HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-11, Page 5ID IT TO SEE THE. BARGAINS WD OFFER IN Crockery St China FOR SATURDAY Here are six semi -Porcelain Dinner• Sets made to sell at $7.50, but on Saturday they will be cleared at $5.95. Eaeb set contains 100 pieces and consists of 12 Tea Plates, 12 Dinner ilatea, 12 Soup Plates, 12 Fruit Dishes, 12 Individual Butters, 12 Tea• Gar and Saucers, 1 nine inch Dish, one 12 inch Dish, one 14•ineh Dish, 1 (Gravey Boat and Stand, 1 Baker, 2 Covered Vegetable -Dishes, 1 Tea Pot, 1 Sugar Bowl, 1 Cream Pitcher, 1 Slop Bowl, and the colors aro brown and green. We also offer 3 dozen fine China Fruit, Bread and Cake Plates, regu. lar price 75e, to be cleared on Saturday at 25e. To really appreciate these goods you'll have to see thein. We have just 30 Japanese Tea Pots left, in • all colors of flowers and decorations. They are always sold at 40e. Your choice Saturday at 25e. Japanese Butter Dishes, regular price 50 a dozen ; buy them on Satur- day for 25e, Semi -Porcelain Tea Plates 503 a dozen. Segni Porcelain Dinner Plates 65e a doz. • We are going out of Crockery hence this Slaughter in prices, SHOP EARLY SATURDAY, R.G.GORDON The busy store at the busy corner. BUTTON BLOCK. ight is riceless Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. WE FIT SPECTACLES Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably. Try us. MUNSH OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. Heintzman & Co. 1 "Canada's Greatest Piano" j Toronto, Ont. ail.. '"t • Nothing remarkable in .rdering a piano by mail when you are deali • with a well-known and reliable house. Our record has been before the people for fifty y rs. In selling our own celebrated pianos we are constantly receiving instruments of other makers in exchange. These we are ready to clear at a big reduction from manufacturers' prices. We give some quotations : asteel A handsome Berlin upright piano, in very beautiful case, manufacturers' Price, $320. Clearing, $265. A beautiful Russell Cabinet Grand piano, in handsome Circassian case, with magnificently carved front, manufacturers' price, $475. Clearing, $285. A Gerrard Heintzman & Co. upright piano, in walnut case, manufac- turers' price, $350. Clearing, $275. Chickering square piano, manufacturers' price $750. Clearing, $160. Weber & Co. square piano, manufacturers' pries) :,$400. Clearing, $150. In any case write us if you have `a piano thought. You will be glad to receive, free of charge, our handsome piano catalogue. Ye old firm of HEINTZ AN & CO., 117 Kirg St. West, Toronto. ►rN1N11Wd11�s►� o saig1440'tiilalitialillaoti t. 1 haractoristicsJ 5, vr+JW'V` Slater Shoe Catalogue Send your name and address on a postal, or call and get the new 44 -page catalogue " Characteristics." Gives the latest shapes and styles in " Slater Shoes," illustrates them in all their varieties, tells of the leathers in their make- up, full of wholesomeadvice on shoes and feet. fly its Means you carr order shoes by emir and get the exact size, width, shape, color and leather you want. " Slater Shoes" are spade in t2 shapes, 6 widths, sizes and half sizes, reliable leathers mid fashionable colors. Every pair Goodyear welted, bearing the trade mark, naive and price of makets stamped on the sole in a state frame. For Sale Only by W. J. GREER... Job Printing l: f t., '' Done u . -t�y...., t .e ,., . i , JAI ���...i.,,, +�.,'� '�,�'�.� TIM �.�e, TILE IVINGIIAN TIMES, 11IAY WOO.. NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS MO/4Mb EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wldeawake Times Correspondonte Communicate — Other Ttoms Clipped Trow Our' Exchanges. )1ELGILAVE Wo are pleased to inform our Belgrave readers that we have secured for the Trews a correspondent for that district. Belgravians will enjoy 'week by week the crisp details of their village happen- ings. EAST WAWANOS11. �''..esley Quinu is engaged as a stone - SOU with Thos. Crawford. Avery enjoyable time was spent in the basonieut of Blyth Methodist church on Wednesday evening May 2nd when a large number of young people assembled to thoroughly enjoy a box social givgn by the Epworth League, The Westfield Quartott was. present and furnished some delightful music while the best home talent was also highly appreciated. The evening was clrawn to a close by singing the National Anthem and all went away greatly pleased with the evening's enjoyment. We are glad to hear that Master Rus- sel Wilson who has been ill with pneu- monia is recovering. Mrs. R. C. McGowan visited her par- ents in Ashfield last week. The masons have commenced work on R. C. NcGowan's now barn. Fred Toll has returned from a business trip to•Montreal. Mrs. Gregor McGowan is .visiting friends in Middlesex. ,The farmers are almost through seed- ing. • It Dazzles the World. No discovery iu medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Its severest Meats have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whole it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is 'the quickest, .surest cure in the world. It is sold by Colin A. Campbell, druggist, who guarantees satisfaction or refunds money. Largo bottles 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free. renals\ ALE. • Mrs. Somerville has been ill for some time past, but is uow improving. John Johnston, of Godericli, was in: o village last week visiting his ther, Mrs. Stowe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sellars, of Clintou, formerly of tAijawie, have returned to Bluevale to occupy their property here. "Mr. Sellars formerly came from Blue - vale here and was engaged at the Staple- ton salt works for a number of years but having enough of this world's goods has decided to rem° having property over in Bh evale. e are sorry he has left us and wish o may have health and prosperity in the village to the north of us."—Clinton New Era. Willie Craig, who was injured by fal- lin; from a beam in Mr. Albert Hughes' ba s, es ao 4C ll, areare diad: to wce. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, cf Goclerich, with their little . daughter Gerrie are visiting Mrs. McDonald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gardiner. Mr. Timothy Hewitt was taken to the House of Refuge at Clinton, last week. His fainiliariigiirti•tvilll bo missed ui'the village. Miss Fraukie Clegg and a oeuplo of friends from Winghann visited Mrs. Smoltzer on Thursday of last week. il`rbor Day was celebrated to a littdted extent by the school pupils who did a little cleaning up on the school preunis,:s ii;&d hung up a few pictures. Mrs. John Robertson, of Wrtlxetar, formerly of Bluevula, visited her daugh- ter. Mrs. Robert Black, his week. Garniss Bros. have the contract' fur the stone walls of seven barns to be built in this vicinity, this summer. Rev, Mr. Oaten Ph. B., of Belgrave, was horn last week writing ou an exam- ination, which, if he succeetlein passing, will entitle him to the degree of Ph D. 66 N© Eye Like the Master's Eyed" You are master of your health, and if you do not attend to duty, the blame is easily located. If your blood is out of order, Hoods Sar- saparilla will purify it. It is the specific remedy for troubles of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver. Heart Trouble—"1 bad heart trouble for number of years and different medi- cines failed to benefit me. I tried Hood's Sarsaparilla and three bottles completely and perfectly cured me." Mils. G. A. AWN, Wallace Bridge, N. 5. A Safeguard—" As I bad lost five chil- dren with diphtheria I gave my remaining two children Hood's Sarsaparilla its they were subject to throat trouble and Were not very strong. They aro now healthier and st4onger and have not since had a cold." Um. W. 11, l:'r,r cies, Pembroke, Ont. eSa Hamra Mild entre in/rills; the troadrrittittag Anc� `q�ol"� cnthatia tato `tatcb:�eeitii ninoid�e_ ifi`irir'spitrttilCK, Rev. D. Rogers received his papers and sent thein to Bloomington University, Mrs. Oaten and her twin babies visit- ed at Mr, Joseph Leech's. Iu spite of Ms Boer sympathies there is a good "dbrap" in the Mayor of Detroit. The fire sufferers will not for- get his collection on their behalf, Seeding is just about doue in this neighborhood. Several farmers bad finished a week ago. Mr. Geo, Haney, contractor, has six assistant builders this season, to help hint with the large amount of work he has undertaken. Duff's dog, Nig, is dead. His fife bat- tle is over: He is gone to the happy hunting ground where there will be no thirst, or cats, or fleas. Bluevale folk will miss the sight of his shiny black coat, white vest and honest brown eyes. Poor Nig! JAME:iwto w N. House cleaning and gardening.. Miss Clara Smith, of Mo'Tillop was visiting friends on the lst line of Grey last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. George Eckmire and daughter Fern, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Rattan. , Mr. Edward Mulligan has Donald Livingston, of Wingham, hired. for the summer. Will Wright has finished seeding. We are pleased to state that Miss gate Scott is slowly recovering of ter her severe illness. Thomas McEwen is having his cellar wall repaired. James Wallace has the contract. John Bennett is attending Listowel High School. Jack will be missed as he was a general favorite among the young folk. Peter McDonald, of Grey, we are sorry to hear, had an attack of inflam- mation last week, but is now on the mend. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, of Wingham were visiting friends on the 1st conocssiou of Morris last Sunday. William Breckenridge and bride were visiting at D. Breckeuridge's last Sunday evening. Seven Years in Bed. "Will wombrs ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. S. Pease, of Law- rence, Kan. They know she had been unable to leave her bed iu seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility; but, "Three bottles of Electric ,Bitters enabled use the walk," she Writes, "and in three months I felt like a new person." Womou suffering from Headache, Back- ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan- choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find `it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satis- faction is guaranteed. Only 500 at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. • (:t7S ROSS. The'Directors of the Culross Mutua•1 ' Mae T sarauce Co. met according to ad- journment lliaeaawn hall, Teeswater, on April 28th. Membast:gt tt.. wsent. President in the chair. Milircw.v,r..• pre- " vious mooting read and adopted. Donaldson—McDonald—That all ap• - liliciatidns for insurance •taken by -agents' be laid before the Board for examination —Carried. Donaldson—Scott—That having ex- amined all applications presented by the different agents and find thein satisfac- tory, the President and Secretary are authorized to prepare policies for the same—Carried. Reid—Ballagh—That the request of Thos. Brown, S. D. A. A. Stobo, Wm. McDonald, John Little and Thomas Malcolm to make certain alterations and improvements in their buildings be granted; the parties tb use the necessary precaution While doing so—Carried. Donaldson—McDonald—That the ac- count of A. Bu.tchart, for minute book and stationery, $2.80 be paid—Carried. Ballagh—Scott—That this Board do now adjourn to meet again on the last Saturday in May at the usual time and place or at the call of the President. The majority of the farmers in this' vicinity have finished. seeding. Thomas taoswan lost avaluable cow last week. I7award. Ilraehliug sued James Taylor for damages done to Ms, Kraeliliug's orehai.d by rabbits belonging to Taylor. The vei•d'et was given in favor of the plaintiff„Taylor having to pay hire $35, but .each hair pays his own costs. Tho case was tried at Blyth, Judge Doyle presiding, Wo aro sorry to hear that James Craig of the 7th lino still continues very ill, He is suffering front dropsy and as he is an elderly man it is feared the disease will go hard. with hint. LZST()3VI:L.T A very sad death oecurird Friday eight, tylion 11Ir, Benjamin Davey, a resident of that fart of the town, known as Little England, died very suddenly. Mx. Davey was a scone mason, engaged by Mr. Fritz, working on the Brd con. of Wallace. After doing their day's work they were sitting chatting and laughing, when Mr, Davey drolped and, expired instantly. Mr. Morris Harris and two daughters, of Fordwich, are visiting with friends in town. James Peffers, of St. Marys, is visit- ing his brother, A. Peffers, in town. Mrs. Moore, wife of Rev. A. P, Mocre, and little son, are visiting Mrs. Moore's. mother in Princeton.. Little Johnny Godfrey fell and cut his lip so badly that several stitches were required to bring it together again. Miss Mina Norton, of this town, has been engaged to .wtead, in the room lately occupied by Miss Gibson. We wish Miss Norton every success. To Save Her Child. /301alf. A'Aonges--In Wingham, Qu M i, the wri ,0 mi. Iicutingrr, of a slaughter ur.La ss -..In g4urria, wt t+ , tt.,, wife of J. 11, Sellars, of a sou. LIArtatIMO acor.--Leech lrvu—Jit the realden•P of -0)0 n'ide'N mother, Lowe r Wingllatn, on'1'nur.day, May loth, by liov. D . 'tura•, Mr.. Jlntliuny Nie Winghami, t Annie, dau,hterof F'A.'lr I,fnklrttt r as INHr.EY*•-MEttt(r.Y.Y---At theAferliodi,t. er. domag+', Wrox+ trr, nn May .fid by lieu. U. Y. Lu]', Mr. liobt ll. Di n 1 y, of Wingl^l�ani to I+5Ass •Oer A. Mc rkelny, of'Lut mberr)•.l'1'” a-rtrxs- 11AN'INR5- 1lr'1'arllhe y.o'i.Apri1 25th, by Rev. W. J'. West, Lir•. Litorg t, r+'oat , toMiff:+RU!aH•is'mg,brothof`.rare erry�h ICi:nN8r L1c(7z....-•Attlicr rr:.i+fence H bride's parents, B:u stls, on May 8ih, by Rev. Wm Mc(:rat+ brother of the bride, 11ies Haruki daughter of John Meq rue. to John Kerney, a Bt us .eL,, brother of L. II. lCernt y, of Wingham. DTI D. C'rnArt'Aaz In LQ;vnr 'Wiughsu.t on Nay 8tlr, Elizabeth Scott, roller oEtlie kite iv.: shear,. ` ,mac d L0 year:+. 4 months andi; days. Dor cCo'.rr--In Bait 'Wuwano4h, o r arty Stu, (races Dalgarno, wife of JohniTOpott. aged :.'r years, 11 months and 14 days. G•1rrnsr+ik-4rz (.'hires, on April 2:+th, Ann MeapEugetrlCyc iHrN. a—lr'i,o i April 2•+t?r, Margaret Aliller, aged 41 yetu s and 0 taolthr. wWArtikEera,—elJdLc litrotstoa.N:oinIyW1 ;itlk'n, gde:der 18 years, 4 months and 8 day:?. tinvooI 1110.1.7[0. The Scho.4-Board mot in the Council Chamber on, Tuesday evening. Lietnbers all present, The Principal's report for April was read, Dept. Boys. Girls. Tota'. Avg. 1 14 20 81 211 2 25 27 52 47 3 30 20 50 40 4 28 22 50 47 5 34 21 55 50- 0 25 40 65 44 7 21 31 52 40- 8 35 30 05 48 From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Gaileger, of La Grange, Ga., applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve to great sores on her head and face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hcpos. It works wonders iu Sores, Bruises, Skin Eruptions, Cnts, Burns, Scalds and Piles., 25e. Cure guaranteed by Colin A. Camp- bell, druggist. WEST WA'1VAN•OSII. he home of Thomas Ford a short distance east of St. Helens was burned on outlay. A sin 1portion of the conn - its was saved.- Monday last Goo. Wallace ost a very valuable two-year old drivii*colt. He was leading it from the stable, when the animal retired'up, falling backward and striking its head against the hard ground. Tho blow proved so severthat the beast died from tho,offects. The following is the report of standing of pupils of S. S. No. 15 for mouth of April: Class VI11 -•Geo. Jefferson 50. Olass VII, Francis Thompson 20. Class VI, Martha Wallace CO, Edie Nixon 45. Class V, Cameron Jefferson 111, Norman Thonnl.son 08, Ethel Brooks 86. Class IV, Annie Jefferson 81, Harry Cham- pion 56, Annie' Ch unney 34. Class III, Sane)? Nixon 24. Class II, Joseph Thoinl;son W. Class I, Harriet Chain- p•ou 10, l+sitcst Thompson 15, Willie Cho tt111t0n 5. Tnlnlsn tr,swrrznu, Tcaoher. WH1TECHUI60IL Mr. Higgins of Walkerton._ addressed a meeting here on Tuesday evening in the interests of the new binder twine factory to be star; e3 in Walkerton. Once more tic h'techurch doings v it be weekly recorded in the 'Imes as we have this week been happy to make ar- rangements for a new correspondent. We feel sure that Whitechurch and neighborhood will enjoy the reading of their. "News." Janet Murray is visiting her grand- parent, James Found. Few lads have made better use of school opportunities than Kenneth. J. Beaton, who, though only 16, will write this year for a second class certificate. His success appears all the greater when one considers that hu is still attending the public school. Not his own efforts only, but those of his teacher have been factors in his success. A Widow's Love Altair Receives a setback if she has offeesive breath through Constipation, Biliousness or Stomach Trouble, but Dr. King's New Life Pills always cure those troubles; clean the system, sweeten the breath, banish headache; best in the world for liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 250 at Colin A. Campbell's drag store. WESTFIELD. ,,Toast Friday being' Arbor day, the teacher xg -. 22121. r ., a;rait. sea: Z y -"dam. decorating the school by making new mottds, also cleaning up the grounds. Dr. Gtiun, of Clinton, assisted by Drs. Milne and Carder, of Blyth, performed an operation on Thomas Kernick last Friday and removed a lot of waste mat- ter from his lungs. The young man had been sick all winter with pleuro -pneu- monia, but we are pleased to state so far the operation has been successful. Miss Rachel Redmond, who has been ill for some time with lung trouble, brought on by measles, is, we are sorry to say, no better. Mrs. John Redmond was summoned to Grindstone, Mich., owing to the ser- ious illness of her step -daughter, Mrs. Hunter, Wm. Redmond has gone back to Mil- waukee, Wis., to araange his affairs, then he expects to return to Canada and remain at home. Mess. Snell, who bought the lime kiln at Donnybrook, now have things in full swing. Anyone needing good lime for bnilding purposes will do well by call- ing on them. Tho people of this place are making preparations for their annual fee cream social to bo held on May 24th. As this entertainment is fu aid of tho Sabbath school, till are cordially linited. to 0011.0 and havo a a profitable time. WING HAM DISTRICT. Seaforth's present assessed value is! :;:5;,!),420, a decrease of sclmo *.5,000 from I no.n 1808. The total population is 2,423, an increase of 18. Messrs, Bert Moore and Wm. Gibbs, I jr., left oa Wednesday evening of last weak for Molkswortb, whore they will I be employed in a cheese factory,—Blyth Standard. Mtwartlt110 assessment returns show small decreases -meal and personal property, and tastable incomes. Robert Dilworth, of Ethel, has intr. chased lot 12, con. 6, Grey, containing 100 acres, with two liouses,ontbnil(lings, etc., from Ranson Dennis, for $3,000. i 212 211 423 351 Non-residents 3; fees $1,75. The School Board are invited to be present at the exercises in the school on the afternoon of Empire Day, A new flag is to bo unfurled. A. H. Must*ltovn, Principal. Moore— Button. •— That report be adopted.—Carried. Kerr—Moore. — That teachers' and officers' salaries bo paid.—Carried. Abraham—Bell.—That tho following accounts be paid:—John Kerr, brick and work, $4.00; U. Shark, frosting windows, x$,'2.00. The Board then adjourned. - PERSONALS: • Wo shall be glad to have aontrtbutions to this column from any of our readers. If you have.visil'ors or purpose going away 5 ourself, drop in and :oilrw, or send us a note to that effect. Wm. Fergie was in Belmore on Sun, day. Miss Inglis of Walkerton is visiting in town. - Mrs. Stokes, of Listowel, is visiting in , town. John Bill left yesterday for Sault Ste. Marie. Mits Ella Kinsman is visitiug her sister in -Sarnia. W. Doesburg of Napanee is visiting . Ralph Hodgson. G. F. Robbins of Toronto has been in. town during the past week. John Young and Lester Robertson wheeled to Godorich on Sunday. Mrs. Benj. Gray loft fir Alberta, N. - W. T. on Tuesday, where she will live. Mrs. George Jenkins and family, off Georgetown, are visiting Thomas Jen kin Mrs. Robert Maxwell, sr., went to ' Toronto to vi it her daughter, 'Mrs. Nicholson. A, K. McAllister has returned to the Sault where he will conduct hisbusinest a„produce commissioner:. ' e 1 a share Charles Hyman of '7salartet:,t`ss w, holder in the Wingham Tannin was in Wingham on Saturday. Mayor and Mrs. Clegg attended the wedding of their nephew, J. Clegg to Miss Lawrence in Belgrave on Wedues- day. Miss Nellie Elliott who for the past month has been visiting her brother, Ii. B. Elliott, left on Thursday for her home in Ingersoll. Ralph Hodgson is home from Napanee. He intends leaving for the West shortly. The West is taking too many of our yo g business mon. +rank Flanagan left for his now iic1ne in Kearney, Parry Sound, on Mon- day. In severing his 18 years connection. with the Wingham Tanning Co., he was presented with a handsome pipe and case. Wk.Flan/rant will be night watohn an itl a chair fuctcry in Kearney, and.wlli be joined by Mrs. Flanagan and. family. shortly. 1 is thin blood. It causes pale faces, white lip;:, weak nerves and lack of vitality. A blood, - enriching, fat producing ``Food -medicine is needed. goes to the root of the trouble, strengthens and en - idles the blood, and builds up the entire system. For Anemic girls, thin boy:=, and enfeebled mothers, it is the Standard remedy. $Yr otic? It.tiliy 1 dragghtd, SCo'ri G 1E(i4.:Ti►, t eltti.td, 'r4rotito. l,'