HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-11, Page 4TIM WINGIIAM TOMS 1900..
Syrap of White Pine and Tar
for Coughs and Colds.
is the best.
Tey it One>) iflid yott
" tiSO no other.
Price:25 ets, for large bottle
.• from
Caniapbell, the Drapgist.
,,ea •
" -*•
• -
.0.01C1EAL DEWint .SVO:111111ft in. St.
t LOUtH Olt SfitUry tater:men Firtiat “N'Sre
'in vldjany NO1011111 t110 WO11,1
bueland and England is ottr best
friend." Had these eo-ordinate exprese-
i eine been separated by a few invents
1 their unintentional humor would not
hava bean so apparent. it is further
tied that the chairman Mr. 1/10! iv
(if barger ove fear lest the e omposttor should
eriaU hint Mr. Lineberger) tben proposed
a teeet to Alloerica'fi best Wend,
RI, Iug-
land. As oue num they "smiled."
Notice of changes meet be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy fcr chauges must be left
not later than Tuesday evening.
• Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Thursday of each week.
FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1900.
EAST 1111110.6s xxorattaacs.
The annual meeting of tneEast Hann
Liberal Association, which includes both.
Zominion and Provincial Ridings, will
convene in the Town. Hall, Brussels, on
'Wednesday, May 23rd, commencing at 1
j. an. On the same data and at tb.e same
. ;place a Convention will be held to nomi-
mate a candidate for the ()ominous. .A.
Campbell,1VI. P., for Kent; J. McMullen,
X. P., for Wellington; Dr. Macdonald,
X. P., A. Hislop, M. P. P., and others
etre expected to deliver addresses on the
Volitiaal issues of the day. An evening
iieeting will also be held, commencing
;at 7.45 o'clock at which seats will be re -
nerved for ladies. Five delegates are
atillowed from each polling sub -division to
the Convention. McKillop and Hallett
• arenot in the Dominion Riding but are
for the Local Legislature. A large at-
tendance is expected.
TEE House this week went into corn-
-anon Sir. Henri Joly's bill to re-
.eize of standard apple barrels
trts, the new standard barrel
no.m. imperial quarts, dry
meastiie. iThe object is to have this
'barrel for export use only.
'Tem Yukon Territory census has been
eompleted. The total population is sixteen
thousand AvOliiii.dred; men, thirteen
thousand; women: two thousand; child -
Ten, five hundred subjects, four
thousand five fainEWe'd; Americans, nine
thousand; InctianseeVireeehundred and
t: •
J11DOES haveigaiesulned the West
Zigin electieeketiialee ;The manner of
COnducting thaiaffairwof each polling
'booth will be 61fiten1red.l*to. W. T. R.
Ilt)ieston cobte befiga the commission.
, (Crown Counse/e0attscar, will endeavor
to go to the Mterrtottora of the matter,
•end it is to be ViVteed if there are guilty
persons they inifyibe brought to justice.
11,013ERT HOLIES, M. P., was pros -
it at a publishers' meeting held in
Ottawa on Tuesday. A resolution was
sect asking that the duty on ne
per. bee ;suspended. W. F .
r gin theHoifiebn. e same subject
that in view of the fires at Hull and
t1 latere, and as the Canadian Mills
re unable to supply Canadian news -
;papers with paper, Parliament would be
' 3-astified in temporarily suspending the
-f eltaty on. news print. This proposition
evoked considerable discussion, most
embers being adverse to the proposal,
toning that the large papers would lay
a beg stock of American paper. Sir
Ipla, Caron suggested the removal of
ivspaper postage.
In the House on May 1st, our ropy; -
sentative, Dr. Macdonald malle another
of hie very effective epecches. As used
it was crannued full r flgures. In
Vcaidug ef Manitoba and the, North-
west the area, cultivated showed a pleas -
lug increase. The area of soil under
cultivation in 1898 was 1,011,a53 aures
waich had increased to 1,•liaa,0a5 iii 1S90,
sbowing an increase of 480,90 acres in
o to year or 33 per cent. Not less than
10,000 farmers had gone into Manitoba
during last year. The 80,000 farmers in
Mauitoba in 1839 produced an average
f produce fcr sale cf $'701 each, Dr.
Macdenald made an effective reply to
the criticisms of the Qppositon inregard
to the Doukhobors and. Galicians, who,
they contented were undesirable immi-
grants, He quoted in proving their ex-
cellence as citizeus and agriculturalists
the British Consul at Batoum, Count
Tolstoi, Secretary to the.High Commis-
sioner Lord Strathcona, and Sir Charles
Tupper. The testimony he contended,
of such authorities as these, fully justifi-
ed the policy of the department m giv-
ing these people land. Examination
showed plainly that the Liberal immigra-
don policy had produced better results,
and at almost one-fifth of the cost par
homestead. entry as compared. midi that
of the Conservatives.
They are the Fruitful Source of Headaehes,
Nervous Disorders, Pains in the Back and
Loins and the Feeling of Constant Weari-
ness that Afflicts so Many Women.
Almost every woman meets daily with
innumerable little worries in her house-
- hold. affairs. Perhaps they are too small
to notice an hour afterward, b these
constant little worries have t u• effect
upon the nervous -system. • deed, it is
these little worries that ke so many
women look permat y old. Their
effect may also be °doable in other time to come." No action, was taken
ways, such as sick o nervous headache, but the members are willing to assist the
s in the back or loins, Firemen in case of deficit. The Mayorbas
Town Connell. °Wes 61100.-Depatalenti
Dealt With.-rotillons b>nuoud,Nuwtoli
Takes Obi rrellimloury Canter tut tbe
Council met, May 7114 in regular
muddy eession. Members ell. past:lit.
Minutes of eaprilineetiag read, approved
and eigned.
A comnitinica,tion was read from
Charles (loan an, giving notification
'that =den would. be taken. to recover
damages to property through insufficient
outlet. One week: was given for council
to apply remedies. Referred to Street
Wm. A second communicetion was
read, from. the Electrio Light CO, re
lighting of peek etxcets. They. offer to
put in 15 lights at a cost of $.15 a light a
year. Lights to be in operation 15th
Oot., no charge to be made anal Deo.
1st. Referred to Com A communica-
tion was read from 'Victoria Hospital,
London, reporting the favorable condi-
tion of Ned Sherman. The cost of
maintainance to date of commuuication, •
Per concrete sidewalk east side of lane
between. Minnie street and oast side of
Leopold street. Length 254 ft. Cost
East side of Minnie street from south
west corner of park. Length 587 ft.
Share of property owners 307 ft. Cost
East side of Francis street between
Victoria and, John. Length 461. Share
of property owners 406. Cost V30.
Bell -Chisholm. - That the Street
Committee be empowered to construct
these walks. -Carried.
R. Mclndoo addressecl the council on
the behalf of the firemen begging a grant
of $50, for which settlement would bo
inade either by paying it back with first
moneys received over and above expenses
of celebration, or by giving the council.
all over $100. Mr. Mclndoo in his
address expressed a fact. People of
Wingham neighborhood have flocked to
Winglea,m ou big days, and were given
almost nothiug in the way of entertain-
ment. He thinks we should. establish a
day of amusement. The country -side
would anticipate the day, and. it would
bo a credit to the towu. to be able to
entertain them. The money should be
given over to the town as a nucleus of a
fund for such purpose. Holmes then
moved $25 which ho stated if not re-
quired was to be used as a fund "for all
VIINGILUI M4 1(E'1 iturowrs.
Wieghtnn, May 10, 190.
Fiona par 100 lbs.... -.... 1 sr), to 2 .00
Fall Wheat ...... “ ..... 0 62 to 0 08
Oats, new.- - . 0 20 to 0 27
0 00 to 0 00
Spring Wheat .
Barley 0 83 to 0 '1?5
O. 58 to O. 58
1T)iena4lCeys• , drawn ...... 0 09 to 0 10.
Geese, , ' 0 05 to 0 C0
0 40 to 0 00
Lutetli)csr, per pah• ....
Dugs per dcz 0. 11 to 0 12
0 03 to 0 10
Hay Vtiotill eix).e rt 07 r d . . . . . . . . . . 0 00 to 0 ( 0
7 00 to 7 00
Potatoes per bushel.-• • *. : 0 25 to 0 25
Tallow per lb 0 00 to 0 05
Dried. Apples per lb 0 05 to 0 0 (3
Wcol ' ...... „.„ „ ., _ , ... 0 00 to 0 00
Dressed Ilegs ...... ....- 0 00 to 7(0
4.inckens . . „ . 0 35 to 0 0
fickle appeti , p
palpitation o t heart, and a feeling of no desire to go into the show business,
constant weariness. If your are exper- and doubts the legality of a grant for than $40. The motion carried.
imicing any of these symptoms it is a such pmposes. The Bonus By-law was left over, and
sign that the blood and nerves needs at- The following report of the finance opinions were expressed as to the ad -
tendon, and for this purpose Dr. Wil- committee was adpoted: visability of calling a public mooting be-
lieving' Pink Pills for Pale People are T. Hall, printing. .. ...... $ 4 50 fore having the matter voted on.
woman's best friend. They are pardon- II, B. Elliott, printing. •. 11 50, Council adjourned. '
lady adapted as a regulator of the ail -
A. E. Simmons, ballots for IVIun.
ments that data women, and through election 2 00 The many friends of Post Office It-
s Printing Co., poll books &c 4 80
the blood and nerves act upon the whole Hait & Riddell, assessment roll.. 1 48 specter Hoplcirk, of London, formerly of
system, bringing brightness to the eye, W. Holmes, paid men for dain Stratford, will deeply regret to learn of
and a glow of health to the cheeks. work .
Night calls fit Button 'Week, or Fifth
door south or Schwa HOM19. Shop op-
posite Macdonaid lama.
General insurance and Loan Agent.
NO LIFE -The Ontario Mnl
FIRE -The Non -tariff Com-
Cq AC;IPDIEniNeRT. - The Lrind
Ultralltee and Accident:.
14▪ 4 minion.
Money at Lowest Rate 3
Li Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat-
nratlyo,ffice comer of Minnie and Patrick-
in which to hold their naeetings.
Another was received by the Cbair-
man of the Board. of Health from the
Medical Health Officer in reference to a
number •of complaiuts that have been
made regarding nuisances of various
]duds, and suggesting that it would. be
well to inform the citizens of the town
of the individual chilies required by
statute. Au outline of important points
relating to filthy and uuclean places and
contagious diseases extracted from stat-
utes is appended with recommended:at
that they be printed for distribution. A
further suggestion was made that a privy
and, water -closet be placed in the public
The Ottawa -Hull sufferers were gran!:
ed $103 on motion of Bell and Beattie.
The meaginal motion. was $50. - The
Mayor thought it better to make no
grant tbau give ono less than $100.
McKenzie also wee. in favor of that
figure. Newton was of the opinion the
sufferers would be better off than ever.
Chisholm estimated our Aare at lose
••• 7. .74 .1.4111^911,. P
mumwmgraganipga 13.4V.A.C.7,wArosacompr....14,m, .617.X.X44014wAlli
. 10 00 the death, somewhat suddenly, on Sun-
oThos. R. Weir, 150 dog tags and day, of his wife, Maxwell Eleauor. De-
f grateful womenhave testi-
rubber stamp. 5 00
fied to the benefit derived from the use FrankFlanigan , streets.- 1 25 ceased was a daughter of the late Prof.
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Winghain El. ghtlabor
Among those who freely acknowledge May • • •
Jas. Fluety, D. R. O. fee 3 00
cine is Mrs. James Hughes, of Droraore, W. 0. Stuart, D. R. 0. fee 3 00
Co, light for McKerras, of Kingston, audwas married
34 74 only about a a -ear ago. She was a mostP.
S. Youhill, Balmy and postage. 101 38 estimable woman.
the benefit derived from this great medi-
P. E. I., a lady who possesses the re- W. Robertson, D. R. 0. fee
.T. R. Ferguson, D. R. 0. fee and
spect and esteem of all who know her.
Mrs. Hughes speakes of her illness and J. Express charges
os. Golley, poll -room
cure as follows: "Until about four T. Hall, " " ... 2 00 1
years ago I had always enjoyed good John Loughead, poll -room ......
J. II. Young, paid insp. weigh 2 00
health, and was looked upon as one who
possessea a robust constitution. Then I elaseelisalaes • '-e, p*14" .0120i; Ira ---i ,11
,.......p„, ,...., ........,co. ............. ,r " . "r.„,,,....,....- P 0 ea
vs.1.6.t.o.+,.426A*0•'am-. - all, unloading tile . , . 25
weak, was troubled with john Davidson, lumber for well: 1 80
" 2 cords stone for
OM headaches, and frequently with "
5 00
-violent pains in the region of my heart, tam • * .
jo n Davidson, paid. for repairs
from which 1. would only find ease to house 7 00
through hot applications. My stomach John Davidson, grading streets11 70
also gave me ranch trouble, and did not Jas. Brock! labor, streets 3 88
Wna. Forgie, labor, streets 2 10
appear to perform its customary fano- McLean & Fon, lumber for dam7 22
tions. wastr t db skilful doctor,4 4 " 1 ber streets' 10 76
360 r•
but although under his care for several " i " drawing stone... 25
inonths, I grew gradually weaker and
Ir. Nan orth, (3cruliver;scaongete pipe.. 13 2
weaker, until finally I was not able to E. Posliff, teaming, streets 6 00
leave my bed. Then I called in another W. Batehford, teaming streets7 50
doctor, whose treatment, although con- Mrs. T. H. lVfaimuel, washing for
tinned for some eight months, was equal- firemen's room. .. 57
Hook and Ladder Co, Bell's fare. 2 50
ly fruitless. 1 'NM "
scarcely able to hold '' Halliday's
up my head, and Was so nervous that I fire , • 3 00
was crying half the time. My condition W. O. Stuart,-itefior, L. I.1 25
can beat be described as pitiable. At .T. H. Young, drawing hose to
1 00
this time a friend brought me a news- Bell's fire - ......
paper in which was the stoay of a cure Rednanneded that the above acconnts
of a woman whose case was in many re- bo paid'
sheets similar to mine, through the tam S. IL Cifisnor..ei, Chairman.
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I then. de- The Mayor informed the council that
eided that I would give the pills a fair our Private Bill has been withdrawn
trial. When I began the use of the pills from the House, but the Public Bill had
I was in such a condition that the doctor been given its second reading and 'would
told me 1 would always be an invalid. probably be passed.
1 used four boxes of the pins before I The account of Hood, Mitchell, Hughes
necked any benefit, and then I could and. Victoria Hospital were passed.
_ see they were helping me. 'used. twelve Mr. Paulin presented the case of the
boxes in all, covering a treatment of W. C. T. '11. ,re hall rent for temperance
nearly six inonths, when 1 was as well ineetiogs. This was set at $2 each Seb-
es ever 1 had been in ray life, and I have bath night.
ever since enjoyed good health. I be- A 13y -law to empower the couneil to
lieve there would be fewer suffering borrow $1000 from the Bank of Ilamil-
Women throughout the world if they ton at 6 per cent. to meet expenses until
Would do as / did -give Dr. Williams' taxes are collected. -Carried, The
Pink Pills a fair trial." motion was Male bet Chisholm, seconded
ndsome designs, ,
A medicine that is not right is worse by Bell.
. 4
than no medicine at all --much worse. Newton was elected chairman of the
Good Quality, Substitutes are not right; more than Street, and Fire, Water and Light Com -
Very Cheap. that they are generally dangerous. 'When inittee.
• `Srit'llifeit it.jf 11 -1* -"j31
a you '“; it,you
know ft. You
know all
about the -
heavy feeling -
mthestomach,the .
formation of gas, the ,
nausea, sick headache,
and general weakness of
the whole body.
Youcan't have it a week -.
- without your blood
being impure and your
nerves all exhausted. -
There's just one remedy -
for you- ,
rot buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fcr teattie-Hohnes.-'that Frank Patter-
.• Palo People be sure that the fa Ennt0 s011 bo appointed engineer on: sidewalks
18 EY PARK is on the wrapper around every box. If at aisalary of $1.50 a day for acted tinie
wilI be sent post paid at 50 cents a box. The School Board was granted $300.
yo*U? dealer does not keep them they employed. --Carried,
ti ian . or six bons for $2.30, by addressing the A communication was read from the •
weer and p c
I)r. Williams' Medicine Co Brookville Cheirmaa of School Boar1 asking that
1tlaCt1011ald Block, Ont. the carmen Novirlo them a heated room „atume
There's nothing new
about it. Your grand-
parents took U. 'Twas
an old Sarsaparilla before
Other sarsaparillas were
known. It made the word •
" Sarsaparilla " famous
over the whole world. _
There's no other sarsa-
parilla like it, In age and -
power to cure it's " The,
leader of them all."
01.00 a bottle. Alt druggists, a
t, Ayer's Pills dare eonstipatiott.
' Atter Buttering terribly 1 wee
Itebieee to try your eersttrartlia. X
e tool: tarot) betties and now feel Bite
notr man. I would advise all any
• follow creatures to try this medicine, -
it lion stood the test of time Mid
Its ettrattvo power ertereat bo cx.,
I. D. Goon,
Jan.co, nee. erovnitown.Ya.
Wale the' floater.
tf you hero any complaint *hairnet -
aro) de4tro the best Medical talilde S-ou
en potsibly receive, writs the &dot
frOty. You Will recede l prompt ree
p!r, utttnt 00111. address,
i)n. 3.0.
This week we are making quite a noise in our
Chinaware Departmcut. We have just put into
stock a crate of Opal goods called the "Bobs" assort-
ment. You may see these goods in our window,
They are very pretty. Collar Boxes, Cuff Boxes,
Tooth Brush Boxes, Comb and Brush Trays, Toilet
Bottles, &c. Regular price 4o to 5oc. You may have
your choice for only 25c.
26 Toilet Sets, as pretty as can be and good '
quality, to pieces each, from $2.00 to $5.00. Some
• •
of these sets are worth $8,00, but they must -go.
1 .e
Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, printed Porcelain, to
clear at $5.00. •
FRENCH CHINA -We are sole agents for
these goods. Tea Sets $15.Oo and up ; Dinner Sets ri
and odd pieces may be had at any time. If you're a
lover of Fancy China, come in and see these goods. •
DIAMOND DYES -A full stock of new
goods, any shade you want. . .
MAPLE SYTUP-Pure Mape Syrup from the -
Province of Quebec, $1.2o per gallon.
No, 1-7 lbs good Japan Tett for $1.00. • Satidaction or
money refl.:laded.
No. 2-0. 11, D. & Co's 3 -lb I3ox biscuits for 20e.
No. 3-15c I3ottle Mixed Pickles for 10e.
No. 4 -Flaked Peas end Beans fer 10e.
No. 5 -Ladies' Cotton Bone, black, per pair, 5e.
No, 6-14 Bars Electric Soap fur 25e.
No. 7-8 " Wonderful Soap for 25c.
No. 8-7 " Morse's Best Soap for 25e.
No. 9-7 " Kerr's Pure Soap for 25c.
No. 10-A one pound bar Pure Soap for 5c.
We have a Large Stook of Fire Works for the 24th,
Macdonald Block,
T. A. MILLS has his stock of Field and Gardeii.
Seeds now complete in all the best known
varities consisting of
Red Clover, Mammoth Alsike, Crimson, Lucerne .and White -
, •
0052.1attrd €211‘ Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top,
dow Fescue.
Also Chicago Long Grass.
I have the Celebrated Danish Sugar Beet, the best of all for milking*
cows. Mammoth White Intermediate C,'arrot. This Carrot has no equal ass.
a Field Carrot.
Mammoth Long ,Red Mengel has been grown at the Agricultural*
Farm, weighing 78 lbs. each. .
Giant Yellow Intermediate, specially recommended for Cattle an&
Hogs. This is a fine Cropper, Weighing 45 lbs. each.
In Turnip Seeds 1 have the very best kinds known, including Steele's,.
Rennie's ar.d Pierce's Seeds, and a new, variety of Hardy Swede called the. -
Kangaroo. 'nig Turnip has surpassed all the varieties the last season..
Try a lb.
The best .known English Multiplier, 3 lbs. for g5e. Dutch Sets, 8 lbs..
for 25e. Potato Onions, 3 lbs. for 10c.
.8 packages of the finest Garden Seeds for 25t. Your own selection.,
You do not need to take seeds that are no use to you in the lot.
Corn has become a valuable crop in this part, so I have devoted a good!.
deal of time to select only the best varieties for this part of the eountryt.
comprising Crompton's Early Seltzers, Early North Dakota,
Improved Learning, White Cap, Dent, Giro; Cuban and White.
Buckwheat in japanese, Silver Ilull and Giant Biaek.
Dwarf Essex Rape the best known variety for stock or for soiling down,
1 have taken great care in the selection of seeds this season, and can.
, give you the lowest prices consistent to quality, as I am convinced quality
is much more to be considered than a few cents in price,
II When you want seeds of all kinds call and examine my stock as X aM
1 headquarters for values in seed,
i A Full line of House Furnishings, including so pieces ot
Brussels, Tapestry, All -wool and Union Carpet for 25c and up.
1! Oil Cloths and LinoIeurns x to / yards wide,
11 i