HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-06, Page 2Th. w Mass ((Morrie Ce., Vaulted, I et;
stwrtYilled to sl',s,'outinno its annual exai-
1>itiou at the Toronto, 1 onion nut ('t-
tnw,t £air.;, 1'.lt by way of alllowi:.g ti> it
gout will to the fait' dirt•ette anti with
11a'ev to iuterosta11>M tire agnate:be d
and it)rti'ulturatl connlh iUity, they ttra
outli:lg '104 Alt (e.elt 1>riees to ewe -
petit, :s et thew fa Ira,
Tisa naw ec•p•.right r•'gul,tti els tE
aceep 1.'e' re the II1in;`t1 at:t oeithet
1.x iIl eraalle that I" Web, mutter to 1Lu:I.e
his own t'+) til"ct with hitt (y uvt:ilat
publish er,.lee which the o ipylhg;' t ca e
be este etc f r Carrell on the t n,.tlil: >l•
that the b a k is Fir the ee. The
Aueeel':et at:nn.d utl'i'ieg (dense is ea n-
vertt't1 i 1.,n a Wading ela tree, so t. at
plated, cath bo prreha s d eit` :.i' at
Loudon o • :rye w 'Volk and t' e tea � . -
tine aa` el el iii Uitettaiti
art r'sLittle Liver Pills(.
Must Boner Signature of
See Pac.sirnite Ec'rarp:er Cciow.
Year seam °ate a; easy
to take ne salla,
ran CIriIC SEE8d,
7013 Cil€trelltPATION.
€,,Ari Sfti,i,M SKIN.
Crlci> Gr•.Ydir.721yi'l MUaTNAVUI,ORATURe.
25 oe>rls i Purely YegetaSalo.,,G�r�o� .„�eG
A Dr c-sm a er's
Are. Stich as to Cause Backache
A Toronto D:'essmaker has Found a
Positive Cure a n.d Gladly Tells
About it.
Those who follow
the arduous oven.
pation of dress-
making or sewing
have troubles of
, Running sewing
machines all day
long, bending over
work that requires
the greatest of care,
these are the things
q that have made
t many a mom an
exclaim, "every
IIS' F g time I take a stitch
with my needle it,
seems as though I qt,m pieroing my own
But those who suffer from baolfaohe,
headache, pain in theide or any derange-
ment of the kidneys ill be glad to know
that there is a remedy, hat never fails even
in the worst cases. 1 '
It is Doaa's Kidney Pills.
Mrs. P. Coyler, than well-known dress.
maker, 224 Bathurst $t., Toronto, Ont.,
gave the following stater' lent,of her experi.
once with it:
"For some time I stiffered a good deal
from Weak back, a tired feeling, and pains
and aches in various parts of rey body.
Since I have used J3oan's Kidney Pills the
painshave left me, My back has got stronger
and t he kidney troubles Have been corrected.
That tired, dul4idrowsyfeeling that used
to come on mo has now gone, andI amhappy
to say I have not felt so well in years as at,
Dean's Kidney Pigs cure backache, lame
or weak beck, Brig1:.'s disease, diabetes,
drops : ,..::,t before, .lm eyes, loss of memory,
rl:cnni;1.t;s:n, it,' •": r nci urinary t:ci11':es of
young oe old. ,..d,:3: Lean Kidney Pill. Co.,.
Toronto, (Int.
TAE W.1i1TGJTAM r•�.i �A
W[NGHA :i ' Rt•fuge, Clinton, 'vhexo i llo had itet`ll aux
-T -
inmate for four years. aril for three years
S.P. 'Ental:s, li.tk,1rillcilx:l of Q. cler:eh and EON% ui0Ut':s was- It;'t'ridd `li. t^he
1n11•lic rohool (lied: (-la Jou.• Mitil. I came irauu (led•mit.h ichor( talo hr re-
J;;Ineki,li:';l li, Clinton, t)1t'l two snort- 1 laltives tinct• the xt'lnatu5i l Qr0 R,`]lt lap
horn cows t,.r aaJ the (;titter day. there :or interment. Those ale still
ILEI lets„ (trip I'u\vdees caw. ('`vain A, iglity,threo intim; ea at the Rouse who
(';uta1 Lt 11.. are enjoying the a.itlU1110. v1.l lvt`lL
l acct IitlY01t fill fair will bo hold At Jo11I1 Dnttoll, 1.l, tg;lst. of Strut;or11,
Iarut Bels tat Thureday tied reiday, Oet. i alio al emu) 2 >th at tic res itletwo of (. A,
fa tt:.d 0, Deaicllnan, Brasses, Mr, Dutton had
ego pet talc tut lc in the U -oder .11 to 1 bewail): boar health for some til'.le tt:zct
Da;trt111 e.:eur,ion On tLo stena.or, city of ! Mrs. De aiuu u, who had Leen with htau
' # for some time in Stt atfeed, H1en';'11. a
Taltt .}, l.ant 1) ti l.. ehanne Ant '1.t d0 hien geed. and hull lulu
(idler's Onmales cure eenatipa tion. brow ht to her ho:no 0:i Molhc',ay uft•or-
Sold I y t'oai I Ca Cpl ell. noun. 1111:5, C. Tleaclivall was
Tee t) ... e G;.a11ty d ..uz:.cil act its. lust € slaughter of iteceasea end1T^s, V.. 0,
Heteia 1l t•teet1 t.) 0(1.011 eie 02.ait d:v i::ian j 11(>uerS a s sten-iii-ltxt}.
t::e Far a of .000 for tilt, im provemenit or
:ends, k t «''1.111 flzotialer oetogetu thy- 'aimed
!away in the persou of Mrs. Mae "et
The 1; s Atoms 11, da ,ll:('re of 7
Wilhatlt Aclaceon, Getl,`r.,.i, hat last ' ' whose death. O.0P1etl on
111' foe theiCteip to Perla Lv.ubition "''''41°" 1171 J: no 29th, :1.x her 0'' Ihl
x1.' ih ": ar loath , a. the remit
i1:e,}' \.l;i 1a;1 t t' ;1.3 three _i.a.:tli>, ( � i' r 1` "s t 1 .•
simP1 of o ci cap. i1 o deceased was
At the meet'*1g• of the Ilene' ('oiuity born in 1'V,„ to'i lti:o, r;>.:otlaintl, (Aril in
camee:t at Wtii'etam, Jo 1.'i llu.elhisou, Wee was mux "fid to Peter M,' _,ay . In
of Lueltuow z1. .s Oeettel C011.1113 Aut•- lila Mr. and gmrs. I>ittx:ny conte to
tor in place of trr, Duda, lc,i ,,Ioa1 Aule i "t and selt'ed at Bnfled° where
Eo yen reatcl w1mt eeoll'.e easy about they lived Sar too y-ea:rs, colnitil; to
I;Ia:od s Sarea p tril'a? It is curing all () :u::In azul s t Iismg in Ashfield, y,,z�ro
turl:ls cl
of ctisen e 'aLk't or 1'roiliote't by ii: Mu:'ray died a low year( later, In
impt'xe tltiod 1850 the doocnsdil married George Bissett
R Iii caxcliuo fl:rliittro firm recently of Goderich, tat) el:ed. itl 1870, Two
received a letter front a Liverpool coli- years after ll . Siasett's death the
cern addr:s•,eclIts follows :--"Mai:ol;n o
Sometimes afier getting overheated,
11Vatsen, Lake Iluren, County Bruce, there follows a chill, then 1.t severe cold.
The quickest n best remedy fax the
By the burst>hlg of a bottle,
James worst Icilids of cgiiglls azld colds is Dr.
McGarry, bar tender in the McGarry * Wood's NorwayPine Syrup, Try it..
Price ti
House, Lucl:uot , had his arm. badly oat
between the wrt anti the elbow, with
the broken glass4.
Two thousandl baskets were teamed
up from Parkhill .to Clinton for Caute-
Ion Bros. They will be used for shipping
cherries, plums, etc. Last season this
firm handled over 8000 baskets.
New Life for a quarter. Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pills, Soicl by Colin A.
deceased wont toBlind Riser aucl lived
there for a number of years, afterwards
retuenillg to Goderich. For the past
fent y. a :'s she hat resided. with Mr. and
Mrs. Warnock. She had three children,
but they all pre -:deceased her,
It is estimated, by the Manitoba De-
partment of Agriculture that 8,700 farm
hands are now employed in Manitoba.
The Rev, juin!. Loaroycl, who has
been paster of the Methodist Cliuroh
for the past two year's, left with 111.5
family on Mouday list for London,
where tbc; will ni;tke their fatere
home. Me. Leargyd has been in the
active lu'aistry of the Methodist Church
for over fo.ty-five years, and owing to
continued failid' health., decided to
supera:na: a:e at the late London
Couferehace. Oii-Monday evening, Tune
18th,t e memberS of the Epworth League
met at the parsonage grounds and with
their pastor in the centra .Had, their
picture taken.. On • Saturday evening
;Tune 23rc. a Committee from the League
again visited the parsonage and the -
President D.C. Taylor in a few chosen
words full of love and appreciation
Fa:Tented a pictuv'e of the group
It is not expected that any more will beens,framed and rusting on an
needed until harvest. And, from pros-
sent reports as to crop conditions, no The m adage of Miss Drolly Faux, sir-
great iuerease in the number -will be tet' of W. D. diad youngest daughter of
needed even then. the late Thos. Fair, to. W. L. Claws
• Laxa-Liver Pills cure Biliousnoss,Stek i euhew of Mrs. T. RnttenUury) of N
Headache, Dysyep;>za. Sony Stomach, Louis, Tt7,S., tock place in Witlis church,
Vater Bras, Sallow Complexion, eta. Clinton, Jane 27th at 6.1e a. in. The
They do not gripe, weaken or ,itken. chancel of the clunch was' decorated
Small and easy to take. Price 25e. with palms and other flowers alicl the
Fire caught in the timbers supportive first half -a -do en pews were reserved for
the -pan at the salt: block: and dib invited. guests. The pastor, Rev. -el.
considerable damage- 1.uai weak Stewart, performed the ceremony, -The
in Brussels. As a c. usegnence bride, who mitered. hammer on the arta
the block is not working tai:; t; e k. of herbhother, W D, Fair looked chsrnt-
The loss was estimated at $201 and Ing ill lier 1 rave ling suit of grey and
repairs are being made as cjtud-:ly as c g1ryiug a showek bocluet of white roses.
possible so as to get the weak k gqaHer cousin, missi1 Cavan, of Paris, was
again. her bridesmaid, 4icl was prettily attired,
"tit. Helena," Freya the Illeglirh cur- . in white, earryinu a shoFve: boquet of
respondent of Carnal! Gentlemen, pink roses. E. Lucas, a brother,. sup -
"half way between A:eerier,. and J friea,
raised 1,200 feet aneve sea level, with its
cloudy skies and even temperaattire,
grows most irt,its :.nal vegetables to per-
fection. Of course, there is not much of
it as a whole—duty ten miles by eight
are itS men' nue arm leas, covering
some 50 square utiles or so." •
Dan McKenzie, of the 4th con, mot
with a terrible accident at ie been raisilhg
all the farm. of George Erwin, en the
second concession. of Kinloss. Ile was
on the top plate .f the building and
losing his balance, fell to the g:oancl
over thirty feet below. One of his 1eLs
was badly broken and he was very ser-
iously injured internally and now lies at
his home in precarious condition,
On June- 28th, Mary McKegg, aged
eighty -lour years, died at the house 0f
The GachacheiiiK Kidney Sufferer is N'>t Hewed t0 Far Away
Peple For Dr. Pircher's Backache Kidney Tablet
Evidence, The Great Kidney Remedy
Calfs lip Vaiuteg of Proof in
Every Community.
Wm: H. walker, Joeephine st., says:
t°Far more than five or six years I lead
been troubled with a persistent kidney
trouble with a severe pain across the
small of my back and in between tho
shoulders. It did not 1espond to any-
thing I did. 1. teas tolal of Dr, Pitcher's
Baokael>e Kidney Tablets and got a be;,
tie at Colin Catupbeil's drug store and I
can conscientiously recommend thein to
()thee. "I1h;•y certainly a ita(1 f1rely.
The pst.r and r115'oinfort rcosctcl end the
kidney s. cretions locantn>aatural again
tancl with ht a general improvement in
health this is telly I can sum 'i,t their
use to others. Lifting pitinos and heavy
structures in my business I think caused
the trouble.
Mtn,1D. Meltayl "victoria st., says:—
a "13ackaeho and Kinney trouble I have
had for some time. The attacks being
heretofore interrupted and due to a
kidney trouble. I got on reconhmnenc1to
tion a bottle of Dr. Pitchers Backache
ltittney Tablets from Colin Campbell,
Druggist, and am pleased to say they
are a good medicine. They a@ted well
with me and gave me comfort quickly,
I wiled hilt the ane battle and amleased
to say a good word for them as they de-
serve IL
ported the groom,1 and W. B.tydonc and
N. Fair acted as ushers, After the cere-
mony the cariiagee in waiting took the
happy couple wide the Mends to the
depot, where they; took the 7.40 train,
and will spend a honeymoon at Niagara,
Falls,Poris, Ayr, Buffalo, Toronto acrid
other points, then to their future home
in•St. Louis. The pride is one of Clin-
ton's most highly respected and popular
young ladies, and was until lately or-
ganist of Willis church.
insured Against Marriage.
"'Why marry when you °anget agootl
pension at the age o f forty by remain-
ing single?" is the pntieing notice ex-
hibited in Hollaud, 1The object of this
company is to protide a pension for
females who have buten able to withstand
up to that time of life, the alluring offers
of the opposite sex.. Only young girls
are admitted as members.
Bach member pays, a small sum yearly
beginning at the ago of thirteen, Should
a member so far forget herself as to con-
tract a matrimonial t lliance, she imined-
lately forfeits all hrr rights. Should
she on the other haantl, remain' single tip
forty years of age, she gets her pension.
Many take advantage of this system and
remain single until the time limit lice
expired, draw their pension and then
The owner of an extensive bathing
machine business et at well-kuuwn resort
last summer hit upon a novel insul'anlce
scheme. 11e had a largo number of
coupons printed and offered theta to•his
customers at one penny c ooh. Tao
coupon entitled the purchasers heir to
the sunt of 110,000 should the holder of
the ticket lose his life by drowning while
using one of the proprietor's bathing.
xmxaallines. The tickets were available
for tho day only. r
2Gfore. OW.
V'oba'' Thoap'hoainat
The dreat 1inpZtth Berney.
Sold and recommendesi by all
druggists in Canada. Only telt*
able hediefno discovered. Nix
If you have the sli 11;0 al'.: symptom of taitinc> 0r bladder trouble m Cka7c, (/ueranieed to clue all
1y , you Can test Corms of Sexual wr rlcness, all elTeets of ahii O
this great nleihciue free Arratit;,eirla',z>ls ltttve been nxade whereby overy rondo: of or wagers, Mental Worry, Exeessive nae 01 TO'
this paper can obtain h triad p:1. J.v;o of Iy Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets ab- baeen, a po> a °ooksaaca ilaeiitt • maned e ie olp
Mint:ly frco l y c'tulo.,ial„ two c tilt :tall!) fur pestalgo to the I'iteller s Tablet co.. ttxrtOittnatxe, pPamphlets free tti Ans+eadrit ,
Toronto, (Jut. When giving c l c..:' uh"!:tion this impel., 'arae ^tVoot1 company, Wivnddor,Ont•
If you are eoiivi11e-(11'itch(x'9 `I'oble,is aro what Tot' Stant, yotti . can purchase ' '1 Igo*
lair size far 110 cents .r bottle. It not obtainable n,1. tirtz I '
A X.yrte,
1 m the gl'ny cess rose;
1 count not sleep for thinking of ogle stead.
Then to the chest I vent,
Where lio the things of Any beloved,
Quietly these I took;
A little glove, a sheet of 2i211810 torn,
1 titttiug's, ill -done perhaps;
Thou lifted up at dress that she bad tvoriz..
AmI now I come to where
Her letters are; they lie beneath therost;
And read them in. the haze;
Silo spoke of many things, was soro
But those tbiugs;i loved tae not;
Not when she lipoke of being; parted
Or being misunderstood,
Or growing weary or tale world's groat
tight, •
Not h
N' even w eu slid, wrote
Of our dead chili, and the Handwriting
Not even then I shook;
Not even by sal words wasl unnerved,
1 thought, she is int peace:
Whither the child ie gone, she toohas
Auct El lnuoh-needed rest
Is fallen upon her, Who is still at last.
flut when at length I took
From under all talose letters one small
Folded and writ in haste;
Why did miry heart with sudden sharp-
ness beat? -
Alas, it was not sad.
Iter saddest wor'Os I had read calmly
o'er.. . ei
Alas, it had no pan!
Fier painful words all these I knew be-
A hurried Happy liriet -
A little jest, too sli ht tor olio so dead;
This did I not endue;
Then with a shuddering heart no more 1
read.—Stephen Philips.
.A Mother's Opinion.
Mrs. J. Snelling, Underwood, Ont.,
says that she used Dr. Low's Pleasant
Worni Syrup. in her family for the past
eight years, aucl She knows of nothing
so geed for children who suffer from
worinS. -
Orangeville Aclvei.tiser: "On Tuesday
morning John 114'srtton. fo. slerly reeve
of Shelbu;.,le, who has for the past two
years been serving a sentence for per-
in Tugs;og% pen:ten'ia;: e, passed
through Orange llle on - his. way to the
northern vill.age.'4 Tabu is now bathing
his brow in the fresh sad free•air of
liberty. The d `mantle of justice hove
been fi :iasfied.. am:'tou's Jaime was
one of the Worsi in the calendar, but it
was committed )u an. attempt to shield
himself from: what was just as serious
a charge. Thof lamentable fest+tire of
the affair,; lhowe$ver. vies that in his fall,
like Samson, h4 brought many others
down with hint "
A tisconteuttia man can never bo a
useful, much less a successful, man. A
healthy ambition for a corstantlywitlen-
iug sphere isgood, but you never find it
associated with the disgruntled com-
plaints that hna4k some young men be-
hind the counter as meclioolities. When
you find a felloev who _thinks he is too
good for his job you may depend upon
it he is not fit •for it, much less for a
better place. It is the • clerk who ham-
mers away with might and main at
whatever he may be at who is suddenly
surprised with%the command, "come up
Far fields leek green. The veriestrag
of a sail on the horizon seems white as
angel's wings. The mountain top is
clothed with sa-Lppihire, but at its rugged
height the soft tints fade into rock and
Mist. There are young men in country
stores who ache to escape the dreatiuess
and cl+'ugery of their rtiral suuoundings
and whose hopes turn. to the larger
towns and cities. Glowing accounts
appear from time to time of the wonder-
ful. success of those who have found in
the city scope for their ambition and
opportunities for their talents. For
every one who :makes success of ooze-
hneecial life in the city there are a
hundred who find a grave for their
The 'Woodstock. Sentinel -Review tells
of an Algoma . Deputy Game Warden
having himselt brought face to face with
the law for selling game oat of season.
Ile pleaded ignorance of the law and
was only fitted $10, half the 'usual
amount. The London Advertiser tells of
a mayor of that city who had himself
brought au iu the police court for being
drunk and disorderly' conduct. Ile
fined himself $1, but promptly remitted
the lino for previous good earthed, The
Writer remembers a eireutnstance in a
city in one of the Western States where
a police magistrate arrested Himself in
the eotttt one morning for being help-
lessly' drunk on the street the (might bo=
fore. Ile remanded himself for two
days to sober tip, and on appeating hi
court the second day, dismissed the
case for want of evidence,
X ',r.1..0e r r
'Rot It fweits. flip, Clli';araiz.
regular per gg s1. s z ailed Ergo of co A1 < a niiiirlt lA A 11r't 4014 nttItaDs+ Davis,
postage can receipt of price, A. L. Ilatnilton, Dicta;gists. P� at
a: Was
hat i
Castoria its for Infants anti Children. Castor'la is n,
harmless substitute for Castor pit, Paregoric, Drops.
and Soothing Syrups, It contains neither* Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant,
Its guarantee is thirty yeas' use by Millions of
Mothers, Castoria destroys Worms and. alloys Feverish -
"less. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and. Wind Colic, Castoria
a•el,i.Qve,1 Teething Trollbles, cilres. Constipation and
Flatulency, Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Dowels .of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Fi aticcc —Tho Mother's Friend.
Castoria. Castoria.
'*Castoff( is an excellent medicine for 'r Castoria Is o well adapted to children
children. Mothers have repeatedty told ane that I recommend it as superior to any pre.
of its good effect upon their children." scription known to me."
DR, 0, 0, OSGOOD, Lowell, class. 11. A, lin-mien, M. D. Brooklyn, N Y
1.t ` "<as sk"'rREF ,„; i&a:Mti` i-41M:aKn3� sa;'ln FIZZ&
��, �e ���OUSstiDISEAS�U
Thom:1 ltie of Yottug and Middle Aged Dte»are annually swept to a premature rave
e through nrly.,indiscretion and Iater excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood
;1 Dis aces l .vc rained and wrecked the life of many a promising young man Have you
any or the foil rang Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; I'irad in Morning-, No Ambi-
tlo�t• can ,'y 'oar; Easily L4atigaed; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes inur; ?imples on
r tae ince l)rea�ta and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Bore
5. 'lier y'a id lite list • Our 11ewBDfel odhTrr atmenne n wiT build you up mentally', phye ca11y
G art :los
�n 1111 Lack of,
o; 1.',i P iter on. eadl DRS. (E N DY . & KE 3A Q::
rot1 111 Un] 111
Dr. Moulton.
” At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined
me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled mo. I could
stand no exertion. head and oyes became dull. Dreams and
drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Bloc -
trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors: They gave me
y no help. A friend advised ma to try Drs. Iiennecly & Horgan. They
sent me ono month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel
myself gaining every day. 7hecr .lVtw Method Treatment cures when
all else fails." Thoy have cured many 02 my friends."
Some 8 years ago 1 contracted a serious constitutional blood
disease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mere Ty almost 3.
killed me. After a while tho .symptoms again appeared. Throat
became sore, pains in limbs, pimples oa Theo, blotches, oyes red,
loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A. medical friend advised Drs.
Kennedy & liergan's New Method Treatment. It cured mo, and 'have t -
for, etaheartilygrecomonctitlto all who have this and
Cure yv 1 bu: disease-
syphilis."It will eradicate the poison from the biot.tl.
Capt. rt ("'"""dl, 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150;000 CURED.
t -t•,,,
"I am 133 year oe age, and married. Winn young I: led a
t' gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble
t for mo. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys bocnmo
4. affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married, lif was nnsatis.
factory and inyhomo unhappy. I tried everyahtng-a11 failed till
' I took treatment from Dra. Iionnedy and Korgan. Their New
Method built me up mentally, physicallyanal. sexually. 1 fool
and act inks a man in overy respect. Try tem."
Par i'iooNames Used Without Written
Consent of Patient.
C4:ii.i iii time.
Our New Method Treatment never fails In atria s Diseases of mea.
it strengthons the body, stops alt
drains and losses, purifies the blood clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual
systems and restores lost vitality to the body.
we Guarantee to Cure Nervous neb21Ity, IRauita • Natal/Joel,
ra3rpalIitta3,V.aricoeele,•otricttire, GIeet,Utnnatural setsclinineea,
'weak Parts and A11Ktcltsey and Madder 1; iseases,
R roma-
Drs. Kennedy Ifergan are the leading specialists of
R B ° America. Thoy guarantee to cure or no pay. Their royp�u-
tation and fifteen years of business are at stake. ynu
run no risk. Write them for an honest opinion, no matter who treated you. IC may,
save you years of regret and suffering.. Charges reasonable. Write for a
Question I,i$t and hook Free. Consultation Free.
woul,d be useless unless
the: at, 'style and quality
were apparent to back up
every statement. We
don't talk volun es, but
our shits talk for us, and
our prices will suit you.
Leave your order for
that new
E O. :..A R K E
Stand next Griffin's Grocery,
As the seals()-,. l5 IiaW
approaching when. these
bills will be needed by
horsemen, we would
stay to all such that the
TIMES office is ' well
equipped for turning out
this clays of work. A
splendid line of suitable
Reasonable rates.
THE -r„
is pur', and cold awl
costs.,;r .... •a . .
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