HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-11, Page 3THE WINGIIAM TIMES, MAY 11„ 19OO. The Viros of ire Recognized by the Ablest Physicians. IT IS Tl'12. BRUT SYStal BUILDER IN THE SPRING TI!lE, It Produces Solid and Healthy Flesh, Makes Pura Blood and Strong Nerves. The peculiar and distinguishing mode, dual virtues of Paine's Celery Compound acro fully recognized by the ablest inedi- Val men in every part of the Dominion. )n its peouliar powerand ability to in- . -. 'vigorate the body, to make new blood awed to regulate the nerves, lies the great •value of Paine's Celery Compound in all •wasting diseases and disorders of the Itidneys, liver and stomach. ,At this season of the year, when thous. ands are tired rundown and sick, Paine's Celery Compound comes to the rescue of the shaky and enfeebled uerves and keeps them from utter prostration and a.•uiu, and banishes that feeling of ex- lilaustion that is the cause of despondency melancholia, and depression amoug men said women of all ages. Paine's Celery Compound makes solid and healthy flesh, pure blood and strong nerves. Paine's Celery Compound strengthens the digestive powers, and restores the nervous system when impaired from elver -exertion of mind or body. The best test that can be applied to Paine's Celery Compound is to use a 'bottle or two at this time when the body uxeeds cleansing and building up. DISTRICT, iI II GHAM iST `f", Capt. Shaw of the 83rt1 le endeavoring to have a big tura out to drill this summer, IIe offers 75 ots a clay. Miller's Grip. Powders Cure. Hold by Cohn A. Campbell, druggist. 7So,ll lcv Eapree:it says that Ripley Contine, the wizard of St, Joseph, was in Ottawa last week asking for a goveralment appropriation for •a Irarhor at that place. Wo have no hopes of laic success" Morritet Wtu, Rutledge had one baud Fieler has also had volunteer experience. QUICKLY ARO WELL SERVED. Cnptaixl Combo is ono cP the most active officers lit the Battalion and tris• Ours tort is modernized in every ole• xlartniextt that properly pertains ee the plays a very eolnnxenclable aimouitt of drug business, Our patrolle are gdeckly interest in the whole Harte, but the wet- and well served, incl go away satisfied fare of tris own Company in partioular, :that we are werthy of their coniitleuce. As in the past Paine's Celery Co n- pouud still rank as our lending f'axnily medicine. Its lara•vollous curing record is sufficient to recominoud it to every - ailing and sick pian or woman. A full supply of the genuine Paige's Celery Compound always in stock. COLIN A, OAnii'uELL, Druggist, . Winghann Out. is thiI ceutte of a population cf 13000, This ntraber could easily be added to by increasing the radius, o- ITl1cilblastirg stone at Tilos. Ellis', D. Brough of Owen Sound brew ly badly injured by a woman -on explosion. plunged into a current of water £0 feet Little Thomas John Ellis, who was deep and rescriecl a little boy. The act is standing near watching the operation, AMONG 1 N K -•SPILLERS. worthy of the bigbest comtnendatiou. blillor's Cotnpoiuud Iron Pale, ouly 25 • cont:; for 50 doss. Sold by Celia A. Campbell, druggist, Death state in chime. In Montreal 23 per thonsaud; Chicago 13; Hamilton 12; London 13; Toronto 15; Detroit 17; Hull 18; New York 19; Baltimore 23; Ottawa 25; Quebec 27; Three Rivers 35. 'The last named city has the highest death rate •in America, Ilamiiton the lowest. The highest On- tario rate is Ottawa's. In South Ameri- k.the average death rate is 82. ; u the spring the birds are singing As they build their summer home, Blades of grass and bads are springing, o'er the rneact the cattle roam. In the spring your blood is freighted With the germs that cause disease, $aiders, boils are designated Signals warning yen of these. In the spring that tired feeling Makes you every duty shirk,— Makes you feel like begging, stealing, Rather than engage in work. ntv there's something known that vrill a• • t;tn to health and vigor lead. You will find Hood's Sarsaparilla Just exactly what you need. D.W. Mayes, G.T.R. agent, Lucknow, was presented with a gold watch, by fellow townsmen prior to leis removal to Forgets. The Bruco herald is getting out a book of "Walkerton Past and Present." Old timers say that the northern town was originally known as Rogue's 'H Hollow. Captain McTaggart, Clinton, has re- ceived part of the officer's new equip- ment, the belts being khaki in color instead of black as of old. The equip- . went will present every fine appearance. A close of Miller's Worm. Powders oc- casionally will keep the children healthy. Seed by Colin A. Campbell, druggist. W. R. Thompson, Teeswater, sold some X6000 worth of lumber one day last week, He has shipped 115 cars of maple blocks to the Old Lend this season. No editor can advocate the doctrine of buying from home merchants unless the Mime merchants show they aro interest- ed in catering to the home trade by ad- vortising in the colums of thelocalnews- paper. • Last week a delinquent subscriber said he would pay up if bo lived." He died. Another said "I will see you to- morrow." He's blind. Still another said, "Ill pay you this week or go to the devil." He's gone., Beware. The incident of the tearing down of the Eritish .flag in a hall in Detroit, where a Bryan meeting was to be held ' the other day, obtained a good deal of notice. The fact that the flag was re- stored to its place, and that when the meeting took place British flags were conspicious among the decorations of the hall, was not reported, though such was the case. I had a vexy,sor'e foot through having. at nail run into it, and was unable to walk. I started applying Haggard's Yellow Oil and ill a short time the sore- ness was gone and I was soon able to walk again. David McLellan, ',Pelee • Island North, Ont. . We meet at the table three times a day in most families, and our best op- portunity for conversation is found. there. To sit at a meal in siltnco, speaking only about the affairs of the moment, asking and answering ques- tions, bat having no genuine table talk, its a mistake.—May Ladle Home Jour- nal. THE; MILK OF THE .., HOLSTEIN DAIRY is pure and cold and costs........ THREE CENTS A QUART "Canada for the Can adIanS." READ 'THE iCANADIAN,,ROME JOURNAL A menthly uingi z:ne full of inter- : tenter tending n.tittes tied useful in- ' fcrcutktion for 7i',,CANADIAN 1 GO1Vi3 N AND '-"" • CANADIAN i1O1N.fl S i Subaoriptiou 'pre A One Dollar 1•i'r , Amami. 1 OIL you can `receive it with this paper for one veer at the estne prleo by aenclirg your emcee to the peblisher of the TIMES At Whathnm. Send Iii canis for sample cony, You wilt 111e it. Address. Canadian Home Journal Co., (uM,Ttb) TORONTO 0NY To PATENT rood Neu may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Ultimate, Me felt the child is restless at night, has coated tongne, sallow complexion, a dose of Millers Worm Powders is what is re- quired; pleasant, harmless. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, druggist. The $100 fiag owned by the Orange- men of Londesboro has been sent away for repairs, being somewbat the worse of wear after the Ladysmith celebra;A'ion. It was iu a good cause salt the brethren were•only too glad to have their flag iu the procession. The postuirster of London village in 1831 was G. Ooodhne ; and in this clay of penny postage it is interesting to note that it cost exactly three :Shillings (75 teat$) to send a let ter from Loudon to Halifax. The rate was 4 1-2 pence for 60 miles, 7 pence fer 10e Utiles, 9 pence for 200 miles and eio on. "Murder will out." Impurities in the blood will also he sure to show them- selves unless expelled 1 •y Hood's Sarsa- parilla, Sold by Colin A. Campbell, drug -est. Bruce Pioneers will erect a memorial log cabin, 20x 16 feet, 8 or 9 logs high and covered with bark, at Port Elgin onth Pioneer Day, June 15. The 'raising' will take place in the for' hon and four f the oldest', pioneers of -e :e' - ectiou will act as 'coiner men'. The l uildii;"cvill be preserved." E. Walker ee Sons, Limited, of Walk- erville will erect the most elaborate sign on the continent of America. . Work has begun to erect a • separate iron Structure on the river front in the rear of commodious offices of the firm. Between 4,000 and 5,000 four -cantle incandescent electric lights will be used.- The sign will cost $15,000. The Listowel Furniture Co., Limited, have bought the property in that place known as the old school site for the sum was kuerked clown ler a piece of stomp largo enough to hold Lim down till 11e was released. A robbery in Clinton is a rare thiug but there was a case ou tho night of the doubt, in so tango a body as the Chxist- 24t1i ult., when. Mr. Jane s Twicheil s Mu Clench, t:eneerious hearers and ill - store was broken into and two pairs of mannered 'congregations, just as there shoes stolen, Perhaps more stock was aro lazy and camtanlcerous ministers, yet the average congregation is charit- able in its judgement of its minister, Patient unaor his failings, keenly ap- "No man hetes more reason to be grate- ful to his public than a minister, for I know servaut who is more kindly treat. ed," write Ian McLaren intim May Ladies Homo Jourual. "While there are no car rieel off, but that is all the proprietor bas yet missed. Tho perpetrators first of all borrowed some tools from Mac- kenzie's planniug mill and then bored an opening which onabled them to opera precie of any good ~vert he does, and mostresponsive all kiso spans ve to geed Mr, Twitchell's back door. offices. There are not many substantial A wodcling took place atRavenswood, complaints which a same -minded and the residence of Mrs. Osborne, 42. good-tempered minister can bring against Hannah street east, Hamilton, at 4.30 the average congregation, Lut he has ou the afternoon of Saturday, April 28th, sometimes a grudge against his friends when Miss Sarah Elizabeth Osborne, welch ho doest express, but which daughter of the late William Osborne, i often rankles iu his heart. It is not was married. to Mr. John Hamilton I anything they say nor anything they do, Stuart, manager of the Bank of H"'amil- it is the quiet and perhaps unconscious ton, at Listowel. - Rev. Neil McPherson assumption on. their put that he has a conducted the ceremony, in the presence ( considerable amount of time at his dis- of reletives and immediate friends of the p;ssal." • happy couple. Gnests were present from Rudyard Kipliug has written an en - Now York, Montreal, Toronto, Van- tertaiuing story about "The ship that oeuvor and Many other distant points. found. herself." It recounts the voyage Miss Annie Osborne attended the bride, of the vessel—how the plates creaked, It is th a light an "pepulaq" styl • ...,.-,..-, t of the pap.",., (01t1 it; ebstenti'nt iron til: dry political preemies evllic?1 distinguish lags: of its; rIvale. It is a ra'iicluy anti. English journal, and has motel some amuscrnout lately by the airing of pot , ,. a t: •flc o 'o S u t ilii .st'ori i 1' i 1 .Seri rtlet111 1 sclxt, S Alb1• ri." Its staid iuid sober contem- porary, the Temps, makes an annual not profit of abut et50,e00, welch seems to show that steadiness and sobriety in a Parisian newspaper ata not se profitable as Jew -baiting, anti- Dreyfusism • and .A.welo-phobia. Peelmps the twist eosin oiitan city in the matter of newspapers is Constanti- uople, Of its fifteen journals only three are publishea in the Tarkfstr tangent:), while three aro primed in Trench, three in Greek, two in Armenian, one in Pereet, ono in Itali ti and two in Fennell and English. a few klays ago ono of the most noted authors of the present day had a news- paper plattrd nt his disposal to edit as Jesus would. Somehow the idea has gond ahead that the influence of the daily newspaper is demo raliziug; that the editors are blinded 1,y prejudices. and are the hirelings of bribery and fraud; that the gatherers of news are vicious and (10 what they ought not to do, and leave undone `what they ought to do; and that the last place Jesus would over lodge is in the average newspaper office of the present clay. Of COOXFe some of thom public agents are corrupt. Wo enuuot have porfeu;ion iu an age of ifour liver is out of order, causing ah1g Biliousness, Sick headache, term. burn, or Constipation, take a (lose of If 'i it iNis On retiring, and tomorrow your dl• gestive organs will be regulated and you will be bright, .active and ready for any hind of work. This has been the experience of others; iii will be yours. HOODS PILLis are sold, by all .medicine dealers. 25 cts. grit You can't be healthy if your 14. bowels are constipated and 4 your system clogged wish t poisonous material. There b should be a natural move. ,p1 mcnt every day, and the best I, $, way to secure it is to take c Lata -Liver Pills. The most ht 3 obstinate cases yield to their j clten nor weaken, ion. h are easyer s to take and prompt to act. or, ®poo ood3' Heal, and Ma depravity, but there are Itunciro.s of mmy a soothes the thousands of the liuights of the pen who Lungs and have laid their Iives as a willing sacra- SyEekep curesCouvhs and CoI_l, of fico upon the altar of the printing press, the worst kind after other remedies who aro working just as faithfully and fail. Pleasant to take. Price 25c. truly and cons,:ioutlously for the good of Mankind as sloes the minister preach - her sister, and the groom was assisted the timbers strained, the engines sulked, i: ; every Sunday in the pulpit`, the by T. Hillhouse Brown, manager of the, and a clamor of insistent individual ; doctor writing a preseei ition itr a sick Hamilton east end branch of the Bank1 voices demanded recognition as of rcoin, or the elder leading the devotional of Hamilton. The bride wore a travel -prince imports leo in the make-up of the excrciees at the week night payer meet- prime gown of grey cloth, grey hat and I •kolemn greyhound." Suddenly a storm ung.—Dr- Talmage. white rosebuds. The bridesmaid was arose, coufusiun and terror reigned; in There are those whe have not hesitat- gowned in pale groom grenadine over l the presence of a common daugor all ell to tell us that our hastily ant iusal:i- white silk. -The bride was given away by rivalry was hushed, and after stress aud her brother, R. Bryson Osborne, Toren- silence was heard only a single, gentle to. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart, who received voice, and no other—the V0103 of the un - many handsome presents, left in the ii'ied ship, the ship that fouu.i her.•.elf. Is evening on a three months' trip to is.the allegory of many a life. Pride of Europe. talent, satisfaction iu dress, pleasure iu Mrs. William Grieve, of Mcleillop, recreation, desire for sosiil approval, veterans, fought like r;galars, charged died ou the 26th ult., after a long and human appetites, and even moral eon- like tiger:, utilized cover with, the cool - painful illness, which she bore with soiousuess and spiritual aspiration—all n -ss of old campaiguers, and died— great patience and fortitude. Mrs. these are at variance one with another, when the need came—like heroes. We Grieve's maiden name was Elizabeth• and unwilling to seek any solution bat need be neither ashamed to compare aleaiiohael. She was the eldest daughter an exaltation of the one at the expense our citizen solclicz:u hereafter with the of the late Mr. Thomas McMichael, of of all the otheis. Danger tilreatcus— most celebrated Lrtachino :i ulo rasa of Ilullott, and mother of Mr. John Grieve, 4,every faculty is strainedto the point of the European camp, not afraid to al - V. S., Seaforth, and Thomas Grieve, i tension; the strong ptuis ars helped by 1 pend neon them with aouflieuce for tee Tuckorsmith. She was aged 50 years! the weak parts ;there isuolonger thought 1defenceofourcotvitry. Wehavepleuty and 11 months. She was a native i of civil war; bat only of adequate rtt:ty I : 1 snob men as went with Otter into the Canadian, having been born on the old and defence. The danger is met, is avert- ' trete hes C1tat riix;;ud Cronjo and ;-p the homestead farmin Hullett, now occupied ed, is passed, 511J. the man has found : 1t1ereee thee protected the Boer retreat ; by her brother, Mr. James McMichael. 1 himself. Baptist Uniou. : and we hays enemy alt Otter to lead them. 'Besides her husband, she leaves afamily—M,utroal Star. of three sous and four daughters, all of tele may observe t:mon rthe pupils iu ' a seioolruone a wide range cf interest >, , list Whom aro grown to the estate of men and tied tkuuporanteut. There aro aSreious A BOON TO 10R3EIM N Eupuvin women. The die eased had a very Iargeeyes, wistful eyes, eager eyes; there aro i Liniment removes a hard,. soft or cal - family connection in this vicinity, and busy hands, ntisohievious hands, listless loused Lumps and Blentibes front most of then were represented at the hands. The schoolroom has oaten been i horses, Blood Spavin, Curer,-, Splints, funeral, paying a last tribute to the , Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stitlees, Sprains, called the epitome of life. It is a fittins, Sore and Swollen Throat, Cong?rs, etc. memory of ono whom they all hold so couslu trfsou. The pears and hopes nail The ruse of ono bottle may make you •$50. ()tautly trained men could never hope to stand ire and press homea charge \vale the steadir,as and effeotiveusss of dril- led "regulars." But Pear,loberg and Shaba: Fain have been their sufficient t:nswer. Our boys have marched like dear. She was of an amiable, kindly disposition, and to.huaw her was to esteem her. She will, however, bo particularly missed in the home circle, tastes of oliilcli:ood differ ouly in degree Warranted the Most wonderful Blemish faom the sorrows. ambitions and deeds Cure ever huown. Sold by A. I•. Iiamiltou, of manhood and \voulaie ne: 1. It our schooling has taught us tele blessedness theenehe was the central and most be- of tiro wurds duty enol centrage, as appli- Wall -paper does not hang, and yet the loved S tti'(i. i4 S mPdthy4of«ni„auy eet.aaihcteteeivities of 1 Ye, vyo have got person whose business it is to paste it up Mends will be extended to tre bereaved til t is "'' t •Th ..'.' apaper-hangcs. The reason is • oy or rer " • a. „a. by e was out of a ,.• husband and ftwnily. s i I; before th t "Jx`u'tic'- who5o Sale 1e xu 1n foI tale favor or pro • „, • , . tme e. oug a oro a ru roc uc pitied= tee the teacher, without refer- ofwall-papers, "Arras, a town in France, LA GiLIPPle. VICTIMS , euro to: ibe work in hand, is wasting was famous fortalvestries celled 'Arras." time and dcharacter. 'OnlyThese were used as wall coverings, and men Io in Thousands of Cases slave to" right the leen who were employed to put them Catarrh news Dr. .A,gnewe Catarrhal al that pupil issucceeding whose confidence Tonder is Used to Prevent the Sowing of in his master's ways and words needs no up wore called. "Ixaugers." When paper the Seed. succeeded tapestry as a mural decoration self-conscious expression, whose earnest- the name ''haueers" stuck to the men, The wife of a .prominent physician of ness iu doing and faithfulness in obey- e Toronto was a victim of t:atarrh in its iu * have come to bo the fixed instinct though instead of being tapestry-hanaei s worst form. She tried almost everytheyare now paper-bangers.—Ex. treatment known in the world of nledt- and habit of the trustful heart. --Baptist p p a eine without receiving any lasting bone- Union. fit. Hearing of the abnost miraculous... klte Not,Ieat grind One of tho most remarkable papers in of $400. The factory will be much larger • cures made by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal than at That intended. The grant build- Powder, she procured it, persevered fn ing will be 126 feet long by it0 feet wide, restored,se and all sht ymptoms toms of the dread - 8 eand was eacl 8 stories high, and dry kiln 82 feet ed disease eradicated from her system. by 43 and there will be a Iarge engine She says, "After years of suffering I re - room. joiced to be freed." Name given on ap- li.i tree but Sb:lt'clai A>t Dr. Von plication. Sold by .A.. L. Hamilton. Stan's Pineapple Tablets are not big nauseous doses that contain injurious eat the religious public lies ever any drugs or narcotics—they are the pure misgiving about the money which is vegetable pepsin—the rymedicinal s extract` ci t 011 secretaries (paid secretaries of from tbeluscious fru-t, and tables are F prepared iu as palatable forth as tee uhilautlxropic societies,) and the" useful - fruit itself. Tho reinorly searches one Hese of their work it may be some con - the weak spots in the digestive ofgauis— sciatic= for the ptlblio to know that as eltcoura;cs and stimulates them -60 in a' box, 35 cents ;cold by A. L. Hamilton. long as there aro pate secretaries for philanthropic societies no city minister Allan McLean, oldest sen M. Y. Me- will over bo allowed to idle away' his Lean, Esq., of the Seaforth Expositor, is tiutc,.either in reading modern theology 1t0111e on a visit, rfter an atestnee office or in talking with his family..•—fan Mao- yeats, the last three of wl.ich have been larou, in the Maty Ladies' HomeJotirnal. spent in London, Enginne!. Ile says that Cala haus ars et a prou:ittl t in the Many Children. old country just unev,. and 1001•s for a Some ohillran are pat., weak and great boom in the taro between Canada pony front birth, others become sO OS a anal I:ug'.aucl, the preferential tariff met rest.lt of dims.), are an fully restored to Sir Wilfrid boipg exceoc;inbly popular health and victor by a treatment, with 141 r. McLcalt is empl,tyed ou 11. leading Dr. Chases terve Food.forive It is nater s colnrneroial peeler there. I Ie says the ery oits mon, woinc a and children aIt climate is abominable. He goes back in gives ruudnoss to the ferni and color to the course of a couple of 'wooks. His the cheek of the polo tine. emit iatol, visit was a e0113plate Serpxis0 to i. '!ill IICW vigor to every .notion of tho relatives, wllc did not know he was in cic this country. Paris green of gOei gaallty is ixltan is:y Dr. llruco has resigned the Lieutenancy bright groan and uniform. When n,dul- . in Captain ()orators Company, Clinton,1 teratod, the given Io,0 s3lnothing of its and the next Gazette will contain tho intensity end is grayish greed and is 11 t appointments of Color -Serviette Miller always till"ornt. tttucl Mr. J. J. 11'isher as Lieutenants, 1, 1 , , Ile former is ono of the best shots ill or the Beastly Anhataken .a emirs.) in 1 tho Military Sc110o1,1Gonwhile 1tT don, ilrTORI Europe --indeed, iu the world—is the Paris Petit Jourlittl, about which some striking figures were recently published. It is it half -penny, four•pago paper, un- doubtedly tho Most popular iu Franco, and has it circulation of over ono million The best contentment has," Yet how- ever noble in mind, no gran or woman can have perfect contentment without physical health. The blood roust be lee pt pure and the stomach and digestive organ in good order. The best meads for this purpose is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It pro - co les deli Its net profit's are over pro- mptly cures all blood humors and crap - copies y P tions and tones up the system. three quarter million dollars yearly. It is somewhat difficult to see to what this The favorite cathartic is Hood's truly colossal sale is due, but propably 250- • Pi11fi. feesi e2ehers May Prevent the Breakdn ;v il of the Nervous System while often Threatens. Tho worry and uork, the strain and anxiety of a teacher's life are such as to tell severely on the nervous cystem, Time and again teachers have had to give up good pcsitioas on account of run down health end shattere8 nerves. To such we cone fldently recommend Milburn'a Heart and Nerve Pills, and in doing so we aro sup. ported by the testimony of. Mrs. Reilly, Colborne Street, Chatham, Ont., who made the following statement: - "Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are, beyond question, the best remedy for nervousness and all exhausted conditions of the system I know of. 3Iy daughter, as a result of over study and close application to her duties as school tcaeher, became much run down and de- bilitated and was very nervous. Two months ago she began taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. They acted quickly and effectually in her case, making her at ung and building no her entire system." ISIilburn's Heart and Nerve fills cure Palpitation, Nervousness, Sleeplessness,. tuaemia, Vemale Troubles, After Effects )f Grippe, Debility. or any condition arising from. Di'ordered Nerves, Weak Heart or Watery Blood. Price 50o. a box. ge':•1i f.. tJetYxUI. iorse iI1s As the seaso-: is ,low approaching when these bills will be needed by horsemen, we would say to all such that the TIDMES office is well equipped for turning out this class of work. A splendid line of suitable cuts. • Reasonable rates. .. .,. l':.,- . .N.`•\•T'. 4s . .ut1- .r<.:a. ... ,':S. :lits; _;,^:. 5:r>•±:ill. t', :at4".A++.Jk::a,cz.aa i i—•". 'r=''Amy L1Ct Shorey's Clothing is sold by Reliable Dealers only others cannot buy it, consequently you can. be sure it is as represented. 1 . Shorey Sc. Co., Montreal. All Wool Business Suits Shorey's Rtai1edc at $8.00 Cannot be beaten. ...