HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-06-22, Page 9M(IINDOO
visit at Kalkaska and Mancelona for a
xiuntlt before returning.
W. T. J. IIomuth was in Orangevillic
on Friday visiting T. 1:. Bowles. We
regret to announce that Mr. Bowles
condition shows no improvement.
Mrs. John Derr, little Cora and.
Lawrence Fyfe left on Saturtlay for
Ry dalbauk, Algoma, where they will
visit Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McGuire, •
Willialu Begg, Inspector for the
LoudonGuarantee and Accident
Company, of London,. was in town ou
Wednesday, theguest of Abner Cousins,
E. H. Ayer, of Detroit, excursion
, manager of the White Star Lino of lake
and river steamers, was in town on
Monday making arrangements .for the
Toledo's excursion of yesterday from
Goderich to Detroit.
1 -e (der roti for Saturday. atsc�rcil vazx:s.
Tito Rev. Mr, Larkin of Chatham was
some remarkable bargains 1n inducted into the pastorate of the Sear
forth Presbyterian church to the lath
Bishop�•n Anglican
ftlt Tomato ca
The C Q �.' a n
Synod has expressed opinion that raffles
should apt be used as a means of fund
raising in churches.
Th.3 Sixteenth Animal Momedeld
Camp meeting will open on Saturday
evening June 132rd aucl „continue until
Monday evening July 2ncl.
Rev. Richard Hobbs will preach to the
members of the Independent Order of
I Foresters nett Sauday morning at 11
o'clock iu the Methodist church.
Rev. John Ross, B. A., Brussels occu-
5 clot.. Gents' Collars, choice
for 5c, reg.. i5c.
5 doz. Gents' Silk Ties,
fancy, rek.50c, choice 25c.
150 yards. oiling, reg. 20c, Sat-
urday 5e per yard
50 remnants Dress Goods, reg.
35O1 ai:d 60e per yd, cheiee
for 25e:`
. 10 boas' 2 -piece Suits, well as
sorted, new goods, reg. 83.00 and
and 63.50, Saturday $2.50.
10 men's Snits, reg. e8.00, Satur•
25 Stiff Hats, Black and Brown,
fine quality, reg. $2.00, Saturday,
10 pieces Shaker Flannel, reg.
8c, Saturday 5c.
Rev. Robt. Johnston, D. D., London,
has an article critical and, historical on
Christian Endeavor work, in last Pres-
terian Review.
The last of the series of Sabbath night
Gospel Temperance services under the
auspices of the W. 0. T. U. was held in
the town hall on Sunday evening. E.
L. Dickinson occupied the ohair and
nude a short address, Ho questioned
whether or not it would be more advis
able to endeavor to make people tem-
potato by force or by education. LIo
considered the situatioxt problematical.
Rev. John Rosa, B. A. of Brussels, assist•
eel by Rev. Mr. Anderson of Wroxeter
each spoke fora abort time, and were
well listened to by the assembled
audience. Rev. R. Hobbs sang a solo.
Miss Sperling- acted as pianist, while.
George Cline conducted the singing.
The meeting was tho one of most success
of the series, It has been deemed advis-
able by the management to make this
the concluding service not not only on
account of the warm weather, but owing
to the fact that two town churches are
in au unsettled condition, leaving tl.o
work to bear rather heavily on the
pastors of the miming duos. The large
number of young men who have been
induced to sign the pledge is the best
criterion of the success of this enterprise
of the W. 0. T. U.
The Executive Committee of the Lord's
Day Alliance met iu Dr. Towler's office
ou Monday night. Besides a fair repre-
sentation from all town churches, except
St. Paul's, members were also present
from Bluevale and Whitechurch. The
Ateletax--,Toultsox.—at the rrsiticnc a of the
brides mother. Seaforth, on 3uno 12, Mr. W.
I). MrIa'ttn of the Huron 1,xposttor to Florence
Nary, eldest daughter of the lotto David W.
joint ou of Seater -tilt
Wer. tlwspv.-•.1u lirlerave, on. Juno17th,
T1.ona:s Wilkinson, oged 73 Sears, 11 mouths
mut 17 days.
PoWisx:r,--'In Blytlt, on juin) 17th, l;thel, only
daughter of dleorge Powell, aged 10 years and
7 months.
Toxr:n—in 110wielx, 011 June 10211, 3o1111 W.,
yam }gest son of henry Toner, aged 28yew's, 5
and 15 days.
taAn,--Iu Culross, 3uno 10�1tns, Sproul,
100 years. 7 mos., 18 (tars.
L e.KAX,--In Culross, Juno 7th, Catherine
Watson, wife of Henry MacKay, aged b8 years,
8 mos. �.
pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian work of the meeting was principally or -
church hero on Sunday morning and the ganization. The following were appoint -
pulpit of the Congregational church in ed members of the Executive Committee
the eveuiug. Rev. Mr. Anderson of in each of the various town churches:
1 Wroxeter exchanged with Rev. J. W. Methodist, Wm. Fessant, Geo, Awde,
Goffiu for last Sunday, but preached in John Kerr; Baptist, Rev. W. Freed, A.
the Presbyterian church. in the evening. Kelly, W. J. Chapman, A. Cosens; Pres -
1 The members, adherents and Sabbath Pres-
byterian, John Murray, D. Stewart, N.
School scholars of the Presbyterian A. Farquharson; Congregational, Robt,
church will hold their annual picnic on Gerrie; Sr., Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. D. W.
Lower Wingham fiats ou Monday, July Gemmill; Bluovale Methodist church,
2nd. Such was the decision arrived at Rev. D. Rogers, Joseph Leech, T. J.
ou Wednesday night. Various eom- Watt, W. J. Johnston; Bluevale Pres -
1 mittees were appointed, to arrange the byterian, R. N. Duff, A. MacEwen, R.
Maxwell: Whitechurch Methodist, Rev.
A. I. Brown, Robt. Thompson, J`. Sperl-
ing, John W. Mowbray; Whitechurch
Presbyterian, Rev. G. M. Dann, H. D.
Henderson, J. Gillespie, John D. Ken-
nedy. No committees were appointed
for either church in Belgrave owing to
the fact that no delegates were present
at the meeting to represen their churches.
We pay iBe for Eggs and 15e for
• 2' ib Butter.
Shop early at
�e 11s 1 0INDO '
1- _--SONALS.
• '••.1 to have contributions to
tis:. , i.,•.0 .:ny of otu• readers. If you
have visitors or purpose going away yourself,
drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that
Abner Cosens was a visitor in Seaforth
this week.
Miss S. Woodcock is on a visit to Dun-
das friends.
Mrs. Sextus Kent sr., is a visitor in
London at present.
John Young made a business trip to
Clifford on Wednesday.
3. R. Muushaw is spending a week's
holidays in South Huron.
Mrs. John E. Swarts is in Toronto on
a visit, leaving Wednesday.
Mac Messer alld R. A. Douglass were
in Mount Forest on Tuesday.
Morris and Nellie Ross were in Sea -
forth visiting last and this week.
Frank Caesar is home from Philadel-
phia where he has been attending college.
Miss Annie Currie, Miss Mary Watson
and Rob. Currie spent Sunday in
Miss Ethel Wade returned. on Tues-
day evening from a three months' trip
to Toronto.
Paul Powell and D. McGregor are in
Detroit to -day, taking boat from Gode-
rich yesterday.
A. H. Carr left on Tuesday per C. P.
R. for western points, with Edmonton
in the objective.
Dr. Towler and Mrs. Towler were in
Seaforth on Monday attending the Sun-
day School Convention.
Herb. • i ightman was in Kincardine
On Thursday giving two performances
at their monster celebration.
Mrs. D. Rash is in Toronto attehding.
her daughter, Mrs. F. W. Mertens, who
has been ill with typhoid fever.
Robert Campbell and his mother, Mrs,
William IL Campbell, are on a driving
tour through Lake Simcoo region.
George Gray, son of Mark Gray," has
return '. '.'eu i '� :a i'`:t, "v. V., list week,
who. ...t:.r•.•ct at..✓.11•g n:ho .
Jelin Kerr, l,t,,lts mason, Left for Win-
nipeg ext Tuesday. He will remain in
the West daring the building season.
Herb. Chambers, Chas. Skeates and
D. Gilchrist went to Ingersoll yesterday
to attend the Ingersoll Old Boys' re-
Mr. and Mrs. John Main of Elora,
were visiting last week with R. Currie
a anoslx ant. bIr
Or. of East til' �sv e, Simon
Howlett of Winglxani. •
Mie. Robt. 1liaxwell Ind Claude left
for Detroit 011 'Thursday. They will
different matters pertaining to the clay's
enjoyment, Eatables will bo provided
by the ladies. Swings, games, and
amusements will occupy the young
minds for the afternoon.
The executive committee of the
Diocese of Huron met in Loudon this
week. The Income and Investment
Committee reported that the work of the
financial agent, Rev. F. E. Roy, had
been vigorously prosecuted. Tho total
amount subscribed to date was 524,-
261.55, of which $18,509.05 was in cash.
The amount raised during the past year
was $4,659.70, while the expenses =milt-
ed to only $81.26. Mr. Roy was cordially
thanked for his services and re-
The report is current that Rev. Father
West is to be transferred to the Irish
Town parish, one of the most important
in the diocese, containing as it docs
some nine -hundred families. It is also
said that Father West will be made
Dean in succession to the late Father
Murphy. These reports may not prove
to be quite correct bat they go to show
that in the estimation of his people and
the public in general, who know or
know of this popular priest, that he is
well worthy of promotion.
The statistical report presented to the
London Conference showed that while
the increase in membership was only the
fivances had. improved, for all purposes
by $5,000. The nest meeting of the Con-
ference will be held in St. Thomas.
According to the final draft the follow-
ing ,were some of the changes
made from the first list of stations:—
Victoria street, Goderich, J. W. Robin-
son; Walton, A. W. Dever. The chair-
man of Goderich district is J. Wilson
with Dr, Gifford as secretaryellev. D.
Rogers is chairman of thVWingham
district and A. G. Harris financial sec-
Baptist Church.—Pastor Freed was
absent from his own pulpit last Lord's
day and his work was taken by Dr. W.
A. Brownlee of Mount Forest. The
pastor will preach at both services next
Lord's day. Tho morning service will
be especially for women, and will deal
with their place and work Pastor 3.
L. Gilmore, B. A. of. the First Baptist
church in Hamilton has accepted a call
to Olivet church of Montreal ....Pastor
Spence of the Tabernacle church, Brant-
ford, has rosined to engage in extensive
evangelistic work in the North West.
Wo aro to have in Wingham., abraneh
of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
of New 'York, of which Rev. A. B.
Simpson is the founder. Many of the
people of this town aro acquainted with
Mr. Simpson, and know something of
the great work 'which is being carried
on by this, now very large, band of
cl>listiali men and women. This is not
a new religious sect, but a fraternal
union of christians of all evangelical
denominations for the purpose of bear-
ing testimony to Christ and His fulness,
and promoting a deep spiritual life, nore'
especially the baptism with the Holy
Spirit, on the part of all the disciples of
Christ, and prominently for the evangel-
ization of the whole world in the
present generation. Meetings will be
held every Lord's Day commencing 011
the first Snndny iii :lily, All ellristiens
are invited to eo-operate.
will pay the highest cash price
for: Eggs and good Butter in Tabs.
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Offleo—Macdonald Block, over 3. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
.Bev. 7. G. Shearer's Address—Lord's Day
Imperiled—How to save it.
The characteristics of the American
Sunday are marked by pleasure seekiug
in theatres, balls, games, gambling, ex-
cursions and picnics. To cater to this
unholy desire we find the Sunday car,
passenger trains, steamers, opeu saloons,
Sunday newspapers, and open places of
business. The rights of the Sabbath aro
further trespassed by the performance
os unnecessary labor as involved not
only in the pleasures and conveniences
mentioned above but iu the operating of
factories and places of manufacture.
There are ie this inroad upon the Lord's
day three principal allied forces—
irreligion, greed of gold and lust for
pleasure. They eau be overwhelmed by
nothing but Christianity.
Necessity and convenience are the
two strongest arguments offered by the
desecrators of Sunday. . Most people
will be able to understand that the plea
of commercial necessity is simply the
desire for increased profits or larger
earnings. We should omit our con-
veniences when we consider the enor-
mous sacrifice that is made by those
who supply us with them. There are
as many men employed in the United
States every Sunday as there aro work-
ing people in all Canada. Canadians
are making efforts to vie with Ameri-
cans in stealing from the employed their
Sunday freedom.
In order that the Lord's Day may be
saved ehristian apathy must give place to
living and general interest. It is the
object of the Lord's Day Alliance to
awaken such interest. Horace Greely
saidi--"The liberty and rest for each
demands the law of rest for all." The
methods we pursue to reach this great
object are to agitate the people
through the pulpit, press and platform,
and through encouraging the people
both by precept and exaxnple.
-Theodore- Roosevelt is to he the
Republican candidate for the Vice-
Presideney of the United States.
—The dainty craftlot, "Thelma" kiss-
ed the waters of the Maitland on Tates-
day evening. Only those interested in
her and the owners were presonilt at the
Winching. It is to bo hoped she uiay
never forget her obligation to her fair
freight, by causing tlholxx so inuelx as a
Ntv11r In VTingl unorti to 1001Mrs. T. P
edy, wife of Dr. Kentedy, of n c'!au hteil
i lirte---In Cairo Tttnn 11)tIi, Mrs. Robert
rietl,'of n eon. •
Permit—in rris, Juno 17th, Mrs. Lewis
Pelmet-, of a dntigltter-
FFotTsii--In (ferric, on :one 13th, the wife of
Jaunts S. Found, of a daughter.
cmJunoxela,by tRev.1) tPerrhome Of a Winnhint,
assisted 1 Rev. Jim. 11022q, 11. A., of Brusetels
Mr. 30a. errant to Mime Wiggle Petrie, both o1~
G'r'ey township.
Sictriotte—GAMeis.. In Windsor On \Vtvl-
!1eaday, Jun' lath, by Nov. ,Toa. Livingstone,
Mr..Toset.tit 3. Senora, to blies seminal Gang)*
both of Morris,
1pAnr,,lit}-••HAirnT too ---At the residence of
tlit' bt'tcle'grnrt'ntm, librwieh, on Jane 20th, b
Rev. R. I. Hesking, Sohn !&, Sp_erlinq x31! Howlek
to Hiss Apt*1Sttugbter of Debt. Harding, of
Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth
door south of School House. Shop op-
posite Macdonald block.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies, Safe, efgeotual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooler Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no ether, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations o,re dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per
box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No.
1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -gent.
stamps_. The Cook Company. Windsor Ont.
responsible Druggists in Canada ended dry all
No. 1 and No. 2 are solei in Wingham by A. L.
Hamilton, 3. E. Davis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A.
Campbell, Druggists.
General insurance and Loan Agent.
LIFE—The Ontario Mutual.
FUZE—The Non -tariff Com -
'pa nies.
ACCIDENT—• The London
Guarantee and Accident.
E—I Money at Lowest Rates.
In officio corner of Minnie and Patrick
Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat;
Down floor gallery,
opp. Presb. Church.
Family Groups a Specialty.
Enlarging, Copying, Remounting.
We are still in the building business and are
prepared to take contracts for the erection of
aril kinds of buildings.
Plans and specifications furnished on short
notice). Workmanship guaranteed and at rea-
sonable rates.
Residence Diagnol street, opposite Francis
street. .
Pursuant to the powers ve . cd in me as
Assignee of the Estate and eats of Sextus
E. Kent, of the Town of Wing min the County
of Huron, Hardware Mercl nt, I will offer for
stile by Public Auction, b Peter Deans, Auc-
tioneer, at Swarts' - ore it the said Town of
winghain, on Thes e 17th day of July A.
D. 1000 et the hour .f wo o'clock in the after-
noon, the followin:, aluable property, that is
to say:
The south part of lot number 7 on the north
west corner of Josephine and Victoria streets,
in Foley's survey, in said Town of ~vin ham
being the propertyknown os the "Kant Block'1
and particularly described fn the deed thereof
to Edwin Kent which will be produced at the
time of sale.
On this p roperty is situate a solidBrick block,
8 stories high, 80 feet by 100 feet. It is well
situated in the business portion of the town,
and offers an excellent opportunity for any one
wishing n permanent investment.
5511118 of sALN.
The property will bo sold subject to n reserve
bid. Ten per cent. of the pure u,se money will
be paid on Oxides, of sale and the balance with-
in 80 days thereafter. Further particulars and
conditions will be made known on the day of
sale or may be had on application. to E. L.
Dickinson, Barrister, &c., Wingliam, W. R.
Hobbs, Ifs London, or to the undersigned.
Dated at Wingham this 21st day of June, 1900.
R: VANSTONE, 7. A. CLINE, Wingham,
Solicitor for Assignee. Assignee.
There wi beoflored for sale by .ublicma-
tion by Po r Deaneauctioneer, at Swarts'
Hotel, nt the . wn of bighorn, i tate County
of Huron, on esdny. the 20t day of June,
1200, et the ]tour . f 2 o'clock 1 ' ho nftcrnoon,
the following . v. noble prop, ties, that is to
Parcel No.1—Lot. one 11114 liree oil the south
side of Victoria titre t, in r d. Bowers' auivey,,
in said town.
On titin property i. sit ate a frame pump
shop Mx712 and ndditto " x22, with n portable
boiler and engine, ane shafting, belting and
gearing, a gond planer, onus machine, wombTurning mnehine, grid , full ot.tfit of pump
making tools and iml • re • be.
Pnreel No, 2—Lot 18 n b ey's brat Survey in
said town, except th _pot • on thereof hereto-
fore conveyed to . . Wilk sot. On this par -
lie eituated R do11121 frnn10110uae30x
with additions 1 x 10, 1S x .I, 10 x 14,10 x 14
nd tt x 0 tied wit atone fou ' ration and root
cellars, all Said b tidings being n good repair.
Pared No. 8... art of Illook ons the eolith
mat corner of ietoria anti Irvin 14 Steeple, in
the saki Town tentingfr<xite on Viletorin
Street of 7%r, , ann eontaxnit, 'elf an new
more or less, .articularly dtwerlis in the ciri,l
thereof to t vendor, which will i'r's1tt"tel
nt the time of stile.
good, �yy
fralnetdw' ling 833x 24s tired istwith n hitch,., 1l 2Orl,
and a go. frnma etnbte 18 x 00.
These roperties aro all well Woo el end
offer ex client opportunities .for inteti v, in-
Tie a or SAnl'.,-Ten per (tent. on the c ( v of
ante nd the balance in 20 days tlerett er.
P'ur • ter terms and renditions will be nt to
k non the clay of Rektor may be bad on
pl, Won to the ttttdet'$iggned.
meal this Oth day of Jane, 1900.
(1.0. VitittW1:6',t 11. VAIsISTON1C,
Vent{or, Vendor's Solicitor.
The best value• in the market,
Gasoline and e)1 Stoves
awn Mom ers
ft you intend painting it will pay you to look at a few of the many
Fisher houses that were painted with S. W. P. last ;--Missseason ,
I lsher (two
houses;) A. Cosens, W. J. Chapman, Chas. Henderson, 13ena. Jenkins (two
houses.) .
and anyone having .live stock or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the sam e for sale in the Tuxes. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer, We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you inay ask more
for the article or stock than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Toms and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
Graduate New
Call early
valuable ser
opportunity to
ly tested, free
work but a se
cult cases a
He has als
ficial eyes
Iphia, and Toronto
ail yourself of hi;
as -this is a rare.
eyour eyes proper -
charge. No guess
'fie certainty. Difli-
ately fitted. ALL
private houecu
assortment of arti-
be at
over cull
added a lar
his stock.
. Campbell
Colin ' Drug Stole
Wingham, one da •nly
HURSDAY, JUNE- 2: 1900.
to the successful tailor are: A
stock of Superior Cloth, Know-
ledge of his Business, Skill in
Cutting and Fitting, and prices
which are low enough to attract
without being low enough to
lessen value.
The possession of these essen-
tials makes us confident of our
success in. pleasing every patron.
We guar
Farmers, if you want a. new mower
and are in doubt as to which is the best,
invite all the agents to try their ma-
chines in your field. Salve field, seine
day. You should be able to tell pretty
nearly what is which. Then buy the
ono that suits you best. • The Deering
Mower was never beaten in a field trial.
It is the -favorite in Canada, United.
States, Australia, England, Scotland,
France, Norway, Russia, Italy, Ger-
many and Holland. The Deering Mow.
is universal. It is the easiest rux,rri
machine made. We are, prepared to
prove it to you by actual work. Works
not words talk. Remember the Deering
has the works.
Victoria St., Wingham.
Do you want
coal oil
castor oil
shoe polish
mince meat
stove polish
canned goods
baking powder
lamp chimneys
pork and beans
Worcester' sauce
sewing machine oiI?
Prices as low as the lowest.
A nice present given away with every
$10 worth of goods.
antee satisfaction.
R. ,a Reid.
High Art Tailor, Wingham, Shaw Block.
41-Will-Will'i% V cda-n4-t .6U -Vi' �i'i'�►i' IPiVi W-IKAS
Red and Black Currants.1
Having made arrangements with a
Canning Factory we are prepared to take
any quantity of Red and Black Currants
anti Gocn;ebcrries
4i -7i,41.1 1rP.tt1'r'Anil-V4.711-V1.4111v 0641171. elitclON4ih U-1640.31411i''i,:•IM,'i eth