HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-18, Page 8M. H,
A perfectly assorted stock
of every kind just opened this
Carpets and Lace Curtains.
Men's Hats and Umbrellas.
Dress Goods and Silks.
Laces and Embroideries.
Table Linens and Napkins.
Ready-made Clothing .
and Shoes.
Every day this month will
have its own attractions and
On Saturday special prices
,on Gloves, Hosiery, Remnants
of Dress Goods and Carpets.
50 pairs Towels at jc, worth
15c,. Saturday only at
kir Fr McMinn
The. Presbytery of Maitland met here
nn Tu edgy. An official revert of the
proceedizitts will appear in cur next
I)r. Potts reports that to 1day 12th the
'Methodist century fund reached $779,-
215.i8. This will be the st1111 rt ported
to the June conferences,
RUir. Gee). P. Salton, foruterly of
Prussels has been invited by the Quar-
terly Board of Centenary church, ilcunil-
ton, to remain the pastor for the fourth
The Routau Catholic bishop, of the :
different Weems of Quebec ale making
the teething of the English lu:gnage
compulsory in he schools nutter their
Rev. Canon Davis, of Sarnia, brother
of H. Davis, of town, was recently pre-
sented with a purse of $135 by his con-
gregatiou, and was :given one mouth's
holidays to recuperate his health.
Rev. R. Robbs expected the Rev. T,
S. Linscott of publishing house fame to
peach educational sermons on .Sunday,
but as that gentleman oannat be present
Mr. Hobbs will preach on the same sub-
ject himself. Collections will bo taken
up iu aicl cf Methodist educational
iiow Wixegham Will Celebrate icer Ma-
jesty's Birthday—Sports and Concert.
Never has Wingham's 24th May bill
of fare been so inviting. The program
has so many eutertaing features that
every taste is sure to be tickled. Ladies
and gentlemen remember that our Fire-
men are paying $500 to please you—$500
for games and amusements. The ball
will start at 10 a. in. and end at 10 p. zn.
The first event will be a baseball match
between Wroxeter and Wingham.
Clinton was to have played but owing to
their inability to get a pitcher they have
defaulted. At one o'clock the Grand
The statistics of the Presbyterian
caurch itl Gamlen show remarkable
prosperity. Outof a population of ditty;
more than five millions, it has a total
membershipof 212,020; six synods, fifty-
three Presytezies, 1,018 ministers in
active work in various departments, 108
on the retired roll, or without charge;
237 ordained missionaries, and 233 stue.-
eats in the thealcgical classes.
The weekly temperance meeting in.
the Town Hall on Sunday night was
fairly attended, considering the warm-
ness of the night. Rev. J. W. Goffiu
addressed the audience, speaking tn.
"Battling for the Right." The musical
exercises were conducted by Mrs. Goffiu,
who presided at the piano and lead the
singing of gospel hymns. Mrs. E. P.
Paulin assisted Mrs. Goffin in a very.
nicely rendered duet.
The W. C. T, U. meeting in the town
hall on Sunday night will reveal some
"dark horses." A member in charge in-
forms us that the speakers are to be of.
the best kind, and the music will be as
good, if not better than given before.
We are glad that so much interest is
being taken iu these meetings; not only
for the good that may be done, but for
the encouragement it gives to the ladies
in charge. The next meeting promises
most interest of any in the series.
Ab the meeting of the Presbytery of
Huron, a call was presented by Rev. A.
Stewart from the Seaforth church to
Rev. Mr. Larkin, of Chatham. It was
signed by 351 members and 83 adherents
so was practically unanimous. The
promised stipend is a handsome one,
being $1400, payable quarterly in ad-
vane. Together with this there is a
manse and a mouth's holidays in the
dog days. The call was sustained and
ordered to be transmitted to Mr. Larkin
with the request that Chatham deal with
it as speedily as possible.
A public meeting in the interests of
the Woman's Missionary Society will be
held in the Methodist church next Tues-
day evening, 22nd inst. at 8 o'clock. Ad-
dresses ;will be given by Rev. W. Rigsby,
of Kincardine, Rev. F. J. Oaten, of
Belgrave and Mrs. Gordon Wright, of
London. On the following day, 23rd, a
Parade and Calithumpian Procession `roman's missionary convention will be
will "procesh" to the park. • Wo learn held in the C. O. F. hall, (opposite .the
that great interest is being taken in the post office). There will be two sessions,
Calithumpian procession by the young moaning and afternoon; beginning at
men of town- The representations will
9.80 and 2 o'clock. Prominent mission -
include Queen Victoria, South African ary workers from London and other
notables, circus, menagerie and many places will be present. Ladies of all
other funny features. The prize offered, denominations will be welcome.
$25, should make competition keen. The Presbytery of Owen Sound has
Parade will also include Kincardine and sent to the General Assembly an over
Goderich, bands, Goderich, Wroxeter tare dealing with the appointment of
and Wingham baseball teams. The elders. The overture is as follows:
May Pole and Flag drill will be given by
"That congregations so preferring by a
40 young ladies under the direction of majority of members in full communion,
Miss Houghton. We know these drills
present at a congregational meeting
will be very gracefully executed. Herb.
f theo b teven
tricks in jugglery. What is new is new
from the pulpit on two Sabbaths prey
The Baptist coegregati•'n has mule
thee'purchase of a new pipet r gan.
Tho seventh =mil Sunday school
conventicle: and :l'vuridoraual meeting
of Huron county will be held in Trinity
church, Blyth, ea Tuesday, May 20;b.
Sunday was. Ellsworth League Day in
the Methodist ebur e lit, The interior was
tastefully decorated and presented .a very
pleasing appearauo; . The Junior Lea-
guers took oltargo t -f the u reingservico
anti we are safe to say that all present
were more than deli:;hted. The musical
sections were ver,)' appropriate, and the
singing of tite ebildren showed careful
training. Tho reports of the various
officers were giv.'i , showing a mentber-
eltip of 75, width is very creditable es
the League has been organized only nine
months. Besides contributing to missions
and church schemes they have been able
to place a deposit is the bald;;. Rev. R.
Hobbs gave' a short address. The meet-
ing in the evening. by the Seniors was ;
also very interesting. The pastor gave
an address on Epworth League 'work,
showing its benefits socially, and he the
church, and the stimulation that is given
tQ good works by the bona of unity of
such organization. Walter Hall made a
resume of the year's advancement, giving'
the moneys collected and how spent;
the work, charitable and social; increase
iuineznbersnip, especially after revival
of last autlltnn—ia short, the onward
movement of the sooiety for the past
year was defined. A fitting reference
was made to the member of the League
new in South Africa, David Lougheed.
George Awde gave .a parer relating to
missions, showing the small beginnings
and the encouraging after efforts. The
point was touched on that through the
efforts of Wingham Epworth League,
our district was now supporting a mis-
sionary in the field. Pleasing features
of the evening service were the solos by
Miss Hattie Reich and W. J. Greer; a
quartette by members of the choir was
also very acceptably rezeived. The total
collections for the day amounted to $20.
To the Master Workman, Officers and
• members of Wingham Lodge, No.
136, A. O. U. W.:
GENTLEarEly,—I beg to acknowledge
the receipt of a cheque for $2,000, being
the amount of a beneficiary certificate
whiuli my late liusbimd, jute. W. Walker
hold in your Order. I desire to thank
you and through you, the Grand Lodge
for the promptness with which the pay-
ment was made. I desire, also, to
thank the Brethren for their many acts
of kindness and words of sympathy, and
I trust that your noble Order may have
increased prosperity.
Yours respectfully,
�%vightman well give some old and new called or perp se y notice
Neee 4. -entirely new. In the afternoon hose- iously, may elect ruling elders, or
ball. match Goderich will play the wilt -
for a term of yeas,.the same to
ners of the morning game. The Scotch- bo eligible for re-election at the expiry
man's heart will be delighted with a of the toren, provided always that the
liberal amount of Highland Piping and term. be not fewer than five years. The
dancing. The list of Athletic sports Session of Deacons Board shall deter•
comprises nine races with prizes for mine the order in which the several
finishers first and second. A Tug -of- members shall retire, and when the
War and Firemen's fight closes the day's election shalt be held."
in lim
outdoor enjoyment. The regular meeting of the W g a
In the Town Hall at night a concert is distriet,of the Methodist church will be
to be given. We need only say that Jim held in the Methodist church here on
Vex and Tessa McCallttnx are the stars. Tuesday and Wednesday of nest week.
Mr.Faxtrill sing "Muldoon of the Are
The ministerial sessions will be held on
Brigade," which is one of his best. Miss Tuesday, and on Wednesday the min -
McCallum will give the "Funeral of inters and laymen will hold sessions.
G.,,, .' i iNat)r.)tripc+" as taken front the The following is a list of those who will
. i :, -•. + ' ":zru of e i i attendance, also the nantes of the
7i'he undese+ic aelat Tet 03, Co'wessioa_8, Bast
We:mano: h, lets a ,,ns:ttity of good line for
(11iAki. CA:1iPB1uT,7,,
Ltirnoc•lt P.O.
o i
1Vo are still in the building business and are
prepared to tuko contracts for the erection of
all kinds of buildings,
Plans and specifications furnished on short
notice. Workmanship guaranteed and at rea-
sonable rates.
Residence Dhagnol street, opposite Francisstreet,
The undersigned here. " es the public:"
that he has purchase .e hotel business at
present carried on by ohm Scandrett at Bel -
grave, lmown as the Queen's Hotel, and that
the license. will be transferred.
and anyone having livestock or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the -Tx -Ares. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. Wo cant guarantee
that you win sell because you may ask more
for the article or stock than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the TIMES and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
13.,,E:.,_•'' r , ... „ iii :,:s • t :c:ttecl -by
Miss Maz...,in ht c,f town. sand Mies
Murphy of Mount Forest, Herb.
Wighinan will also assist. Plan opens
at litorrow's Drug Store on Saturday at
Tender. rill be receivedby the Counci . f the.
Muni 't ality of Tur terry
up to 4 o'clock
widening and c e
and lith Concessio
Drain. Security
Council will. be req
formance of the work
and specifications of
The lowest or any
cepted. Profile a
at the office of
vale on and aft
Any other'
gineer s es
from an
., Monday, , • 28th, for the
ening of tl . 1 rain on 10th
known s the Armstrong
the . tisfaction of. the
or the faithftil per-
ording to the profile
Township Engineer.
denot necessarily ac,
Succi•ttions can be seen
e 'rbwns) . Clerk in Blue -
Monday, Ma 4th next.
ormation as to . • yment of Bn-
ates monthly can .. a obtained
ember of the Council, from the
ntractor to pay Engineer • malang
s. Tenders to he addresse. o John
T'p Clerk, Biuevale P. O.
By order,
novele, May 7th, 1900. T'p Clet
rt. of Rovis
T'p l East Wa ash
The first sittingo
Appeal fot' the Town
for the present year
ail Room, Marnocl
or P
Down. floor gallery,
opp. Presb. Church.
The best value in the nnarl et.
Gas line and 011 Stoves
it you intend, painting it will pay you to look at a few of the many
houses that were painted with, S. W. P. last season :—Miss Fisher (two
houses;) A. Casens, W. J. Chapman, Chas, llenderson, Benj. Jenkins (two
houses, )
Family Groups a Specialty.:®� •4.wac.;,tw, :t . � � � ��` � :,)w 1--.)
Eula=ging, Copying, Remounting. Tj
would be useless unless
the fit, style and quality
were apparent to back up
every statement. We
don't talk volumes, but
our suits talk for us, and
our prices will suit you. i
Leave your order for
that new
urt of Revision and
f EtCv'
a atvnnosh
be held at the Cotnn-
ot 34, Con. 9, on
FRI ' ' Y, 25th NST.,
at 10 o'clock a. nt
All p , ons interested are hereb equirecl to
take•tree and govern. themselves a..erdingl.y.
ork's Otliee, T'1 lerk
East Wawailosh, May f,1000.
p )Itl s with whom they are billited:'--y r� tftr N 1 1.
Et v. 1:igsbvandwife De. Towler r►i� n L➢ YI A d N
" Learoyd
" Holmes and wife
" (*ellend;nilwifc'
'S Ho.king and wife
(1 at hat and wife
alar prices. Lake and wife
1�p Rogers and wife
The firemen have already begun l' ()iivant and wife
work iu preparingthegrounds. „ liprwn:•1t nttd wife
Ks,in,+Ftndv�tfe -�
" Hwann and wile
Encouraging, reports Como freer$its- „ Raker and f0
eardiue, Goderich, Clinton, Itarriston�'( " Arid,' ndrt if°
td Mount Forest ns to number, coining +• t7aten nnd'ivifo
to visit us on that day, and altogether ;inure'
the day p •onlises one of tho largest Mrs. t#ordon Wri ht Logien
crowdos our Own has held, and also the Mrs. (Rev.) Cattntngl�am
best entertainment over catered to The lay delegate from
�iting multitude. will board with Itis pastor.
J. IL Gordon
1• G. Sperling
y ,Howson
wtrt. Pessant
Dr. Kennel
.7. J. Hotnutivt
Win. Button
.Tohn liteCool
X. J. Pattison
H. Bennett
B..7. Tindall
.7. Brttclwin
7 ..T. Skelton
E. P. Paulin
Thos. Gregory
W. Button
T. 7,
each 'circuit
Take notice that the Court of Revision for
Municipality of Turnberry
will hollt its first Bitting its Ilsty's Miall, Bine.
Yule, Uri
MONDAY, DAY, 14)LA`ii 28th, 1900
at the hour sof 1 o'eloek
All parties intereetcd will 1)'lense take notice
and wren t-rutselec :s accordingly.
,T01314* 14u11G014,
Blrote�rale, May e, WOO, (dark.
E. C.
Stand next Griffin's Grocery.
ew irocery
If you want to get fresh
groceries call on R. S. Reid.
Good Wine and Arrowroot
Biscuits, 4 lbs for 25c.
is with us. You may need
a Whitewash Brush. We can
supply you. We can also give
you the best to be had in
brooms, whisks and clothes
A nice present -given away
with every $r:o.00 worth of
goods you buy.
R. S. Reid
Shaw Block.
�ti s
style, cutting, making, the desire to
please ante; to give the utmost value, puts
the question of satisfaction of our cus-
tomers beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Nigh Classed Tailoring
is not necessarily high-priced. You will
find proof of this by calling:on us, ex -
entitling our goods, getting prides and
leaving yotlr order for a salt.
A wonderful antiseptic compound.
A few. Reasons why you should
What it will do.
1, Prevents all contagious diseases
from approaching where it is used.
2. It will clean and polish paint
work and not kill the gloss on it.
3. It will clean carpets without
taking them up.
4. It will clean linoleum like new.
5. It will clean bicycle chains and
use Novo.
6. It will clean and remove paint,
oil and grease stains from woollen
and cotton clothing. Also cleans
coat collars and bats.
- 7. It contains uo alkali, and is
strongly recommended for washing
- the head, as it imparts a silky and
natural gloss to the hair.;
r,jt is especially useful for children.°f
y C rri
. We have the very latest in this line and prices are right.
Cut No. 1. Cut No. 2.
(As a Carriage.) (As a Cart.)
With the beautiful, warm Spring days, a desire creeps into every
house -keeper's heart to clean up the house a.nd make everything look bright;
and new. To aid you in this, we have put in 'an immense stock of
Bed -Room Suites, Side Boards, Extension
Tables, Fancy Chairs, Etc., •
in fact everything that pertains to the comfort of the home. We have the
latest and best designs on the market, and leave placed our prices so very
,owl that they are within the reach of everybody, and at the same time be-
yond the competition of other dealers. Now, we do not ask you to take
our word for this, but call and see for yourself; if you are not satisfied do
not buy.
See cur special Spring line of Parlor Suites, in Silks, Rugs, Velours
and Tapestries. All the latest styles.
Furniture Dealers and Undertakers.
We are offering bargains in all kinds of Stoves.
We keep everything in the tin line from a large milk can
to the smallest tin cup, and are selling milk cans and pans at
the old prices. Also a full stock of Graniteware always on
hand, The best �-
Ooal Oil i° ;toves
Bird Cages, Lamp Goods and House Furnishings.
We claim to do the best Eavetroughing work in the
Tenders on Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Roofing Metal
Ceilings, Siding etc., always acceptable.
Gasoline and Coal Oil at right prices.
Remember the Stone Store when you want anything ht
Rohl. Maxwe
Son,ih Art Tailor, GVfngham. Btgg