HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-13, Page 6THE W1NGI1A1I TIMES, ELY 13, 1900,
FRIDAY, JULY 13. 1900.
� a t .
ukPedli� ,.
to I'ra P
'udebted , ,
of Immigration, Ottawa, for copies of a
Descriptive Atlas of Western Canada, I upon the country as it had been under
A31dea Canadian Atlas. previous management,
The following article from the Weekly MR. MULOCK ALSO. ,e
Sun bears out the statements made in Then followed the Postmaster General
this department a few weeks ago re- with his report of the important service
garding the preservation of our early ander his control. The development of
history : "There is need of more general Canada's mail service is so thoroughly
aid consistent effort, something beyond recogilLed in the country at large, and
the power of individuals, no matter how the individual elector throughout the
earnest; and the need is m -gent. The , Dominion hes so close a personal
From our own Corresvondent.
Ottawa, July 7th, 1000.
The consideration of tho estimates
this session ltas been Inarked by tike
action of the various Ministers iu pre-
scuting to the Heuso alai the country
detailed statements of the work of their
departments with the object of placing
before the elootorato concise and
autllez:tic information regarding the
(tallithim of public affairs. Thus the
Minister of Militia pointed out the
vastly improved condition, of the
country's defences, the modernized
methods which were COW in operation
for developing the national home guard,
and the greatly augmented results which
were being obtained for the money
expended. Following stint, the Minister
of Railways presented an account of bis
stewartship, and demonstrated how
greatly transportation facilities had
been advanced during the last four
years. He pointed out the remarkable
improvement in the condition of the
Iutercolouial Railway, au improvement
both in the financial position of the
road and in its usefulness to the country,
an improvement which had made the
system not only a most important factor
in the railway world, but also a valuable
asset to the Dominion instead of a drain
humblest people as well as by that class
for which any Lou. friend (Ms. buster)
thinks wo should not be so solicitous.
The post office is au institut1011 for the
masses, and we are bringing it nearer
and nearer to thein, every day Ly
eheapeuing the rates, i ce:easing the
post offices, extending the facilities.
In no butter way eau you bring it with-
in their reach thou to make it cheap and
accessible to the poorest in the. land,
The post office is Wended for the poor
as well as for the rich, anal the masses
of the people have recognized our policy
of giving ahoaper postage midi have
profited by it to their awn adv tutago
and at uo loss to the service itself."
The Minister of Finance has been
ofiieially notified that the Iulperial
Lord Chancellor has taken the necessary
steps to amend the law so that English
trustees can invest in Canadian
securities. The admission of the
securities of Canada into the English
trustee list called for legislative action
by both the Imperial and the Canadian
Parliaments. The Dominion Parlia-
ment has already passed an act, at the
iiistaneo of Mr. Fielding making speoiftc
provision for the inscription and
transfer of Canadian stock iu the
register.kept in the United Kingdom.
The bill which the Lord Chancellor has
just laid before the House of Lords
makes certain changes in the colonial
stock act so as to give effect to the
Canadian law.. Of its passage through
both Houses there cau be no manner of
doubt, since the bill is introduced as a
Government measure. The Tories tried
to secure this boon for many years, but
without success, and it was not until
public confidence was established under
Liberal rule that the imperial authorities
'best of the early records are preserved experience of the improvements effect- consented to take a step which means so
in the memories of the pioneers, bat ed, that it is ITn,teeessary. to dwell upon much to the Dominion.
these are rapidly passing away. t p iii : it here, but it is worth gelatine- out that THE BANKS SHOW HP WELL.
The mouthly official statement of the
chartered banks of the Dominion, for
Bruce you will find a pioneer on almost these improvements have not been made
every other farm. Iu the northern girt ' at any augmented cast to the country.
of Huron, where settlement took place •tin the contrary the deficit left by the May, is worth perusing. The note cir-
some .years earlier, the original settlers late Government is being steadily wiped culation for that month is $1.3,856,000 as
are few and far between. In one home vat, d in to the great reduction against 4+37,t)fl0,000 last year ; the
in Colborne Township is a group photo- - -M- e st
''''''e bc;h Lv"?-^ an:. , X-1.11 pas -Ma 13r�c"�r amount of notes in circulation at
graph of four—all dead within a recent mca l l _ 1 t7f revue �, a dany time in the mouth was $45,800,000
period. The time for collecting the re-, ereeeeeC :� r �. ,=)k 0e0 more than the greatest a year
cords is now. Provision should be made,
and ins': of ar � � � '""---'5"`", "�'`' .2ZZ, � V'��, more than the highest
for the preservation of whatever records ,
a carter wl' . .:�1;7 - . 1' Apra.. This is a remarkable
are collected in the local registry offices. world result �-� ,_^ *K. +.a ,,+, =u 5:.t'. The public deposits
'Would it not be possible, too, for all deficit last year is a -a a- r; 'ertneea e"7%" L , to show a marked
Warmers' Instntutes to form branch fin-
is worth noticing too, ilea _ amaeam fie ,nronnei n Tees :lagarea shouting the
stitutes in each township, to provide for
n i , , 1 _
monthly meetings in winter in each of increase in earrespon - >_ ` 'li}Te€' a'-' ieSt or reserve
dueed Imperialpostag- bei ^eeryerne . it a ener n .3d -tee statement for
these branches, and to devote at least the returns showing that the 7 - - Tr, u..:' w;i 1,s16ow zaa EE-'. f=rees er increase,
one of the meetings in each year to the postage at the reduced rates cs ' two me v.'� fiTe 'T"R: a ti s made at
work of preserving the records of the p h are not
early days?" In this same connection cents equals, if not exceeds,'the amu .: �"n.r.I I 71 "*use_ "-
J. S. Willison, editor of the Toronto collected ander the old five cent rte;-07,1eai: tfe1W e---- •-^^ �- s The ;panics a staunch Conservative. A few
Globe, in his address at Goderich on July which of course means that the valuate � ' - ie�=- mien y s he moved to Regina where he
of correspondence has increased 15"0 per notes a s ->=o= -7g for last shortly afterwards.
4th said: °'I doubt if we can know and cent. 'menthe P - `rhe "% f�gn
if .any Canadian writer has quite told
the debt we owe to the men who cleared FIGURES, ELOQUENT OF PROGRESS. Cbnntres .are larger m Aura, but i :
Iron t stiffer from tootheche when a
the forests, who laid out the smiling One or tsvo figures Will farther :but are still ear ago- Tmbelde what "i +�ie a Ikea Gum well
of Dr. Low's Toothache
farms and prosperous towns and built up illustrate the development of the postal sub.3 a ; -eigyob ure lips or ti heekrywithout blister-
"Otherth happy homes which abound all over service The number of post offices in
5h0 -F a srtrr-..r1or.,tl)1E
Tho Rev. Francis Maliony (1e0.1.1l00)
was e native of Coyle anclwas acted for
scholarship muni conviviality. IIo was
educated at St. Aehcul, the college of
the Jesuits at Aiuieus, Among the Jes-
uits lie lived, as he said, in an atmosph-
ere of Latin and because a first Latin
801101ar. Ho studied afterwards atRolue,.
and baying taken priests Orders, he of-
ficiated at London and fit Cork. Iii 1884
110 became one of the writers of Fraser's
Mllgaziuo, contributing s series of papers
afterwards collected and pnplished ns
the "Relignos of Father Prout," His
characteristic qualities were his wit,
quaint sayings, general outbursts of
sentiment, reverence for religion among
all his convivialities and genuine good-
ness of heart, A critic has said of linin,
"Moliouy's fou is essentially Irish--
faneifiTl, playful, old, irregular ami
grotesque -0 veritable Irish potato,
seasoned with Attie salt," Iris best
known poem is "The Bells of Sllaudon,"
Tho late lI. W. t.\ Meer, Q. t"„ \vale
born at Heeparhey, Harm County, at.
May eleth, lalti, eabithra his ltareat.1 had
emigrated nag tan, lis feather wee a
native el' leeeseo , leteeeel:�abeneg, rias
mother \te a a\ k4 i17A�^ 11111 r 't the liaGa+ ,1031.1
Thor11t011, 1>r1a i nail mels rat IteaAaaltterge
Mr. Meyer T'cY�'.'t"1t'e`l`i ld,s <`4TiaCc'Td111r*'sa at Lite
P111)110 soheols, ii aet('1'i<le t,i�til'rattaaal
school, and by terivaatt t0ition tante. tht3
late Rev. W r.1:.),Y0ll, tilt lenAing
S011001 lie stin1tett 1 i\ar WW1 Iltaneilttili
and Toronto firms. In 1eate he was cal-
led to the Bar, and titmentellecd his pro-
fessiou in Seaforth. After praet-hang
there about eight years li teak a trip to
Den n:rk, Germany, Sweden Switzer` -
land and France, visiting a large circle
of relatives. On his return to Cauda
he opened a law office ill Wingham
where he acquired a large practice. Mr.
Meyer was married on the 8rd of Sept.,
1878, to Helen E., eldest daughter of
Hon. A. M. Ross, es -Treasurer of Ont-
ario. She died in 1887, leaving three
daughters. He has held many promin-
ent positions in the county, having been
councillor, deputy reeve, reeve and
mayor of Wingham. During his mayor-
alty we was the means of securing to
Wingham the Canadian Pacific Railway
and the manufacture of salt. He again
visited the land of his forefathers after
his wife's death, and while there .was
presented, among other valuable pres-
ents, with a cup, at one time the prop-
erty of Charles XII of Sweden. In re-
ligion he was an Episeopaliau, and in
BAPTIST C'1tt11tVl S loath services at
11 a lit Baur 7 lI 311. Sunday School at
2:30 p in. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W.
Freed, pastor. W, J. (''Itapinan, S. S.
Meenoins'r Cllxntoll-Sabbath services
at 11 a In and 7 p en, Sunday School at
2:30 p 10., Epworth League every Mon-
day evening. General prayer nieeting
on 'Weeinctelay oveititlgs, Rev. Richard
Hobbs, pa,4tor. ' Dr, Towle,, 5. S. Sup-
erilltende it.
PRESBYTERIAN (bloom—Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a Ill and 7 p an, Sunday
School at 2:80 p en. General prayer
meeting. all Wednesday ovonings. Rev.
1). Pomo, pastor soul S. S. Superinten-
Sr, PA,T�'L'S ClnTnc1I, ErIsc oi'Ax -Sab-
bath services at 11 a 3n and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2: two p 311. General prayer
meeting 011 Wednesday evening. Rev.
Wm. Lowe, inalulibont, F. Shore, S. S.
CoNU1tECi&T10Ne CIIHROIL - Sabbath
services at 11 a fit and 7 1311. Sunday
School at 2:80 1 ni. Gentled prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
3, W. Gallia, pastor. Gavin 'W ilsou, S.
S. Superintendent.
l e a' N (1A'ri10hl(t (111UTlt(11I ---• Every
Fouxtlt Sunday. 'Meath at 10:80 a in, Re: -
Men atitd benedietel rat 7 Il in. Rev, D.
P, ..elf lettnetaniu,1.1. P.
5.>.t,' nneva ;\Messy==St rviee at 7 sad 11
a an treat :l alai a p a) on Sunday, and
ovary peeping ttar'ilit; the week at 8
keeeiot`�. at the le ri;�eks.
311 the
._�, ev t
" � tt\ll ,
w, ` . taT`l�k<l.
L•`4tt,T 1x11 \\ .+
eel.i;�,teen. Italie \ 1etttti0 Street, oat Sunday
at is a)l0(1 ; 3ZIO 11;tt. '1`F .t1.. ('talltouno, in
el mace F
Poet t ). ).t l+=.1u Meetlouttld Block.
Unit's) ischia beam 8 a en to 0:30 pin.
1�t+ik+1.1.� uric', postmaster.
lelaatteent ' 1a rrrtera—Libra y and
flee reading rta0u2 in the Town Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
3;4.5 o'clock atntlevery evening from 7 to
9;80 o'el(tek. Miss Millie Robertson,
TOWN Oousc'IL—Wm. Clegg, Mayor;
Wm, Holmes, H. O. Bell. J. H. Chis-
llolm, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie,
Geo,. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and reasurer; Samuel
1ouhill, Assessor; �i. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board wee rst Monday even-
ing ill each month at 8 o'clock.
SCHOOL BOARD.—O. N: Griffin, (chair-
man), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Lee, J. J.
Homnth, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos,
Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyu, Miss Ironstone, Miss Matheson
and Miss Reid.
(chairman.), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health
e a om
this Province; and I think it fit that we operation in 1896 was 9,103; in 1899, { ' €T`ir erredA man's day
should remember the founders and 9420. The number of saving Hanks + with. Apt, bat. A h#e-
has ?
cherish the traditions, and do something
to preserve the old landmarks." Yet
grown from 755 to 838, and the number zt was a. year agr3..
of new accounts opened from 126,442 to
what is being done in this county of 142,141. The number of money- order viwp...e.
a..om'e everyone
is worth a fool's
according to his
Huron to permanently farther thislaud- offices bas grown from 1,310 to 1,779, stra.:
able object? and the amount of money trannufettelP; res a Dnp re:. Q a ■
by them from $13, 51,860, to$14, 7,�.r'%- f ipst sx F fE,re I lad ing V� (�
UNBOUNDED CONFIDENDE. The number a a ln_ ..awned ten-rag;�, , t ( s
Our continued increase in business is the malts has grown from 177,178,130 in
the best proof that we enjoy the nu- ,1896 to 228,0'2t 900 last year: Wiss"le; A Pre■tt■s+ Man Tssl3tlss to
'bounded confidence of the crticaipublic. ' /s' Care by Using Dr. Chase's Dint -
We dispense drugs an cores with d meth ' ith daring 1899 the Department carried the The Sat-ma:lay Globe of jure Zkel.. re v
EF3'I'aI1LISiIED 1872,
The Times Wilco, Beaver Block
advance,ii$1. Al iflilot so pai 1. $l.o pi,p annum iScu
dance. till all arrears are pn:d, except at the
option of the publisher.
AI)vt:ltTlslsa RATES. -' Legal m,d other
maul aul advertisem nts 8e per Nonpariel line for
first insertion, 8e per line for each subsequent
tperstline lfor;fi taicolumns ti,tand charged.
per line fon' each subsequent insertion.
Ativertisentents of Lost, Found, Strayed,
Farms for Sale or to Rent, and ximilnr, $1.00 for
first month told 50 cents for melt subsequent
Co' 1'RAe RATES—Tlkefollowing table slto',vs,
otu'ru0 i4 for the insertion of advertisements,
specified periods:-
eriods : --
xrACE. 1 rat. 0>1o. 8 ata, 1 Mo
One Column 100.00 $35.00 $15.00 $0.0
Iinlf Oolmm� 8.5.00 18.00 10.00 4.0
Quarter Column ...., 18.00 10.00 0.00 2.0
Advertisements without specific directions,
ingly. T3ansientlad ertisd emeents must bepaidd
for 111 ttdvitnee.
THE ,LO'i1 DEPARTMENT LS stocked with an
c �tenxive axsortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled ht the•
county for turning out first class work. Largo
Ow and appropriate outs for allstyles of Post-
ers, Hand BilLs, etc„ and the latest styles of
choice fancy typo for the finer classes of print-
Proprietor and Publisher„
Our malls 1,438,095 miles farther than they the following accexint of a at-easel:dation fad.
were ever carried in any previous year. to the Huxom..association by the Huron' ; 1i7ot a dzy pass* Vat many people
"I hope," added Mr. Mulock "it veil Iola Girls: The final arratgelnenta fare, TraszofrAT reeemrncnrdattons of Dr.
be gratifyingtohon,gentlemenopposite,tthevisitoftheIhtronOldBoys'Assoo. ' Chase's £tfxitz eat lrs an absolute cure
at any rate it will be gratifying to the l a anon io Goderich on Wednesday next i for eVer7 f4era tel' Piles'
cite-- Ise. Ta'cSt er aL re Lauri: rot
tax payers of Canada, to know that this wereicompleted at a meeting of the },. t"cmrp4st7r, gt hiezbs dost ][safe, Que"
increased service representing, probably'', members of the association bel in that writes:—F'Tete may last my name to
an increase of 25 per cent in additional Temple last evening. J. S. W4lsr.,,s3 pre- mtsift,. fa 6g1v tmr xrDr, s Chase's
post office facilities to the public, has sided, and an interesting feature o3 ilia'; t t' . azsy" azi'a8ic ha X ,. r4
been obtained, not with a. deficit of evening was the presentation to the as -r "'I was trot led for two years with
$800,000 a year as formerly but ata cost aociation by Mrs. H. idealsth upon: 'ilei that. efazt dfse&sar, , if;.ndfnx pl1s %, and
sf.`taz' t)sfafr ISs: Cilaea Ottltrritit, X
of $83,162.59 less than was used by the half of the lady members ofa handsome: eau say X am entirely rfd, of 1t it let
late government in performing the post banner, which will be carried at tifiei a teasers to alt metering from piles."
office service in 1896. head of the procession of Old Boys on Dr Gelage's 'wntm _ht fs rrarxniecd
tot >yoaliitveilr awe any Cas, 6t AItching,
THE MASSES REAP THE Baw1.Frr, their arrival at Goderich. The present- bfeedfla, co piles. 11 hilt
lane greatest possible accuracy
Toilet department is always fall of the
Newest preparations, and our stock of
perfumes is always the freshest and
of our people are now using Paine's
Celery Compound the great health re-
storer. No other medicine in the world
has such a record of cures to its credit.
It makes new, fresh blood, corrects
digestion, gives nervous energy and good
health. We urge you to use Paine's
Celery Compound if you feel unwell in
the hot weather.
Coate A. CAMPBELL, Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
We respect a man who respects him
I love that style which conceals a good
deal, and express too little rather than
toe much; but the hearer should feel
fiat this reticence is owing, not the po-
verty but to wealth of thoughts.—Morias
A Gloomy
*lade aright, and Health and Vigour He.
stored by the Use of Dr. Chase'e Nerve
Headache, backache, sleeplessness,
ilexpondeney, and irregularities are the
result of an exhausted condition of the
body and nervous System.
Ho treatment was ever so effleacloua
In restoring health, etrength, vigour,
and vitality as Dr. Chase's Nerve
.food, the great blood builder.
Mrs. J. M. I3radiey, 100 Jane street,
Ottawa, states:--" T'or several year% I
bane been gradually running down fn
health, I became nervous and weak,
and worried greatly over illy future.
" l3earing of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
..Grid the wonderful results it has ace
isompllshed in ethers, I obtained a box
and began uying it as directed. I bee
nista to improve immediately, t}nd ani
restored to full health anti vigour:
er. Chase's Nerve rood is an e,te
eat remedy, and 1 Can recomrnencl
all who are weak, nervous, or run
in health."
Ohase'rr Norm Peed, the warld.'1
est blood builder and nerve re.
tivty, 60 tents a box, at all (leala1
1Comanson Bates and Co., Tei'uiito.
It will be remembered that when the fatten was aceompenied by a warralle sever yet riot fait known t9 sten acrid est
worded address and a reference td the tat ale Mail rot :Cult Irf. )Fiera ca',
reduced postal rates were announced, it Tale Matti years Iiia.'lrase's (Stat-
proposed excursion were as fo
was objected by the Tories that the llo'tss—• t blot at'' al # tfi
*0 o' &Air alb-
wealthy business interests alone would
be benefited and that the masses of the
electorate would pay the cost. Upon
this point Mr. Mulock observed, "In
spite of what may be said to the con-
trary, these cheapened rates have
brought the post offices nearer to the
people of Canada, and not merely to the
bankers and the commercial men and
the men who write to China, Hong
Kong and Japan,—the masses of the
people have availed themselves of the
cheap rates, as can be found by the
returns in the Postmaster General's re-
port. Yon will find the same steady
growth in the rural post offices as in the
city offices. If it were only the wealthy
that were taking advantage of the extra
facilities now offered by the Post Office
Department, we would find anenormous
increase in the cities and we would
find an enormous decrease in the country.
That is not the ease.
Tho total revenues from the City bfilces
ie about one-third of the total revenues
of the Post Office Department, and the
increase keeps pace fairly between the
one and the other, so that from the
increase in the pity past dikes we can
make an estimate of what would be the
increase fn the rural districts. It is an
entire error for any Moll. gentleman to
assume that the reduced rates has net
been felly taken advantage of by the
"You go in peace, with gladhearta, joy-
ful faces, and eager extended hands to
meet the warm handelaspof thoeeawait-
ing you in the dear old home, and to
kindle anew the dying fires on the old
hearthstone. We go with you to share
your pleasures and the happy' greetinge.
of the 'Circular City' on Humes rugged
cliffs, by peaceful Maitland's winding
stream, where stately structures have re-
placed the primitive wigwams, annd.
waving corn -fields cover the once 'happy
hunting grotinds.' " The president re-
ceived the banner and a hearty vote of
thanks was tendered tho donors. The
ladies who had charge of the present-
ation were Mrs. Hugh MacMath, Mrs,
W. R. Miller, Mrs. J. P. Stewart, Mrs.
Mania*, Mrs. E. Ploody, Mrs, Eagle.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund the money on a twenty -fives
cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pitts,
if, after using three fourths of Content's
Of bottle, they do not relieve Oonstipa-
tion and Headache. Wo also warrant
that four bottles will permanently cure
the most Obstinate cases of Constipation.
Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng-
lish Pills are used.
A. A. Morrow, Choiuist and Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
0, A. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
A. Xi Hamilton, Chemist and Drug-
gist, Wingham, Ont.
solutes and guaranteed et1;rd for plies
end Hefting skin dfseaSes; ti) cents a
13 or, sit MI detsfelrs; or = anston,
Batas Ac Co., Toranrr..
Ds; Chase's Syrup of Misted rind
Turfientfne hast bar far Easy faigAst SOY
of ally remedy for Throat *inf Diff%
troubles. 212, dents 0, battier.
Two Coat
Two Pant
Capital. $2,000,000. Rest, $1,234,120
President—JOHN STUART.
Vice-President—A. G. Ramsay.
John Proctor, Geo. Roaoh, Wm. Gibson, M.P.I.
A. T. Wood, M. P., A. 13.Lee (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and
interest allowed.
Special Deposits also received at current
Drafts on Great Britain and the United'
States Bought and sold.
Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham -
buten and its Branches issue Circular Rates o
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
which can be cashed without charge or trou-
ble In any part of the world.
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Queen's Block.
Caveats and Trsde•Marlu obtained and all patent
i stiness conducted for MODERATE NM. My
coceis In the immediate vicinity of the PatentOffice
fid fits facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention with
desti,,ppt�(en and statement as to advantages claimed.
1.-If,,eharpeismade/Or anopinion asto
patentability,and as fee for prosecuting the
a a�tt tai/ no$ be called for Lentil the
patent,. atifneed. "Ixvattzotu Guraa." eon.
Wang it infarmatloa seat free. All Comnmit.
rattail Oval/fere' as tltrlctiy Confidential.
>i7+1/ 1 .cos$, w4.31RIIIOTOlf.Ittr. tc.
33_A-ZI -I R
General Banking Business transacted..
Money advanced to farmers and business men
on endorsed notes and collateral.
Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed
Moneys remitted by draft to all parts or
Canada and the United States.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable/ -
TP. KENNEDY, M. D.. M. C. P. S. O.
eJ • (Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. Speciate
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child'
ren. Ounce hours -1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m.
"Ali Dettlea 'rhos -;,t root"'
The wheel fitted with
Dunlop Tires gives ala
ti'ollble tb the deafer after
its- Sate..
'That is one reason why
dealers favor I'3unlop-tired
wheels, They know that
Dunlop Tires are the out..
ward sign of inward worth
its the building. of a bicycle.
',nthe only tools."
tis flattop Mfrs Co., MAO,
l entreat, Wimdpag, pt,:alai,
Anyone pending a sketch and description may
finlokty ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably pnatentebte. Communion.,
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
Mont free, Oldest a ever for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn h co. recused
special flotiee, without charge, in the
Scientific Rmeriran.
A handbomoly illnctrated weekly. Lsreept tin
eulation of am etionuan tearnnl. Terms, $3 a
reef tour months, $1. sod by nit newsdealern.
MUNN & Co,3etoroadway, New Y2rk
branch O;11oo. Gla L St..WVasl,Ir,ao t.1).i„
Centre Street
Lb •
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest -
rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort-
town and
Blocky property and?
Wingham, Ont.
Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Malley to loan..
Office—Meyer Block, Wingham.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royyat
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office -
over Post Office, Wingham.
Special attention to tors he o Dr. Ross.)
and regulation
of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all
work carefully and skilfully performed. Office.
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
Wingham, Ont.
for the County of Huron. Sales attended in
any part of the County. Charges moderate.
Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a,
All orders left at THE Trues ofilco promptly -
attended to. Terms reasonable.
SO S ,,,,;_,Cahn Caledonia, No. 49, meets:
e s ■ the first and third Monday in
every month, in the Oddfellows Hall. Visiting-
hrethree welcome. D. STEwAnx, Chief; H. B.
Elliott, Rho: See.
includingBooks, Pamphlets,. Posters, Bill;
Heads, Clreulars, &c., &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
13oosntNnTNa.—Wo aro pleased to announce
that any Books or Magazines left with u.s for
Binding, will )iavo our prompt attention,
Prices for inding In any style will be given on
aP111icntioti t0 THE TIMES OFFICE,
�7i TnAINs r iiAve vain
Palmerston 11.58 a.m.... H SSa.m.
London 0.110 a.m.... 8.25p.m.
Kineardine..11.10 a.m8.25 p•ni.... 8. pm.
Attniys Mom
Khlenrdine ,...OA9 akin8.1511.m.... 8.25 pan.
f,ondon 11.10 a.m.... 7.55 p.m.
Palmerston,2,45 8.88
J. II. aORD(>N,Agent, Wingham.
'1'nnihs r.sAVE sort
Toronto and East..., 0.5311.m 8.00 p.m,
Tee:awater 1.22 i) n1....10.':S' p.m,
Altltxvl: chars
Tceawaier.... 0.58 a,ni 8 p.m.
Toronto and Rest ...... 1.22 part ....10.48 II.lu,
J, PI. REIMER, Agent, Wingham,