HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-13, Page 2A ofoilex Will buy a lot of necessities but f.. w p:etwurxta, .1 firnart sayings nearly always e ntaiu poison. Your be friend t'.i the one whom you Nofaaip about all others. When a flan appears with a new clothes all his friends try to be foully. A ru3u. nerer stammers or hesitates over what to sty next when he is talking about his grievances. There is no denying there is a sigh of relief when the guest who frowns down all attempts at gossip put on his hrt and leaves. Tho men attending political conveutious will soon be returning home to call their wives "gads" for attending church soeiaties meetings next door. s sl reiOryfo' TEE WtNGITAM TIMES, JI'LY 13, WOO WLNGHAM DISTRICT. Tomato, who is putting in s )lee L•tlli ;ay here, was atxtueing himself' on the ra �.t movement is ea foot in Kincardine which serves as a ferry betwee t ti to abolish the Model School, Siek Hca^i<:ehesaxo eared by Mills: s Granules :1.t Colin A. Caxnpl e11'F. " Mrs. Brown, the first white woman in Clifford raised. tl.e school flag at. the Demonstration there on July 2zid. ..Vies Laura Peuuiugtou, "Hello girl" in Goderich was presented with a purse of gold prior to ler denarture for Chi 'ago. -C' Tiller lti s ompot;tzlcl Iron fills, only 25 cents for 50 doses. At Colin A. Camp- bell's. The High Schede of B,ucc county receive from the county conucil the fol- Iowing grants: Kincardine re(178.07, Port Elgin 4112.02, Wiar"tot $201.12, Walker- ton $457.24. As Harristou high school beard, is° in _ a bad ..tags financially" the board have decided to reduce the stuff to three ra eee A �c•.:11. a_i never forgets lice ser. :her teachers. They will eciv ertiso for would .other tui,. with a man than iii teachcis. angel any day— Oliver Wendell Holulee. t At a meeting, of the Har:istou High _a_ _ School Board G. K. Mills, M. A., of •tratfordaewas ehesett as; principal in place of Tames MCMurehy, resigned, at a salary of $1050.. E if you don't feel quite well try a bot - le r , flood's Sarsaparilla. It is a woad- ' rad tcanic and invigorator. It will 1..411; d1... Ft.:,.1 r 1%r :at:, 1-augside, while fixing „ ,,y..ati in a straw sited the scaffold he was standing ou gave way, letting hint fit11 a distance of twenty-five feet and giving him quite a, severe shacking up. The sheriff has suspende3 Turnkey insist, Walkertolx, and Jake Wagner :las been appointtii to fill the position for the time being. There has been trouble between the jailer and the turn- key. Thos. Later, a Lisowel blacksmith, formerly a private in the St. Sylvester Independents Co. of 55th Butt., Quebec has become the deservedly proud poss- essor of a medal for services during the Fenian raid of 66. - James Hood, Hariston met with an unfortunate accident at George Gray's planing mill. His right hand came into contact with the knives of the shaper and several fingers severely lascerated. He will be laid off for sone time. On a recent. Sunday evening some young men and girls while returning from the E. L. at. Mayne, in Howick, commenced racing their horses with the result that the rig was .run into the ditch and a young lady had her arm broken. As Don. McKay was taking a large belt off a pulley in W. R. Thompson's saw mill, Teeswater, his foot slipped and he was thrown against the pulley sustaining severe bruises on the fore- head, breast and right leg, though for- tunately ng bones were troken. Mr. and Mrs. James Blackbrough and baby, of AnconaMontana are at pre- sent making a le thy visit with rela- tives and frien in Blyth vicinity. Their many old friends are glad to greet them again and see thein looking so well after aseabsence of over four years.. 4 Hiram Lilly, working on the farm of ` Jacob Wright, Huron township, dropped. dead. He was driving a team of horses with a load to the field, and accidently upset, and after rxiug the harness on the horses after getting them up, was seen to fall and never afterwards spoke. He had been ailing for some time. The meeting of the Huron Old Boys at Goderich, July 4th, was eminently successful. J. S.', Willison, president of the association, editor of the Toronto Globe, in reply to` an address of welcome from Mayor Wilson, made a splendid spsech—a speech worthy of a Huron boy. 9 Word has been received in Harriston of the death by accident . of Samuel Armstrong at Wigawa Siding, B. C. Deceased was a brakeman and falling off a car was run over, both legs being severed. He was taken to a hospital but died in ten minutes. The body will be conveyed to Harriston for interment. On July 3rd, Alexander Patterson, of Harris' ton, received the sad intelligence that bis son, Alexander Pattersom, ,Tr., had been shot and killed in California. terms. tS:a meagre partieulara at arra it appwees tisk tat &teased in Wear* * to 9Mtretre. suss witfereefl On got lie: weft, ter`..) aisft 6141%01'4 si heel teak taw Irl:"1.t tii,ot iste wise sfoot old itor e !'A.' 11$9 t;t14 trip fake bawl, W.. j I? 'tfooi. Tem fte Ilei vsy tXvro iViet except goto Orae l' 1'.. 0* Wal4e si yOtteg main, unar r;e4 owl ltlenee itt The Weet some doZen Team George Kerr wire retur ed home from Manitoba in the last, stages of conslimp• tion died on Tne:sda- at the residence of Thos. McDonald, in Kinloss, on the boundary just east of Lucknow. Mr, Kerr, who was 87 years of age, was born and raised to nnttnhood on the farm on which lie died and on coining back to Lucknow he expressed a wish to spend the few remaining days of his life on the old place, that had been for So many years the home ,of his father and rri E Genuine C;trter. Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac -Smile Wraprcr relow. Very email and as easy to 'take as Flip HEADACHE._ Pali 131ZZ ESS. FCR BILIOUSNESS. FUN TORPID LiVER. FC CONSTIPATION. FO$ SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION CARTEFS L.TTLE IV PI LLS.Ei 144 112=414==7".;44‘06 �.» CURE SICK HEADACHE. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just what every weak, nervous, run-down woman needs to mak$ her strong and well. They cure those feelings of smothering and sinking that come on at times, make the heart beat strong and regular, give sweet, refreshing sleep and banish head- aches and nervousness. They infuse new life and energy into &spirited, health -shat- tered women, who have come to think there is no cure for them. Read the words of encouragement in this letter from Mrs. Thos. Sommars, Clif- ton, New London, " Last fall I was in •a very serious con- dition suffering from nervousness and weakness, I got so bad, at last that I could hardly move .round, and despaired of ever getting well. Seeing Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills highly recommended for such conditions I purchased a box. "Before I had taken half of it I could notice an improvement in my condition and When 1 had used two ',boxes I was com- pletely cured. ; "!t was wonderful haw these pills took away that dreadful feeling of nervousness and gave ma strength. "I recommended them to my neigh- bor who was troubled with nervousness, and they cured her, too. lWeall think there is nothing equal to Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.' COULDN'T LACE IIIS BOOTS. Mr. P. L. Campbell, of Fortune Bridge, P. E. t., a great sufferer from pain in the back. boon's Kidney Pills completeiy and permanently cured him. Mr. P. L. Campbell, the well-known gen- eral merchant of Fortune Bridge, was troubled with severe pains in his back and hips far over two years, At length he became aware of the fact that backache wag simply a symptom of tcidney trouble and did not hesitate long in Dosn's Kidney Pills, and was end permanently cured. • stneetiteut r "1 was in an -•Pars with pains in my mornings these --uldte't stoop Doan s poly Loarern and T.uafiug. ft ; Thele is more Ytept of a tlr utl;arcl le than of a 104,7 mall. Drt*ttlteuncct, wharf and the island. Clare Itappene e are lot2, of 1 marrow. Ther ars tam gets 11tko the m . n1. ng idle, useless fellows who tllalak (rod o they are not as the poor drunkard, but 1, are really a thousandfold more the it children of the Devil than the worst old a1. soak that hiccups his way home at midnight, and a thousandfold more, in many cases, the enemy of society than the unfortunate who happens to have lost control of his appftite. The loss to step on some, rotten limier and tat led over into. the water. The you McGillicuddy promptly sized n) th situation and jumped. fit, clothes and al after the younger boy, whole be brongl to a plaee of safety.--Godericlt Sign A well known resident of Goderieh the person of S.P. Halls, B.A., principa of the Godericli. Model School crosso the river on Wednesday June 27th afte an illness of a tamath's duration. Th deceased gentlexnajo lead not been iu the best of health for sOveral months. Mr. Arthur Byrn's, Rock Hill, Out., writes: "I was lair. up with stiff joints for about four yeara, and could get no relief until I used tree bottles of Hag - yard's Yellow Oil which oared me." Price 25 cants, Ott Thursday, Jtine 23th, D. Ferga- son, Teeswater mussed his watch that had been Ieft in the pocket of his vest which was hauging u Itis Mee, Sus- pecting that two lads named Thos. Brody and Thos.. Smith, whose homes are on the ipth con., Culross, knew s.nnething about the missing time -piece he and constable Farquharson drove out and wero successful in securing the watch and a new knife which had also been taken from Mir. Ferguson's store. Next day the two lads wero brought before Messrs.- McLea}i and Brink, J. P's, The younger lad, Smith, owned up to taking the articles at the instigation of Brody. Smith was fined $1.00 and costs and Brody $5.00 air costs. Sunday morninQ1" July lst, the hard- ware store of Davis & Rowland, Clin- ton, wasburglaiized, and a large amount of cutlery carried off. They climbed up to the office window at the rear of the store, and Bushed the shutters open far enough to get their'ahand iu, loosen the fastener, so that thA shutters could go wide open, thus making the entrance quite easy. After, they had got all the knives and razors they wanted, they ad- journed to the back door of the gent's furnishings establishment of Holloway & Morrish. Mrs. William Moore, who lives close by, was a`sakened about 8 a. m. by the continued brking and growl- ing of their little dog, • nd it is supposed they heard the noise . d decamped for no further attempt was made upon the store to gain an entra4ce. He was 'struck wit,h paralysis, the stroke affected one side of his body and the brain, and from t at day until the call came his men 1 powers never returned. The late b M. Halls was ex- ceedingly active for his age for in add- ition -Jo his duties as Model School master 'he .had financial work in 'con- nection with the I�brth street Methodist church, was secretary of the recently established Mining Co., secy. of Public Library, and was interested in other public concerns. His activity caused him to take deep interest in all matters put in his charge, aid his well known form would be seen tit all business meet- ings of local iudust 'al estabilished in which he had ti interest. The deceased always stoo+yl up for the town hence he was- sharohoer` in. several of the recently- started, ublit• companies. Some 24 years since the late Mr. Halls came to Gioderieh to t4ke'.a class in the - High School a positionnhe held till five years ago when he signed. A few weeks afterwards he/, was appointed Model School principal` a, position he held at death. 1.l o Model School master in Ontariopassed a greeter per tentage of passes at the Entrance exams the past five years, than did the lean who -amid his duties could find tine to write for and obtain his M. A. filigree. Before doming to the county '.town deceased taught for 15 years in the township of Usborne, most of which -time he was the efficient clerk of the unicipality. The raising of an old 1'me log cabin at Port Elgin on Pioneer fray must have been an interesting event. The Port Elgin.,Times says: The "corner men" were Walter Gowanlock, P. McTavish, Dugald McLean and Alex. Elves, repre- senting four townships; they had the assistance of seores of old "corner men" who were present and who were only too anxious to lay a log and try their bands on what will likely be the last shanty they shall ever help to raise. For the ' shanty itself Dugald Snaith, {himself the son of Peter Smith, one of Ssttfgeen'a earliest settlers furnished the Ririe corner stones. James Gowanlock, Waiter Gowanlock, George S. Bell, Study McLean and Alex. Elves brought %Weiss, bulls and handspikes. Daniel tnmpbcllhad the eontract of supplying the cedar logs but donated the door with wooden hinges and also the elan bark which covered the building. James Muir gave the window sash, James Ilendry was foreman of the chinking gang and Daniel Baker had oversight of the plastering which was done with 'wooden trowels made for the occasion. The shanty was pretty well finished by two o'clock and looked. rather bare and. unhospitable till John McPhee made a settler's table in original style and served the first tea to callers who proved rather numerous for the host and his assistant, Jas. Muir. d1' in�..st, is only Iles': Coop, but laziness 111 1 d r` e sustained by society hrough the nu- p:o;luetiveuess of the a, my of snufflers who never do a days Honest work iu a year is infinitely beyonccthe whisky bill that is paraded by temperance people as uluess of the oesn't need to friends. Deceased alis the last of a family of seven childten that have died from consumption. One morning recen y Clare, the little sou of Ed. Swarts, lies playing on the trl,arf near the east end of the harbor, while young nomad 'McGillicuddy, of Li I ilnct with 9EIeadaelie. "I was so bac., with headache that I cottld hardly see. I could get nothir•g to heap me until I tried Milburnn's Ster- ling Headache Powders, and they quick- ly cured nie." Joseph flfurphy, b inerald, P. I':, I. a monument of the a` liquor traffic. A man stand around the corners3witli a quid of t-bacco in his cheek, or hang around a saloon for a free. Vide to be a loafer. There are loafers who sit in cushioned pews on Sunday and bask in the sunshine of well -furnished homes. This is no fling at capitalists, understand. The man who, whether,' he be running a store, conducting a factory, or engaged in any other lawful cu4erprise, does nc t give to it the time ',it requires, is a loafer. If there wero rot so many loaf- ers in business, there ,•would bo fewer failures and more honAsty. The man who does not give the proper time to the pushing of auy enterpr1:10 he has inhaud is a loafer, whether he be employed or employer, , A man owes it to the world to occupy his time Honestly, and we would like to know the difference be- tween the one who robs his employer by loitering and the Finan who robs his creditors by inattentiou to business. though that inattention be the result of attending meet.ngs?for the spreading of the Gospel in Afzica or for the sup- pression of vice in the town where he resides. "Delays are Dangerous." A small pimple oii yourface may seem of little cc.asequence, but it shows your blood is impure, aiid imprre blood is what causes most cf the diseases from which people suffer. Better heed the warning given by the pimple and purify your blood at once by taFeag Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tbis Meca.Vnc cures all diseases due to bad blood, including scrofula and salt rheum. The non -irritating cathartic—Hood's Pills. Ba^ber Feiss. In the olden days lit a-bers were sur - genus as well as hair cutte:s, and one of their chief occupations was that of blood- letting, a means of euro Much indulged in by the good folks of a centuey or two ago. In this operation the patient grasp- ed a small pole for the puepose of mak- ing his arms tense, iii order that the in- cision in the arm might be more effect- ive. When this pole was not iu use it was set up in the window, entwined with a fresh bandage of cloth to be used for wrappipg about the .arm after the next operation. This se ved the purpose of a sign to the public; d after a while, in- stead of using the a tual pole and band- age for advertising 's business, the bar- ber contented hims with a represent- ation of themby pu 'nee up at his. door area pole.encireled itli.a. spiral• stripe, of white paint and s ounted with the design of a basic. — Ladies' Home Journal. Childreniery for CASTQR IA. We are slaves to a slcret as t noir as it is published, instead If a' secret being our slave as long as' w; keep it conceal- ed. The-bl}ild who plays lonely games has a horror 'of being laughed at or ques- tioned.—Kiphiug. There is a stone thei`'e, whoever kisses. Ohl he never misses to grow eloquent; 'Tis he may climb to a lady's chamber, Or become a mimber of sweet Parlis- ment; A clever spouter he'llshure tura out, or An out out and outer io be let alone; 1)ru't hole to hinder h , or to bewilder him, Sure he's a pilgrim f1 in the Blarney - stone. A witty judge out in opeka the other day was deliverin au address on law and lawyers. - illustrated the law's delays as follow;"if I were to give you an orange" i$o said, I would simply say, 'I give you '.,the orange' but should. the transaction lie entrusted to a lawyer to put ii1 wr' fug he would adopt this form: ' I her by give, grant and convey to you all interest, right, title and advantage of d in said orange together with its rind., kin, juice, pulp and pits and all righty; and advantage therein with full powertto bite suck or otherwise eat the "saxne4 • er give away Without the rind skin j ice pulp or pita anything herin before dr ill any other deed or deeds irstruineluts of any nature or kind whatsoever to •Ithe contrary in any wise notwithstanding". 0'16". mood' Fhoiplloa ne, Th 1.x44. e Tar .aentecl . Sold an eoommended by all druggists Canada. Only reli- _ Able melt ne discovered. Ste �iackagea rantccd to cure ail forma o Bernd Werknee , all effeets Of abuse or exoess, Mental Worry, -Excessive tine of To - blotto, Opitfm or 8tlmula ts, Mailed On receipt of price, one aokage 1.$l, r, $li. One fpiU Yge itse, Kslobi cure, =Pamphlets tee *0 anyY address. The Wood Oa palmy' Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosn»liic'flno Is 4cold in WinRliken by Colin A. Cnillikell, A. A. MorrotiV, .1. F. Davis, A. L. Hamilton, Drttggistit. AVegetablePreparationforAs sirnilating thT'ood andReguta- til, they inmnch3 and.Bowellss of 1NFANTS'`CHILDREN PromotesD'igesiion,Cheerful- nessand Rest.Coniains neither 0 lum,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NAIRCOTIC. 7kuy9 d'Old ErS411172ZEMZEIi Jonpkml .reed- Alxdearra ,it.al*w's lU— Aiire deed • flppsminit .. er cardaiatt80&* ratfidoroan• Arran } Aperfect Reme dy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stolnach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions,Feverisht [less and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Sande Signature of cla;cJ NEW YOEIm. mv.t GT COPY OF WRAPFEB. %vow+, cru!/i/i sEer THAT Ti]E FAO -SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BO'1"1`.L E OF CASTORI Oastorla Is put up in one-sizo bottles only. It is not sold in balk, Don't allow anyone to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that is is "just as good" and "will wagger every ram. pose.' AcYr' Sea that you get 0 -A -E -T -O -R -I -A. Tho tao- slmtlo Montero of izeize i:ta 0962'7 trrzyyor. WEAK, NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN 260,000 CURED IN 20 YEARS. - t AkrOURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAYE $1000 IN GOLD CANNOT CUR OF SELF-ABUSE, EFUSSIONS, VARICO- CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT- URE GLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PARTS, LOST IYIANHOOD, IMPOTEN- CY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAT- URAL DISCHARGES, ETC. The New Method Treatment is the •z Greatest Discovery of the Age n.ii'rvotrsvEoa, FOR CURING THESE DISEASES ':11nI7Saru3 of ynting and middle aged men aro annually swept to c. premature grave throt -h EAR Y INDISCRETIONS. EXCESSES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. ff- yen hav,, any of th. 'plowing symptoms consult us before it is too late. Aro you ner- ,' eons and weal., despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under r4I them, weak 'back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and t1 losses, si-diment40 urine. pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn e_pressinn, 1,00r Memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tlred morn - `c incs, restless bights, changeable moods, weak manhood, stunted organs and prema- ture decay, bone pus, hair loose, sore throat etc. YOU `HAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS 1 OUR NEW MET OD THEAT4IENT alone can cure you, and make man of you. Underits influ- ence the -brain bode es. active,. the blood purified so thatnl prmnlos;; otelios and ulcers•disap,ear; ,thecnereps.becomo,ett; ages stoeUso that•nervoits., [less, linehfulnces r 141 despondency disappear; the eyes become brig t, the face full and clear, energy returns to the ody, and the moral, physical and sexual systems re invigorated; all drains cease—no more vital ate from the systom. Tho various organs bee° natural and manly. You 1.c l yourself a man an know marriage cannot be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us • confidentially ad free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. Ire lePt cure y.a or r.oRay. '1 t3CrFLqOU BEEN DISEASED/ `1 z i :LIS Is the lutist prevalent and most serious 3.000 diseavn. '-it A. the very life blood of the �� ;y1. _ -- - vi,timand unless en R,'rely eradlcatod!rotathosys- Ix7tnrDITAnYnLooDDisShe.... ' �• '' l will affect the or �•prang. Beware of Mercury, '� . wily suppresses thb symptoms—our NEW MEI !IMOD positively cures it for ever. 1 vuut'a OR n;1D11LE-AGED MAN—You've led a gay life, or indulged in the follies 1 o: youth. Self-abuse'or later excesses have brokon down your system. You -feel the +1 symptoms stealing osbr you. Mentally, physically and sexually you are not the man you used to be or shoujid bo. Lustful practices reap rich harvests. Will you hood the „ danger signals. Aro yon a viotim? Iiave you lost hope? Aro you contemplating marrtngo? • IEEADER 1 uasyoorblood boondisonsod? ilavoyouanyweakness? OCrNowiiothod Treatment will euro yob. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who , as treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable, ooks Free.—"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated). on Diseases of Mon. Inclose postage.,cents. Sealed. Book on "Diseases of Women" Free. fa" -NO NAMES USED„ ITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicine Sent C.O.D. No names on beets or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question Rat and coat of Treat- ment, FREE. e No 148 S1ELBY ST, DRS. KENNEDY 86KERGAN, No. MR. A Tailor's alk would be useless unless the fit, styleand quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits tally for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new SPRING Still' OR OVERCOA'T' 0. 0 L. A R 1. E Shine. next Griffin's Grocery. Horse ells = As the season is flow approaching when these bills will be needed by horsemen, we would say to all such that the: TIMES office is well equipped for turning, out • this class of work, A splendid line.of suitable cuts. Reasonable rates. TEE MILK Or THE HOLSTEIN DAIRY is pure and cold and COStS.,. Y 4 Y.. Y L' Y! Y' i i Til E EI CENTS A Qtyikr. 9 .