HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-06-08, Page 3STATEANTS ?ht A1ttt Inspire Euy % THE NEVER -DISAPPOINTING BANISHER OF SICKNESS AND DISEASE. ' The statement that Paine's Celery Compound builds up eickly, weak and rundown people, is true in every parti- cular. It is also true that Paine's Celery Coinpound is the only medicine in the world that can successfully grapple with obstinate and log -standing cases of disease and give to sufferers active limbs, pure blood, clear complexion, healthy appetite and perfect digestion. Scores of able and reliable physimans,prominent druggists, legislators, merchants and leaders in society can bear testimony to the wonderful cures wrought by Paine's Celery Compound duringthe past spring months. Such facts and statements should be sufficient to convince all doubting and despondent sufferers, and inspire them with a determination to test the world's great health -giver. Mr. Chas. W. Ross, Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, writes thus; • "For a long period of time I suffered from the pains and tortures of neuralgia„ and the effects to my general system were so serious and alarming that my doctor ordered an ocean trip. I went to England at considerable expense, but had to return to Canada almost as bad as when I left it. After getting home I determined to commence the use of Paine's Celery Conipound, as it was strongly recommended fox such troubles. After using the medicine for a short time the results were most pleasing and gratifying. The attacks became less frequent and less severe, and soon the whole trouble -Tag completely banished. 1 have not experienced apain or Ache for months. I take great pleasure in re- commending such a marvellous mocli- cine to all neuralgic sufferers. Paine's Celery Compound has astonishing vir- tues and. powers, and will certainly over- come any form of neuralgia." • The ninth annual convention of Brus- sels District S. S. Association was held in Melville church, Brussels, on the 29th nit. Many interesting papers were given ou Sunday School topics. COULDN'T LACE HIS BOOTS. Mr. P. L. Campbell, of Fortune Bridge, P. E.I., a great sufferer from pain in the back. • Doan's Kidney Pills completely and permanently cured him. Mr. P. L. Campbell, the well-known gen- eral merchant a Fortune Bridge, P.E.I., was troubled with severe pains in his back and hips for or two years. At length he became aware of the fact that backache was simply a symptom of kidney trouble and did not hesitate long in taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and was promptly and permanently cured. Here is his statement : "I was in an awful state for two years with pains in my back and hips. Some mornings these pains were so severe that I couldn't stoop ta lace my boots. I started taking Doan's Kidney Pills and one box so completely cured me that I have been perfectly well for over, a year now and free from the least trace of pain." WANTED .Agents to all permanent position with us AT (300D PAY. All supplies free. Chance of promotion to good men. We also desire some good Agents, 'either on whole or pArt time to sell our preparation for the destruction of Tussock Moth Oaterpiller, known as " C AT ER PLLL AWN E." liarMany of our salesmen carry this as a side line, and make considerable more than their expenses thereby. We have the largest assortment of stock of any Nursery in Canada. People -prefer our goods, because oe our guarantee. All our stock is sent out under Government Oertifleate, proving cleanliness and freedom from disease. Apply now for territory. Stone & Wellington, Toronto. "Canada for the Canadians." READ THE CANADIAN ROME JOURNAL • A monthly magazine full of inter- esting reading matter and useful in- formation for ' CANADIAN 'eV OMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES Subectiption price One Dollar per • Annum. OR you can receive it with this papet for one year at the sante prlee, by seeding your orders to the publisher of the TIMES at Wingham. Send 10 cents; for sample copy. You will like it. Address. Canadian Rollie Journal Co., • (L(Mstro) TORONTO, eNT To PATENT deed ideas may he secured by ear std. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Beltimore, WINIGHAM DISTRICT. • 411. Downing, wile is winger ef the Gladstone, Man., newspaper, is expected. home to Brussels this wcelt Oh the Press excursion from the West. Miller's Grip Pols-dere Cure. • For Sale at 001ill, A. Campbell's Drug Store, The Canadian Order of Foresters will hold their pie -do in D. Stowart's grove, North of Beussels, ou Dominion Day. A puplio meeting will bo held in the Town Hall at night when speeches and music will constitute the program. The High Chief Banger will be presenb. William Thorn, a prominent farmer of West Wawauosh, while in Luoknow on the 24th, tied his horse to a shade tree iu front of Mr. William Geddes' residence on Havelock street, and the animal tore a portion of the bark front the tree. Mr, Geddes lodged a complaintbefore Magis- trate Lawrence, and on Saturday Thom. was fined two dollars and costs. Ladies 1 If you would be strong and healthy and have good complexions, take Miller's Compound Iron Pills. For sale at Colin A. Campbell's Drug Store. That body of water variously known as 'Ellis's' or 'Waddel's' lake, con. 10z Culross, is a delightful place to spend. a holiday. In some cases pleasure -seekers find as much enjoyment on the land as on the -water. It may net be generally known that a projection of land—proper- ly a cape—in the lake is called Garnier's Point, in memory of the late Dr. Garnier of Luoknow. Master Robby McLeod of Wroxeter deserves praise and regognition for rescuing little Tommy Goodfellow from the river on the 24th. Tommy and his little sister were fishing near the tannery when the boy fell into deep water. The little girl did the wisest thing she could by screaming for all she was worth. Little Bobby soon came to the rescue and without waiting to take off any of his clothes, even his hat, plunged in and soon had. the drowning child on dry land little the worse for his wetting. "There is no little enemy." Little impurities in the blood are sources of great clanger arid should be expelled by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Through the instrumentality of Mr. R. Hohnes, member for West Huron, a new post office is to be established at Harrison's Corners, 9th concession of Ashfield, at the house of Mr. W. P. Treleaven, township treasurer, Who will also be postmaster. The new office will be known as Mafeking. It will have a tri -weekly service, and will be supplied from Luoknow by the present contractor for the Lucknow-Belfast- Lanes service. Crewe post office has heretofore been supplied from Dungan- non semi-weekly, Mr. Sherwood having beeu a faithful mail -carrier between these two points, but Crewe will be added to the Lucknow-Lanes-Belfast contract, and will have a tri -weekly mail instead. Miller's Worm Powders cure fever in children. For sale at Colin A. Camp- bell's Drug Store. At a recent meeting of the North Perth License Commissioners the license of the Imperial hotel, Listowel, was cut off as the result of a petition, largely signed, which was circulated by Revs. Hardie and Irvine, of that town. Mr. Upton. proprietor of the Imperial hotel, claimed that the ministers, in circulating the petition, libelled and slandered him, and at his request Mabee .& Makins, barristers, of Stratford, have issued writs against the reverend gentlemen. It is understood • that -$2,000 damages is asked in each case. Now a strange story conies from Listowel to the effect that the hotelkeepers are rising a fund to defend the two clergymen who are charged with libel. Both hotelkeepers and clergymen are in this case in favor of a reduction of licenses, but likely from altogether different motives. "I purchased a bottle of Dr. Low's Worm Syrup for my little girl 23.4 years old, and gave her the medicine. There - suit was she passed 15 round worms in 5 days. Mrs. B. Roy, Kilmanagh, Ont., At a meeting of the Trustee Board of the Methodist church, Brussels, Friday eveniug, May 25th, it was decided to gp on with the building of a new parsonage and the contract was let to D. 'A. Lowry at $1,240. The brick in the old parson- age will bo utilized for inside walls. New building will be 28x82 feet, with 20 foot brick walls above the 7 feet 8 inches of stonework, and will have a cottage roof, verandah, &o. Tho present frame addition will be raised, stone foundation pub in and veneered with brick to =atoll new structure. It is ex- pected that the stone, brick and sand will bo hauled and the old building taken down without expense. If so the figure quoted will be correspondingly. reduced, Rev. R. Paul, T. Farrow and R. Leather dale were appointed a Building Coin. .inittee. Work will commence shortly so its to have contract completed in good season. Tho old house has served its day and owing to defective fottudatiou is causing trouble with tho walls. In the year 1890 some boys, among whom, was Matthew, son of 11V. john E. Scott of the 8th con. of Cuirass, found a good-Biz&inrua turtle. Young Scott conceived the idea of carving his name and the date on the shell of the trail° and did so. The turtle was then allowed his freedom and nothing more was seen of him for two or three yours when he was seen in the creek behind Mr. Wire THE WINGIIAN TIMES, JUNE g, 1900. Whytock's farm on which 14r. Shearer used. to live. eare passed and the SUBS u 10 N TIT turtle was forgotten until mie day a short timo ego when sono parties were washing sheep in the river near the new bridge on the 8th con. he again turned up. Matthew Scott is now in British Columbia, and will no doubt be iuter- a estee in reading that his old acquaintance is still living. It wordd be interesting to have a comparison of the size of the animal then and now. In response to advt. and notices, inall- ed to those interested, a meeting of the depositors of the McIntosh McTaggart private bank, formerly of Brussels, was hold in the Foresters' Hall Saturday afternoon of last week, John Roddick iu the chair. The business consisted in the presentation of the report of Committee appointed to wind up the estate nearly 5 years ago, the disposal of assets aud the payment.of the 5th and final divi- dend of 5%, making 80 cents on the dollar mall to those interested as de- positors. An effort had been made on several occasions to dispose of the re - inclining assets but no offer having been received it was moved by Colin Mc- Arthur, seconded by Jas. A. MoLachlin, that the books, accounts, &e„ be handed over to the Committee to disposeof them as they saw fit.—Oarried. The Com- mittee direoted that said books, &o., be passed into the hands of G. F. Blair and W. H. Kerr as they (the Committee) wish to close up their business connected with the estate. There was $40,880 on deposit when the bank door closed. For Over Fifty Years. An Old.. and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Wnislow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millionsof mothers for their children while teething, with ,perfect success. It soothes the child,soft- ens the gums, allays all pain, cm -es wind • colic, and is the best remedy for diar- rhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world: Twenty-five cents a bottle. • Its value is incalculable. Be sure yoii ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. liXr. Fuskires First Lesson. Mr. Ruskin, the famous author, tells us the first lesson he learnt was to be obedient. "One evening," he says, "when I was yet in my nurse's arms, I wanted to touch the tea-urn, which was boiling merrily. It was an early taste for bronzes, I suppose; bat I was reso- solute about it. My mother bid me keep my fingers back; I insisted on put- ting them forward. My nurse would. have taken me away from the urn, but my mother said, 'Let him touch it, nurse.' So I touched It—and that was my first lesson in the ineaningof the word liberty. It was the first.piece of liberty I got; and the last which for Some time I asked for." A CARD. • Wo, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths • of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstinate cases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish. Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. C. A. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist, W.r.genl;tht. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug- gist, Wingham, Ont. How to Get On. A young inan asks: "How can I get on in the world" 1. Get at some work for which you aro suited. Stick to it. Learn it from top to bottom. Excel in it. Know more about ib than any other man, be more skilful in it than any of your competi- tors. 2. Save money. Begin to hoard the cents if you cannot afford to lay by a dollar a week. Acquire the habit of thrift. 3. Get a good reputation for honesty, truthfulness, regularity and trustwor- thiness. It is business capital. De- serve it. Don't try to deceive the world. You are sure to be found out. 4. Treasure your health. Avoid ex- cesses of all kinds. Keep from drunk- inness. Arise early. Sleep enough. With a business experience, frugality, a good reputation and health,opportani- ties for advancement are sure to come. QUICKLY AND WELL SERVED. Our store is modernized in every de- partment that properly pertains to the drug business, Our patrons are quickly and avell served, and go away satisfied that we are worthy of their confidence. As in the past Paine's Celery Com- pound still ranks as our leading family medicine. Its marvellous curing record is sufficient to recommend it to every ailing and sick men or avolottn. A full supply of the genuine Paine' s Celery Coinpound always 111 I CO= A. Caataantx, Druggist, Win girt= , Ont. It is‘siticl that Tarkey has just con- cluded a contract with the Krupp Man- aftteturing Company for the purchase of sixteen batteries of quick.firing guns, at a cost of ,t 00,000. The 'United States and other nations with .claims will press for settlement with greater pertinacity than ever. 06.U. 811)112%101' Coughs are often hardest to shako oft, and frequently lead to consumption. Better have them cured eromptly by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, the hest remedy for healing the lungs end cueing all kinds ef coughs and colds. Is the Fraucl o the Day. Horne Druggists Will not Try to Substitute Anything for Dr. Pit- cher's Backache Kidney Tab- lets 'Somme they know About the local Testi.. rnony of People in Wingham cured by This Medicine. V. H. Kerney, proprietor of barber shop, Josephine St., Wingham, says:— "The position taken in any work, half stooping, and the strain consequent in this position, and the long hours ox, my feet brought on a constant pain in the back. I was induced to try Dr. Pitcher's Baekaohe Kidney Tablets and got a bot- tle of Colin Campbell, druggist. The one bottle was all that was necessary. Since then it has been all right and have had no trouble, This is a relief and I can heartily endorse them, D. Rush, Josephine St„ Wingham, says :— "Some time ago I was told of the good effects of Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets and got a bottle at Colin Camp- bell's drug store for use in my family. Two of the household wore suffering from backache and headache due to a kidney trouble and took them with good effects. We did not use the entire bot- tle, but from the mid easy effect obtain- ed. can recommend them to others." If you have the slightest symptom of kidney or bladder trouble you can test this great medicine free, Arrange- ments have been made whereby every reader of this paper can obiain a trial package of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid- ney Tablets absolutely free by enclosine- a two cent stamp for postage to tho Pitcher Tablet. Co., Toronto, Ont. Wheu giving address mention this paper. If ei'ou are convinced Pitcher's Tablets aro what you want, you can purchase regular size for 50 cents per bottle. If not obtainable at druggists, =Sled free of postage o11 receipt of price. Paw in Nev Trouble. A While ago the Dockter told paw he must Take more Exersize than lie Could get putting up awnings and painting Porches or Ennything of., that kind, so paw joined a Jim nasyum and is Lurning to bo a nathleet. Uucle wesley wanted him to Join the golf club, but paw Told him he hadn't enny youse for that game becoz it duzzent help a Person to Lurn the manly art of self Defence. We could see a big change in paw rite off after He joined. The first nito he came home with a nawful Leaking Eye, and a Few days after that he neerly Broke a.Laig falling offn aHorry Zontul bar. "But never mind," he told maw when she Complained about it. "They say these things happen to Everybuddy when they Begin. After I get a little ust to it I can stand a Blo that would nock a nos Down and ase fer more, and it's always a Good thing to no How to put up Your hands, becoz you never no what mite Happen." "Yes," maw sayo; "I've uotust that, speshelly when you start out to Do ennything." Besides going to the Jim nazyum, paw flirt up a place to exersize in the attick, with a Prumhen bag and Injun clubs and a Lot more things to Give you mussul. The other nito Uncle wesley and Aunt grace and the Bassetts come over to make it plesuut for us, and paw Got to telling thom About the way he had Things rigged Up, and Mrs. Bassett sed she would give ennything in the world to See a Boxing match, becoz she had Herd so lunch about it. So paw invited them up in the attick •to see Him punch the Bag, and after he did that a While he est Uncle wesley if he wouldn't like to put on the Gluvs for a Frendly round. Uncle wesley is about a Hed taller than paw and ways 200 Pouuds before meels. He sed ho Didn't care to make a munkey of himself before the folks, but paw says: "Oh, you needn't be afrade do that l I'Il do it For you!" Paw and Mrs. Bassett were the only ones who seen the joke and it seemed to Tickle them a Good Deal. I gess Apnt grace didn't like the way they Left about it, so she told Uncle wesley to go ahed and put them on just to Sho that he had a Frendiy Speernt. "All rite," Uncle wesley say, "but of Corse I don't purtend to Be a Boxer," When they got the Gluvs on, paw "Nov yeti See the Difference between Otir Size. Wes, you're neerly twice as Big as 1 a,m, and you have a narin on you, that ot to Bo powerful. Bat it's not Only strewth that Counts in this World. Look at David and the Giant. If it wouldn't of Been for David's skill What Sho would ho Ever steml?‘ Symmo is the thing that counts in this world every tints. Now, I'll just sho' you people the difference between Syance and btoot strehgth." They Had thare Cotes off, and We all stood Back to give them room, and they Begun to Fiddle for a impelling. Paw danced around a good cleat and pet on alot of extry flurrishos to sho how tho Thing ot to be Done if a person Wanted to 13n artistick, and then he hit. Uncle wesley a smash on the 'Cheek and I gess it made Uncle wesley mad or Sunithing. ior ho hailed off in His Big oltward unsyoutiffie Way and Let paw Have ono on the End of the Chin, We could see the Dilterimee between Sytince and Broot stronth with the naked 1 rite there. After while paw set up and Looked around liko if he wondered if he had only Fell oirn the platform or if the Hole trate Had Rolled over on Top of him, and when he could spook he sed it was a 'Chance blo. "Yes," Mrs. Bassett told him, "we could all see that plain wail. If you woulau't of chanced to be there, it wouldn't of Touched yen. But what's the good. of Spume if it Can't keep the Thing yon Don't expect from always Happening?" — Georgie in Chicago Times -Herald. "Tho Better Pert Of valor is discretion," and. the better part of the treatment of disease is pre- ventiou. Disease originates in impuri- ties in the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla, purifies; the blood, People who take it at this season say they aro kept healthy the year round. It is because this medi- cine expels impurities and ma.kos the blood rielt and health -giving. All liver ills are cured by Hood's Pills. 25e, .1.1L1flXIYALF. Intended for last week. • The Queeu's Birthday celebration iu Wingbam, last Thursday was well at- tended by people from this neighborhood The 21th used to bo celebrated. in Blue - +ale, would yez believe it! There were good crowds, plenty of well contested games, brass baud music from our own band—Blusvale had a band once. Would yez believe that too?—and.. visiting bands, a brave lot of calithumpians and good foot races. The bare legged run- ners started up past King's farm and puffed into the village amid lots of yell- ing and enthusiasm. Bobbie Sibbald's little candy shop was a busy place that day and in the afternoon when the crowd was the thickest it was almost impossible to get either in or out for it was like "the sea pushing to got in and the lakes struggling to get out." An old tinker, whoby almost constantly sing- ing the song came to be called "Olcl Moriarity," for years paid us his annual visit about the 24th of the merry mouth and his singing of :— "My uniform is navy blue, And it fits me like a duck. I court the ladies through the streets, And. through the mud and muck. I'in i dandy cooper on the broaclway squad, I'm a merry politician M. 1'., When I get out you hear them shout 'Are yez there Moriarity?' " will always be associated with our early recollections of the Queen's Birthdays. Then there wasthe band bpys' good concert at night, to properly finish off the busy day. Coming home at night one would 'stumble over Old Morality lying drunk and stupid on the sidewalk —We had a sidewalk then, but yez couldn't believe that !—now chanting dolorously "if my Mary Ann don't stay at home I'll bate her wid a stick." But all this was "many, many years ago." A Good Stomach Is essential to health and happiness, but don't blame the stomach for biliousness, it is the liver that is deranged, and causes poisonous bile to remain in the blood causing indigestion, headache and irregular action of the bowels. Dr.. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills regulate the liver, kidneys and bowels and by- their direct action on these organs effect prompt and lasting cures of biliousness, dyspepsia, headache and all kidney ail- ments. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers. • Ts Marriage a Failure? It would be a matter of some interest to the country to hear the views Of Mrs. Professor Sumner Nthe theory that 90 per cent of the marriages are failures.— Baltimore News. Professor Sumner, ()Made, should take something for his liver. • His de- claration that 90 per cent of the. mar- riages are unhappy indicates that Ile is either bilious or dyspeptic.—Cleveland Leader. Professor Sumner told the senior class of Yale that 90 per cent of the marriages nowadays turn out unhappy. And probably 90 per cent of the hearers will go right ahead and get married, just as if the professor had not warned them.— Buffalo Express. Severe Headaches. "For some time I was troubled with severe headaches. I tried Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders and got im- mediate relief." Mrs. N. Burke, Lindsay, Ont. Corm nil name Why is an umbrella like a peneeke? Because it is seldom seen after lent. What tree bears the remit fruit to the market?. Tho axle -tree. Wliat great Seoteliman would you name if a footman knocked at your door! John Knox. Wily is a pretty girl like an eecellent mirror? She is a good looking lass. What affection do laudlords moet ap- preciate. Parental (pay -rental.) Why is a pig with a curly email-int- atiou like the ghost of Hamlet's father? Becauee be could a tail unfold. Why (lees a dressmaker never lose her hooks? Because she hes an eye to each of them • Why are quinine and gentian like the Germane? Because they are two tellies (Teettonies). Why are nose caul chin at continual variance? Because words are away§ passing between them. • During 1899, 310 running race ineet- ings with 7,200 races were held ia the United States and Canada, During the last six yea offiicilreport, only one Am • • horse has11 been imported into ..:isfeeliei- latiods. . • •-• ree "Well, Maggie," asked a teacher of a little girl in Scotland, "how is it you are so late in corning to school to -day?" "Please, sir," was the reply, "there wassa woo bairn cam' to oor hoose this mornin'." "Ah!" said the teacher, with.a smile. "and wasn't your father very pleased with the neav baby?" "No, sir, my father is awa' in Edinburgh the noo, an' disna ken about it yet; but it was a guid thing my mither was at hame, for gin she had been awa' wadna hao kent what tae dee wi't." A Youthful Scout. Probably the youngest volunteer noev serving his country at the front is Trooper Stephen Louis Biddington. He was engaged in the Dundee branch of the Natal bank and on the outbreak of the war was transferred to the city branch but resigned his position to join. 'It" Squadron of Colonial Scouts, for which his physique and bearing Made him readily acceptable, although short of the prescribed ago. He is the eldest son of the poplar station muster of Dundee, where he rendered valuable and appreeiative seeviee to the artilliety. Miller's Worm Powders for restless. nese and peovisimese, leor sale at Colin A, Campbells Drug Sto The Post.Generel is nowproperiug ft r the publie risea small book of stamps, in which the leaves of stamps aro septa,- Ittoa by loaves of paraffin paper and can bo Carried 1» the vest pccitet without tile usnel terisfortune of Laving them. stick together. .itteeZP'salileteAMIteele Tells the story. When your head aches, and you feel bilious, consti- pated, and out of tune, with your. stomach sour and no appetite, Aid buy a package of 11P rim' 1 Elie Cap ZIPS ilia And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. You will bo surprised at how easily they will do their work, cure your headache and biliousness, rouse the liver and make you feel happy again. 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers. orse Bil s As the season. is Liow Approaching when these bills will be needed by horsemen, we would say to all such that the TIMES office is well equipped for turning out this class of work.. A splendid line al.suitable cuts. Reasonable rates. THE MILK OF, T,HE HOLSTEIN DAIRY is pure and cold and costs • • • THREE CENTS A QUART. MILBURN'Sr flEARTAt'iDNER • PILIZS 7), N • • if Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just what every weak, nervous, run-down woman needs to make her strong and well. They cure those feelings of smothering and sinking that come on at times, make the heart beat strong and regular, give sweet, refreshing sleep and banish head- aches and nervousness. They infuge new life and energy into dispirited, health -shat. tared women, who have come to think there is no cure for them. Reed the words of encouragement in this letter from Mrs. Thos. Sornmars, CH& ton, New London, "Last fall 1 was in a very serious con- dition suffering from nervousness and weakness, 1 got so bad at last that 1 could hardly move Around, and despaired or over getting well. Seeing Milburn's Heart and • Nerve Pills highly recommended for such conditions 1 purchased a box. "13efore 1 had taken hall of it 1 could hotice•mi improvement in ray condition and when I had used two boxes 1 was Com. plat ely cured. "It was Weridertul how these pills took away that dreadful feeling of nervousness 41garvecnolnlirioae strierilgglI "1 eltsm to my neigh. hoe -Whe was troubled With ilerVOtistiesSI an d they mired ,r, too. We ell think there is nothing equal to Milburn's Mart And Nem. rills,"