The Wingham Times, 1900-04-27, Page 8M. H. MCINDOO Slrillg itufio itY V Uk) No matter what your needs may be this is the one place in Wingham that is sure to have exactly what you want. Every quality we have is strictly reliable, and the styles are of the very latest. Spring Carpets and Curtains Stock that is complete and up-to-date, as we know how to make it with such a variety of patterns and grades. Enough to satisfy every fancy. Why shouldn't this be your best and safest place to buy Carpets and Lace Curtains. SATUILY SPEC1h6S in• Dress Goods and Ready- made Clothing. Why not have a. new Suit or Dress for Easter. Will sell the above at easy prices . Saturday another shipment of Dress Goods to hand at •excellent prices at • a . ci DOO'S Wa neer & Batton are giving special bar t ill pal +r suites and mattresses. You Co not know what you miss by not seeing them. We are carrying a beauti- ful line of picture mouldings and we guarautee to suit• u. Oxnro-Ann. he old residents of Wingham and vicinity are fast falling off. Thisweek we record the death of Catherine MCAll, rehab of the late William. Meal', who died in Wingham some ;•ib years ago. Deceased had been enjoying fairly good health until Sun- day. Paralysis set in on Tuesday with unconscious , until death oa Friday morning. eceased was born in Scot- land 70 ears ago, coaling to Canada with her parents when 8 years old and living for a time in the township of Nissouri, afterwards moving to Luck - now with her husband, where he fol- lowed his trade as a cabinet maker. Some years ago they moved to Winp- bam. The family consists of but two members, Mrs, S. M. Johnston, of Bay City, Mich., who was present at the funeral on Saturday, and John McLeod MCAll, of Dacoma, Washington Terri-. tory. Deceased was a member of the Baptist Chareh and was known as an earnest and faithful Christian. Paint is areservative to a buggy at#y as well as a house, The buggies we have here—nearly 3 car load—were all paint- ed months ago, They don't cost you any more than the same jobs fresh painted. Drop in and talk it over with T. H. Ross. t f 2-krce MAY CnveitRATxoN.--Our grac- ious sovereign will be 81 on the 24th of May. In view of her advancing years and faiUn„ strength we eau scarcely hope that she will enjoy many more birthdays. Considering this it becomes us as her loyal subjects to celebrate with joy and thankfuhiese this next, her 81st birthday. There is probably do place in I 'Western Ontario, with the exception of Ingersoll, that has made greater prepar- ations for a monster tote than Wingham. the Circular City will run a special train, bringing not only a largo number of their inhabitants but also tlio,pplondid band and crack baseball team. Clinton •people will be picked up, Clinton base fonts at inter- .• nter- .• l . ' ' ' .. . str 'tit , banal have « : u is, ., L:.,. t•:.. l';re pari: diauiotrel is being; improved aud ottr base ball team will begin practice at once. "The concert itt the evening; is to be of the finest kind. Jim Fax, the most pop - tiler utirl refilled humorous vocalist 'Wingham lets known, will be assisted by the telent, d Tessa lS2oCallutn, Scotch reader, Fon S.tr : A good chance for a person to obtain a comfortable little Bomb on catty terms. Lot 10 on the earn addle of 1$hater et., on which is al- ready c're•.•tod a bri. k kitchen, there is sod water on the lot whi Ci contains earsta are. Apply to S. Yotrhiil, Estate /Vote Matt k, Viitighatu. MINOR !„QOAL.S. f .:emb Eli's IHeade:ite Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. --Gude:dell gaol is almost onlllty , --Moudey last was St. George's day. ---T'iZens for 70 cents till Ja.unry 1, 1031. Subscribe now. All new goods at $ee our $12, $14 and $10 suits. --Lloyd & Sou made a ehipmeut of doors to Goderich ou Monday. —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, C. 0.1i`. this (:1P ridgy). evening- -The T, Boll w Sou Mfg, Co, dripped a ear load of furniture to Winnipeg this week. Get your now Hat for spring at Geo, Carr's. We have the latest styles. --Mrs. C. 11f, Walker was at home to a large number of her friends ou Tues- day evening, --At the Temple of Fame to -night you will see some (Utility little .pisses and some manly Iitt1V .nen, . 1 is 1Mr1NGIIAiI TUl ESI APRLL 27, 1900 T'oxest aiaret, Wiuuipeg lids boon in a fever of ex• oitewent caused by the awful busk fires . now raging from Warren, Mimi., north- ward. for a distanoo of many. miles. The ztuanber of people entrapped is estimated at fully 600 settlers and luttiborra04. Trains are tumble to ether the distriet. 100 teams, have been entrapped. 100,000 ties and 10,000 cords. of wood have been consumed. Special trains. will oouvey - doctors to the vicinity. "IOW TITIN 'VOLT LOOU! Do you like to hear it? If not, take Scott's. Emulsion. 'Twill fill out your sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, and thin hands, Why not have a plump figure? Deni let disease steal a march on you. Even Seaforth has caught the cinder path fever and talks of running one to Mitchell. t;r"l (WY' for -•.. rtb. --Messrs. rouug & Paulidi are .laving large numbers of screen doors manufac- tured for the coming "fly" season, --The Temple of Fattte in the Town Fall to -eight is bound to be a greet success. Ga and see the characters. One of the best Sewing Machines tirade to -clay is the New Raymond. Warranted 10 years by a responsible Company, You will find. them here, as well as needles to fit all makes of machines. T. H. Ross. —All members of the Public Library are requested to hand their books to the Librarian for inspection before the end of April. Wingham people will be sorry to learn that Wm. Beck, formerly of this town, has suffered the loss of his hens© by fire in Harriston, —McDonald and Louttit shipped a car load of hogs to Palmerston on Monday. The price paid was $6.75 per owl, Hogs should pay at that. Apprentices wanted at once. Two young ladies to learn tailoring. tf W.CBSne» & Co, —Geo. B. Roe sold one of his chestnut team last week to Dr. Bruce, of Toronto. The animal was a very fuze one, and its mate which Mr. Roe still possesses is also a very likely driver. —Mr. J. S. Jerome, our well known dentist was in Fordwich Iast weak with a view of locating, but owing to lack of suitable accotnoclation has decided that Pordwich is not the tplace. —In the case of Fretwell vs. Morning- star, a Wingham case tried at the recent sitting of the High Court of Justice, Mr. Chief Justice Armour - has given judg- ment in favor of the plaintiff, with costs. Have you seen the new spring wall- paper patterns at Ross' Bookstore, We have never bad a larger or better stock, and altho' paper has risen we ars still selling at the old prices. Anis Ross. —Over sixty characters in the Temple of Fame to -night. Perhaps the largest array ever on a Wingham stage. Judg- ing from Miss Houghton's past efforts you may be sure the costumeing will bo elaborate. —The Canadian Mounted Rides of which our townsman, Dave Lougheod, is a member, and the Strathcona Horse had their first experience in battle on Monday-. The reports say that they sus- tained a heavy .fire. —At the funeral of the late Agues Runciman, the following persons from outside points were presents Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Runcinian, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. t1,unciman and Mr. R. Runcitnan, Goderieh, MONtty TO LOAN Money to loan on notes, and notes t'isconnted at roason- able rates.- Money advanced on mort- gages, with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing - ham. ROST. MOINDO ), —A new firm in Wingham is Elliott Bros., agents for the Deering Harvester Co. The members are M. H. Elliott, town and J. J. Elliott, V. S., Clifford. They wilt occupy the ivarerooms on Vie, toria, street, recently occupied by Wm. Gannett. —0. Ii. Conry, general manager of the Royal Artificial Stone Paving Co., will be. in • Wingham in May, to lay -cement walks for private parties. 'Others who require cement walks should leave word with Mr. John Oonery before May ist, so that all the cement can be slipped at once. -.-The flue weather of the past few days snakes one wonder less that people write poems about spring. Lawns in town and fields is the surrounding coun- try aro becaniing grass grown, and how fresh and pleasing; their colors aro in earn' spring? The town park is a per - foto est. -.:ir, Alf. Carr, one of our enterpris- ing young men, has opened a tailor shop ill Teeswater, acquaintance with Mr. Clare 't b extends batik for a number of years hes proven hits, to be an excellent young Man,not only soeit bly and personally, but also one in whom absolute reliance may be placed in busi- nese life. 'We are sure of his success iii liar new• home. seems** NOTE:54 So Ripley will play lacrosse this year. Well, wellf We don't expect to hear from therm any more. After picking out a team and umpire there would't lac 1$ people Ieft in the place to .root. LIMiE FOR - I, The undersigned Wawauosh, has a sale. 83, Concession 8, Bast 1. p good lime for CARS. CAMPBELL, Marnoch P. O. DR. MACDONALD, 1 Centro Street Wingham, ALKER & BUTTON Ontario. UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. WM. NICHOLSON BUILDER and CONTRACTOR We are still in the building . business and are Prepared to take contracts for the erection of all kinds of buildings. Plans and specifications furnished onshort notice. Worlunanship guaranteed and at rea- sonable rates. vVM. NICHOLSON. Residence Diagnol street, opposite Francis street, FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Trams. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if ton do not got a customer. We can't guarantee hat you will sell because you may .tisk more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Turss and try this phen of disposing of your stock and other articles. A ER COSENS General insurance and Loan Agent. di LIFE—The Ontario Mutual. FIRE—The Non -tariff Com- pa flies, ACCIDENT— The London 0naranteeand Accident. PLATE GLASS --The Do- minion, - [ 1 Money at Lowest Rates, In ofi'ice corner of'Min-de and Patrick Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat- urday.. NewCarriage ! x 4 er Ke t as 040,40,0o. 440••••414 t. 1000 ,04k 00,.00p. " 0 , •Shop , ,;. IF YOU INTEND RIDING I have opened a shop in donna tion with A. Nicholl'© blacksmith shop, two doors south of Swarrs Dore's, Special attention wail be given to Repairing Carriages, Ruggles, Wagons, 1itc, Repainting will also receive careful attention, Pt ices as low as consistent with good workmanship and mater tai. A TRIAL SOLICITED. J. J. MITCHELL TRUE LIVING PORTRAITS MADE AT A1. E. ZURBR1GG'S. Fiunily and other Groups from small sunbeams up to 10 x 20, actual size of photographs. Pictures copied and enlarged or remounted. Down floor gallery, opp, Presb. Church. The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT., still leads in the training of its pupils, and getting them placed in choice pon. Oversitio15s0 of our pupils have secured good positions since July last. The fol- lowing have recently been placed: A. Dunlop, NbigL.iira, Fish Co., Buffalo, Dora L;nigstroth,- Michigan Street Car Ad- vertising � Co., Detroit. St. C. Couzens, 2nd Stenographer, Y.M.C.A., Cleveland, Ohio. Louis L. Couzons, Squire's Carriage Co., gleveiend. Jennie Passmore, with Clare Bros., Furnaces, eta., Preston, Ont. Thos. Oaclette, in.his father's lumber office, Detroit, Mich. College re -opens after Easter Vacation on Tuesday, April 17th. For Catalogue, address D. MCLACHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. ew nary If you want •to get fresh groceries call on R. S. Reid. Good Wine and ArroWroot Biscuits, 4 lbs. for 25c. NOTICE- TO CREDITORS. HOUSE OTIC r GLEANING is coming on. You may need a Whitewash Brush. We can supply you. ' We can also give you the best to be had in brooms, whisks and clothes brushes. A nice present given away with every $ro.00 worth of goods you buy. E is hereby given that Peter Deans, the younger, of the Townof Wingham in the County of Huron, Flour and Feed Mer- chant, has made en assignment, pursuant to R. S. 0. 1861, Chapter 147, of all his estate and effects to Charles Gillespie, of the said Town of Wingham Commission Merchant, for the general benefit of his creditors. A. meeting of the creditors of the Insolvent will be held at the office of R. Vanstone, Solici- tor for the said Assignee, at the said Town of Wingham on Thursday, the 26th day of April instant, at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon, to receive a statement of affairs, to ap- point inspectors and fix their remuneration, and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. - Creditors are required to file their claims with the Assignee or his said Solictor, with the proofs nndpartieulars thereof required lair the said. Act, on or before the day of such meeting. And notice is further given that after the 1.8thday of May, A. D. 1600, the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the said In- solvent amongst the nrties entitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims of vlrek notice shall then have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated at Wingham, this 18th day of April, A. D. 1666. R. `V'AN£iTONJ, CHAS. GILLESPIE, Solicitor for Assignee. Wingham, Assignee. A. Tailor's Talk would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up very statement. *We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new SPRING SUIT O, OVJ RCOAT S. Reid 'Shaw Block, THE STUDY OF FABRICS style, outting, making, the desire to please and to give the utmost value, puts the question of satisfaction of our ens. borders beyond the shadow of a doubt. High Classed Tailoring is not necessarily high-priced. You will find proof of this by calling ;ori us, an}being our goods, getting prices and leaving your order for a suit. , kP. NI A WHEEL this season, you will do well in looking through our stock of strictly up -to date wheels. ' THE BERLIN °BURNEY-HEATTIE RAYCLE ■ are our lines, All outside of any combination, con sevuently you can purchase a strictly high -gra de wheel at a lower grade price. : nnr rtnur ■nn■ *WNW curnr� YOUNG 8z. P A ULI 1.", ra a:4Nii ger41k:FIgeg f -E+ � 17, a' = 'tis .E [� ,,,,. 3EsG...¢riismaF� �-��� sF, 6��5� . " nr� aYut 9aa T THE STONE CORNER We are offering bargains in all kinds of Stoves, Tin.:re • We keep everything in the tin line from a large milk can to the smallest tin cup, and are selling milk cans and pans at the old prices. Also a full stock of Graniteware always on. hand. The best oal ii Stoves Bird Cages, Lamp Goods and House Furnishings. We claim to do the best Eavetroughing work in the County. Tenders on Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Roofing. Metal Ceilings, Siding etc., always acceptable. Gasoline and Coal Oil at right prices. • Remember the Stone Store when you want anything in our line. John Sight ug ' Som.. .s, Priceless Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. WE FIT. SPECTACLES Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably. Try us. 0 U• y s HAW OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. • o eth i n Sp�-c I THE FURNITURE PRiO - We have out what we ha decided to give s Any one who lines will be wise to what we call special c S. large stock of Furniture and we ant to clear to make room for more. To • o so we have . e special cut prices for cas ay be wanting somethin in the following 11 and secure a barg 'n. Note some ofu prices in PARLO ' SUITES s' A 5 -piece ParlorSuite, r 4 ee er .c ie of A 4 -piece it til 4' 4' , '4 if it . . price, $48.,,o, for .00, for o.00, for 38.00, for 32.00, ,for 30.00, for 00, for - 14.50 <e et $39.00 -' 32,00 30.00 - 29.00 • 23,00 - 21.50M Bed -Room Suites,» Burea . with 3 drawers, mirror 16x2 bed- stead 4 ft. / in. win , Eric stand, reg. $xo,50. for $8. 0. . Sideboards, large siz for $750. 3 drawers and mirror", rag. price Extension Tables, ft. long, 4 leaves, 6 legs (not 4) $6.00, for $4.50. We have been ere in Wingham for 19 years and intend to stay here for a while yet to . o business with the public, and notwithstanding the fact -11 that fitrnittire Of 11 kinds is advancing in price, we will sell at above prices until our - oak is reduced. We feel eo Ment we have the largest stock of Furniture and th• e best; values (style a • quality considered) to be found in any store in 117inghtixr*, and we invite nyone, old or young, to ealt and see what 'we have before buying in an thing yoti may be wanting from a amnion kitehett chair to a parlor tali :, We ha e also the best and latest thing out to Folded Carpet Paper. for potting un , er carpet. You have only to see it to be convinced. We ave a large stoek of Picture Moulding and Room Mouldings torr hanging futures on, and we snake a specialty of doing neat picture framing. Mat.reases, Spring Beds, Couches, Lounges, Centre Tables, &e,, &e.. of them at Et O. OLARKE illobt. Maxwell S.% Stand next Griffin's Grocery. nigh Art Tailor, Wingham. F.1rl NITIJIM SToR , WINGnAM.