HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-13, Page 11
4 VOL.' xxViuL--NQ. 1473,
We Don't
•claim, to know everything, hat there
Oro three branches of trades, viz; Tailor-
ing, Boots and Shoes and Gentlemen's.
Furnishings, that we think we know
enough about to give the average dealer
'pointers upon, and also ensure ourcus-
tomers the best of goods at the lowest of
prices. Ou%
is now turning out a great many choice
garments. We have a stock of woollens
that is complete in every respect in
Suitings, Spring Overcoatings and
'Trouserings; and we claim to turn out
the most stylish out, best made and best
trimmed elothing iu thr county.
Our stock of
is well worth inspecting. We , have
gathered together. the choicest goods of
the best meirersain Cenada,, and though
the prices on the market have advanced
at least 10: per 'cent., we are enabled
through lucky buying to'give ot .pat
,ions Boots and Shoesat the same price
as last year: We would particularly
draw attention to our lineof mete's fine
shoes. We have them in all leathers
and in the latest shapes. ` ;
a large consignment of Gentlemen's
T'urnishiigs iu all lines: New Shirts,
new Hose, new Underwear, new Ties,
new Collars and Cuffs, new Braces, ail
of the latest andnobbrest styles. If.you
'wish to be e.p-toalate. in your attire you
must come to us.
We have atilt a ; few Dry Goodsloft,•
which we are still sellina belo:cost.
r Groceries at cost.'
IOfflutll & Sons
Marriage licenses
Issued by 1'a&nu PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria
street, Wingham, Out. No witnesses required.
Fall Term , Opens Sept. 4th. RI
education for profitable, progressive,and Ln
permanent emproyinbnt is givan in he D
Central alis Business College
Stratford, Ont.
J Noless than eiglit.larfie business col-.
leges hats applied: to us within the Test
sit weeks for our graduates to take posi-
tions as teachers . As
0in their schools
r*uhy'as five business ih'lnC hav0 apppp.li�red
to ushn one day for offte help. -Tins is 5
surell lie es c oa l - d.
t bed A h 1 fbr olr to attend!
rite for ourbeautiful at 1 `
W C a ogue.*
.S. ELLIOTT, Principal, hi
To 11E/qr.—The Orr cottage, Frauds
street. • Apply to W. J, CI ArAAN.
LATtorrs o -The De + = rtmorzt of Education
rias decided upon new -system hi con-
' lnectiou with. the parthuental.examitha-
*iorls. Heretofo ", the results in alI
of the gxauiinat • ns for teachers and
Matriculations ere published in one
isstce of the Torr• to papers. This the
Deiiartnl€ llt bell , Vet Iecl to an unhealthy
and unwise civ= ry among the dii Brent
high schools -an collegiate institutes of
the province an: one school v'ieii 'with
the Other in the umber of pupils who
.coed got eat' ' etas. The value placed
�paI teacher's or
ri both by intending
by the " • ehers themselves and by
school trustee s was judged by the
number of his upils who were success-
fttl. In this w y eritmnning for exam-
ination is eneo #'ager.. In, the future the
results Will be gent directly to the head-
master of the • 'fferent schools bract then
they tau use t err own judgement as to
;the publicatio of results. In no case,
however, will Toro be onegeneral littibli•
Dation of sttece sfitl candidates. Neither
will the results .f the comity promotion
examination bo published by the local
authorities in the newspapers this year.
We have just received
full line of the above two
lines, consisting of Tea-
pot Stands, Plates, Fruit
Trays, jardinieres; Cups
and Saucers,. Milk Mugs,
Sugar Bowls, Porridge
Bawls, Teapots, &c.
(The China House)
Opp. Bank of Piatui7ou
Elliott Bros.—If a Dealer Says;
D. M. Gordon—Groat Out in Prices,'
J. a. Young—Locals.
G, E. Ring—Locals.
W, J. Greer—Sweeping. thorn out.
J. B. Perguson—Voters' List, 1900.
M. Fi Xelndwr4faatt relay dice ills,
M. E. Zurbrigg Phptos lrree.ttnd Local.
Abner GeV' ,Earl$' Lessons in Zine Tns,
Gordo'nY.'-Olearing prices for Saturday
•'Wallkor & Button—There is Always a Time
and Locai.. ,
C.N Griffin—I"'or-Iiot"Weatlier.
R. A. Dou0ass--•$int6.
See Halsey- Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of London, will -.be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first
Friday of eaob. 'mouth front 11.34 a,
m. till 3 o'clock p. in., for eonstiltatiori
in `cliseases- ofthe eye, . ear,: ztose and
change of advt. ca
for this issue. Th
bargains in all lin
will pay you to
their store, espe
Watch for their n
King's Summer 5
and hoar'
tt hu
Br1a^INESS CITA >; ", Diamond
who has conduete a butchering busi
ness here for some 'years sold out last
week to George oultes of Belgrave.
Mr. Coultes will ve to town as so
as he can get a s ' ble residence.
Diamond intends " andting cure .• t
—wholesale ai=d etail—but W' not
deal in fresh mea
PROT° FREE—At M. + rbrigg's in
the down floor gallery. ead his advt.
1.—Homtatlz & Sons
e to }land too late
are offeriug_great
s for Saturday. It
o soixte shopping at
ally on 5 urdrys.
v advt, • week.
a hummer.
Trr BAn'D's G AEN , PARTY. -Nest
Thursday night t town park will be
canvass d
e in and htecl by electricity
fol the Band's Gar en Party or promen-
ade concert whatee r you may call it.
Ice cream, lemon with lemon in it,
raspberries, ' ban nae, oranges, cou-
ne 1
a is promised. and No
epicure should as more". The Baud is
ro a
p p ring some f the new music- for
the occasion. ;, orae original features
not usually form at Garden Parties are
to be introduce ' ` Remember that the
date`is Thursda , June 13th, t • t]i
Band gets the p oeeeds, and • .at the
need it,`
tiarao1--Riirg t p p e No. 40 When
in need of anythi g . a, first class feed
store. J. H. Y.,:. ;, Flour ' rid Feed
State, Market Square.
A NEW WINO: ,LITE,..The Clift rd
Express of last iss e; in speaki21g of the
a.'emoval of J. J. E iott, V. S., to Wing -
ham says: --"To- • orrow; J. J. Elliott,.
V, S., removes wi. i his family to Wing -
ham, where e
v oheha:
o.,nd veterinery
office. In. Dr. El iott's re oval, Clif-
fort. loses a inost xc Ile Ltitizen and
successful vcterin: ay, raring his'resi-
clenco of over eig y ars here, he has
always taken ati tive find guic1ii g part
in the social, rnu pipet, ain't educational
interests of the, village, ever fhncliug
time in the nil st of an extensive
practice to tvilliny y assist in anything
that tousled to bring Clifford into
prominence; faith g health (now'we are
pleased to know s mowliat recuperated),
compelled hirnt to isposo of his practice,
in the beginning f this year, mud he has
since been chlgag • in the horse dealing
bnsilicss, in pat rship with P. Ren-
nie. The goo( wishes of a host of
friends, in a wide territory, go with Mr.
Elliott and famh!-; to their new home.
Mrs. Elliott and aster Weir may go
next week, and iss Annie Will remain
for a time with 1 er grandparents, Mr.
and nus, Linklat ."
Apprentices wanted at once. Two.
young ladies to learn tailoring,
WEt1STlnt et Co,
See Joint Kerr' ertisement,.
IRATilr,Xt IIAll, +n Sunday morning
when William. c Dison arose he fcund
17 head of flue ' ittle in his garden, He
placed thein nmediately under the
care of Pouucl eepor Ste verb. They
proved to be e prop y of William
Iloimee, Turn, =cry
they broke on ncl strayed. Neverthe-
less it cost bira X21..
Scots we' tae Ilii ' "umzuer Sale
savo the bawbees'.
As OTBERS BE Us.—Tho Clinton
News -Record sad':—"The Wiugliam
Times has now en red open its fourth
year tender the in agerueut of Mr. H.
B. Elliott, who In lishes a paper which
is a credit to hila both typographically'
and from a news tandpoiut. The ad-
vertising colUmn of the Times are well
patronized by e business melt of
Wingham and are pleased to hear
that the other c partmcnts are in an
cgwaily sai:isfaet 'y condition,"
WANTED. --600 Tubs. Batter by July
16th—Eggs 18 cts; Butter 18 ets. • We
uzisthave the quantity., cash or trado.
very high-class v ideville entertain-
anent will be given i the town hall ou
Thursday, July 20t by the Elite Oon-'
cert Company of Toronto, several
members of which ve been on the
boards in Sbea's dal y little theatre in
that city. Mont al, Kingston and
Buffalo papers, au Toronto Saturday
Night speaks very ighly"of this, com-
pany of Canadian fists, Last year
they appeared in oderich; this year
they are being eng ged for two nights,
and will also app 'in Clinton and Sea -
forth. The foil vng is the list of
artists:—Miss Lili Taube, descriptive
vocalist; Jas. F. Castle, monologuist
and dancer; S. e • Moore, baritone;
Miss Annie Taube, uvenile comedienne;
Harold Scott, impe onator and reader;
Master Sydney, bo artist; and Harvey
Lloyd, Canada's f orite humorist. • -
- Calf at the old reliable tor best varie-
ties of imported fruits to be had in
Winghaau.. Plums in stock; peaches
and pears on the way, .also cabbages,
lettuce, lettuce, bananas,•P,pine apples,
oranges and lemons. Everything good.
JAS. Mol'revia, Star Restaurant.
Bann Can A T LENT The Mount
Forest Represent, tive speaks thus
olefininfinkireffind aple we know. Tu
dealing with their c ucert on July gild
it says:—"TheMon t Forest Minstrels
were aided by essrs. Wightrnan,
Cham er
b sandal
Bell, f Wingllam, three
gentlemen who wet do credit to the
ranks of professiona entertainers. .Mr.
Wightman's superi . as a juggler and
slack wire balancer . as not beau seen
re, and the sane n be said of Mr.
Bell as a female rsonater, and Mr.
Chambers as an en an and all round
specialist,'t The ussels Post says of
Mr, Wightntan's v r 'in Wroxeter on
Dominion:.. Day: To a. well played
waltz by the ba Wightman, of
Wingham, , gave Il exhibition of his
skill on the slack d. He also perform-
ed a. number of c' ve feats with knives,
boxes, &e. Mr. ig tman does all he
undertakes very r
Y all hal appears to be
quite a favorite th the public.
The old saying must bea fru Dying:
"That That
people don't t
ow never
troubles them." e 1 e arrived at
the conclusion tha eople would be
much troubled if they knew the prices
they have beet). paying by not getting
our quotations. But people are getting
"on to"the secret fast. WAL1iBR. &
B •
N. .
alph Rogers, Sr , a resident of this
vicinity since the early days died on
Sunday. Dece= ed was born in Corn-
wall, England, ov seventy years ago,
and emmigrated o Canada when sLx.-
teen. years of age He settled thou in
the Cobourg and orb !lope district, but
in 183 he; moved 01i/fortis, settling on
and clearing the uth. ha1,of lots 7 and
8 on the 1st coiiee on, now • owned by
Thomas Houdin •.
and occupied by
Arch. McDonald, Iu'71 he moved to
Petrolia. Hero h lived for three years
being employed • 11 oil wells and saw
mills. On leav, g Pe is he again
cani0 to Winglha+. whey 10 has lived
almost entirely si e. using his long
life ho 'always enj yec ood .health until
a couple of years o when the deerepi-
trate of old age lei: its withering Hand
upon hint. ITe w Married twice. To
Evil; Rebecca. +lone • mndI anuah Martin.
The children by tli ' firsts titarriag° were
Frederick of ,Ludic ton, 14iioligan, and
Mrs. Sohn, Tenn tit, of Mania s e,
14ficlhigan; and b' ' tho second, rs,
George White, Mrs. W. P. Bisbee, Mrs,
S. itiaisuhan, Annie, i`olits, l alpli of Bay
Mills, Mielhigan, a d William. 'he
entire family' Wer ; present tit the
funeral cit Tuesday fternoon. It Was
aim attended by any of the older
settlers and business , taeli -of the vicinity.
Deceased was a i nsc'rvatiie hind it
member of the L isoopalian church.
The loss of a httst)al 1 and father calls
forth sincerest symp. thy.
Ring'sJuly and Au
full swing. Bargains
41, I3LYTII'
Says ; "Mr. H. 33. E
lzis third year as pr
I1 t1I Tame, Mr. E
Tome, better ell the
him ecntiiiued goo
UX+eN .Ain BAND roti'. --'pilo open
air baud concert tal s place to -night at
the usual time, to the usual place.
Seats will be provic d for the ladies, so
eve may expect a 1 'ger represoutatiou
of the fair sex than ieretoforo,
Beats everything hoe s Summer
S e .draws the crowd. op early,
has renovated tit' woodwork of the
Congregational obi ch. He also gave
the front of Wm. annett's implement
warehouse a coat. R. T, MaeMathts
store has also be freshened with a,
painter's brush in he hands of George
Annexe= WA TLD.—To Iearn the
I3alting, Splendi ohmic �. for a good
boy, A, J. N1olroL s, "' halm.
1317SINESS Cameo . ' ohn Carr of
Le�"i iugton purcha e. the Br swick
IMse on Wednes y, i11 take
po� essiou on Augu 7th. he present
proprietor, John elma„o, has con-
dtted the business or many years, and
dt ing that time to k a large share of
the town's travelle '' trade,
iA nowin
he Blyth Standard
ott has just elosed
rioter of the Wiest -
kat is making the
time and we wish
oNr Y To LOAN, --Money to loam' on
metes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
cilli' of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. QfTrce--Bearer Block, Wing-
bcu t. Rosi. MoINDnot
G. T. R. NOT —275 tickets to Kin-
cal;+iline were sol esterday; 108 to Lis-
towel, and 25 to eaforth.—The waiting
rooms and office of the station are being
whitewashed, w eh adds much to their
ap earance.--A ain bringing coaches
fr¢i Palmerston o Brussels and return
toVetowel faun itself out of water at
Br ,els, The e gine of the regular
freiglif took the onrsionists on, while
the empty engine ran up to Wiugham
for water. It o returning took ..the
freight train ou f om Brussels. ,
Ramo! How Anot r Froom?
Young has it in burnouse antitiee,
Specials: Theh
P )t1u
P 1 Clifford
t C d
ve Crest of the
flour and the fame
Seaforth Mills. Also a complete stock
,gf M Fee.,deeeBrealefast. Cereals, and
evoreithing -else found in a first class
feee store. A trial solicited. Goods
delivered promptly to any part of town.
Trvxs.--As announ• d in. our last issue
a local branch of t.: Free Hospital for
Poor Consumptive as been organized
Wingham. e are pleased to .note
that considerabio access has attended
the efforts of th .e in charge of the
work. At pres t 50 members have
joined the orga ' ! tion. It wouh1, be
well for the inter :: is of the local branch '
and ultimately of he institution if the
ladies of the t awn would take the
management of 11 .matters in connec- t
tion with the 1. al concern. Business
mels of sufficie stamina to carry it
to a successful is tie are few, and these
available are u able to do the cause
justice owing to lie heavy press of busi-
ness responsib ities. Though the.
auspicious beg"ng 'ng of the organlzatien
is creditable i
t will
count little the if
not followed ► persistent individual
and collective .'ort on the part of die
members. t, do this work business
men have not, a time. A Meeting will
be called shot• y. A members duty is
to attend it. hose others realizing the
worthiness of he cause ..hoatld also be
Read John Kerr's advertisement,
re">IXXi'3iXN;CS.- Robi son & Dunhill/ e
cattle to Toronto; 33 tion. & Veeeeent, car
broom handles to •taloa, car chairs to
Glasgow; T. 33e11 & .on, Mfg,, Co., car
of furii ture to Mon , eal, anti one to T.
Eaton & Co., Toro» 0; Union 33 nrititure
Co., ear furniture t Ca'me'l, Mau., and
one to Vancouver, C.
Monday night th following officers
were installed iu M erva Encampment,.
I. 0, O. F.; Chi Patriarch, R. S.
Ross, Whitechurch; Iiigh Priest, lames
Chisholm; Treasa ne John Mowatt;
Senior Warden, Ii., , . Mao!ath; .Tumor
Warden; Wallace Id ugh; Scribe, J. W.
C,zyiO HOLIDAY.- n Wednesday T.
Bell and Dr, Towler anvassed the town
with a petition, w ' bah was largely
signed by the citizen of town, praying
the Mayor to have civic holiday on
August 7th. He wi probably do so.
An effort is being in le to run a union
Sunday School excur .i ou to Goderich on
that day, All statin from Kincardine
to Listowel, inclusiv will be included,
and from Wingliam t Clinton likewise,
It is probable the = cursioi will this
year be as successful s lest.
Campbell's Headache Wafers- guaran-
teed to cure headache.
—Camp Caledonia, S. O. S. meets ou
Monday evening.
--Theirs for 40 cents till January 1,
1301. Subscribe now.
—Walker & Batt n have purchased a
new safe and a new ; wniag.
—800 persons sign d.•the pledge during
the June meetings + the W. C. T. U.
—Regular iueetin; of Court Maitland,
0. O. P., will be ]rel this (Friday) even-
—W. G. Patter.. had an awning
erected last week b the Owen Soiiird
Tent Company.,
—Examination* I:
tampered with in ,Cl Latham. Ail in-
vestigation is peridia
Pers have been
—The regular mee
M .di
e cal Association
hall, Stratford on Tu
—The regular race
`h.U. will be held Tu
L O. 1! : hall, Chislioli
ug of the.. Huron,
as hold in the city
g of the W. C.
day, 3 p. m. in the
—Tho first race or the, Canadi
Cycle and Motor ompany's trop
takes place •�
p c the tz k to -night.
—According to 10 Telescope
Walkerton livern,an awed Ilarry Day
is taming things all side down.
just a few seasonable and
Far those tired, sweaty feet ue e
Foot Elm or Perfect Foot Rest.
For those severe attacks of max.
mer complaint we have all the best
remedies, such as
Fowler's Ext. Wild Strawberry.
Ext. Wild Raspberry. •
Aromatic Strawberry Compov1dr
•T'ierce's Smart -weed Compound.
Our prices are right and our
goods fresh,
The old Williams Stanch.
G. N. W. Office.
Lovely new Blouses in ve' pretty
patterns beiug clear d at ac al con.
Prints, Ginghah ,, 511125 and alt
Summer Goods to ar at cost. Great
bargaius iu Boots and Shoes:
Stacks of Sugsrs and all lines of
Groceries and big values.
Highest prices paid for Butter and
D. M. Gonnox*,
The Direct Importer.
—Many people st
a look. at Colin A.
which is the best
can give a window
aquarium is the no
—rhos. Gibson,
and highly este
Wroxeter, is hhol.
health as has been
years. We hope a
will soon set hi.
—Harriston's th;
a rci, has fallen and
Tribune says :• "
50 -Cent rag has jo
livion. The Stand
wets` the room. at 11
these days to .take
ampbell's window,
commendation one:
dresser. , A little
x -M. P. P. an old
toed resident _a
ijoying as vigorous
his portion in earlier
panne for the better
•d paper, „ the e
P . St il-
p an
'ininot get up. The
other throa,.t-cutting
:ed the raises of ob-
rd is dead! Where
au —At the meeti i` of the Seaforth
by Collegiate Board o _ Saturday morniaig,
it Was decided tha: a new mincifaal land:
master of science Itonhl bo appointed:
a in phiee of C. C. Ilirkson the former
principal, and R. G
roaster. -
—A Sori1) ampto
number oftamiug
front Walkerton to
An0t•11er flew from
1 hour and 7 nhinut
are respectively as t
28 anti 42 miles,
—At the meeting
the Fax Flax
it was decided to li
this year instead of
year. . Of course th'
altered if hands i
can trot ,be procure
—The! r
fie sof the family fol-
lowing so closely u on that of Mr. Edge,
orrow of the death or
- old dau;hter of the
ge, which °courted.
•sday afternoon at
ou o
go with diphtheria,
f medical care she
day, wimp. she tools
au to sink, rapidly„
dingle- bright child,
will bo a severe.;
—Manager. Drum and has - over-
hauled the flax -mill is 'week getting it
in condition for the . ening season..
—Robert Ruth evil had his leg broken
lit Kincardine a eoupl of mouths ago is
able to b9 out on trot. ies this week,
—Capt. Nissen mads a successful trip
hrou;h the Whirlpoo Rapids at Nia
para in his little boat t et he had named
the "Fool Killer.,"
Pon SALE ort RrN1•. I offer for sale
or rent my house and lot, No. 6, on the
corner of John and Frances streets.
The house • is a good 8 roomed one, also
cook house, and good hard water well,
and a good stable. For terms and parti-
culers apply to TAGS. Trietetiv. 41
Soap ?
If so,you should see our stock,
which is composed i ij osed of 'some of
the most elegant goods in this
line ever offered.
We can suit any taste, at
any price from roc per box of
three cakes, to asc per cake,
We have a few odd lines
which we are t
clearing out at
bargain prices. See them
J. Er DAVI o
—J. IL Young, the tithing flour and
feed merchant, receiver two carloads of
flour this week --one f om Clifford and
one from Seaforth.
About twenty Wr
attended church at Bel ; rave en Sunday,
Rev. R. Hobbs, proac ng. All were
well pleased with the s 'vice.
—John Hanna's re • deuce has been
much improved' in to oearance by the
addition dation o
f» •I ..
a 01C and vera
Barry Kerr is doing th work.
—Ther ' Ei ee inatio i papers for
Entianee fled Publie 5 ion Leaving aro
eonsidereclvery fair, ev th the exception
of the the Grammar fo P. S. L.
--George Powell, to old Turnberry
boy, now a teacher ' 'Toronto, has
recently had a Geo- tphy test -book
issued. We may give• a review of it
• ---Tho Brussels post has beaten the
Huron Expositor's egg ccord, 13rotlie}
Kerr says, too, that his en might' have
dont better had she kno.. n there was a
competition an.
—Pay Patterson'•s le white dog
gave up the ghost an departed from
this world of trouble Monday after-
noon. The funeral s. 't ices were coin
ducted on Ttuesday.
---The Scot'ilh con..rt to havo been
e.a h the v n e• Towu , Ian last Tuesday
night did not mate :dire. About
doeen people tern e out, se Manager
Buries declared it off
—A Tiarriston Ochi
stow had tho sidowa
him in the face.
walk. . Palhuerst
editor. 'There it st
r while in Pcilmer-
t fly up anti strike
Ie blames the side-
sopie Mame the
—A number of 1 W members Have
been added to the b • td this week. The
management hopes to soon have *20
players.. A lot of ow lliusic arrivet.
yesterday front Ingot .11, nett More is,
on the Way from Toronto.
Cheswright, seience
Sona; maw has a
igeons. One. flew
ewe in 13 iiini.tXtes-
liftertl to -honkie int
The: dlistadces
e pigeon flies about
f the directors of
, on Friday night.
ve the flax palled
axing it cut as Inst
••decisicer inust be„
sqf eient number
will, hear with deet
Josie, the eight -ye
lateJoseph 1
e 1
at 5 o'clock Tu
Victtrio, Hospital,
taken i11 ten days
but with"the best
improved until Su
it relapse, awl. bE
She was an exce
alai her death,.
blow to the famile
Wirghaili`s Popular Shoo 'store
Dollars saved by buying
Shoes now.
Sweeping Them. Out
'Yes', we are sweeping them out by
sweeping reductions Itt price. S;ImmotY
Shoes toast ge. l#argainsl Bat ming
"Quality and Quantity here."
Boys* Boots, 75e a pair.
Men's Boots, 00c a pair.
Ladies' Oxfords, 750 to $i.oa a pair. , • .:
nkinds of'1'runks and 'Valises oho*,