HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-27, Page 3A ie (enter tear T axetil. Fathers.
Having oceaeiente. travel through the
rural districts of the eonnty of Oxford
last evicelc, we were much st'ruelc with
t beautiful roads and the admirable
y in which the public thoroughfare is
poet in the southern part of the Pro -
vine°, The work clone by the grader
was in evidence every'w'here, and A
liberal coating of gravel spread on the
centre of the roadbed offeetttally.turncd
off the rain into the channels on either
aside, rendering them dry and pleasing to
look at, to say fleeting about the con,
'v'enience and pleasure both to pedestrians
,and to heavily laden wagons. The peo.
are naturally proud of their roads
and do not allow unsightly weeds to
mar their beauty, and have adopted
stringent bylaws, which aro rigidly en-
forced, to give effect to their ideas It
is a rare thing to see a weed of any des-
cription dotting the landscape, as is too
=no1. the case in. the townships of this
county. Enclosed is a. notice taken from
off a farm gate, which will explain it-
self z ' •
Nozuous�'lr its-••-Takonotioethat
all owners or occupiers of real es.
tato, pathmasters and commissioners
of the highways ere 'hereby notified
to cut and destroy Canada thistles
and noxious weeds, and keep them
cut; also too keep drains clear of
obstructions (if any) as the law
directs. The township by-laws make
it imperative an the inspector to
prosecute all who fail to comply with
the law, This notice posted up is
deemed as a written notice left with
each person.
By order of 'Council,
.. ....Iuspector.
To enforce the by-law the inspector
appoints men to•goaround with scythes,
whose duty it is to cut the weeds that
lave not been attended to by the owners
Of the property, and the penalty for each
delinquent is that he has to pay a fine.
If something of the sort were done here
we should not see the unsightly tangle
of all manner of weeds that cast their
seeds in the neighboring fields and
render our roadways anything but plea-
sant Sights during the summer mouths.
..--Godetieh Signal. •
Capital goes whore it is beckoned, but
bm Paul's . capital goes where it is
It is unfortunate that every one's
memory is best in retaining things it
would be more genteel to forget.—
Atchison Globe.
Watch him carefully,—On the
first indication of Diarrhoea
give Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry.
Hot weather comes
hard on babies, espe.
cially those cutting
".14 1 y The little form soon
wastes and fades
away when diarrhoea
"e.c'i or cholera infantum
seizes upon it.
As you love your child, mother, and
Wish to save his life, give him Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry.
There is no other remedy so safe to
give to children and none so effectual.
Mrs. Chas. Smith, Shoal Lake, Man.,
says ; "I think Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry is the best medicine that
was ever made for diarrhoea, dysentery
and summer .complaint, It is the best
thing to give children when they are teeth-
ing. I . have always used it in our owa
family and it has never yet failed."
1'.tuk Owners Tatting Sunday Prohibitive
Clauses In the 1.eatsea-•-A. Oeuet•at Strove
Against sundae Maio*
The following is Wren from the
column for sports and sportsnnon in the
New York Daily Tribune of recent date.
It is an important item coating front
that source, and will be eagerly read by
all lovers of a quiet Sunday. It certain-
ly reveals the strong tendency towards
the better observance of the Lord's Davy
on the part of the players of Gulf.
"Tho,niattor is now receiving legal at-
tention and pulpit recognition in a
number of the States, The New limme-
wood Country .Club of ,Chicago line
caused a fresh outburst in that last week
by annonnoing that the Clubhouse and',
grounds will be closed to the playing of
golf awl other games on Sunday. The
fact that the Club has recently purchased
additional land at a cost of $28,000 and
will probably become one of the most
influential organizations in the 'West is
perhaps•oue reason -why its action has
received such wide attention.
It looks as though a reaction were. set-
ting in in favor of a more quiet Sunday.
Several leases contracted recently con-
tain stipulation regarding Sunday play,
One especially uotioiable one was re-
fused renewing a few days ago unless
it was especially provided that there
should be no,playing on that day.
There is no doubt that golf has led to
a more open Sabbath than before the
garno became popular. It was the Bev.
Dr, Rainsford, an ardent golfer, who
said in a recent Church report that golf
and the bicycle were leading to a loser
conception of the Sabbath bythe young
people of America,. The enforcement
of the late fu Massachusettes agaiust
Sunday sports has led the fashionable
Brookline. Country Club to post te netioe
in its clubhouse calling attention to the
fact that members who play golf on
Sunday do so on their own, responsibil-
In New -Haven a crusade has been in
progress all winter against the use . of
the Whitneyville links on Sunday, and
it is said that the officials of the golf
olub have matches on that day.
Not only has the Homewood Country
Club decided against Sunday golf, but
it has passed a by-law forbidding the
sale or use of intoxicating liquors in the
club building or upon the grounds. In
this State most of the clubs which have
confined their liquid refreshment to
"soft stuff" have no doubt bean largely
influenced bythe high fees demanded
for a club license, yet in a number of
them the members have their lockers
well stocked with liquors, and the re-
sult is practically the same. While
there ,is likely to be no temperance
crusade against golfers, the indications.
point strongly to a more rigid observance
of Sunday than was the- case last
11fk. Forest rate of taxation has been
structs at 28 mills on the dollar.,
Wart. Plxilltp, leto of St .Augustine,
has opened At bfaolismith shop 411, Brus-
About 00,600 feet of granolithic
walks will be put down in Mitchell this
New life for a quarter. Miller's Com -
mud Iron Pills. At Colin A. Onnlphell's
A brawl' of the National Sanitarium.
AAssooiation has beep. organized fie
Tenders have been asked for laying
118,000 feet of grauolithio wall; in
Dr. McLean, of Ayton, is dead, after
a prolonged illness with inflammatory
LuoI now will lay 80,457 square feet
of grauolithie walk this year at an
estitnated post of 4,000.
• The Drink Habit eared at Immo by
Miller's Drink Cara: At Colica A.
W. J. Paisley, who has been helping
Thos. Me1enzie, Clinton, for afew days,
lost the end of his finger in tho ;lhapor,
Thos, Mattinley, of Listowel had
ripe tomatoes grown iii his garden on
July 18th, Ono of'tllem, weighed X of
a pound.
Wroxeter Methodist church is being
repaired. The old windows and sashes
are being replaced with new ones and
the church is being painted.
John Gofton of the Gofton House,
Wroxtetor, who has been suffering with
a very sore toe for some weeks had the
offending member taken off.
Oliver Baer, employed in the. Man-
chester flour mills, had his left hand so
badly unshed that it was foetid
necessary to amputate it at the wrist,
Well people do not worry. Take
Miller's Compound Iron Pills and be
well. 'S0 doses for a quarter. At. Colin
A Campbell's.
A number of the Listowel friends of
Dr. Bruce and wife, presented thecal
-with. a silver service and a silver cake
dish, prior to their departure for.
Iili:rtti with Headache.
"I was so bad with headache that I
could hardly see. I could get - nothing
to help me until I tried Milburn's Ster-
ling Headache Powders, and they quick-
ly cured me."
Joseph Murphy, Emerald, P. E. I.
The Village Girl.
A teacher of qne of the Bentinck
school sections handed in the following
essay written by one of her girl pupils
who took for her sitbjoot: 'The Village
Girl.' The average village girl of the
present day is full of nonsense. She ap-
pearet) on the street clad in • fine rai-
;went and hunteth up ay bean sat' whose
expense she dirinketi. soda water until
the setting of the sato, She cheweth
gatra in the morning, and when the eve-
ning approaoheth, lo, she is still chew-
ing. She getteth the idea into her head
Agents to fIU permanent position with us AT
000D PAY. All supplies free. Chance of
pranmotion to good men.
We also desire some good 'Agents, either en
whole or part thne to sell our preparation for
the deatrttetiozi of Tussock Moth Oaterpilier,
ltnownas •
1351-Matty of our salesmen carry this as a
side line, and make considerable more than
their expenses thereby. •
We have the largest assortment of stock of
any Nursery in Canada. People prefer our
gooses boeauso of our guarantee. Allow, stock
M sent out under Governnient Certificate,
proving cleanliness and freedom from disease.
Apply now for territory,
Stone & Wellington, Toronto.
dA, for the Canadians."
Cana q
a rite u o f itil,e -
ot1 lu at. eCiso >"
mating rendiug Matter acrd useful in-
formation for
Sabseriptiot price One Dollar per
OR, you cats 'receive it with this
paper for one, wear at the same
price by sending your orders to
the publisher of the TIMES at
Send 10 cents for ssurple copy.
Yea will lute it. Address.
Canadian Ronne Journal Co.,
(woo Ydt".owto, ON1'
that she can sing, and warbleth until
her father becomes it habitual drinker,
and the neighbors get cit. an injunction.
Shd goeth forth to a party gowned in a
dress that is too short at the top and too
long at the bottom and giggletb until
the nigbt'waveth old: She lieth abed in
the morning until the eleventh hour,
while her motlzea; humps around and
(Meth the work. She sighleth.for a has,
band with a long moustache and plenty
of money, but finally nrnrrieth some
fellow who smoketh cigarettes and hold-
eth two fingers up to the barber when-
ever he gets shaved,
Cared of Constipation.
Miss Bessie Nason, Clover Hill; N. S.
tr - i
ridLaxa L vcir
recommend says. I g y res
pills, as they eared erne completely of
constipation before r had 'finished the
third box."
Calf Weeding.
see a great ninny of your readers
have trouble raising calves on separator
milk," says a correspondent of Board's
Dairymen. "I have. used a separator
for three years and never had any
trouble. I will give nay plans of feeding
them. If it will be tti benefit to others,
you may publish it. I feed the calf the
first foto days on the milk of its 'data
This issot in pans or °rocks for 12 hours
and thon.tho cream is taken off, and the
milk is warmed to 90 degrees Haid given
to the calf. When the calf is 2 weeks
old, it will eat bran and •a little corn-
med. After 'this it is given separator
milk tail it is 6 months tl,l, and then
To PATCNT good woo it is turned ant on grass. I raise noth-
may be secured by Ing but the fall and early winter calves,
our Md.
TFlii itGoitoan
so I have the milk in Igrring d aurstnEr
gtltiitiatitl, PlllgNl
44. for the i3gs."
on Huron street, Olintou, the sanest be-
ing pueumonia. She was a native of
Irolaed tee was her husband, bothcame
over to Canada and settled in Lower
Canada. , I•Xer late husband died about
17 years ago and now the old and
xospectedlady joinsbim at the age of
80 years. She was a resident of Clinton
for twenty years being well known and
highly respected, a benevolent Christian
woman, a member and faithful adherent
of the Methodist church,
The wedding festival at the home of
Mx. and Mrs, Benjamin Gibson of the
Fourth Concession, Ilowiek, when their
daughter, Miss Lillie, united 10
Borman Albright for life, The core=
znony was performed. on, the lawn by
Rev. A. B, Dobson, in the presence of
:;bout seventy-five 'guests, mostly
relatives of the contracting parties, who
bad been. invited tohonor the event with
their presence, Miss Maggie White, of
Keituilworth was bridesmaid and Robt.
G, Gibson, brother of the bride, was
best man, Mr. and Mrs. Albright took
a trip to Thedford and other places, but
have now settled down to the stern real-
ities of life in their new home on. the
Fordwiclt sideroad.
There died at his late residence George
Rertgeu, who had been a resident of
Clinton and vicinity for over 40 years.
Born in Bavaria, Germany, on March
18th, 1836, he came to Canada in 1.803 in
a vessel which left ou May. 15th, ‘arriv-
ing in New York on September 15th—
fouf months after. He was a miller by
trade, but for 16 years was foreman on
the corporation work of Clinton. In
religious convictions he was Presby-
terian, and an unwavering and staunch
Reformer in politics, He was married
in Canada, and leaves behind a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Jacob Booker, and a stepson,
Jacob Neff, of Stratford, to mourn the
loss of a good and kind father.
George Banker, ex -Reeve of Brussels.
died. somewhat suddenly on Tuesday
evening, July 17th. He had been ailing
for two months with what was pro-
nounced an affection of the heart;
Deceased had been a resident of Brus-
sels for 27 years and engaged first in the
harness business and afterwards in the
grocery business, in which he was more
than ordinary successful. Eight years
ago he sold out his grocery and went in-
to the grain business with W. F.
Vanstone, the firm being known as
Baeler & Vanstone. He served for
several years as a councillor of the
village, and in 1809 was reeve. He was
born at Sebringville, in. Perth county, in
1850, and lived there and at Stratford
and Zurich before moving to Brussels.
'7:iewas married in 1578 to Rebecca
Linglepac, who survives him. Three
brothers and two sisters survive lure.
Besides a widow he leaves a family of
nine, five boys and four girls. With the
exception of William who has been. in
Dakota for about three years, all the
family are at home. several of them at-
tending school. One boy Harrison
Bruce, died in February, the first break
in the large fahiily. He was a member
of the L. O. L., the I, O, O. F. and the
K. 0, T, M., and the funeral on Friday
afternoon was under the auspices of
these societies.'
John Patterson, sr., Mrs. Daniel
Harris and Miss Lizzie Johnston, all of
Hamrick, left Furdwioli last Week to
visit with friends in different parts of
The Farmers' Elevator 0o., of Kin-
eardine, had .a good year. Over $50,000
WAS paid out to the farmers. The year's
business shows a surplus of $296 which
will'be applied to the capital stock.
Pimples on the face are not only annoy-
ing but they indicate bad blood. Hood's
Sarsaparilla cures them by purifying the
Mr. Walter McLean, B. A., of Blyth,
has successfully .sassed the examinations
of the Hamilton Normal College and is
now qualified to teach in any high school
or collegiate institute in the province,
Mr. Henry B. Parker, sou of Mr. John
Parker of Godericlt township, was mar-
ried on Tuesday, July 17th, to Miss
Kate Randall, the ceremony taking
place at the hotne of the bride's parents
in Zurich.
'Henry MacKay, of Culross, had his
new barn 'raised on Tuesday of last
week.' It is 50x70 feet with pests 22.feet
in: height and rests ,on a 12 foot wall.
The barn will provide ample accom-
modation for all •the produce of Mr.
MacKay's farm.
Court Sherwood, A. 0. Ii'., Seaforth,
was organized 25 years sago: Harry
Town is now the only charter member
left, his fellow members celebrated the
occasion by presenting him 'with a com-
plimentary address and a . handsome
gold headed. Dane.
Watson and Emigh of Blyth made a
large shipment of prime export cattle on
Tuesday when they sent *carload from
both B1ytli and Hensel]. and five car
loads from Clinton. They were all for
the. Liverpool market'and were the first
export grassers this firm has sent off this
On Tuesday evening, July 10th, the
residence of Mr. Charles Robb, St.
Augustine, was the scene of a very
happy event when his daughter Eliza
was canters in marriage to Mr. W`rn,
Milner. Tho beremony was performed
by the Rev. Mr, Kennedy of Auburn.
Another of the pioneers of the Queen's
Bush and one of the first settlers of the
township of Elma died at his home ih
Molesworth on Monday morning, July
16111, in the 73rd year of his age in the
person lef Mr. George Sangster. Mr.
Sangster retained his strength anti
facilities until two months ago when
le began to fail, h'is last illness imiting
about two weeks.
On Saturday, July 14th, Nicholas
Miller, Wird lived near Mildmay and
his'hited boy were engaged in 'healing
in hay, and, as they were entering the
barn with the last load, just before
dinner, Mr. Miller suddenly dropped off
the load at the front of the wagon, and
when found a few ininlltes later, life
was extinct. It is supposed that acute
heart failure was the ears° of his death.
t)oeeased '.vacs CO years of age, and was
cele of the oldest and most highly re•
spotted residents of the township. A
widow and live sons and daughters acre
left to mourns the death of a kirsch
husband and father.
Ott Sunday morning, ,i'aly 16th, Mr.
,Staphest Walsh proud away ant laarlaottaw
A man to ropre:ient us at W ingit;tm and suri-ttlirit ing
country, in the; sale of our choice Canadian grown Nursery
Stock. A. permanent paying position with chance of xylvancc-
went. Arrangements will tilt: made. with .a suis ible man to
SELL, DELIVER and COLLECT. Good pay wt't•lcly.
We also handle sprayers, large and small, the best made.
Write at once for fesrther particulars to
The Thos. W.• Bowman Son
Limited, TOR()NTO, ONT.
Established q.0 y=ears.
c V C I
n ft., 0,14 ft. and O It. cut.
Iliehest Drive Wheel made,
Biti s Boxes.
Roller. &airin s
•t t,,,tla ; call . f ' ` 1••..
All lilt brow
To us whether your wants are small or
large, as we make it a special rade to give
,every customer the best service and at-
tention, We respectfully solicit a Visit
that we may convince you that it will
be to your advantage to be numbered
amongst the rest of our customers.
One 'bottle of 'Paiiie's Celery Com-
pound is often sufficient to banish the
seeds of dangerous diseases, to cleause
the system and establish perfect health.
Paine's Celery Compound is the recom-
mended medicine for the cure of Bright's
disease, diabetes, liver complaint, blood
diseases and stomach troubles. The
genuine Paine's Celery Compound always
in stook, fresh from the laboratory of
the manufacturers.
A. L. HAMILTON, Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
Front aid Hear. Gut
With Roller and Ball bearings.
Serrated Ledger Plates if desired.
Ask our agent to show you the
New Patented Bali Bearing
Knife Clip.
Supplied only when specially
We also manufacture the best and most complete line of CULTIVAT-
ING and SEEDING IMPLEMENTS on Earth, comprising SPRING,
TOOTH CULTIVATORS (fitted with grain and grass sown.; attach-
ments If desired.) SPRING and SPIKE 'mum HARROWS, DISC
BARROWS, GRAIN DRILLS, (all kinds,) IICIISE RAKES, (friction and
ratchet damp,) etc., etc.
If you need anything in our line send for our 1900 Illustrated Catalogue, (sent
free.) Yon will find it very much to your interest to do so,
Ootax Paul admits that his capital is
with luta on wheels, but denies that it
anoints to $10,000,000.
Children Cry for
GA - A.
Good chairs are the most difitoul t
piecee of old furniture to find. They
received harder use than other pieces of
furniture and oonsequeutly wore out
,o Chest.
lVl,eore xn t1
Mrs.Wm.'Younge, Frome, Out., says:
.'Otte year ago our little boy had au at-
tack of croup which left a bad wheeze in
his chest. Wo used Dr. Wood's Morway
I'inaS rn yttndit
completely 1°tely
A philosopher says that every failure
is a step toward success. This explains.
why- sante nterl beef tno richer! every
Unp they fa.,
If your liver is out of order, eatlesing
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart.
burn, or Constipation, take s'tiose of
cod's Pills
On retiring, and teraorrow your al.
gestive'organs will be regulated and
oat will be bright, active and ready
for anykind of work. This has
x it'nee
hof others;�t
will yours°IIOOn'S PILLS are
]letlilh>r x11 nadieir.e dealers. 25 Oti.
ta'afiet.1 a41.4."
THE NOXON 00., L'td, ingersnll,, Ont.
Sam Hunter's Cartoons, Full Market Reports,
Special Cables, • The Khan.
Ontario Despatches, Sporting News.
• Madge Merton's Page for Women
I Tor It
wt Publishes the best of everything. It leads 74
//t.. //k
// In the excellencef its special department., 7/
1 while 'its news columns are bright and. !i
ft readable. 74
rh The Toronto Daily St will b M 'l d toanyAddress
// ae oron al y ar wl a iiled > ress ff
To Januarytis 1 o for Ir.
ti5 ?j
The regular snbscription price of Till STAR i, $3.00 a year,
and $7.00 tt here the piper is riot a•ecaived until the day after pub
lictttion. The present offer is meth: with a viety of placing Till?.
STAk in the homes of thousand.; who will be interested in read-
ing the best afternoon paper in Oat a io.
fitTd every subscriber will be mailed a
beautiful plate of Her Majesty Queen Victoria
Ii and the Prince of Wales.
;44 I!�
'4;0a4r�►i►"!►1,�,.�,n�w,XXl►1lXXY►"Lr rXUrMWr'0►`wY�r�a►�W`s''�►11'
till January 1st I9ot, and the picture of Her Majesty )ueetX
Victoria acid Prince of bra1e-r tor 70 CENT
I}' you are now a stiltstliln•r to the TIMES you caii have
the Star and Picture for !:ter {eats. Let tieyour orders early at
1.E T1M S C 1XO
This picture, wheel tsn,iiesent t.,r 11 4'4.1146 is WOhn
,,,ia,Ile•t ti••iers of the '�g
, t,a •',• a v
mother toad s n evert ulhhsh t n1 'nut ( i i .. Vim n ioural to •` • ,. „ .
royala t. l 1 U t a r.l.ria fate f
Queen represent her e6 much yonneer OM !he e) t•lc o, ve..r, has left ter. anti vet
it is as'tile aged1overelgtt that her poop.° love tier and wilt t,• mail,•r h•r. ,tic1h•, i t
Mother of hor people ste will ever he rMtuttub'r,.l —Ill • iv 0 oe F1, cat leo w.min llteo,l anti - t
motherhood,. Fitting' itis therefore. that she shoo'tlhe online1 Wool with herr son,
tho t'utttre sting, foul au In titin historient ,.tetarc the 1'� ines stands ),.•tuna, the Old' Or j�
his royal mother. The, pleture is 1$ x 91 laches, in 1' slt',d,.s el• *viers, a.td. sttituh:y . a
famed. s/multi be an ori Oleut on any wall.
It it a special printing, made exelttsively foil The Toronto Star. �
and is a work of are. N.