HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-06, Page 4TRH WINGTIAM TIES, JULY 11, 1A0. neeteirtesee A strawberry social was held on Tues- day .Might at"'the residence of William Wray, Morris, under the auspices: of the Methodist choir. Besides the hearty re- past a good programme e was rendered. Rev. Mr. Oaten sang, and an orchestra A. guaranteed cure for sore, famished several harmonious histret- nmental selections. The evening was Sot ti au entire sex*ees. charley Blackewho has been tailoring with R•. Mea ve ., "Wiugllani, is home for: a couple of mionths in the harvest. FET Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wingllam preael :s to the Orangemen in. the Methodist church hero on Sunday afternoon at 4 • o'clock. EAST WAWANOSIL, Miss Annie McConnell, of Windsor is visiting friends around Calvin at pre- sent. Mr. and Mrs. P. Porterfield spent part of last week with their daughter, Mrs. James Ferguson at Bayfleld. Will, Henry, of Westfield spent last Sunday on thol0th, Mrs. McKenzie and Min's Cassie Mc- Burney, of Bien:aeld spent the last two weeks with the latter's father, William McBurney, of Marnoch. Miss Tithes, of Lucltnow has been around securing a music class ou the'Oth ESTABLISHED 1872. . and 10th for the summer. Miss C. Beau returned to her home in TUE WIN6iAri TIDES. Goderieh on Tuesday last, where she H. B. ELLIOTT, PupLISHER AND PROYRIETOR will spend her vacation. Miss Ida McAllister, of Wingham spent last Saturday with Miss Jennie Riutoul. Miss Kate Robertson,of Toronto is spend- ing a couple of weeks with friends on the Gth. Al ert and Miss Alice Tisdale spent Si , ay with friends in Morris. ev. W. T. Hall and family, f Bel - ave left on Monday for a In 's visit with friends in Whitby. ie services in Calvin church for th nest two Sun - sweating and swollen AT Colin Al C a pb e 11' s DRUG STORE. TO ADVERTISERS. Notiee of changes mast be left at this office 11ot later than Saturday uoon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday evening. Casual advertisements accepted np to noon Thursday of each week. FOR POOR CONSUMPTIVES. , . I.ti 1 Assoeiatluu .L'oruleil—Slink At- tooll u.ce- nttlrcrs x:lected To-utgltt, The meeting held in the Town Hall on Friday night was very poorly :attend- ed.. Mayor Olegg cceupied the chair and in a few words introduced the speaker and the subject. Air. Watson then. rose and addressed the assembled few in regard to the formation of an ass : lotion for the prevention of tuber - osis and other forms of consumption. Mr. Watson said in part: The idea of forming an association of this kind was first broached about three years ago when Mr. Gage,. Mr. Massey aucl other philantrophio gentlemen took it in hand. Of course the lnain object of the association was to erect and lnaiutaiu a hospital or sanatorium for consumptives. Iai this they followed the example of England. The company was •farmed. with Lord Stratheona as president, ice -res' Justice Meredith, � p vice-president, Mr. Gage, treasurer, Dr. Powell, secretary, and a board of directors composed cf John Ross of Montreal, Dr. Stuart, Messrs. Gurney and Blain,. Senator. Cox and Hon. G. W. Ross, After long deliberation on the matter the site for the sanatorium was chosen near Graveuhurst, Muskoka, for the fresh mountain air of that region was. found to be exactly suited to the needs of consumptives. FRIDAY, JULY 6. 1900, NOTES AND coneIENTS, Gecrge Goetz, Reeve of Ellice. was aut.animousiy nominated as the Reform candidate for North Perth in the com- ing Dominion elections, and has accept- ed. the nomination. Messrs Thos. E. Bay and J. A. Hacking of Listowel, Dr. Johnston of Morniugton, Hon. Thomas Ealiantyne, G. G. McPherson, Q. C., Dr. Devlin and Thos. Trow of Stratford were also proposed, but they retired in favor of Mr. Goetz, whose nomination 'was made unanimous. The Goderieh Star of last week in taking an extract from a recent TLMEs article urging the promotion of a Huron Historical Society says: "The Star has several times urged that the example of Other connties be followed in Huron, by the formation of an Historical Society, to place on record the history of the pioneers of this county, and government, municipal and edueational affairs in the *history of the county since its earliest days." That's right! Will some other brother speak? Last Friday Mr. Bell, Picton, was 3nalkng a denunciation in the House of Commons of official wrong -doing in 'Yukon admitiistratioll. Mr. Foster in- terrupted to say that these charges were being read for the benefit of the Minis- ters, and the Minister of Agriculture was .deep. Mr. Fielding replied with much humor, "He has an easy conscience." clays will be at half past seven instead of half past two. Rev. Mr. Whaley, of St. Helens will conduct the service next Sunday and Rev. Mr. Dunn, of White- church Sunday evening following. Rev J. W. Goffm, of Wingham will be the supply for half past two the third Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stein who wont to British Cohumbia this spring have re- turned, Mr. and Mrs. S. McGee, of Wingham spent Sunday with the former'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. John McGee. It was rather cold for a pleasant time at the picnic on Saturday. Ed. Wightman is sawing wood with his engine in the neighborhood at pre - n Liss Jean Cummings, vhose teaching rm in School No. 8 clod on the first of July, was presented by her pupils with a writing desk anhandkerchief box on Friday last. pupils were very sorry to part so kind and loving teacher and the happy remember- ances of her shall not be soon forgotten. JAeMESTOWN. Misses Barbara McKelvey and Bea- trice Howe, of Brussels are -visiting the former's uncle, Wm. McKelvey. Misses Laura and Bessie Strachan are spending their summer holidays with their uncle, Frank Wright. Miss Arlie McKelvey spent Saturday 'with friends in Teeswater. Miss Maggie Davis, teacher in S. S. No. 1, Turnberry, has gone to her home in. Staffa to spend her vacation. Mrs. James Simpson, and her daugh- ter, Vona, are visiting her nephew, T. Sit:npson in Elms. Quite a number of our young people took in the excursion to Guelph last Thursday. Mrs. Robert Mitchell and Miss Lydia,. of Molesworth were visiting their Friend, Mrs. James Wright. WINOU,tall 11[:#111({:': Itx'al.'O1rrs. Wiegman, July 5, 1:100. Flour cr 100 lbs.... 2 00 to 2.25 Falls heat ,..,,., 0 70 to 0 70 Sprilii; Wheat ... 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, ,,,.,..,,,., 0 26 to 0 27 Barley 0 33 to 0 35 Peas.,., ... 0 58 to 0 aS Turkeys, drawn , ,... 0 00 to 0 10 Geese, c, 0.05 to 0 06 Ducks, per pair , . , , 0 40 to 0 50 Butter..,... .,.. ,,.,0 15 to 0 18 Eggs per doe : .. . 0 12 to 0 13 Wood per cord ,,.,, .... 0 00 to 0 00 Hay per ton........, 7 00 to 7 00 Potatoes per bushel . 0 25 to 0 25 Tallow per lb .. , . 0 05 to 0 06 Lard., .,..... 012to012 Dined Apples per lb 0 00 to 0 06 Wool ...,.... . 0 17 to 0 20 Dressed Hogs ..,,,, G 50 to '7 00 Chickens......,.,.. 0 35 to 0 40 An Open Letter After the sanatorium was ready for use eighty-three patients were received. Of these sixty-four were greatly Unprov- ed and twelve absolutely cured. This shows for the first year 15% of cures. The second year which ended ou Sept.. 80, 1899, ninety-nine patients were received. Of these seventy showed great improvement while twenty-one were absolutely cured, This shows a percentage of twenty-one cured. Of the class which were greatly improved many might have been cured had. they had the means to continue at the hospital for a sufficient length. of time. During the past year a large number of patients were turned away for reason of lack of accomodatiou. Besides this those who were deemed iucluable were turned away as it was thought their presence would be injurious to the, other patients. Many were refusedaclmit;ance because of their inability to pay the necessary fees. The fee which is $6 a week may appearto be high is yet much lower thau that charged by other hospitals and is much lower than cost of maintenance. It is therefor proposed to build another hospital in the same vicinity for the accomodatiou of patients who cannot support themselves. I'or the purpose of assisting such. cause local associations are being form- ed in all the towns and villages of Ontario. The membership fee to these associations is $1.00 a year or $20.00 for a life member. . The amount thus raised would be avery considerable ono and would place the hospital on a rock bottom, and besides being of mere pecuniary assistaucewouldgive very ma- terial aid in distributing literature on the subject and enlightening the public mind in regard to the dreaded disease, consumption. They could also improve the sanitary conditions in many places. They could explain the way to prevent consumption which is not hereditary, as the majority of people suppose, but con- tagious. At the conclusion of Mr. Watson's re- marks it was moved by Mayor Clegg seconded by Rev. D. Perrie that such an association should be formed in Wingham. The motion carried. The following resolution was adopted : That the meeting believing that an association here may do good work in several ways, do now hereby form ous- eelves into such association,- adopting the object, terms of membership, methods and rules recommended for local associations, the last named sub- ject to amendment as circumstances may require by a vote of the association after due notice, to be known as "The Wingham Association for the Preven- tion and euro of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis. The following members were enroll- ed—Mayor Clegg, Rev's. Perrie, Hobbs and Freed, Jas. A. Cline, N. A. Farqu- harson. During the week the town will be canvassed and, any wishing to join will And the membership roll at N. A. Farquharson's store. The meeting then adjourned till Friday evening, July 6th, whets Mr. Watson will again be present for the election of officers. TO ALL SUFFERERS FROM ANAEMIA AND KINDRED TROUBLES. TURNDERRY. flu Wednesday afternoon at 4.30 at the residence of Geo. Bryce his (laugh- e) ter Mary Ellen was united marriage to Phillip Keffer, Culross. Rev. D. 'Perrie was the officiating clergyma .After the ceremony a pleasant evenin eeh was spent by the party. MORE PRECIOUS THAN MR. w31 WILSON, OF SARNIA., TELLS now HE REGAINED HEALTH AFTER AN ILL- NESS OF OVER TWO YEARS. Mr. William Wilson, who is well known to the citizens of Sarnia, Ont. writes: • "It affords me much pleasure to be able to add my testimony to the great benefit that I have derived from your famous Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It is now a little more than two years since 1 became afflicted with anaemai. During that time I have received almost continuous treatment from medical men of the highest rank in their profession yet apparently deriving no benefit. Indeed I continued to grow worse until I became unable to walk. I came to the conclusion that I was deriving no benefit from the treatment and decided to give it up. It then was the gtiestion what shall I try next? Having read the to imony of so many who have suffered a similar manner and who had eceived great benefit from your Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I decided to give them a fair trial. It is now about three months since I commenced t� take your pills and to -day I feel almost completely' restored. Two weeks after I began to take the pills I felt a decided improve- ment. Three months ago when I began to take your pills my flesh looked like wax, and my face, feet and legs were badly swollen. These conditions have all disappeared and to -day my color is natural and nay blood vessels full of good rich blood. It will afford me pleasure to recommend Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pilus to any one suffering from anaemia or kindred ailments." Dr.Williams' Pink Pills are praised amongst the highest in the land, as tt strengthening and tcilic medicine, whether for men, women or children, They are not like other medicines nor can they be imitated as is sometimes dishonestly pretended by dealers who offer substitutes. See that the package bears the full name Dr. Willialns'Pink Pills for Palo People, and in case of doubt send direct to Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., who will supply the pills post paid at 50c. per box The champions of the Toronto League, or $2.50 for six boxes. These pills cure the Gore Vales, and the champions of all disorders which arise from i,npov. the Western, Berlin, ,played in the latter erished blood, such as muscular weak• place on Saturday for the Caledonia ness,loss of appetite, shortness of breath Cup. Ileithor side scored. The Gore pains in the buck, . nervous headache' Vales must bo pulling up. Toast yeah' jeweler and Optician early decay, all forms of female Weak- Berlin defeated thele 8-0. nos, hysteria, paralysis, loeonlotor allegMacdonald Block, ataxia, rheumatism and sciatica. Easy Lessons in ife Assurance. Why Should I Insure my Life? 3. Because, as death is certain, every dollar invested in life insurance must re- turn to my estate,and at a time when, my family will need it most. 4. Because the experience of more than a century proves that well man- aged Life Insurance Companies are the safest institutions in the world, ABNER COSENS, Agt. The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada. locals had it all the way to the sixth when Skeates' arm gave out --and the game began to go. Angus was substi- tuted and then it went. Now it is gone. The feature of the game was the sharp fielding of our boys. Walkerton was weaker in the field and altogether out on. third. Six errors are counted against the man who held down the bag. Stunt, pitcher for Walkerton, for a junior threw an iminense ball. Walkerton. Culross 3b. Shearon 2b. Arscott r.f. Lawlor lb. Donuely 0. McKay1.f Prince c.f. Sturt p. Brislan s.s. fine gold is your eyesight.. Don't be so foolish as to buy spectacles from ped- dling so-called Opticians, when you can be properly and scientifically fitted by a responsible dealer. We carry a very full line of all kinds of spectacle wear. W e test the eyes free and guaranteesatisfaction. Winghanl. Alderson s.s. Skeates p Lockeridgo c. Dinsley lb, Pearson 2b. Hill 3b. Hamilton c.f. Moore 1.f. Linklater r.f. Angus p. AB. R. H. P.0 A. E. 5 3. 3 k 0 63 3 1 3-2 1 512000 5 2 1 11 0 1 4 1 2 7 4 1 3 2 2 0 0 0 511400 4 1 0 0 6 0 323011 37 16 15 26 13 AB. R. H.P.O A. 52122 6. 3 4 0 2 6 2 3 5 3 6 2 2 8 1 61232 61222 4 0 1 0 0 50110 51110 00010 10 E. 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 49 12 .17 28.12Bases on balls by Sturt 7. Skeates1. Umpire Droham. Children Cry fou' CASTOR IA The Filipino soldier fell upon his knees. "Oh, senor!" hecried,"have you no mercy?" Private Smith of the Penn- sylvania volunteers, who had been a drug clerk at home, looked down upon him coldly. "No," he replied from sheer force of habit, "but I have something just as good." Thereupon he gaveitto him.—Philadelphia Press. SkonerING NOTJ:s. At Seaforth on Monday Mitchell was defeated 13 to G at lacrosse. By the way, is it Powers or Mcit`inley who is president of the'tlnited Stator. Wingbam played baseball in Brussels Olt Saturday afternoon, winning 14 to 0 Keith an inning to spare. In the Goderieh-Clinton game --the fourth in the CountyLeague—onFri- day Clinton wan 17.5. Clinton have won two' games, Goderich and Whip ham one. The t rto1i•Win hate match in '%elswater ori llfonday was sad. The With- out help, a bald spot never grows smaller. It keeps P OTS ing, until at list your friends say, " How bald he is getting." •Y :;..... Not easy to cure an old baldness, but easy to stop the first thinning, easy to check the first falling out. Used in time, bald- ness is made impos- sible with It stops falling, promotes growth, and takes out all dandruff. It always restores color to faded or gray hair, all the dark, rich color of early life. You may depend upon it every time. It brings health to the hair. Si.00 a bottle. All Druggists. •• 1 boo used goer hair vigor and auk greatly ptcaaed with ft. i have Only uged ono bottle of It, and pet my hnlr.has stopped falling Outand has Started to grow again nicely: JULtts Wirt, March 28,1809. Canova, 8. Date *Who ti, i Onatu . tl yon 116 sot obtoln but the bsnetlts 60 expected from the ttee et Chef Derr, unite the Motor about lt. A.ddrotle, DR, J. C..dEliRlfiaee. The Peoplas Popular Store GAR OF GRANULATED SUGAR 8 LDS. FOR $I.00 G' D ST GIVE `�A r'�.AY In order to get Gold Dust Washing Powder into as many houses as possible, we are goingto give iaway 10o packages. This is how we will do t. You purchase one package of Gold Dust or one cake of Copco Soap, or, one cake of Glycerine -Tar Soap, and we make you a present of one package of GolGoldDust. HANDSOME PICTURES GIVEN AWAY with Fairbanks' Glycerine -Tar Soap and Copco Soap. DAR OF GRANULATED SUAR 8 LDS FOR $I.®® Goods delivered promptly to any place within 3 miles of store. KERR JOti1�1 Macdonald Block, Wingham. BAROAI N8 ! BARCAI N8 Ladies Shirt Waists and Wrappers. Also in Fancy Muslins, Vie- Coria Lawns, Organdies, Piques and Scotch Ginghams. See our up-to-date stock of Embroideries and Insertions at special cut prices. T. A. MI 0