HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-04-27, Page 7r.�
Author of ,( Lena Rivers,,t Edna Browning,"
"Tempest and Sunshine," Etc„ Etc,
1,�M •.Y
c,134.11231 t,1404,0' rr' S$VA' „•F 4,0 .
,, i
Httt'tefir i er Cie prorecrmg rock was - like meswag pc'clne who are so bit- inililette of money. The IQcrrtlt can nrv- ages around her rcnist and neck. Her ]::~ginning to rise and spread itself: over ter nga.l nst you Yankees, and I sotto -et' subjugate the South. 11•e may MY 3• 'it tis i'rii btened lieu, it Was so un-
the surface of the cave. It wens up to lintti Wonder at myself. 1 tun South down our frets because we h;1s e no 1 he her, veil, lifting her from the floor,
his ankles now, and it rose so rapidly Culolirlt bort, and ought to be foierno:tother alternative, but we shall
still he took her in his lap, and Laid to
1that Will was thinking of leaving the iti the rebellion; but hanged if I can think the saute, and feel the etene vs - het:
cavo and •• groping Iris way its well as . see that it is right, Why, I might as - we do now.." "14p(nk to Pte, Itosa Let me hear
11e could to the westward, when hie • Well set up a government of my owe, Helie rens n. curious study for Will Ooetr 'voice 0113'1 meta', You thought I
t quick ear caught the sound Pts of two or here on the Oat;, Plantation, and refuse Mather, who was surprised to find such wr• s :card, anal you've been so sorry,,,
' more persons ruining stealthily up the to come under any civilized laws. blind, maturity of thought and so strong de- "Yes; kiineci at Gettysburg,." came
) anotuttnin side. Whoever they. were, though, I don't think the South all tcrmiultttic,n in one so. young and fruit, fiu:•p 13Iy at last; and then a st1 rni of
f they seemed to move with the• utmost wrong,—not it bit of it, The North slid "No 'yonder it is hare to eeatquer a• te\:•13 stud kisses fell 'moo 'Will's face,
•caution, end 11111's heart beat high as bully us, and the election of Mr, .Lin- people composed of such elements," he 'Mal 1t114('4t1 alien veru* tlhrowe about his
!he hoped it might be some brother coin woe particularly olmo'.lous to the ihenigllt, au(1 he watt about to continue 1;erh, as she tried to tell him how great
fugitives seeking the shelter of the cave, majority here, but we lad n0 right to the conversation when he was startled was deer, joy to have (hint �baek again.
• The gleam of a lantern, however, and secede, and you x11d your duty tr3:ieg to by tt loud blast from a horn i►luiong fila 1 h,t\ 3 bran So lonely, etre s±ill,
the sumo voice he land heated in the drive us back. Lor a spell I kept quiet, hills "tor evrryhocly is sous, Jinrxrie anal
nul•1111kg rttt•si11g the Yankees so bitter - —didn't take either- side; or, if I did, 1 "They've caught some one, ']'hey s,l- Aisltir, ;ted poor Toni, too, ds a ptisml-
ly diepelled the illusion, stud in a tre- wanted the South to beat, as aril my in. ways do that 41s a hind of esnitnt'oll,,, e• at last, so mother and I are 1111 alone,
Mot! of terror he drew back in leis \va- terests are here. But when our folks the boy exclaimed, wringing his Molds
-tor quarteh•s, crawling in the darkness got to abusing their prisoners 50 shame• and evineiing as much (lir••tiess as he "1=ow shall 1 telhint," she thought,
to the• farthest end of the cavern, and fully, and told so many lies by way of had heretofore shown bitterneee agli;.st a:l'sl her eyes went from his face to the
feeding the rising water flow over lila deceiving us fellows who live among the the opposing party l•sisi:c't and emir where baby's clothes
knees as he waited for what might hills stud only get the news once or It was it poor refugee front a neigh- \\ mer lying,
. come nest, twiee ai week, I changed my polities, boring county, Winne in shite or T udT The little white chess, with its ehoul-
{ `Stay More, Charlie, while I go in. �I mei niter the day whim I found. one of Ilaverill's precautions, they had Torn(] dor knot of blue; the il;tnnels and the
know he must be here, on(1 if he use t my neagllbors,. and the best man that is a hollow 1'1te,nncl whomthey brunt 1st f , wool SO(I(S we're 1111 there in Plan
•it drowned by. this time it's just a special ever breathed, too, hung to a tree like more dead than alive down to the Oak eight, and Will saw thin, too, (1s his
I Providence, that's ail I have to say " it dog, with the word 'Abolitionist' pin-- Plntttation, amici vot•iferous mice of eye.; followed hose's. -
11 Surely that was no. unfriendly voice, ned to his coat, I made a vow that "Ter and feather Iriml" "Rant; him to "hose, tell ntr,^what is that? What
notwithstanding the oaths of the morn- every energy I had should be given to a sour -apple tree!" "Give him a tette d""s It mean?" be asked, and then,
rut;, but still Will did oat move until caring for and helping just such wretch- of the halter!" ."llnke hint nn example without sh•word, Rose incl him into the
]'the stranger, who evidently lately es ass you, and if I've helped one I've to all other sneaking Yaalkee syzilpiltli- 111•u)nung room, where in. his etilz sllun-
1:every turn and nook of the cavern, helped a thousand. Why nt least it buns- twee!"
THE MOAN MEP, A '11L 27, 190&
1 flees nriybotly eitll 'Washington a1 MI. weave one Arch of fear, as all tate old
'rI I tor now? X tell you it is sauces, which suprl1rtitlous stories, of New England
decides the nature of the thing. If we lore rushed to Icor mind. Verhape t)1]
succeed, future historians will speak of tl','rt ;Palters:tr'y of his death he had
us ata patriots, •ns a pet1eclrted people,. herr.) b t k to see lwr. And per taps--"
who gave 0311' lives in defence of ellr Them (141 not iillfi)lt tho eentenee, for
lurnues tont firesides," . the opting of her own door, disel end
"Yon won't euceved, ley po'i' boy. Ow win ted figure of a mal1.wea1Gng the
The Confederaey is gasping its Iasi limy blue, Itis face very hale,. but light -
breath, You will iia conquered at The ('(1 up with p rfeet joy as he titretehe(i
Isrst, and then what have you gelled?" 1:':a arms toward the ehr•iriking" woman
"Nothing,-uotlring but smut•, and by the window,. and raid:
tine tears poured over the white face "Ciente to WC, darling; 1 seen rlu
Of this pef(Uder of Southern rights. ghost."
Soon recovering himself, however,. he Then she went to hint, but uttered _
exclaimed, proudly: no smut. Her heart wile too full for
"We Play be conquered, but not :alb- thnt, and seemed bursting from her
legated. You can't do that with all threat as she lute her Ireful upon the
your cOmitiesS horcle,•t of leen, sold your 1,1-13131 of her husband, and felt his
bored her beautiful boy,—choir beauti-
tenS so near to him that the light front died have slept in this very 1•aom,- With his face as white as enarbin, Tett boy, lather. Ile was hers alone no
the dark Itlntcrn tell upon his face and bl;tude's room, for, as I told you, she and his Lipa set firmly together, Pahl 1(1•grr. for the 1' titer avis there now,
betrayed him -at arnce. ']`here was a is Union to the backbone, end led o10 ?. rsud the llappleSt moment he hard ever
> Have -:ill stlrncl in the mit et of the noisy
thought of Inose ;ted the freedom he chap across the mountain Herself. She group, which he tried to quiet. ]cnrlen \\:�s that \then he knelt by Itis
:tract almost regained, and then forget- Is a regular Di Vernon, and is not "Let us tri him by jury," lit s(1fcl, baby's (1•13(131", n,nxl frit bow ranch he
-ting the friendly tones, Will •gstve a afraid of the.very dell. When she went and souiethin'g in his volae reaesnred had for Which to thalnk his Maker. He
low, bitter moan, and stretching out his away, she bade me put them here, as the frightened. In ggard • eetch, who could not 2':tit •till nlarn5nsa before he
Ets,n(?s said imploringly: the room least liable to stt.spiclotl. To had sect his house Unrnrcl down tat,! level the <nrn.i of 11's first -barn i; orrice,
r`IClll me here as well as anywhere, the folks around me I em the roughest his son shot before his very eyes, and of and he toric bum at carer in li'3 riTins,
++ kiwi of n Sereaaionist, ate" I suppose rvc`rT' prise thrilling with prier aril ox-
und let the suss>ense be ended, 1 come expected no ewe y.
"Kill you, my boy," and the stronger 11010(13 can beat ole meeting nbagt the
The trial by jut, proved lwpttlnr, xnd rn =tr delight, 1.4 he felt the soft baby
spoke cheerily as 110 bent over poor W111 Yau)kees, just to ltoodw••ink 'em, you then Paul IIaveriil lugs estetl that a ]`'`:lens in his own, anal look'(, hen the
(and rubbed li}s clammy hands "What know. I suppose that s wrong; my ovate judge be chosen in the person of some hear.tifnl :arta ryes 'which feet leis so
%(iltottla I kill you for? I'\e shad my would say so; she was a saint when elle one who had lost ;t near friend in #h•! \'r"'dcrinr*l,, as; Witty invoke end "'eyed
ever( on yon ever since yesterday even. Yeas lierc,—she is an angel .flow. She was, 1Ind was of MUM •coniprtrltt to un into his face. It w:as net afrnic of
• lag, vrileta 1 slaw• you creeping Peden the died five years ego,—before the war tecta out Still justice to the ctsimiroal— hire, stud Rose 31 rnr. t leered with joy
y broke t d Lois, thers she saw it sesle to ire i'nher'e face,
•brushwood, ' and knew you were hunt•
ro ce eu ; an ,0 s, woman you "0133301!4', for illstlllter_,' (1134(1 his eye '• '
saw, hits been my housekeeper since. I fell on the• boy, \alio had jointed the ai«1 then tent slyly at\•ny.
Ing for this calve. The Refuge of sluttldn't like the North to take her crowd and gas standing close by the it was se terrible till.baby crane test
:Safety, I call it, and it' 11as proved Pram me. 'Cly • tried it once —whe n Chioef mals. ser Tenid, beaming to ox_
3 u 711e boy caught his uncles plain ho\w-they b-a1'rve(1 Win dead. and
.so to many a poor anvil who, like , ]told of em ransacked ed my hansr Hutt
exclaimed:. .e yoair-
spied • lrl•lsonrr, , '
d mri.nin at once, nun 'r•
self, has taken shelter here. 1 have I was sic lc in bed. 1Dlnnde threatened "Yes.Dict me he the judge, My tether h"'-• mach sate rail suffered, 'Ewen
I>never known one to fail of reaching the to blow their brains out; and, sir, she 1'nl,w Bid not make nue as glad as it
!nappy land a -hen once they got so far was killed at Bull Ilan, buy mother rel -ht." she rmttinurd, "for I runlet not
t wont(] have clone it, too, if the scamps :tact of grief. Stuoly I may :cella
t.as this; so cheer up, ley matte. Paul lutdn't let Lois alone.. til ('0t bow happyyou vett-] have been
Haverhill can swear n string of sc curs• „don'tCharlie de Vere wits : favorite with
to eine home. and find him Isere incl
.about the Yanks which will reach from I agree with your folks on the thn mel, .\vho iznew how staunch' n now you've (..0T0 0. (,cal 18 very, very
r .t ltichluanal if necessary, and nigger question, though none of mine Oo eeiterate he Wag, and, waiving the good; I love Him new. 11•:11, butte - I
trial for want of time, they said: - hope, thnn 1 love yore, or baby, or aoy-
"Charlie shall decide whether we thing- I've given baby to Him, and
hang, drown, - whip or tar and feather
pun -
the txisoner at the bee"
given myself, too, but He had to pun-
• TI.en far more. energy and fire lel� me so hard before I would clo it"
than had withh:uacterize�(l hisvfnalldUtion Theu together the reunited couple
e2 the South, • Charlie de Vere pleaded knelt and thanked the, Father who head
rciuenberckl them `so mercifully, and
for the criminal, tll$t they slimed let- asked that heueofcrth their lives night
him go. "Just this once, for father's be dedicated to His service, and all
sake, said mine, incl bfaude's," he said; they had he subject to His \will, '.l.'h311
mrd, ut the mention o1 I1nnhe the lana was no more steep in the blather mean--
ecbrows began to clear, and the scowling slop tltitt eight,. for by the time blur
siou s grew More lenient in their expres- Carleton and the sea--t•::�n:s had recav-
sfot, for Mande de Vero was untaii11 eyed from their surprise and joy, the
1 •fns
,red bythe e• men the mountains, t clot h e o on
f 1
[k ' early mecums venal red in the ca.t, and
w•110, though they knew her sympathies -. the situ was j13st bra*:sones to show the
were on the Union side, made stn except rebooted. soldier ]low pleasant and beau -
andin her favor, and held her l:e-scat tifnl Itis lemic was k-nking.
and opinions :a:cured. For her •s:tice, they The people of r ocklaiid haat net 1414
would let their captive go, g*ieing him needed to have much of i. had
evi1.rniug to leave the neigllb•orhoed 'at to that Fouf•tlh of :iuly, r. celebration i
ante, mor let himself be se('n nein fn `,fret was too full a1! soldiers' graves,.
thele midst while the war lststed, - 'Mid the war clouds were still too (lark
And thus it chanced that Will Ma. - over, the. land, while the battle of the
tinct' 11.•1(1 a cerereinn in his wander 11)iklerness, where so limey had per'lah-
l1t�S; 1\wtl'c•it were rl-i11e•ac the 'following eel, wits too fresh in their mines to ad-
ds;; the boy most
doCharlie acting as guide mit of much festivity; best when it was
through the most clnngerous part of the known that Wfll blather twit none
w'ay, met at last bidding him good-bye,. hoannc the town was all on fire \rith,ex-
witli trans; in his ryes, he said: Citrm;'nt. Ere•y boll was ruing, and
"1 ]lope you won't be refull; but I . the column of Bill Belem memory bel-
dcn't 13310w. the woods are full of our lower forth its welcome, -while in the
soldiers(. -Travel at eight, and Wile evetillg imtprGmpttl fireworks •atta',tOtl
the orght the clay. Trust no one, but the to the peoples delight. Then followed
regrets; and it you are captured, ask flinty days of clelie:o a quiet, in ,which
tor mercy in sister's name. Everybody Win told his wife and either the story
teems Maude de Vere." of his )vrilider'augs, but said very little
of bis life in f nlisbury. That 3741-.
something he could net mention wit11-
bee o , has rtlu away since the Proclatnntem,
:•that when the hounds • are thrown on ' \wh'icdl I did not like. They know, too,
. the track he can tura round and save
-the poor hunted rascal's life.. You are
.amtong Your friends, so come out from
the puddle. You must be wetter than n
tat. 'There's a spring .under the rocke,
end it rises in n rain so ns to fill the
-cave sometimes. here, Charlie, give us
that shawl, his teeth ere fairly chatter-
hatter-ins "
Thus talking the stranger, who had
nnounced himself as Paul Ilaverill,,
:led Will out to whore" the boy Charlie
' .stood, holcliug a bright plaid shawl in
his hand, and looking eurioesly a
t the
worn, drooping, some, figure emerging
.from the cave. It was a woman's shawl;
Will !:new, but it was very soft and
' warm], and he wrapped it closely round
• tiim, for he was oilaking with cold,
- .and his tattered garments wre wringing
wet. Very few words were spoken,
4111 those in it whisper, as they went
:cautiously downs the mountain until
they Touched whet seemed to be a
,t •and winding araong the Bills, This
• they did not follow, but, striking into
'.the field or pas -turn land beside it, kept
,',lo the right, and at a safe distance
from it, Iest some straggler might be
Abroad, and nc.:'et them fate to faee•
]'ill Mather lens enough acquainted
:Stith ,Southern customs not to be sur-
-prised to find here in the mountain
' Wilde a substantial and even handsome
• look:ug }lnil(idng, which, with its white
Wells end green blinds, seemed much
hike the farm houses in New England.
CChem was tt• light shining from the win -
14:1011'11, and it \w((lhin'a blcsk Step woe
:Omar(' as they .went toward the door;
_Pout Ilavel-ill c•onghieg to give warn -
:rink of his approach: .
• "All right!' was the pass -word by
tyhicll he enteral, and Will soon stood
n thet1
wide hall through the
ae Which inn t11 u
-•entire building, and opened in the rear
• Omen a bread piazza.
"Better .tithe him to .hiss liaude s
;cote," tito roman said, nod Will fol-
- .;lowed on to an upper chtimber, which,~
lie would have known at once belou
•gd to a young lade, ,a
It wn1 ns elegantly furnished ne,htis
--Own sleeping apartment nt home,,,biit it
I'ken t(3mist:tk8Ule. marks cif toefe nntl
efinement; while the our _ of pure gen-
e w
Qittuhooa hrh 1
It,cae, very Avidly before lin.
•''Illi( is my nice(. s room, 1lrntele de
`bre," Mr. Haverhill explained, when
they were alone, and Will was drying
:himself before the .fire, kindled by the
it'en131n who had Admitted them, and
Will ",
l0 1111
'�v ` SIM.V2`310 1 �I •
amu mulatto. 3
Ce is notn'ill-
.�1 at home now," lie conthe
' tied. "-She is in South Carolina; ha8
• •jlen gone several months en a Visit to
d Judge Tunbridge, her mother's me
.c '. I'm her mother's brother, Arid she
d the boy Chnr lehave Heed
0 sitter thefirst war.
fist •elr o the \\
' heir father was Captain de Vere,fronr . non, rd join Mr. 1)nvis`s army sure.
north Carolina, and was killed et the rrbe p110 face of --the boy lens flus(h-
rst hull IRuu, Neils', their m011100,.. ed n11 over, and his .clerk rtes burned
1 r a heftvtnhly nvow-
Steyr � he with Southern fire S
1 held alt hes ]test: after that. I 1 w
1�\\''ns with her when she • died, nail + rd his seitinlents, anal Will Mother
inouglrt the childien home. Alai;de is - Con1d not repress n smile at this noble
twenty now a1141 Charlie fourteen. Isl•erimel of a Southern rebel.
to their guardian. Maude is Union.I "I like you, my boy, for your frank•
harl.e Seeesit, but safe. They have n '. Peso," he said, Owl when the war Is
cnt deal of irtterty hec n1d there, .or(1 I shall ]ul\r to send
for you to
, kotsg11 how it will collie through the ' come North 1111(1 be cured of your treat.
Iver, the Lord Only knows." so:a,"
,�c'i'ili 'r'ats glad to see that 11ia host "It is not treason,' enol the boy
fat inclined to talk on without wait- stnnlpecl 1,1s gtrli:4h foot. "It is not
they are free, or will be when the Yatn-
lcees come, for I took pins to tell diem,
and gave them liberty to cut stick for
the Federal lines :1s soap as they pleas-
ed; but they stayed„ and great help 1
find thein In the business I'm carrying
Ot:. They are constantly on the look-
out for runaways or refugees, and are
shite ns good OS bloodliowids to scent
one They told me about You, nail I
watched and saw you go into that cave,
which is on my land, and which few
1:1o\about, or if theyao
spi'iilgilote. and. ]lever dream that any-
body ran hide in there. Somebody else
lutist have seen yotn, too, for word 0131110
that a. man w•118 hiding in the moun-
tains, aucl its the acknowledged lcade4
of as hard a set as ever hunted n
Yankee, I.went with 'cm to find you,
and carried in my pocket that bacon
and core -bread which I nnaiiaged to
drop into tine cave when 1 'stat with my
11801, against it.- I knew you hoist be
•htsegr3-, and it might be some time -be-
fore I could e0111e to your aid. • We did-
n't find the chap; but to -morrow they'll
be nt it itgain, and so, while I help 'em
hunt for a man about your llttlld, you
will stay in the room in I.o}s's charge.
Morale has al good mauq gimcracks
Here, such ns books ani' things, which
ltlny Meuse you. Slle`is coming home
by -and -bye. 'the hotise is very differ-
ent then. You •o1ll h.t to see ,llnude.
Wee are very pro'i 1 of her. That's her
liietin'c, only not half so good-looking,"
8311 he pointed to n small oil painting
hanging above the mantel.
It was (I'splendid peanut, and. the glory
black hair bound about it in hrnvy
bri,ids ,*ave it a still more regal. look.
The eyes, too, were black, but very soft
and "elate in their expression, though
setiltttlting about them gave the imptese
(131031 thnt they !night bash rind blaze
t,rilliautle under excitement.' It wits a
beautiful Enke. and Will did net won-
der that his fleet was proud of his niece
—premier even t than of
delicate boy, 2010. next dna, while the
1:ant for the runaway went on among
the mountains, tried to entertain Will
Mather be telling him of his old Home
fn North Carolina, (111(1 how happy they
�were there before the. war came and
his fattier twee.
"I 11en't see it ie the light Uncle Petri
and sister do," Charlie said. "1 don't
want them to catch and toruneet the
pris(nmu'rs, or murder folks who don't
think ns they do: but I do want our
s hearof• n I h
side to succeed, ;ted why r
vfMory, I say, 'Hurrah IIs h for
ernry!' I can't help it when I think of
Tether, Who ryes killed by the Yankees,
mid ell the trouble the war has brought.
I'm willing to work like a flog for the
1 and I'd sooner.
( e Mid n•!so tis, n
uftl r s 1
I die than betray one,. but if 1 was n
*MN NR1 INNF/.,.p P13T1i7 ALL 473Gr eu 43A1303..3
It was the night of the third of July, out a shudder, told ter he passed it aver
that nnnitttsalr,, ass she supposed of her
in silence, choosing n abc-r to tell of his
hltsband's desalt, and Inose was sitting j1*lfly y across the tuonntains, where so
1•.p t:nt:r u134117 late. She could not sleep ed o friendly hsutl'e lid been :7 131ch-
f(rr thinking of one .year• ago, and the ed out to help hint. He had every ham
w'hitc-focal 1111)11 who 1a3' upon the bet-
paper, and was andy waiting for
i. in
tie field with the rain falling upon him. 11:11)(1 pgartunit3 •to show his g
isit tole
1t WON a dear starlight night, and vile some. tangible forte. etill, tally \vas he
les:l:e(l many iaul(s from her open win- gt`atrfnl to Paid liavcriil, 'whose name
ildw' lord looked up at the kindly eycc1 oecn ne a ltousrholi woad, together
kcrpiug w att011 above her. But she (lid with that of Charlie and Maude de
not see the figure coming clown the Ve•e. Of her hose thought so often,
n her,:fuel
1 outs see \•L• ul etc c
resell, -
\ s l t
and up the walk to their o\vn its'• M1011 the war wase over to either
door; the -figure of n worn-out soldier, trite at once or go 1111 the wiry to the
who front the prison at Salisbury 111141 ]1lonnt:titta cif 'Trutt( -.see to find her,
051.111.1031 to 'rennr'ssee, stud Ind came "Poor Tam!" she often s'ghal "If
front tita'uu'e etreight en until the mid -
he could only fall into sane friendly
n'ght train • dropped him at the hock- hands."
lent'set r,t two.
The light was 1)011111(1 ler, and Will lint eveirything pertaining to Tom vita
shrouded in gloom. The ]stet they heard
VOW 11e distinctly, as he welt np the he wiiS in Coltimbin, while Jimmie still
a'enttr, and he stepped a Momentto pini'(] in Anulersotville, if indeed he lead
look at her. She \01114 vow pale and not died amid its horrors. Exchanged
inch thinner than when he saw her
areiving nt
Inst, but newer, event on her 1)14(101 do3, lrieonete Annnpolis,\ere w]nerr both eottett Mit. Simms and
halthes seemed e rated so ra fol i as
b ttl to hint t hthe
.. front ih
, letter
1 1. were, and
then, when leaning from her minden', latter wits etgerly torn epees by hose,
autl a(plutrently listening for something. in hopes that it Wright Contain some
It 1.013 the sound of Itis footsteps 1131 1t('we of Iter brothers. But there was
het cane up the walk which had sit- not(',ltttd the mourning g:lrments which,
betted her atttrntioinandwheneons-
C Q to 1
\ itex•
,were rt \
1" rattt z
c • h •s ,suns s
With het 1. 1
( 1• steppe(' 1 the
e 1 so stollen aS h nt(lr1 t l
3 echanged for lighter, athtier ants, seemed
trees, she felt a tnonteetnty Inns of only lard aside for a few weeks until
fearfor burglnt•s had. beet very (ons- Word should conte that one et both of
mon in the town that yammer. Possi- her brothers were with the (10421 room,
b1:4.- this 'was one of the calibres, and
gl ni as were fate away beneath s1 Sontlt-
Iltrse was thinking of alarming the ern sky; ,
horse, When the figure emerged front
ttiul't' t113' shadow of the trees, anil
ratite directly un beneath the Whitlow,
Cr1A.1?'1'iilt ZIX,
1-1. le It voice which made ltosc's Of the three captives, Will Mather,
bto(xl curdle int her veins, celled softly: 7nnnne and Tolle the latter halal turret-
"llcsse, darling. l t , 01 it you?" ed the least ns a prisoner of Witt A.
Iia( the lulu: mane bark to lifr.7 Wits stt'oug li`rec,la:tsatt, he Tact found frleal(Ls
that t l 1 i' of l that in `C0131mbilt, whore chance threw in tris)
tut ler llts )ane s voice eta
la a w'ay d1 tient' relsltioth et his delcl. 'wife
step in 110 1-021((1 114111? 110230 138(1 '23)11-
dig for nn1wc'rs, and he kept gtr:et, '" ":•l:on any more t?uat1 tier views bell Posed the front door bolted. She lead
bile Mr. Iraverill continued: Aly the Itevotutinnary tg014110rs. Didn't' not heitrd it often, end note, when the
--- La X43 say Yon wonder to find achap ir,e (olatue,t s'e'cede from England, nal: 'tt i1S sounded upon the stalls, her heeyt
t* eilar 0.1114.4
and n former eln nn:de. T1`llottah firm-
ly believing 311 the Southern ('3111(10, aloe
ltrskell from the. (1)141 befriended (t3t3-
The tilvereal Favorite
Diso !snow
(o11.T• rIu1ow.)
The only Disc harrow that bus arl4usta—
able pressure *twinge, This featuue
is invaluable ou hard or =ova*
Now flect*onnl
Spring Teeth
t exifl t 1
with gxain mid graperowing
meats if desired)
With reversible points, also thistle cutters
if ordered.
The lightest draft, best 'working and
most easily operated cultivator Marat—
The teeth work directly under the axles
and whthiu the wheel line.
Sea the New Spring Lift,
�,/ t�"•�� DRILLS
a S�w Steel Kooitex 1113
®dt,@J i6 I l.F7, Hining 1 ressure,
Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are s�
well and, favorably known that they
speak for themselves. There are
now over 60,000 in use among that
farmers of this country.
nurse WM. RCMP WILL `-" •�
We invite the oldest inspection of our Farm. Implements and Machinery Nyack
we are manufaoturii:.a for the coming season.
In addition to the above we call special attention to our Now Victoria Binder
and No. 14 oxford clipper Front -cut mower, also our patent Spring and,
Spike Tooth Harrows alhd Friction and Ratchet Dump Rakes, It will amply repay
all intending purchasers to see our lines before placing their orders elsewhere.
Send for our New i900 Catalogue.
THE N OXO N 00., Utd, Ingersoll, Ont
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n Ofi'ice3 Stationery
THE TIMES is Up -to -Date.
A superior stock of
We employ skilled workmen, have the
in type, execute first-class work -
reasonable prices. Give us a trial a
Wvt,Wit.. 4`Ls• 0rF3s a3'4`it. tAt/toitArWit.it.liel
latest designs
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For mankind
Ten for five cents, at Druggists Grocers, Restaurants,
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One gives relief t No matter \( lint's the matter, one will
do you good. Tett samples And one thousand testi.
monia11 self by mail t0 Any address en receipt of price,
by the Rhone chemical Co., to•Spruce St., Nov York City.