HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-06-29, Page 2TRE WINGITA1 JUNF4 29, 1900 tit ,Int, way. Nous living epeake loltt:er than all your lo„ lt'. - Wile'dug a pi,, \\.ill not make it st( n likiug utr(l Every man its ee?r chile some lone' of master. t ra i'tl I.il;: 1),A. eit11t'r L emulates s or a strait jot 1tet. No pewee. weep; over the feet that the boy outer was ids clothes We ell 11 V t1 eolSe wltt•n we ere it crop oat iii f, +U. body else. Th(( li;Lrin of a treed is iu eanvertieg it from a sta.:: into a club Many a main fights for his creed who slaver thins;.:; of etrryin;,; an nail':rclltt for hie wife. A Wart prayer will get to hetaee4 (luie'kr than a long, one. We tyle eunisl.e(1 by (cur sirs ) tit: r than fie: them. Conscience in the better pian wi.l:in the lest LI nem. Bet.er the pessimism that eelsiets against oilds t, an the optimism that nutlet s no ('Hort et all. WI1`1QHAM O:SSTRICT* ' James Irwin, of Maass, Oat., lost 11is I Math or a rloizeer, barn and all his farming implements,Oa Friday, jaw 15111, at the rest' 1 V ictor Ia+'r:ort', t•f Tara, Ont,,. has beeu buggies nand hatless,. by fire Sunday. l, deuce of her sou, Bieber(' Irwin, there granted a patent l•y t11e 'kited States June 17th. Lass placed at $1,2.00; in passed peacefully away, in her 85th Government ftar a seat and desk. sured for $000. year, one of the oldest 811(1 most highly :cs1'a •ted residents of Obuton in the person of Mrs.. Elizabeth Ann Irwin. Tho doomed. who was born in Boum, Bliglanci, on January 6th, 1810, was the eldest daughter of John Geninlock who for some years: conducted a private academy in Ediabargh, s�.'ootlan(l. III 1834, on account• of ill health, be was forced to resign that position andcame his fancily to, Canada, subsequently settling in Galt 'whore he was long a prominent figure ill edacational choles. The deceased wase married in 1837 to Mu prosperous met- , being at that time the town. By the incl in 1840 she was Joins Howson left frons Clinton for l 14 Ir. I•Ien(lerson, pest office inspector E the Rorth\vee~t cu Jure 1:1111, and tool. 1 cor the Toronto district made an official along a carload Of fine Horses bought `visit to (aeon sal:ma, theresult of which frons JoltI1 Cielltic ,. of Iillcarcli)1('. I was the summary saspetasion of Wm. No Worm. Medicine acts so nicely tis;1dossou, Postmaster, on the i roulul of Miler's Worm Powders; ne physic re- i irregularities. Deputy Malone was quire&. Sold by ('01111 A. Campbell. i placed in charge pending the Postmaster General's decision. Mr. Masson was appointees five years ago by the lata Government and succeeding the late Robert Crawford.. Tho office is worth X1500, W Oil Monday afternoon Rev, R. L. Hoslking left For}lwicll for Europe, his Quarterly Official. Hoard having given hint three months'vacation for that pair- pose. He will sail in. the Susitonia from early left a widow tiut with a mother's Montreal on the 20th and will go direct affection and true " Christian courage to Landon. Iso expects to visit the she immediately .set about rearing and World's Fair in Paris, his aged mother educating her two children Instil in 1852, after a severe sickness, she left Galt at Mise Nora Cloa h, vi•)1ieiea'. St. Marys, 'bayed at au eutcrtaiameut givc'u ' '_ • ) ane 1501.1u14er Eu gland, c 11 J , at Loudon, 1,. , Ithe patronage of queen Victoria. The concert teas Tinder the personal direction 1 of .iadalna A1baul Your Vector's Advice --Has rat alwaaa been rt+ mating to lie c•onseiorce became for y a; s lee's 1 et 11 schaeh'd iu prelu.eli,cs sena It lab eve.y ample(airy remedy a '•civao-to--tof (.try he knows better and 1t.,ctiees better, and such worts y r. n:c. lies as De. Von Stan's Pineapple Tallets are among the cat - Stant preecript ems in his daily praetii,e because18 has proved them se potent in stomach trembles -et 0 in a lox, t:5 cents, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. ! Ladies! TukoDtiller's Compoluzb I:ou Pills if you would hay: nice, ch.ir 0-)i1- ploxions, Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Walter Marshall oY the 211d concession Culross s+•111 thirteen pima iho litter of one sow, for ;;:147.((i. In nine Months, Mr, Marshell has ree,eivotl etS30 for the progeny of this one F(l ,v and 110 has. one of the young pigs yet. :.The sow is a cross between a Yorkshire •an;l a Chester.. • Another of the old pioneers of the township of Kinloss passed away 011 Tuesday, June 10th, in tho person of Be11 ja1ui11 S. Jowitt, in the €.6th year of his ago. Deceased was among the first settlers in this part of the country, and though cf a quiet and retiring disposi- tian, was greatly rca'spected by a large • circle of friends audlcquaintances.. All Liver and sf °Mach troubles cured by Miller's Granules, Sold by Colin A. Campbell. A man Inas no more right to say an uncivil thing than to act one, no more right to stay a rude thing to another than to hum.% him down.—Johnston. Frank Moore has iuvouted an in- genions contrivance for the working of a -...;; :i a n i a i` ;:• i;1 l",y" i a,,t" the turn -table at the C.P.R. station. By of his he can turn the gin sa ittde7 a ^ 1'� 1-; easilys as tthree or four men canldo it n '�" `� /14„... ° '� ` the old way, He has, an idea that he that he can Maud Muller on a summer's clay Raked the meadows sweet with hay. And as she raked, now here, now there The hayseeds fluttered from her hair. She knew amici the show tents brown Her brother loitered iu the town, While down the glen in bushes thick Her dad was flatly. in the crick. "Ah, me,". she cried, "what lots of joy I've missed because 1 ain't a boy! Au, oh, I'm madder than ole sin To think, alas, it might of been!" f • Genuine ctr Little Liter Pills. tifust Bear Signature of See Fac. Sir1_@e'�Wrapper Below. Israeli ztell cnc1 OS easy, to take as cus'ac. FOR HEADACHE., FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOES TORPID LIYER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION GEnir avm MUST re Q1p MATNRC 7PitrelyVegetable.//Vfr- f11791vW 15 C`e°u CURE SICK HEADACHE. Before. After, Wood's Pbospiioaiae, The Ordut English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists to Canada. Only reli- able medloine discovered Six packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- baoeo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will Please, riwwzll cure. Pamphlets Company, any Ont. Weed's Phosphitlint' fa ,+o1c1 in Winghaan by Colin A. Campbell, A. A. Morrow, J. E. Davis, A. l,. Hamilton, Druggists, can fix his contrivance so ruu the engine on to the turn -table and turn it without gettiug off, making, if we uunderstaud aright, the engine do the work of turning itself.—Teeswater News. Sometimes after getting cverheated, there follows a chill, then a severe cold. The quickest aucl best remedy for the worst kinds of coughs and colds is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Try it. Price 25c. On Saturday, Jnues 16, the biggest barn in Bruce County was ,erected on the farm of Mr. 11. Cargill, M. P. for East Bruce. The barn is 120 feet long, 72 feet wide and the posts are 28 feet high from the wall which is 15 feet high. .A. very large number of persons assisted in the raising of the frame of this mam- moth building. The barn will be closed in with matched lumber. Rot ort Cross of Walkerton is the contractor. When you need medicine you should get the best money can buy, and exper- ience proves this to be Hood's Sarsapar- illa." The house on the fermi of A. Miller, of Wingham, on the B • Line, Hcwick, occupied by John McCreary, was burn- ed down on Monday, Jule 15th. The house was a good sabstautial. stone building, and as only Mart of the con- tents were saved in a., badly wrecked couditiou the loss will •Iuu up to about $1,200. Insurance )7C0. The fire ap- parently caught front sparks from the chimney falling on the roof, and as the house was in au isolated place had made considerable Headway before any help arrived. Richard Irwin, a i ohant of Galt, they only two stores i� death of her hush in the City of Truro, Cornwall, Cum- berland and many other places of note in the old land. 'During his absence his polpit will be supplied liy several of the ministers front sllrrouuding towns and villages. Mrs. Hcsl.ing and family will go with him as f'`r as Drayton where she will spend mot of the summer with her parents. g Miller's Compound Iron Pills, only 25 o,nts for 50 doses. Sold by Colin A,• Campbell. a Death has agaim claimed another of Howicle's young men in the person of John Toner, Gorri(, who passecl away on Saturday, Juuei 16th, after a brief iUness, at the early ago of 20 years. 5 mouths and 15 days' Deceased was the principal of Duluth Business College, and within the lastwo months contract- ed a cold, but thought if he cause home on his vacation ho woild soon recover his former health. Hee returned to Gerrie two weeks ago, bni instead of recover- ing, his cold devol4ed into pneumonia and a week. from the day. he was taken to his bed he passed away to be forever with the Lorcl. Deceased was an estim- able young luau incl was beloved by every person who,hacl the pleasure of his acquaintance. • During the heavy rain on June 18th, Otto Berfeltz, a youug man who lives ou the Oth concession, Grey, suffered from the effects of electricity, and lies i't a somewhat clangorous couditiou. One end of a wire, clothes line was at;• tackled to the house; and when the flash came this acted as a` conductor to it, and it readily found an entrance to the house through the mortar, between the logs. Mr. Berfeltz was ming on a bench to that corner of the foam, and received the shock which rencjeredhiln insensible; a black spot ou they side of his head showing the point ?of contact.. The faille]. and anotherblther of Otto's wero eating their supper ati the table but were not injured. It is said the dog felt the force of the shock, 'owever, and gave ' evidence of it by its owls. Tho young man is likely to recor. the advice of her playsioiau aucl removed to Paris where hereldest son, John, at the ago of fourteen, died of typhoid, fever,. After his death she went to Brantford where 114 father resided and where her only remaining child was at- tending school. Inµ 1862 she cane to Clinton and wade her hone with her son Richard, who ha'l commenced busi- ness hero. Here shei spent the remain- der of her days. Always, active and zealous she identified herself with every object that had for its anti the uplifting of humanity until failing health pre- vented. Although 4a consistent member of the Presbyterial church she was broad and liberal 1$ her views, sympa- thizing and co -open sting, with Christians of all deuoutinationj. Don't let lieailarho wear you out and render you miffs !us business or pleasure. Milburn's Steelinz Headache Powders will cure you quickly., and leave 110 bad after effect';. They do not depress the heart. Price 10c. and 25c. A few of Dr. Bruch's friends to the number of twenty-fi;ee or over, suet at' the club rooms oir Tuesday evening, June 14th, to say farewell to the doctor prior to his departure for Collingwood. A. pleasant evening was spent end after luneli D. A. Forrester in. a happy speech expressed the regret of Dr. Bti.ce's friends at his departure and referred to the prominent part be had taken in connection with social, political and military affairs here and con luded by presenting hint on behalf of those present with a handsome oliveeu gold Aug.—Clinton New -Era. The Marvellous Record of Cures Made By Dr. Pitcher Backache Kidney Tablets in Every Section of the Country is Always Backed By Home Treatment.: WINGHAM PROOF. Some Strawberry Suggestions. Orange and Str wberries.--To each pint of freshly-ste hedberries; take the juice of a• good-si'i",d orange; strain it, pour over the berric!s and allow them to stand. a while. Serve with powdered sugar. • Banana Strawberries.—Take six good- sized bananas, open carefully and re- move pulp. Beat the pulp to a cream; add half the amount of mashed berries, one tablespoonful of lemon juice, time tablespoonfuls of°, powdered sugar and one of orange juice. Mix thoroughly,fili the banana skins with the mixture and place ou ice. When served, . tie the bananas with narro v ribbons of green or dull rod. Strawberry Foam;—Crush one quart of berries and sprinkle with one-half cup 1ul of sugar. Set aside in a cold place or on ice. When reticly to serve, beat the whites of two eggs, add two table- spoonfuls of sugar, stud stir into the crushed berries. Pour into a glass dish, and scatterlarge, ripearries over it for decoration_ • Strawberries and Whipped Cream.— Have the. cream whipped, and poured over well sweetened berries just before serving. In this d sh the berries must not be crushed. Strawberryado.—Mash one quart of ripe berries, add one;quart of cold water, sweeten to taste with powdered sugar. Strain and serve. Strawberry Nectar.'i--Mash to a smooth paste one quart of vetry ripo berries,' to which add the juice of ono small lemon, and three pints of cold water. Let it stand. three hours, strain it into a pound of powdered sugar. 4 Stir until thor- oughly dissolved. strain again, set on ice until time for serving., Strawberry Shrub..--Overnine pounds of fresh berries pour "three quarts best cider vinegar: Let it stand 24 hours, bring to a boil and strain. To each pint. of the liquid add a potincl of granulated sugar, boil again. for Eh minutes, strain, and put in self-sealin glass jars. To use, put a tablespoonful in half a glass of ice -water. "Hunger is the Bost Sauce," Yet some people are never hungry. Whatever they eat; has to be "forced down." There is, of course, something wrong with these people. By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla •'a short time they are given an appetiteand than they en- joy eating and food pourishes them. If you find your appeti4e failing, just try a bottle of Hood's. Iii s a true stomach tonic and every dose!cloes good. The best family cathartic is Hood's Pills. Mrs. F. Davidson, Patrick st., says,— ! Mrs. W. Clelukening, Minnie st., says, "Kidney tremble and backache is some- 1—"All my life I have hoes a. weak back thing I have suffered from for fourears clue to kidney trouble, as I grow older, y tinct ant 110W seventy-five years of age, or mac. I do not know what caused itit became 'verse and the pain became only that it v: mesovere and res:ste treat- I severe. Some time ago I heard. of Dr. merit. I heard of Dr. Pitcher's Bach• , Pitehet s Raeltache Kidney Tablets and ache Kidney Tablets and got a bottle at ; W lit to Colin Campbell's drug store and Colin - Campbell's drug store ai11 can t t o abottle. a lose rind lM it glad to sayo the trathfnlly say I like then'. 1 slid not effect was rapid and marked. I find ee the entire bottle but I foiled the rel great relief since 1 took then' and shall ,% of I wanted.r Tbey acted gontly,easily ; get more so as to have them should 1 and rapidly. Tiny are certainly a good ! over need theta again. I cal„ safely re• 1811 0 nd them to all others. i •ilu'. edc , • (o e e t Inn • On Methbttism. The disturbance wi ieh has been felt by other churches in the United States, seems atlast to have extended to Metho- dism, though in a peculiar form not dog- matic, but ethical and social. Metho- dism is pratically thelleast dogmatic of the orthodox Protestant churches. Its preaching is commonly not doctorinal, but rather pietist anaddressed to the religious heart. The kuirch of Wesley had the peculiarity, which was a great advantage of being formed, not by doe- trinal secession, but by a crusade against the impiety and vice of the ago, and by au enthusiastic efforb to evangelize great masses of the English poor, which had been abandoned to heathenism by the lethargy Of the State Church. Chas. Wesley would not have seceded, he would not have set up a chapel of his own, Or preached in the open air, if ho cotticl have obtained permission to preach in the Anglican churches. Iu. place of dogma, the Methodist cbii.rcll had moral restrictions pointed against the social evils of the clay, It forbad and has con- tinued to forbid Glancing, cards and the theater. At the convention in the Unit- ed States the other day an attempt was made to throw off these restrictionS, and was defeated, it appears only by a liar- row majority. The tension of an en- thusiastic crrsade against such victim prevailed in Wesley's time Fah hardly be sustained forever, --•-Bystander 111 Wecllly Sun. If you have the slightest symptom of kidney or bladder trouble, yon can tes: this great111r'lit't1v free Arrangements have been made whereby every reader of 11 obtain a trial pat c of Dr. Pitcher's Backaekla Kidney l,ttl,let' all - a l elf van oat t 1 L mat tamp for p esti cto the ?itChct's Tablet Co.,stlltltd'ly free by enclosing two c(� t i t:t.:l o p g 1 ' ` Toronto, Ont. When giving solus esti nit'rltiOn this paper. far the largest sale of an reined for If you tae tonviuc. d Pitch: r s Tablets are what you 'varlt, yen nail purchaseg y y regain? slz) for f,0 (:('1;t1, per I:t.t tie. 12 tot obtainable at druggist's, mailed free of throat and luilg trouble, 25 oorito !4 hot' postage tan lets, ipt of price. tie. Family site 60 cents, All dealers. �•-tai i �Me �?�A1I. 1..4'x' What i Castoria is for Infants and Children.. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty •yearrs' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria, relieves Teething Troubles, clues Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural -sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—The 1VIother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for "Castoria Is se well adapted to children children. Mothers slave repeatedly told Inc I that 1 recommend it as superior, to any pre - of its good effect upon their children." 1 stiription known to me."Da. G. C. OSGOGD, Lowell, llfass. 1 H. A. Aacrn(R, M. D. Rrookiy,t, N. Y THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF 70* �,/r 1tKv e,,,,r. APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. t,T.H�P, CENTAUR N COMPAY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEtV YORK CITY. &rou,Otl at test. To the terrible ravages of Consttnp- tion in Ontario, the Government is petit- ioned to establish hospitals for consuinp- tivos. As preventative to consumption there is 110 treatment to be competed' to Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and .Pnr- psntifte which promptly and effeetually cttres every cough and cold. It has by . When Bessie Died. "If from your own the dimpled hands had slipped, And ue'er would nestle in your palls again; If the white feet lute the grave had trip- ped"— s When Bessie died— We braided the brown hair and tied It just her own little hands Had fastened back the silken strands A thousand times—the crimson bit Of ribbon woven into It That she had worn with childish pride— Smotlled down the dainty bow—and criod--s When Bessie died. When Bessie Died— We tlre'R" the nursery blinds aside, And, as the morning in the room Burst like a primrose into bloom, Her pet canary's cage we hung— Where she might Hear him when Tie sung— And yet not any note he tried, Though she lay listening folded -eyed. When Bessie died— We writhed in prayer.tinsatisfied; We bsgged of God, and He did senile In silence on us all the While; And we did see Him, through our tears, Mir , Enfolding that form, of hers, She lamghing back against 1=lis love The kisses we had nothing of --- And death to us He still denied, When Bessie died— When Dessie died. ......Tames 'Whf to ontb tliley. 1' s- '''%'.--..Eat'.. WEAK, NERVOUS, DISEASE MEN 250,000 CURED IN 20 YEARS, gEr'CURES GUARANTEED CDR PAS : $IOOQ IN WM 110R A CA5I �vEG CANNOT CUR I OF SELF-ABUSE, Ef1ISSIONS, VARICO- CELE, CONGEALED DRAINS, STRICT- e URE MEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, ER'lr O'i EN•- . CY, NERVOUS DEf31LI T Y, UNNAT- URAL DISCIIAROES, L,TC. -The New Metbet! Treatment' - is the Greatest Discovery of the Age l ..vo sT zez. FOR CURING THESE DISEASE'S h,,, dl of, Young and middlo aged mon aro annually swept to s. premature, grave t1,i.utgh'EARLY 1'IWScRETIONS, EXCESSES. AND SLOW) OISL•ASES. if a 30:1 1A^,'..% t 11, of, rho following symptoms coneult us before itis too Otto. Are von nor- '1 ender _ e ...lir^ `, v0us aLd weak, despondent and gloomy, specks Wore the eyes with dark circles , them, veal: lr'c:t,s1•idnoys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams awl losses, s.•dime 1t in urine, pimples on the face, oyes sunlcfl, hollow ehoeks, careworn oam:0 e10n, poor ITteutery, lifeless, distrustful lack energy and strongth, tired morn- ' isl,15, r0etbss ul 1411], changeable moods, weak manhood, stunted organs and ]trema• a tore decay, bol' i plYlus, Stair loose, sore throat ere. YO(, HAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS 1 OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT alone can '001.0 you, and make' rSnn of you. Undorits fnfiu- e13a0 11,0 brain boa os acttvo; tho blood purified so that all pimples,: 1c tch es and ulcers disappear ; the nerves become strong as steal, so that nervous- ness, bashfulness lend desdihndonry disappear; the Dyes become Urigght rho faro full and clear, energy returns to tlidjbody.. and the moral, physical and sexual systems,aro invigorated; all drains ccas0 -no mora vital haste Yrom the system. 4'be various or¢ ane beCOIRO 11a.tui'a. and manly. You r' fool yourself a man and know marriage cannot b0 1 a failure. We invite all the minima to 00115011 us coni lmltlally and fro of chane. Don't lot quacks • end fakir's rob you o ' your hard earned dollars. Ws m„ 1 Ott,•e you 0' a0 ty. G 1.1 Ali YOUR BLOOD i.EEid DISEASED? S'YPH11'5 is tho meat provalont and most seriousyi -000 dlseaio. 11 saps alto very life blood of t110 a ! 1, , ::chin and unless entirely eradicated from the sys- IiEaRDITAitY DLooa DISEASE. tem will affect the offspring. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses ilia symptoms—our NEW METHOD positively cures it for ev9r. LE -AGED MAN—You've led a gay life, or indulged in the Lollies or later excesses have broken down your system. Yon foot the ler you. Mentally, physically and sexually yon are not tho elan o. Lustful practices reap rich harvests. yell coil tho (' F VOUNtf OR M of youth. Solt abuso symptoms stealing o46 0 lAusoodEtioa.b0 or eh 1d U L tY 1 ti i h Will h h ger signals. ra avictim?11aveoulosthope? Aro you contemplating marriage? atn Has your blood been diseased? Havo you any woaknoss? our Now Hotbed Treatment will euro you. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. Books Free.—"Tho Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 8 cents. Sealed. Book on "Diseases of Women" Free. 212 - NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicine sent C.O.D. No names on bo:'ss er envelopes. Everything confidential. Question liat and cost of Treat. rent, FREE. ' l• ' KE No.1118 SHELBV ST. DRS, KENNEDY & 11 MI! DETROIT, MOH. There are 10,000 miles of overhead telegraph wires in Iaondon. Electricity is used in connection with trycocks to give autalsrm in case of low water in a boiler. s Au American syulicate runs the elec- tric light plant of Bangkok, Siam, though the plant was sot up by an Eng- lish firm. The great French dramatist, Moliere, was the son of a tapestry maker. Tsrenee,the celebrated Roman drama - Het' wag. at 0110 time a slave. lIc seerttuost illustrious of poets, 'teas at ono time a beggar. The Greek poet, Iiesiod, was a far - leer's sou. Demosthenes, the most celebrated author of antiquity, was a cutler's s m. u;,• )RI A. W. CHASE'S . CATARRH cone . t 2%/Lir is tent direet t thOitilse:lsed parts by the annoyed Blower, Heals the ulcare' Clears the alt' passages, stops d pptngfta In the throat and11er mainly Cures rr a 1 _ Ca to h het 1 a egret Monet free, Alt deniers, or syr. A, W.' Child Medicine Ca., Termite and Baffglo. These pills aril a specific for all diseases arising from disordered nerves, weak heart or watery blood* They cure palpitation, dizziness, smothering, faint and weak spells, shortness of breath, swelling of feet and ankles, nervousness, sleepless• ries, anwrnia, hysteria, St. 'Vitus' dance, partial.p4ralysis, braid fag-, female complahits, general debility, and lack of vitality. Price sec. a box*