HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-18, Page 2A Mean erellteme chest,
De Williams, (looderlialn P. ().,
(;)Lit , ito:; "I Naso ths,a•1 ITnyg:trtV
X31 s." ()1 fo?` IitalliS, t'nkln, $plaitia,
Brute •S, Sore rillto:tt and for polus iii
the Stennieh and Rowels, and xt !las
alwey e vixen rater. Day norther says it
is a f gut tr medicine chest in itself."
tnCsti ate/et:el la the militia,
The dietrt:t eilieer cemrea ding, Lt. -
Col. Hennes, of London, purposes to
permit the ne3 in camp on all ettrades
and duties, rule e otherwise specially
order te, of a special ullifornl slat of
straw to be looped tap on the left side
fastioned with regimental number, and
a shirt of grey :hake; flannel with a r. ll
collar and poel.et on left side. Any bat-
talion adop.ing this style of dress nine t
be all uniformed alike and shirts and
hats may be obtained by special con-
tract Teem Graham. B OS., of Loudon at
6O cents a shirt and 8 cents a hat, Of -
flews will weae paggarees ou their hats
of col. rs zippropriate to their regiment.
Saffe`•rd Intense Paaht.
ALS. Chas. Miller, Bowling Green,
Out., r.a,} s: "I have sufferect greatly
from Iullainm.uony rheumatism for two
years. My joint's would swell and the
paha was most severe. Could not get
out of bed. Milburn's Rheumatic. Pills
cured me "
"What are the young men doing in
the apartment where the type is as-
sembled?" inquired Editor Sheldon, of
the Topeka "Daily Capital," as the boy
reached out for the last revise. "They
are taking up .the usuanl collection,
sir." "Very good." Five minutes
later a grimy -faced urchin, with a two -
quart pail, slipped out into the alloy
. - 9
C .r e?'s
Little Liver Pills.
Must fear Signature of
See Fac-SiL^.ifa V'ropper Below.
Very sm. l it go cosy
to take as :ragas.
At r, rt,'".3 FOR HEADACHE..
ren Eti?IENSSS.
FON Ble.ihtiStzESS.
pt .T1:eeJ, le MU ST HAVE MATUR C.
"eats cats (Purely Vegetable: �9'e*f eoaG
by our immigration agoneh's tw papula-
: tion as alien as possible to .'Luglo-` axon
The poet Bums still lune lain admires, pedigree and ideas, The pAltaation of
and will long sneak t,7 thelneart and soul ; Australia is alsemix; d; that of the .0ape
of Inillians. The Scotch, especially, will Colony is still mer t sa, to say nothing of
never allow his faun to diminish, nor the lacks in the Wet I i ilea. To. all
lose their fondness for, and interest in,these hetereo;,oiwous elemente; England
lulls. Millions pay pilgrimage to his has given her l:vuguage, her litointere
birthplace. During Iast year no less and =eh ll of her law an 1 incl ittitti ns..
then 4l,49i) visited the humble, but rev- This is a fact of which every E.tgli hmau
rel spot. This oxeeeds all former' is jastly proud; but it is not a sufficient
rt.e rds, being 9,e0O9 ia excessof the , basis for lording it over a subject world.
prevb:us y. lir, and 4,29O more than in 1—Sun.
1595, when the ceuteuntnry year of the; Il)s(`ixnxt<=tan za) alt„
poet was'sO signally observed. -----
Lewis Carroll, in a letter to a child ? Brr ntuts. rlrrr truIcu 1)IDx'r L0` F, „IOP:
A little tickling in the throat—now ane'
then a dry, hacking eongh—"not bad
enough to bother about yon say."
But every hack makes a breach in the
system, strains the lungs and prepares the
way for more serious trouble.
'Twonld be wise for you to lake Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup now, before the
lungs become permanently affected.
It is the most certain and, satisfactory
remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Croup, Hoarseness, Bore Throat and
Whooping Cough.
Mrs. Geo. F. Foster, Lansdowne, N.B.,
has this to say:. "I was taken suddenly with
a cold which settled on my longe. I had
a terrible cough and it gave me great alarm.
All the remedies I tried seemed of no nee.
I then, started taking i.
Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup, which
oared me so promptly
.� thet it was a pleasant
etarprise. I shall
al ays keep it in the
house &tiring the winter
, -.-nut. Acal,l, s ouna von TIM I r a
friend, once mentioned a few things that I ,eeeeueLie I `.1) wXIA.T Tule, P'I1SIoLA.xt;.
I liko, very much indeed, a little mss -1 If' the thousands of people who rush.
tard with a bit:. f beet spread thinly un- to so worthy a remedy as a last resort
der it; and I like brown sugar ---only it ; wo�ld go to it as afirstresort, how unueln
he would litre for Iris birth:iay '' `CVel1 CoULDN r.
Don't Chide the
1 lalltl•1'Lng Bull
should have sel'3te apple preldieg mixed Al: I ersoll l I''it21)ltric'li, C:f((sal 1i1110gtLe,
with it to keep _t font being too sweet : f after being t,:oaietl by t1 inane plays_-
but perhaps w•'at I like beat of all is ii, eiaus for hen cliseuso of siva )user;
• ,• wee h, 3 •t .
salt, with sointi'sorp poured over it. `l'lno � standing ti.ab �,soliargecl from the lu;.•a,..
tau as a hopeless ineu.•ab. e. Tile 1 ts•
use of soup is ft.) hinder the salt^fronn . pmetal ci pe, e_ Agnewee sere fee, turn
being too dry; etnd it helps to melt it, Heart, slue clecTerod as a la -t resort, 0 .33
Thou there area' other lhiugs I lil.e; fur I close relieved every ae;(te spasm is less
ines— Uiy they should always ;than half an lour, an 1. three b) ala:,
nstance, pi
have a cushion ftut around them to keep ;clued her. Solt by A. L. Hamilton.
them warm. A d I liko twoor three i t € l ; , ,Y F•:: •••;':::-'P:'
handfuls of hal only they should al-
l- . , .•. ,
wa s. have a lite e girl's head beneath l`fik s6. „ 4,{ v u L 4. y
thein to grow on, or else whenever you
rho dour tn he - et blowall over the
open e g
rooni, and then they get lost, you know."
"Difficulties ,ivo way to diligence,"
and disease gens and blood humors
disappear when, Hood's Sarsaparilla is
faithfully takeM„
After deduct* losses, even such ex-
ceptional ones th those caused by the
Hull and Ottawaefires, and working ex-
penses from receitits, the insurance com-
panies will have Leverage profits of over
25 per cent. Aiidwith all their profits
they are as autoCratio as the Czar of
Russia. If niuniciifalities do not prompt-
ly comply with t eir every whim, no
matter how unr asonablo, up go the
rates and the peol f e have no resort but
to submit to the imposition. One can-
not look into the business returns of in-
surance companies, and do business with
them without being impressed with the
feeling that the insurance business of
this country is in the hands of one of the
most unrelenting and thoroughly iude-
pendent combines on the continent of
America. This combine ought to be
taken in hand by the Government for
the same reason as is alleged against
other combines; but the great question
is, when shall we have a government
strong enough to grapple with it?—Pic-
ton Times.
We know of a number of cases of sup-
posed consumption that have been cured
by Miller's Compound Iron Pills. Sold
at Colin A. Campbell's drug store.
There are indicati¢ as of a rupture be-
tween Lord Minto ah 1 the Liberals quite
as great as n as the Aquarrel between Sir
Charles Tupper 41 Lord Aberdeen.
Sir Charles' quarrel&, it will be remem-
bered, arose out of the refusal of Lord
Aberdeen to sanction; appointments he
made to the public, service after the
country had voted against hits, and be-
fore he resigned office. The Governor
took the groui:d that he had na right to
make any new ap$intments under the
circumstances, and ?Hs Excellency was
right. Laurier's quarrel is also over ap-
pointments, but thus time it is the ap-
pointment,pf Canadians to conunissions
in the British army. His Excellency, it
appears, has been filling all the places
without reference to the Minister of
Militia, and that Liberals admit that if
the appointments had been left in the
hands of the ministry. politics would
have had a good ;deal to do with the
choice of men; they claim that political
influence would not have been as bad as
the social influence which is exerted at
Rideau Hall. The real facts of the quar-
rel havenot been made public, and per-
haps never will be, but enough is known
to leave no doubt that His Excellency
has been acting without advice in these
matters, and without pronouncing any
judgment, it might ,be pointed out that
he is treading on dangerous ground. The
Canadian people are going to be ruled by
their own elected • representatives. and
without deing disloyal in any way, they
will resent any interference from any
Iron in the blood is necessary. Miller's
Compound. Iron Pills contain that ele-
ment inthe most assimilable form. Sold
at Colin A. Campbell's drug store.
Scarcely less fantastic than the dream
of reproducing the Roman Empire is
that of a joint domination of Great
Britain and the United States over the
globe, based on the imperial qualities of
Anglo-Saxon blood. How ranch of the
blood, even of the blood of the people in
the Mother Country is really Anglo-
Saxon. Highlands Saxon. The gh gluts of Scotland,
three-quarters of Ireland, almost the
whole of Wales and the West of England
are Celtic. The northeast of England
and the Scottish Isles are Scandinavian. •
There have been infusions of Elemmings, I
of French Protestants find of Jews.
Even of the originO.population of the I
United States a *art was not Anglo- I
Saxon, but butch, Swedish or Scatter
ling. tat during the last sixty years I
there lies been a continual torrent of
alit ii immigration; and the general fact
is that the higher rhos, being restrailio.l I
for fear of poverty Ad social pride, niul-
t.iply loss freely thou the lower races,'
which aro free from hose restraints. We
have in Canada over 1t million of 1?remlt,
and we arc plumping 'into the Northt}asst
Don't staid the little
. tones if the bed is wet in
1J{4 the morning. It isn't the
' , .• child's fault It ie suffer.
ing r.,»•-•1 a weakness of the kidneys and
Mee wee,t.,y)n, ro:,7 r nlit,th-
t,)b t,,:.: .-'t, . tt to tisk
del„y., Lleg..ct may entail .. Sleeting of
a uffer.ug and misery.
1 reegtlten the kidneys and bladder, then
inl1 tn Tv le is at au end.
Mr;. L. Kidnel, a London, Ont., mother,
thing' at 401 Grey St., says:
"Illy little daughter, six years olcl, has
bind freak kidneys since birth. Lost Feb.
retry I get a box of Doan as Iiirb)ey rifle
iti Srr.r.lk's drug store. Since tiling them
rtaa hags had no snore kidney trouble of any
Wag. I gladly make this etetea oat be.
tat the benefit my chilli has reoeived
this ant aga t.”
The L,r tgest \Vora);.
It is still a matter of clispato which is
the longest wer l in the English language.
A correspondent of tho Pall Mail Gazet-
to gives "Nonintercomniunieability" as
tho largest word in the English lang-
uage, but _in the life of Archbishop
Benson is te fo • owing extract from his
diary for Septo' ber, 1892 (page 441):
"But the Freeirk of the North of
Scotland are\ suss„ autidisestablish-
mentarians"—tent, syllables, twenty-six
letters! The longi'est Italian word con-
tains eleven syllables and twenty-six
letters, and forms 1• Whole litre of rhyme,
which is a well knpwn proverb:
• "Chi troppo in a) to sal, cade sovento
• Precipitevolissiee volmento."
(He who rises tocthigh,ofton falls
Most precipitate!.)
Singers and Speakerr.
Throat irritation is most annoying 'to
platform people and to prevent this as
well as hoarseness and sore throat most
singers and speakers carry with them a
bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine. eIt promptly and posi-
tively relieves and cures all dryness,
soreness or hoarseness in the throat,
tightness in the chest, broucljitis,asthma
and all kinds • of opughs and colds. 25
cents a bottle. Ftfmily size CO cents.
'rite UwrLea i)t Vburelt Work.
a 1 hues said that the bronco was the
best possible horse for missionary jour-
neys, anal so he is," writes Bev, Cyrus
Townsaud Brach* of "A Missionary in
the Great West," in the May Ladies'
Iloino Journal. "Ho is an ugly, i11-
t,'uiperod, vicious,, cross•graiued,.ulldor-
f.izwa:i, half -stet: it, ilea -bitten, abandon-
ed Uttio Wast, and lie gives the mission -
all, abundant opportunity to practice the
hnblinu:) virtue of self-restraint. As a
lnoreiblo example of total depravity lie
beats anything flint I know of. He is
apt to do auythiik;•-•except a good thing
—at any mow*. When he appears
most serenely a ncousaious look out for
him, for that islthe hour in whioh iia
meditates some xliabolioal action, He
bucks when. he is ridden and balks when
he is driven. but once get bine going and
ho shows his mettle. He can go, and go
lake the Wind; , and live on one blade of;
grass and one drop of dew, and keep
awake all /light --and keep you awake,
loo—and go again all day, and Leap it
up =Ail he ties out everything and
e ; erybody in c uipe`tition with hint; for
when you get hut started you can depend
upon him. Iletzzevor gets vacua nor breaks
down, and I dctuot believe he ever dies,
bat it is awfully hard getting him start-
ed sometimes.,
[James WhitcanbRiley, iin•the Century)
I'm twins, I g , ss, 'cause my ma says
I'nm two littl ;girls. And one o' nue
Is good little ir1; an' th' other 'Ii she
Is bad little a she can be.
An' uaa says so 'Inst every day.
Au' she's the ftt` /nest ma! 'Cause when
My doll wou' mind, and I ist cry,
'why ne1iIny Iiia she sob au' sigh,
An' say, "Dear good. little girl, good-
Bad little girl's corned hero again!"
Last time 't ma act that a -way,
I cried all'to fuyself awhile
Oat on the steps, an' nen I smile,
An' get my doll all fixed in style,
An' go in where Ana's at, au' say,
"Morniug to yAu, mommy, dear;
Where's that little bad girl wuz here?
Bad little girl's gored clean away,
An' good little girl's corned back to
stay." ;,
DR. A. W: CHASE'S 25
Is sent direct to Oleg -diseased
pads by the Improved Slower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo..
G. NeR-, A.G NT.
An experienced canvasser, or a man with good character
and address, vvith the necessary ability to ttravel from town
appoint to town and appoint agents. No canvassing.` Salary and ex-
tPosition permanent and promoion according to
penses paid.
The Bradley-Garretson, Co., Limited,
240,000 CURED IN 2* YEARS.
- ,100 13nt i Gio 12 FOA CASE WE CANNOT CURE OF
.. eseenee
The New Method Treatment is the
Greatest nisanvery Of the Age .
T?teurr.n,.a c"^n
n^t miC.dlo aged leen are annually ,)vent to a premature
rave through 1 a <i.Y`l •DISCRETION`i. FYCEStiES. AND BLOW) DISEASES. 1f
• ,,•oulio,vornyc(todfnllolfingSymptoms,onsultnsbeforeitistonOete. Are IOU nor- -
t vous and neva k, despondent and gloomy, spooks before the eyed with dark circles under
:s them, weal' track kt•lnnys irritable, palpitation of the heart,• bashful, dreams and
losses, s••dimc•nt in urine, 11131:•len on flan fare, eyes sunken,1an11oav cheeks, careworn r.
ezeression i e.L nl' , Iy, 1ta'Joss, distrustful, lack energy Land strength, tired morn. t
ings, testi 'IN 34 104. v (Men calf) mush-., weak manhood, stunted organs and proina-
tare dee+.$, ben.) 1.-...35, !.air loose, Soto throat eta.
,, 00KZ NEW METHOD T1•,SATMENT mono can
euro yen, and make a Ivan 34 you. tinder it:J influ-
enee the brain bn o ms art,vc•, theldood purlifod
SO that all 1,iunples 1 1 tc3re and ulcers disappear:
the nerves beconie ttnng tts stool, so that nervous•
hoes, bashfulness Red ,t,, ,nndnney disappear.;
the oyes become Aright, ale) fears full Hilt dour,
energy returns to the body, and the moral, ptllysieal
- and sexual eystoins are invlgorc.tedl all (train
cease. -110 more vital Waste frena flan system. The
.e terrines organs t orelt,, natural and Manly. Tou
N Ie •I yourself a, Man and know mtu•rlet:a cannot be
' a faihtre. Wo inn its all the t rFfoted to rnnsult us
contcennllally atu.1 tom o; rherao. Don't tot rynnrks
and fr ltli s rub you tf your hard earned dollars,
WC rnr,1 cote pa Cr 4:011,19,
SYPIIit 1S is the most prevalent and meet eerious
necee,te decree,. It paps than wry Ilfo lunched of the
victim and unless on fleet, erad Mat mi front th5Ays" nrrtrnYxAnY iI eoD lars>tABl.
tr5i twill,"fact Ume:.:tprin Beware of 111erouryy,
;t only su pressen the s nit toms ME 1 -110D -our NEW MIfOD pnsitively cures It ter ever.
t YOUNG MAN—You've led a gay lira, or indulged in the follfoe
ttiK et Tenth. Setr.nettee or later excesses have broken down your systoni, Ton feel the
symptclins weather over Tell. montane, physically and sexually you are het tho man
yen wed to be of should be. Lustful practtoes reap rich Harvests. will you heed the
• danger�signals. p y
• READER r Are yott avtr.iim7 Iravn roll lost hops? Are you conterrtple.(ing marriage?
l alas roue blood been d Ise aged? Have you any weakness/ Our New1lethod
Treatment wall cure yo;i. What it has (lona for others it will de for you. Consuit.f'tlon
Proc. No matter who has treated yeti, write for an honest opinion Free of Cltargo.
uiharges reasonable, Books Pree —"The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated), on Diseases of
men. Unclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. Beek en "Ditteasoe Of Women yroe.
NO names on b0'es Of envelepe:l. Everything confidential, Question list and Cott' Of Treat.
anent, FREE, 1,
hat `s
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops
and. Soothing; Syrtips. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and. allays rcverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency*. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and, Dowels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
"Castoria is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me
of its good effect upon their children."
Dn. G. C. °scoot), Lo hell, Maas.
" Castoria 1s so well adapted to children
that I recommend it as superior to any pre-
scription known to nue."
11, A. Aacntn, M. D. „Brooklyn, N. Y
,'°..s�y�=:tet+T,�.ii-rB �7ccr,
1 Horses \\arted!
To draw away the car Loads of goods
ordered for spring.
Buggies and. Carriages.
Nearly three car loads of Buggies and Carriages have
been ordered from the best makers in the country. We will
have buggies to suit the purses and tastes of everybody. High
grade, medium grade and a grade 'neither high nor medium.
Prices to correspond..., IF
Farm Implements.
We will have in farm Implementsnothing but the best. We
don't need Ito say anything about the Massey -Harris goods,
suffice to sty that the farmers are going wild over the new
Binder and..Mower, and those- placing their orders with any
other firm Uefore seeing these new machines will undoubtedly
feel disappqinted. Buy from a thoroughly CANADIAN
firm that cn give you the best on earth, and a firm that
keeps thousds of dollars worth of repairs at your door.
We hal,/ the slickest plows and gang plows you ever saw.
The National and Imperial Gangs are something new, and
had an extraairdinary sale last fall. In fact we could not meet:
the demand blade on us for these goods. Ask your neighbor
about the gaig plow he got here last fall.
Repairs ! Repairs !
We are aded up with all .kinds of repairs We can fit
any plow evev made with hard and tough tempered in oil cast-
astings. Havink bought our repairs last fall, before the raise in
prices, we willbe able to sell plow repairs at 1899 prices until
further notice
Music and Sewing Machine Dept.
In this department you will find choice selected Pianos
and Organs from Gerhard-Heintzman, of Toronto ; Bell, of
Guelph ; Doherty, of Clinton.; Dominion, of Bowmanville,
and Sewing Machine from Raymond, of Guelph.
Small Instruments, Music Books, Sheet Music of all
kinds in abundance, all of which are sold at a small margin.
Come in everybody and see through our stores and
. Opposite Presbyterian Church.
H. air'
RS, KEN DY K o. a MM A' ST,
ti�y bC iRt�l i',mut
'OP P is
.�� ial offer
,a;,;. ,;12 JJ ItoS ecs made this year ,r on Of -
are not surpassed in. the WORLD.
Their Woven Niro Fenoings have stood
stood over fifteen years of very successful.t
testing ing on FARM and RAILWAY.
These goods are all manufactured by
The Ontario Wire Fencing Co. Limited, ttonl Ont
of Pio O-
B l �t
E'or stale by the ltarclwale Merchants and General Dealers throughout Canada.
Also by the Can. Hardware Jobbers.
Gen. Agents ---Tile B. Greening Wire Co., of ltautilton and Waren!.
Agent for taiIwa7 Fencing -,Tarries Cooper, Montreal.
ter CorreSpondence with the manufacturers invited.