HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-06-29, Page 8a MQINDOO fLushlls AND Ginoha s THE WING1UX TINES, JUNE 29, WOO J. R. Munelen 's change of a,dvt, cattle to baud tco ate for this week. Alterations are co 1il•.ted and he is now prepared for bush ss. ---Doti miss the celebration in Gaderieh on 'ecltlt'sday when the Huron Old B s will be entertained. Cheap ratespat G. T. R. aindles, for axes, binovels,. raters, was delivered to Inuits on Tuesday from lo works. —A load of forks and ha our local iter the Blyth hart —Messrs. Wroxeter an in charge Ot' tl our public s are writing. —The List J. A. Hacking 1 town in cam can:dsclature f { Cumulous. —TLD Irish twenty years The first nu with Patrick prop, ior. We have in ,t opened another lot,l Cf Pretty White and Col..red Masi Ins. 00) v' tide Fancy Laced Sts ipes,, and Dimities ; .Barred llnslins in White, Blae, Black and Creatn. Ex- tra good „ patterns for D esses and Blouses. You will be delighted with th'e glee ty and color inns, Imported to sett at 2.0 and 25 cents. Balance to be cleated at 15e. Gloves and hosiery. 500 pairs plain and Fancy Hose, English Samples, double sole, heel and tae, regular Ve.and 50e. Sat- urday, choice of lot for 25 cents. doz. Children's Fast Blade Hose for 2'c. Black Creon Skirts. These marked down, high quality, black goods for Saturday gives you and excellent choice at a very say ing cost. Yon will find them most inviting values. 200 yards Black French Crepous in Silk and Wool, raised designs, small and large pat terns, richly finished, usual price $1.40, $1.75 and$200; choice $1.25. ° Saturday Bargains. 200 Men's Linen Ccilars for 5c each. 200 Men's Rose worth 30e for 20c. 300 Remnants ir. Prints, Dress Goods, Mullins, Cretons, Art Muslins, Laces and Embroideries at very special prices. Good value in Ready-made and Ordered Clnthing, Underwear, Hats, Shoes and Slippers. Specials at otters and Watters of Gerrie respectively,. are entrance examination in tool, Over sixty pupils Gordon Young it owls visiting relit Il:awar l Mole Bawler stair spats Mr. A. Hinck guest at A. E. Su week. Jahn E. Davis colt a business trip to Teesweter,. Go •io end Wroxeter on Tuesday. Mrs. James her sister,. Mrs vale road.. Diss Jennie tended the 1'I on Tuesday. Mrs. Frank a few weeks vi and Loudon. Remy Bond, Blyth spent S. William Bond. • John E. Davi Gocterich last n turning Friday Mrs. Geo, Ne attending her Snaith, who is i wel Standard mentions ud T. E, Hay of that •+etion with the Liberal r North Perth for the Rev. N. S. ousehold effee occupied by W W. Johns. Re store, we hear, —Several pee bad habit of ask enough. Yes, If on any oceas]. enough we shall it ktvn. We are vet- pleased to say that William Bond, recently so seriously injured, is mal Ing good progress to- ward recovery. Though his arm is still onditi is as favorable ted. anadian, a publication of o, is to be revived again. ber appeared yesterday Boyle as editor and f Colborne was in yes en Tuesday. Gi'3 oi' tho Listelvol Sunday in WiugIlam. , of Oshawa, was n tit's a few days this Burwash has moved his s into his block recently Patterson, and now by . Burwash will open a these premises •shortly. e have fallen into the ng you if it is warm is, Let that settle it. it should not bo warm ake pleasure in making FIGINDOO'S very painful his as could be exp «•• jn y 13c for choice tub buttL'. MINOR LOCALS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. • Regular meet C. 0. F. this (Fri ay) evening. —A complete st and envelopes at ti —C. H. Flood present slightly im: —Timms for 40 o —With cele Clifford, Wrox rations at Teeswater, ter, two picnics in Wing - ham and a C. 0. F. picnic at Brusrels on Monday ne t, Winghamites will have as to where they will lay. a`a of Galt is 'tisiting lobert Maxwell, Blue- taugleam of Myth at- nntt-Ootlstable wedding Ali a good chola spend the ho In cousid oil from who have resolve old price, 20 sent rate we be remember —As state( a meeting organize it, lo hospital for meeting wil chamber, M g of Court Maitland, k of invitation cards TIMES office. f Woodstock is at oved in health. nts till January 1 1901. Subscribe nov. —Regular mons Town Council on A —Four car loads from the Wingha week. Apprentices wanted at once. Two young ladies to learn tailoring. tf WEBSTER & Co. of closed on Thurs- or the mid -summer sly meeting of the onday evening next. f salt were shipped a Salt Works this -.The public so day of this week holidays. —The C. P. R ployees in Manitob prospects. —Heavy rain w peg and several Tuesday night. —Tho tenants are up-to-date, ha labor for this yea —Many farmer commenced hayi heavy crop this —Visiting ca tions are specs, Call and see o' —The Bruc Girls of Toren to 'Walkerton —Camp Cal, will hold its Friday °venin —We regret year old son of Winnipeg has b ...The Owen the Letnen circa aggregation tha —Chas. Goocl1 ing around a VC Drat of his face al —The Listow. first large i+hipnit leaving rent ti eat _Stanley Me War cot -renew Ifenplirs tt'rn stru k in the thigh with g a lest on May 1 h. —Colin A. attractive "Sen -Sen." Japanese la Japanese p "Sen -Sen" p and effective and babe are away on it to fr e ids i;t Lucan wife and children, of nday with his father,. took a wheeling trip to >ok, going Thursday, re - .A. Mother's Opinion. Mrs. J. Snelling,_'Underwood, Ont., • sags that she used Dr. Low's Pleasant Worn Syrup in her family for the past ei:,ht years, and she knows of uothing so good for children who snfi'tr frc,in wortes. vtou is in Loudosboro' mother, Mrs. William Fred. Ewart ' f Detroit spent a few with Amos Tipling of d. sick and children, of le guest of her sister, doe.• representing The Shep- pard Publishiva Co., Toronto, gave the days last week e Blnevale ro Mrs. (Rev.) Toronto, are Mrs. M. H. Mei Wm. B. Hop ration of the drop in coal salers our local merchants to make a reduction to the ants a gallon.. The 25 forced on. dealers, as will d, last fall. in our columns last week i11 be held to -night to al branch in aid of a free. oor consumptives. The be held in the council or Clegg in the chair. —There w to Detroit th a, wire the otl ham rate wo former rates the Orange would not b A CARD Wo, the undersigned, do 'hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty -live cent bottle of Dr. 'Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipf,- don and Headache, We also warrant that four bottles will permanently Duro the most obstinate cases of Constipation, Satisfaction or no pay -when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, 'Wingham, Ont. 0.A. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist, Wingllani, Out, A. L, Hamilton, Chemist and Drug- gist, Wingham, Out, Trues a callcbn Mr.. and Mx Seaforth, wet Sperling's a few George Tervi Whitechurch and He reports the ro Mr. and Mrs. F. W. T. J. Homut James Leech, Gor Campbell has this week an dow. It is completely The central figure is a y, of course she holds a solo. "Sen -Sen" fans and ckages complete this pretty advertisement. uesday. Jas. McMichael, of guests at F. G. lays this week. visited •Bracebridge, Belgravc on Sunday. s very dusty. . Sperling and Mrs. were the guests of ie, on Tuesday. Coventry of the aft, New York City, ays withher mother is culling out em - owing to poor crop —Gavin D a cow which r ,cord of Mi cow. Her TIMES of two should keep and butter know what is reported at Winni- stricts of Manitoba W. ARMOUR KENT. BLOOS Will pay the highest cash price for Eggs and good Butter in Tubs, Miss Bertha Flushing %Hospital s is spending her heli in town. Rev. James Ham iton of Palmerston, formerly pastor of the Wingham Baptist church, visi ed friends in town this Week. The no Orange excursion year. The G. T. R. soot er 'day that their Wing- ld be $8.90—almost double In consideration of this en have decided time it advisable to do business. vidson of the Junction has he thinks, can beat the ie -Beech, W. G. Howsou's records were given in the weeks ago. Mr. Davidson ount of his cow's milk or a week thea we will which. 1 the Beaver Block ng done their statue DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office-•Macdonild Mock, over J. E. Davis` Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. —The Depa 'tment of Justice has sent the police magistrates of .string them to impose the nishment upon all tramps them. This limit is six Central Prison, and the rder is to chase out of the se undesirable gentry.: erron, the oliginator of icyclo Company, died in' onday, aged 45 years. conducted a bicycle busi- ord, he then moved to e, health failing hien, he out circulars the province, fall limit of p brought befor months in the object of this province all th —D, C. Hen the Goderich Brantford ou At ono time he ness in Brant Goderich, whe was forced to ell. He has lived retired in Brantford :ince his removal from Godericll.` in this section have g. Hay will not- be a ear. is and wedding invite - ides at the TIMES Office. r stock. County Old Boys and o will run an excursion July 24th. onia, Sons of Scotland ext regular n:oeting on of neat week, state that the seventeen City Clerk Hadskis of en drowned. Howard Findlay Findlay left ou Thu Long Island, Ne have secured situati Barry Carr, Wi Sellery wheeled fr Wednesday and days with friends in T. McGuire, son of Morris visited week. Tom is sec ston Pork Packing and Miss Mellisa sday for Glencove, York where they n8. lie Orr and Briley m Woodstock on re spending a few town. f Charles McGuire the homestead last etary for the Palmer - Company. •, WEB EG & BUTTON LLOYD'S MORTICED SCREEN DOOR ' UNDERTAKERS, WINw-tett. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block.. FARMERS The best value in the market. MEMMVINalcpallstiemommeassznarsamammarraamowel Gasoline and Oil Stoves Lawn Mow ers ff you intend painting it will pay you to look at a few of the many houses that were painted with S. W. P. last season ;—Mise ]Fisher (two houses;) A, Comm, W. J. Chapman, Chas. Ilendorsun, Benj, Jenkins (two houses.) and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Oaf largo circulation tolls and it will be strange indeed if you do not gget a customer. We can't guarantee that you. will .sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Tt.Es and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles, E. P. Paulin, rs. Paulin and child spent last week v •ry pleasantly. They made a. driving t, ur through Goderich, Bayflild, the fa , ous city of St. Joseph, an ensall.. John. Aikens, of Detroit, and Mark Aikens, of Wia ton, came house to at- tend their sis er's wedding , and are, spending a few days in town, calling on old friends anc acquaintances. A. E. W. T Thompson o Zetland, is 1 Mr. Thompsol and his sermo by our excha E. A.: Drak ger Agent of River Railw nesday ende cursionfrom was not sue NE SONALS. We shall be glad this column from n have visitors or p drop ith and tell us, effect. otu'id Tinges says that was the "butntniest" ever pitched a tont. rut's little boy in play - on fell cutting a piece d skinning it badly. Chair 'Co. made its 1t of chairs this week, load (2000) to Wintti- W. 3. Greer Miss Lillie Tui Saturday. Dr. W. T. H on Tuesday, George Butt in town on Tue George Teel Thtnrsday of 1 Miss Bell Pot cousin, . Mies Et Miss Annie home in Ethel o Mrs. It,obott to -day for Asht 1.1iss Mary Mc ing with Wingh Messrs. S'tna t and Johnston of Listowel spent 5 inday in town, ft for Guelph yesterday t his sister.. neon and Miss Maud in Toronto. to have contributions to y of our readers. If yeti ose going away yourself, r send us a note to that "Bob" J. Manager Bobwas Mugs Allen as miller Brochelba pprentfc ing in Brussel Morris men that J. J. taken a residence Dr. Elliott if one iii tools iu m circles in tion is a S. Maxwe Brandon, Man their honeym born' and To Wiughant on guests of Ro road. Mr. an tgeir home in Tel popularC. of a campus,and t for journal. eown, South African ent for the Mad and as in Gorrie, Tuesday. sman left for Sarnia on loway was in Harriston ompson,. son. of George Goderich, formerly of ow a Bachelor of Arts. has entered the ministry, s are very well spoken of ges. , Travelling and Passent�- he Lake Erie and Detroit y, was in town on Wed- oring to arrange for an ex - ere to Port Stanley. Ho ssful. Ram uk. a eshi boy, a to Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe,effeetuai. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills andg er imitations , ,10 degrees stronger $8 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps, os. The Cook 2ao a aim rrecommended by ail responsible Druggists in Canada. No.1 and No. 2 are sold in Wingham by A. L. Cambell; 3. E. Davis,s A. A. Morrow, Colin A. Ord brother of the very elford, Bank of Hamilton hesley, is now a B. A. eading man on 'Varsity oreover wrote some good "'Varsity", the college YOUNG For Photos TRY M. E. Z CJ RB,R1GG'S Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. Family Groups a Specialty, Enlarging, Copying, Remounting. Easy Lessons in life Assurance. Why Should I Insure my Life i' 1. Because the moment my life is in- sured my estate is worth fully the amount of my policy in addition to its previous value. 2nd Because if. I o vned a house the valde of which was $1,000.00, I should deem it a duty to keep it insured; then. h¢w much more a duty, havingbut one life worth $1,000.00 a year to my family to keep that insured.. Every man will die; only one house in 500 will burn. Seel ABNER COSLNS, Agt. The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada. - y has accepted a situation ith Howson, Harvey & Mr. Ramsey spent his in Wroxeter mill, finish - and Galt. He is an old one of the nicest young hip has produced. f Listowel was a visitor day. d was ie. Clinton on week. ell is the guest of her el Xing. leA.11istor.loft for her Thursday. entrant left a week ago Wile, Ohio. lroy, of Blyth, is visit - m friends. Wm. resin nt1 Where he will vis Miss Lott Ewer Davis are visitie Mrs. Tarry Se 'cries and babe are shins her paten>: im ;.Ie:iforth. Elliot lease On mo may ju unit' Cliff value AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TOW PROPERTY. Pursuant to the powers vested in me as Assignee of the Estate and, Effects of Sextus E. Sent, of the Town of Wingliam inthe County of Huron, Hardware Merchant, I will offer for sale by Public Auction, by Peter Deans, Auc- tioneer, at Swarts' .Hotel in the said Town of Wingham, on Tuesday the 17th day, of July A. D. 1900 at the hour of Iwo o'clock in the after- noon, true following valuable property, that is to say: ' The south part of lot number 7 on the north west corner of Josephine and victoriastreets, in Foley's survey, in said Town of Win ham being the property known os the "Kent Block" and pparticularly described in the deed thereof - to Edwin'Kent which will be produced at the time of sale. On this property is situate a solid Brick block 3 stories High, 80 feet by 100 feet: It is well situated in the business portion of the town, and offers tm excellent opportunity for any one wishing a permanent investment. TERMS OF SAVE. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Ten per cent. of the purchase money will be paid on the day of sale and the balance with- in 80 days thereafter. Further particulars and conditions wilt be made known on the day of sale or inay be had on supplication to E. L. Dickinson, Barrister, &c., Wingham W. R. Hobbs, Es London, or to the undersigned. Dated. at Wingham this 21st day of June, MO. R, VANSTONE, 7, A. CLINE, Wingham, Solicitor for Assignee. Assignee. V. S. of Clifford has f the Golley, office and ctorsa andMinnfe streets. -es here this week, and, e by the active part he al, education and social rd, Winghaul's acquisi- le one. 1 and Mrs. Maxwell of toba, have been spending on in Montreal, Peter- nto. They arrived in turday and are ROW the err Maxwell, Blnievale Mrs. Maxwell leave for •andon to -morrow. Oliver Creme :11 was a brewers sots. Geo. "Wilson & t+ o., of St. Catharines. lost about $10,000 y lire in their lumber yard. They are 's 11 insured. Alex. Campbell of Brussels is in London where he s to have an operation performed on his eyes, which have been been 'troubling h in all winter. Seaforth acid Mrs. D,T1• W11 ttltt returned from he old Cid Country ore Sattlyd:ly evens g, Juno 10. They had a pleasant voyag' and both look well after ou joying (Ad c • 'try air for a couple of !months. THINGS NECESSARY ABOUT DEERI] G MOWERS PAULIN °L NICHOLS014 BUILDER and OONTR.ACTOR. We are still in the building business acid are prepared to take contracts for the erection of all ldnds of buildings. Plans and specifications furnished on short notice. Workmanship guaranteed and at rot» sonablo rates. WM. NICHOLSON. Residence Diagnol street, opposite Francis street. to the successful tailor are: A stook of Superior Cloth, Know- ledge of his Business, Skill in Cutting and Fitting; and prices which aro low enough to attract withont being low enough to lessen value. The possession of these essen- tials makes us confident of pur success in pleasing every patrbn. We guarantee satisfaction. Rohl,. Maxwell High Art Tailor, Wingham. Do you grant tea soap ••fiou� .. spices catsup fruits cheese whisks pickles brooms brushes candies vinegar biscuits coal oil gelatine h„arches sardines castor oil shoe polish mince meat stove Polish canned goods baking powder lamp chimneys pork and beans Worcester' sauce sewing machine nil? Prices as low as the lowest. A nice present given away with every $10 worth of goods. eid Shaw Block. cit- V , 'r'.,W- Ctlj-acs2%,?.Gt- IMd L9 11v -tBt' ti9` :IP5U-StZt Fanners, if you want a new mower and aro in doubt as to which is the best, invite all the agents to try their ma- chines in your field. Salve field, same day, •'2'ou should bo able to tell pretty Nearly what is which. Then buy tho one that suits yon best. The Deering Mower was never beaten in a field trial. Tt is the favorite ie. Canada, United States, Australia, England, Scotian;; France, Norway, Russia, Italy, Ger- many and Holland. The Deering Mower ss universal. It is the easiest running machine made. We are prepeeed to prove it to your by actual work. Works not words talk. Remember the Deering has' the works. LtOTT BROS t Victoria St., Winghatti Gooseberries �l. ed and Black Currants. f 1 Having made arrangements with a Canning Factory we are prepared to take any quantity of Red and Black Currants and Gooseberries at GRIF]FIN'S (i .w.. - 1-W41 4. ate— .SW:moi , ':tr'11-..)vii ss WANTED A man to represent us at Vein• dian growls Nursery and surrounding country, in the sale of our choice Stock, A permanent payln pos wltll chance of advanc - lade with a suitable man to nient. Arrangements wil ELL, DELIVER and - LECT. Good poly weekly.