HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-06-08, Page 8xx 8AT RDAY BARGAIN DAY We offer you for Saturday same~ remarkable bargains in (4, ---AND— )e-in 5 doz. Gents' Collars, choice for 5c, reg. 15c. 5 doz. Gents' Silk Ties, fancy, reg. 50c, choice 25c. 150 yards Veiling, reg, 20e, Sat. urday 5c per yard. 50 remnants Dress Goods, reg. 35c, 40e, 50:; at.d 6`le per yd, choice for 25e. ' 10 boys' 2 -piece Suits, well its sorted, new good;, reg. e3,00 and and $3.50, Saturday $2,50, 10 men's Sults, reg. 08.00, Satur- $5.00. 25 Stiff Hats, Black and Brown, ▪ fine quality, reg. :x2.00, Saturday, $1.25. 10 place, Shaker Flannel, reg. 8e, Saturday 5c. We pay 13c for Eggs and 15c for Tub Butter. Shop early at M. Y Mc DOO c i'. 250NAL.S. We •' • gin t to have contributions to this ec i*., n f, out t,ny of our readers. If yoti have vieiter s or purpose going away yotuself, drop in and tell ns, or send us a note to that effect. Mrs. R. Hobbs is visiting in London. Wesley Wacker of Blyth spent Tues- day in town. Mrs. W. C. Mclvor and Babe are home from Detroit. Miss Nellie Band has been visiting re- latives in Listowel. Nellie Bradley spent Sunday with her uncle, John Taylor of Zetland. Will Pringle, of Hespeler has taken a position in the G. T. R. office here. Miss Norma Dinsley is visiting in In. gersoll, the guest of Miss Eva Boles. Mr. and Mrs. John Hague of Winless spent circus day with Mrs. Wm. Gray. Charles McConnell and Olive Of Wind- sor are visiting friends and relatives here. Mrs. D. McCormick and daughter of Thu Bannon were visiting relatives and friends in town. Miss Daisy Field is in London where she will visit for a few weeks her sister, Mrs. T. McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. James Louttit, and 1V3iss Annie Lonttit are spending a week visit- ing in Battle Creek, Mioh. Rev James Hamilton an daughter of Palmerston were visiting friends in Wingham during the earlier part of the week. J. N. Thompson of Fordwich called on R. J. MacMath on Friday Its he was re- turning from the Grand Lodge meeting in Loudon. Mrs. (Dr.) Macdonald and Mrs. Alex Ross utteiuled the funeral of their Brice, Mrs. ,Tames Craig, in trttcefield, on Thursday. Judge Doyle was a transient visitor to town on Monday, on his way to attend Division Court itt Wroxeter, I•Ie held court here on Wednesday. Fr c; '."ar''4 ::I of S, of r.Ii. Vet t:'trgllt the 1.t....., pi'tutsl i'n it:c 'int . ie 01 Morris, wwas visits in t:ieltd:t in Wing- 4 ai d Morris on Saturday' Freeman Carr who has been in Wood- stock for the past two weeks has been in town for three or four days, We shall always be pleased ter see Mr. Carr, and - hope that he tt y ,iint,epportunities to visit its often. 110W V.'nnxt4r YOU 1.0010, Ito you like to heat` it? Tt nob, take Scott's Efnt*ieie5n, 'Twill till out your sctnken ryes, hollow cheeks, and thin hands. Why not have sc plump figure? Dotal let &Neese steal a each on you, V l 1. ;ifs,, J' W. Goan, took part in the 21th (stay entertainment of the 1 1st-ortli League at Forilwwkclt, Rev. D. Rogera of Bluovale conducted the Gospel Temporal= strvic°o in the Town Hail on $iuiclay evening. Rev, R. Hobbs is attending Confer euro in St. Marys. The morning servieenext Sunday will be conducted by T. Hall In the evening John 1?;err will take (+huge. On Wethiesdly Rev, 3. G. Shearer, B. A., Meld Seoretaz'y of the Lord's Day Alliance will address a iueetiug in the Town Hall in the interest of the or- ganization to which he belongs. On Sunday morning last Rev. B. Hobbs of the Methodist church occupied the pulpit in the Congregational ellurwlz. Rev. Mr. Rogers of Bluevale in the even. ing. Rev. Mr. Gotiiu tool the work on the 13lnevale circuit. The first draft of minister's has been made by the Stationing Conuuittee of the London Ccnference uow in session at St. Marys, By it we notice that Rev, F. J. Oaten, Ph. B. is to be removed to .r,Alfl'.•ki, and Rev. A. H. Brown to Belgrave. The call of Rev. Mr. McIntosh, of Seaforth, to the Presbyterian church in Tizamesford, was sustained by the Pres- bytery of London. The stipend is $1,000 with manse, and four weeks holidays each year. Mr, Melntosh has visa re- ceived au invitation to Stay-ner. Gospel Temperance meeting Sunday evening next, Town Hail, at 8,80. Rev, W. Freed, speaker. Lawyer Dickinson will occupy the chair. As the hall has to be paid for, and the ladies of the W. C. T. U. need funds for the running ex- pouses of the meetings, a specially liberal collection is asked for at all those gather- ings. Rev, D. Perrie about two months ago asked his congregation to assist him in having the debt removed from the church by the first Sunday in June. Lasst Sunday, June 3rd, the .church was not only free from debt, but the healthy suui of $115 has been placed as a surplus. The debt at the beginning of this move- ment two months ago was almost $1800. Pulpit and pew have striven earnestly and sincerely: thi result is the gratifica- tion of a desire that has long rested in the bosoms of both. Baptist Church. --Pastor Telford of Kincardine occupied the pulpit last Lord's day in the absence of Pastor Freed. Mr. Joint Kerr taking Pastor Telfords work at Kincardine and Ripley. The Walkerton r e on A..c S�ciation of Baptist churches mot on Tuesday and Wednes- day of this week at the church in Clinton. There are eighteen churches in this association, most of whole re- ported, Pastor Hamilton of Palmerston was chosen Moderator and Mr. J. J. Cook of Mt. Forest, Clerk. A good measure of progress has been made in most of the churches during the • year. Those tal.iug part: in the programme from the Wingham church were Mrs. P. Fisher, Airs. W. J. Chapman and the Pastor. Pastor Freed will occupy his own. pulpit on Lord's day next. - The "1900" feast for Sunday School and Christian Endeavor workers will this year be held in Seaforth on June 19th and 20th; the first day being taken np in discussing Sunday School topics and the second;' Christian Endeavor. The Seaforth local committee extend a cordial invitation to all who can attend, and representatives are • expected from everyYoung Peoples Society and Sunday School throughout the country. Below we give an outline of the program's more interesting numbers:— Round table conference on "How to snake review interesting aud instruc- tive."—Dr. Towler, Wiugharn. "Hose long should a teacher retain the same class?" --W. H. Kerr, Brussels. Round Table Conference on the re- capture of lost territory.—A. T. Cooper, Clinton. Delegates travelling by rail will buy single ticket and get a convention cer- tificate froth the station agent, which, when properly signed, will entitle the delegate to reduced fare home. Don't forget tt get the certificate. Walkerton won from Owen Sound in baseball oti May 24th by 19.8. A hurricane struck Winnipeg Tuesday night, demolishing a boathouse, unroof- ing a business block and killing at boy named Artwell. —So many have requested ne to give them copies of the Trams for May 18th, that our stook is entirely depleted. The requests are still coaling in. Any of our readers who would give us tt copy of that date would confer ort us a great favor: West Utmost Llbernts. The sulta al meeting of the West Huron Retain Associations was held in Dun - gamma ori T:riday last. There was .a largo representation from every part of tho riding. The old oxeoutire Was utz- aititnottzly elected, Lind a strong organi- zation effected.. Adclressea were given by Messrs. Holmes of West Heron, Mc - .Mullen of North 'Wellington, McClure of Colehestor, N. S., awl Hon. J', T. tFt'rte% wvhieh were heartily received and lortdly applauded. Resolutions en. dorsi ug the Dominion and Local GOverff- Merits were unanimously passed, and the proceedings were closed With cheers for the Queen, Laurier and Ross. THE MORAN MIK MUNE 81 1900 • SPOUTING NOTES. STRAY OOW The lately defunct Intron Baseball League is again thorougizlyre-organized. The first match of the league will bo played in Clinton on Saturday when Winglutln will battle with the locals. So the ball will roll on Monday, and don't you forget' it, Wingham will be in it all the way, The Savages t)f Vinegar Hill lost to the Park Niue on Saturday. Tito Picric Niue won by 18-14 but they cheated two runs. Seafortlz Hurons eefeated the Toronto Riversides 2-1 in Seaforth on Saturday.. This league is nearing the end and it appears ns if Berlin would take the laurels again this year. The following is the standing of the teams Won Tied Lost Points Berlin .... 3 1 0 5 Seaforth 3 0 1. 4 Riversides 1 1 . 1 8 Woodstock.. , 0 0 3 0 The fallowing matches are to be play- ed this and next weekt---To-dayy Wood- stock at Berlin, .To -morrow Seaforth at Toronto, 15th, Berlin at Seaforth, 10th, Woodstock at Toronto.. ror Over fifty Years. An.Old and Well -Tried Remedy Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by miflionsof mothers for their ohiidrezz while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the cb.ild,soft- ens the gums, allays all pain, tires wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar- rheca. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is inealoulable. Be slue you ask for Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind, • Dna. 5. JEROME R $OLLOWAY, DENTISTS. 1J (Successors to Dr. Ross.) Special attention to the care and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate prices and till work carefully and skilfully performed. Of icer in Beaver Block, Winghom. ERS and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should -adver- tise tate some for sale in the Tn,IEs. Oar Iarge circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not et a customer. We can't guarantee hat you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Texas and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. AUCTION ..-or-- SALE VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTIES. There will be ofiered for sale by public auc- tion by Peter Deans auctioneer, at Swarts' Rotel, in the Town of Wingham, in the County of Htuon, on Tuesday, the 20th day of June, 1900, at the hour of o'clock in the afternoon, the following valuable properties, that is to sttytlreel No.1--Lots one and thre the south side of victoria Street, in Ed. vers'stnvey, in said town. On this propert is s' ate a frame pump shop 36x8 and ad io - x22, with a portable boiler and en i , c shafting, belting and gearing, a good.- er, boring machine, wood - turning =elm and a full outfit of pump making tools and. implements. Parcel No. 2• -Let 13 in Foley's first survey iu' said town, except that portion thereof herel'o- fore conveyed to one Wilkinson, On this par- cel is situated a good double frame house 80x 42 with additions 15 x 16,15 x 10, 10 x 14,10 x 14 and 6 x 9 and with stoe foundation ad good cellars, all said buildings being in good repair. Parci4 No. 5—Part of Block B on the south east corner of Victoria and Leopold Streets, in the said Town, having a frontage on Victoria Street of 7g rods,, and containing half an sore more or less, particularly describedin the deed thereof to the vendor, which. will be produced at the time of sale. On this pparcel is situate a good 1% story fraise dwelling 88 x;24 with a kitchen 18 x 80, and a good frame stable 18 x 30. These properties aro all well situated and offer excellent opportunities for intending in- vestors. Tams or Set. --Ten per cent. on the day of sale and the balance in 20 days thereafter, Rusher terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on ap- plication to the undersigned. Dated this tlth dry of June, MO, GEO. FRETWELL, R. VANSTONE, Vendor. vendor's Solicitor. r s'.^t' OX 0050 Oi COMfPtOt T, e. sterTR, ENinFIO EYE SPEOMAIISt Fl-a.luatc Tic ork, Philadelphia, and Toronto Oi,titat Colleges. Call early and avail yourself of hit valuable services, as this is arare upptirtunity to have your eyes proper - y tested, free of charge. No guess work but a scientific certainty, Diff. cult cases accurately fitted, ALL Wong, GUAItANT14tiD. C.i Z never cult n61)4%140 lioatet_ 1#e rias also added a dare assortmentef arti- ficial eyes to his stock, Wi11 be at Colin A. Campbell's Drug Ston Wingham, ono day -only THURSDAY). JUNE 28, 1900, 1000 CHEAP CLUBBING RATES Dofore renewing your papers enquire fol' our chibbin clue,. By elub',Ing a City Daily or Weekly with the TiMf•:s you get all the time. The local pager gives you the home news and the city Stiller the t; Ali fetal t<syst 'WVtir Reports; can thus be ob. tainetd in full, Tho foilotving aro some of the C]Iubbing Rates. moll paper for It year, TIM/ ma pan, • - • $1 85 Advertiser. 1 40 Wilt Globo .- Msii-Rintiiro • • 1 I 85p ,i " Tamil Herald 1 " Daily Ni'Ws •AtiVert•175 '• world icor -• 2 6m0 1, .1Yilobr. - 2 25 r, w pfail•-Einpire - -1 2;, 1'fAnu do noti!'.nittioicorairtbatftiny gpou �i nb VIIfor it, Clubbing rates mato witlt Agrieu1. tame vapors rtSd Lo• Alustrth-r1 Magazintw. We d,i not club with other local Supt s. before yourpresent sttbsl� iptiiiki ex ires, Rah. dcriptions may lx'Sin at any time. Present subsrcribers td tlto .TMka wha aro paid.in ecl- vnnr.A, taay obtain any of;Valeger pa era by sending this a ttra )rice. tptions �or rsuy st or r, elresd nt this oilin. Remit bq I' O. order, kosfal Note, nevrve': Order or negistet ed Letter. Addressor rule at TIMES cl' 'XCE, t4ingluun,'tsnt Ste'ayett Prone the premises s tc' tanik'i" sight tl ttlu"geese Blat'ks t• prop y) on i4uu Ley vvening,.7tme 1t, d, a 1 • ' ui'k lu•lndle row, delwrued. i upgusetd t va oro' t'lWt, Any pc'tson Icnowing ititytit g of tftc VOW's ?vhor,,. abouts will 3Ibi -t• eomtintnit;ate with the an- tdet'sigtietl. LAWRENCE PE Wing .cin. Clooleo Cotton Soot Com • Is+' ' .'esstully used moat Y over 11),e0eLaclies. Safe, egeotu.. Ladies ask r ' mad. Tyyakr udops fo: raCk• iva, Rats Cami itations are Bang' ' .. rico, No. X,1;1 Or bel XYo, 2,10 cdegre - conger, $a por box. Ire 1 �ouru�3,a,uaiiedon receipt of prig° ,ii two 4-eent �g-'lvos.1 iatcid 2 sod and rrecomWmended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. No.1 and No. 2 are sold in Wintrhnm by A. L. ldainiltun, J. E. Davis, A. A. Marrow, Colin A. Campbell, Druggists. W. ARMOUR KJINT =CIE will pay the highest .cash price for Eggs and good Butter in Tubs. WALKER & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WIIgGHAM. :light calls at Button Meek, or rim door south of School House. Shop op- postte.bluodonaid block. ABNER COSENS General insurance and Loan .Agent. d'i - LIFE—The Ontario Mutttel. FIRE—The Non -tariff Com- ponies. cq ACCIDENT-- The London Guarantee and Accident. PLATE GLASS --The Do- tral minion. [--i - Money at Lowest Rates, In office corner of Minnie and Patrick Streets every Friday afternoon audSat- urclay. LLOYD'Eir MORTIOED SCREEN 000 The best value in the market. Gasoline and Oil Stoves Lawn Mow ers If you intend painting it will pay yon to tool;, at aewv of the litany houses that were painted with 5, W'. i'. last season :--llise Fisher (two houses;) A. Cosens, W, J. Chapman, Chas, Nendersun, Benj. Jenkins (two houses.) YOUNG & PA.ULIN Just Arrive OEALED TEN RS addressed to lie under - I.7 signed and en. med. "Tend for Close Piling, Owen Soun Grey, Ont` will be re- ceivecl at this office u 41 'Pride , lSth day of June, 1900, for the eonsti etion , piosopiling at Owen Sound,CountyofG•,a ording to avian and as eeificationtobesee. a heoffice ofH.A.. Gray, Resident Engin r, Confederation Life Buil 'ng, Toronto, O' . .n application to the Custom Rouse Oilicer O en Sound, Ont., and at the De artment.o' ub Works, Tenders will not be nsider unless rondo in the form supplied, cl signed with the ac- tual signatures of te' overs. An accepted ban] cheque, sitiay s le to the order of the Mini. er of Publio " mks, for three thousand d ars (68,000.00,) mu: accom- pany each ten • , The cheque will ie for- feited if tho pa y decline the eontrac 1 ' r fail to complete t .'work contracted for, al will be returned .. ease of non-acceptance of t der. The Dem t ment does not bind itself t' ac- cept the 1• vest or any tender. Depa ment of Public Bworksy Order • JOS. Il. ROY, noting Secretary. , t awe, May 23rd, 1900. N. vspapers inserting this advertisement wi ' out authority from the Department, will not be paid for it. e During One crate, White Iron Stone China, Eclipse pattern, very pretty goods. These goods were ordered last October. So you get the benefit of the advance. Cups and Saucers, Cups only, Saucers only, • Fruit Saucers, Pie Plates, Tea Plates, - �. Breakfast Plates, - 80c per doz. 60c 20e e0 40c 600 ▪ 70c 80c Toilet Sets (5 pieces) for $3..25. Bowls, each, 5c. - Ci CC •a at GRIFF N'S Leads all the way. M5 •%NICHOLSO Jnr PIIOTOS We handle Deering Machinery out and out, but this week we will dwell partiou larly on our binders. They are a good thing. It is easy to push them along 111. z$.ore ways .than one. The Deering Binder is the best in the world, and moreover,there are more of them in this mundane sphere than of any er make, The proof of the cake ' in the eating and the binder in t ' cutting. We are willing to wor o •f aehine be- side any other bind' . oder the sun. Last year we were on y once successful in getting a competitor to stand. beside us in the field. We won out. We knew we wonld. We are praying for a chance to do it again. Read this: Wingham, July 20th, 1000. The Deering Harvester Company. Ctentle men,—We the undersigned, being ap- pointed directors of the Wingham Farmers' Flax Co., having decided to cut our flax with a binder, and as flax is very hard to out, we de- cided to have it test of the different binders. We invited Massey -Harris, McCormick and Deeringg, The McCormick did not cone into the fieldof contest but cat flax in another field. After sexing their work and comparing the work when done, of the binders, we have de- cided that the Deering binder draws one horse lighter, is easier to Jiandle, Makes the best work in general; and for these reasons have purchased a Deering binder. (Signed) Directors of Wingham Farmers' lax Company; Wm. Drummond foremun; Amos Tipling, Pres,: A. Young, Drummond, _foreman W. J. Henderson, P. Powell, Directors, Deering Binders, Mowers and rake are for sale by Elliott Bros. Victoria Street. A Tailor's Talk - would be useless • unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices wilt suit you. Leave your order for that new smixa SUIT OR OVERCOAT Et Ow AR E J, -"7BUILDER and CONTRACTOR We are still in the building business and aro prepared to take contracts for the erection of all kinds' of buildings. Plans and specifications fturoished on short notice. Workmanship guaranteed and at rea- sonable rates. WM. NICHOLSON. Residence Diagnol street, opposite Francis street. THE STUDY OF FABR OS style, cutting, making, the desire to please and to give the utmost value, puts the question of satisfaction of our cus- tomers beyond the shadow of a doubt. High Classed tailoring is not necessarilyhigh-priced. You twill find proof of this by calling en us, ex- amining otir goods, getting prices and leaving year order for a suit. Robt. Maxwell TRY M. E. ZIJRBR1GG'S Do" floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. Family Groups a Specialty. Enlarging, Copying, Remounting, Do you want tsa soap flora -. syrup coffee spices catsup fruits cheese whislcs pickles brooms brushes candies vinegar biscuits 6051 oil gelatine starches Sardines castor oil shoe polish stinee meat ove polish canned goods balcing powder livap chimneys uorkand beans Worcester'sauee sewing machine o114 Prices as low as the lowest. A niee present given away with every 1610 worth of goods. R. S. Reid high Art Tailor`, Winghani. Shaw Block. . ,.,. Si, is Priceless eM V Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. AVE FIT SPEOTAOLES Scientifically, Correctly Try us. Reasonably,. Staled next Griffin's Grocery, fsPTtCfA.N A.11,0 43111911TAitt, t i'- 4 „