HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-20, Page 14
xxvm, NO, 1474.
Business is booming so much with as
J ix Tailoring that it is hardly worth. our
While to advertise this branch of our
business, but still we want to remind all
our friends that we shall be glad to see
them, and) wo might mention that we
are gelling off the balance of our Sum-
ner Suitings at a great reduotion. In
It is needless to say we lead the Trade.
Our customers have been more thau sat-
isfied during the past season; the,conse-
quence is, we have had a large increase
ix our sales; we anticipate a very large
business for Fall, and consequently
have bought heavily, end in order to
make room for these new Goods we are
•gelling the balance of our Spring Stock
•at a large reduction from, regular prices
—don't fail to. secure some a these bar-
gains, Boysand Youths' sizes in
Boots on Saturday at COST. We have
just sorted up our :stock of
In these we have the very latest—if
yoil want to be upeto-date in Neckwear
and Headwear, you must come to us.
WO have still a few
left; wo.are selling them, at 50 per cent.
on cest—it will pay yon to buy any-
thing WO have, oven if you. don't need
it just now. The rest of our Groceries
.at cost and below. We have not much
left, but what we have put can have at
your own Priee.
HOffilith & Sons
Marriage MicenSes
-Issued by FitANK PATnnsox, No. 23 Victoria
• street. Wingham, Ont. No Witnesses required.
ram spd tsret3-4,ig ray
Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th. gi
need to keep a fire all
day when you can buy
Corned. Beef
Cambridge Sausage
English Brawn
Stewed Kidneys
Boned Duck
Ox -Tail Soup
0 Mock Turtle Soup
ze) Mulligatawny
already cooked and
ready for the table at
(The China House)
Opp.. Bank of Hamilton ,
education or profitable, progressiVe, and r,
Centre' Business College
Stratford, Ont. ,'
No less than eight large limbless colLa
leges have applied to us within the last IL.
six weeks for our graduates to take pod- r
tions as teachers lit their schools. AS t..
many as five business.ilrms have applied
to us one day for office help. This is
surely the bet school for you.to attend.
Write for our beautiful Catalogue. I..
ella W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal, in
rD,' To.,., i -ir 1-1 e•45-0Nrari IA ta. tvw01-11g.. WS 0 0 -9-0,01
B�x C8 Blyth—Local.
Simon Mitchell—Local.
Wra. Drummond—Local.
Uomuth & Son—Bargains.
Johniterr—Olearing Sale.
1. .t&. Farquharson—Don't.
Zolm Burgess—Voters' List, 1900.
W. X. Paisley—License Transfer.. •
W. H. L. Bennett—Agents Wanted.
Read John Kerr's advertisement.
TITS BAND COW ItT.—The third open-
air baud concert vas given. •on Friday
evening, The ba a has improved very
much in their pl ying. The clutira on
the lawn in front f the hall were much
appreciated by ho ladies. The high
leap. by "Capt u. Santiago" ahl not
come off as s tisfaetory ns it might
July and August Sale is now in
201 swing. Bargains in all departments,
local horse buyers, essrs Currie ds
Rintoul and 3. T. Elliot Areceived word
last week to perehas 1 a number of
horses, to be used in 5 ith Africa. The
buyers have since secu ed a number of
fine animals. Messrs ay and Mdd, of
Listowel are busy to king up suitable
'horses iu Weir distric t. Messrs Currie
and Rintoul have sec red a car load of
horses and will ship t em on Saturday.
See Ilaleev Park's advertisement,
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Winghare, ou the first
Friday of each month from 11.30 a.
m. till 3 o'cloek p. m., for consultation
in diseases ,of the eye, ear, nose and
' A. NEW MONTITLY. The Tates has
this week received 1110 first copy of a
new monthly paper pf.blished iu Toronto
called "University -of oronto Monthly."
The paper is of 50p es, 19 x 6,1.4 inches
and contains an abn dauce of good read-
ing matter.
H11LLoI cow Alootrr Ftoant?—J. H.
Young has it in fitment* quantities,
Speciale: The uusurpassek Clifford
flour and the famous Wave Crest of the
Seaforth Mills. Also a complete stock
of Mill Feeds, Breakfast Cereals, and
everything else found in a first class
feed store. .A. trial solieited. Goods
delivered promptly to any part of town.
GONE' TO TIM WE .—A number from
`ty took advantage
Manitoba and the
and. will spend the
with friends in the
rs, S. Youhill will
in Winnipeg; Miss
visit at Regina,
n, win) has been in
drug store for some
ary, where she visits
• T. rorbes goes to
he' visits her father;
as far as Dryden
a few days with his
there he goes to
his son; Ansa Maud
has been staying
• Vitingliam and. vici
• of the excursion t
West per 0 P. 11,„
next two months'
West., Mr, and
visit their three so
?assent wi
W T Miss Simps
charge of Morrow's
months goes to Cal
her brother; Mrs
Viiinnipeg, where
&Is. Cochrane gos
Where lie will open
daughter, and fr
Glen Ewen to Vial
SUNDAY Sonora,
ther arrangements
the Sunday Sontag
rich on Tuesday, .A
from Wingham
45e for Children.
ber of our towns
vantage of this op
a day at the lake s
of special train wil
bills to be issued in
TottemennY'Vor its' (Li:sr.—The Vot-
ers' list for the To nship I-Turnberry
was issued from, e Ttens office this
week, and was II st posted up in the
clerk's office at luevale on Tuesday.
The total number f voters on the list
715, and those unlined to serve as
jurors number 40
WATOIC LOST. An open face silver
watch WAS lost at the Methodist picnic
on July 2nd. he case is somewhat
dinged. Finder will be rewarded by
returning watch • Simon Mitchell.
Toronto Globe say' that weeds can be
g . up througli slat
similar places. His
he weeds from grow -
.—A writer in the
kept from groevii
walks and in other
way of preventing
ing is to use a sol tion made with one
tin of Gillett's L to about four gal-
lons of water. Ile says the solution
must be poured wn carefully between
the slats. This worth trYing.
OUR FM FA .—At a recent meeting
of the Direet • 8 of the Turnberry
Agricultural So 'ety, the prize list for
the fall fair was revised, amended and
enlarged. The irectorsare also adding
no features in he speckl attractions
for this year, wh oh will include three
geocthorse rices. The fair this year
promises to stir ass those of former
years. The lao e bills and prize lists
will be issued in few days, giving full
particulars. Th dates of the fair this
year are Septem r 27th and 28th. Put
the date down an have a large list of
entries for this y ar.
Fon SALE OR R • NT.—I offer for sale
or rent my house and lot, NO. 6, on the
corner of John and Frances streets.
The house is a good 8 roomed one, also
cook house, and good hard water well,
ancl a good. stable. For terms and parti-
culars apply to THOS.
ave been made for
excursion to Gode-
gust 7th. The fere
vill be 85e, witli
Eo dotibt a large num-
Goole will take ad-
rtunity of spending
ore. The time table
be given on small
few days.
Beats everything how King's Summer
Sale draws the _crowd. Shop early.
Own,: Mayor Clegg On
• Wednesday of this veek issued his pro-
clamation setting gust 7tli as Wing -
ham's eivio holid y. This will give
Winghantites a spl ndid opportunity of
going to Gabriel:. the Sunday school
PHOTO FREE—At X. E. Zurbrigg's in
the down floor gallery. Read, his Etclvt.
Post last week entere
The Post appears to
W. K. Kerr turns
weekly newspaper an'
hearty support cf the
and vicinity. The C
taking holidays this
prise was establish&
• paper is now a seve
is a credit to its e itor and the smart
village of Chesley.
To Iia.—The Orr cottage, Francis
street. Apply t wi. J. Cuenate,N,
Fon THE SOO. A E. 111e,,Allister has
been in town this •Ns ok making arrange-
ments for the rem vel of his family to
We Soo. Ile and le family will leave
Wingham on Sat rday of this week
Mr, McAllister ha, sold his property to
gentleman iu Tur berry,
PIANO Fon SAL11,—A beautiful lip -
right piano, fancy walnut case, 7
octive, slightly used. A bargain. Sold
for cask or on time. Apply to P, 0, box
68, Blyth,
Bess Fxsuitna.— any Winghamites
have been enjoying themselves in bass
fishing these days nd some Aloe fish are
being caught. Mo srs. W. Snell and Jas.
Slemin are anion We more successful
fishermen. The nuts man saw Mr.
Snell land. a b k bass that would
measure fifteen nches. Ono evening -
this week Rev. . Freed spent a couple
of hour at the ver and had a string
nine beautiful b: : • for his trouble,
J. The Brussels
on, its 29111 year.
prove with age,
Fut au up -to -data
is entitled to the
people of Brussels
esley Enterprise is
eek. The Enter -
25 years ago. The
column paper and
See a -obit Kerr's advertisement.
Wingham races ar
They prondee to b
year. Many good
before been in Wi
this year. Rolm
August 1 and 2,
HELLO 1—Ring up phone No, 40 when
in need of anything in a first class feed
store. 3. H. Young, Flour and Feed
Store, Market Square.
• THE OttoeS.—Th
section have about
will be au average CI.
wheat is looking ve
tion. We have se
fields of wheat this
have got pretty well
wheat harvest. Pe
the root crops will
by the rams of thi
stand that the crop
be rather above th average this year.
WANTED. -500 Tubs Butter by July
26th—Eggs 13 cis; Butter 18 cis, We
must have the quantity, cash or trade.
Parcas Ann R
for an ad. or a fe
ledo Daily News,
don't believe in a
never read. But le
ging the hired girl
piece of calico up th
er struggling with a
water, if the printing
of a twenty storey
climb to the top and
not to publish it in
everybody will read. i
farmere in this
dshed haying. Hay
p this year. Fan
well in this sec-
• some very nice
ear. Mauy ulers,
advanced with the,
s, oats barley and
• greatly benefitted
week. We under -
in this locality will
now the order of th
block. Mr. Sperling
putting in two new
the block- for holding
tention. to do away
on Victoria street.
placed on Part a the
workmen will come
oughly overhaul th
good Shape. The b
itt eyt:y. -respect be
orations again.
�t.Rcpairs are
day at the salt
s tloie week busy
ats at the rear of
'Me. It is the in-
ith the large tank
new roof is being
lock, Next week
to town and thor-
pan and put it in
ok will be repaired
e commencing op-
Wenxs. he con-
tractor has compl ted laying the walk
011 Josephine stree and the B. Line to
the cemetery. Th
Of 8943 linear fee
this year, costing i
$4,200. 4,315 line
built last year.
sufficiently sign
town clerk's Ilan
on the at side
of the school ho
is badly needed
Con has been si
Committee We Id proceed with. the
work this year.
AD—If you. ask. a man
locals, says the To-
e will tell you he
vertising—a paper is
him. be caught hug -
r chasing a loose
street after dark,
'ug of "Tamarin."
ffice is in a garret
uilding, he. will
ask the editor
thei paper where
Monday evening 0 last week a number
of the representat ve citizens of Clifford
gathered at the ho e of Andrew Link -
later, to bid farm 11 to S..1, 'Elliott, V.
S., and wife, vit have slime become
residents of Wing am. R. M. Ilazie-
wood. was chairma for the occasion; J.
R. Aitchiscai read an address, and the,
presentations wer made by various
parties. The prase ts were au easy ehair
to Mr. 'Elliott, a s of knives and forks
te Mrs. Elliott, a d a hup, saucer and
plate to as An iie and Master Weir
'Elliott tat ompliments to M.
Elliott's oral as a citizen were briefly
made by many tembers Of the corn-.
s walk makes a total
which has been laid
the neighborhood of
feet of walk were
petition has been.
and placed in the
s, to have a walk laid
Francis street in front
e. This is a, walk that
nd, now that the peti-
ed. the Public Works
CO. want a number of me
pull flax. Apply to W.
• ago two children of
Oarboro, inspired
colored high. diver ,
undertook to have
ance of their own.
view they climbed
or 30 feet in heig,
Aged eight went to
off and came eras
branches to the grou
His sister aged ten t
half way up. the tree
ed she had a broke
the circus until the
The old sa,yrog must be a true saying:
"That which 'people don't know never
troubles them.' We have arrived at
the conclusion that, people wouia be
much troubled if they knew the prices
they have been paying by not getting
our quotations, But people are getting
"on to" the secret fast, WALRER
Concert Company,
a high-class vaude
the opera house ite
ing of next week.
posed of Canadiat
to give a splendid
well spoken cif by
cert be given
should be bagel
of the btual con
the ton and see
• scribers for seats
permanent histit
wn pany. The Cliff d Express= conclud- should be well
with her mut, Mi s Lite% Soog tO Arden, ing its report of tl o gathering says :—"h they undertake.
Man., where her mother now resides. was a most grac sr fll inaction, nutde,as be at Davis'
Apprentices wanted at once. Two brief as possible not occupying more open to stibscr
young ladies to learn tailoring, than half aii h ur, and altogether a next and. open t
tf Wtrtsrsn & CO. pleasing affair." Wednesday and
.—The dates of the
August lot and 2n4.
better than ever this
orses that have never
gluun will be here
or that the dates are
Scots wa' hao King's
save the bawbees'.
of bicycle road races
day evening •last.
starters and points w
WS:—W. Gillespie, •
, B. Brinker 3; Life
Bell 1. The next vac
Friday evening of n
is expected that tl
g m Flax
lad boys to
A few days
Mrs. M. Barry of
the feats of the
t, the circus there;
similar perform-
ith that object in
pear tree about 25
it. The little boy
• 1 through the
doscaping unhurt.
ok her dive from
:ad when she laud -
leg. , This ste ed
octor came.
Summer Sale
first of the series
as held on. Fri -
There were five
o scoured as fol.
E, 0, Coultas 4;
Nixon. 2; Charlie
will be held on
xt week when it
ere will be inure
son of the Wingbaon publie school is to
the success of her
entrance examin-
ss of 23 who wrote,
total, percentage of
ast Huron this year
s Roberteon's class
$71ernly eight of
in'Liam succeeded
and seven of those
Miss Robertson is
teacher, and. all will
•f her splendid show -
be complimented o
pupils in the rete
Mations. Out of a c
20 have passed. Th
those who paseedia
was 673, while M'
shows an averagh01
those who wrote at
in getting honors,
were Winghamites
a very pains-takin
be pleased to hear
Zing's Summer Sale is a hummer.
Come and hear it hum..
Tnn Tvenrxrie
ham Orange Lodg
of July celebration
week. Some 18 or
tendence. The W
hi glowing terms o
of July orator. R
11, Musgrove w
speakers. At Li
were in attenclau
was the most sric
town. Many frc
lodges were in a
that they had
— The Elite
f Toronto will give
Ile• entertainment in
e on Thursday even -
The companyis cont.
artists and. are said
ntertainment and are
the press. The eon -
iii Aid of the band and
attended. Members
mitten have canvassed.
r'.4 a number of sub -
The bated is now a
tion in our town and
atronited in anything
The plan a hall rill
ug store and will be
hers only on Tuesday
the general public), on
Cali at the old reliable tor best varie-
ties of imported fruits to be had. in
Wingham. Plums in stuck; peaches
and pears 011 the way, also. cabbages,
lettuce, lettuce, bananas, pine apples,
oranges and lemons. Everything good.
,TAS. AIORELVI • Star Restaurant.
FOR. Times Sun eteuns.--The TrscES
has made arraugejneits witit the pub -
just a few seasonable and
Hi ts
• For those tired, sweaty feet ttee
Foot Elm or Perfect Foot Rest,
For those severe attacks of
mer complaint we have all the beat
remedies, such as
Fowler's Ext, Wild Strawberry,
Ext, Wild Raspberry,
AreMatle Strawberry Compound,
Pierce's 'Smart -weed Compound. -
Our .priees aro right and ow.
goods fresh,
treer.—The Wing -
attended the 12th
at Kincardine lea
0 lodges were in at-
ngham people speak
Alex. Muir as a 12th
v. W. Lowe and A.
'e• also among the
wel some 50 lodges
, and the celebration
essfal ever held in the
frxt Wingham went to
ungannon only three
minim, but it is said
very successful day's
The old Williams Stand.
• Prop.
G. N. W. Office.
There are now 5
deavor Societies in
000 members.
Iikv. Wm. Lowe
to the Canadian
on. Sunday next.
Rev. Mr. Patte 'son, of Arthur, -has
accepted a call • the Presbyterian
church at Chesley
Rev. D. Perrie
week, attending
Dominion Tempe
Rev. James B
oldest Methodist
died at Kingston,
,712 Christia,u En -
e werhi, with 3,500,-
p -reach a sermon
()resters at Listowel
— -
'lovely new Blouses in very pretty -
patterns being cleared at actual 008T.
Prints, Ginghanis, Muslins and. alt
Summer Goods to clear at cost. Great
bargains in Boots and. Shoes.
Stacks of Sugars and all lines et
Groceries and big values.
Highest prices paid for Butter and
The Direct Importer.
Rev, A. E. Pri
the Congregation.
Ushers of the Toro Ito Daily Star, where-
first sermons to
by new subscriberj can get that excellent Sunday last.
daily paper and t e Trees until the 1st The Rev. A. E.
of January, 1901, for only 70 cents. To of the Congregat'
every person wfio takes a.clvantage of ing a room. in the
this offer there rill .be mailed free, a A. W. Webster on
beautiful plate 42 Her Majesty Queen Upwards of 8700,
Victoria and the Alice of Wales. The subscribed to the
picture is I8x 24 inches in 15 shades or dollar Century Fu
colors. Those vjho ar q now subscribers lints have given 860,
of the TIMES secure this picture by three months to the
subscribing for Itho Star until January Rev. Walter Rig
1st, 1901. The Jprice will be 50 cents. ex -president of thet
Orders should e sent in early to thi& conducted the servic
was in Toronto this
a. meeting of the
nee Alliance.
ok, said so be We
minister in ballade,
ed 96 years.
, the new pastor of
church preached his
hat congregation on
rior, the new pastor
al churcli is occupy -
me of Mr. and Mrs.
atherine st.
00 has already been
d. The Presbyter -
00 during the past
aim Famine Fund.
MONEY To LOAN.—Money to loan on
notes, and notes 'disctrunted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and accounts
colleoted. Offiee—teaver Block Wing-
hare,•ROBT. 11101600.
church. on Sunday 1
Kincardine, will pre
next Sunday.
Services at the. Con
Sabbath morning tin
usual hours. You are
to attend. Subject:
what it is and where i
y, of Kincardine, Toronto Saterd
Mon Conference, company4 re
iu the Methodist refined company.
. Mr. Finlay, of
"Not Without BI
the 6th of the
gathered in the is
nipeg, the first
Tendon of Cana
were present fro
east as the Marit
to B. C. Thong
lative hotly, ye
deliberations wil
siou of the work
to west, in erre
consecration to
the 14th inst., t
for Brandon w
the new Bapti
with befitting c
d." Flab. 9-7. On
esent month there
Baptist Chapel, Wirt-
ational Baptist Con-
. A large delegation
the churches as far
o Provinces and west
in no sense a legise
the influence of their
bo felt in the expan-
the body dem east
ter aggressiveness and.
he work. On Saturday*
e convention entrained
ero the comer tone of
University was laid
rem oniee.
eaclache Wafers guanine
5 cents till January 1,
e now.
f Saturday and Monday
by all in Wig locality.
teed to cure he
—TIMES for
1901. Subscril
—The rains
were welcome
—The rains
a fresh start t
said that rasp
—Owiug to
the examiners
been unable t
examination lit:
next week-.
—Painters M
been treatieg th
fresh coat of
Swarts is bou
around his hous
—The Elite Co cert Co. will appear in.
the opera house on Thursday evening
next, under the' ane of the band.
Night says of this
ned performance by a.
f this week have given te,
the small fruits. It is
rries will be quiteplentte
ressure of other work,
for West Hilron have
complete the entrance
It may be expected.
ay and Morrison have
Exchange hotel to a.
hit this week. Mr.
to keep things tidy
oh in this ehureh.
Do you nee to near it? If not, take
regational church Scott's Emulsion. 'Twill n out your
evening at the srinken yes, hallow cheeks, and thia
cordially invited, heads, Why not have a plump figure
Morning, "Rest; Don't let disease steal a march on you.
is to be found."
Evening, "What is tru
Messrs. Crossley and
known evangelists,
concluded it very sac
Elora, are ,now taki
vacation at their island
ktt. These geutiem
evangelistic work six,
Rev-. Mr. Ross, 02
Brussels, is taking six
He and his family will
the time at Presque tele 14, near Owen
Sound. Mr. .11011.ay, w to trapplind for
Hey'. T. Parie itt W nghttnt a 'few
weeks ago, will sappl for Mr. nos
daring his absence.
If so,yoU should see our stock,
which is composed of some of
the most elegant goods in this
line ever offered.
We can suit any taste, at
•arly price from
three cakes, to
We have a
which we are
tuiter,theweli-Witighads Popular Shoe Store.
o recently con-
essful series in
their summer
home in Musko-
it entered the
en years ago. •
elville church,
,eelts holidays.
spend most of
to per box of ,i,/,1.1ttivainagnsaat,offor iti Pareabytelan
2 5C per cake, year amounted to 0,384 8117,ral8 iret•etatstte
over last year of $114,24 § exclusive of
few odd lines the Centery Pend. The e bas been an
increase a 166 pastor, 1 charges and
clearing out at
bargain pricea. See them
•Jis Er DAVIS,
an addition of 10,118 no members by
profession of faith.
! 13.kisrzsr Chronert.---,t tor Vreed will
be in his own. pulpit la .t Lord's day and
will preach upon the (glowing subjeets;
Morning—"The P1,. ,, and Condition of
t Mankind After f oath." Evening
Dollars saved by buying
Shoes now.
Sweeping Them Out
Teel we are sweeping them out b
sweeping reductions m price. Summer'
Shoes mast go. i3arniits1 Dargainst
"Quality and Quantity here."
Boys" Beets, 75e a -15air,
Men's Boots, 900 n. pair.
Ladies' Oxfords, Too to $1.00 A pair.
A.Ilkines of Trunks and Vallecit Weep.