HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-11, Page 8M. H. MOINDOO es —AND Ha lmerchefs Umbrellas, els and Parasols, arasols, WOOL and SILK HOSIERY ,.. A perfectly assorted stock of every kind just opened this week. Carpets and Lace Curtains. Men's Hats and Umbrellas. Dress Goods and Silks. Laces and Embroideries. Table Linens and Napkins. Ready-made Clothing and Shoes. Every day this month will have its own attractions and bargains. On Saturday special prices on Gloves, Hosiery, Remnants of Dress Goods and Carpets. 50 pairs Towels at gc, worth 15c, Saturday only at i. H. r` ci000' MINOR LOCALS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. —A. Graham, London, and gang are repairing defects in walks iu town. —Treses for 60 cents till January 1, 1901. Subscribe now. —A new restaurant is to be started in town in the near future. Get your new Hat for spring at Geo. Carr's. We have the latest styles. —Our Orangemen will celebrate in Kincardine this year. —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, O. O. F. this (Friday) evening. —Up to May 1st the Canadians killed ,- in South Africa number 56, those wounded 103. —Mrs. Thomas Netterpeldis still very lot -. We regret that there are no hopes of her recovery. —George Shaw returned, this week from Dauphin, Man., where he has been with a car load of horses. Men's Plough Boots, solid Ieather, at W. J. Greer's for 90 cents. --The'T1miss is in receipt of copies of the San Jose, Cal. Mercury, sent to• us by our former townsman, John Pelton. Servant girl wanted. Apply to Mrs. R. M. Robinson. —Tho Royal Artifical Stone Paving Co. of Guelph are at present busy at Simcoe after which they will begin yvork on Whighant contracts. Apprentices wantedd_ at once. Two young ladies to learn tailoring. tf Wnnsn• R & Co. When you are in the region of the post office take a peep into J. E. Davis' mow. Ile has an -umber of the daint- tieet little photographs imaginable. -...Elijah Manuel left for Listowel oar 112onday where he will take charge of =chine -shop in Listowel's new chair factory. Mrs. MVlanuitel will follow in a few weeks. --WinHalliday filled his furnace vitt, e' 'rt•. r"t:irtldlo, Ptf4riiona. The lire!;.t.. 2+•1 . • t that a 7 ,1). I 1 .d..g't the talaze. The alarm 'Wig r...ili but the danger was over before the then arrived on the scene. Cali itrrdl see our nein suitings; they can't be beaten for the money and then you have the satisfaction of knowing twill net your suit just as ordered at u era Mazwell'ti «-Jc,in1 Murray is teakillft another ek-machine for James Elliott. The liras one made has Ova such entire satisfaction thatElliott resolved to have ani:tl1er. er ccs gr'atulatta Mr.theft on anis ital hrQsatfoii and Mt. Mr/1y on hitt aaar+ehaal work. to 'i —Harry Day has bought il• livery bnsi•• ncss in Walkerton. Boat for sale, a dead snaP,?. Apply at the TORN office. —McGregor Bros. shipped a ear load of cattle to ('laagow this week. Goff. Davidson of Belmore is tak- ingtlie place of Tony Nicol in the black. smith shop this week, daring that gentleman's absence. --A. H. Carr is spending a week at the Sault. re will take an important posi- tion in (lcrguo's 50) barrel hour mill when it is erected in that place. Ail new goods at Man. -well's: see our $12, $14 and $10 suits. —W. Temple Fyfe ins resigned his position. as teacher in S. 5, No. 0. Tie leaves on the 1st of July to enter the back of A. E. Snaith, Winghatn. --Jos. Golley's household eflleets were shipped to Treherne, Mau., to -day. Mrs. (volley and Miss Dolly Johnston leave for the same place early next week. For a Nobby Spring Suit or Overcoat. go to Goo. Carr. We have the finest stock of woollens in town, and do the most p -to -date tailoring. Prides mod t e. tf Mrs. Freeman Ctur and family left on Tuesday kr Woodstock which will be their home. Mr. Carr leaves in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Carr and the young people will bo 1nissecl in town. 11810. 1900. ODDFELLOWS' WORSHIP. RTaitland Lodge Attend Service in St. Paul's Church—Rev. W. Lowe Preaches an Effective Seratoit—Work of the Order. On the evening of Thursday, May 3rd, the members of Maitland Lodge, No. 119, I. 0. 0. F. marched about sixty strong to St. Paul's church, where Rev. W. Lowe preached to them very accept- ably. The text taken was from the gospel of St. Luke, 10th chapter, 25th and 'following verses, which. treats of the parable of the good Samaritan. Least of all might a Jew expect help from a Samaritan. The law in which they boasted themselves had twice said, "Thou shalt not see thy neighbor's ox or ass fall into a pit, but thou. shalt help him take it out." In this case neither ox nor ass, but a neighbor himself lay bleeding, and they hid themselves from. him. The profession of religion, and religious duties of the Priest and Levite were pointed out, and the fact shown that neither had ever grasped the truth that God would have mercy rather than sacrifice„ and that to show kindness to the poor stranger which the law required them to do would be more acceptable than the strictest observance of the Temple ceremony. Christ asked the lawyer who had questioned him, whie'lr had been neighbor auto the man by the wayside, the Priest, the Levito or the Samaritan. Rev. Mr. Lowe iu conclusion gave a short history of the Oddfel- lows, au abstract of which we heroap- pend. The fust lodge of Oddfellows instituted in America was opened in Baltimore in 1819. Since that day there has been initiated into the order 2,256,- 000 men. There have been relieved by this order 2,253,800. men. Widows re- lieved, 239,838;; women who were in distress, relieved and helped and blessed. Of brothers who likewise could not have had decent burial, this was given to 220,800. The total sum for relief ex- penditure in these years has been $209,- 000,000. Tc-Iday they have 11,800 lodges and 2,600 encampments, with a total of almost a million members, or 859,900. With the sisters of the Rebecca order numbering 109,000, the total member- ship is 1,409,000. Every niiuuto that the clock peals off, $7.65 is given by this order for relief, night and day. Every hour $.404 is contributed to relieve dis- tress. Every day the sum spent for this purpose is about $77,000. Every lnontli this order gives out for relief $334,000. Every year aboutfour millions of dollars of hard cash are handed out. The pro. petty of the order is valued at $18,000,- 000. This includes thirty homes for th care of Oddfellows. Ontario leas hone of these as yet, but some $10,000 has been raised for such a purpose. Ontario has. 24,000 members and and a general fund of $881,000. The widows' and orphans' fund. is about $69,000. The amount expended for relief was $:85,000. CARD OF THANKS. To tho Officers and members of Court Maitland, No. 26, Canadian Order of Foresters, Winghain. GENTa;nfcx,• .Please accept my sin- caro thanks for your uniform kindness and courtesy shown to myself and any dear c'.opsrtedllritsband, John W. Walker and for the prompt and satisfactory 'nauncr in which you paid. to me the one thousand dollars L'fe nlsir>~anee on any Into ltitstatid. My sincere wish is that Ged may abundantly bless your 1•Tob1e Order in its grand inissiva of visiting the fatherless and widows in their afliictions, and at small expense providing sub- stantial help for their oamfo-tt and sup- port. Rostra. WALItait. Wislgliatln, Mny 10, 1900. 110W VON' YOU 1.0010 Do you like to hear it? If not, take Scctt's Emulsion. 'Twill fill out your sunken eyoa, hollow cheeks, and thin hands, Why not have a plump figure? 11)on't let disease steal a march on you. THE \'1(1NG}J.A91 - TIMES, NOTICE Tc ndc'rta will by r t'eels vcl by tto eou.xeil uY the Municipality of Tor . rry up to 4 a'elockpp. au., Monelav, M ' p 'th, for the widening and deepening oft rain on loth and lath concessions, lutow. s tbo Arnuetronif Drain. Fie eurit•y t the ' ttlefuetiou of the Cotuidi will be rec ti . for tho faithful per. fotnnunee* of the iv c according to the profile and speeifleationa of the Townteltip Engineer, The lowest or any tender not necessarily ily ae- eepted. Profile and Snec:if1catlons eau be seen at the drive et the Township I,llerk in Blue - vale on and after Monday, gay 14th next. Any other information as to payment of rn- gineer's rnontltly cru bo obtainol front any Member of the .Council, or from the Oontrector to pay,.natnec+r for mulcing estimates.- Tenders tobe addressed to Solan i3u3 gess, i'p Clerk, Blitevale P. O. By order BURG S, Bluovale, Nay 7th,1£0o. T'p Clerk. olirtofRev!.oll Tse of t Wel- a400 The first kitting . ' ' e Com t of Revision am: Appeal for the To nehip of Fast wow: to h for the pr..sent year. will be held at the Coun• cif Room, M[arnoclt P. 0., Lot 84, Con. 9, on FRIDAY, 25th IPrST., at 10 o'clock n. m. All persons interested are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves net arcltngly'. P. rORXEn)iiELD, ac's Office, ",''p C_orIr, East Wawanosh, May T, 1£00. Court of Revi a Take notice that the the 011 t of Revision for Municipa(i of Turnilerry MAY 11, 1900 For PHOTOS TAY M. E. Z RBRIi.71 Vf'S Down boor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. Family Groups a Specialty. 1;nlargiug, Copying, Remounting. Canada's Best. Is the World's Best. IT PAYS TO The Canada Business College OHAT1TAM, O>i?T., Has undoubted claim to this distinction in Canede. This is Canuda'a greatest veer. This is our BANNER YEAR, both Ise to ftt- tendanee and success of our pupils. Six calf's have been inede upon us during the Past gds weeks to supply leading Amerlean and Canedcan Business Colleges with aur- graduates to nA positions as teachers inthoir seheills nest fall. . Over l:A of our pupils have secured positions with first-class business houses since Sept. 1st, 18E9. What do you think of this record? Does it Not Pay to Attend the Best? Write for catalogue of either department. D. McLACHLAN & 00e, Chatham, oat, WANTED AT ONCE. will hold its first Sitting in lasty's Hall, Blue - vale, on MONDAY, MAY 28th, 190Q - at the ho:.r of 1 o'clock p. m.® ? e All parties interested will please take notice A ase and govern themselves accordingly. Nay JOHN BURC}ESS, I makers. Bluevule Dela 4, 1900. lerkC. LIME H00 SALE. The undersigned at Lot 88, Concession 8, East Wawanosb, has n quantity of good lime for sale. CHAS. CAMPBELL, Marnoch P. O. FARMERS . and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Tis. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if tou do not get a custoiner. We can't guarantee hat you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Trims and try this plait of dispo:?ing of your stock and other articles. We NICHT' 80 BUILDER and CONTRACTOR, We are still in the building business and are prepared to take contracts for the erection of all hinds of buildings. Plans and specifications furnished on short notice. Workmanship guaranteed and at rea- sonable rates. WM. NICHOLSON. Residence Diagnol street, opposite Francis street. OTUCE TO CREDITO N.0 ICD is hereby given that Pet. Deans, e yowler, of the Town of W' ghar in the Co ty ofg Huron, Flour an Feed Ater - client, , made an assignment.. •suint to R. S. 0., 189, Chapter 147, of • al its estate and effects to • arles Gillespie, • the said Town of win hag Commission ereliant, for the general one s of his credi urs. .A. meeting o e credit •s of the Insolvent will be held at > e office '• R. Vanstone, Solici- tor for the said • sign. , at the said Town of Winghani on Th scar . , the 20th day of April instant, at the hon wo o'clock in the after- noon, to receive a s tement of affairs, to ap- point inspectors a•, S±. their remuneration, and for the orders _ o the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are equir . to Me their claims with the .Assig ee or "s said Solictor, with the proofs and + Molars ereof required by the said Act, on or befo the day of such meeting. And nett is further giv • that after the 18th day of a ay A. D. 1909, t • Assignee will proceed t.: '.tribute the asset of the said In- solvent a on the parties en 'tied thereto, having gard only to the ala s of which notice . all then have been given, Ed that he vill n• be liable for the assets • any part tater • . f so distributed to any person . ' persons of rose claim he shall not then • +ve had no ce. ated at Wingltam, this 18th day of A .1909. • VANSTONL, CHAS, GILT) SPIE, Solicitor for Assignee. Wingham, Assign A Tailor's Talk would be useless unless the fit. style and quality were apparent to backup' Also Two Pant Makers. WEBSTER & CO., Queen's Block. ew s - rocory If you want to get fresh groceries call on R. S. Reid. Good Wine and Arrowroot Biscuits, 4 lbs, for 25c. DOUSE GLEANING is with - us. You may need a Whitewash Brush. We can supply you. We can also give you 'the best to be had in brooms, whisks and clothes brushes. A nice present given away with every $10.00 worth of goods you buy. S. Reid Shaw Block. - • every statement, We THE STUDY don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and OF FABR1OS our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new SPRING, SUIT Olt O°vtit OAT E1 Or OLARKE !Stand next Griffin's Grocery. style, cutting, Junking, the desire to please and to give the utmost value, puts the question of satisfaetiolr of our cus- tomers beyond the shadow of a doubt. High Classed Tailoring is not necessarily high-priced. You will find proof of this by calling:on us, ex- amining our goods, getting prices and leaving your order for a suit. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor, Wingham, Paint P,.F ey' etion You realize the necessity of protecting your house with good paint, bat you do not realize the neees- sity of protectinz yourself against poor paint, It all looks alike iu the can, but one kind conies cif, the other stays on; oue hind soon looks shabby.. the other keeps new. The kind that holds on strongest.. lop..:4 new longest+ f TIN PAINT ;r• It is the result, of a quarter of a century's paint -snaking erperi once; the product of the largest paint factory in the woi•Icl. We sell it. We have a stock of A.labastine which. we wilt clear out at 30o per package. YP!N LJLIN -` e.ga ,mi - —iaci ata-- co- :.cs-'' ,amssetA-s i w Qi' e<er amsi Every person is aware of the enormous advance in •.ls Brooms, nearly or,e hundred per cent. We are selling while they Last, very fair quality, three string brooms, 5 S Shoe Blacking in tins, big size, at, ..3c and 5.c pRr box. ; Double size at xoc per box. 4 - µ' Monkey Brand Soap for cleaning and polishing Cut- lery, Crockery, Glassware and all Kitchen Utensils sc = . . . :.k"r ,6S' . - :. . '+a' i`Irk'4'_ t`z- i' D -l si' ' 1►! .at 2 for 35c8 Something better, a four string Broom 3 at 2 for 45e. I.::'I':''s Crriages. We have the very latest in this line and pl'ia are right. Cut No. 1. Cut No. 2. (As a,Carriage.) (As a Cart.) With the bealitiful, warm Spring days, a desire creeps into every. house -keeper's heart to clean up the home and make everything loots bright and new. To aid you in this, we have pttt in an immense stock of Bed -Room Suites, Side: wards, Extension Tables, Fancy Chairs, Etc., in feeteverything that pertains to the comfort of the home. We have the latest and best design's on the market, and have placed our prices so very. low that they are, within the reach of everybody, and at the same time be- yond the competition of other dealers. Now, we do not ask you to take oar word for this, bat call and see 'for yourself; if you. - are not satisfied de not buy. See cur special Spring line of Parlor Suites, in Silks, Rugs, Velours and Tapestries. All the latest styles. WALKER 8z BUTTON Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. AT THE STONE CORNER We are' offering bargains in all kinds of Stoves. Tinware We keep everything in the tin line from a large milk cart to the smallest tin cup, and are selling milk cans and pans a the old prices. Also a full stock of Graniteware always on hand. The best Coal Oil Stoves Bird Cages, Lamp Goods and House Furnishings. We claim to do the best Eavetroughing work in tl e County. Tenders on Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Roofing Meta) Ceilings, Siding etc., always acceptable. Gasoline and. Coal Oil at right prices. Remember the Stone Store when you want anything itt our line. Bugjohn Bugg & Son. r