HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-06-29, Page 6fUti ,119 11112 13 14 1 16 17'0419 20.211 lE .rr x'4,'+...'§Tjl6 Z7 143 E� JUNE.. 1900 tors rVE tit; INV ii* `Gorleliunent's supporters remain un- broken. A FOrEt'AM1 (1F TIIE YEAR'S ',MADE. The fiscal year is rapidly drawing to a close and in a fent weeks the country will be in pOssesion of the trade figures for the completed twelve months. On the basis oY the imports entered for con- sumption and the total exports, the trade for the eleven months ending .1ay was $323,596,470, '.raking the same basis the best year under Conservative regime was 1803 when the total trade amounted to ii240,209,3e2, showing a balance iu favor of the present Goy erinnent amount- ing to no less than $8:3,327,594 for a Period. of only eleven months,as com- pared with a full rear. With respect to oxports the favorable showing on the Liberal side is almost ovally as great, the exports in the last eleven months unser Liberal rule exceeded those in the best year under Conservative adminis- tration by $40,240,028. A great advance is also apparent in the oxports of Cana- dian produce only, for as compared with the whole of 1893 there is a difference of $31,547,395 in favor of The last eleven months. On the basis of imports for consumption and exports, the total trade for the eleven months as already stated was ;+323,600,000 in round numbers. For the whole of last year this trade totalled $812,000,000 or a balance in favor of the eleven months of the present year of $11,600,000 with yet another month of the fiscal year to run. FORTY ercrLIONS AHEAD. On the same basis for the whole of the present year it is estimated that the trade will amount to $350,000,000 which would give a still better showing. The aggregate total imports and exports for the twelve months ending June 30, may safely be placed at $300,000,000, as com- pared with $320,000,000 or a balance in favor of the present year of nearly $40,000,000. The best showing the late Government could make in the aggre- gate imports and exports was $247,000,- 000 but the end of the present fiscal year will see these figures out distanced by $113,000,000. Taking the figures for the month of May the total imports show an increase over May of last year of $2,177,129. For the eleven months of the present year the imports have increased to the amount of $25,532,280, and the exports $1,256,812. The exports of Canadian products for the month shows an increase of over $1,300,000 as compared with May, 1899, notwithstanding that the supply of ves- sels at Montreal this spring olid not begin to meet the demands of shippers owing to the war in South Africa. The exports of the -eleven months of the present year show an increase of $19,7'77,000 over those of last year; the total imports and exports for the past month amounted to $25,663,051, an increase over those of May, 1899 of $13,433,000 or more than one hundred per cent. CANADA'S PULP TRADE. A correspondent of The Paper Mill, a prominent English trade journal, makes the following estimate of Canada's foreign trade in pulp -wood, pulp and paper: "The value of the exports of pulp was $1,275,000 as against $740,000 in the fiscal year 1897-98, that is an in- crease of $535,000. Nearly the whole of this important gain is to be credited to the British market. Last year Britain's imports of pulp from Canada amounts to $670,000 as against only $165,000 the year before, baunding up $565,000 in the single twelve months. To put the case otherwise, Britain's imports of Cana- dian pulp were last year more than four times as great as they were the year be- fore." Much of this improved condition of the pulp trade is due to the far sight- ed policy of both the Federal and the Ontario Local Governments in offering substantial inducements to British capi- tal to develop the industry in the Dom- inion. But so far from offering any encouragement or assistance to the Ad- ministration in this wise and businesslike policy, the Opposition in both Parlia- ments have done all in their power to hinder the work of bringing in British capital to develop our national resourses which but for this assistance would re- main unexploited for many a long year. In making this statement it is not sug- gested that this was the deliberate in- tention of the Opposition, but that it would have been the actual outcome, had their policy been successful, must be admitted by all who have made them- isaves acquainted with the facts of the Case. ;1!• ( ESTABLISHED 1872. TUEWINEATI TINES. E. B..ELLIOW, PUBLISTI= AND PROVRTETOE FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1900. OUR OTTAWA LETTER. TIIE ' WNUHAN MS,. JUNE 9, 1900, QUIQi(LY AND WELL SERVED. PEOPLE OF PROMINENCE. Our store is modernized in every de- ,aartutent that properly pertains to the drug business. Our patrons are quickly and well i.erved, and go away satisfied that wo are worthy of their confidence. .A.s in the past Paine's Celery Com- pound still ranks as our leading. family Medicine. Its marvellous curing record is sufficient to recoaumend it to overy ailing and sick pian or woman! hill, ; A supply of the genuine Paine's Celery Compound always in stock. COLIN A. CA&IIBuLL,. Druggist, Wingltalxl, Ont. From our own Corresuondent, Ottawa, June 23. The course followed by the Opposition in connection with the emergency rations is one scarcely likely to com- mend itself even to their own supporters who are inclindeclto be fair and reason- able. It will be remembered that Mr. Monk the member for Jacques Cartier, Who first brought the matter to the at- tention of the House, read a formal statement containing nineteen para- graphs, ara- baphs, the first eighteen of which set forth in. detail the facts that are alleged to have oocurred in connection with the purchasing of a quantity of concentrat- ed food or emergency rations for the boys iu South Africa. Upon those facts as thus set forth Mr. Monk charged in the nineteenth paragraph, that the Min- ister of Militia "was guilty of gross and culpable negligence," and wound. up his statement by a resolution calling for a committee of investigation. BANG HIM FIRST AND THEN TRY EOM. The Government had promised the committee in advance, even before the indictment was formulated, for upon the .first intimation from Mr. Monk that he would bring charges against the Govern- ment, the Premier had instantly replied, "Submit your charges ancl you shall Have your committee." But Sir Wilfrid very properly took exception to that nineteenth paragraph, which declared that the Minister of Militia was guilty of grave dereliction of duty before hear- ing a word of evidence, and he required :that that clause should be struck out of the statement before it could be sub- mitted. to the committee, saying that the committee should investigate the allega- tions contained in the rest of the state- ment and report thereon to the House, :and it would then be within the province of the House to pass judgment after the evidence had been produced and both sides heard. It would have seemed im- possible that any objection could be taken to a proposal so manifestly in accord with all the recognized and l accepted principles of } BRITISH JUDICIAL PROCEDURE But the Opposition evidently thought it 'would be safer to condemn the Minister first and try him afterwards; such a ,contention however does not impress one with the idea that they Have very much faith in the strength of their charges l,against the Government. The division upon the amendment to ,strike out the nineteenthparagraph gave 'the Government a majority of 16 only; and the Opposition appeared to derive immense satisfaction from its being so smail, but of course the reason was simply that, being Friday night, at least thirty of the Quebec members had gone 'home for Sunday; the absentees were mot paired because there were no pairs Ifor them. The Opposition and the coun- ttrer knows perfectly well that there is no 'significance whatever in the small Majority, and that the ranks of the Dr1 Chase Cures Piles World-wide t Thomas Campbell was born in Glas- gow, July 27,1'777. He was the child of send marriage, hisfather being 07 at the time of the poet's birth, Young Torn had every advantage of educatioli, and availed himself of it to the full, being noted at EdiuburghUiliversity for his acquirements in Latin and Greek. His translations from the ancient poets gave rise to prophesies of future eminence. He justified these hoped by publishing the pleasures of Hope in his e1st year. It was a remarkable produc- tion and caught the public taste i;uunediatoly. He appears to have been all the rest of his life exceedingly timid lest his subsequent writings should be beneath the standard of the first, and as a consequence his appearances as an author wore not so numerous as any of his great contemporaries. His sub- sequont pieces of similar length and scope were not of the same interest, but his lyrical poems have taken a place among the permanent literature of the English tongue, The Mariners of Eng- land, Hohenlinden, and the Battle of the Baltic are unexcelled for spirit and energy in that or any other language. He died June 15, 1844. Local; Rev. Thomas West, pitrish priest. Goderich, Ont., was born on the 13th February, 1840, in the township of Shef- field, County of Addington. Ho received his education at the public school, St. Thomas High School, St. Michael's College, Toronto, St Therese College, Que., and tiro Grand Seminary, Montreal. He graduated in theology from the last named institution in 1870, and was ordained to the holy priesthood by the late Archbishop Walsh, July 19th, 1870. He was first appointed assistant priest to Rev. D. Kilroy, of Stratford, and after a short period:of eight months, was removed to Dublin as assistant . to the Rev. Dean Murphy. In 1880 Father West was sent to the mission of Raleagh and Ridgetown as parish priest, where he remained four years and rendered efficient and permanent work for the church and diocese. In 1884 lie received the appointment to the parish of St. Augustine, and, after a four years' pastorate in this charge, was appointed. in 1888 to his present field of labor in Goderich. Father West is greatly respected, not only by his own parish- oners,but by all classes of the community. The report is current that he is to be Officer. transferred to the Irish Town parish, Poor Atifioted lloy. This is a genuine letter from a lad at school to his mother. After complain- ing generally of tbo school, the young gentleman says: -r "I hope Matilda's cold is bettor. I am glad she is not at school, 1 think i have got consumption. the boys at this place are not gentlemanly, but of course you slid not no this when you sent me here. i will try not to get bad habits. The pants have worn out at the knees. i think the tailor must have cheated you, the buttons have comp off, and they are loose behind, 1 don't think tho•food is good, but I slid not mind if i was only stronger. "The piece of meat i send you is off the beef we lid ou Sunday, but on other days it is more stringy. There are black beetles in the kitchen, and sometimes they cook them in tho dinner, which can't be holesome when you aro not strong. i Uvea a tamo beedle as a pet. 'Do not mind my being so uncom- fortable, as i do not think i shall last long. Please send me some more money, as i o 25 cents. if you cant spare it i think i can borrow it of a boy who is going to leave at the half quarter, but perhaps you would not like to be under an obligation.to his parents. -Yr loving but wretched son.' -'Collier's Weekly.' To•WN DIRECTORY, lien= C111I1201I-Sabbath services at 11 a ail and 7 p 1x1. Sunday School at ' :8General era 'er sheeting ..0p izt, prayer 2. on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W. Freed,. pastor. W. J. Cbapurul, S. S. Superintendent, MrrllonlsT 011t:lois---Sabbath services at 11 a in and 7 p rn. Sunday School at 2;80 p iia, Epworth League every Mon- daevening.(.�olteral prayer meeting on'Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup- erintendelit.- PREsBY•rl:RIAN Cuentcit--Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a In and 7 p m.. Sunday School at 2:30 p 1n1, General prayer meeting ou Wednesday evenings. Rey. D. Perris, pastor and S. S. Superhiten- dent. ST. PAUL'S CIIUnCII, R' PISc0P.) t -Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m.. Sun- day School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Wm. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. Superintendent. OONGREC3ATIONAL CIIIIROH.--Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at 2:30 p m. General prayer v. meeting iGoffiu paon s or. Gavin esday Wilson,s. jS. S. Superintendent. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Every fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:30 a in, ser- mon and benediction at 7 p m. Rev. D. P. McMenamin, P. P. 'teiT,A..131,Islxia 1872. TJIE WINGIW TIRES, R4 PtTI;LlS.IIPD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Trio Times Office, Beaver Block WIN U11AU, ONTARIO. Hands Cracked with Salt Rheum. Mr. James Mclsaaos, 25 Elgin st., Ottawa, Ont., writes: -"I suffered from salt rheum for upwards of 10 years, the skin on my hands cracking and break- ing so as to make them useless. After trying all sorts of remedies in vain, I be- came discouraged and thought my suf- ferings would never end. Last spring I used Dr. Chase's Ointment in a short time was perfectly cured." Dr. Chase's Ointment is of uuparalled merit . as a cure for all itching skin diseases, all druggists. Pioneers Re -Union at Port ;Elgin. Bruce OldBoys and Pioneers held high carnival at Port Elgin on. June 15th. Between 5000 and 6000 people sat down to dinner in the park where the tables were all under cover. No charge was made at the gate but a voluntary collec- tion was taken and $144.00 was realized. In the forenoon the log cabin which has been mentioned in. these columns pre- viously was erected by a number of the pioneers of the county. John Sillick of Culross took a hand in the raising. The cabin is a real old-timer, no tools being used in its construction, but axes and augers. ' It is built of logs and covered with elm bark. It is chinked in the old fashioned way and plastered with mud. The door is made of basswoodwhich was split and hewed smooth with the axe and is attached to the cabin with wood- en hinges. It is proposed to make a con- crete foundation under one corner in which will be deposited, the newspapers of the county, the names of the pioneers who built the cabin, &c., &c. The bulls which are poles with a crutch on one end, and are used for shoving the logs up on, and the handspikes, &c., used on the occassion are all to be placed in the cabin which stands in the park and will be kept locked except at the times of big celebrations or on special occasions.- Teeswater News. 1 'Without the Danger, Pain or Expense of an operation --the Only Guaranteed Cure. From nearly every taw/21 and village 'ill Canadacome letters from persons evilo have been reecu(td from the tnis- eries of piles by using Dr. Chase's Ointment. Mr. F. Stokes, 116 Dunlosetr street, ,, Bar- �*le, Ont., t. r writes:-" ites: iDunlop bled 'tenth blind, etching piles for Years, and 1icould get nothing to stop the constant i nil o was always o nyline painin wrroni- tie *Lerful cures Dr. Chase's Ointment had I aaade among his acquaintances. "I only one box obox and ata entire. cured. In gratitude for this marvels cue cure and for the benefit of others ff"ring as I did, I send you this res of my case. laen operatlon5I and every other gias thevuWeaof�Dr i basyour s Oyou ent tereirth perfect confidence that it will you. It has never failed to cure Ltd will not fall you; 60 cents a at111a . or ledmansOn, Bates T SALVATION AueLY-Service at 7 and 11 Teems 0.' i+I:7i,'('Ttlr7'(07 - 1.00 per x113111111 in, advaree. $1.10 if not so paid. No Leper diecon-• tinned till all ant WS oro paid, except at the. . optic» 1 c1 tele l.ubli:'lu r. AI)v1•rnrlsix } ItnTrs. - LcXal ax.d oilier extnt 1 tdveltikenlellt,i c perNonpjarieilinn for• flu t u, e'rtie,u, acs par lila+ or rsel subs inserllon. Aclvertira•ments in 1(x•,1 ('''Ulnad eine+ ch(u gets 10 ('ts. per lino for lint insertion, and 5 cents Per line for smell subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Last, Found, St3uyed„ 07 -Farms for gale or to Rent, and similar, 5100 for. first reoutll and 10 (lents for each subsequent 1110I1111. ('o1;TI(t01 R.t2I•:s-Tlu'following table shower our rates for the insertion of advertisements for speoiiicel periocs erAcr.. 1 Yet. 310. 8 M0. 1 Mo Ono 0011rt31n 810.00 $135.00 818.00 30.0 Half Column., ........ 35.00 18.00 10.00 4.0 QuaTterOolumn 18.00 10.00 0.00 2.0' Advcrti:'ennsnts without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advalnec . THE JOB DEPARTMENT is stocked with an. extensive assortment of till requisites for prii}t- ing, affording facilities not equalled in tile' county for turning out first class work, Large, type and appropriate cuts for allstyles of Post- ers, Haucl Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print- • ung. H. B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher.. a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. CHRISTIAN WOrKERS-services in the Mission Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday at 3 and 7:30 p m. T. A. Calhoun, in charge. Posre OrrIcu--In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a in' to 6:30 p m. Petor Fisher, postmaster. MECHANICS' INSTITUTR-Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. TowN CoUNOIL-Wm. Clegg, Mayor; Wan. Holmes, H. 0. Bell, J. H. Cis - holm, G. A. Newton, Rolland. Beattie, Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. For- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD. -C. N. Griffin, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Lee, J. J, Homuth, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, J. Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Win. Robertson; Treasurer, J. 33. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss Vanstoue, Miss Matheson and Miss Reid. BOARD - or HEALTH -Mayor Clegg, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. 33. Ferguson; Sec- retary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health BANK of HAMILTONf WINGHAM. Capital. $2,000,000. Rest, $1,234,1202 President -Jour STUART. , Vice -President -A. G. RAMSAY, DIRECTORS Joann Proctor, Geo. Roach, Win. Gibson, I)1.P.,, A. T. Wood, M. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). Cashier -3. TURNBULL. Savings Bank -Hours 10 to 3; Saturday, 101 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and. interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United. States Bought and spud. Travellers are notified that.the Bank of Ham - buten and its Branches issue. Circular Rates o National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, wlliel3 can be cashed Without ellargo or trou- ble in any part ofthe world. W. CORBOUi D, Agent. E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. - ,.. and that he will be Made Dean is sucoe s- sion to the late Father Murphy. For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. Ib.soothes the child,soft- ens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar- rhoea.' It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. • Hagyard's Yellow Oil Can be used externally or taken internal- ly. It cures cuts. burns, bruises, con- tracted cords, stiff joints, painful swell- ing, quinsy, sore throat, etc. It's a re- gular family medicine chest. Price 25 cents. A •Mother's Opinion. Mrs. S. Snelling, Underwood, Ont., says that she used. Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup in her family for the past eight years, and she knows of .nothing so good for children who suffer from worms. Columbus, the discoverer of America, was the soii of a weaver. • Daniel Defoe was a hostler. Franklin was a journey-nlan printer. Milton was the son of a money scri- vener. It is not the peace of China so much as the pieces that the. European powers are after. -Detroit Free Press. Laxa-Liver Pills cure Biliousness,Sick Headache, Dysvepsia, Sour Stomach, Water Bras, Sallow Complexion, etc. They* do not gripe, weaken or sicken. Small and easy to take. Price 25c. Hugh John 1Viaedonald's proposed prohibition law is met by a curious and unexpected objection. It appears that the Madsen flay Company* has a royal charter under which it can sell liquor. The contention he Local that t ismade Legislature cannot override the charter, and that if it should prohibit, the char- ter Will remain and the company 'will have a monopoly. This is aphase of the situation altogether nnlookecl for, ";S1 O Pot tui 'anti; ata Ch111ttren. Via fart' ai3bi11 dpi Urinary Troubles Kidney and Bladder Ailments that Would Yield Only to Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver WANTED ! AT ONCE. Two Coat Makers. Also Two Pant Makers. Pills. Mr. Wm. Giles, carpenter, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., •states:-" Unsolicited I write to tell you of the good qualities of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills in curing urinary troubles. I do not write for your especial profit, but for the good of those afflicted aS I have been. I have used eight boxes, and do not now feel the old trouble in the least. " I felt relief one hour after taking the first pill. It is a great source of comfort to ane to know that there is a medicine to help my weak kidneys. Those wishing further particulars may address me as above." Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are erectile for all kidney, bladder, and urinary derangements, and liver troubles, and have an enormoud sale all over this continent. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers, or Ed- manson, Bates and Co., Toronto. Dr. Chase's Ointment is a positive andabsolute cure for piles, It is the Only preparation which is guaranteed to cure every form of piles. ,Earrie . tannery was damaged to the extent of $29,000 by fire Friday. It is stated that anthraeite coal will be advanced 25 cents a ton on July 1. Children Cry for CASTO6 c. l A u It ie a wise man that knews his own fireside when it is fixed up for an after•- ternoon tea. --Indianapolis Journal. True religion makes a man fool that it is just as cold for his wife to get up and light the fires as it is for himself,---Chi- cage News. Severn Toothache. "I have used two bottles of Dr. Low's Toothache Gum and find it splendid. It cured rile of the worst toothache I over had. Blvina Hill, Blva, Mall. Cervantes, the illustrious Spanish author, was born of me ancient but re- duced family. leo early entered military ser,Ioe and served as a redneed soldier.' "All Dunlop Tires itt 19ob" Ote macadam roads- on country roads' --on good roads and bad roads -•-- Dunlop Daetachable. Tiros are safest and easiest to ride. If you meet with a mis- hap - lis -hap•-- a puncture --• ten .. ese s miles fromome tr h 1 are the oalytoolsyou need." "Tete onay toeln." The Dunlop lire Ca, Limited, Totem°. 1ontro&L 'il'lnuipeA. St. John. A. E. SMITH. BA2TK JI WINOIHAM. General Banking Business transacted.. Money advanced to farmers and business men•, on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of" Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable, terms. WEBSTER & CO., Queen's Block, P. KENNEDY, M. i).. M. 0. P. S. O. • (Member of the British Medical Associa- • tion.) GoldMedallist in Medicine. Special.: attention paid to diseases of Women} and Child ff' ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. in.; 7 to 9 p. m. • Caveats and Trade•Markl obtained. and all patent business conducted for MODERATE PEES. My office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wita description and statement as to advantages claimed. aril-Xo charge is made for an opinion as CO patentability, and my•fee for prosecuting. the application will asoo be called for until- the patent.* allowed. "Item:vow Gums." con. taining full information seat free. All Oontmunl• tatlons Considered as titrlctly ionfdential. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH 9Rti i+' Sttooi. WASJEIYIQGTON. H. DR. MACDONALD, Centro Street Wingham, Ontario._, RVANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Privnteand Company funds to loan at lowest' rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort- gages, town and farm property bought and.. sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham. J A. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &c., 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TMARKS tRADE DSSIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a stretch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free Whether an invontien is probable patentable. Communloa. Rona strictly confidential, Handbook on Patents sunt free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & CO. receive special. notice, without charge, 10 the Sdentifkk Mme�'kaU. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr. eulatton of any scien tific iour n n. Terms , $3 rAnr• four MOnthC $L $od by an nowso' al r sa. MUNN & Co,361aroadway, New York Branch 01110e. 02:31) 51..'Washington. D. C. Wingham, Ont. EL. DICKENSON, • BARRISTER, ETC. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. MOney to loan. . Office -Meyer Block, Wingliam, ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S„ L. D. 5. - Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania.. Dent 1 College and Licentiate of the Rival.Celle a of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Of ice•- over Fost Office, Wingliam. DRS. =ROME & HOLLOWAY, DENTISTS.. . (Successors to Dr. Ross.) Special attention to the caro and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and all. . work carefully and skilfully performed. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham. IT PAYS JOHN RITCHIE, GENERALINSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont, TO ADVERTISE IN TI1E TIMES.. • 'MsP DEANS, JR. • LICENSED AUCTIONEER. for the County of Huron: Sales attended in any part of the County. Charges moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WxNGlrnbr, ONT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm' Stock and Farm Implements 8 . Specialty. All orders left at THE TIMES office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS; s, 0 ■ 0.. - Camp Caledonia, No. 40, meets- O. -the first and third Monday in every month, in the Oddfellows Hall. visiting - bretlnren welcome. D. STEWART, Cllief; H. B. Elliott, Ree: See. JOB PR11'7TIN"G, including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &e., &e., executed in the best. style of the art, at, moderate prices, and' on short notice. BOOICBINDINGt.-Wo aro pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with tis for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will bo given, on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. t"( nAND 'DRUNK R 1 AILWX SX'STENI, VI TRAIN'S tPAva ]tont Palmerston 0.40 min.... ... 8.ti5a.ln, London'.... 0.53 am.... 8.151M11:.. 3.15p. KinearclinQ 11 ri.in 8.15 1)')))....10 43p.m. AitILIVS 21t02t Kincardine ....0.40 man8.55 a.m.... 315 p.m. London ..11.10 a nn ..800 p.m. Palmerston. ............. 3,05 p.nn....10.43 p.nt, . (40RDON, Agent, Wingham. OA1t1ADIAN PACIFIC IIATI.WA.'it. TnAlNS LEAVE Welt Toronto and East... .. 0.58 a nu„.3.00 p.m. Teeswater 1.132 p.m....., 10.48 Alnitiv*t Yam Terewater 0.58 a.1n.....3 pan. Toronto and B1SFi'lItl. 184 P. •