HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-06-29, Page 3Yeifare1 , COUNTY CONVNTION. sabbatiu:School SYorieors and t'lirlttlau .iiiideavorer3 zn session, Tuesday morning of last week the annual County Sabbath School Conseil - a k�1� Cno'iton risenbled i.n the Methodist .Seaforth, with a good attendance, Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Her.sall, in the chair, Here The topic, "Irreverence, its cause and euro" was taken up by the Convention. It was thought to be an epidemic; that the home is often the cause; public school teachers have much to do with the cure as have the parents; minister's sensational remarks in the pulpit are often the fact that, iu the niajoxfky of cas'�s a cause of irreverent reed solving. they lead confined and monotonous lives' "How to make reviews interesting" the greater down totliefourtvalls of home was the knotty problem Dr. Towler, of the greater part of the day. Pain's Celery Compound is just what Wingham dealt with. Review Sunday such nervous and depressed women need was often vacation Sunday; should take Ito restore their nerves to energy and to up what has been already taught; no Sift them out of their constipated, clys• no one should takeriiview consecutively; peptic habit of body, No other remedy known to medical Superintendent should make out the men is so rich in flesh -forming and en- program 2 or 3 weeks ahead; reviews orgy -producing ponstituents for women should be advertised anti announced as rue s Celezy Compound, It is also from the pulpit; should not be used to true and unfailing regulator, keeps the p p blood pure and rich, and maintains an show-off speaker; lot nothing interfere even coir .ition of good health that makes with review, put it off for nothing; get aa, woman contented and happy. his. variety in music and persons; use chart, Wilcox, of Creemore, Ont.,, writes as pictures, blackboard, have' pictures follows: "For years I have suffered from con- drawn on paper each Sunday and pre- stant sick headache and nervousness. servo for review. Let us make up our At times I have been so batt that I have minds that we get nothing good without ]leen unable to sleep two hours a night for weeks. I have tried many medicines a great deal of work being put on it. and doctored a great deal, but never re- Next came a splendid address on reivod a hundredth part of the value „Graded Sabbath school work and its -from them that I Celery Compound . A ter usingrom th oe advantages,,' by Rev. W. G. Hanna, bottles I can sleep well, .iny headaches ; B. D., of Mount Forest. Tlie topic was have ceased, and I feel healthier and ' very lucidly dealt With and a large fund fresher than I have done for years." of valuable information given along the i lino suggested. The advantages of Canadian Clippings. grading were summarized as follows:— "Jack" Roach was sentenced at Mont- (1) It brings the work into harmony real to twenty years in the penitentiary `with pedagogical prinoiplesin the public for robbery. Gives and Maintains a Perfect Condition of Podily Health,. Tiro great susceptibility of wolrteil to nervousness ai 1, worry is lieiglitenod by TIIE MOAN i TIES, JUNE 29, 1900.. i'i the S. S. work should be converted and called by God to be a teaolier. Our ideal should be high, Our work is to bring people. to a knowledge of the Savior. The teacher should (1) I<uow his material; answer obiidron's ques- tion; don't roprers their wonderment. (2) Know your Book; teach it; love it. Get ready to be a teacher. Go through courses of training, The other speaker for the evening was Rev, W. G, Helium his subjeot being "Christ the Model Teacher." He had a znishiou and a commission. Seeking and saving is our business,. We are not re- sponsible for conversion but we are for contact. We should fuel it assn. absorb, ing impulse. The Lore] loved to teach, so must we. He taught the Word of God, it was his text boots. Tho matter of our teaohing is not the lesson help, but the Bible should be in our hand,. Make it in our own. Christ did not begin his active work until 80 years of ago, the fernier years being spent in preparation. The S. S. should feed upon the Word. Ile made himself acquainted with the persons, their habits and customs, with whom ho had to deal, so should the teacher. The inauguration of His min- istry was with the holy anointing. We need divine clireotion and the anointing of the holy spirit, Ho prayed conte]- ually. Christ was free from officialism, ; was simple in His style; adapted His teaching to his hearers; taught by tho law of association; He repeated the Truth with. • variety; He employed abundant illustration; He taught by question; He always applied the Truth. His personal characteristics we should imitate, lst, Love for our audience and strong sympathy; great tenderness and patience; holiness of life. 2ud, Teach Christ by the Word on Sabbath and by living personality. He gave us a fault - loss example. Mr. Hanna's. address was closely followed and should be a fruit bearer. I schools; (2) Thoughtful teachers strive Canada has been awarded first prize Ito obtain some plan along this line; (3) for its display of tixnber at the Paris Ib prevents pupils getting where they Exposition, . James Farley, a life convict, who served twelve years in the Kingston penitentiary, was pardoned on Saturday last. He was a circus attendant, and when the show was at Peterboro' he got into an altercation with an Indian and killed him. The house-to-house census of Toronto -shows the population to be 101,280. It is probable that this is not within several ilmeration was made for purposes of religious classification, and omitting nearly 2,000 of the miscellaneous classes the showing is: Church of England. Methodist Presbyterian Roman Catholic Baptist Congregational Hebrew Plymouth Brethren Salvation Army Disciples "Christian Scientists Christian Workers Lutheran Other Denominations should not get; (4) It enables the Super- tenclent to place teachers -with classes for which they are best adapted; (5) It gives pupils au incentive to advance; (6) It affords one solution for the great question—How can we keep the adults in the school; '(7) It makes our teaching more systematic and orderly; (8) It tends to nurture Bible students and qualify them for future work. - "How long should the teacher remain 1 figure. The en - with the same class?" -was introduced thousands of the Au ideal Junior Society was represent- ed by the Clinton !juniors who (11c1 their part ill a west interesting and efficient manlier, The program consisted of an opening. hymn; prayer by A, T. Peeper; Lords prayer iu concert; repeating pledge; reciting of Psalm 121; solo by a little girl; paper on "How and for what we should pray," by little Miss Holmes; the books. of the bible and their keynote: closing, Miss Ethel Howson is Suporn- tencleut of the Society and Miss Maggie Davis is assistant,. They (lid. their work well and demonstrated what patience may do with the Juniors. Barrister Blair, of I3rassols, stirred up an animated discussion over the topic "Christian Endeavor and social Prob- lems." There were two deckled opin- ions on the question and Revs. Russell and Murdock,aud Messrs, Garry, Cooper, Myers and others took part in the dis- cussion that ensued. Woman's actual by W. H. Kerr, who thought their re- lations should bo as long continued as possible where good workis being done. Rev. S. J. Arlin, of Goclerioh, iutro- 44,348 l duced the subject "The S. S. in the home circle." A. Godless home is one of the sad institutions of to -day. The inviroument of the home has so much to 4,462 t do with the success of our work and 1,669; we see the uecesssity of training the 1,095 !parent and becoming acquainted with 630 i the home life of the pupil. The work 544 629 - 539 496 2,388 004 Total 39,440 32,337 19,885 10,6a A CARD We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache, We also warrant that four bottles will permanently euro the most obstinate cases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, 'Wingham,; Ont. C. A. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Out. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist gist, Wingham, Ont. Tho Christian Endeavor department of the Convention opened Wednesday morning at 8.30 with a Quiet Hour. Rey. Mr. Henderson took theleadership, directing his remarks to St John, . llth chapter. The thoughts suggested were: (1) The Master has come; (2) A personal message; (3) Mary's willing response. It was a profitable service. A nominating Committee of Messrs. Myers, Cooper, McDowell andKerr, and Misses McPherson, Cash and Washing- ton was appointed. done in the home is the most permanent and many are the illustrations of this seen in the world. One of the best aids to home training is the Home Depart - 159,280• meut of the S. S. and it should be tried. The S. S. should demand from the home sympathetic, enthusiastic interest. We should use the Ranting press and send a quarterly report from the school to the home. The lessou should be studied at home, Financial support should be accorded by the parents. A visit to non interested homes and help given along the teaching of the Truth will do good. It was a fine address and well presented. Mr. Yellowlees, Acting Provincial Secretary, took charged the Conference is an most interesting and instructive way. The following were the questions and, answers:—What is the teacher's duty to absent pupils? Answer—Visit them, write to them, recognize them, Headache. Is often a warning that the liver is torpid or inactive. More serious troubles may follow. For a prompt' efficient cure of Headache and all liver troubles, take r «od'' Piles While they rouse the liver, restore full, regular action of the bowels, :theydo not gripe -or•='pain, do not Irritate or inflame the Internal organs, but apositive trnnlct. 25c. at all druggistsoby atof C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. WANTED 1 and Drug - OTTO KWITT. . Tells A11 About Dose Football Matches. tTaSovo pointer isome Sun has humor. Mistier Crocan sot, "Do Berlin fellers vas sure to win, cuz our boys don't got togedder to bractice." "Misder Orman," I set "You can't ohenerally alvays tell by de look off a bullfrog how far ho can jump up. Don't cound your skickens before dey hatch domselves out." Vell de Berlin fellers got here mit a sbecial drain, und dey didn't broughct any fish horns mit • dem eider dis time. I vas shust so yell bleased, cuz I got myself i sick mit dem fish horns ven Ladyslimidt got herself reliefed. Some came to see de football matches, and some came for a shange off air, and odors for a shange off beer. No doubt dey beliefe in de oldt saying "a shange vas so goot as a feast]." I made de acquaindchoot off one off de Berlin fellers down at Kling's Hodel. He set his name vas Chacob Piggleboddles and he'kept a perfumery shtoro in Berlin but dealt briucipally in Limburger. He hat a samble mit hint uud he gif mo -a biece to try. Ye vont up town togedder, uud verefer ve vent ve hat de town to ourselfs. I hat a nice leecile bucket -off roses binned mit my coad collar, and ven ve toog a send on de grand shtaaicl some feller shpoke at me, "say, oldt feller, for gootness sake'drow dot roses avay. It shmelis too loudt al- retty." You can'd blease eferybody, I dou'd dick. "Could you told me, Misder Piggleboddles, vy a feetball matches vas lige .a funeral?" I set, "Vy is do rea- son?" he set at me. "Veil," I set, "its pecause dey neferstard on time alretty." Ven dey did got started, de Berlin fellers blayecl all arounnt de oudsite off our poys and dey soon send de ball drough bedween Cherry and de oder posd. But dey met mit a shtroke off bad luck shust afder scored do find goal. Dey losd deir gotnbinatlon someveres uud dey clicln't found it again till de game vas nearly ofer, and ven dey did got it back alretty it vas- so >badly thawed up dey couldn't use it. Seaford scored fife goals posds von afder each oder, unci Misder Piggleboddlles didn't seem to lige it. He foundt all sords off fauld mit de goal-keeber. "De goal -keeper has no pisness to catch de ball mit his mond," he set. "Dots so," I set, "I musd spoke mit Cherry aborad dot," I set. Den he set "de groundt is to roughness." "1 musd see de gommidy about] dot," I set, "und hat de grouudt proberly saudpaberecl." "De vind is too high," says Misder Piggleboddles. "I -ill see de gommidv aboud dot too," I set. Mr. John L. Carter, of Bridgetown. N.S., in the following letter, tells how it saved his life: "1 bad suffer- ed with dysentery for four weeks and could get nothing to cure me. I then tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and I feel that it saved my life. It restored me to health when everythingelse failed. I con- sider it a wonderful remedy that lace in every home." Always ask for Dr. Fowler's :substitutes Extract a of Wild Strawberry and refuse should have a p Soothes the irritated bowels, settles the stom- ach, gives prompt relief from pain, prevents col- lapse, and cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, 1, Cholera, Cramps, Colic, Summer Complaint, Cholera Infan- tum, Nursing Sore Mouth of Infants and all bowel complaints of young and old more safely and speed- ily than any other remedy. 17 TEEM Iii USE. Mrs. Middleton Wray writes from Schoenberg, Ont., as follows: "Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the best remedy I know of for Summer Complaint and Bowel Dis- eases of children. I have used it in our family for the past seventeen years and never had occasion to call in the doctor for these troubles, as the Fowlers Extract always worked like a charm." Tho Treasurer's report was read. Total receipts, $137.22; expenditure, $45.09, showing a balance due of $7.77. Miss Ross, of Brussels, was Treasurer. The report was adopted. Secretary's report showed 88 societies. Active mem- bers, 1874, associate members, 1515; total. membership, 3,3S9. A slight decrease is reported. Agents to fill permanent potitionwithias AT GOOD PAY. All supplies free. Chance of promotion to good men. We also desire some good Agents, Dither on whole or part time to sell our preparation for the destruction of Tussock Moth Caterpillar, known as "CATERPILLARINE." 112ErlAany of our salesmen carry this as a side line, and make considerable more than • their expenses thereby. We have the largest assortment of stock of any Nursery in Canada. People prefer our -goods, because of our guarantee. All our stock as sent out under Government Certificate, proving cleanliness and freedom from disease. Apply now for territory. Stone & Wellington, Toronto. a 4 "Canada for the Canadians." READ THE CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL A monthly magazine full of inter- esting reading matter and useful in- formation for CANADIAN VJ OMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES Subscription price One Dollar per Annum. OIL you can receive it with this paper for one near at the same price by tending your orders to the publisher of the TIMES at Wingham. 10 cents es pie dolly S w 11like Addrsample . Canadian Home Journal Co., formees)ersa:TO', ONt "More meat in the soup" was the catchy title given to Rev. Mr. Hender- son's subject. Success is often due to the manner in which our meetings are- , conducted and more nourishment is necessary in the preparations of the pro- grams. Remedies proposed to interest young people :—Introduce special topics once a month such as the great Mission - fields ; the lives of great men; Bible drill; make it a training school; study the church doctrines; dig into the Truth and gather the buried treasure; have definite work. A vote of thanks was given to Rev. Mr. Henderson for the work he had done in connection with. the Convention, - "All the way my, Saviour leeids me" was sung after which Miss Washington, Junior superintendent for Huron Co., presented a very interesting report of the work among the little people who have held the Provincial banner. There are in Huron 420 members and they raised $107 last year for missions. 4 new Societies have been formed during the past year, making 15 in -all. There are about 19 Mission Bands in the Co. "Christian Endeavor and Bible study" was introduced by Rev. Mr. Murdock, of Clinton. The Bible is the infallible word of God. Bible study does not con- sist in reading an occasional chapter; nor memorizing passages; nor holding it in holy awe. We should read the Bible systematically; understandingly; and apply the Truth to our daily life. Don't allow difficulties or problems to divert us from the study of the Bible. Officers were chosen for the next year as follows:—President, W. H. Kerr, Brussels; Vico.-Pres.. Rev. T. J. Mur- doch, Clinton; Sec., Miss Washington, Clinton;; Treas., Miss Cash, Seaforth; Jr. Superintendent, Miss Maud King, Blyth; Executive, S. J. Stone, Rev. Mr. Anderson, A. T. Cooper and Miss Annie Clark. Dates of Convention will be June 18 and 10 and Clinton chosen as the place. A round Table Conference en "How to recapture lost territory" was capably managed by Provincial Sec'y Cooper. Two societies had been lost last year, see the parents. Which is the better asking questions or lecturing to the class? The questioning method. What are some oftho common errors made by S. S. teachers? Preaching; readng in- struction off lesson helps; lack. of preparation; telling stories instead of teaching. What is the best way to maintain order in the class? Giving scholars something to do; win their love and respect have sympathy; be in- terested in them. Is it ever permissible to scold or threaten? Discipline must be maintained but the less scolding the better. How can the teacher secure home study? Teacher give questions to take home for answer next Sabbath; read the Scripture for daily reading. How often should the teacher present the claims of Christ the Saviour? As often as possible. To what extent is it wise for the teacher to do personal spiritual work in the Blass? It should be the supreme object to every teacher; the work should be done individually. What are the teacher's week day duties to his pupils? Know your pupils when you meet them; pray for thein; be familiar with='t)ieut on week days; invite then] to your home. 1.Tho President reported for the NOM- inating Committee as follows: Pres., Dr. rowier; V'ieo.•Pres., Rev. J. S. I'Ienderson and J. P. Ross; Minute Seo'y and Treas., J. C. Stoneman; Cor- responding S.ec'y, L. Harold; Exootttive, D. M. Gordon, J. Kerr, G. F. Blair, W. II. ]Kerr, J'. M. Million, J'. B. Tom, J. II. Wilson, J. II. McCllintoit, J. and A. Young, "Tho Sabbath School Teacher vas MONFY rti; ik • a.. .tor .9 L 1 j would be useless unless { ,the fit, Style and quality I were apparent to back • up 1 the ry statement. \Ve don't talk volumes, but i our suits t:.11: for' us, and , our prices NVill suit you. r e 1311 s 1 Leave your order for that new SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT The eminent French humorist, Fran- cois Rabelais, was the son of an apothe- cary. Children Cry for E. Stand C. LARKL As the seaso-: is now approaching when these bills will be needed by horsemen, we mould say to all such that the TIMES office is well equippedfor turning out this clitss of work. A splendid line of suitable cuts. Reasonable rates. THE MILK OF HE-< LSTEh DAIRY is pure and col,] and costs next Griffin's Grocery. THREE CENTS A QUART, SATO Y= 1 The Liberals of North Wentworth and Brant have nominated Wm. Pater- son, Minister of Customs, as their can- didate for the Commons. NOXON NEW VICTORIA BINDER , , iili'IAIf, 5 ft., 5;2 ft. and 6 ft. cut. Highest Drive Wheel made. Brass Boxes. Roller Bearings. Seventh Roller for Elevator. All the latest and best improvements. ALWAYS READY. We 'aro always ready and prepared to cater to your wants and roquiro noiib . . Our stock of pure drugs is very complete, enabling us to fill without delay any order from your doctor. Our stock of Toilet Requisites is Unsurpassed in Variety, Quality aixd Prices. Reasons wore caller[ for as to why losses Are you using Paine's Celery Com - were reported hi membership in some places and given as:—Lack of responsi- bility as sot out in the pledges: closing Societies for part of year; aiming at The members more than spirituality. discussion should do good. "Practical missionary Work's was dis• cussed by the Convention in the absence of Mrs. Pentland. Systematic giving 1 potuu1, nature's great remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous diseases, diabetes and liver troubles? If you have not given Paine's Celery Com- pound a trial for your failing health, do so at once; we recommend it. A. - Wuaghain,,Onttggist, Du-, - was strongly•recommended and the abaudoutnelit of socials, Ste., to raise mayo PA Nc u e by ly�ilS ' the important subject upon which Rev. honey. Giving to rt definite mission our hid. seAddrress, {It, Whiting, of 14Iitc1rolT, based a most 'teas considered batter thaniricliscrim. ntGo DNd N.1 practical addresb. Any person engaging inatol'y. THE Nast x3 al OXFORD CLIPPER Front aIle l3aar But MOWERS Attempts to chock caterpillars by pay. ing 20 cents it quart for them, as Sara- toga is doing, possibly illustrate, the fact that it would bo cheap for the emu. nntnity if small. boys' and ladies' hats ceased to do busilress iii birds.—Ottawa, ALL SIZB1. With Roller and Ball bearinns. Serrated Lodger Plates if .desired. Ask our agent to show you tiro New Patented Ball Bearing Knife Clip. Supplied only when specially ordered. We . -e also manufacture the best and most complete lino of CULTIVAT- 1�G .;� and SEEDING INIPLEnrr6 en Earth, comprisingSPRING- TOMB CULTIVATORS (fitted with grain :Incl grass sowing attach. month If desired.) SPRING and SPIKY. TOOTH IIARIWWS, DISC IL1:1t1ZOWS, GRAIN 1) MLLS, (all ki,ri-4.) 11.)1:SE RAKES, (friction and ratchet dtinlp,) etc., etc. If you need anything in ottr line semi for our 1900 Illustrated Jataiogite, (sent free.) You will find it very much to your. interest to do so. THE N O O N OO., L:ttl, IngetsoII, Ont.