-
itoba.into restoring separate schools; a
story which has been absolutely demon-
strated to be false."
A straight Rialto man is always.under-
stood quite so; and it might be as well
for certain Tory journals to remember
, .,,,hymns ai Ultras. -- Legal and ether
casual advertisements se per Nollparielline tor -
first 111serticll, 3o per line for emelt subsequent.
Aclvertiseincnts in local columns are charged.
l0 ets. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per lino for each subsequent insertion,
Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Strayed.
Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar SLOP for
first month and 00 cents for each sulasequent
iJ or'.Over mite Tears -
;ostrnAc�i liA:i'i s—T1iefollowingtable ltows: ,
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods:—
sPA01�, 1 rn. 0ato. 8 aze, 1 ate
One Column $60.011 $55.00 $16.00 $0.0
Half Column 5,00 18.00 10,00 4.0
Quarter Column 18.00 10,00 0.00 2.0
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy-Mrs
as edyn Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup
for over fifty years by millionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with.
perfect success.. It soothes the ehild,soft-
ens the glans, allays all pain, cures wind
colic, and is the best remedy for diar
rheea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. .Be sure you askrd oar epi .
Winslow s Soothing Syrup,
other kind. 1
Advertisements without specific dire:410ns.
will bo inserted till forbid gra charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid.
for ill advance.
Titin 7011 DsPA1Ta(1.NT is stoclted with an
czteusivo assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording Yactlitics not equalled in the -
county for turning out first class work. Large
type and appropriate outs for allstylcs off Post-
cl oiciefan y type for the Suer latest
es of print }
in t. H. B. ELLIOTT
Proprietor and Publisher.
MECHANICS' laserrues-Library and
free reading room in "the Town Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 7 to
5:45 o'clock andevely evening
9:80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson,
librarian. Mayor Tower CoU een., -Wm. Clegg, Chis-
Wm. Holmes, H. 0, Bell. J. H.
holm, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie,
Geo. Me3enzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer-
Assessor;k ; 'Wm. Robesurer rtson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
SoltoOL BOARD. -C. N. Griffin, (chair-
man), Thos. Abraham, H. G-. Lee, J. J.
Homuth, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos.
Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; .Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, Farquharson, Miss Robertson,
Miss Reynolds, Miss
Cornyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson
and Miss Reil.
BOARD or HEALTH -=Mayor Clegg,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health
.tions as it has often shown in the past. A CRooLED PUBLICS NEWSPAPER
Another performance of the venerable
irresponsible$ of the Red. Chamber was is pretty well understood also, and that
the killing of Mr. Mullock's bill to ,re- their poor miserable efforts to confuse
duce rates of postage on newspapers. the issues of• the day upon which the
"When the postage was imposed upon electorate will shortly be called upon to
newspapers a couple of sessions ago, it adjudicate, can only end in bringing
was in view of themselves into ridicule and contempt.
h 1 Question it
which would far more than oat -weigh
the new impost. The antipicated reduc-
tion in domestic and foreign letter rates
was expected to create a considerable
,depreciation in the revenues, and while
3t was anticipated that this would be
only temporary, it was of course neces-
sary to provide for it in the meantime.
'The expected has happened, and the
'business of the department is growing
so rapidly as the result of the reduction
in rates, that the revenue is rapidly right-
ing. itself, and the Postmaster -General
sees his way to reducing the newspaper
bharges, though not in relieving them
altogether at present. One or two of
the Tory papers in Montreai,however,
guyed out that they would not reap
very much benefit by the • change, so the
Tory majority in the Senate was in -
A real scene of troops in action hardly
exists. Pictures of them are taken at
Capital. $2,000,000. Rest, 4+1,234,1
odd spells and oat dangers reach, guns
and troops being used for the purpose.
Mr. Arthur Byrn$, Rock Hill, Ont.,
writes: "1 was laid ups 1 h stnld. Vico ns
for abot}t four years„
relief until I used three bottles of Hag-
yard's Yellow Oil which cured" me."
Price 25 cents.
Children Cry for
President. -J011 T r.3TtrAi(T.
Vice-President—A. G. RANsAY.
John Proctor, Goo. BOach, Wm. Gibson, �S.P...
A. T. Wood, ill. P., A. B.Lee (Toronto).
Caslltor-.7. TUBN'BT3LL.
Saving. Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Satodcv, 10
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and
interest allowed.
Special Deposits also received at current•
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United'
States Bought and sold.
Travelless are notified that the Bank of Ram
Tinton and its Branches issue Circular Rates o
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,.
which. can be cashed without charge or trou—
ble in any part of the world.
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Speaking of the 'So oo u
will not do any harm. to bear in mind received. any educawhict. n°farmed
tion at the
the opinion expressed by two prominent public schools,
and representative Conservatives at the until he was sixteen years of age, when
time the settlement of the controversy he learned the trade of carriage builder,
was announced by the present Govern- at which he worked several years.
ment. The late Mr. Dalton McCarthy After deciding to enter the ministry of
said: --"I look upon the settlement as the Baptist chi ch he a teronto, and dMcMasgraduat d
a very satisfactory one, and embodying University,
an arrangement that all those who have `"' +1,a+ institution. in 18110. He was
fought against the coercion of Manitoba
should rejoicein,"while Mr.B.P. Clarke,
M. P., whom no one will accuse of
favoring the Grits, said: -"Mr. Laurier
has certainly kept faith with the people
of the Province in reaching the desired
end by conciliatory means and without
reeourse to coercion."
Mr. Robert Hamilton in charge of the
Canadian fruit exhibit at the Paris ex-
position has 'written a letter to the Ntin-
ister of Agriculture stating that the
first display of our fruit there after the
cold ;storage protection had been per-
fected, 'was such a 'revelation" to the
Parisians, that five first prices were
awarded at once. The letter also points
out that there are many native Canadian
plants shown, among the exhibits of
French flowers notably, the Canadian
pitcher plant and goldenrod. Mr. Ham-
ilton adds that no more than one per
cent of the visitors to hie eithtbit can
Speak : ilglish.
In France the oxen that work in the
fields are regularly sung to as an en-
couragement to exertion; and no peasant
has the slighest doubt that the animels
listen to him with pleasure. '
ordained, May, 1800, at Cheltenham,
Ont, where he labored successfully four
years, when he accepted a call to Wing -
ham, May, 1894, where he remained
several years, then. moving to Palmer-
ston, where he now resides. His
success lies chiefly personel contact,
and his great influence -With the young.
Ile is else a Staunch temperance [advo-
cate, liberal in hie vieevs, and has • broad
sympathies. Mr. Hamilton was mare
ried, in 1877, to Letitia, daughter of
AndrewNodWell, of 'Wellington County,
Ont. In polities; he is a Retainer.
Rev. jatnes Hamilton is also a member
And Odiousness Made Life Miserable for
Three Years -Health Restored by Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.etaving a direct action 'on ,eliver,
A Sufferer PrOnt Weak Blood and EX*
bausted Nerves Talks of His Curt) by
Sting Dr. Chlulets teed.
Mr. A. ir. Laleme, railway agent
twelve years I have been run down
With nervous debility. Z suffered
anuch, and coesulted doctors, and used
enedleines in vain, Some months ago X
lees.rd of Dr. Chase's Nerve irood, used
two loxes, and my health improved so
" X can eay, frankly, that this treat -
anent has 110 eq,Ual in the Melted WOrld.
;While using Dr. Chase's Nerve rata s
swum feel my eystem being built up
lentil now I arn strong and healthy. X
Cannot eecommend it too highly far
Weak, nervous people."
Dr. Chase's Nerve "Pood le a tette
restorative of inestienable worth.
melees the blood tech, the nerves
Tretereseels the weight, and cares
acid dilesattel of the
pin so cri1 to
Two Coat
Two Pant
tio bt Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
strong, but being both searching and
thorough in their action, amply repay
any inconvenience by after results. I
ant feeling better in every Way, and
my beadaches have entirely disappear-
ed. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pins are
certainly ehe best e, haste ever Used,
and I freely recommend them."
The liver is responsible for very
many ins of the hIlmar. body. It is al-
ways made healthy, active, and vigor -
am by ,using Dr. Chase's IticinerLiver
Pills, One 'pill 8, dose, 25 cents a box,
at all dealers, or nth -ea -neon, Eates and
Co., TOrOnto.
/I rem:child. is suffering from Wanda,
give him Dr. Low's Pier:want Worm
Syrup.. It is -perfectly harmless and con-
tains its own cathattic, ro that there is
no need of giving a purgative, Price 25
General Banking Business transacted.
Money advanced to 5111,E015 and business men,
on endorsed notes and collateral.
Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed
Moneys remitted by• draft to all parts or'
Canada and. the United States.
Notes and. accounts celled -Led on reasonable.
. (Member 65 the British Medical. Associa-
tion.) Gold Medallist in MediCine. Special,"
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
Queen's .Bloek.
Centre Street
We, the underregened, do hereby agree
to refund the money on a twenty-five
if after using three fotirths o con • materially shbrteen, cep -plies aVailitble
cent bottle of Dr. Wills' Pnglish
A. Short hog Crop This
Reports reed -tea from many different
eectioris in Onta.rie, says the Weekly
Son, indicate thee the hog clap this fall
will be an brow:ally light one. F001)10
have been forcing theithogs to market
at the earliest date possible, in order to
take edventage Of ths high terierie lately
prevailing, end ails, it is believed, will
oi bottle, they do not relieve Co pa
tion and Headache. We gee warrant
that four bottler! Will perinanently care
the most Obstinate ea11015 of Constipation.
Satiefartion or no pay when Willa' Eng-
lish Pills are used.
A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist,
Win sot, Out.
. Campbell, Muralist and Draggkst,
• 020. wit Drsip
nest fall. If this in ovation ill well
founded, hog prior ought to keep op
bettor this fall than they did host. The
sone ocfadibiolu 0,1?Pear to trreereil its the
that hogs at Omaha will go up to
before lUtpte rebut. I,
(II All Dunk:p Tiros la 290"
'When you hire a wheel.
front the Bicycle Livery
look at the tires.
If they are Dunlop Tires
then you can rest assured
the wheel has a good pedi.
grecs In its every part.'
Dunlop Tires on all good
Private and Company fonds to loan at loWest
rate of interest. No coimnission charged. Mort—
gages, town and. farm property bought and:.
sold. Office, Beaver Block, Winghani.
Caveats and Tratle•Marki obtaintd, and all patent
business conducted for BIODERATic FEES. My
office is In the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office,
and ray facilities for securing patents =unsurpassed
Sand model, skotch or photograph of invention, wiA
'description rand statement as to advantoge.s claimed.
Siirltro charge is made foe an opinion as to
patentabitiolk and my fed for prosecuting the
application tufil nog be carted for malt the
to.' fling full inforniation 904 free. All Confinusl•
* cation!. Considered AS Strictly Confidential.
Winghara, Ont.
Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Meneyto loan.
Office—Meyer Block, Winghare.
Doctor of DentalSurgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post °Mee, Wingham.
iSpecial attention to the care and. regulation
o children's teeth. - Moderate prices, and all
work carefully and skilfully performed. Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
memo aseertain oar optaten free weather as
ttOns strictly confidential. handbook on Patents
sent free, (Meet agency forsetatiog patents.
weal "tattoo, 'Without charge, In tea
clement et Any, soloourio 3.strool. Terms, $3
trAtrtillielstee, Bad by alLnelthdelder14.
)3rancla to. g25 St..Igtzhinstoi.1).0,
Winghanit Ont.
for the County of Huron. Sales attended
any part of the County. Charges Moderate.
Bales of Perm Stock and. Perm Implements a
All orders left at TES Tim% office promptly'
attended to. TorraS reaSeatable
Camp CalectoniaMo. 49. Ineeta
every month, in the Odclfellows Etall. Visiting
brethren welcome. D. SWErw.tatri Chief 11. B.
Elliott, Ilea.. Sec.
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, till
Beads, Circulars, &c., exposited. In the 'best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and Mt
plOnsPd. to announce
that any Books or blaciteAncs left with us for
Eisuling, will have our prompt ettention.
Priers for Binding in any style will be given ort
application to
Palmerston 6.56 dam... 8.68a.m.
Pabnerstost 2,415 p.m.— 8.88 p.m.
J.15. GORDON, Agent, Winches%
TRAMS MON 1106, 0
easweiewr 1.88 ont....10.411 p.m.