HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-18, Page 4;rt.' loiramtrzra.mma
Syrupof White Pine and Tar
for Coughs and Colds
is the best.
Try it once and you. will
use 110 other.
Price 25 ets. for large bottle
Campbell, the Druggist.
tt j f 1h1;;sinthe Tian `
istniPork caetory' had tvixclir rx NARK= lz.a'oxtry,
L ! t" t !f ! Itis Auer very badly out asa, result of SViu,Illazn, M:>V 17: t000.
111111 E,1 1 the c:lrel.'ssuess of the dresser v.1.10 stood Flour nor 100Ls, ... ...... 1 85$ to 2 00
next him. Fred will be ori: work fora Fall Wheat • • • • ... 0 62 to 0 03
time. Spring Wheat ......... 0 00. to 0 00
AS TOLD BY ONE WHO HAS UNDER -Oats, •..... , . •,.,,. 020 to 0 27
lr Adam McKay has ceased working Barley .... .. 3335
.... 0 to 0 35
with the Listowel Chair Co. C. O. Peas . 0 56 to 0 58
Stuart also found conditions unsatis- Tae# ys' c1A4yw11.,.7..,•. 0 09 to 0 10
lj i .IlAltll 1 fJialC AND E POSURE'WALL KINDS
i While life as a farmer is one of coat-
siderablo independence, it is very far
' from being one of ease. The very nature
ti of the calling is one that exposes its fol.
,co lowers to all sorts of weather, and it is
po.hapsnot surprising that so many
farmers suffer _from chronic ailmbnts.
Mr. Thos. McAdaan, of Donal h,P. E, I.,
is a fair example of this class. Mr. Me -
Adam Himself says: ---„I was always
looked up;,n.as one having arugged eou-
stitution; but the hard work, coupled
with the• exposure incident to life on a
farm, ultimately proved too much for
me. About eighteen months ago I was
attacked with pains in the small of the played the first game in the Western
back and thighs. At first they were of I Football League series on the 'Varsity
field Saturday.
-Camp Macpherson, S. .0. S„ of
Kincardine intend having a gala day
on June 21st. Scottish games will be
the main attraction.
The only "Judge" Doyle is in town
IsTotico of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Thursday of each week.
FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1900.
LlI3 A]L`3 OT` EAST }uai3ON.
As announced last week the Liberals
of East Huron for both Dominion and
C+oeal House will hold their annual Con-
'-*VeniioltiniErussels on Wednesday. A
candidate will be nominated for thee
Commons. An evening lnectiug will
also bo hold at which seats will be re-
served for ladies. The following gents
mien are expected to take part in the
mays proceedings : A. Campbell, M. P.
for Kent; J. McMullen, M. P. for
•Wellington; Dr. McDonald M. P.; Arch,
Bislop, M. P. 1'. and others. Five dele-
gates will be allowed from each polling
sub -division. If one may judge by the
xtumbers and enthusiasm of past con-
ventions, we prophesy an encouraging
Mr. Lud K. Cameron, the accountant
of the Ontario Legislative Assembly,
states that the total cost of the late ses-
tet= was $50,631.80, as against $58,136
for last year. This includes the sessional
,clerks: .
The Hotise f Commons is at best a
+dry, uninteresting, solemn place. Were it
mot for afew`suph.men like Nicholas
Mood Davine,the members would soon
lose power to smile.' The other day the re-
doubtable Jhn*j' Mc1Vlullen insinuated
that Nicholas Flood lead rooms to let in
upper tor; that his brain was
green, andpnoreoyer compared his bald
head to a iskatiirg rink. Nicholas re-
plied: "If I've;, got rooms to let in my
pper story, they're furnished, and that's
sore than he,. Gait say. If I'm green,
.len he is yel',low. I may have a skating
xink on the trop of my head, but though
'm snore bold -headed than he is, I'm
ot so bare -faced•" About two
r weeks ago Mr. Fhnt (N. S.) I
lwas speaking on temperance.
Re related his experience in an Ameri-
ican city. He said, "I visited fourteen
as nuns.-." Here he was interrupted
13Y the most uproarious applause. It
'was some time before he was allowed to
fttotory. Both gentlemen may be Duc l,s, per pan , . .0 40 to 0 50
employed in Pinkerton, where Mr, Butter . , . , . ; . • 0 11 to 0 12
Stuart is now visiting Wood.
per dcz. , . 0 oa to a 10
'` Wooci per cord ,,.. 0 00 to 0 00
Hay per ton..., 700 to 700
Potatoes per bushel 0 20 to 0 25
Tallow per lb ...... , 0 05 to 0 00
y Lard .. . • 0 12 to 0 12
Dulinage DIied Applea per Pa , , . 0 05 to 0 05
Wool ..,... ,.,.., 0 00 to 0 00
Dressed Ilegs 0 50 to 7 CO
Chickens . 0 35 to. 0 40
Srorturm Norm.
Per Godea:ieh thisseason
and McCartney will pitch;
will be behind the hat.
The base ball game announced for to-
day between Wingham and Teeswater
has been declared off.
The Harristou Browns B.. B. C. are
billed to play against the Maple Leafs
of Guelph at ]'ordwieb. on the 24th.
The Clinton Tennis Club aro trying to
arrange a schedule of games with Hen-
sall, Seaforth, Blyth and Winghare.
The Berlin mangers and the Riversides
an. intermittent nature,, and while they
were extremely painful, would pass
away after a day or two, and might not
bother mo again for weeks. As the at-
tacks after each interval, grew more and
more severe, I became alarmed and eon -
salted a doctor who said the trouble as having taken a position in the Bank of
lumbago. His treatment wool give Hamilton, He will bo seen on
temporarily relief and not ',• g more, our diamond before the season ends.
and ultimately I was almo a cripple. Archie 1Vlcdordio, a lacrosse player
To walls, or even to o about in a from Lucknow, has secured a position in
chair,or turn in b , • caused intense
the dry goods store of Learoyd Bros., in
agony, and in g, bout I Had to de Mitchell, and will play with the Mitch -
pend upon a cIf I attempted to ell lacrosse team this season.
stoop or pick : i thing up the pain would
be almost unbearable. This condition
of affairs had its effect upon my whole
system,and for a man in the prime of
life, my condition was deplorable. I
think I had tried at least half a dozen
remedies before I found relief and a
euro, and this came to me through, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. which a friend
urged mo to try. I felt some relief be-
fore the first box was all gone and by
the time I had taken five boxes, I was as
well and smart as ever, and although
months have now passed. I have not had
any return of the trouble. My cure is
entirely due to the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and the only regret I have is
that I did not try them at the outset.
Had I done so I would not only have
been saved much suffering, but consider-
able money as well."
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this column from any of our readers. If you
have visitors or purpose going away yourself,
drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that
effect. ,
Miss Ada Cline is visiting in Seaforth.
Dr. W. J. Stephenson of London was in
town this week.
Peter McGillivray has returned home
from Kincardine.
John Bugg and wife are at present on
a visit to Detroit. •
Mrs. G. W. Wright, of Hawkesbury, is retary-treasurer, J. L. Killoran; man -
visiting her parents. 1 ager, R. C. Cheswright; committee, W.
Wm. Houston of the flour mill is in H. Baker, T. J. Stephens, L. C. Jackson,
Toronto for a few days. O'Neil, R. Cresswell, J. A. Jackson, B.
CHALLENGE. -Wo hereby obeltengt'
the Blyth foot. ball team to play a game
of foot ball. Game to bo played in May
in Blyth or Wingham as Blyth may
choose. Homo team to pay all expenses.
The Wingham Foot Ball Club.
The first game of the season will be
played on the town park on F aturday
evening, beginning at 6.30, between the
Clinton Collegiate Institute and B1ytl
foot ball teams. Some old and some
new men will kick. Everybody conte.
No admission.
The latest War'uews is that Clinton
has dropped oat of the league. They
lack someone to throw the ball, which
is a great lacking. It is whispered too
that they are short of rooters.. The
executive are seriously considering the
advisability of causing their franchise to
be forfeited. •
Iu the Blyth -Clinton Football match
the former won 1-0. Walter McKibben
played a wing. Newcombe who played
in the Hough Cup games in '95 held
down centre. Clinton have also played
Goderich winning 1-0. They played Sea-
2orth for the Hough Cup on May llth
and were beaten 1-0.
A large and enthusiastic meeting of
the supporters of the "Hurons" of Sea -
2 ortli was held in the council chamber
and elected the following officers for the
ensuing ,-year:-Hon.-president, Dr. C.
McKay; president, W. G. Willis; sec -
John Ansley conducted business in
Godericll on Wednesday.
f James McKelvie and John E. Swarts
i were in Blyth on Tuesday.
III Mrs. W. Cruickshanks and ;laughter
are visiting at Garden Hill.
Jerry Dunn of Omaha is visiting his
friend, Ashley Lister, this week.
Robert McDonoghleft to -day for Owen
Sound where he has a situation.
James Kerr of London Township is
visiting his son, John Kerr of town.
Geo. White has taken a position as
blacksmith with D. Ewan, Brussels.
Thomas Walker left for Burgessville
on Tuesday where he will buy cattle.
Mrs., Jno. W. Walker, san and daugh-
ter, went to Rochester, N. Y., this week.
Miss Mattie Merkley, of Belmore, is
visiting with Miss Mary Begley of town.
W. N. Walker has moved to Clinton
where he will work in Doherty organ
factory. .
..Miss Maggie Cowan, of Moorefield has
taken a position in the tailorshop of
George Carr.
Anthony and Mrs. Nichol returned
Tuesday evening from their honeymoon
trip. .
Charles McLean who has been with A,
L. Hamilton for some time has left for
-Times for 50 cents till January 1,
S01. Subscribe now.
The Welland Vale and Canada Cycle
Works at St. Catharines were destroyed
by fire On Wednesday. The loss will be
Olt a million dollars, and 500 men are
wn out of employment.
me designs,
Good Quality,
Robert Copeland, Gerrie, made a busi-
ness trip last week to Kincardine, Wing- town, your club and yourself, If the
ham and Teoswater. sacrifice is too great put tip your shut
Mr, Begley and daughter Mary spent tors and clasp shop.
Sunday last withhis daughter, Mrs. E.
Markley of Belmore. LIsrownL.
Mie. Stewart McGee who has boon { Assessor Sarvis, of Listowel, has corn -
visiting in Gollerich for $ome time re- pleted his roll for the present year. The
turned home last week, population is slightly under tasty ear's,
Rallll Hodgson loft on Monday fora being 2.517. There is also a decrease in
three weeks' stay. in Napaneo before the assessment, being about $20,000
leaving for British Columbia. less than last year. The figures
Ver Chea . this year show a total of $774,.
Pilliarn James of Perth who was once
Niaht calls at Button Block, or Fifth
tlooi' south of School House. Shop op-
- poet te
p--poPite 111 soden aid Mock.
General Insurance and Loan Agent.
Iu office eerier of Minnie and Patrick
Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat-
LIFE -The Ontario Mw dal.
FIRE -The Nan-tarilf Com-
ACCIDENT- The London
Guarantee and Accident,
Mo icy at Lowest Rates,
McDottArm.-In Wingham, on M. ev,ii6th, the 1
wife of T, T. McDonald of a son. 71t '
(WALD- Tey,"oil ay . , ewife of
ter McDonald of a son.
McQtarmaiN-In West Wawanosh, on May
the wife of Wm. McQuillan, of a daughter.
McQuxratart-In West Wawanosh, on Ma „,
Srd, the wife of Richard McQuillan, of a
Los -In Braila:1s, on May 7th, -the wife a
James Fox, of a son.
QLEsq LAWItiaTcu-In Morris, on May Oth,
by Rev. 11', 3, oaten 1t. J. Clegg to Miss Florence,
slaughter of C. W. Lawrence, both of Morris.
KERR-In Gorrie, on May IOtli, Francis
Charlotte Higgins wife of W. H. Kerr, aged 29
years, 1 month and 4 days.
The two hotels and liquor store at
Ripley are run by women.
Mrs. Heikey, an old lady, of Rainham
Township, was struck and killed by
Andrew T. White, M.P. P. for North
Renfrew, died at his home in Pembroke,
Tuesday morning. •
John Missner who lives near Wood
stock, is 105 years old, and is able to
shave himself twice every week.
The E. B. Eecldy Company of Hull
have decided to re -erect all their manu-
facturing buildings which were burned
down in the recent fire.
Tho Sanford Manufacturing Company
of Hamilton, has received a contract for
making 80,000 khaki uniforms for the
British army in South Africa.
Dean Murphy, of Dublin, is reported
to be seriously ill and slowly kinking.
He is i3 years of age, and well known.
His severe illness will bo hears with
deep regret.
A., S. A. Dickson, B. A., H. M. Jack-
ackson, K. McLean; captain, T. A. Wilson.
About twenty-five of the old players of
the "Hurons" were elected honorary
More Baseball proverbs: A fly ball
in the hand is worth half a dozen 'over
the fence; it is a wise person who knows
how to keep a score card; make first
base while the sun shines in the catcher's
eyes; a bad beginning makes a bad im-
pression on the grand stand; the
pitcher who goes to the races often gets
broke; it is a short • game that has no
kicking;•where there's a hit there's a
way to first base; where ignorance is
bliss, 'tis folly to attract the umpire's
Here are some facts and some advice.
Our ball -players are not getting down as
they ought. They wander into the park
three nights a 'week attired in nice black
trousers, clean white shirts, and the
latest in shoes. The game (that's the
wrong word) begins. The batter hits.
If he considers he has made a "sufficiently
good hit to allow him to walk to first,
he walks. If not he remains at home
and rests. The famous Kelly slide is
not in the same wagon with the slides
made by the fielders as their nice smooth
soles skate over the turf. Those are the
facts. Here is the advice: Put on
your sweaters, knickers and cleated
shoes. Bray the game for everything
that is in you. You owe it to your
tier and Optician
Macdonald l3iock
an employee of Orr & Code, is visiting ice' made up of teal property,
of itxeoine $5,900. Tho total number of
school claildron between 'the a ns of 5
friends and relatives in town.
$695,580, personal property °72,000, and
f lAndrow Jeffries, an undertaker of
London, is spending a week with S. , and 10 is returned at 408, and the num-
Gracey. Mr. Jeffries is also 'visiting his , her of animals in the town is given as
many relatives, Warwicks and Kings. follows: Dogs 123, cattle 194, hogs 00
hired Tiplatly, who has been dressing and horses 121.
You know a l l
about it. The
rush, the
worry, the
You go about
with a. great
weight resting upon
you. You can't throw
off this feeling. Y o u
area slave to your work.
Sleep fails,. and you are
on the verge of nervous
What is to be done? Take 61
For fifty years it has
been lifting up the dis-
couraged, giving rest to
the overworked, an d
bringing refreshing sleep
to the depressed.
No other Sarsaparilla
approaches it. In age
andin cures, "Ayer's" it;
"the leader of them ail."
It was old before other
sarsaparillas were born.
51.00 a Ionia. Alt druggtsls.
Ayer's Pills aid the ac-
tion of . Ayer's Sarsapa-
rilla. They cure bilious.
nest'. 25 ets. a box.
nave used Ayer's =amities kInes for
more than 40 years and Lave said to
Froin the 'tory start that you mads
the bast medicines in the world. I
MO sero your sara:tparin.t, raved my
life when I first tools it 40 years ago.
2 tint now bast 70 and am toner
'without your medicines,"
I',tA:irr. 'TnOMA r,11'. nit.,
tan. 2!,1x03. ;.Lon, Earsas,
I'J*1tt TAo nee MP.
iteu Imre any ecinfl nlnt whatever
as desire the brat nir reel ndvleo yatt
sin mom", reoivo, write tr•o ,i„ et,r
fror.Ty . You will roeeli,t a I,rompt re-
ply, { L;
t lthuat asst. A4rlret9,
DDn. J. U. A tlat, Lowell, itam t
1 II
This week'w•e are making quite a noise in our
Chinaware Departmeut. We have just put into
stock a crate of Opal goods called the "Bobs" assort-
ment. You may see these goods in our window.
They are very pretty, Collar Boxes, Cuff Boxes,
Tooth Brush Boxes, Comb and Brush Trays, Toilet
Bottles, &c. Reular price q.o to 50c, You may have
your choice for only 25c.
26 'Toilet Sets, as pretty as can be and good
quality, to pieces each; from $2.00 to $5.oQ. Some
of these sets are worth $8.00, but they must go,
Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, printed Porcelain, to
clear at $s.00.
FRENCH CHINA -We are sole agents for
these goods. Tea Sets $15.00 and up ; Dinner Sets
and odd pieces may be hacl at any time. If you're:a
lover of Fancy China, conte in and see these ;Gods.
DIAMOND DYES -A full stock of new
goods, any shade you want.
MAPLE SYTUP-Pure Mape Syrup from the
Province of Quebec, $1.20 per gallon.
No.• 1-7 lbs good Japan Tea or 01.00. Sati.factiou
money refunded.
No. 2-0. Er. D. & Co's 3-1b Box Biscuits for 20e.
No. 3-15e Bottle Mixed Pickles for 10e.
No. 4 -Flaked Peas and Beans for 10e.
No. 5 -Ladies' Cotton Bose, black, per pair, 5c.
No, 6-14 J3ars Electric Soap for 250. ,
No. 7-8 " Wonderful Soap for 25c.
No. .8-7 " Morse's Best Soap for 25c.
No. • 9--7 " Kerr's nure.Soap for 25c.
No. 10-A one pound bar Pure Soap for 5e.
We have a Largs Stock of Fire Works for the 24th,
Macdonald Block,
ee s! Se
T. A. MILLS has his stock of Field and Garden.
Seeds now complete in all the best known
varities consisting of
Red Clover, Mammoth. Alsike, Crimson, Lucerne and White
Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top, Mea-
eadow Fescue.
Also Chicago Long Grass.
I have the Celebrated Danish Sugar Beet, the best of all for milking -
cows. Mammoth White Intermediate Carrot. This Carrot has no equal as.
a Field Carrot.
Mammoth Long Red Manges: has been grown at the Agricultural`
Farm, weighing 78 Ibs, each.
Giant Yellow Intermediate, specially recommended for Cattle and,:
Hogs. This is a fine Cropper, weighing 45 lbs. each.
In Turnip Seeds I have the very best kinds known, including Steele's,.
Rennie's and Pierce's Seeds, and a new variety of Hardy Swede called the-.
Kangaroo. This Turnip has surpassed all the varieties the last season..
Try a lb:
The l5est known English Multiplier, 3 lbs. for 25e. Dutch Sets, 3 lbs..
for 25o. Potato Onions, 8 lbs, for 10e.
8 packages of the finest .Garden Seeds -tor 25e. Your own selection.
You do not need to take seeds that are no use to you in the lot.
Coin has become a valuable crop in this part, so have -devoted a good
deal of time to select only the best varieties for this part of the country,.,
comprising Crompton 's Early Sal lzerar Earl • North Dakota,
Improved Learning, White Cap, Dent, Glatt, Cuban and White
Buckwheat in Japanese, Silver Trull and Giant Black.
Dwarf Essex Rape the best known variety for stock or for soiling down,.
I have taken great care in the selection of seeds this season, and can
give you the lowest prices consistent to quality, as I am convinced quality
is much more to be considered than a few cents in price.
When you want seeds of all kinds call and examine my stock as I am
headquarters for values in seed,
• A Full line of House Furnishings, including so pieces of
Brussels, Tapestry, All -wool and Union Carpet for 25c and up.
Oil Cloths and Linoleuns 1 to 2 yards wide, P