HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-11, Page 1VOL. NN.VIII, --NO. 1464. We Don't •olaim to know everything, but there are three br,t, oriel of trades, viz: Tailor- ing, Boots `'and Shoes 'stud' Geutlemeu's Furnishings, Haat Wo think wo know •enough about to give the average dealer pointers upon, and also ensure our cus- tomers the best of goods at the lowest of prices. Our TRUING 'nPT. is now turning out a great many choice garments. Wo have a stock of woollens that is complete in every respect in Suitiugs, Spring Overooatings and lTrouserings; and we claim to turn out the most stylish cut, best mado:and best trimmed clothing in thr county. Our stock of • D HOES BOOTS Ak IJ is well worth inspecting. We have .gathered together the choicest goods of the best makers in Canada, and though the prices on the market leave advanced at least 10 . per ceut., wo aro enabled through lucky buying to give oar pat- rons Boots and Shoes at the sane price as last year. We would particularly draw attention to our line of men's fine shoes. Wo have them in all leathers and in the latest shapes. JUST RECEIVE P S a large. consignment of Gentlemen's 'Furnishings in all lines. New Shirts,,. new Hose, near Underwear, new Ties, new Collars auci Cuffs, new Braces, all -of the latest and nobbiest styles. If you wish to be up-to-date -in your attire you 'must come to us. We have still a few Dry Goods left' which were still selling below cost. ; Groceries at cost. Ito uth & Noss Our Values Appreciated As our Crockery Sales so far this .year aro fully one llnif greater than any year heretofore ur Prices and Goods must be right All lines of Fancy China and Crockery at th'e old prices, 1, A. FARQUHARSON HAM. TIMI3S. WINO" ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 900. Read John Kerr's advortiso:nent. Box WALai: o.—A good smart bey wanted at once to learn the printing business. Must have fair education. Apply at Tams cofliro, • -(1sie11 at W. Gannett's for nil. kinds of implements, Also all kinds of plow sheave; the best made at 35 cents, cash, WI:;M/Alt Lunt Lc. --A meeting will be held tithe Tial 's ofl'Ic3 on Monday evening at 8 o'tloc fcr the purpose of appointing dol'egat s to attend the Liberal couvention in BI ssels ou Wednesday gay 23rd. Fur her p •tieulars else- where. . . Owtug to the st , ly advance in prices of iron and f I anicompelled to re- duce the price o plow poits till Juno lst, to 30c oa, IT. H. Ross, OBITUARY.— record this week true death of . Elizab h Scott relict of the lato Robert Gral am, at. the remarkable age of 01 years. Deceased was born iu Scotland, coming to 1872, where she has •emains were interred cemetery on Thursday Rorborcugbshire 'Mitcham aboyi lived since. • s Q in the Win (The China House) afternoon, glue am Opp. Bank of Hamilton. Orr CATTLE M._REET.—The transac- vt'INGleeef, tions at the Cattle Market Tuesday will give a fair idea of the growing ire- ltoitr'al6•'0,4441S%'4 1't7b portance of this in tustry in the City cf Toronto and the a nutty generally, The GENERAL LOCAL NEWS receipts amouuteto 21177 cattle, 1786 • hogs, 206 sheep A total sales foote more than $100,00' money is distribu oipally among the railways. See Halsey l'ark's advertisement. Dr, Butler, of London, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first friday of each month from 11.30 a. m, till 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation in. diseases of the eye, ear, nose and tluoat. See John Kerr's adv semens. PROPERTY °nanoHalsey Park has purchased the pr perty recently oc- cupied by Freeman arr and owned by Robert Maiuprize Mr. Park intends .making considerab; will then occupy h' Plow points 30 c at T. H. Ross'. • Marriage Licenses Issued. by FitA.rlrc PArnnsoS, No. 23 Victoria -street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. is not too good for you. Get it by attending . Central Business College 5, Stratford, Ont. ' n Young men and women should Lryr• exereise,great care in choosing a school. Lr, Money is not easy to get, therefore it should not be spent foolishly. Before you decide to spend a dollar let us correspond i ' with you. Our catalogue tells you about rtli • i our superior advantages. Oommenco y your course now. Our attendance is in- R. creasing year by year. A large number,-;) of recent students have accepted good sit- fi dations. Students in attendance this ` J year from Canada, United States ants i'.4 ri Newfoundland. j W. J: gLLIOTT, Principal, 1900 ,CHEAP CLUBSIHG RATES Tm nu OE AK= and Exeter have e robberies during t it strange that th complished by similar.. In Sac was broken into trance effected ' Lose--Saturda King's and Hain purse. $1 rower PRESENTATION presented with a Saturday main the Wingham Ta town for Kearns was madeby J Before renewing your papers enquire for our clubbing rates. By clubbing a City Wily or Weeidy with the '1'IMms you get all the news. The local paper ,.gives you the home noWs and the city paper the general news. All the latest War Reports can thus be ob• talned in full. . The following are some of the Clubbing Rates. Bach paper for a year. ti f15 'Whiles and Sun, • . " Advertiser, I di " Globe . a, { " Witness i Oa .. Mall -Empire 1 ':'o " Pamtl Herald • I75 " Daily • 175 It Advertiser • 2 00 '• " World - 250 " „ Globe • „ " Mail -'Empire • 425 Any other City papers at equally IoW rates. 12 roe do not see the combination you want an for it. (nubbin rates also with Agrieul• total papers and the Illustrated Magazines. We do not club with other Ioeal papers, ratesTheaoare alt each in Advance. ltonow �,efore your present s}.bseription expires. Sub• attb ciiibers to the tTJMti a any are paid in ad Mending the a tra price . 8 bscriptions for any pawl, renelved at this oftiee. 1� l lux crows Remit b P. O. Order, Pcsta r7ote, l •.girder or by Letter. Address or call at TIMES Cj"6`P'xtllbl, Winghfm, Ont. improvemez now hom, its caJune '1st —Winghaun, Cliuton h suffered midnight o last few weeks. It crimes have been ac- ethods very muck ossa .a:.Itlaaniug mill r "jimmies," the same en- er. , April 4th, between ' store,Meek 0 $1 A YEAR IN ADVANC1 IN Sumo= or ttlacr,� ALS.-•--D,tectit a Two Cases of Womeno Glove Grain. • • <, ► st .,•,. Greer of Toronto i .sending the week Bals., solid, regtalar pr eco $1.40, for 05 '' ' p centaur W. J. lireor'A. . an. in,,haui a.arl ;err >nladan cotalatry in pursuit of the rc bbors who broke into - Listowel will rad Melodeons store. la cemjnatotian with = shop and one )note this robbery be. is also looking for the The Goderich T p3rpatrators of true Clinto:. and Fo eter ing nil kinds of barglnica. A; y3; no class have boon dis iovere:l. Henna. a Manta ' CONN 1i TI<.N: A convention of harne s makers of Brace; Huron auci Portia wa held in Clinton on Mouday, a f fir r:*pre, ntion of tate craft beteg present. The ado was fully dis- cussed perticular]y ii regard to its p3s- sibilities of improv , cut. R. J. Mao - math and George N wtau attended; the latter was elected S •crotary. . EARLY Coons*. The merchants of Kincardine have 'reed to close their stores at 6 o'olock. throe evouiugs melt week, The barl:e of that place will also cicsp their th . s ate8 o'clocl. each xt year bo one liquor A less. rf Association is mak- A epavatious for their first meet this sure nor, audit is expect- A ed the parses a .mo ;sting to $1,600 will rx attract the bast h yes on. the circuit. Foto SALE.—Five first-class building. lots (one acro) in block, just east of Catholic church. Will be sold cheer. Apply to Pub;. STiSwA'ty. Nov ON viz $qu% «i.--Tsvo weeks ago a parasite in the sh :pe of a canvassing ageut for a London ,)Tinting office visited f or - sone and as ural founda few I sons willing to laav their priutingdone out Of town. In n st cases, however, business men used t and declined Co giv booked. him for env There are two priu evening'excopt Wecluesday and Satnr- hana,each of which day and will do nc Sunday work. The satisfactory in woe, barbers of, Winch ,ni should adopt the London people. W rule .of doing no Svrk on Snuclays. man for the last thr, Now is the time to get,your new spring his Tally bread, ane or overcoat;s on can get a dandy for $i2 1 comes our turn for $14 at Maxwell's. to Landon. This s SUooz, irur, SJ :muse—The results the square, and ap of the,• {annual a anaivatious of the meats of trade as School' of Practie 1 Science, Toronto, We aro prepared t were but on Wecln cday. The following anteidin quality ing aremat home yon help coir good" judgmeut orders. Ouo man - lopes and bill -heads. ing offices in Wing - n do the same job as c and price as the brave •assisted that e years in earning now when when it he staff he sends it rt of thing is not on cies to other depart - ell as to our own• do your work, guar - ad price. By dealing d 92 calves, The gentlemen known) W ha to be h 1 hose who help you. t. ap to considerably congratulated on t ieir .success: C. H. Mining and En- ctentscc NOTES. gin Roy, Listowel, Rev. J. W. Gorlu has resigned from ,tricai Engineering. `true Congregation a1 Society. Every ceut of this ed in Canada, prin- armers, drovers d WANTED.—Eggs 10 We most respeotf ea 12o, trcll ao, re • est our customers as.far as possibl o shop in the forenoon. G. E. Ingham. : :SERIOUS ACC' >ENT. John M tohell i hire cleaning its horse ou Menday Morning • net Twit a a very serious,. acci- dent. The horse 'stepped on his foot, he fell a• pinst .tit • manger and broke several ribs. H then fainted, ding beneath the anim 's feet anal w ly tramped };tvh found "-e are pleased to Pie a le to s ttte-, :pat Mr. Mitchell evh sem- "what better yesterday, and trust that w , may soon announog his recovery'. evere- TIIP Bcs it Watt.—The-latest Scenes from tri$ Boer wa were gi;Ven. in the night•. Judging pictures they are The carnage was up to half -past seven own hall last Friday front the Biogreph ton rug at; laving a big run for it. a c-rriblc; six men were . Flanagan, sr., was: `bounded. It was a grand race. Beside ne pipe and case onthe war pictures ne were given. 17 others by the employees of to make it spicy. _ Those humorous were g Co., on leaving well received by ;the audience. Every . The presentation picture was show L too dim, and all action `epb - J. Kerr, Mr. was too slow. Ti baseball boys c1e eel Flannagan made + feeling reply; thank iief„et ill5,-iefr , •��eat- �?CTr,— A• jubilee 87 halfnicely. and S outig that h - would always crown gilded broach, on ireeracce,ll Win warm place in hi ieart for in ham ou Wednesday of g. Finder will please leave at Times office, as the broach was much prized by the owner. ee BOOM PRIME Es.—Ter ers will be received up till tur ay vening 12th. inst., for the prier ego o rotting refresh- ment booths ou he park for the 24th of May celebra on. Guo. C. HANNA; Sec., of Fire Co HER MAiEST' BIRTHDAY.—Day 1)y day we draw clo • to our monster cele- bration; and da y day prospects ap- pear more enc s � raging. The latest news tells us the the Marine Baud of Goderich will . on the' 24th. their new military uni rms in Khaki. This musical organize ` promises to be one of the best dr e - ng features of the program. The ' have purchased a number of new ii ruments of the most 'approved kind..' 'ncardirie band will also be with us ug]ng the very latest toots. The sport are bound to be en- joyed. Look for ore next week. TDB LL^ADING RUIT STORE.—Large assortment of bruauas, oranges, ping apples, lemons, rawborries, &c. - We have some very retty flowers in many varieties. JAS. ICHE VIE, Star Res- taurant. NIcoL--LINK R A very pretty little weclding t t placed the residence of Mri , Thomas inklater, Lower Wing - ham, y esterda,, when her daughter Annie was mar i t' to Anthony Nichol. The ceretnolly s performed by Rev. D. Petrie in resent° of about 40 invited guests eluding Lorne and Mary McD.onalc , f Goderich and Miss Belle Nicol, of L udou. The bride was droesad in a Pawl travelling suit. After the ceremony t e guests sat down to dinner. Mr. anellfrs. Nicol left in the afternoon for Desroit and Paris, when returned they wi 1 ocoupy the house on Victoria street ic_ely occupied by Wm. Dore. Our boss` vishes are with them, The only mower is the Deering; tho e you Duly rake is the Deering. We giv y the best terms, best treatment, and beat Satisfaction. I:2r.10,rr ios., Agents. Ii.zroRTAN'r T TnACUBRn. — Those students who inte cl to become teachers must take the pt...lie school leaving or part I. junior leaving examination. Those who do not iptend to teach may- take ay take the part L j'rraior matriculation ex- amination instead of the public school leaving. These c.aminations are held at the same time r id at the same places but on different p ers. It is supposed that the matrict tion papers will be less diflioult than t lose for public school leaving. For pnbl school leaving the candidates will be °quire& to make 505 of the aggregate m rks as well as 33,3% ou each paper. F r junior matricula- tion, one-third of t - e marks only is re- quired on each pa er. Teachers should coast/lb with their upils as to which ex- amination they s nlcl take before the application forms filled out. MoNnY TO LOAN,—Money to loan on - notes, and notes cliseounted act reason- able rates. Money advanced on mort- gages, with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. Office --Beaver Block, Wing - hallo RoBT. MolNnno. MILI'rh.rY CON ERT. --The audience which attended a military concert on Monday ova _ ing was small but enthusiastic. Ea 1 number on the pre - gramme was he. •tily encored and tho responses wer given willingly. The entertain were Mrs. Mclvor- Craig, vocalis f Miss Ella Fisher, elocutionist; ss Laura Acheson, violinist, and Il ss Edith Combe, pianist. 'Mrs, Craig s. ng excellently her two - mnest popttlaar i umbers being "Tho Boy who carries tlt tho Gun" and "Annie L,,ittu•io." Mit- Ella, 1Pisher in her comic selections was very well receive 1.. IIer rendition being decidedly geed. Miss Acheson. in 1 r first appearance here snack a dee%-d impression. Igor .next visit will bo e:-gorly looked forward to. Miss Combo as accompanist pleased everyonne, ..".'he concert on the whole . was ono of th best Winglnatnt hashed for gene time, a d it is to be regretted that sol of the Nidi], sham es did 1.�t a more opportunity of attending it. I`t'dlertou; Atwooc gineering; and J. I Mechanical and Ere NEWTON ELECTI All the vacaucy can tion of Councillor Saturday. The turns: Ward. No vtou. 1 e8 2 . 13 3-.' 37 4 62 D.—The election to , • The Presbyter; of Maitland will meet seer by the resigua- iii the Wingham Presbyterian church on ropey was hold on, Tuesday noxi. llowing are the re - Total b0 Majority for Newton 83. H noN OLD 13' Y;.—Mr. E. Flood3', Secretary of tit Huron Old Boys' .A sooiation, on onday received the •following letter f in Col. Otter, dated Bloemfontein, Ap it 6th:—I have your zeta 4 cf the 27th -buary, notifying me of iffy e?7;+~fs"tfou as ou. President of 'the ssociaticn of `Toronto. a great surprise to st unlookedforhonor. ssociation that I ran istinction .conferred composed of so many and while not ment thinking that plianeut, yet I feel done the profession Haber and the ,force eon counected with. f the establishment and siucerly trust e and increase, and The members f the advisory board of Hanna.) St, Paul's chum* are this week canvass - 12 - ing the church r>.embers in view of pay - 15 fug off the debt As the amount is 40 small we feel ce�+ain of their success. 25 Rev. D. Perrje will occupy his pulpit 92 ou Sunday. Du fug the past two weeks he has been enga' ed with the Century Huron Old Boys' The intimation w mo. as well as son Let me assure the very proud of the npou me by a bod eminent Camelia olaimiug or for a 1n I deserve s::ch a co that Creat honor i of which. I, am a re: that I have so; long I am glad to learn of the associatio ''d•s ' eeav contin- tlia iC Lea,. •,YES tinno to merit the that I may lou{; 'e. u r esteem ,aid confidence wwz^1'.e tt9( boys have honored me with. AUCTION'EE.RS AI3D PEDLARS --We TEA ceived yesterday f::out the County Trate rurer r a- rurer the followig list of auctioneers and pedlars for th County of Huron: Auctioneers—Cite es Bailey, Edward y Torrance, Thomas rvis, Thomas Brown, ott, John Currie, Gas. )wan, David Dicldn- neau, R. M. Charles, ohu Knox, Henry Bos- ewton, Tiles. Cameron, 11. Wilson, Jarnea ailton. Pedlars—Loris ob Jaffe, Lewis Cox- taley, W. J. McCracken, Louis Fine, A. Lieber- tyden, Wilford Potter, n, Alex. McNair, Albert McDonald, Charles irdoch, R. A. Miller, R. 7. Clark, George Beatty, F. McPhee. TRY HEATHF E D'S 1 Remedy The Magic r.. cdy For Coughs and -I. Colds. 4 MORROW'S DRUG STORE V v D. M, GORDON. Please call and see our large display of New Carpets in Unions, All Wools, Tapestry and fine Brussels. Iu Japanese and American •Mattings and Rugs of every size, quality and design, we think it will pay every house- keeper to see our stock before making their purchases in above lines. Our stock of Floor Oilcloths is the largest and finest.ethat the have ever shown and aro very special values, See them. Gentlemen will find our stock of Im- ported Tweeds .Serges and fine Worsteds very attractive in style,quality and price, and we gnarantee satisfaction in every garment that we make, . In Ready -Made Clothing for men, boys' and youths we show a very large and complete stock at very moderate prices. Cash, Dried Apples, Batter and Eggs taken in exchange. Eggs 12c per dozen. D. M. GORDON, The Direct Importer. { Paled. If is Brat lying to know that a - • - _ - suflicieut amountrims been subscribes) to Sro:LTI 'et NOTES..wipe off the chuff :h debt. 'Bob. Flucty treasurer of, the -- Rev. Dr. John lobbies, a CauacJiait, Sdnthampto r Law .sse CClub. now of Loudon, formerly of Glencoe, cc Blyth and Oliuten Coll. lust.. played. ..Qnt,,.aalul.Trpr iva Scotitt,and trounce f tbpll-iaM Blyth o. • -the 3rd knst. 3313411of G. F. 'Bobbin, formerly of Wing-' wen bj:,hb : ,- ' ham, has been ele tecl Moderator of the Our bell team ha purchased new stile Church of Scotlaz`i in England. and will probably •-��peer lathe=a week Sanday will be :''pworth Loagae Day from to -day when in the Methodist c urch. The morning Teeswater. service will be con uotecl by the Junior Jack Nethory, t League, the offices giving addresses. In Toronto, has b2 the evening the euiors will conduct. Goderich and join Rev, R. Robbs wil give a short address local team. era each occasion. The church will bo The Stratford rtVeeldy Iferald this appropriately deco atod for this, the Ep- week gives a• pie are of the Junior worth League Au 'versary. Hockey Team, Ch; mpions of Ontatia Anumber of Baptist church people The Herald. gives also a two -column met informally at hp residence of. Tee- account of the bang .et held ou.May 1st man Carr on Thu Sally evening of last when the ebampi ,rship medals were my play here agahis: baseball boxer, of )nae a. resident.. of d the ranks of the week. The object of the gathering was to preseut Miss Mt ad Carr with a purse V.. .�. ser- nwleCOCZlion. O 1.r 1o3ib vice as organistthe church. sn Oarr in going to Woodstock leaves a vacancy that will. )o hard to fill in Bap- tist church circles Bossenbnry. Her Gundry, John P John G1l, F. S. S Barron, Joseph C son, William Dj Henry Brown, seubury, W. H. B. S. Phillips, Jones, Cites. Ha• Rashkopski, Ja Goran, W. K. W Fred. Gossmau man, Henry Charlie Sande!.• King, Authon Elliott, J. D. M A. Johnston, J. Thos. Wiley, Satisfaction Guaranteed Our guar- antee means A something. We are not '!`fere today and away tomorrow you know just where to find us, Comfortable vision or your tnoney back. No guess work. Accurate, scientific measurements and tests. Difficult cases a specialty. J. Er DAVIS, DRUGGIST AND 4ivrtlCIANt W I NG H AM. The attenclaucz at the W. C. T. U. Gospel Temperan meeting iu the Town. Hall oir Sunday ght was most gratify- ing, and consider bly exceeded the large attendance ot t o previous meeting. Rev. R. Hobbs minded the musical exercises, assist° by Miss Hattie Reid as pianist. Tho .air was taken by R. Mcludoo, and th addresses delivered by Rev. W. Freed - and Donald McKay. Next Sabbath ni rat Rev. J. W. Gofiin will speak ori "B ttling fon the Right" and Dr. T wlor will occupy the chair. Mrs J. W. Gofiin will slug and will probabl be assisted by a quer- tette from Bias ls. Pleege curds will again bo on hand and it is to be hoped that the tempera ce workers will again be encouraged b a large number alga - Mg. ORDINATION A' Mom—Pastor Freed rotuutned on Tues ay night from attend- ing the orclinatio of Pastor Garrett, of Monk Baptist oh h. The council met at 3 p m. on. Mon y, and was constitut- ed by the appoint eat of Pastor Lonnie, 13. D., of Mt. For t as moderator and Pastor Hamilton of Palmerston as cleric. After a net t thorough examine - tion of the canttidat as to his conversion, ea11 to the ohristiau ministry, and views of Bible doctrines sad New Testament polity', tho council retired and voted unanimously to ar ept his statement, and proceed. with li 4 ordination its the evening. At 8 o'cl ek the chapel was well felled and the order of exercises were as follows: O lintttion sermon by Pastor Freed, from Mark 16: 15 and 20. Ordination prayer d hand of fellow- ship by Pastor Len ie, with the Lein¢ on of hands by the Presbytery. Charge to tho candidate b Rev. W. Stewart, D. D., President f the Bible Training • School of Torous and charge to the church by Pastor I 1lilton. Ileliedi: tial Iy the newly ordaino.l pastor. prosenteit. Atwood is tryiu team in the field th none of the old name. ;.' ' osr nt is ofd mud Intyre and - VelaLe. West. Geordie Oran It makes us sad to that have been, gond Here are a few prow handy for our player to reruember:•--- A closed glove cats s no flies; good pitching in time savesme; of the 'inak- ing of errors there is , o end; teve strikes is company, three is a roast: a swift rolling grouuder gaths no moss; if at first you don't succeec try the outfield;. don't catch your catcL s before they are catched. to put a football. season. We see on the list. Grant rried. Jack Mc- tVve ....'..",,:,..the Yom=- toe. is in Clifford.. Mak of the •days: eu. bibs which will be Y3ingham's Popular Shoe Store atatineveuteetaa GET READY for the pretty weather which is almost here. We have autioipated its arrival.. Secured a hue of LADIES LOW GUT SHOES. which are the hatidsnlllesttobe seen any- where and which excel in comfort and durability anything offered elsewhere lir the town. Many different styles, enough to any foot or taste. ;tome styles can 1* matched elsewhere at double ear prices.. Some not at all. See ns for Trunks and Valises. WIN GRAIL