HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-13, Page 5GORION'S
Men's White Shirts, heavy cotton, fine linen fronts, reg.
price 75e, Saturday 50c. ,
Men's Colored Shirts, two separate collars, worth $ i.00,.
Saturday 75c.
Men's 15c, 20C, 25C, Ties Saturday 2 for 25c.
Men's roc Cotton Socks, Saturday 4 pairs for 25c.
15 Per Cent. Discount ofd' all Parasols
sold on Saturday.
Ladies' Night Gowns from 5oc to $2,5o.
Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Hose, special, 2 pairs 25C.
100 -piece Dinner Set, reg. price $7,50,
Special, Saturday $5.95.
4oc English Jet Tea Pots Saturday 25.
5oc Bread and Cake Plates, Saturday 25c.
IX lbs, Baking Powder in a quart gem for 25C.
18 lbs. Granulated Sugar.
We pay 18c for Tub Butter and 13c for Eggs,
, Your money back if you want it.
G -C)13.)
The busy store at the busy corner.
Button Block.
Everything 1
Painting, alterations, improvements, finishing, cleaning,
renovating, all completed. We are now prepared to do busi-
ness in the very best stand in town. Our stockLof Jewelry is
new, up-to-date and decidedly of the finest kind. Our optical
goods comprise everything known to the science. Couple
that with thorough and skilful workmanship and you have the
strongest combination.
We are offering bargains in all kinds of Stoves.
What Wicleaawake Tines Correspondents Communicate -- Other
Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.
witoxi ri u, boy thought this a very fair chance to
Ve clip from the "Wroxeter Star the increase his store by bending to the deb -
following obituary notice of an cies and .tor at twenty,. thirty or forty per cent,
esteemed. resident of that village: 13y As the poor man could not afford this
the death of William Lawrie, which the fellow -feeling Inau passed by the
took place at his home here on July 8rd, other way." This gold Ivan, the speaker
Wroxeter loses one of its oldest citizens said, was au example of the width of
and a roan who has been prominent in ; same people. He was three or four
the affairs of the village for the past tunes as long as he ought to be, but as
thirty seven or eight years. narrow as a razor and just as sharp..
e from Simcoa Coniltyev5he p be ' As to the liehglit,:, he said the length
uty STieriff fot'sonic tfnio nd and width. were of no value if they had
sting experiences he co cl n0 height, or in other words our arnbi-
days in tions are very temporary aud fiat if they
A es, After have no tendency to elevate either our-
merchantile self or our neighbor.
r which he Miss Kate Robertson spent this week
d for twenty
e treasurer,
the present.
est in every-
dvautage of
assisted in
ary of which
years. De -
the late Dr.
xplorer, and
fug out to
ago. He
o died
e re-
We keep everything in the =tin line from a large milk can
to the smallest tin cup, and are selling milk cans and pans at
the old prices. Also a full stock of Graniteware always on.
hand. The best
i� Stoves
his ea
the pe
business f
kept a conve
odd years
which office he
He always took
thing for the W.
the village,
he eves if
ceased s
ate of
lofts in tho bac:ksvo
ormanco of hie d
e ho engaged i
some years
' noing o
c'•d as
up t
vely in
'0 and
' a Pubh
Tian for'
a cousin
tine. the African
s n in Scotland,
9 P.+untry very many e.
arried to Jean. Cli
tit two years ago. Ho
ai od aught
o has been aili
months from a complicati
often attended on those w
stained such an advanced age:.
a Congregationalist in religion
lug repress
ac ive part
I matters. He leaves three sons
and three daughters, Andrew, Petrolia;
Livingstone of British Coltuubbla, oWi1=
liam residing at Toronto; Mrs, R. Clark,
of Kansas; Mrs. R. Hodgson, of Wing -
ham and Miss Lawrie, of Wroxeter, .
ere who
►* declin3
• -
for some
of troubles
have at-
Bird Cages, Lamp Goods and House Furnishings.
Weclaim to do the` best . Eavetroughing work in the
Tenders on Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Roofing Metal
Ceilings, Siding etc., always acceptable.
Gasoline and Coal Oil at right prices. a:
Remember the Stone Store when you want anything in
our line. `
John Bugg &
did not
Astounded the Editor.
Editor S. A. Brown of Beuuetsville S.
C. was ouce immensely surprised.
iOThrough long suffering fromDyspepsia
he writes "my wife was greatly run
down. She had no strength or vigor
and suferecl great distress from her
stomach but she tried Electric Bitters
which.helped her et once and, after
using four bottles, she
is entirely
can eat anything.
it's a grand tonic
and its gentle laxative qualities aro
splendid for torpid lever." For Indiges=
tion' Loss of Appetite, Stomach and
Liver troubles it's a positive guaranteed
cure. Only 50e at Coliu A. Campbell'
drug store
:Opt the Boy
a watch. \\Te have something expressly for hits fresh from
the New Haven Works, , The price will suit you,' the watch
will suit the boy. The price is $1.75. The watchis. a good
looker, and a good time-keeper—the biggest thing for the
money—convenient size, neat appearance,- made of good ma-
terial° and well set together. Don't confound it with the cheap
watchesy ou have seen, for it is one in a thousand, Absolutely
the best ever offered for the money", Wehave also watches of.
the highest grade, and at all prices.
Stone Block, next Door to Clegg's Hardware. -
Slater Shoe Catalogue
Send your name and address en a postal,
or call and get the eery 44 -page catalogue
" Characteristics."
Gives the latest shapes and styles in
"Slater Shoes," illustrates them 111 all their
varieties, tells of the leathers in their make-
up, full 'of wholesome advice on shoes
and kat.
Ily its means you carr order shoes by
snail 011(1 get the exact size, width, shape,
color and leather you want,
"Slater Slroes" are made in 12 shapes, '6 widths, sizes and
half sizes, reliable leathers—anal fashionable colors.
Every pair Goodyear welted, bearing the trade shark, name
and thrice of makers stamped on the sole in a slate frame.
Far Sala Only by W. J. GREEK.
7'.AST acA�Vdl�OS1.
Rev. S. M. Whaley, of St. Helens
preached an excellent and very instruc-
tive sernbn in Calvin church on Sun-
day evening last, choosing as his text
the twenty-first- chapter of Revelations
at the sixteenth verse, the words of
which are "The length, the width and
the height of it are equal." He applied
these :words .spirituatlly; to-ivarii as his
"personal influence," his "fellow feel-
ing" =dills. "attitude towards :God."
As an example o£ man's "length," he
told the following ineidebt which illus-
trated it very nicely;'4gW0 moil were
conversing o,i their future, occupations
when one said he be a :drai:k-
digger as he• thought he was best fitted
and could inosi: successfully follow this
line of. work for the' good of his fellow.
beingsas he would Strain their l tfld and.
yield. a,c
other acrobat said that lie Would be a
minister, wearing fineclothes, all the'
time, visiting ',three parts,- of the time,
doing very little the rest of the tine and
ingeneralhaving a'snap'. "'
The latter lee said was an example of
the length of m011 • only, while' the, 1fcr-
suer included his , width as well as, .
length. In explaining .the "Width" of
Men he Said, "A. certain person was.
about to lie pi shecl.by- his ereditors for
a sum of money and Whiles in-this.strait
of difficulty, his neighbor from the
Klondylie. was 'passing, eehibiting his
bags filled` With gold. - 1.1 the deb
Visiting on the 8th and 10th.
Miss Annie and Alex. Ring spent Sun-
day in Whitechurch.
Mrs, J. Hemy, who bas been visiting
friends in Guelph for the past number
of weeks,' returned to her home last
week. .
Rev. Mr. Dunn, of Whitechurch will
preach in, Calvin church at T.3Q .Sunday
evening, "
Miss Julia and Albert Taylor, of
Westfield spent Sunday on the 10th:
Miss Beatrice and Miss Fanny Robert-
son are spending a few weeks with their
grand parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Alex,
Morton, of the 6th, prior to their depar-
ture for Manitoba.
Messrs., Taylor aiid Westbrook, who
have had their saw mill located at Mar -
nock for the past niunber of mouths,
have completed their work for the
summer and aro moving out of the
Mrs. Thomas Jamieson spent the past
two weeks with her, slaughter, Mrs. Jas.
Gaunt at St. Helens. .-
' Miss Millie Robertson, of Wingham
'spent: Sunday with friends at Marnoch,
William Deacon intends raising his
ne am next Monday or Tuesday.
e are pleased to hear that Mrs. John
Campbell, of Wingham, who has been
very ill since last fall is improving nicely
and hope she will soon be able to take
her trip to Nova Scotia, wher . e in-
tends going for the summer.
We notice in last week's paper that
Mi. D. Stapleton and Miss Mable Bruce
wee married by Mr. Freed at his home
on Wednesday. of last week. This was
rather a surprise:
Oompauy," Rev. W. J. West M. A:', and
Mrs. West, Mrs, and 1 iss Collie, Mt.
and Mrs. Prank 13. Seott, of Bluevale,
AO. Reeve and Mrs. Isbister, Morris.
Mr. Isbister and Mrs. Scott are brother
and sister and natives of Orkney. iie-
iniuiniscent and congratulatory spcoohes
were made by Rev. W. J. West, Mr.
Robert Currie,Iieevo Isbister and others.
A. very nice, cosy, chatty time was spent
with the old couple talking over old
times, old places and olcl people. The
Spence oonneetions are well .informed
about the quaint lore, naives auclliistory
of the very interesting little Orkney Is-
The Spouses lived in Australia
for a time, but in two Tease, Mrs,.
Spenoe's health failing, they returned on
the advice of her physieian, to breathe
ageiai the air of the Orkneys. Mr.
Spence commenced farming on his re-
turn, but, as the land belonged to gentle-
men's estates, he could get but a small
portion so he resolved to Como to Om-
aha which ho already knew a great deal
about from a previous visit. Thirty
years agoo himself and family settled on
the farm in Morris which. they now
occupy, Before going to Australia Mr.
Spence was a ship's carpenter and in
that capacity visited many lands, spent
a 'winter and a summer in Cuba, the
ports and towns of which he knows well,
re -elided Cape Horn several times and
made the circle of the world three times.
Now, after all these runnings to and fro
ho is spending the autumn of his life ou
hie farm on the first line of Morris,which
he says he prefers to any other place.
We are sure the whole community wish
our highly respected neighbors, Mr. and
Mrs. Spence, many more years of tran-
quilly happy life:
It Girdles the Globe.
The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
as the best in the world extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer of
Cuts, Corns, . Blume, Burns, Bruises,
Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, relous,
Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions.
Only infallible Pile cure. 250 a box at
Colin A. Campbell's drug store.
Annie Rutherford of Toronto. atm vi
ing their another, Mrs, Rutherford.
hbsence Be•s. D. ,oers at
IfinoaIntrdeianaa, Rev, Nof . ". Iinn°rRtbs't, a r �
tired minister, proae:sod tothe i3lu,rvaa:e
oraugezuon, in the Methodist church
church last Sabbath.
A gang of men arrived in tlia village
on Saturday to continence ptz`ring up
the telephone hue to connect Wroxeter
with us. Wroiteter feralishes..ail the ..
Mr, ladward Bosnian, of Morris, is re-
ported to have rented his farma to Mr.
Walter 1tavicson,: of B,aiuore, and will
live retired in Wiughaatn,
Miss Polly apd Louis Duff visited
Mrs. Alexander, of Listowel, the first of,
the week.
J. N, Bendall is sti'.l selling o,f his
hares. His orders all conga froin the
States. Ile has a largo number of ;lams
and as lie gets over seven dollars. apiece
f lain there is maney in Lila basiriess,
.Ifi i �Y1n b star r
cavo of M a .,, and (Feiss
Isbister spent Sundae with teeir daugist-
er; Mrs, Chas. Garnier. 11 'ss Nina
Isbister also visited there issIabistor
resigned her school at =cries.
where silo ha:, been toadies- " • , ,
time,and intones genie to 'To; .
'When leaving, her pup.l.i pr..•., ,, .
with a gold ring. Mi.;S Liii.i leeleter,
who taught near Bl,ytli, will also attend
the Normal.
A7r. Georne Ca$omore au4 1115 sJn Mr.
R. G. Casemoxe, arehome freni Mich-
igan, where they fled a most enjoyable
Mr: Will McCully and bride were call-
ing on Bluevale friends this week,
Mrs. John Burgess, Walter and Nellie
Burgess and Miss Mabel Oliver attend-
ed tho wedding in Brussels, of Miss
Lizzie Richardson to. William McGauuley
of Blind River, Algona.
Rey. D, Roe ars took part in the cer-
emonies attending the laying of the cor
ver stone of the nosy Methodist church
at Tiverton, on Tuesday.
Soon raspberry rieking and flax pul-
Mrs. Beau of La Riviere, Manitoba, .
who visited Mrs. Bailey sex erai days,
left here on Tuesday morning for other
places which she will visit,,,
` The Huron Expositor says of Frank B.
Scott, au esteemed citizen of Bluevale:
"Mr. Soott is one of the oldesi and most
highly respected residents and business -
men of Bluevale and secins to wear
well." The Seaforth Sun says: "Frank
is oue of the substantial rocks of. Blue -
vale and a native born Seaforthite."
The St. Thomas. Journal speaks this
of si young man well known in Bluevale.
"Mr. and M. W.J. M •Cully' of Lau-
don, aro spending afew..lays in the city
with Ald. and Mrs. McC,ally,on tlid,i
wedding trip. Mr. McCully, wvhi- .is a '^
nephew of A1d, McCully 's,,was married .
in Stratford on. Tuesday . to Miss
Marguerite McEwen, daughter of Mrs. ,
Jane McEwen . of '.7,,.rsvnie township.
Mr. McCully was formerly. in charge of
the Falstaff Creamery in Stratford,
owned by Mr. R. M. Ballantyne. and is
now traveller.. far . the seed house of
Messrs. Darch & Hunter, London. .
- A Thousand Tongues .
Could not express therapture of Annie
E. Springer of Philadelphia Pa.,w.hen.
Dr. King,sNew Discovery cured her of a
hashing tough that for many years had
been a. burden: • She says "After all
other remedies and doctors failed, . it
it soon removed the pain iu my chest
and I can now sleep soundly suinethiiag -
I can scarcely remember doing before.
I feel like sounding its praises through-
out the Universe,"? -Dr. King' New
Discovery. is• guaranteed to cu -es all
troubles of the Throat' Chest or Longs.
Price 500 and$1.00. Triral battles free
a Colin A. Campbell's drug store. ' • ' -
• Lord's Day Alliance.—A meeting in
the interests of the Alliance was held in,
the Presbyterian church on Wednesday
evening of last week. Rev, D. Rogers.
the Methodist minister, and Rev. W. J.
West, M. A., addressed the meeting.
The addresses given interested all who
were present. The object of the meet -
leg was to gain as many- members as
possible to join the Wingliam branch.
A few joined aud more aro expected.
Mr. A. McEwen was elected Secretary -
Treasurer and will make a canvas of the
village. Similar meetings will bo held
in. Belgrave and Whitechurch.. The
object of the alliance is to preserve our
Sabbath as a day for the cultivation. of
our spiritual natures and. for rest. To
arouse interest in the matter requires the
distribution of information which cannot
be done withoutmouey. 1VIoney is want-
ed but perhaps not vuite as much as
Members.. Tho speakers raid that in
this district we know nothing of Sabbath
desecration but in border towns work
and pleasure try to rule on that 'day.
The quiet of the Sabbath is a great bles-
sing, leaving the spiritualaspect aside,
which is well looked after by the min-
isters. What shall we eat, what shall
we drink and wherewithal shall we be
clothed occupies so completely the mind
and body and time of a family during
the week that they are sonietinies, if
away many evenings, Iibt very swell ac-
quainted with each other. But on Sun-
day they get time to tali to' each' other
other and feel'like a family again, be-
sides'liaving a little while for quiet
thinking, If work and holiday trips
fill up the Sabbath the man with the hoe
as described by Edwin Markham, will
rapidly increase and workingpeople will
more than ever be mere human machines
Let hien then refuse to have "upon his
back the burden of the world" for that
day and use it for the, rest • of his body
and the good of his brain,and soul.. We
should not however observe the Sabbath
because we may, not prosper if we don't.
Find out if it' is right, if it is, then ob
Serve it whether you,prosperor not. Ob-
serving it for fear of the consequences is
not religion but superstition, and is like
teaching a child to be honest, because it
is the best. policy. .
About a baker's dozen of Bluevalites
Golden Wedding—Mr. and Mrs Mag-
nus Spence, of Monis, -invited (about
forty of their relatives . and. -friends to
their residence on Tuesday, July 8rd, to
join in thecelebrating•of the fiftieth an
niversaiy of their -'wedding. - Mr. avid
Mrs. Scott are natives of Orkney, Scot-
land. They
cot-rand.:.They were born! on the _main
island,..Pouiona, (which, by .the way,
was the •ensue of the: Goddess • of Fruite)
in the parish of Birsay„ Orkney Island -
ors always named .their homes, 50' Mrs:
Mrs. Spence. was ,formerly: Miss Mary
Spence of .;?<ittudlaud, and Mr: Spence
belonged to the Silences . of - Seater: Al-
though, their names were the same they
were not related. A11 their -living descend-
ants were.present at the golden wedding
Mrs. A. McEwen,; wife of the principal
of Bluevale, School; . Mrs. Henderson,
widow of the late James Henderson, of
] eIgriw ud John Spence are the child -
son. e . two: latter reside at hone.
Mrs. A. McEwen, s five children and Mr,
John Spence's daughter Annie make up
the:nnmbei' of the grandchildren. MiSS
Annie, the eldest of the Spence family,
died some eight years ago. At the gold-
en wedding there were present of those -
tor was in very sore need of the where- ` whohad,witnessed the first wedding in
with -all to meet his donands,�the gold Orkeny: Mrs. Robert Currie, East
Wawanosb; Mrs. Currie, widow of the
late John Currie, Wawai,osh; William
Liuklater,Wawanosll r Mrs, Cook, Brant-
ford ;
rant -ford; Peter Linklater, Wiiighaan tuicl
Andrew Linklater, Clifford, all relatives.
As one of the guests remarked to invi-
tation to a wedding in Orkney long ago
was worthsoinetliingy for it always last-
ed more than one day and sometimes
several days. Of comae they had a
wedding cake at thertutiv0rsaryantl the
tables wore decorated with beautiful
pink roses. ,The guests incltided Mass
Mary ' 'orsten, a Telco ef Mrs. Spenco's
who has been a nteinbcr of their house.
holds for a number of years;. Mr, A. Me-
ilsven, Mr. Adam Spence and daughter
Mary, of Brantfoi (1, Mr. and Mrs, And-
rew Linklater, of Clifford, Mr, and firs.
Win, Liuhlato", of Wawa,hoslr, Bila and
has taught us how to make the
best Emulsion in the world;
Experience has proved that
this Emulsion is worthy :of
entire confidence. There
are many . imitations of
and .all kinds of substitutes, for it;
but none equal it: if your doctor
recommends you to take Cod -Liver
Oil, tm. you know yourself that, you
need, it, get SCOTT'S EMULSION ;
it is the best Cod -Liver Oil in the
best fords.
Ifwehad your address wewouldl send
You 11 sample and 'aa pamphlet 'ening
Mere about it.
Vele ¢x.oa, lak"Igiate
scot -r & IiowN}:, ►reroute,
event to Goderich on the Huron Cid
Boy's day.
Miss Maggio dasomore visited at Bel -
grave last week.
Miss MaryHerrington formerly of
lkt ss g y .
Morris,. died at her home near Dungan-
non on Monday of last week Miss Her-
rington was esteemed by all wlio -know
The . attendance at the Presbyterian
picnic on Friday last was the smallest
towing the extreme heat and the
yet, to
btisy haying time, brit ell those who did The frieuila of G o `fetich Collegiate
go had a Very nice, quiet restful after- institute will learn with doep regret of
neon. Down by the river side on Mr, the resignation of Miss Charles, t3, A„
Andrew Gray's flats is an ideal place for from her position as mas':.'r. i i .modern.
a picnic and was the :coolest spot to go laugtiag,s,
to on that very hot e,fternosn.
Miss Annie Martin and Jessie Robert-
son, of Wroxeter, wheeled over to the
picnic on. friday last. -Ot to (Bea"
Miss Laura Iters of Witigham, visited 1
Miss Cora Messer lust weal:, I rid is the question that concerns every
Mr, John Menzies, of Molesworth, mortal: <whdher ff is befter fo be' tiatf rtl,
Worked in the cheese factory a few days nera'bus, taws out, or to be troth, strong,
la.week., cheerful and useful. rhe latfer condition
WJSTF zree. -
Geo. E: - Wightman and daughter
Myrtle of Essex town are .spending
the summer vaeatfoii with relatives in
Nearly all of Westleld turned out to,
see the Enron 01d Eoy's Celebration in
Godericlr on. July4th. .
Miss'Annie Rsdmond spent last Mon-.
day and Tuesday with her friends in
The members of Westfield tpworth
League intend holding a pardon party
on the lawn of Ed• McDowell Thursday -
evening of next week. Refreshments.
will be served and a geoi programme ie
being prepared. No one should miss.
this treat.
at ' quill be yours if you take asod's S.rsapa-
Johni G'oriltes has Moon on the si 1. tiller .America's Greatest Blood 1Caledicine,
list. there is nothing equal to it.
Mr, Wm. L. Fraser, Morris, lead a After a 'Cold --"x was completely
heifer killed. by lightirzig last Priclay ran d& l 6y a act, my sort persuaded
nigh t.
me to take Hood's Sarsaparitta. and after
Mr. Oolisi Caret b011, of Winghdtin and rattles 1 found 1 alias
p the use bf spree bf
Mrs. Peter Linklater and l4!iss 1Vettie, of his '.xt ai~ hiss Campbell, ef Galt, visit- 1 getting an appetite, 'Oen 1' had Nen
Wiiaglunn, air, and Mrs. Robert Currie, , e,1 their cousin, Mrs. W. J. West, 'fart three bottles 1 gages cured," 1. P Verriot,
of 1sast W'awrrnosh, Mrs. 'Young, o£' wools, three
, fly Chainplaln Strut, lVlanfreal, Watt.
i inghaihh, widow of the late William Mr. 'v"tillItogerstvlrohas lseess teach• ,�.
` smug, of Colborne, whose portrait is ing near Orillia, is home for the lion -1
enntainedl in the Liars' "Over the' days.
Itnrcn Tract in the Days of the 'Caudal Mrs• Iliekle, of l rdilbbo1, and Mis . '
I ✓ x4 d
•lei 0 Vet' DrirSAiign,r„e117s