HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-04, Page 8MCINDOO Dress Goods 0 THE \MGM TIMES, I - . 3.10111c. AS =MASI bite the ..,.. ...- "isowN-In Morris, on s the wife of . J. Elliott, v . te. r. J. A. Brown, of i* son. ivt. R. ic...;. rs,...,71,1 ii.*R Bi.M..;(-in WrOMANT, o pill rard* the, wife " of Air. J.% Black, of (*.daughter. -Peter Mitchell house purchased by from IL G. Lee, ta bought the house from W. P, Bwke ts,MitvwU vtwated MOW -In (Jerrie,riAprfi f,'ard., the wit*. of Mr. W. H. Eerr, of twins -eon end daughter. shire. slannaalli gavaue-0 nenteit-at Ilayenswood, Rama - ton. ou April Mb, by Vey. NeilIstellterma, of St. raurs March, IL Stuart, of Bank of litouiltou,L.istowel, to Farah Elizobetlx,! elder *bug iteru ait, law wail= °A.m. pvka). AnnAw-Iu West WawanoslisonAuri120M, ;taws Lai Ia , sr, ngca'11 years, 1 month ma aye. , wilo Jt eouna, used (.7 years alai ‘orsu.- auSVolgvelrarch, on My 3rd, Eliza months. Tho funeral will leave her to residence, ou Satunlity, tstb. inst., ut 1.00 p. in. for the Wing limn cemetery. Apprentices Wfluted it once. Tiro young ladies to learn tailoriag. if Witeseiat & Co. t -Lueltnow O1.1&Uows celebrated the t 81st anniversary the Order by atteud- ing divine worsb p in the Presbyterian &melt on Sundy the 220 ut. An ex - ' a A a • eel/tett sermon -as delivered to them by adil Silitlil Rev A. tlw latest sougs, sheet music,* music b ks te, to be found ui tt Arst-class mug house. T. II. Roes. • .-Thos. s, of the Listowel Chair • The very ehmee'st assembly ever . Factory. am upaidea by his wire, shown by tis. . were itt towu S tday. We are pleased Black Dress Goods in Brcieades. to hear that Q. t. Stuart, of towu, ias Crepens, Repos, Broadcloths, ahev been given. the an'aelet for chair paiut- lots, Serges and Silk Orenedines and leg with that eatuaaneY Poplins, affording from tiled . Tlie Peering 1 !nut occupies 85 acres, iura up, and some special values in . aud employs r7er WOO hands. Their Shirt Ends. amiehines are es. d itt every grain grow - Also 25 odd pieces '15 yard ends, ing country in .the world. ELLIOIT just etioudli for a dress, in lovely ; Bitose Agents. Shades, at 50,1 and 75e regular price -A gentle= who arrived in towu $1.0:1. the other day :aid that many people werenimble to gain admission to the London Opera Fiut1sts ou Saturday eight when the Biogra We are sure to e Town Hall to -td SAMPLES FOR SATURDAY MAY 4, 1900 TO THE ELECTORS OF WINGHAM ..,••••••••••• AND GENTLBSINN ae001 it of theliberal support received the January Municipal Electiou a at the request of auany reatepayer .1 ^again oiler in) Felt as a c idat to fl.1 the vacaucy itt the Town SO toil mused Ly the resignation of Jo Golley. I re- specttully ask for the votes and infleence of the ratepayers for the 1 ositian of Councillor for the balance of 1900. oU- izig on Saturday, May t1). Yours respectfully,. G. A.. NEWTON. LIME FOR SALE. h views were presented. The unders;gued at Lot M, Coneesson 2 East joy a rare treat la the Wawanosh, has quantity of good lime for sale. 11 t. CHAS. CAMPBBLL, Marnoch P.O. One of the b st Sewing Machines made to -day is the New Raymond. Warranted 10 ears by a responsible Company. You' ill find them, here, as well as needles to fit all makes ef machines. T. R. Ross. • We have just opened a large -There will Isrobably bo no Orange\ snipment of Samples in Gloves, excursion. to S=nia, and Detroit this Hosiery and Parasols. year as the G. T. R. authorities will 25 clez. Plain and Fancy Hose not grant the train service for two days at wholesale prices. stay. This is sad news for many 15 doz. Silk Gloves, Black and people of Wil ham and vicinity as Colored, at wholesale prices. they have pawl to anticipate the Sarna 5 doz. Fancy Parasols at whole- excursion the Wile as Christmas or sale prices. Easter. This is a great opportunity to get The movezu.eu of the first Canadian a nice Parasol or a pair of Gloves or Contingent, e barking ou the S. S, Sardinia at Q ebec will be shown so Hose at special prices. vividly and trul in the Town. Hall this evening (May 4t , ) that you can recognize the individual SO diers, 'Under auspices We can gratify your taste without of baseball te e Drawing too heavily on your purse.. -The Guelph erald says :-"The star of the evening, °waver, was Miss Ella CLOTHING FOR MEN' AND BOYS 0. Fisher, whos charming appearance Saturday we will sell 25 Suits of and attractive itt er completely won Fine T weeds and. Serges. Regular the hearts of her audience. Her rendi- price 88 00, Saturday for $6.75. tion of the "01 Ace" was excellent, Choice stock of Spring Shoes, and svith the "GI ud Dumper Degree" Hats, Ties, Shirts, Collars, .&e. as her finale she mply brought down hoese." Town 11, May 7th. M-: ; cfDOO7 . 0 1World's Ch =pion Healer. "I tried many t tmedies to euro piles," writes W. R. Smith, of Latham, Ill., 'ef tillI -used Bu.oklen's aye not been troubled Graudest pile cure on ive in the world. 25e. eed by Colin A. Camp - LACE CURTAINS. "but found no re MINOR LOCALS.) Arnica Salve. 1 with pies since.' CaMpbelPS Headache Wafers gnaran- earth mid best teed. to cure headache. per box, guaran il-0.:-/7; Caledo ia S. . s , meets Mon- bell, druggist d day C ,*:..iug'. PE SONALS. -Joke E. Swa s shipped a horse to We shall be gl 1 to have contributions to London ou nide . this column fro any of ourreaders. If you have visitors or wirpose going away yours° , -TIMES for 50 cents till January 1. drffop in and tell *s, or send us a note to that eect. PLATE GLASS --The Da, 1201. Subscribe now. minion. All new goods at Braswell's: see our Miss Ella Mans visited in Goderieh E Money at Lowest Rates. $12, $14 and. $16 suits. last week. In office corner of Minnie and Patrick Bro enshive, of London was Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat- u.rday. vn this feek. ±r. and. Ms. M. Eeeriarbrigg spent towel. ey, of the Ripley Express =day, son visited his parents in week. , of Lucknow.was in town business. • Int, of Mt Forest spent home in town. ilseng, of Windsor is visit - in Winghtina. ts, of Goderieh was visit- nge this week. Dulmago, ' of Lakelet, own last week. who is now a brakeman pent Sunday in town. neo Was in town with May bills on Monday. effrey and. little baby, in Seeforth last week., te;of Sault St. Marie is ays witlehis family in WALKER & DUTTON UNDE.FITAKERS, WINGHAPA. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. WMO NICHOLSO4 BUILDER and CONTRACTOR We are still in the building business and aro prepared to take contracts for the erection of all kinds a buildings. Plans and specifications furnished on short notice. Worloranaship guaranteed and at rea- sonable rates. • WM. NICHOLSON. Residence Diagnol street, opposite Francis street. FARM ERS . and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Truns. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not obit customer. Wecan't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Triuss andltry this plan of 'disposing of, your stock and other articles. AER MEN General Insurance and .Loan Agent. 't LIFE -The -Ontario Mutual. 0 FIRE -The Non -tariff Com - patties. ACCIDENT- The London Guarantee and Apcident. -Tho G. T. R. build a new brick W. station at Goderieh this summer. in -The regular meeting of the town council will be hel Lon Monday evening Sunday in Li next. 'Editor Moo -Mr. A. Roe we; out for the first time was in torn.). a week Thursday. We hope to see him Henry Th soon restored to go id health. Godcrieh las Get your/sew Hat for spring at Geo. Alex. Day Carr's. We have the latest styles. on Monday -Mr. Heber T toruton, of Bell's Arthur factory, is laid off work with a severe Sunday at hi chisel cut in the pal 1 of his hand, Miss Sadie -Maitland LedgE, I. 0. 0. F. attended. ing her paren divine service la St. Paul's church last evening. Rev. W. owe preached the sermon. -Mrs. Thos. Nett ill for a long time, press no better. hopes of her reco George Sw ing at the Exel Miss Georgt rfield, who has been was visiting in at time of going to Will akoisee e doctors have no ou the d.13.i. rY• Barney La Now is the time to get your new spring Lueknow 24th overcoat is you can get a dandy for $12 or $14 at R. Maxwell's. Mrs. Harry -Minerva Ert impment, 0. 0. P. I spent a few day pnrpose rennin an excursion to the A. IL AfeAti Forke of the era t about the middle of speeding a feW town. inc. Wait for is, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Carria I have open tion with A. shop, two doors Doro's. Speetal attentio hop 1 a alto conneo. icholl' blacksmith . sant of Swans Re ill be given to Carriages, uggies, illg agons,, Etc. epaintin will o receive etude'. at talon. Pi I es as low as eonsisten good workmanship and tnateri with A TRIAL SOLICITED. ' J. MITCH For P TOS TRY 14. ZURBIUGG-'S Down floor gallery, opp. Peesb. Church. Family Groups -a Specialty. Enlarging, Copying, Remountiug, Canada's Best. Is the World's Best. IT PAYS TO e-//1 The Canada Business College CHA.TH_AM, ONT., Has undoubted claim to this distinction in Canada. This Canada's greateat Year. This is our BANNER YEAR, both as to at- tendance and success of our pupils. • Six calls have been made upon us during the st six weeks to simply leading Amerman and. anadian Business Colleges with our graduates to fill.positions as teachers in their schools next Over 150 of our minis have secured positions with first-class businesshonses since Sept. 1st, 1801). What do you think of this record? Does it Not Pay to Attend the .Best? Write for catalogue of either department. 3). MCLACHLAN &. CO., Chatham, Ont. NTOTICB is hereby given that Peter Deans, .LN the younger, of tho Town of Wingharn, in. the County of Huron,. Flour and Peed Mer- chant, has madam). assignment, pursuant tel R. S. 0., 1897, Chapter 147, of all his estate and effects to Charles Gillespie, of the said Town of Wingham, Commission Merchant, for the general benefit of hit creditors. • A meeting of the creditors of the Insolvent will be held at the offico of R. Velnstone, Solici- tor for the said Assignee, at the said Town of Wingham on Thursday, the 20th day of April instant, at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon, to receive a statement of affairs, to ap- point inspectors and fix their remuneration, and for the ordering of tho affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are required to file their claims with the Assignee or his said Solictor, with the proofs and particulars thereof required by the said .Act, on- or before the day of such Meeting. And notice is further, given that after the 18th day of May, A. D. 1900, the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the said In- solvent amongst the parties entitled thereto, hating regard only to the claims of which. • notice shall then have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated at Wingham, this filth day of A.priI, A. D. 1900. R. VANSTONB, CHAS. GALIZSPHA, Solicitor for Assignee. Wingham, Assignee. tvpi • Robt. =lie, sr., while in Mrs. A. Wil n was in Detroit last "raiwr s town. on, Wednes y was seized with a week attendin g the' wedding of her her home yesterda mor-ning, Mrs. Pethict,„ of tSottli London, is TO41111C. fainting fit, but as able to return to sister. • • -The sehool boa d will meet on Tueg. spending a few days with her daughter, day evening. This board has now a Mrs. S. 3. Suri Vacant scat owing to the removal from Mr, Z. H. :lisceeks, of Tara, well Ncringharn of one of its members, H. G. known in team, has taken a position Lee. witb. the Dee 'ng Harvester Co. We -We are very pleased to know that Were pleased t see him while here last john Ritchie is recovering from his Week. severe illness, and trust that the fine Ogle Johns oii and wife of Hai:sail days days inay bring him renewed are in town. Mr. Jehuston who has been carrying n a tinsmith business in C•f 1. have Hetheill for so e years intends leaving tenleS ar the West iortly. ness. About 250 a 'vs will be sown, Re is a ttle mat who does not tell his Which is almost dou le the acreage of i last year. 1 as a Leave your order for wife he eau tin up shelves as well New rocery If you want to get fresh groceries call on R. S. Reid: Good Wine and Arrowroot Biscuits, 4 lbs. for 25c. HOUSE GLEANING Pant Prato. cam." 'tot realize the necessity of protecting your house -with good paint, but yott de not realize the neces- sity of protecting yourself against poor paint, It all looks alike ia the can, but one kind, comes eff, the other stays on; cue 7.1zd soon looks ellabby, the other keeps new. Tim laud that holds ou strongest, looks new longest, is THE SHERWIN-WILLIAM PAINT T It is the result of a quarter of a ventiuy's paint -making exped, once; the product ef the largest paint factory in the world. We sell it. We b.a,ve sto3k o .A.laba-gtin.o which we wia clear o•al;at 3Qc per package, YOUNG & PAULIN, cia-Ace-W,071.*E5N"4-1,M4W0-7;,'46-:-Ft.' ci,"÷::41Mf,12-.-.$0,1U-SIVe-11?)U475U1P5QU•stV.-11K,e-F-M-11$ Every person is aware of the enorrnoas advance in . Brooms, nearly oti.e hundred per cent. We are selling - 4 at 2 for 35c, • is with us. You may need a Whitewash Brush. We can supply you. We can also give you the best to behad in brooms,- whisks and clothes brushes. A nice present given away with every $ro.00 worth of goods you -buy. would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits R. S. Shaw Block. eid . • N:SN, • •.‘•• THE THE STUDY talk for' us, arid OF FABRI08 our prices will suit you. Mr. William Aft eNVi -San of John anThe Brantfo.rd Expositor wants to Agno.v and brother cf Dr. Agnew, has I taken Lig "dv„reeir, welkin° from col.. know Tupper's Imperial stand for May, mulles tionege, ma. We hear lie The editor oi the Ilariiston Tribune locates itt Dayton, i can beat the w 11 -known Mr. Thomas Pepper. This Is elt he tells a stori-Of it MoNty TO LOAN. ---1/01103(' to loan on. notes, and notes Oiseounted at reason. farmer who bon tt a set of dishes from able rates. 'Money advanced On mit- a narristott mero ant. on driving limo nu'm rivilege of paying at the of any earNotis an acconn the horses ran a y throwing the dishes . s . coneet, oxec_Bustvor Block, 'Wing- on the riulway tack. The next train bass. ROT. MCIND00. ran over them but one were broken. that new SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT i fe 30:4 iat 2.for 45c. i 4• ; il Shoe•Blacking in tins, big size, at 3c and 5c per box. Double size at Toe per box, . Ae• • . Monkey. Brand Soap for cleaning and polishing Cut- lery, Crockery, Glassware and all Kitchen Utensils while they last, very fair quality, three string brooms, Something better, a four string Broom c IN' • • . • 42-7WArAo..42-411M,..cif"ctii-"A Ve-,r‘P)U17) :•Pils--!--1P)":-.*IOPU-51M--11SWPM-115 f We have fle very latest in this line and price are right. - Oul No..1.. • Out No. 2. (As a Cart.) w(Aitsha Cot)treribt%). )ti 1.1 f -warm Spring .days, a desire creeps into every, house -keeper's hem to clean up the home and make everything look bright and new. 'Po silt von to this, we have put in an immense stock of Bed -Roma Side Boards,•Extension Tables, Fancy Chairs, Etc., in fact everything that pertains to the comfort of the home. Uri; have the latest and best designs on the market, and have placed oar prices so very low that they are within the reach of everybody, and at the same. time be- yond the competition of other dealers. Now, we do not ask you. to takes our word for thi4, but call and see for, yourself; if you are not satisfied cla not buy. Seec ur peeial Spring line of Parlor Suites, in Silks, Rugs, Velours and Tapestries, AR the latest styles. WALKER 8z BUTTON Furniture Dealers and linftrtakers. AT THE STONE CORNER style, oetting, snaking, the desire to please and to give the utmost value, puts the question of satisfaction of our cus- teiners beyond the shadow of a doubt. High Classed Tailoring is not necessarily high-priced. You will find proof of this by calling 'oit tis, eta mining our goods, getting prices and leaving your order for a suit. E. 0„ CLARKE Robt. Maxwell Joh Bugg We are offering bargains in all kinds of Stoves. Tinware - We keep everything in the tin line from a large milk cart to the smallest tin cup, and are selling milk cans and pans at the old prices. Also a full stock of Graniteware always ort hand. The best Coal Oil Stoves Bird Cages, Lamp Goods and House Furnishings. We chilli to do the best Eavetroughing work in the County.• Tenders on Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Rocfing Metal Ceilings, Siding te., always acceptable. Gasoline and Coal 011 at right prices. Remeinin r the Stone Store when you want anything in our line. Standikext Griffin's Grocery, High Art Tailor, Wingham. wifk. & Son.