HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-05-04, Page 2TILE MGM ICES, MAX 4 WOO
1'or Over Fifty Tc .ray
• rt t awl Wt'll- T ilea ?lent n:t e'y- :r;
" }'iv.' hitt•.r;:ty , T. ?an hi't Yt 1, •, �?
/DI fifty years byiltilli h -t iI a :te
for their (tenet w1ii1' - teeth:ale., with
lxttfot t s;teet'ss. It FOOt1103 th t tilifil,::.e)ft•
t'ny ttl!� t:. IYYty:iliftyS ti11 pa1n, ('arcs whirl
colt'..:t 1 at the best remedy for tliar-
rlt 1:( iLA want t() the tart,' Sold
7or, i`sts iii f'very past of th't ' vtlrl.l.
Tsv--tieacentsa bottle. Lsvaineis
etee't1, .el.O 1:' Pc erne ;toe yak foe I4is.
Win Soothing Spew, tllt.i tele.' it(t
nth r' lzitel.
ti:rumn Letor.
It i:. With r; Bret teat eve year i titer
Mr. ,ithee 1108d is triol to lose hist 1,(,: .
tion ac, , ant for Dominion Express (_ e
The fi,ilewiug from a 1 'ttcr r, ceiv e3
from Armenia tl e ether tlaY folly t x-
plaitl, the matter:
t•.1r•.ar. Sul. --4 like to now ho;: it ie
with that Vilin that is lyii g in the en,
pre -s. I read on yon$ express card ti:at
;,you went (ts meld I put the honey in
Form: sa pest( into or didn't i1 Mr. Nell
send it up to you if he dattlt why 1 i:to
now LI a rhe rt time mild if Mr. Noll scud
it up fleet semi the Yalu as possible r
would' ii Wetly frauds as she canto from
Chic t o why et, nt you send the Vi:in
when you got t.e) express, It 0110y avid
that heft ri„lit t) keep a tuna's stuff
back on him like that, and if • you don't
send it in u days I make you jump the
job°. that is my address awl don't scud
no farther this is the expreo office.”
Florence G., J:`.a. O'Leary's fast pae-
n • mare that was queetx of the turf in
her day, has been sold at a good figure
to W. W. Ferran, the well-known horse-
man of Clinton. She was delivered last
week. The purchase iutemds going in
for raising fast stock.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Sea iFttc.Sitnire Wrcpc.cr Seto(.
Verr small cx:i • a c;Sy, . _....
10 take.^oc
CA s rf � tel DIM NESS.
aItLE „FORf11.11.43311EtS.
vn ' Fon Tomo LIE%
ti Ls.,
FOR CelimAT1on.
rits V33-'� MVGYYAYG UaTURc,
25 atsI Purely Vcgetable.,-
Women are cora.
ing to understand
that the Backaches,
Headaches, Tired
Peelings and Weak
Spells from which
they suffer are dna
to wrong action of
the kidneys.
Kidney Pills
are the moat reliable remedy for any form
of kidney complaint. They drive away
Maine and aohes, Snake women healthy and
y life to the :fullest.
pie, 204 Britain Street,
ney trouble for which I
appy --able to en
Mrs. C. H. Gill
St. John, N.B., ss
"1 had severe b
dootored with a nnber of the beat physi-
cians in St. John, but received little relief.
Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills, I began
their nse. Before taking *ern I could not
Stoop to tie my shoos, and at times suffered
such torture that t could not turn over in bed
without aseistanee. Doan's Kidney Pills/
have rescued me from this terrible condi•
tion, and removed every pain and ache."
I Tell Known Lay of Thornhill, Nan.,
Got Almost Instant Relief Prom
Heart Trouble by the Use
of Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills.
i s i? •'w ` • w-Ar'^r%t +tv) nt:tuber of
tat ti. wen. • .. ..I 5 9 CN' iIi.,; forward
t,..l of the .,urt.tiv(, pawors cz Milburn's
earl and nerve Pills.
This time it is ere. {leo, Traits, a highly
eeaspected lady of Thornbili, Man., who
gives in the following wordy the history of
leer Case:
"X obtained trate Mr. a. A. Irtabbe, drag.
et of Morden, Man., a box of Milbnrrl'a
Bart and Nerve Pitts, as X was very bad
With heart trouble at the time.
"1 used the no holt and got almost
Instant relief, 1 tlhen.bougllt another box,
bei (,lily had tc uses a few of the pills, as 1
have never been troubled with palpitation
eiaaoe using them.
"I am very t atliful that I got the pills,
turd if this telt be of any ase to otllere
.e • rte ferried rte I did yott may publish it its the
'tt�^;art Bro$. of T< xoter, have pur-
clla•'•' l the 1,11,' O,:,ily. e uti'1$ mud are new
opera fug it ea the Scafo.th Mi nuke('°.
'+.'. ZVi1:glnt^ii olid J. McFarl:tite, of
f:tul t ;y s'•.1p; t',1 thirty ,c•itropslt:Y•; sheen
t..1 IItt+t1 r •e I't•• s., the IttfoY•,l, t n Tues-
day t f 1a:,t t'.vi:, the i ri:44.4 reale: el :c'i'
the ift. cl;, b. tag t,l•o•;t• $400.
If year en -ten eeede tont:;,; up, ttth
M'I i'r's Ct rel ut:tid Iron fills. mold b
Coli:. A. Canna ell.
AV, II. McCracken, wire takes d0 a2c;
::ud p1 e es a Brower of vsetet:tb1es au
She Would N o i; Use Any
Oi tb.er Make.
y The best mutt most successt"ul makers
of homemade ct:rpets, mina and floor
rugs use the DittmmntiD, es to co1.:r their
rags, ya••I1s anti, tyre 1s.
(1 Every Immo dyer knows w.'11 that the
Diamond. (iycs gi ee the fastest and
brightest coital, and ire the sizY.plcet
• (:yea to use.
Mrs. A. Y. Field, 1?atltulrtTo-
iai to, says: -••-"During the last teen year;
I have made teeny mats and ruga from
wool and cotton rage: and corse v:)in=.
The ttyi. g of the rege azul yarns I have
alevays. do .o with Ditttnou•l Lyes tts
:hey give the nicht rt duel strorgost C., (1 t(
1 ant fully entwine:cl that the Dia, (.u,i(t
Dyes are the safest and (hear est for n
who make carped:, mote null Ing:, I
would not us:I any (miler lciud of (be:
root:;, hats Li: carp gar,.e itiug end Feed
lug about c: ntpl:tt.t1 with good pros
peets. .s the early hirci 1;11 right.
'•Pta. thee it is ale°
ate.: ta1'k' io t't' •s.. who verity : hair
Woe (+t it is $1'eett4 1'y taking Heed's
Sar,aparill t.
()u i'ticl.ty last t11e .Luelcnow stare
r:ver, R. if, Send, had a'br'ak up be
.wa(r t Chef. nett ati(l Loyt,i and had to
Iarrow a flouters: wagon totoxin l:t('
his trap. He had to leave ills passengers,
ainougat -whew. was a c. uplo who were
to Heave l:eell illttrll. d that night,
-Hiker's W .r)n` Powders correct all
such trouLles es lack c,f al petite: bilious -
nese, drutt•sitl:ss ettll'wcoittp.exton, etc;
to take. Sold by Colin A. Camp-
amp-b; ll.
Ea:•id Walker. 0th nue, Morris, sold a
bunch of twel,•o steers, rising 3 years
old, to John Scott, (drover, for export,
that will not le ees:ly beaten. The
heaviest weighed 1,070 pounds and an-
other 1,580, the 12 averaging 1,400. They
were shipped cn Monday of last week,
and brought their owner $1,75 per cwt,
When children aro pale peevish And
restless at night they require a dose or
two of Miller's Worm Powders. Sold
by Colin A. Cacti bell.
Mr. Charles E, Tauner, formerly a.
private banker fit Blythe., and who at
present resides in Sarnia, who refused to
answer questious about the disposition
of his property, ;tend was committed to
prison for two months some :line ago,
appealed on the ground that the act
under which hof was committed was
passed in April, $1890, after the alleged
concealment of property in 1S93, and as-
signment of the banker 1805. Chief Jus-
tice Meredith has decided that the aot
did not apply to Tanner's case, and ho
therefore goes free.
Milbura's Rheumatic Pills are a
specific remedy for Rheumatism, Scia-
tica, Lumbago, sand neuralgia.. They
eliminate the acids and poisons from the
system. ease the pain and cure the dis-
ease. Price 50c.
A very peculiar accident happened' on
the C. P. R. about three miles east of
Thamesford. James Atkinson, a. ilre-
ivan, belonging to Toronto Junction,
was on an enginehanling a freight train,
when the heavy wind blewa tree against
the south side of the locomotive, a,branch
breaking through the cab window and
striking Atkinson en the shoulder, caus-
ing paiutul injuries.. Tho engine was
running at a very high rate of speed at
the time. The driver was not hurt. The
fireman will be laid up for some time.
Mr. James Moffat, of Teeswater,•has
just returned from the Old Country
with a magnificent imported Clydesdale
stallion, He is an exceptionally fine
animal and was purchased at the great
London horse thew. The Scottish cor-
respoudent of the Fanners' Advocate in'
referring to the purchase says: "An-
other well -broil horse named Alfred the
Great, has goitre to Mr., James Moffat, of
Teeswater, Ont. He was got by the
celebrated Price Alexander 8899, which
was sold when a yearling for £1,200, and
and was chahipion at the H. & A. S.
Show when a yearling, and was also
winner of the Cawdor Cup when a three-
George E. Robertson, son-in-law of R.
Coats, passed, away on Wednesday, at
Hamilton hdspital after en illness of
about a mon h. Ile had been taken
at his home tin Teterboro and went to
Hamilton for treatment about a week
previous to Itis demise. Hopes have
been entertaed of his recovery until
Monday evening when his relatives here
learnt by telegram that he would not re-
gain and wa:•then oniy the matter of a
few days. What makes this sect event
so much more to bear for the widow, is
the fact thatcher son is laid up with a
broken leg, li}Y.ving been run over by a
sleigh, and went to 1lamilton also when
the deceased had gone. Mr, Robertson
was an employee of the Government,
baving been engaged for a long time on
the Trent Valley Canal, next on tue C.
P. R.. surveys in the North-west, theta
on the St. Lawrence Canal. Since 1896
ho has had charge of a section of the
Trent Valley Canal, to engeering skill
Southamp:on people will go the wit 1a
figure in their 24th of Itay celebration.
A V is the reward for the last load of
calitliumpiuus. Tsr.) 1T's for la'rt see.
Bicycle race a V ma a 3, Trotting and
running races the sante.
ChUdr761 K 1'�i •6c �
Mr. Justice McLennan on Friday gave
judgment .en a motion by counsel for
Capt. Robson, M. P. P., fcr East Middle-
sex, to set as:de the petition on the
ground that James Palmer, one of the
three petitioners was not duly qualified.
Hold, that order extending tithe was
properly made.
Ti ht.
You seem all choked up and stuffed up
with the cold—find it hard to breathe.
Cough that rasps and tears you—but little
phlegm got up.
Now's thetimo to (;eke Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup before things get too eerioua,
There is no remed4.equal to it for making
the breathing easy, loosening the phlegm
and removing all the: alarming symptoms
of a severe cold.
"I naught a severe Bold which settled on
my chest, making it feel raw and tight.
Seeing Dr. Wood'a Norway Pine Syrup,
advertized Iprocured a bottle, which greatly
relieved ire, It loosened the phlegm, healed
the lungs, and soon had me perfeotly well."
NEIL 111cKAY, Bipnrx. OST.
Norway Nino
The Blyth tennis dawns reorganized
on Saturday orelling, and officers ap-
pointed. It was decided to give tt con-
cert mud minstrel l:erforuiauce (luring
the second, week in May.
Tito Oddfellinvs of C oderielh e 1ebrat-
c(1 the 05tH ainiiverairy of the Order by
attending; St. George':, church last Sun-
day morning, when rector Turnbull,
preached a special sermon to thein.
Talk about D. C. Fraser, M. P,, and
Baynes the I aybuyer being giants, why
they aro mere r trfpliugs cowered to two
reeideuts of Huron county. One it Mr.
Wiley of Stanley Tp. weighs 403 lbs.,
tutd•the other, Mr. Jonathan Miller of
rho town of Goderich, tips the settle at
436 it>s.
Mr.. J. II. Stuart, the popular manager
of the Bank of Hamilton, I_4stowel, was
presented with a clock by the townspeo-
ple, prior to his departure for Hamilton,
where ho was married to Miss Osborne,
slaughter of the Tato William Osborne,
1 leo timepiece is a beautiful piece of
in •ollanisln, • with , handsomely carved
eek case. It staudtiabout nine feet higli,
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart will speed a three
nsoatiis' honeymoon in the Old Laud.
A letter frons Henry Mooney at Wey-
burn, N. W. T., formerly of Morris,
says they couimoiiced sowing their
w1Yeat on April 5th and finished on the
11th, getting in 80 acres. Weather was
find. Largo numbers of settlers arriv-
ing. Eight cars of effects coining in one
day. Many of the people are from the
U. S. Ur. Mooney has bought another
quarter section and now owns 800 acres.
They Cali plough a furrow 11.4 miles
is pure; and cold and
As the seas° i is stow
approaching when these
bilis will be needed by
horsemen, we would
say to all such that the
TIMES office is well
equipped For turning out
this class lof work. A
splendid line of suitable
cuts. '
Reasonable rates.
.I . a A. T�. r venin
An experienced canva3ser, or a man with good character
and address; with the necessary
to town and :appoint agents. No
'penses paid. Position permanent
ability to travel from town
canvassing. Salary and ex -
and promotitn according to
§ The Brad ey-G•arretson, Co., Li,nited,
If you wear Shorey's Clothing
you cannot be otherwise than cor-
Mcn often dress in bad taste
without knowing its
1 ectly dressed.
4, a
Button Sack
lie wits proficient, a ,mate of splendide i 1 i Twee pias°
,sound .business methocTs and U x.61
Skilful, accurate and properly quali-
fled druggists aro guardians of human.
]ife. To suet, you may with confidence
intrust the filling of every prescription.
Our conveniences, advantages and
memo stook stook of puro drugs, orinblo us to
fill prescriptions to the satisfaction of
doctor and patient.
Paige's 'Celery Conipound has a won-
derful sale with us, mad is giving grand
results to the sick. Our supply of this
noted xilediciuc is alsvays fresh, and the
genuine. if you would regain lost
strength, brace np the ile1Vous sretexrl,
nsid banish disease, use Faino'e 'Celery
CorIN A. CaelPrlrar r., Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
Retai at $12.00.
They are as good as any one wants
for a business suit and better than.
yott can get to order for $o.00.
Sold only by thebest dealers, and
guaranteed in every particular.
Not made to order, but made to
What is
dastorist is for Infants and Children. Castoria is sti
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops.
and Soothing Syrups, It contains neither Opitun,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
ness, Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collo. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
';Castoria is au excellent medicine for
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me
of its good effect upon their children."
Dit. G. 0. °scoop, Lowell, Mass.
"Caetoria is to wcn adapted to children
that I recommend it as superior to any pre-
scription known to me."
II. A, A8CRE8, M. D. Brooklyn, N. i^
:let ,Cil ZVAPr'ia !IWI. ase Tic (,.g _w.• 12 . ti a�yiC:°
To draw away the car loads of goods
ordered for spring.
Buggies and Carriages.
Nearly three car loads of Buggies and Carriages have
been ordered from the best makers in the country. We will
have buggies to suit the purses and tastes of everybody. High
grade, medium grade and a grade neither high nor medium..
Prices to correspond.
':: Farm. Implements.
We will have in farm Implements nothing but the best. We
don't need to say anything about the Massey -Harris goods,
suffice to say that the farmers are going wild over the new
Binder and Mower, and those placing their orders with any
other firm before seeing these new machines will undoubtedly
feel disappointed. Buy from a thoroughly CANADIAN
firm that can give you the best' on earth, and a firm that
keeps thousands of dollars worth of repairs at your door. •
We have the slickest plows and gang plows you ever saw
The National and Imperial Gangs are something new, and
had an extraordinary sale last fall. In fact we could not meet
the demand made on us for these goods. Ask your neighbor
about the gang plow he got here last fall.
Repairs ! Repairs!
We are loaded up with all kinds of repairs We can fit.
,any plow ever made with•hard and tough tempered in oil cast-
ings. Having bought our repairs last fall, before the raise in
prices, we will be able to sell plow repairs at 1899 prices until •
further noticed ,
Music and Sewing Machine Dept.
In this department you will find choice selected pianos
and Organs from Gerhard -Hein_ tzman, of Toronto ; Bell,. of
Guelph ; Doherty, of Clinton Dominion, of Bowmanville,
and Sewing Machine frorn Raymond, of Guelph.
Small Instruments, Music Books, Sheet Music of all
kinds in abundance, all of which are sold at a small margin.
Conte in everybody and see through our stores and.
Opposite Presbyterian Church.
a fei•
+a -t -ri-4. �_ -; AW
and Ar FENCINGS �w
are not surpassed in the WORLD.
Their Woven Wire rencings have stood.
stood over fifteen years of very successful
testing on FARM and RAH -NAY.
Special offers made this year on XiOE
'These goods aro all manufactured by
The Ontario Wire Fencing Co,, Limited, of Pinion, Oat.
rot Salo by the Ilnrrlwitio Merchants ancleGeneral Dealers throughout Canada.
Also by the Oan. Hardware *robbers,
Glen. Agents -Tho B. Greening Wira Co., of :Etalnilton and Montreal.
Agent for ltaiiwaycueing-4imos Cooper, Montreal.
j{; 'Correspondence With the manufacturers invited.