HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-06-22, Page 3_
THE COU NTY COU NCIL. I pay for his tuition. Refsrred ti the taw- the whole, Mr. Miller in the Pitriir, to tinkered
leutive committee. t consider the report, After some die- 1I4(19usQa
The June meeting of the eounty coin -1 Petitions from the esamtv council of ettSSIOu the molt was adopted by the
) 0
1,300 GO
$4001 4
eiltInelral Ci elerich. (n). Tnesday, the wowing)" role etiag eerving• gatea and • committee, and afterwards by the won- NO:TINA:NMI oreroaes.
petit jarors, and Wittig* t1e. rogrevratiOn
of thib eouncil. Referred. to j1 (4I It Was resolved that the matte):rpla foilOWiltg were appointed nomin-
conunittee. numeration for the revising aud con- IttIng oillaers_ for the county mama
Petitione from :5Lattbew Mains and , solidating of the old by.laws be referred election in their re. speotive divisionst
No. 1, William. Stogies's, elerk Ash-
field; No. 2, James Campbell, clerk, of
aeuett; No. 3,. Feed Hess, clerlrof Hay;
No. 4, Francis Morley, elerk of Ueborne ;
No, -5, A. G. Smillie, olerk of Tucker
s:1:4th; No, 0, 1.0, S, Scott, clerk of Bros-
sels; NQ. 7, Peter Pemterfleld, clerk of
East Wawa; Not, 8, Joseph Cowan,
clerk of Wroxeter.
tIt int. it the tlenters were present.
Onutemtit,ations wvre read as follows:
Frees no manieipalitiee of Insall,
Ex"tas. fleeterat, 13reesels ani Canton,
/Whin!" the e..enty ceeneil to perches° alma, of Lmdeshore, asking' the coma I to- the executive committee to report on.
lutlik".11 n a.: making um ithly1 Y 't1 that lei' to appoint arbitimers to arbitrate in I, A. map af Port Albert, showing the
lilitl" efivm:(1:10•Iti' 1; ju til',' "UntY "IT 1 the smatter of a new sehool section ' wash-out at that place prepared by M.
h'iee se.oli in lea' r•s, aed a coanter P'. 1 A.lso a counter petition to the same. 1 Mnaley, was placed before the council
tion reso...ging the seine matter fem. : Beth i•eferred to the cducalien Com- / and referred 'to them:ad and britigecorn-
MeKillee. RefeIrsd to the read and••1 mate°. Imittee,
britt' eenneittee. l The courell adjourned to meet again I elm ant7tetenq 00311tIrrlia.
From tit , C`• 11.4.4giate Institutes, stating at 10 o'clock Wedussday.
that the aniomis appropriated to these i slzotnio DAY.' Tile report of the lilt:cation committee
was read as fellows:.
Institutes is tattisfaete1.y, RcAtrrel: to i The 4:01nA•11 met pursuant to •101
• , s
th!td.1. WttS pleeented from Matt -
the education, emlunittee. uttaxt- lalter Ovtls 3:"It 3:p1" Mr' hew Maims and )45 ratepayers of the
?tut 23. Unity S.: Conti illy, Lomlet- I Blergita D.thon, r;eve At•heeld, re.haa
respetir: cdde. liecnse cf J . &&t1.otiug the sn. speewash-eut a t
rPert Alber. yillagt3 1:11:Ctesbdk°' aSi443 t
new seb.o.)1 section Ida 'formed in the
tient • tee:tette e. tttt to. the :teal and bridge esanutit tee.
township ot.IItillet, ton:arising 13 lots
17r. '11
T. 3°- --"131"14111, iuslY'."1.`121 Tho r‘Tmt ..1f i10('QualY ""tlit"s thc eleventh! connection, 13
council to con- was read and. eeferred to the tiuttnce
striae; the meller's roAilenee. Reftered t eLminittee.
eoziaty• '9e conitUliteeTi following reort ef the county
Fig :.vt eels. Fey & Kelly, regarding : commissioner was read and referred to
mann( ma.ce ssi: ("verge E. I.etecn, now the rota and bridge committee):
J. Lf s Industrial Selma, asking The t-teel bridge Which is to be end-
• '— ' ed on the gravel road, south. of Wing-
T *4.4.11 „
A iii.1.0c required for repairs 'ft bridges and
county buildings the sui of 16,t300.
A • • from George
Must 1"...kear Sisestattero of .
Stewart. Chief Ranger oderich Court
. Independent Order ofF. esters, asking
for the use of the court .om during the
sitting of the High. Cour in Goderich,
seePar.-$1mile l'.'rn;per Cc:eve. , Sent to the county properly .conunittee.
• • -- -• - • • . •-• - --- A request signed by IVEdssrs. McGilli-
Veer ee”,011 ana aa c.c.:7 . middy, Allan, Kidd and Campbell 'MS
to tak.a a,:. tit's=
lots on the 10th _concession, and parts
of lots 20 and 2.1.on the Oth concession,
containing about. 2,,840 aores, and.. that
the comity (.41141, at this present
session, grant aa arbitration to deal with
the matter; also a counter petition from
George Riddle andi1111 others from the
inuu, lies been duly ,placed under con- township. of Ilulle , requestiog that no
traet., The Stratford. Bridge Company arbitrators 1.:c ttpp4it.d, us asked for by
Is to crect the super-structme for $1,394, the first petition, 4ft01 due considers, -
and 1:.‘. Gatteridse of Seaford', is to don your commitioe recommend that
erect the ebutnients at the 'Tice of $.1 on noun). be taken, ft
per cub le yard. Tho bridge is to be The council went! into committee of
compluted ou or bore the 15:11 of the whole for the donsideration of the
report, Mr. Holt in he chair. The emu-
° August next. The c tract for painting
at the ;_court house and registry office mittee reported, reckumentling that the
was awarded to Waiter Shannon, for report be amended by Adding to clause
;31.49. 1 have had n w floors put on one the following, words: 4 'Until
several bridges this ming, and other Decenther sessions tof thts °mitten."
repairS made, and theto still l'elnaille a The report as amended, WAS adopted by
great deal to be don ' this saunter in council, • ;
the way a repairing. There will be AM-SEM:10 TItE =LES.
The special committee to amend rules
of council reported, antt the report, with
a few unimportant amouclments, was
adopted. . 1
The following report of the county
property committee was read:
(1). That we 'visited the gaol and
found everything cleait and well kept;
the gaoler deserves great credit for keep-
Ft 11/5, Fon CORSTiPATIOH.
t.r.Z.ZT3-14TIC M V crrAve UPC.
25 cents 1 treelY vegetable. OV1V4
44.441,0* LONA 4,0411
"§ Oon -dot
1,1:ae;.• ecee:e su er terribly with
the etornach after every
mouth:ill they eat.
Dyspepsia and
them in constant
After trying the
new-fangled reme
benefit, why not us
Burdock Blood Bit
perfect and permanent cure?
Here is a case in point:
"I was troubled with indigestion and
dyspepsia. for three or four years, and tried
almost every doctor rbund here and differ-
ent dyspepsia retnediet, but got little relief.
"I then started u ng Burdock Blood
Bitters, andwhen I h
nettle I was almost
taking it until 1 bad
bottle, when I was pe
'indigestion keep
undred and one
s without much
the old reliable
rs and obtain a
finished the second
ell, but continued
ompleted the third
ectly well. Before
taking B.B.B. 1 countscarcely eat any-
thing without having a
pain in my stomach. Now
I eat whatever I like with -
Out causing me the
discomfort" —
Does Sleep not brhi Refreshment?
Db you feel wretched, mean and miser-
able in the mornings—as tired as when
you went to bed ? It's a serious condition
—foo serious to neglect, and unless you
have the heart and nervous system
sift engthened and the blood enriched by
• . ,
nyel . iqa
is certaiii to ensun.:, MC. 1.01•0(1...H.
Graham,. a we young man of
Barrie, . -known-nt.,says--"I have had a great
deal *f trouble with my heart for four
year. I was easily agitated and my ex.
titement caused my heart to throb violently.
had d:zziness and shortness of breath,
and often arose it the mornings reeling as
tired as When 1 went to bed. 1vras
terribly nervous. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills have done wonders for me.
They have restored my heart to regular
beeIthy action, giving me back sound
restful sleep, and making my nervous sys.
tam strong and vigorous."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are soe.
box or 3 for tr.ss nt all druggists or hy
melt. The T. Milburn Ce., Limited, To.
~a, Ont.
presented, asking a grant /or the enter
titinment of the HUTOU °RBoys on -
lag t').3 promises so nicely; (2) It is re -
I Jely
commended that half a dozen suits of
4th next, the Menden of their visit to
Re_ men s clothes be provided; (3) In re -
the county town of thisleounty.
Terence to the buildilig of a cottage for
ferred to the executive coMtraittee.
the gaoler, we recoihmend no action.;
Mr. Dalton, reeve of Ashfield, and
(4) We suspected the fpgistry office. and
found everything seemingly in proper
shape; we recommended that a grano-
lithe° walk be built freers the street walk
to the office door; (5) Recommend that
half a dozen chairs be purchased for
Judge-Masson's office; that the use of
the court room be granted to the
y them; Vfe are
te that for the
any years the
Mr. Stothers, clerk, ap ared before
the council in reference to the wash-out
at Port Albert, and asked t e council to
pay the cost of the re airs, which
amounted to $517. The conoil instruct-
ed the engineer, Mr. leins14y, to go to
Port Albert and make a r4port on the
matter. i
The council adjourneg until ten
o'clock Thursday.
Ou the council assembli g ou Thera
day, the first order of business was a
communication from C. 0... Humber,
chair:eau of the public woks committee
of the town. of Goderich, itlriug that the
county assist the town to construct
granolithie walks on dig court house
square. Referred. to tjle county pro-
perty committee. s
A deputationrespectiud the school ot
Londesboro was heard t the council,
Mr. Mains speaking in fa or of the new
school at Londesborm4gh, and Mr,
Britton against such nevi school.
The following report of the House of
Refuge committee was read:
boring this year the committee met
at the House of Refuge ou February
2nd, and again ou April 17th. The
principal work done at the first meeting
was to examine tenderi. for supplies.
Three tenders for bread mire examined,
and the committee accepted the tender
of A, S. ring, at $1.95 pr cwt. A.
Cowhand C. Wilson tend red for meat
super., , The tonder of A. Couch was
aeceptecl, est five cents per pound for
front quarters. ., N. Robson, J. W.
Irwin and A. Conger tendered. for the
grocery supply. The tender of A.
The following roper.
'bridge committee w
Regarding pe.titioas from various
municipalities, requesting the comity
council to perch:1Soho oted machinery ' for
ruse of the ranni ipalit
ies, we "'mom -
mend no action. 14r.)fere11ce to the xe-
quest of the reeve ft,': d clerk of Ashtleld
pairing washout on
, ne action is re-
arnittes does
of the executive
Poeesters as requested
pleased to be aide to s
first time in a great
of the road and
presented and
for titmuoial aid in. r
road MEW Port Albe
commonded, ftS the
cousider the county
The following reser
committee svae read;
In rofereronoe to theAletters of Messrs.
Foy & Kelly, requesti that the matter
of the maintenance of eorge Da, reason
be referred to the con y judge of York;
as the county of Brea has already been
directed to pay this Aintonauce by the •
police Magistrate off Goderich, and
there is no communi ' tion frora them
intimating that they s ould comply with
the request of the lettur of Messrs. Foy
& Kelly, we recommend that no action
be taken. As to the request for a grant
to assist in. enterqiing the Huron Old
Boys 021 their visit:to the county town
on the 4th of July !text, we recommend
that no action be takin. We recommend
that $50 be paid to dee clerk for his ser-
vices in connection 4ith the revision and
consolidation of the& whole of the by-
laws of the county ol Huron.
The report was am.'§nded in committee
of the whole so as to t)c,ommend 'that a
grant of $100 be made to assist in de-
fraying the expense of entertaining the
Huron Old Boys on the occasion of their
visit to the comity toivn, and the report
as amended was adopted.
It was moved by gr. Torrence and
• seconded by M. Vowman, that the
question of granting aid for the recep-
tion of the Huron 014 Boys, be re -con.;
sIdered. On a divisionbeing taken there
voted for the motion Messrs. Bowman,
Cook, Metwen, Pattaron and Torrance
—5. Against, Mafia, Connolly,
Cham.bers, Hol, Hays, yiller, McLean,
MeIu.nes, Snell and Stesiart.-9.
The repot of the special committee
Was read as fobws:'
In reference to theepetitioa from the
county of Froatenae asking co-operation
in asking Legislation for the reduction
of expenses in the service of subponeas
on grand and petit jurois, we recommend
no action- A letter Muni Daly. & Com-
pany, toe, imparters of! London, asking
of transfer of county !peddler's license
issued to J. Gibson, tol. Langan, agents
respectively for the abt:e firm, it was
recommended that noi tion be taken.
The report of the equalization com-
enlace was presented tied passed. The
equalized assessments :are the same as
last year, as follows: k
. '
white flag is flying the gaol, thus
showing that there is not a prisoner
within its walls. In reference to the
grauolithic walk arount he court house,
as asked for by the Goclartch council, it
is recommended that n action be taken.
Moved by Mr. Holt, s conded by Mr.
Chambers dna the repprt be amended
by striking out Clause 4, and that the
following be submitted therefor: That
this edunell consider it advisable to
build a new residence at the gaol, and
that the same be proceeded with forth-
with; the warden's committee, with the
county engineer, to be a committee to
advertise for tenders and the work to be
completed at a cost met to exceed $2,500.
There voted for th motion Messrs.
Chambers, Holt, H s, McLean, Mc-
Innes, 5. Against it, Messrs. BOwniall,
Connolly, Cook, Kerr, yiller, Mawen,
Patterson, Snell, Stewirt, Torrauce, 10.
The motion was declarSd lost, and the
report was adopted without amendment.
z L.,
ZYsinAliPS 'do i i* at e,s4
At Fr a ..-,• 1,4.,
... -0
- ,
The finance committee reported, re- ' PI gt; 4 El a e•14
commending the paygnent of sundry Asiitiekt vice $9000 $1%021 8111:921
Colborne 30.00.1 4900 1340079 1814979
accounts and also as fq.11ows: 85 Oa, 450 2003778 200443
We find. that the total estimated ex- litliri-c•31::: -.: ...:14 2 ,4900 - no rizra
penditure for 1900 willihe about $40,800, HowieiL..... .ssoo lasso 2802140 2815690
9000 9550 2141640 2146190
less receipts, $4,002.142, leaving to be Yittattp 40 00 4000 2084440 2088440
raised $80,377.13, requiting a rate on the ttQjHe az oo WOO 1707450 1770756
1881200 1888800
Cooper was accepted. The committee, equalized assessment 0,f the county of slt:eheeh :: '...,7:18310606 1983586 1994486
at the second ineetiu made a thorough one mill and one eightlt of a mill on the 1,=1;resieVlii ' f,goc, 111gg 114159 ielt.
inspection of the h so and out -build -10990 2014200
dollar, and recominendathat the news- pre • . . ii. • fig.3 730 29
tugs and also the farta, and have to re- eery by-law be passed. w. Wawanosh..31 0) 01.
port that everythifg appeared ends- The report was adopted -without
factory, except in a evy' eases where re- I amendment and the f4lowing resold.
1233)71 1204871
14181350 141.4100
pairs were necessaty. They agreed4.2
tion was further =farce to the corn-
with Mx. traliand tO Put III latizarn ;nide°, viz.; That in investing the s';
hot water heater in/dace of the old, one, county sthidng funds the warden and 411,404, (7',4
This will cost about Tne OK boil- treasurer be instructed to lend ens the E C/7 IA .14
-4 AA 44
er was nearly useiess. We find it rAme in future on the usual first -mod.
necessary to repair the lino fence on. the , gageat one fixed rate of interest, say 131111ela " " --
$ $ $ Wise $ 80580
south of the farm or build a new fence, 4% per cent. per annum.
and decided to build a new Page
fence. Our share of this line fence itttiday.
wire The council adjourned1111W ton o'cioek
is about one hundred rods. We directed mrirrIE DAY
Biy tlt 11A•111,40 1052&: 20376 ),) 135040
sett.4seg '... ... 26743o. MOW 802465 2$1000
Clinton ...... .r. r.(31345 81200 505585 541880
Eteter ._. ... 450))) 44125 408175 831050
Godoriolt'" 131124() 82225 1133905 876310
Bengali. 192000 150300
Pleafoetli ...p572510 O&M ' 831460 512000
Mt. French to superintend this work 401476 66:MO 557700 854700
i The tottneil metes per adjournment. eVefirnottr
and specified particularly how the work The following reportof the county treas. . 07M 13134 110314 sotto
good eondition. The three cows are Total equal:zed assessment, t32335230 ,
must be done. The stock were found in. u'or on estimated expenditure wae re -
giving a, sufficient ttupply of milk for ferred to the finance committee.
ESTAL5111,4 EXPENDITURE. - recommending that no action be taken
The Miaow commit:to reported again,
February and Mae& were examined Gaol expenditure $ eteee inreference to the motion of &tears.
she house. Tito accounts for Ittruary, Administration of 3ustice
!I. 2iOOO ' Stoat and Cottony in regardto the in -
Water pipe be laid freIn the 'Muse to the steet . ,, 10,e0 toot on the county's Investments, mull
ABA found correct. t Wo advise that a f...uliqttos and charities
Mn- Impel Government
barn, so tbat a supplytof water may be .2gisocii°1111,ettleo' ucgte" '48wify0 that a, by.law be passed authorising the
had for the stock. Xt;s further recont. Schools goo i warden and treasurer tel borrow for cur -
:1,700 i rent expenditure a NOM net exceeding
mended that au egricatural furnace be School tnanagentent 2,100 000, total tiniated exr;enrli-
b5ught tor the piggeryo boil fold nal - (I'r'lltti:gftures 1, $10,Tho es :
yjr)o) ttro for 1900 would beabout$40,200 tool
water, with
farthest from the barn% provi led tills Itulttariat Rome goo ,i the receipts 0,002,12, loping to be raised
a hi
y n the end Dbmion court Jury /Nee
4,0091430,077.13, requiring tit, rate on the eqttal.
would not Intel:h..% Withith6 incliratitIN Contt5" Pro)eriI 1.400 1 ized assessmmt of the bonny, fig,030,..
roaed to os. • It011113 111141 bridge5 (WOO ; 21of, ow; min 4,34. 911 eighth 4)2 11 inill
440,:),'00i on tho dollar, sad it reemm»endell
1 that such tato 1st 100/1414, Tilff repo•rti
41,212 1W8g fu4opte4.
1,400 00 The dark WM instrtuded to intrabase
; •••A .;. • • . .417•414.*-11,04:1!•:;:i7M14i4M4ft"-'31=
• ;.„
jt kleVetablePr4pgrai 011101' AS' •
slmilat4 diefood ondRegula-
ring the Stomachs anzabweis of •
Promotes DigestioniCheetrul•-
' ticssedRest.Contains neither
cpultri,Morphine floc Instefal.
Al•CPT NAatc ()Tic,
BIWA Seed'-
Bo -Perla Sarts
Anse Seed
frpperaint -
jgare Seed -
Citairatel Ster,rm •
tiliatcfnen, Nara:
1 A perrect Remedy for Cons rtpa-
lion, Sour Stomaoh,Dierrhoea,
worms gorivulsions,Feverish-
ob4SS Cad Los5 or sum,.
. .
Simile, Signature of
• Castoria is pat up in ono.dzo bottleonly. Tt
t is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anytaie o Boll
lea. or promise that it
ATi• tiro that you get 0-A,Z4'-0-E-EI
TV14 4:1), .% ingthblg :114mit4i11. Anowor mg' Fir'
is "just so g
)) • n
, • pone,
zinino di" / „V.7e-+.
agtgra; ova?
• riersira4=-02.1WRitliWEIgw-leVaz=sateAteeaace=7, • .
Ludt that the clerk be 1213
certain on what comlitio
company would allow of
lug so placed.
The council went into committee of Registry Office
the insuranee • Total
e furnace be- ltECEIM.
Surpin3 from 190
,, elt-Tealle,i3arelet leititiad ate 3 it .1. .1 ii,J I ..gi .0 11.1;14 ,.1..tel.e.S.1411t.ih1eilalueti, tell .1144
Thousands of. Young and Middle Aged Men are annually swept to a premature grave
through early indiscretion and later exceoPes. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood
Dis ages lmve ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have yon
any of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning- No Andel -
, don,. Mem•iry Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; l'imples on
PI the k'atte,_• Drelme and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore ._
• ' i 'alma; lIftir Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; llistrustfal and Lack of ---
;.; Hoer y and Strength. Our New Meded Treatment will build yon up mentally, phybically
art.( sexually
'• Clm-. P oterron. Read n n rt H
•;-4S.IA Vile Ulibet KENNEDY & KERGAN BG, -,„ave
114 ci al Irvine
Dr, Moulton.
1 --,
, —
4, "At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which tamest ruined
tine. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled mo. I could
!stand no exertion. Head and oyes became dull. Dreams and
Imine at night •weakened me, I tried seven Medical Firms, Me-
tric 13e1ts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me
' o help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. They
nt me ono month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel
Yself gaining every day. Their rent Method Treatment cures wham
ll else falls," They have cured many 02 my friends."
Capt. Townsend.
Cesua. Latina):
011algiTED:1, 01 MEM EMI
"Elmo 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitntiortal blood
Isom. 1 went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercurzalmost
lilted me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat
1 onnedy & liergan's NOW Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have
la5A moue:1E17:1' fbrii°enthea9dvilet? Drerds.'
iltscsamote hair,sore, ig3laipands8.111enllitimrgbestl,PoirntcP.
/1 ;1 no symptoms
for five years. 1 ant married and happy. as a
d ctor, I heartily recomend it to all who have this terrible disease -
81 UM." It will eradicate the poison from the bloc.d."
ga life. Early indiscretions and later ecesseemade trouble am $3 years of age, and minted. When young I led a
foriqno. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys boom°
affeSted and I feared Bright's disease. Married lif \VA unsatie-
Sectary andiny home unhappy. I tried every: hing-all failed 1111
I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and liergan. Their 11/41-v)
Method Wit mo up mentally, physically aa,1 sear/ally. [teal
and netlike a man in every respect. Try thein."
trIrIrio Names Used Without Written
Consent of Patient.
OUP New Method Treatment""Berrfa'a curing Diseasto of num°It engthens he b .1y, stops all
drains and losses, pu'illes the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual
systems and restores ost vitality to the body.
We Guaraftte to Cure Nervous Debility, Failing 2(1rstaisoc-i,
syptitijoota icoceie,wttieture,cneet, tusi atural 4)it4eiturg.'eS,
eak rart titull„44 =mosey acid Elliadeller isensem
REmEm ADZientytutr,:. ttr� tho Ir.nt%gar,11.Mtaitlarteig
talon. and Moen years of business are tit etalta.
run no risk. Write era for an honest opinion, no matter who trade). you. It may
save Son years of re et and suffering, Charges reasonable. Write for a
Question 140t and Book Free. Consultation Free.
• teaa•-trteseastaeleateZear.,e's 1:• • •
Ontario Statutes fot the use of coun-
By-laws were passed to equalize the
respective assessmeitts of the several
municipalities in the county and to
authorize tho warden and treasurer to
borrow money for celutty purposes,
Clinton, Winghant Housed were
proposed as the place f meeti»g for the
December session, notal Wingham was
chosen, the session to commence on the
first Tuesday of December.
Mier.% Grip Powars Oure. $01t1
Ool» A. Campbell.
Clover mid owpeas ere valuable crops
to grow in the orelnird. Tho y supply
nitrogen, an essential element of tree
growth. '
Taillreevi Ory fcr
il• •
W. IL Iianee's saliv and planing mill
rut Cliffor1 was destroyed by fire on
Thursday night, Th' Bows spread /30
rapidly that it W68 11%/liFibie to WWII
anything. in 0. K. Hotel niso
too VW worth tay. ti( der and rantcrial,
iflotukto 1llikil4)W11, I3oI41ig houtad tit
Vitenington Mutual for $1,00o,
1a these days of 1M inflow; it i$1 welt for
everyone to he ear fill what ho buys.
Es wird! is this nee ssary when a matter
of healtk is involved.
There am no man Itnitations of Doan's
Kidney Nilsen the nt•ket—some of theirs
Absolutely worthies –that we ask you to
he particular to see hat the full name nod
the trade mark of tJto Maple Leaf aro oft
every hoot you b;i,'J Without this you aro
net getting, the or ,inal Kidney Pill, which
has cured SO ft3inf severs cases of kidney
complaint in the bitted States, Australia
and Kngland, as welt as here in canaotu
Thit, Doan Kidney Pill Co.,, Toronto.