HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-18, Page 1j
VOL. XXVII.I.--NO, 1(164
We Don't
•claim to kuow everything, but there
.are three branches • of trades, viz: Tailor-
ing, Boots and Shoes and Gentlemen's
Furnishings, that we think we know
'enough about to give the average dealer
pointers upon, and also ensure our sus-
, -tourers the best of goods at the lowest of
prices. Our
'is nnowturning out a great Many y _ ohice
garments. We have a stock of woollens
that is complete in every respect in
Suitings, Spring Overcoatiugs and
'Trou.seriugs; and we claim to turn out
-the most stylish cut, best made and best
trimmed elothing in thr county.
Our stock of
is well . worth inspecting. We have
:gathered. together the choicest ,goods of
the best makers in Canada, and though,
the prices o11 the market have advanced
:at least 10 per cent., we are enabled
through lucky buying to give our pat-
rons Boots and Shoes at the same price
as last year;": We would particularly
draw attentx& to our line of men's fine
•shoes. We have them in all leathers
.ancl in the latest shapes.
a largo consignment of Gentlemen's
Furnishings in all lines. New Shirts,
' new Hose, new Underwear, new Ties,
new Collars and Cuffs, new Braces, all
•of the latest and uobbiest styles. If you
Wish to be up-to-date iu your•attire you
must came to.us.
We have still a few Dry Goods left'
which we are still selling below cost.
Groceries at cost.
11011111th & Sons
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FitANt PATERSON, No, 28 Victoria
-street, Wingbare, Ont, No witnessesrequired.
' 1I is not too good four yon. Got it by r
l ng h
Central Business College
1 Stratford, Ont. r'
'young men and women should f
exereisp. great caro in choosing a school.
Money is not easy to got, therefore it
-.3 should not be spent foolishly. Before you C`�1
idecide to spend a dollar let us corresp1ondry with you. Our catalogue tells•you abottt tar.our superior advantages. Commence i
•si your course now. our attendance is in- [j.
creasing year by year. A large number
1 of recent students have accepted good sit- Cs
nations. Students in attendance this
ear from Canada, United States and
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal, Ina
ezurgg +„ ...$+�C `iC tin C4y�-},'iGaJ
Before renewing your papers enquire :for our
-Clubbing rates.
By dabbing a City Daily or Weekly with the
Tn is you get all the `Yaws: Tee local paper
.gives you the home news and the city paper the
general news.
All the latest War Reports can tilts be ob-
tained in fall.
The following are Fango of the drubbing
mates. mach paptir for a year.
"Times and butt, - • c1 al
" Atlt e•rtisc.1' •• 1 40
• " Globe - 111,5
" Witiuwa • 100
" 11lsil-I.nmre • 1 iO
" Family Herald i 75
" Daily News • • 1 lir
'' " Vorld;ser •
• ' 50
" " Globe
" " 'Mail -Empire
Any ether City papers nt equally low rates.
U Toll tlo not Ice tita combination yea want
egee for it. Clubbing rates also with Agricul-
tural papers and the Itlustratetl Magazines.
We do not elub with other local papers.
TIho.,e rater' are all cash in advance Renew
before your pre ,zent st tscrrption expires. Sub-
seriptions may begin tat any time. Present
sub.,eribc rs to tin. 2e_iae wbo are pawl in std-
•stauee, to ty &,!ent any of the other papers by •
:lending Vie tetrattrice. t;tbsserlptions for any
paper res is e•el et this Wills.,
Remit b, P 0. Oyler, Postal Note, Express The Drily 111.0\
*Order or lte=;'.•red L, ct,•r, Address s or cult at oniy rake is the
TIMES O'I'VI'Ll! , the best terms,
Winshnni, Oat. satisfaction,
• - 26
1 Dozen
(36 pieces)
Good goods, pretty patterns
and 3 colors to choose from,
Green, Blue and Peacock at
(The China House)
Opp. Bank of Hamilton
G. E. Ring -Local.
,firs, Morton -Local,
O. N. Griffin -Novo.
W. J. Greer -Locals,
Young & Paulin -Screen Doors.
Heintzman & Co -Organs by Mail.
Robt. D. Bruce -License Transfer.
R. G. Gordon -List of Attractions.
Morrow's Drug Store -Beef, Iron and Wino.
N. A. Farquharson -Cups, Saucers and
See Halsev Park's advertisement.
Dr: Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on .the first
Friday of each month from 11.30 a.
m. till 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation
in ciseases of the .ems oar, nose and
WITH THE Smit. Jo Mitchell whose
serious accident we re orted last week is
now favorably impro ing. Robert Ruth
is also mending ni ly. 14iauy towns
Read John K err's advertisemout. Mores colt Caw Oxen. --The aunnal
A good smart bdty camps of the milia a, have been fixed.
Cavalry and infant r, 3,8G0 strong, will
meet in London for drill on June Stir.
All new goods at Maxwell's: Sco our
$12, $14 and $10 suits.
13or WANTED.
wanted. at once learn tiro printing
business. Must havo fair education.
Apply at TIMES o co.
The Newest Creations
i11 footwear can Iw ' - s be obtained at
W. J. Greer's Shoo ; ore. All kinds of
Trnuks and'V'alises cheep.
gramme consisting'p2 Fliort addresses,
recitations and singg will bo given in
a number of the epartments of the
Public School -15n Et pire Day, Maly 230,
commencing at 2 p. n. The new flag
will bo raised on the school building at
the close of the day Parents and others
are invited to bo pr ant.
AMoso BEASTS.- • Wilson, V. S., put
18 fine head of cat o on his farm on
Tuesday . , • , Geo. tee also puvehr sed
enough to keep dev+.t the grass on his
farm for the year.. . John Loutitt bac.
his large drove of stackers- delivered -on
Tuesday. Mr. 13n. att grasses more
cattle than. any of ter farmer in this
vicinity , . , . J. J. El ott, V. S., Clifford,
brought in. about 2 Bead• of cattle on
Monday to stock hi prairie for the sum -
Fort SALE.—Five first-class building
lots (one acre) in. block, just oast of
Catholic church. Will be sold cheap.
Apply to JAS, STEWART.
ABOUT Us..—Our ew departments, as
promised, made th�ir fust appearance
last issue. We h ad them "People of
Prominence, Worl -Wide and Local."
Under the former i _vision is told an in-
teresting little stor- of the life of Lady
John Spottiswoode the author of Annie
Laurie, and under' the latter is given a
biography of Davi- obb, I. P. 5. We
know they have be appreciated. ' In
this issue under th same heads we tell
something that y u do not know of
Thomas Barnes, the maker of the
Loudon Times,art of J.• Elgin 281n,
I. P. S. Look for cur biographic space
next week.
BRo,,tort LOST. -A jubilee 1887 half
crown gilded broach.on streets•of Wing -
ham on Wednesdav evening. Finder
will please leave at Trews office, as the
broach was much. prized by the owner,
;senuSOENCES. dew visitors to our
ONE DAY B.uti.r
Birthday is on Theirs
day we usually go to.
we will be forced to
Correspondents an.
kindly note this, an
and ads so that they
day earlier, Monday •
NOT A Fisti Srott`
le—The Queen's
ay, That is the
press. Next week
rilit a day earlier,
advertisers will
end, in their trews
will ri us ono
hat is perhaps
tlto largest fish c ler caught in this
district was lauded en Saturday by U.
Shenk, from the ]itland river in the
rear of Lamont's ft rm. It is a red -flu
mullett weighing 7,2 pounds. The
-laurels not only of this season but of
pest seasons go euely to Mr. Sherk
Call at W. Gannett's for all kin of
implenaeuts. Also all kinds of plow
shears; the best made at 35 ceuts, Gash.
out to a u ber of tardy to -day t sub-
scribers a "gentle i -minder." In some
cases it proved, a icy difficult task to
make it "gentle." -•We ask our readers
to look up the labs ou the papers. If
your >,iibscription. s paid up, all .well; if
not,•ave respectful y ask you to make it
TEAOHERS CoN'i NTioN.—The annual
u(eeting of the ast Huron Teachers' '
association will b held in the Seeforth
Collegiate Inept e on Friday and Satur-
'day, May 25tli'a 129, Tho first session
will commence ._-Friday at 10, a. an.
Mr. Win. See ' B. A., of Toronto
Normal school, will bo present and
deliver en address at each session.
`s Now is the time to get your new spring
otiti rcoat;s you can get a dandy for $12
or $l4 at R. Maxwell's.
PnETT .,,Boogr, . — We received
yesterday one of -t. daintiest -specimens'
of artistic bookwo a possible to imagine.
It is from the Lt ce Erie and Detroit
River Railway an. shows by handsome
,pictures the pretty sots of Port Stanley,
Renfc Ean and -*'b Mettawas. The
beauties oft. ; ` • us Belle Isle are also
pictured and. ' ed, •
' MAT+ nILONL�iY: ; 110 following article
people are pleased that Alfred' Rhe -1' a4idtnkl1 ,snake Awe: calla ego fr ' Ite. 14-7. t Post re
aele to take a clriv on sunny d s, ' ' t&»1etisant as ou- old `friend, _Jilt: es 'Kerney --of •t8 .f
WANTED. A gni for ge nal Cochrane. He es:ails in. to see�,1,s, on. morning Rev. J to.
work. Apply to MRs. TON, Shuter Saturday afternoon and was followed
st, Wingham. shortly by Douglas 'rater of Turnberry.
BANE C>;xANGES. , Clark left last They were soon asking of their old
week for Toronto. • W. Morton bikes home, North East -Lope, as it was over
his place on the Lege . Many will be a score of years age Mr, Cochrane told
pleased to hear of M is advancement. a story that is well vorth repeating. A
L. Doyle, of Godericl , fills Mort's posi- Scotch gentleman noted for hisf wit,
tion as Junior. A sou Robinson has was one night stuping at a hotel.;. Its
been promoted from amiltou to Sinicoe accomod ation was ceowded to the utmost.
as a clerk he the Bat of Ha tilton, traveller ar'rivia late wa eat. up-
• stairs to "bunk" rith the Scotchman;
Owing to the sten y advance in prices
of iron and steel, I m compelled to re-
duce the price of mow points till June
1st, to 30e oash; T. H. Ross.
Tms POPULAR e, sols."—Readers of
the Taxis will be ilaer`estod in lmowiug
that the editor has 'bout completed ar-
rangements by which every subsoriber
can secure a very h udsome portrait of
the great General lord Roberts. This
picture is to be a _ to simile reproduc-
tion of the original -abating by a famous
artist ou speoiall _ prepared paper.
Further announce tent will be made
Eggs 11c cash, 18c trade—a fair bock.
Criticise it as you Will. Six weeks ago
we suggested to you in the face of the
most adverse criticism, to "Feed those
hens," During this first campaign of
the cgg season, we havo admitted the
calumny of our enemies and the adul-
ation of our friends, and are still hero,
strongly fortified. in our kopji, enjoying
the eventualities of the fight. G. E. KING.
PAST O1nEr RAN Rs.—In. a publica-
tion Sent from tl e Trans office this
week:—"By-laws f Court Maitland,
0. 0. F., we find o the last page the
names of the Past hief Rangers siuco
1878. We give then below and no doubt
they will call to m ny minds the days
that have been: A Green, Win. Elliott,
Charles E. Wiilia , Alen. Walker, John
Neelands, T. MCC wont, B. Flynn, J.
J. Homuth, Wm. idd, D. M. Gordon,
Wm. Gannett, m, A. McClymont,
Adam Reid, Jo n A, McLean, Jos.
Braclwiu, Geo. ttypiecee Tiros. Car-
ruthers, 'Wen, clines, John Cooper,
E. L. Clarke, Jos h J, Karr,. A. G. Mc-
Gregor, S. Gracy R. B. r�erguson, John
Gillespie, Wm, tiyth, R. Elliott, Jas.
Itvin, G. A. Nev ;on, W. J. Neil, R. 0.
Tittson, D. G. Sr all, P. J. McLean, W.
G. Gray, M. Beni with,Tl, B: Elliott,. aald
V. G. Sperling ft .1000.
r is the Doering; the
oaring. We give yott
est treatment, and beet
LIOTT Blto;., A(YN1its.
who, doubting the .ondition of his :pre,
sumiug bed -fellow; bethought of: ta, ruse
to get rid of hirer "Augh," said lie,,
rising in bed, and scratching 'bis legs,;
"I'1u awfu' bad wi ,he itch," , To,yvhich
the traveller repli• d very earnestly, "If
you're any worse erith the itch than I
am you deserve to ee pitied," and he be-
gan disrobing. Tl a Scotehman was so
thoroughly scares that he slept that
night in. the bar-reonl.
For a Nobby Spring Suit or Overcoat
have the finest
go to Geo. Oarr. We a o
stock of woollens in town, and do the
most up-to-date tailoring. Prices
moderate. tf
HIGHLY ESTEE D.—The following
from the Brussels ost makes a pleasant
introduction to gentleman, who has ,
lately come to Wi gham to live: "Wm.
Knechtel, an old and highly respected
resident of Bruss ls, left for Wingham,
whore he will ma ce his home, for a time
at least, With his on Charles. Although
Mr. Knetchel w' be i2° years of age
next August ho is • n active man yet, al-
though heavy wo uses him up. He
has been a resider t of Brussels for 37
years and was knc-vn far and wide as a
square going, iudt trious, genial harness
maker. After going out of business for
himself he went into the shop of H.
Dennis, now of 01 atham, 10 years ago
and when Mr. tennis sold out to J.
Donaldson, Mr. Ioeohtel continued on
in the shop up to 1_st week. Born in
Itichenhauser, Ne v Bavaria,. Germany,.
he came to Caned_ ., when quite a boy,
learning the /ninth g tradoan the German
Canadian office, rlin,Ont.,with Henry
Eby, but ill healtl prevented his con-
tinuing at it so ire ;bok Up harness mak-
ing instead. H+ lived 3 years in
Hamlet. before feting to Brussels in
1802. Before quilt ng Mr. Donaldson's
shop an appropriab and complimentary
address was rear. 11. Mr. Dowing, fol•
lowed by the prescation of a walking
caro by the stair. lir. Kuetehel made a
suitable reply v.ihing all concerned
continued prosperi�' crud happiness.. If
there were Inoro pe .i,lo as honest going
and sums".Tiny t s "V7i'_lie" ltuochti:l the
world would he a rlodteh ,happier spot to
travel through thru it is, Tho Post
hopes the c.ld gei.tic dram may extjey the
evening hours of lily very happily." -
I!O;a brother of F. H,
'`curly' -Tuestlay
aoss, B. A,, spoke
the magic word , t Roselawn Cottage,
the residence of Jima. McCrae, making
Jno. W. Kerney, the well known
Brussels grocer an 1 restauranter, and
Miss Sarah McCrae httsbaud and wife.
Mr. Kerney and b1
to Walkerton. T]
ried life with the
circle of frieze is in
heartily joins." .
e took ashcrt trip
ey commence mar-
st wishes of a large
hich Tho F o Pcst very
Call and see our new settings; they
can't be beaten for the money and then
you have the satisfacticin _of knowing
you -will get your snit justeiS ordered at
Robert Maxwell's -
• To Tl /.'ol rs oft min °REDII -
orva Encampment, L3.O. F., have al-
most completed arras..ements with the
0. P. R, foe their e-ursion to Credit
-Forks next mouth. Na doubt many will
avail themselves of ti -3 opportuto
see this interesting litt e place. mong
its features of note we aeution its picnic
and baseball grounds, ills and quarries,
beautiful little lake v-ith boats, trout
fishing in the river, axi
ning from hill to hill ca
loading in sidling. A11
Winghatn and Grand Z
eluded, faro from Wine
and return same day.
yet been definitely 11
close to Tuesday, Ju .
inform you next vee'
the cable run-
rying stoue and
points between
ley will be in-
tern :1.25, to go
he date has not
eel, but • will be
lOth. We will
MoNrr To LotN,-1lloney to loan on
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-.
gages, with privilege of paying et the
end of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing -
ham. Ronr. MOIND,no.
Our guar-
antee meant
We are not
to find 'us.
Comfortable vision or your money
back. No guess work.
Accurate, Scientific measurements and
tests. �D)ifficult cases �a. specialty.
1.7a r DAVIS,
Litt?fie a6. -""tai" AND OPTICIAN,
here toyda and away
you know just where
' tNGHAM..
To £issue illonoy
buy your 5 oes fe Popular e is a BEEF
Stora, Wou�c '� =. •fords.for 75 cents a
pair, at W. J'. Greer's.
clip the following lrohu the Str tford
Herald. The poeeson referred to is:IRON and wiN
another of the late -ti.rs. John Musgrove,
and grandmother 0:
Robert of Bluevale,
K. Powell of Turn
woman probably in
other day at Angus
person of Mrs. Rob:
was nearly 108 yea
for over sixty year
and Iuuisfil to
Canada with her
county, Ireland, h
iucipal Musgrove,
John and Mrs. T.
rry. "The oldest
11 Canada died the
Simcoe Co. in tiro
rt Armstrong. She
s old, and had been
a resident of Essa
whips coming to
routs froll4eitrim •
Seo John Kerr'sadvertisement.
SIDEwALli CoNrors.—Tho Street
Committee met on . eduesclay afternoon
to let the contract far the laying of all
the: granolitbic sid-walks to be con-
structed in Wingha 1 this year. The
contract was let to Graham Of London
at llc a foot. Chates Barber tendered
at 10i4 and two Gt alph firms at 11c, but
the contract was liven to Graham in
consideration of its good work done
previensly. Mr. graham began work
on tliigonal .Stree t yesterday morning.
The Street, Com tteo thought it' better
to let the season' contracts rather than
contracts for eat street so that future
petitioners would ow exactly what the
freight would be b fore signing the paper.
Campbell's Hea,,lache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
Beattie Bros. Vave sold the Shaw
---Lsmeu Bros.' c roes will be in town
on. June 5th.
—A. E. Bradwin of the Blyth Stand-
nrd, has been very dl. i
—Regular meeti ig of Camp Caledonia, i
5. 0 `S., on Mond& evening next.
Goderich peon le are talking of hav-
lug a celebration ne Dominion Day.
—James Mcg' lvie has secured the
booth priveleges for May 21th at tiro
Maitland Lot ga, I. 0. O. F. sent $25
to :.thee•Od:;?2e] .:eniiereree in. Ottawa,
and,and Hull. • r
Dr, K3nu3l -has been ill this week
but if now' able to take charge of his
Get your new Hat for spriug at Geo.
,Carr's. We have the latest styles.
Halsey Park hal roved into the house
he recently pu chased from Robert
D. Robertsot shipped a carload of
cattle to Torouto S. Burchell, hogs to
Coili�n cod.
v ith rleasu ae it is learned that Mrs.
R. Vanstouo is halting rapi recovery
after her recent ess.
—McDonald a Loutitt shipped a car
load of hogs to H riston on Wednesday.
The market is st` good.
—The excursio from this district to
the Guelph agric Lural college will be
held. on Thursday, Juno 2Sth.
—Rolland Beat 'was in Walkerton on
Tuesday assisting i. Day in valuating
Mr. D. Day's new livery stool:.
—Blyti's real at 3 personal and taxable
income amounts t t $218,023; number of
acres, 423; popu.atiou is given at less
than 1100.
—Wesley Wal er, of the firm of
Wacker Bros. & B ttton, furniture deal-
ers, Wingbam, ha: this week opened out
in tl, furniture br ;Mess in. Blyth.
ohn McCool tegan work too soon
after having his la and injured; as a re-
sult it is now in a rso condition than
aver, both his c beiug effected with
Plow points 30 cents cash till June 1st
at T. H. Ross'.
—Tho street eon.nittee took a walk
over the town on T tursday afternoon—
a prospecting tour s to speak, in which
the wants of the va ious sections of the
town wore examine -.
—Noxell Bros. wit have a new adv. -
in our next issue. touts show their now
Victoria Binders a Id Oxford Clipper -
Mowers, front mil . rear cut. It will
speak also of the hod points of those
machines. -
--Wm. Nichols°n.
tactor, has taken tl
new school house,
Kinloss. This built
hleWest kind with bi
all modern improver
builder ;and eon-
etmtract for the
o. 8, Langsido, in
ng is to bo of the
ement, furnace end
Apprentices 'wanted at onto. Two
young ladies to learn tailoring.
tf Wil nsrEn; tR "o.
--Buyers and se lers and rumors of
:.'auto aro tinning ti a town up side down
these days. Some tf Wiughaln's °latest
business 'oases n o reported to have
An elegant combination in.
which is united the nutriment
of Beef, the tonic powers oi=
Iron and the stimulating prgi.'
perties of Wine.
Morrow's •flrugStore1
Please call aucl see our largo display
of New Carpets in Unions, All Wools,.
Tapestry and fine Brussels.
- In Japanese and American Mattings
and Rugs of every size, quality ands:
design, we think it will pay every house-
keeper to see our stock- before making
their purchases in above lines.
Our stock of Floor Oilcloths is. tint
largest and finest that we have ever
shown and are very special values. .Seer.
Gentlemen will fiud our stock of Im-
ported Tweeds, Serges and fine Worsteds
very attractive in. style,quality and price,.
and we guarautee satisfaction in every -
garment that we make.
In Ready -Made Clothing for mem,
boys' and youths we show a very large
end complete stock at very moderate
Cash, Dried Apples, Butter and Eggs;
taken in exchange. Eggs 12c per dozer..
The Direct Importer.
—The annual...:eting of the Grand;
Orange Lodge of '.ritish America is to
be held on May 2. th and 30th at Lone
don, Ont..
—M. Patau
jewelry stook to
occupy the sto
Peter Deansb
—Jamos Au
man's, perforin
cal -operation
and is now en
—.Charles Go
solicitor to pros
the corporatiou
for damages ea
it • will remove ` his
the stone block and Wile
e recently occupied by '
s, :Er cutter in' Chap-
1 an unnecessary margi-
nrgin his hand last weeks
yiiig a rest.
dean has instructed his
ed with action against
f the town of Winghans
sed by the flooding of
his property ow ng to insufficient outlet.
The council pre ended to fix the matter„
but Mr. Goodina says that one load ofr ,
gravel and two loads of another com-
modity are not nough—in fact do nob
remedy the diifl pity. The matter will
probably stand that till next couneill
—Miss Dolly .hnstoli and Mrs. Jos.
Golley left for • : itoba on Tuesday.
On Monday the To mbers of St. Paul's
church choir inc ding Miss Johnston •
and Mr& Golley d their photo taken;
the members fee ing that they would.
like to have - omething tangible by
which to re mbar the departing
choirsters. Mr Golley joins her hus-
band in Treher e, while Miss Johnston.
will remain in Winnipeg. We trust
that their new omes may be pleasant;.
Wingliam's Popular Shoe Sto
WliVagaWtV4R4FAt :�.
for the pretty weather which is almost:
here. We havo autioipated its *rival.
Secured a line of
which aro the handsomest to be seen
where and which excel in comfort
durability anything offered elsewhere tar,
the town.
Many different styles, enough to fid
any foot or taste. S01/10 e;tyles can iter
matched elsewhere at double our prices.
Some not nt all.
See us for Trunks and Valises,
changed or are elt, ging hands. As all T tea
has been done on dm quiet, Wo must bo Wt
WII1G13. ,M,