HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-06-22, Page 4STAND F1RST AND HIGHEST, Paine's Celery Compound A Noted P ysicion'sPresoription For the Banishment of 0iseass. Physicians, druggists and those com- petent to judge, candidly acknowledge that Paine's Celery Compound leas called forth the most reliable and the strongest testimonials ever published in the press ,of the country. .Each letter and testilnonialtells of the extermination and banishment oi.'rheum- atism, neuralgia, kidney, troubles skin diseases, dyspepsia and headaches. The good work done by Paine's Celery Com- pound brings satisfaction joy and peace because the cures are always permanent 'Thousands of the best men and women 3n Canada to -day, can give to weary and despondent sufferers the blessed assur- ance that "Paine,s Celery Compound makes sink people well." Paine's Celery Compound, the wonder - fill discovery of America's greatest physician, is now within reach of every ailing person, young and old, and should be used before sickness and disease are aggravated by the coming hot weather. If you entertain doubts regarding the curative and life-giving virtues of Paine's Celery Compounds speak to your drug- gist about it or consult your friends and neighbors who have been cured by it. 11lulcing Spurious Coin. A. F. Harriston au alleged counterfeit- er was brought from London to Strat- ford on June 8th. He was arrested ou the military camp grounclg on the serious charge of making coins. The offence is said to have been carried ou for the past year in the township of Moriiington. In Ids preliminary hearing before Magistrate O'Loane it was brought out that a die and disks like half made coins bad been found in prisoners room. He had fre- quently been caught endeavoring to pass the bad money. He had also boasted of Iris ability to manufacture coins. The prisoner was committed for trial. ' IS BABY CUTTING TEETH? Watch him carefully,—On the first indication of Diarrhoea give Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Hot weather comes hard on babies, espe- cially those cutting teeth. The little form soon _ wastes and fades away when diarrhoea ;i m tl or cholera infantum seizes upon it. As you love your child, mother, and 'wish to save his life, give him Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. There is no other remedy so safe to give to children and none so effectual. Mrs, Chas. Smith, Shoal Lake, Man., says : "I think Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the best medicine that was ever made for diarrhoea, dysentery and summer complaint. It is the best thing to give children when they are teeth- ing. I have always used it in our own family and it has never yet failed." WANTED 1 Agents to f111 permanent position with us AT GOOD PAY. All supplies freo. Chance of promotion to good men. We also•desire some good Agents, either on whole or part time to sell our preparation for the destruction of Tussock Moth Oaterpillor, known as "C.ATE11tPILLAR1NE " Many of our salesmen carry this as a side line, and make Considerable more than their expenses thereby. We have the largest assortment of stock of any Nursery in Canada. People profer our goods, because of our guarantee. All our stock as sent out under Government Certificate, proving cleanliness and freedom from disease. Apply now for territory. Stone & Wellington, Toronto. "Canada for the Canadians." - REAb THE CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL . A monthly maga2ino full of inter- , esting reading matter and useful in- formation for CANADIAN W OMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES Subscription price Ono Dollar per : Annetta. OIt you can receive it with this paper for one year at the same price by sending your orders to the publleher of the TIMES at Wingham. Send 10 onto for sample cony. You will like it. Address. Canadian Home Journal Co., ammo) 'rORON1O, met To PATENT Good ideas nuay- he secured by our aid. Address, IHE PATENT AECORr1, Mellotore, N4. ii), Tiff; WINCH .. TIME% JUNE 22, 1900. WINGHAM DISTRIDT. We undo..stand that Dr. Gunn has admitted into partnership with himself Dr. F. A. Seott, a well known Stanley boy, who a couple of weeks ago returned front London,. Eng., where Ho held the position of house surgeon in one of the Hospitals of that ton New New Era•, 11fr. John R. Smith, Lake Stromlo, N. B., says: "Front my own personal ex - permute with them I willingly testify to the good effects of Laxa-Liver Pills for sick headache and constipation. The body of John Disooll, of Wiarton, who was killed at the railway crossipg therm ou Saturday, arrived hero on Toes - day afternoon and was buried in Brus- sels comotory, When driving near the Hill chair factory railway grossing his team becalno frightened at the steam from the factory and ran into an. upbouud train, whiech was not in sight from the factory. He was instantly killed, and both horses mangled to death and the wagon demolished. He 'was unmarried and moved to the Wiarton district from McKillop.—Brussels Herald. " If your child is pale, peevish and does not thrive, a dose of Miller's Worm Powders occassioually will cure. Sold by Colin A, Campbell, Before his Honor Judge Craesor was heard the case of Rankin vs. Owen Sound which was submitted for arbitra- tion. The claim is made by George Rankin for damages to his property, caused by the construction of the cement walk at a higher level than his property, As usual in such cases considerable con- flicting evidence was given. Ono wit- ness of experience gave it as his opinion that the property could bo raised to the level of the walk for a much smaller sum than the increase in value. The arbitrator reserved his decision. Ladies and gentleman who take Mil- ler's Compound Iron Pills • always grow younger in appearance aucl spirits. Sold by Colin A. Campbell. On Tuesday, Juuo 12th, the home of Mrs. D. Johnston, Seaforth, was the scene of a very pretty weddiug, when her eldest daughter, Florence M, was united in marriage to W. D. McLean, second son of M. Y. McLean of the Huron Expositor. Rev. Mr. Russell per- formed the ceremony which was witnes- ed by only the immediate friends of the contracting parties The bride attired in a pretty dress of white silk and carry- ing a boquet of roses, was given away by her brother, Russell, of London. The happy couple will spend their honey- moon in Detroit and Chicago. If the children require physic none acts so nice as Miller's Worm Powders; very pleasant to take. Among the cases in Division Court in Clinton was one in which there was a great deal of .interest taken by the far- mers. Mr. Sid Smith, drover, bought a bunch of cattle from a farmer in Hulled for a certain figure per pound and paid a deposit of $5 to bind the bargain. All went well for a short time, and then Mr. Smith was much surprised to get his deposit back, the farmer stating that he had made a butter deal and sold out to another drover. Could the farmer legally do such a thing, quite naturally flashed across 112r. Smith's mind. If so, he felt that the depositing of a sum of money to bind a bargain was of no use, and the drover would be at the mercy of unscrupulous farmers. As it was the fust time Mr. Smith had been caught 5n such a manner, he decided to test the legality of the transaction, and entered au action for $60 damages. W. Proud - foot, of Gonerich, presented Mr. Smith's claims and Mr. Scott appeared for the defendant. Tho verdict was that plain- tiff gets $20 damages, defendant to pay all costs. ' QUICKLY AND WELL SERVED. Our store is.modernieed in every de- partment that properly pertains to the drug business. Our patrons are quickly and well served, and go away satisfied that we are worthy of their confidence. As in the past Paine's Celery Com- pound still ranks as our leading family medicine. Its marvellous curing record is sufficient to recommend it to every ailing and sick man or woman. A full supply of the genuine Paine's Celery Compound always in stook. CoLnq A. CJADIPBELL, Druggist, Wingham, Ont. A Greedy Dog. A friend of miue had a dog and a cat and always used to give them their din- ner at the same time. The dog always gobbled his up very quickly, and she noticed that if by any chance she went out of the room pussy's dinner was also finished by the time she returned. She felt pretty certain that the dog ate it, and one day she determined to catch him. So, giving the animals their dinner, she went out of tho kitchen, but instead of going right away she wont to a window bra staircase overlooking the kitchen and watched,, and sure cnottgh doggy at once gobbled pussy',;; dinner up. She tapped on the window and shout- ed at him, and 110 was very scared, and after that ho always followed her if alio went otitEof the' kitchen to see which way she went, DR. A. W. CHASE'S„ CATARRH CURE ..1 5. id Seel direct to th,i IIscnsed parts by the improved .slower. }Teals the ulcers, cleats the air passages, steps droppings In the throat and permanently aures Catarrh and Day Never. Blower Medici edc ,., Toronto A. Sulfate. I5ast norm i ar a:ere' xntattute. Tuesday afternoon of last week the annual meeting of the Ettet Huron Var. niers' Institute was held in the Council Chamber, 13russels. 1're sidont Strachan occupies. the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Communication was read relative to grant to Prof. Mills' presentation. $5.00 was voted. Also one from Fat Stook Association and another relating to fur • nation of a Woman's branch of the In- stitute. In edema* to the latter an effort will be made to secure an outside lady speaker for next Institute public meeting to stir up this department. The President gave a brief address referring to tho work of the past year and tho necessity of increased interest in the meetings. Executive Committee's report was presented and adopted. 0 meetings wore held during the year, Report was cheer- ing and Seeretary was thanked for it. Auditors' report showed the total re- oeipts to be $147,02 and expenses $05.4:3 leaving a balance of $51.57. Auditors were Jas. Bowman and John Mclutosh. It was agreed that regular meetings be held this year at Brussels and Wroxeter. Supplemental meetings will be held at Bluevale, Walton, Ethel, Fordwioh and Murdie's school house, MoKillop town- ship. Directors wore chosen as follows:— Howick, R. Edgar and T. Gibson; Wrox- eter, J. Brethauer and D. Sanderson; Turuberty, T. Musgrove and Jas. Elliot; Morris, Jos. Smillie and W. H. Fraser; Grey, John McTaggart and A. Smith; Brussels; W. H. Kerr and G. F. Blair; McKillop, G. Murdie and A. Gardiner; Hallett, T. McMillan and J. Hinchley; Auditors, Jas. Bowman and John Mo- Intosh. Mr. Strachan declined re-election and was thanked by the meeting for his ser- vices as . President for the past 8 years. An appropriate reply was made. At a meeting of the Directors held immediately after, the minutes were adopted and officers were elected: Thos. McMillan, President;, Jas. Elliot, Vice President; Geo. Hood, Sec'y.-Treas. Meeting then adjourned. A CARD. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund.the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstinate cases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. C. A. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist tend Drug- gist, Wingham, Ont. r Cut Feed. gor Working Horses. While the horse is kept during winter mostly in the stable whole oats are prob- ably better feed for him than meal, says the Ameritcan Cultivator. The hulls of the oats as farmers say, "tickle his in- sides” and increase the activity of his digestion. Some oats may pass through undigested, but unless the horse is old and has lost his teeth this loss may be overlooked. Anyway the fouls will get them. After 8 years of age horses shouldibe fed cut hay moistened and with meal on it. But any horse that is hard at work every day should have his grain in meal and on cut hay. Tho meal is chewed with cut hay just as oats would bo. It is well mixed with saliva when it eaters the horses small stomach and passes into the intestines. So it does the greatest good possible for the nutrition it contains. All old farmers say that horses will stand hard work better on cut feed than on either whole grain cr meal. A Bundle of Nerves. Nerve force is the very life of man and every organ of the human body is dependent upon it. Just as soon as the blood gets thin and wat '"''r and fails to supply nourishment to nerves there comes a train of nervou sorders, nerv- ous prostration paralysis, epilepsy, in- sanity and death. Dr. Chase's. Nerve Food rebuilds and revitalizes the nerve cells wasted by disease, overwork and worry. It is beyond doubt. the world's greatest restorative. Recommended by your family physician. All druggists recommend and sell it. A Large 1.tate. The late Andrew Forrester was the wealthiest mein who ever died in Mit- cllell. He left an estate valued all the way from $110,000 to $140,000, The money all goes to his family, with the exception of $1,000 whish is to be ap- plied towards °'Knox church debt. Hie son William gets $15,000 of manufac- tared fla, all rho mill property, the brick house, stock, implements, and the Davidson farm, all of which are valued at $30,000, The granclohildren, nineteen in all, reeeive $1,000 each. Mrs. Forrester gots the use of the house, fur- niture and the interest of $10,000 during her life. When those legacies are paid his two daughters, Mrs. Dougherty and Mrs. Win. Elliott, and son David, re- ceive a proportionate share of the bol - awe, say $20,000 or $25,000 each. On the death of Mrs. P'orroster her share will bo divided equally between the other legetees. All the real estate exit - side of that mentioned in the will will at once be disposed of. The executors are Messrs. David and Win. Forrester and Wm, Elliott. "Take Steed Will Surely Speed." Ile sire to. heed, the first symptoms of indigestion, nervousness and impure 1)1110(1, feud thus avoid ollroliio dyspepsia .seri oats prostrdtiou "and all the evils produced by bad blood. IIood's Sarsa- parilla is your safeguard. It quickly sets the stomach right, strengtheus awl quiots the nerves, purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood sucl keeps up the health tone. AR liver ills are cured by hood's Pills. 23 cents. Orchard and Garden. Young orchards should be regularly and thoroughly cultivated to induce a rapid and healthy growth. Ili selecting trees, got those that are vigorous and thrifty, Cot thein when possible from the home nursery. It is au important item, so far as can bo dodo, to pack the earth over the roots se that the }lard winds will not loosen thein. Children Ory for c STORM. Ouo of the best means of preventing borers and other pests from injuring trees is to put on tree protectors when the tree is set out. A small thrifty treo with good roots when set out will be a good bearing tree sooner than a large one with mutilated roots. The more small roots on a tree when transplanted the better. Generally apples and peaches grown commercially must be planted on a sufficiently large scale to be shipped in carload lots. Then buyers will be on hand to take the crop as soon as ma- tured. A Resident Physieiau—That't what yon could rightly call Dr. Von Stau's Pineapple Tablets—for after all .low few aro the family complaints that canuot be reached and treated through the stomach. These wonderful little physicians -60 of thein in a box -35 ets. —heal all stomach disorders in olcl or young—incipient cases or chronic cases —they aro pure and palatable. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. • The Douse of Ayer. The well-known proprietary medicine firm of the J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass., has recently opened an office in the Bell Telephone Building, Montreal, in order to give clo'soi attention to their Canadian business. It is not generally known that they already have a large laboratory in Montreal,. having manu- factured there for several years. Tho intention is to make the business thor- oughly Canadian and to strengthen their facilities so as to keep pace with a con- stantly growing demand. The J. C. Ayer Co. are not only one of the largest mauufacturing concerns of their kind in the world, but they are among the largest advertisers, spending a million dollars every year in newspaper advertising. For sixty years the leaders in regard to family medicines, they are more in evidence to -clay than over before. • The home office has just completed improve- ments costing $100,000, which represent new ideas and new methods in the manu- facture of Ayer preparations. They intend that every bottle of the Ayer remedies shall be prepared as carefully as a druggist compounds a medioine by prescription, and in reorganising their Canadian facilities they anticipate in advance alargely increased business. A. Bright Ibea Was that of Dr. Chase when ho discover- ed .a•combined.treatment fotdisorders of the kidneys and liver and so provided a cure for complicated diseases of these organs which were formerly incurable. Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are the world's greatest cure for kidney, liver and stomach troubles, and has an enormous sale in all parts of Canada and the United States. One pill a dose. 25 cents a box. Put -Off Town. Did you ever go to Put -Off town, Where the houses are old and tumble down, And everything tarries and everything drags, • With dirty streets and people in rags? On the street of Slow lives Old Man Wait And his two little boys, named Linger and Late, - With unclean hands and tousled hair. And naughty little sister named Don't Caro. Grandmother Growl lives in this town, With her two little daughters, called Fret and Frown, And Old Man Lazy lives all alone Around the corner on Street Postpone. - Did you ever go to Put -Off town To play with the little girls 1?rot and Frown Or go to the home of Old Man Wait And whistle for his boys to co:no to the gate? Taplay all day in Tarry street, Leaving your errands for other feet, To stop or shirk or linger or frown Is the nearest way to this old town. r11-41 rick .-;t; T S i;.: at IM-'"` iT xrr Yr:tatt;. I~11i. Cali Ran, tan tare ii L111 u,e,o 29f eee zee:i►>•" '' f i 'ia. o ''ii ? JS Throe Three sleip:3 there 1)0 a -sailing Betwixt the sea and sky; And one is Now, and ono is Then, And one is By and By. The first little ship is all for pu— ns masts out gold, its..sagsaiwe blue, Aud this is the cargo it brings: Joyful clays with sunlight glowing, Nights where (.reams like stars are growing. Take tiwui, swept, or they'll b,: going, For they every ono have wings. The second ship is all for ine-- A-sailing on a misty sea And out across the twilight gray. What it brought of gift and blessing Would not stay for lily care.;sin„ Was too dear for my possessing, So it sails and sails away, The Inst ship, riding fair and high Upon.the sea, is By and By. O Wind, be kind anti gently blow! Not too swiftly hasten hither. When she turns, sweet,.you'll go with hor— Sailing, basing hither, thither -- To what port I may not know. --Harriet F. Blodgett, in St. Nicholas. 4 Painful Seald. Mrs. T, Wanlainaker,Fraukford, Ont., says: "I scalded my hand badly, then took cold in it. I swelled and was was very painful, but half a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil cured it complete- ly. r , Tea and Coffee. Better than tin cams for keeping the tea and coffee are the ordinary glass fruit jars. The tops should bo tightly screwed ou. It it a mistake to keep either tea or coffee in too warm a closet, as their flavor is best preserved in a cool, dark place. Children /' "lor LI •Michelet says that if all the birds should dio not a human being could live on the earth, for the insects upon which the birds live would increase so enor- mously as to destroy all vegetation. Your best friend can give you no bet- ter advice than this : "For impure blood bad stomach and weak nerves take Hoods Sarsaparilla." Mrs. Gladstone, widow of the late William E. Gladstone, the English statesman is dead. Dr. William. MacNeill Whistler, the brother of the artist of that naive, who died in London the other day, . 'vas a surgeon in the Confederate army during the civil war. General Sir William Butler, who was commander in chief and acting governor of Cape Colony before the war broke out, has begun suits against the London papers which have been attacking him. Before. After. Wood's Phosphodiao, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to mire all forms of Sexual Weekness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will Please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosppltidine is sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell, A. A. Morrow, J. E. Davis, A. L. Hamilton, Druggists. ),/,,,,•-•04L ,_- A.71. b`! V Wart,%:;a, r,t..nr;111Zn,i,ndKfit oni het If your liver is out of order, Wig Biliousness, Sick Ileadecli,, Ilei bursa, orConstipatiozi, take a nose of o' Pilin On retiring, and tomorrow your di. gestivo organs will be regulated sad you will be bright, active and ready for any kind of work. This has been the experience of others; will bo yours. HOOD'S PILLS are sold by all rnedi.oine dealers. 25 eta. To to ....rte„ a,►.. .. _. would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every stateincy:' t o don't *tall; •olu ..e. , ,:'. our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT E. C. C LARKE Stand next Griffin's Grocery. a.s 7e orse .CI :•: , 62 IF .3:...6 • As the seaso', is now approaching when these bills will be needed by horsemen, we would say to all such that the TIMES office is well equipped for turning out this class of work. A splendid line of suitable cuts. Reasonable rates. THE MILK OF THE HOLSTEIN DAV V is pure and cold and costs THREE CENTS A QUART. r NOXON NEW VICTORIA BINDER 1. 5 ft., 5;4 ft. and 6 ft. cut. Highest Drive Wheel made. Brass Boxes. Roller Bearings. Seventh Roller for Elevator. All the latest and best improvements. THS OXFORD CLIPPER Front and Bear Cut MOWERS ALL BIZT2S. With Roller and Bail bearings. Serrated Lodger Plates if desired. Ask our agent to show you the Now Patented Bali Bearing Knife Clip. Supplied only when specially ordered. 11 We alto ratturacturo the best and most eoinplete line of CUIJr1VAT. ING and SEEDING III1'LEMENTI on Earth, comprising SPRING' Toon; CULTIVATORS tutted` with grain and grass sowing attach. tnents if desired.) SPRING and SPIKE TOOTif HARROWS, DISC HARROWS, GRAIN DRILLS, (all kinds,) HORSE RANI1'',ii, (friction and ratchet dump,) etc., etc. If you need anythin;; in our line send for our 1900 Illustrated. Catalogue, (sent free.) 'Thu will find it very much to your interest to do so. THE NOXON 00., L'td, Ingetsnli, Ont. i