HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-07-06, Page 1•
'I' VOL XXVIII,NO, 1472,
We Don't
,claim to know everything, but there
;are three branches of tradee, viz: Tailor-
ing, Boots and Shoes and Gentlemen's
Furnishings, that we think eve know
`enough about to give the average dealer
-pointers upon, and also ensure our cus-
tomers the best of goods .et the lowest of
prices. Our
is now turning out a great many choice
;garments. We have a stock of woollens
that is complete in every respect in
Suitings, Spring Overcoatings and
'Trotiserings; and we claim to turn out
the most stylish out, best made and best
:trimmed elothing in thr county.
Our stock of
is well worth inspecting, We have
gathered together the choicest goods of
the best makers in Canada; anct though
the prices on the market have advanced
at least 10 per cent., we are enabled
through. luoky buying to give our pat-
rons Boots and Shoes at the same price
:as last year, We Would particularly
draw attention to our line of men's fine
:shoes. We have them in all leathers
:and in the latest shapes.
a, large eonsigumeut of Gentlemen's
1'itrnisl'ings in all lines. New Shirts,
new Hose, new Underwear„ new Ties,
ii 'w Collars and Cuffs, new Braces, all
eef the latest and nobbiest styles. If you
'wish to be up-to-date in your attire you
must come to us.
We have still a, few Dry Goods left,
novhiclh we aro still selling below cost.
Groceries at cost.
llornllth & Sons
Marriage Licenses
Tssued by PIaAN1c PA:CEaSON, No, 2S Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. N"o witnesses required.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th.
tra education for profitable, progressive and IS
ajpermanent employment is given in the. . jaL+1
*Central Business .College E
Stratford, Ont.
5yJ No less than eight large business col- La�
' leges havo applied. to nS within the lust G
JJ six. weeks for our graduates to take post-
tions , is teachers in their schools. As k,
many as five business firms Have agplied to
to us in one day for office help. Tints is LL
surely the best school for you to attend.. n�T-
7 Write for our beautiful Catalogue. fay.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal, fl
Miss McLean Molt zi• 'rem Scot-
land who is with Mr. - s Company is
a soprano of great swetress and power.
MONEY To LOAN. Maney to 10,n ou
bks notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office -Beaver Block, Wing -
ham. 'tour. MoIrmoo.
'SouooLs.---'.the ap ortionl1he11t of the
Legislative school rant to the schools
in this county fo 1000 is as follows:
Public schools in townships: Ashfield,
$340; Colborne, 09; Goclerich, $3Ct1;
Grey, $308; Hay, $381; Howiek, $476;
Hullet, $318; M Mop, $311; Morris,
$325; Stanley, 273; Stephen, $460;
T'uckersmith, $8 0; Turnberry, $277;
'tTsborne, $294; E st Wawanosh, $233;
'Met Wawanosb :"24.0 --total $5.152.
'ablic schools i town and villages:
Clinton, $318; Go oricia $442; Seaforth,
4200; Winglhatn, $271; Bayfield, $08;
Tilyth, $115; 13 issels, $146; Exeter,
$224; Hensall, $ 00; Wroxeter, $53 --
total $2,030. Sep rate schools: Aslh-
eld, $57; Hay, $4 , spillet, $13; Mc;
ty,t , 9k10; Steph t, $40, West Wawa.
',,,l., • Cloderi lh town, $G4... total
vnuic *".0 tete' 67.4137.
e shottiee
We have just received
full line of the above two
lines, consisting of Tea-
pot Stands, Plates, Fruit
Trays, jardinieres, Cups
and -Saucers, Milk Mugs,
Sugar Bowls, Porridge
Bowls, Teapots, arc.
(The China House)
Opp. Bank of Hamilton
tellslessee lteezaelsetele dtail r
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of Loudon, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first
Friday of each mouth from 11.30 a.
m. till 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation
in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
on the evening of
a garden party wil
auspices of the b
that the ladies. of
their hands. Any
gratefully received
the committee.
Mr. Burns sings th
songs in Highland C
question, The M
that a reeve of a
Make or second.
meetings. The W
authority on mun
decision Will ba
This will create Q'
proceedings in conn
reeves Dave not go
motions and voting
I. O. O. F. Orr
ing of Maitland Lo
F., held on Thurs
following officers
ensuing six mont
Dey,• V. G„ Geor
J. F:'Groves; Fin
Treas., Wm. Robe
to Grand Lodge, J
tntatives to Di
Morton and J.
elective and a
installed at the
(Thursday) event
�n the town park
lursday, July 19th,
be held under the
d. It is expected
lie town will lend
uggestious will. be
•y any memb o
Reach Joan Kerr's adver soment.
Saturday last A ss Delia Spalding,
daughter of F. Sparling, returned
home from the servatory of Music.
She has been vex x successful in her
studies and is UM • ntitled to havo the
letters A. T. C. M. ttached to her name,
Mies Sparling will robably devote her'
attention to tato tea Mini; of music and
we unclerstalhd she las already received
the offer of a pasi
Winnipeg. The Ti
to note the success
halilite and we ti'
will meet with
chosen profession.
Balling. Splendid chance for a good
boy. A. 3, NICIIOLLS, Wingilame
I To Rater. -The Orr cottage, Francis
1 f street. Apply to W. J. CixAPMAN.
bes st g Scotch
in answer to a
icipal World says
municipality may
otions in council
rid is a recognized
cipal law, and its
eneraliy. accepted.
'tea change-iih the
ils, as in the past
beyond gesting
ties. .
ER At the meet-
ge, No. 119, I. O. O.
y of Bast Week; the
ere elected for the
s: -N. G., Jas. A.
e Tervit; Ree. -See.,
Seo., •T: J. Elliott;
tsou; Representative
A. Morton; Repre-
let Lodge, .3.
. Chisholm.
ointecl officers were
lodge meeting last
WANTED: -500 Tubs Butter by 3nly
13th -Eggs 13 ets; Butter 18 ets. We
must have the quantit , cash or trade.
NEw Crrezn ' . The household goods
of H. E. Isard" • Barrie arrived this
in Mr. week anct%are be' placed
Bur -
wash's building der the supervision of
Mrs. Isard. Isard is winding up
the Barrie branch .f the business of the
firm of Danford, i oche .& Co. of New-
market for Thom he has been business
manager for a nu
few weeks he exp
when he will re
building adapting
a general busbies
establish and carre
Burwash and fa
Mr. and Mrs. Isard
the store.
"Et iu s" SaoTci
Mr. I3urns, Scotch
Miss McLean MOS
and Miss Annie
piano solist, and
a highoclass Scotch
House, Winghanl,
July 10th, Mr. Ba
highest recommen
Scotch singer and e
ber of years. In is
asp be in Wingham
odel Mr. Burwash's
•t to the necessities of
which he hopes t
oh successfully
les will reside with
'n the rooms above
SING' R, Coaurma
oealist, supporte
nzie from Sc
McKay . f
concert in the Opera
x Tuesday evening,
ns winos with the
ation as a stirring
tertainer. L"
, will give
A Joanna Pin n , riltxeN PICNIC, --
On Monday afternoox our Presbyterians
held their Jubilee pi' eic on. the Lower
Town flats. Many i' zporta nt races were
off in single Ilea --boys, girls and
rhes. The ladies race proved most
interesting ---some c .ie to the ground
before they came to he goal but they
got there last the s a. Football and
dal ;eel in by the
r also proved very
were much sought
Peter Stewaat
Itearts; with a few
ion in a college in I baseball were also i
les is always pleased boys. A tug -of -w
amusing. The swing
after and much used
gladdened the Sootcl
selections on the ba
f any young Wien-
st this young lady
ery success iu her
. TIrn TwELFriz
Alexander Mair, ant'
Leaf Forever" is th
at the Orange Celeb'j
on the 12th of July,
Master, Hon. N.
authority for th
Muir is "the best 1
Canada," Oth
have also bee
lodges of Bruce a,
ing for the
the prospects all
and successful g
mittee in charg
special train ser
sion rates.
rttool saran.
Piano .. , Meotell . elections .. ..
141iss An» e Dielfay.
Patriotic Song .. "En *lash, Irish and Scotch"
George Ware.
• Mr. true.
Iiuett Bel.eted
Mr, Burns and 11iss i eLoan Melte izie.
Song "Bonnie Prince Charlie" *Tames Hogg
. Miss McLea Meltonzie,
Arable" .. Jeffers
Song .. "Mary 0
Mr. B rats,
Part 1.
Piano- scotch moaners with variations .. .
Miss Annie McKay. •
So»g AicKKKett%ir.
Song "Thoiiie'landMa 1'sToast" Barry/Ann
(In Iii plan Costume,)
Mr. B rns.
thtett "The Standard on the bracts o' 141ar" Band. Loss give t
Raton -211.1111g air. Purdy anal T4titis i t'L'ttt hlcIicnrie. all wile assist'
"Auld Lan * Syne." assist in the pre.
17ttrin tindaeli, rveuingclove gs Mcltenxin win ring +i rre kind moue t'to come out to hear
God Save the QUe en. it.
or of "The Maple
principal speaker
tion in Kincardine
1900, The Grand
(;lark Wallace, is
assertion that Mr.
h of July orator in
good speakers
engaged. The
Huron are muster-
reat parade ' and
oint to a very large.
thering. The Com -
bas provided for a
ce at velar low mar -
FOR SALE OR RENT. -1 offer .for sale
or rent my house and lot, No. 0, on the
corner of John and Frances streets.
The house is a good 8 roomed one, also
cook house, and good hard water well,
and a good stable. For terms and parti-
culars apply to Tues. Inverse .4t
Trus BAND Cox
There have been fe
W iughant, more
than the one of Th
28th. Each and e
ERT,' JUNE 28TH. -
concerts given in
horoughly enjoyed
rsday evening, June
ery number on the
program seemed to be after the individ-
nal heart of each a d every member of
the audience. Th orchestra surprised
every one. All knew that they
would acquit them elves creditably, but
none dreamed the members were half
the musicians they roved themselves to
be. In the "World s Exposition March"
the swing and go is perfectly irresist-
ab1e, while the w ltz, "Auf Wieder-
schen" eves enehan
Grif&u eiidered iu
way that beautiful s
and very liberally,
participators in the -.
to the enthusiastic
encore. R. A.
citizen, Wade a mar
humorous reading
The audience were s
Mr. Douglass and h'
demanded an encore
"The Statue of Lib
sa 's that Herb Wi
tter than himself,
His performances tl
new feats of the jug
executed with scarce
only disappointment
in Miss Sparling, our
being unable to play
disability. Little 1'
kindly consented t
Sparling, and. recite
voice and with tttl
Chisholm iu her solo
Stile" and encore, '
well received, singiu
nese awl much excell
a clover elocntionis
further . added. to 1
successes. Both sele
deeply interesting ash
Carrie Fisher and Mi
as accenepanists iu t
tanner. A. Harty y Patterson in his
"A Coon on the
t revelation. His
its produced some
The last act on the
led; "An Entaitel'
on the Leshaly,
' 'obbleabout Rail-
ed by a baker's
en. The "p:,it"
c00I13 anal coon
mole Reuben and
ace them to go to
ten. The set once
'ay ear. The pie-
s, the witistlo blew
t shaky old car on
d. Tickets were
•mitt viewed tip at
OPEN Aziz Cohc=
following is the pro
be rendered by our
cert to -night. Aith
ordered some time
has not yet arrived
sections of last w
1. Two Step -Gold
2. Waltz -Pride of
3. Schottische -W
Go,.... .
4, Singeiu i. Chorus
tho Pod.ines
5. March-Albani
6. March -Colonel
7. March -Creole
God Say
know of no village
that from year to
success of its Dom'
Its secret is per
unanimity of th
high quality of the
Monday's program
to the standard.
taking part we m
Piper McDonald a
as usual delighted
may appear straw
mostly German.
Scotch Cap" in he
unconscious mann
appreciated as wa
Cline, also, met
James Fax -no 01
could be held wit
strengthened his 1
to the east of us.
Call at the old reliable tor best varie-
ties of imported fruits to be had iu
Wingham. Plums in stock; peaches
T Pnoniteet.-Tito
am of selections to
and in their con -
ugh new music was
go, the fact that it
eceesitates two sel-
k's program being
n Nugget ....Lather
he Ball .... Verner
en a Niggak Feels
In the Shadow of
G. O. Lang
R. B. Hall
itch ....R. B. Hall
ueen , , R. B. Hall.
the Queen.
the size of Clifford
ar makes such great
ion Day celebratiou,
aps to be found in
promoters and the
• ill of fare presented.
roved to be fully up
Of the Winghamites
ntion George Cline,
d little Babe, Babe
er audiences which
in that they were
She recited "My
own clear, forcible,
r, and it was greatly
her dancing. Mr.
with much success.
ord concert concert
out hien-once more
old on the Germans
See John Iferr's acs
the vicinity of the
Wednesday afterno
was thrown from tlh�
with a serious inju
examination it was
bond was broken
press we are pleased
patient's Condition
we trust it may rein
Mg. Miss Stell and pears ou the way, also cabbages,
lettuce lettuce,, bananas., pule apples,
ter o*n charming oranges and lemons. Everything good,
lo, "TheCaruival,"
as did the other
regrew, responded
applause with an
ouglass, our new
for himself in a
'Kelly's Dream."
well pleased with
selection that they
which they got in
ty." Every one
lhtman was really
Mich is quite true.
ugh., introducing
,TAS. MOIKELV S. Star Reatlltuaut.
14IETIIODIST PION Every one came
home from. Zetia' ' on Monday night
very tired, which 1 . the' highest recom-
mend one cat? rive picnic. A short
programme was gi en consisting for the
most part of pat iotic songs by the
Junior Leaguers. • . McIudoo occupied
the chair. "So diers of the Queen"
and "The Maple Leaf Forever" were
well given by the 'ttle people. Halsey
Park spoke for a hw minutes= Sunday
School work, as so did E. P. Paulin on
the Epworth. Le tie. The most in-
lers science were teresting event o the program was a
an error. The patriotic address ty Principal Musgrove.
f the evening was His treatment of tis subject was histori-
alented violiniste, cal, and dealt Wi h the p_ogress of our
moment in literature,
al comforts and busi-
r. Musgrove's charac-
ss, preparation, and
1 was warmly appreciat-
ebbs also spoke for a
new idea was used in
1, audit was found to
sfully. The assembled
divided into four
h of which was allotted
of the waiters. After
lderly people were be -
their homes the younger
egan their gauges and
Of the five hundred odd
erred out in the hot sun,
the day had been spent
d. profit.
wing to physical
iss Greta Carsou
supply for Miss
"Bobs" in good
g effect. Miss
"Waitiug Waitiug at the
icky Jim" was
with great
clear -
nee of tone. As
Miss McKenzie
r many previous
Mons giyeu were
emotional. .Miss
s Houghton acted
lair usual perfect
black face niouologu
Wire" proved 'rather
witticisms and local
very hearty laughter
program, a farce eat`
petiole Day Picnic
Palsey 'Valley and
roach," , was presen
dozen of young
revealed a number o
girls calling on Ole
Ole Aunt Liza to in
Cie Picnic at Chat
scene showed a rails
inners took their sea
and away went th
a very shaky old to
panelled and the
Lucknow. Oft she went again like the
wind. Tho trai effects were cleverly
produced. Unit okily the happy ride
ended in ncolli: on. No one was
seriously 'hurt alt ough one person had
a very sore rib. The programme was
a success, the at thence was it faihtre.
I+ortydollars we o the receipts. Ex.
ileuses ,reduce( , the remaining shin
would not sltppo t tt baud long. Tho
IOW siilcereSt ti'anks t&
cl and volunteered to
ram and to those who
country, its adv
railroads, perso
nese methods.
teristic clear
exactness of det
ed. Rev. R.
few minutes.
serving the lun
work very succ
company wa
squadrons to ea
a fourth divisio
lunch while the
lug conveyed to
Ones once more
people who ven
each felt that
with pleasure a
bile driving in
T. R. station en
u Mrs. Jas. Brock
rig and happened
Upon medical
ad that the hip
time of going to
to report that the
as favorable, and
us so.
Wens Wilms or 5 azein--The Canada
any, makers of the
•eland, Brantford;'.
end= wheels oro
ropily to bo eohn-
f handicap races to
am race track, The
with fluted, octa-
al bottom,. resting
an artistic article
Face will be run on
to -night at seven
must be handed in
least three days
oring the greatest
oughout the series,
September 1st, will
y. The trophy is
J. R. Munshaw's
Cycle d Motor Coin
Massey -Harris, Ole
Welland Vale, awl
offering a beautiful
peted for in a series
'be run on the Wingl
prize is a silver cup
gongs, hemi-spheri
on an ebony base
indeed, The first
the track a week fr
o'clock. All entrie
to J. A. Morton
prior. The oue
number of points th
which will lastant"
be awarded the tro
on exhibition in
Tho following
usual mid -sunup
iu the Public Sch
terns. The que
pared by the Prin
were react and
teachers on the st
required to pass,
each subject, and
whole. Pupils wl
cent ou the total, b
few marks on one
It is assumed tha,
attain the minima
and will be unable
in a higher cities.
ure, the teacher
consulted and ever
sidered, the getter
term has also, ]reel
the results on the
factory -81 per ce
Department I
From Sr. III to
when 'narks were
order of merit: -A
Carso"; Allie Cha
John Dawson,
Flannigan, Lotti
Gordon, Lauucie
Ethel King, L
Murray, Janet
Annie Razors,
Stewart, Maggie
From Sr. III t
Room III. To
572, Willie Seo
486, Cecil Cain
464, Mabel Why
445, Fred. Patter
425, Willie Woo
Dora McAllister
Pearl Lamont 4
From Dept.
ed to Sr. III at
were published.
Hattie Gannett
Gilchrist, Jan
Lucy Lang,
Knechtel, Et
Bradley, Hazel
Alice Coad, Ha
John Little, J1
Merton Hart,
Hele, George G
From Jr. III
345:--l'ercey K
501, Lillie Deyel
Lilly Nicholls
Jolla Mitchell
Olive Grisdale 4
Emily Constable
Roy Seyffert 38
Herb Ellliott, 37
Orrie Borden. 80
Alva Walker
Willie Lott 345.
is the result of the
examinations, held
1 at the close of the
ion papers were pre -
pal and the answers
alued by the other
The minimum,
s thirty per cent .on
fay per cents ou the
made over fifty per
t who fell short a
subject are recons -
pupils who do not
standard, are weak
o take up the work
In all cases of fail-
s', charge has been
name carefully con -
1 woree. ebbing the
taken into accent,
hole are very leak-
nt -
of those examined
to department II.
V Baohhp, at Easter,
uplishe0 Not ill
ildred Beemer-Greta
an, Roy Crowston,
ltarlie Ellis, Katie
Fulton, Margery
ofiu, Nellie Haines,
tlra Kerr, Jimmie
tunny, Pearl Moore,
ustin Ruth, Carrie
tewart, Maud Sherk.
IV Book to remain in
ss 350: -May Swarts
t 516, Minnie Barber
gs 478, Emma Sanson
e 463, John Ferguson
u 443, Frank Howson
419. Recommended: -
73, Lillie Sheffield 457,
Now is the season for
Paris Green
Insect Powder
Bug Finish
Fly Pads, eze.
We also make a wash for
cattle to destroy flies. We
guarantee it.
The old Williams Stand.
to Dept. III. Promot-
.aster when the marks
Not in order of merit:
Pearl Davidson, Jeanie
a Ferries Elva Docld,
aggie Hiscox, Vera
1 Davidson, Em';sa
uucilnan, Alice Mann,
er Green, Leslie Young,
Reby, Charlie Lediet,
Rich Howson, Carroll
gory, Norman Park.
Sr. III. Pass mark
r'520, Kathleen Lowe
2, Jennie Swale 488,
5, Edith johnston 404, Wingham's Popular Shoe Store.
408, Charlie Little 403, 1
, Della Mitchell 873,1
, Howard Campbell 372,
, Annie Metean 364,
61, Edith Rush 345,
A cax load of choice fresh tub butter,.
for which we pay 18ds. per pound. Eggse
are still lacts. Notwithstanding thee
we are still giviug 18 poueels best gran-
ulated sugar for a dollar. We have a,
storeful of bright, seasonable, etylish,
and new goods, and will give batter
value in every liue than others give.
Come to
The Direct Importer.
marks were pu
merit:- Mary
.Annie Ferguso
Annie Barber, N
Chapman, 'Violet
Wesley Wood,
Florence Cons
Ernest Greer,
Gillespie, Edna
ton, James
Esther Wiley,
Bradley, Ma
Robertson, Roy
- From Dept.
1 ed. Not in (seder or
onk, Ethel Walsh,.
, Marguerite Park,
illie Gannett, Mabel,
harlie 'Jams, Olive
Lizzie Green, Tressa,
ie Paterson, Pertniet
pass 200:-Jes, ie Warde 351, Harry -
Brown 335, lareace Blackhall 295:„
Frank McKay 91 Codered J'ackson 263,
Gerlie Kittson 60, Edna Gannett 2,V,.„
Charlie Heine, 240, Eim Lang ,2
Loletta Mitch 229, Tillie Pattereort
218, Beatrice leDonald 235, • George
Wilson 202, Ha ay Ruucimau 201,73ertae
Sanderson 200.
From roOM .11 tO rOotl VII. Part
ist to Part 2nd f First Book :-Gordon. •
Young, Lyle Stepheusou, Stanley. •
lefitchell, Neil MeDonala, Freddie)
Johnston, Harr Dore, Ward Crowstone
Susie Crowston, Carrie Raneiman, Cora.
Anderson, Lehi Arecotte Lizzie Ford,
Maggie VanNo an.
--Mr. Mitch 1, the Clinton merthant
whose store w burglarized about the
same time as IL MeIntloo's, meover-
ed a few of th stolen articles- 1 e hay
13urns Scottish s' or Opera House,
ber the date.
-The Militia D "artment has com-
pleted arrangemen . by which the Cams -
than. soldiers 11 aided. from Sonde
Africa, to Euglaut Wil0 are incape.ble of
returning to the f out, will be seat home
at once to Cenral by the War On -lee.
Do you nice to near it? If not, take
Scott's Emulsion. 'Twill All out your
sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, and thire,
hands, Why- not bave a plume figureT
Don't let clisettee steal a inarch. en you.
Fr= Sr. In Jr. III, Pass marks
300 :-Johnny fumy 557, Bessie
Marsales 490, Pearl McPherson. 479,
so,you should see our stock, Grace Adair 473, Mettle Lang 471,
Harry Lediet 457, Eareseliffe M118grOVO
which is composed of some of 456, Herbie jobb 442, Maud Ford 441.
the most elegant goods in,this
line ever offered.
We can suit any taste, at 412, Bobbie XII
any price from to:: per box of 4°6' r6Y Patthrs
three cakes, to 25c 'per cake. ,3S2, F. Fooler 881
' Merrifield 376,
We have a few odd lines sohimy Mmon
which we are clearing out at 1Batie mental),
bargain prices. See them mwora Small 3
Lizzie Mitchell 4
IRoy Gray 30i.
1 Front Dept VI t
I to Sr. 2nd class
Frank Kincaid 436, , May Lamont 417,
Maurice Welsh 437, Giorge Gilehrist
43e, EneS Cook 421, Bettie Merrifield 416,
410, Evenett Glenn
n395, May Lloyd 884,
8S3; Clarence Wilson
Arnest Aitchison 371,
370, may Mom 1100,
), Ada Ruminant 337,
334, aim Welsh 427,
, Allio Stapleton 811,
h, 'Toward Davidson.
Dept. V.. Promotet
Easter when the
is a shoe store in all that thes
for Man, 'Woman or ohm is in out
steels. Each pair of shoes Is made front
excelle nt stock., and can not be tor*
passcd in Is dat of gnality or titbit.
over C2.76 Ladies' Bicycle Boots.