HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-06, Page 5TIIE WINGIIAIII TIMES,. JUIX li, 191)(), Khaki Shirts t£ t.).111, ust r /1111/11111.a,Vii.• �I sbfifn 11.7111.' mmauamnal/ si its, iii .�.z .. � & i£. ranln9 mllm/aa//JJJJ" naµaaamhal/ a, at11 / 1 ,,;'/ rmrNN///r///1!/011J %a/ 70111111111111/111 .1111/1/1 /%i) 4' ahnalma // a/vhaam tt 7Yali? min/ r is 1. nna/aha/ l/ J!/;{/I71la 111111! n l:,-1 l r.,•:/: LIL_✓// !1 11//hl al/IJ rnravmmi a /rl n. a r m/ l lr J/ r m 1 `, W1II/laaIl////IJ/Jll ///J_I rl 11 N/JJIJ/ Y' 11 JIJJ l'i,'d 1111111M11111401111,a.,11 1Jl /a a ! L,., alll///lllr/J1/ 11 l / /l//Ill a' - YJII////l//1J/.l 1 / l 11 .;! • 1 !1%//I1//Jas r l//1/1/I/l/ll '4- -lmlln 7l/J/l///m/l// l mJ/J q///1//a/la J//l/a/i Than/ 11//;10a//l/ J /l1 =OM 1 iii<ar/mhn l hal m la al%Jll/lJaa/J/ JJ/l /JJ/%GY JI l l ytimaamam/ ma uaeh l J nmammhmaal 1// an/regesyi sse,, are the newest and swellest colored. shirts for well dressed ma-, -and the color is most popular at this present patriotic time. We have sole control of the Khaki Shirts for Wingham, so you can depend on getting the gen- uine here. tllra we will give FREE a Linen Collar y with ever Colored Shirt sold. A special discount of 10 per cent, will be given on all Hats purchased here on Saturday. Our stock of Hats is the finest in the town. Clothing. Bargains in Ready-made See the Workingman's Trousers at $i.00 and $1.25 a pair. er a -DTI :no THE OUTFITTER. NEWS FROM SUR NEIGHBORS EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communxoate -- Other Items Clipped From. Our Exchanges.. exounee. The Court of Revision met according to adjournment ill the council room, June 25tb, 1000, tuetubore all present ex- cept Mr. (:1rclifi`, nriuutes of last meet- ing read and passed. James IV'otliery catered owner N E l lot 2 con, 0; Wtn. Slioidice, entered owner S 3j lot 21 con. 0; Archibald Me - Douala entered M F on S e lot 11 con. 3 John Munn. entered M 3' lot .22, G S, Bluovale. On motion of Shaw seconded by Jackson the Court of Revision was then closed and the assessment roll as Everything in Pi co revised and corrected was adopted. Council business was then proceeded with as follows: Code—Shaw—That we pay no bills for gravel until the road lists aro returned and certifled to by the patinnaster.— Carried. Shaw—Jackson—That the report of the reeve re lettiug contract of Garniss drain was adopted. A petition sigued by Mr. Cockerliue and others was pre- sented asking that a resolution of the oouucil bo passed under the provisions of the D & W Act in connection with a drain on the 0th aid 10th concession, moved by Mr. Shaw seconded by Mr. Jackson that said petition be laid over for future consideration as it is not clear that it is signed by a majority of the in- terested parties. The clerk to notify Mr. Cockerliue accordingly.—Car3ied. Code — Shaw — That Messrs Joseph and Robert Smith be allowed to per- form their statute labor ter N a< lots 20 and 21 col, 7 on side line between said lots. Carried. Code—Jackson— That Mr. Shaw be instructed to have, ditch opposite lot 26 on second line cleaned out.—Carried. Shaw—Jackson—That Mr. Code be instructed to expend $9 in gravelling at lots 10 and 11 on Oth con.—Carried. A communication from W. R. Belden of Molesworth was received claiming damages for an accident alleged to have been caused by sheep lying on ithe react. Moved by Mr. -Shaw seconded by Mr. Jackson that no action be taken in the matter.—Carried, Code — Shaw — That the reeve and treasurer was instructed to borrow five- huudrecl dollars to meet current ex- penses. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows:— John Shortreed, tile for ditch, $12.00; Wei. Moses, culvert,$3.00; C. Campbell, gravel; $1.35; James Golley, use of scraper, 50c.; R. B. Warwick, use of scraper, 50c. ; Beaty Bros., gravel, $4.48;. Geo. Proctor, gravel, $7.50: John Hop- per,. culvert, $6.00; R. B. Warwick, material for culvert, $1.00; James H. Brandon, cleaning out culvert, $2.60; Wm. Little, gravel,$3.25; R. McMurray, gravel and plank, $2.25; Wnt. Turvey, gravel $5.28; B. C. Stokes, gravel, $3.60; Wm. C. Wilson, gravel, $3:50; A. Proc- tor, gravel, $7.45; W. M. Scott, gravel, $2.60; Geo. Pollard, gravel, $2.25; Jas. Sherrie, gravel, $5.34; J. Scott, covering bridge, $4.00; J. McCaughey, ditch and culvert, $7; J. Wallace, gravelling, $12.- 50; P. Healey, tile, cutch and gravelling, $12.50; E. Chraeling, .ditch on. West Boundary, $1; N. Owning, ditch, $2.00; Corporation of Brussels, use of grader, $8.75; R. Denbo, work with grader, $5.- 25; Wm.- Jackson, building fence ab hall, $8.00; John Watson, levelling grounds and filling under shed $8.00; F. Keys. gravel, $2.15; Shaw and Messer, gravelling, $14; Mrs. Pear, gravel, $1.00; Robert Sheddau, team work on grader. $8.75; Win. Kearney, team work on grader, $8.75; R. Cardiff, team work on grader and moving machine, $10.25; Fred Brewer", culvert,$6.50; Jas. Thyme, gravel, 35 cents. , Shaw—Code—That this council oto now adjourn to meet again on the Gth of August next.—Carried, W. CLARK, Clerk. Painting, alterations, improvements, finishing, cleaning, renovating, all completed. We are no* prepared to do busi- ness in the very best stand in town. Our stock of Jewelry is new, up-to-date and decidedly of the finest kind. Our optical goods comprise everything known to the science. Couple that with thorough and skilful workmanship and you have the strongest combination. 1V[U ' s.:r J.. R. OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. successful issue last Friday inllugh Mc- Donalds grove. Miss Lizzie Wilson and her school from Taruberr'y were in at- tettdattce and materially added to its. be- ing A, success. There was a lengthy list of games, races, recitations, singing 80., bat the climax was reached over a tug- of.war between sides chosen respectively on the east and west sides of the side- line,'tbe east coaxing out victorious, f a few minutes after the contest the t- mosphere was surcharged with a great deal of pointed oratory. The boys on the and expected the foot- ball team of the Oth to put in appear- ance and play a snatch but they were either afraid or had not time to scour the country to gather up their team. The sixth is rather too comprehensive to be of any use. Will Varson has completed a very commodious implement house. T. McIntyre is putting in a concrete basement under his barn. 3, McKay and C. McKinnon wheeled to.Belmore on Sunday. H, McAllister harvested a field of hay last week, the first in the neighborhood. Robert Marshall will brick his house this summer. AT THE STONE CORNER We are offering bargains in all kinds of Stoves. Tinware .We keep everything in the tin line, from a large milk can .o the smallest tin cup, and are selling milk cans and pans at the old prices. , Also a full stock of Graniteware always on hand. The best Coal Oil Stoves A number freta Here attended camp meeting at Deituerton on Sunday last. Joint Hartley presided at the l';tltruxaoe E aulluatton at Blyth last week.. The i pworth League are holdiugtr' lamtt social on. Mr. Mulvey's lawn Oa Friday everting of this Week The L. 0. L. and L. 0. Y. B. Lodge of the village, accompanied by a Dumber of visiting brothel% attended divine service hi the Methodist church on Sunday morning last. Rev, 0. V. Lake preach- ed an interesting suet eloquent Orange sermon. "If heaven a draught of heavenly plea- sure spare; One cordial to this melancholy vale, 'Tis when a youthful, loving, modest pair, In other's time breathe out the tender . Beneathtalothe milk -white thorn that scouts he evening gale." One of those p'-easiug events that al- ways cast a ripple of excitement over a neighborhood took place at the home of Robert Breen on Wednesday eveniug of last week ahoi.30 o'clock, when his youngest daughter, Auaiie, was united in marriage to William Mines, of Morris. The bride looked quite charming attired in create silk, trimmed with lace, ribbon and pearls. Misses Myrtle Fortune and Mattie Breen, two little nieces of the bride, acted as maids of honor. They leokecl very bowitehiug in their neat costumes of cream casinnere. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. W. Hartley, , of 'Windsor, outside of the house, mule flowers. nuptial snot the wedding party aud about one hundred invited guests from various parts of the provinoe sat down to au excellently prepared dinner of fowl, fruit, and all the delicacies of the month of roses. A most enjoyable evening was spent in music, games and dancing, The bride must be very popu- lar among her friends in order to receive such a umtnber of beautiful and costly presents. The young couple aro now enjoying the sweets of ie •lied life on his farm in Morris. 0 fortunate, 0 happy day, When a now household finds its place Among the myraicl homes of earth, Like a new star just sprung to birth, And rolled on its harmonious way Into the boundless realm of space. Blyd Cages, Lamp Goods and House Furnishings. We claim to do the best Eavetroughing work in the County. - Tenders on Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Roofing Metal Ceilings, Siding etc., always,, acceptable. Gasoline and Coal Oil at right prices. Remember the Stone Store when • you want anything in our line. John' -Bugg Son. Get the Boy He Tooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Renick, Hamilton of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18 mouths from Rectal Fistula lie would die unless a costly operation was per. formed; but he cured Himself with Bncklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world. Surest Pile cure on Earth. 25 cents at Colin. A. Campbell's drug store. GLEN F AILILOW. - • • Mrs.1+'ergursou, accompai octet) her sons, Cecil and Sidney are at present visiting her mother, Mrs. Jolie Arm- strong. Before returniug home Mrr. Fergursou intends visiting friends in Lakelet, Harriston and Wingham. Quito a number from around .here took in the games at Wroxeter on July 2nd, The Methodist S. S. of Salem is pre- paring for a picnic on Thursday after- noon. A good time is expected. Miss Nettie McLeod, of London and Miss Laura Ralph, of Blnevale, were the guests of Miss Minnie Higgius on Tuesday. Miss Higgins is spending her vacation under the parental roof. Miss M. Milian spent Sunday at her 'home hero. Miss M. McKersie spout Sunday in Wingham. J. Fitch had the misfortune to have his leg badly bruised, but we hope soon to see him around again. A number from around here took in the excursion to Guelph, and report having had a good time. The Epworth League met on Wednes- day instead of Thursday this week. • Ales. McDougal and bride of Michi- gan are spending their honeymoon with Mr. McDougal's parents. Mrs. Moffat of Galt, u ted lna+r &lig Mrs. Robert Maxwell elf the Muerte)* road last weep. Joseph Warden of Wooditlock but - formerly of our village,: was oiling on his many acquaintances here this Weak. Miss Jenne Diment visited Mr's. Robert 0. 'Marg of Gosloriob this week. Mr. and Mrs, William Stewart of New. IIaruburg Ara visitiu : at Mr. Stewart's old home More. Mr, .and Mrs. Walter Davidson of Eamon visited over Sunday at 11Ir. John McVittia's, Mor ris,Mrs.Davlrlsaxr's former home, Mrs, John G. Nicholson, of Toronto, spent the first of Jaly with her parents. Mr. - and Mrs Robert Maxwell of the Blucvale woad, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Le341. of Detroit, visited at Abraham Ja:laselle" Morris, and at Jaseplt Leech's in this village this; week. Mr, and Mfrs. David Sproat of Bel - grave visited at Robert Black's Wrox- eter and at R. N. Duff's Blanca() this week. Rev, fl,. Paul of Brussels visited his daughter Mirs. Joseph Pugh, a few days this week. E.W. Brice B.A. priticipe. • 1 -...''it street sclioole Toronto, £• • • er Sunday with friends here ::i ' the Huron 01(1 Boys at Guderieit on a watch. We have something expressly for him fresh from the New Haven Works. The price will suit you, the watch will suit the. boy. The price is $1.75. The watch is a good looker, and a good time-keeper—the biggest thing for. the money—convenient size, neat appearance, made of good ma- terial and well set together. Don't confound it with the cheap watches you have seen, fore itis one in a thousand. Absolutely the best ever offered for the monde. We have also watches of the highest, grade,. and at all prices. W.'...:.:::....P-atterson •• Stone:.Blocl.,, nett; 6o 'o Clegg's Hardware. SHOE CREDENTIALS On every " Slater Shoe " a coupon will be found giving the shoe's character. 'Dells of the leather in its make up, the, wear it is adapted to and how to care for it. It gives the register dumber of the shoe by which t ie makers can trace back to its birth, and should it not live up to their promises, make good the guarantee. "Slater Shoes" may be identified by this eoupon and by the new:. and punt starped on the Vele. Every Mair Goodyear welted. ;v.'.Ct1 and $.00. Voisr e shouldered, tst, , . ,t � • • Y 3ddb 04 $46 444 1 V Y V V V Y V Only by W. JM GREEK, arch of evergreens and ter the fastening of the 011L1LOSS. • J. McRae and Miss AI. Lacey start on a visit this weak to Elora intending on their return to bring back with them Miss Eva McRae who is going to school in Elora. Our annual school picnic came to a "Brevity is the Seat. Of Wi .'� Wit is (wisdom. Blood is life. Impure blood is tivhtg death. bfealth depends on good blood. Disease is due to bad blood. The blood can be purified. Legions say Pl'ead's Sarsaparilla, Amer- ica's Greatest Blood Medicine, purifies it. A brief story but it Jetts the tale. Nervous Weakness --"r sufferea front nervous cweakness and toss of' appe- ilte. My blood was ftnpure, my stomach disordered attd I cotrtd not sleep. Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured me entirely." Mrs. E. Lockwood, .gelleiville, Ont. Wednesday. Mr. Bruce is a Blnevale boy. Was there ever a summer so full of ,.. excursions, picuies and celebrations as this? 112r, and Mrs. Richard Dowling of Harriston visited at Frank Scott's last wee21. k 11and Mrs. Frock B. Scott visited. over the first and second with relatives at Seaforth. Three pupils from our school wrote part 1 examirietic% in Wingham this week. Only two Blnevale pupils wrote for entrance last week. This is the smallest number Mr. McEwen ever sent to write em the entrance examination; but he'll maks up fur it with a whipper of a class next year. Albert Doornail, who is preparing- himself reparinghimself to be a shorthaud writer at Chatham Business College, is home for he 1 'days. alter Bnrgess,rhile totting milk at the cheese factory oiie day last week got some poisonous matter into a scratch on - his arm causing blood poisoniug. He has been very sick since. ° air.i. Walter Rut erford is visiting her slaughter, Mrs. George Pocock of • East Wawanosh. Miss Alice Duff was Clinton for Dominion Day. . Seventeen Years of Torture. "I had a bad cough for seventeen. years" writes Mrs. t+am'1 Hamilton, of Lawnville, Tenn. "No doctor or inedi- eine could euro it till ono year ago I be- gan to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which did hie more good than all other medicines I ever used. It is truly a grand cure for stub- born Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles." Positively cures Con- sumption, PneumoniaelGrip, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever and Croup. Price 50c. and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bot- tles free at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. nave S'ALI;. The price received for last week's shipment of Juno cheese was 10X cents per pound. Mrs. McHardy has hacl her house freshened with a new coat of paint. The veteran and well iznown house - painter, James Collins of Wingham,did the work. 1 -le also painted R.N. Duff's house.'" Miss Mary Spence of Brantford, is visiting at Magnus Spence's, Morris. Over ninety tickets to the Experiment- al farm, at Guelph were sold at Blue - vale station the day of the excursion. John Diment junior is still unable to walk without crutches. Fraser Little, ono of the assistants at the cheese factory has been very bad with inflammatory rheumatism. His mother, Mrs. Little of Arono, came to see him last week, and the doctor advised hire not to continue cheese making, she took him home with her on Tuesday. Tho atmosphere of a cheese factory is not suited to persons disposed to rheumatism or neuralgia. Harry McHardy wheeled to Goderich last week where he will be employed by the Goderich Lumber Company. LAST WAWANOSH. The following is the report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 9, East Wawauosh, ror the mouth of June. Fifth Class—Maggie McDougall. Entrance — Jennie Shiell, Alberta Rintoul. Sr, IV—Roy Deacon, Leslie Deacon Lena Deacon. Willie Elliott. Jr. IV --David Johnston. - Sr. III—Robert Mowbray, Raymond Elliott, Alex Rintoul, Bela McDougall. Jr. III — Alex Mowbray, Herbert Shell, Willie Shoebottom, Roy Ander- son, Sr. II Ida Abram, Howard Shioll,. Carrie Deacon, Stanley Elliott, Frank home from Ile is a Wonder. All who see !dr. C. F. Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, as lie is unv cheerful, erect, vigorous and " without an ache, could hardly believe he is the same man who, a short time ago, had to sit in a a chair, propped up by cushions, suffer- ing intensely from an aching back, in agony if he tried to stoop -1111 cause,d by chronic kidney trouble. that no medi- cine helped till he used Electric Bitters and was wholly cured by three bottles. Positively cures Baclkache,Nervousuess, Loss of Appetite, all kidney troubles. Ouly 25 cents at Colin A. Ca nebsll's drug store. Casemore. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Etcher and Miss Jr. Ii—Barbara Styles, Ella Walker, Lily Young went to Buffalo on Saturday. John, Abram, ChristenaRintoul, Harvey Rev. W.J.West, M. A. and Mrs. West Linklater, Wilburn Ferguson, Maggie returned home on Saturday last the Casemore. Sr. Pt. II—Laura Currie, Tessio And- erson, Katie Shiell, James Ferguson, Maggie Shiell, Lillie Walker. Jr. Pt. II—Ernest Linklater, 11[ati- well Abram, Mabel Mowbray, Wilfred Pocock, Garfield Shoebotton`1. 3rd Pt. 1— Mabel Bntclier, Willie Styles. and Pt. I—Pearl Deacon, Earl Elliott, George Walker. 1st Pt. I—Wilfred Waller. Across S. Gr1Fvn, Teacher. In place of the barn recently burned a now structure was raised on the farm of John shiciken the afternoon of July 2,. All the braw'h and muscle of the neigh-' borhood was present, Ike Walker tial Jack McGregor were captains. For some time at first it appeared as though Mr, Walker's side were to in, but to- ward the last the tido turner. and ike was beaten by the rafters'. The main building is 00x58' with a st'rawshod SdxtO Everything went smoothly which is true he large measure to the good Workman- ship an - ship cf the framer, John Sheffield. utstOltl . Mt. asst Mrs. Win. Barters have re- ttiruect to their horse in Cartwright after a two weeks' visit with his uncle, G. Barton, former from the Assembly meeting at Halifax and the latter from visiting at Ailsa Craig and Woodstock. On Sunday morning instead of a sermon Mr. West gave a resume of the Assembly pro- eoedings which was both interesting and encouraging. The Blnevale Orangemen will celebrate at Listowel this year. Wesley Thornton and little daughter of Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. William Sellers. It is fourteen years since ;1 Ir. Thornton left Bluevalo to reside in Detroit. Dan McDonald, of Palmerston spent Doiidtxioil Day at Geo: g3 McDonald's. Rev. D. Rogers Nvi11 preach a special sermon to the Orangemen in the Metho. dist church next Sabbith. Miss Fannie Thompson and Merles Dodds of l3rnssels visited Charles Ilerbort'5 on Monday. The holiday passenger traffic was unusually heavy this year. Mrs, Leonard Main of La I:iviere, Manitoba, is visiting lteiIsistor•in-law, is. , iiey and will visit relatives in severe places of Ontario before rettirnn.- frig to the Prairie Province. A dog killer Miss Dana Patterson's site guinea, pigs ono slight last Week. Mrs. 'Cook of Brantford is visiting at Mr. Spenco'a first lino of Morkis. wnox treat. The celebration hero on Dominion day was not as good as was expected, owing to the acrobats failing to come. However the bicycle races, and Herb. Wightman's performance on the slack wire were very much. enjoyed by every- one. The Drayton baud was in attend- ance and rendered abundance of good music. Miss McCully, of Seaforth is speliding a. few days with her mut, Mrs Sage.. John Sanderson, of Toronto is visit- ing his father, Postmaster Saudersou, T. W. Gibson and family of Toronto are visiting Mr. Gibson's sister, Mrs. V. Dickson. Mrs. Robt. Gibson has returned home after a three months' visit with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Robe. Miller left this week to visit her daughters in Toronto. While Archie Moffatt was loading the cannon on the morning of the celebra- tion here, it exploded, tearing the fiesb. and shattering the bone of his leg. He was carried to the doctor's office. Dr. Tuck was called from Gerrie to assist in dressing the wound, which took the two• doctors over an hour. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hemphill spent San - day in Teeswater. NEUMk1IA leaves the lungs weak and opens the door for the germs 'of Consumption.Don't i wait until they get n, and you begin to cough. Close the door at once by healing the inf lalnmation. makes the lungs germ- proof; erm 1' > ....roof; it heals the inflam- mation and closes the doors. It builds up and strengthens.. the entire system with wonderful rapidity. roc. And yi.ou, dll druggttii, SC0Dr St 2OWNAI Chemin', Toioglii