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The Wingham Times, 1900-05-11, Page 2
yar 1114. Littl + Nvoru , a:,e the s.veetest to hear; 1ittl,a t'ntl tt. s fly ford's t.t, and stay loll .t' 0 I tI'.' :,.al,; li'itl.! likes are stilt, :little lteami an.l lifts • tatii.l-; t'1.•tt• •t t: ll 1. l.'ttl'> b ales are CAIr 1.,:>t rt' >a, and l :. k' 1.'a!;• the most'tl;t•tl. ..11.,'v:l';1 :i:tt:.rca v:o.t'll m!tll: ttayt'"og asprare beautli:ul, •!hs, es,^.I.tc, ii' lifts' .l,tt'.e pond;, Pal a Wanlonds, little (1,y)7.4. Mut nat la' vary?--tottl>la i'l lit lt'- t ti: " fro' ",tat,Lt4y u" all thst `>.. Iev> t . Moll•. 1+.)Y1>l t, r, a l l Y.'2.3. 5:3',.`i.' .h `I t t .. '; tcnel Ase $ d ‘...at ,.!:;,,cc to tho •.liscosed a, , !':- ttv Itul•t>AA,d 11.,>•.c.r. ' ! re deirs rho air •t -,u' j, t ut a'ly cures ..,,' , tanti f: A -'ever. Blower ,r.•a. '.11.(r.,larr Ln t,r.f. W ( belie' '''+'°.'.;�; .•f,•.'..' ^e Co . Toronto and Buffalo The Ai.t 'hghl, i=1 her l)tAc to lx as man, is ranch less silt' hal' men. She woul I shat g r 1 to all of tho French Acatleuaieia: s at ewe, awl cable a re- port of the cu1.v rs-tti•u1 ba:fore niteat to the New York pars, F.tl) 1, is the h' •ro- ine of the hour ind. eio knows it.. The newspapers celebrate daily her victories ill literature, art, golf or int rnalioual marriage. No veil hangs before her. We can look at her just as she is. -May Ladies' 1;Iouio Journal. AB L':TE ©et a.aane Cart is Little Liver i ills. f1ust Boar Signature of See Fac -Sirs. o VI/carper Below. Very email oad a3 oacy to take .no ,; qc;, FeOEM-MCl/E. . Ci'TkR ren DUENESS. r FCR rBiirl;t;tii•S,1NESS. tr.i(�-"iPID l a LIVER. van t l ONE; WWATIO . PACS . FON. CALLOW' SKIN. FOR Tgr COMPLEXION Prtee O Nd1.2'E 141,./S vt lMU ZS 6etts I Purely Tegeta ne tel sscG CURE SICK HtADACHE. Burdock Blood fitttersp The est PEOPLE OF PROMINENCE. tt'orltl •irillel The writer of that tender, familiar sottish ballad "An,1ie Lamle," lids recently died in the person °flat y John. Seca OpQttiSwt)ede. Lady tit tt.a awoo`ae is ds. seribeL1 on a quaint, t, veaaerabl.• figure, who might have just stepped cut of a Goldsmith e...l:lo.:y or 1. Crai"iborough picture. But is was rot only in loadks bat in nearly every other part n]. i.• that ,the was a i;hauls dame of the ohs sehoo1. i She was very e•. ist>r v lltive in her ideas, I having 11' 41111)(; t0 110 With tllederll talbtl I nett'-fangl.>•I l.ot:onz, in dress, manners or c u tl>1) . \i h :1a s ha had a journey . to n1.l:;c tis aleft„ htfu1 old lads e,snl.l I:ot t:l:ng 11vV.,,•1. to cover the tiid:lal1Ce i:l as car dr.:'.v 1 by a st,>autl engi::e, but travelled in tiW> good, pictu;A:,-.qtto way, a carria e c'r coir Lt with p).tili')ns. it is a a;tro ,_; c.:aracter tai.o can thus •lefy 01! a-:vaue-.'- u`_' now i. ca and the si.;ic1:1; whi1•lh the weal loves to heap 011 the old t =,atio.e.i. But Lady JL.iln hal at` l let tre; qua c 11 ideas; ii r instance, t ll,,a had a de,;idcll pr':el:once for a thatched rot,f over a slated or shingled one, and fila fuel she burned by choice was plat. One eau imagine her fine scorn of that Most ghastly modern. substitute f.,r a fire, the asbestos gas. But with tall her alaiable peeuiiaarities- if it is a pc e:L1i.; City to cling to the umn.- ners and custoto-; of one's youth -Lally Spottiswoode hal a big heart for the poor, to whom she Was always ll. friend, and she will be sorely missed by those among whom li:•r clays and good deeds were passed. Local: David Robs, Ins;lectcr of Public Schools, for East Huron, Brussels, Ont., was born in Armagh, Ireland, 1847. IIe received his education at the Kingston public schools, the Normal School, To- route, but chiefs- in private study. I_e began teaching cu a County Board certi- ficate, but in 1871, when the Scholar Law was amended, he obtained. a second-class certificate, and kfterwards, in 1881, a first-class ono. He taught school twenty- four -years, duringdniue cf which he was mathematical master of the Clinton Col- legiate Institute, which position he filled to the greatest possible advantage of the pupils, and with satisfaction to all con- cerned. In 1890 heawas appointed to his present position a$ Public School In- spector. In the various educational ap- pointments he has held, he has ,proved himself a thorough scholar, and he is now a popular and efficient inspector, and is considered to, be the best authority on educational questions in the county. He was married 27t3. December, 1881, to Miss Annie Parker of East Wawanosh, since deceased, and, again in December llth, 1899, to Miss Minnie Tuck, of • Brassels. !' Removes all poisons and impurities from the system. Gives strength and. vitality in place of weakness and languor. The most wonderful blood purifier, restorative and; strengthener known to science. Mr. Geo. Heriot, Bdillieboro, Ont., says: "Two years ago I was very poorly in the spring, had no', appetite, felt weak and. nervous, not abs§ to work much and was tired. all the time. " I saw Burdock Blood Bitters highly recommended,• se got a bottle. " I started talong at, and inside of two months I was as tell as ever I was in my life. "I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as a splendid blood purifier and spring medi• vine" In those days of imitations it is well for everyone to be careful what he- buys, Especially is this necessary when a matter of health is involved. There aro so many imitations of Doan's 1 idney Pills on the market -some of them absolutely yworthless-that w a aslti you to be particular to see that the full name and the trade mark of the Maple le1Lf are o11 every box you buy. Without this you are not getting the original Kidney Pin, which bas cured so many Levers cases of kidney complaint in the United States, Australia. and England, as welt las hove in Canada. The Doan Kidney 1111 Co., Toronto: Are You one of Thein. Stastics show that 25 per cent.. of men ' and women suffer the torture of itching piles. Investigation proves that Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment has never yet failed to cure itching piles, and all of these men and women could end their sufferings at once t` by using it. Scores of thousands have been cured by this treatment. Everybody can be cured in the same way. CHRIST AND AGRIPPA. Tlltkeir Letters Unearthed in the Palace of Thebes. The discoveries narrated to the Arch- aelogical Congress:at prosent meeting at Rome, by L,a. ....... n u.a.., nice, relate to letters that passed ages ago between King Agrippa and Christ The letters, which were first referred to by Eusebius in the fourth Century, were written in Byre -Chaldaic chairacters, and originally discovered under a stone, eighty-four miles from. the city of Icouium, in the year 97 and then lost. Now they have been: discovered carved - in stone over the gateway of the old palace of the Kings of Thebes, which has recently been uncovered. The letter from King Agrippa to Christ reads :- "I have heard of Thee and the cures wrought by Thee without herb or medi- cine, for it is reported that Thou re- storeth sight to the blind and maketh the lane walk, cleaueth the leper, raiseth the dead, cllaseth out devils and unclean spirits and liealeth those that aro tormented of diseases of a long con- tinuance. "Heating all this of Thee I was fully persuaded that Thou.ire- the very God come down from Heaven to do such miracles, or that Thou are the Son of Gocl and performethtthem. Wherefor T havo sent Thee few lines entreating Thee to some hither and cure my diseases, be- sides, hearing that 'the Jews murmur against thee and continue to do Thee mischief, I invite .id.'heo to my city, which is but alittle;ofle, but is beautiful and sufficient to entertain us both." Christ's reply th the above reads "Blessed art thgu for believing me whom thou 'haat , not seen, for it is written of me that they that Have seen mo shall not believe, and they that have not seen me shall believe and be saved. Eat concerning the matter thou Hast written about, this is to acquaint thee that all things for. which 1 was sent i hither mast be fulfilled, alai then 1 s11a11 be taken ftp and returned to Bins that sent rile. But after my ascension I will sell.d one of my disciples that shall Cure thee of thy clist.;lnpor, rind give life to all them that are with thee." TRUE 1'ING1IA,iy T1,M11St MAY ll!) Ilis(/ It is interesting to Iona that bag. molts purporting to be the ori sinal of these letters were cleelared various by I'ope Leo in. Grants for "I have been using Dr. Fowler's Ex- traet of Will Strawberry for We e plast. f) 'telriand consltle: it la ,tel a::ll r.+ait'tly for diarrhoea, algal it is (si:o,•ia;ly for children cutting teeth. Mrs. Henry C. Tiledo, fort 1'llgiu, Out. A REMARKABLE PROPHECY. .1ev. Pr. Cabin's Fetter to Lord Palmer- ston Vifty )cars Ago. (Ottawa Journal, March 20.1 . Editor journal, -Not of to go farther back than the first half of the now ex- piring Century, the bead -roll of Ireland's eminent men is one that 1U1y Nation or any People could be pawl of. The last Half 11;1s luso, as you so clearly pointed out in your able 10111 clear-cut art;cle in the Journal o:1 St. Patrick's Day, given its quota of al:10 and brilliant 1:1t•11 t the service of their 'cwintry ; fortlia:t c>s- position of Ireland's condition and Irl., land's needs, Irishmen must f..rever be your debtor; but, aft,r all. it was only ono of the many occasions en ti T:icll your able pen has upheld Ireland's claim to "British fair play l " However, my present p.lipose is, in ;he first place, to (Urea attt ntiun t.) some of the able men whom tha first - mentioned period produced, outside of the political arena. I will simply men- tion the famous "J. K. L." -James ! (Doyle) Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin; the "Lion of the Fold of Judali"-Jahn (Mac Hale) Arohbisho+ of Tuaan;-D. W. Cahill, D. D., --ell three eminent Ecclesiastics of the Catholic Church. All three iu their clay 1% ere in the habit of addressing "open -letters" to the Eng- lish. Prime Minister,. or some' other eminent English statesman, setting forth the condition and the claims and the nods of their country. Secondly, I wish to direct the particular attention of your readers to' tllo - enclosed most me- morable extract from a letter written some fifty years ago to the then Primo Minister, Lercl, Palmerston, by Dr, Cahill. It has just been exhumed in the columns of the Montreal True Wit- ness. It is a prediction -ono might al- most say an inspired prophecy --of the events of the past few and current weeks. I do trust you will give it space in the Journal; and thus add another to the l favors already bestowed. many of the elder readers of the Journal will possibly remember the distinguished priest, as he T. visit':1. e)ttawa, and d.eliver()1 a F. (or lectures) 11.>re, on astrononc) about forty years ago. TzIDIAOAi.1u1. Ottawa, Mardi,. 18, woo, DIu, (1tIIILL'S 1 TT'!'F is "My Lord: The day will eome,undel tlic secret and el:en:teal operational), broe. • er civilization on whielt, the true worth of . my people will bereeogllfted and ackliow- Iu,lgecl. Strange and fanciful as the picture may now seem, I,behold a period a'lown the slopes of futurity, when, ti e 'green' will be h'a'Ioroll in the vexy liars of your legislature, the shamrock will clecorato'tho breasts of your Inilital'y, and the very 5 woreigu of the reai11I is ill be inspired with a Live for and a col: • fidonoe in the Irish people. T will not live to behold it, no more will you, nay lier;1-•and Ireland has countless trials to wider;;c, rJverses to Meet, Were that goal is reached -but as oartaiu as the sun will rise over' the Hill of,Flow h and set beyond the heights of Connemara, so E tirely will the genius of the race, one day receive the homage of the British poops'. Toe sword of Elizabeth, the cannon 0f Cromwell, the statutes of the Pale will be relet;at .c1 to tha barba.•iln2 whence they drew their existence and a ;gander inlpatlse, seizing upon thepeople E 'tlund, will . throb through overt' vein and artery of her wonderful Em- pire. In that hour the visions of Irish stotenlon will be realized,. the prophecies or. Ili:,ll bards will be fulfilled, the payers of Irish martyrs will be granted, and centuries of wrong will be swallow- up in the whirlpool of enthusiasm that my country's enemies shall experience at mention. of her name,. or at sight of the green Shamrock of Erin." �' aT '•r aunt, ailf: t71u-..a••)•en. Who ho• 0.1ohoilosT .. '` 4. s// y�- te- ovIcy eY 7-44%•CAC.,0 wet peals Gcderich hes. 42 residents over EO years of age, audoulyone, Capt. Gibson, aged 84 years and ten months, died last winter. Bad With Worms. Some time ago my little boy was very bad with worms. I procured a bottle of Dr. Low's Worm Syrup and ani thank - 2u1 to say it oared him quickly and com- pletely-. • Strange how the feller with a no: e • lake a sun. -fish makes fun of the cross- eyed marc. A ...-.ravelin GENERAL a. AGENT. An experienced canvasser, or a man with good character necessary ability to travel from town to town and appoint agents. No canvassing.' Salary „and ex- penses paid. Position permanent and promotion according to merit. and address, with the The BradIey-Garretso1 ., OD., Limited,. 9 LRVO USilDISEASED ME- Thousant]s of Young and Middle Aged Men are annually swept tog prematnre grave ' through curly ind sor,•tion and later excesres. Self abuse and Constitutional flood 13 Dis ayes h vo ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising youngg man. Have you i nny of the fo:lowinn Symptoms: Nervous and Deapondent; Tired in 5 prning' No Ambi- tion; ;gem iy Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable• Eyes Blur; Pimples on the race; Breams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore giro t; race; Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyee• Lifeless; Distru tful and Lack of ' 3'_0: y and Strength. Our New rtt•r .od 2)'eatment will build yon up mentally, physically to 1 se=rally, vf,grI', c'h^-..r.'-:„r'on. Read L9 fit KENNEDY Ill F'! E PAI Raaf ® t; "At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled mo. I could stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elec. trio Belt4, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & I{organ. They :114 sent mo one month's treatment and it cured' me. I could feel % myself gaining every day. rhetr New Mellott 'Treatment cures when v.•1'�LL In t,n., 61 IA all else falls.” They have cured many o, my friends." Dr. Moulton. Curoa t, ya:t •:au. Ctapt.'i`nconeend. Cal ea nit tt".u, "Some 8 years ago I contracted a sertons constitutional blood diocese. I wont to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost l«Itod mo. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples oe face, blotches, eyes red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy & Korgaa'a Now Method Treatment. It cured mo, and I have had no symptoms for five years. I am married and hnppy. As a doctor, I heartily recamontl it to all who. havo this terrible disease- syphitt0." It will eradicate the poison froaa the blbcd." 15 YEARS IN DETROIT, 150,000 CURED. • "1 airs 83 years of age, and m•trrtod. When young I let: a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became. oak and tenons. My lctdneys became affected UnaI feared Bright's disease. Marriott lit was utlsatis.. factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything -all. failed till I took treatment from Jin. Kennedy and Keratin. Their N w Method built inn up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and act like a man in every respect. Try them." f '- No Names Used Without Written Consent of Patient. never faLla 1n curtag 1)isetsoq et men. Our l , Method Treatment strent;tions rho holy, stone all drain4' and losses, purifies the blood clears the brain, hands up the nervous and sexual s1•etems and restores Iost vitality to the body. We tr„ ttarautce to Cure Nervoutt nobility, Philter 3!*tl1tntr It M3ttttllllri,Vatted eelet+attrtektite, GIC+st,[ittii•etUt.L1 ►tlx+:lioirtrea, ►! Weak Parte and 411 L'i;idltey and. tittatitler 'i Udall . d ERA { R & Ke Drs. Kennedy 'gan aro Cobaling a ling seftehlfcta of r R Amorica. They guar inteo to out or no par. l,,nit' mon.- k a� tation and fifteen pro: of btt'si:iosa aro at att:t3. Y,>i% ran iso risk. Write them for an honest opiuio t, nn manger w:t i to its 1 yur. 1t may save yon years of regret and suffering:. Uharxes to 1sa:1::',la. Write for ;t Qriestiou List avid Boost sty.'eei lL`ciyottitatio a vrcec. n ti11 1 nmu gO0OW O03104nnuuluuuWuiuuenui ium.4••,. ' 1.1. .1i'6.16. 111111111 ,,, 1111,„ 1 „ , ,•, 1„ ,,, . 1„ AlegetablePretSaratianfor.As- simitating theFoodand Reguta- m;pg the Stomachs andBoweis of 1PromotesDigestion,Cheerful ness andRest.contatns neither Oplum,Marplline nor Mineral, rifor NAMnc ®TIC. • .atype afOldllrvtlaf/72P Fumpkr'n Seed - .Lrdenna Rodisff. ser,': - .,3nse SeetE + Jl'pp:rmint nl Ca Jonah.Sods lawSeed - I t rr,frirete, Nairn rn_ A e�ct tafor ara- tn,Sourr SornchDirhoea, Worms ,Corwulsions,Feverish- M.ss undid®sS OF SLEEP. Tx.; Simile Signature of NEW YORK. SPE THAT THE FACl-S1MhLE SI:diNATURrt IS ON THE A>>�� W�,P OF EVERY BOTTLE O+' Saguia is pat n.2 in cut, -alto bottles on17, It le not sold in bulk. Dc-a't allow' anyone co sci`► you. anything else en the oleo or promise that it: is "just as good" aa3 "trill answer every Far. pose," 9 T Soo that you get 0 -A -5 -T -0-I -Illi. Tho tao- EXACT COPY lag WRAP21OR , abuse ci;nat•uo of lion er'c, .� ,f�a watt' ar:,ppo:, 'rla rs To draw nt away the car loads of goods ordered for spring. !` t Buggies and Carriages. Nearly three car loads of Buggies and Carriages have been orderedfrom the best makers in the country. We will have buggies to suit the purses and tastes of everybody. I-Iigh grade, mediuti grade and a grade neither high nor medium. Prices,to correspond. „s Farm Implements. We Will I4tve in farm Implements nothing but the best. We don't need to lbay anything about the Massey -Harris goods, suffice to say *hat the farmers are going wild over the new Binder and lMwer, and those placing their orders with 'any other firm bef re seeing these new machines will undoubtedly feel disappoit`tecl. Buy from a thoroughly CANADIAN firm that cart; give you the best on earth, and a firmathat. keeps thousalilds,�ofdollars worth of,re;+aaa.-w- . : c,ruooe. `' r -have .tile slickest plows and gang plows you ever saw. The Nationalnd Imperial Gangs are something new, and had an extraordinary sale last fall. In fact we could not meet the demand made on us for these goods. Ask your neighbor about the gang`plow he got here last fall. epairs T. Reports ! We are 1c?ded up with all kinds of repairs We can fit any plow everithade with hard and tough tempered in oil cast- ings. Havingibought our repairs last fall, before the raise is prices, we will:lbe able to sell plow repairs at 1899 prices until further notice. Music ani. Sewing Machine Dept. - Irk this deVpartinent you will find choice selected Pianos and Organs fr=om .Gerhard-Heintzman, of Toronto ; Bell, of Guelph ; Doha ::ty, of Clinton ; Dominion, of Bowmanville,. and Sewing. M chine from Raymond, of Guelph. Small In •truments, Music Books, Sheet Music of all kinds in abundance, all of which are sold at a small margin. Come in everybody and see through our stores and warerooms. DRS, KENNEDY Wi KERGAN y^J Opposite Presbyterian Church. H. ROSSr MULLEN'S POULTRY NETTINCS .,ei.-. ;AV.'. .and LAWN FENCINCS are not surpassed in tiro WORLD. • Their Woven Wire 1'eneings have stood. . stood over fifteen years of very successful testing on FARM and RAILWAY. Special offers made this year on 110E PEN chef fly. These goods are all rnanufactt.red. by The Ontario Wire Fencing Co., Limited, of proton. Ont. For sale by the Unr(twale Merchants and General Dealers throughout Canada. Also by the Can. H rdwaro d'obbors, Gen. Agents -The B. Greening Wires CO., of 'Hamilton and Montreal. Agent for ltailway r ening---Janes doolic'i;,1tiontreal. Correspondonce with the memnfactutrers invited,